When Whites Oppose Muslim Immigration

The opposition to the proposed Islamic Cultural center/mosque on Ground Zero is not the only place where Whites are reacting with anger to the Islamization of the West.

Whites in Western Europe – in Switzerland, Holland, France and England see large numbers of alien NW Muslims pushing in to traditional White European areas, being aggressive, insulting and generally putting the word out that they are “taking over”.

Even Pat Robertson’s CBN has noticed this conflict and supports the White French resistance to the Islamization of France/the West.

CBN Notices the French Resistance to Islamization

Here in the Great State of Tennessee – local Whites are taking to the streets, opposing the building of an Islamic mosque; some TN Whites have apparently resorted to vandalism to put the message that Muslim are not welcome in Tennessee.

Though some WN leaders like David Duke take the position that “the enemy of my enemy, is my friend” – that Muslims are fighting Jews in Israel and oppose Jewish corruptions in the American media, world finance. Thus American WN should supposedly try to make alliances with Muslims and educate Whites that the Jews are the main enemy not Muslims.

My view is WN should just recognize the glaring fact that ~ 98% of world Muslims are not White, and regular Whites everywhere in the world react with fear and loathing at the arrival of NW Muslims. 9/11/01 is very easy to understand for most Whites in America:

– nasty, ugly, hateful, racially alien Muslims were allowed to come in to OUR COUNTRY, to mass murder OUR PEOPLE, here in OUR COUNTRY.

These same ugly, nasty, hateful racially alien NW Muslims want to make huge parts of America in to…. THEIR COUNTRY. Bring in Muslim Sharia law that would deny some Good Ol Boy in Tennessee the right to drink a beer or admire a pretty woman, forcing women to cover up in Muslim burkas.

For WN, Conservative American who have had a really hard time selling Libertarian, free market economic programs to regular White working people, selling strict immigration policies to keep out Muslim extremists is a very, very easy sale.

But, too often many White American patriots, WN don’t like to do things the easy way.

So I am recommending that folks here, yes – do things the easy way: oppose the NW Muslim immigration, colonization of the USA, the White West.

Understand that know it all Libertarians like Ron Paul will come up with some private property rights argument to support the Muslims’ right to build their mosque/cultural center on Ground Zero. These R.P. Libertarian folks seem to make it their whole life’s purpose to push policies that alienate ~ 95% of the White American public.

Yes, I know it is always a danger that powerful Zionist, Jewish Neo Conservatives will exploit White resentment to Muslim immigrants to support yet another Jew war in the Middle East or just some other pro Israel policies – that’s a given. Jews will exploit anything and everything for their interests.

But, as long as you/we take a solidly pro “White” position against NW Muslim immigration, there is no reason we have to support Jewish intrigue. Plus, Jews can usually be counted on to support any Non White group attacking Whites in White communities, including supporting NW Muslims in places like Murfreesboro TN.

So, just take the White side. Take the position that NW Muslims have many, many countries of their own, we do not need to give them any of our countries, states like France or Tennessee. Arab Muslims, Black Muslims, Paki Muslims, Muslim Turks – these people are very different than us and their ways are not our ways. Be gracious and polite with NW Muslims, be honest in saying that you work against all Zionist wars against Muslim nations, but NW Muslims are simply not welcome here.

They need to go back to their Muslim countries.


  1. We simply need a divided policy on this: one foreign and one within white countries (internal). This is a no brainer. We should favor the removal of non-whites-including Muslim non-whites-from white countries. At the same time we should make it clear that in foreign affairs we sympathize with the anti-Zionist Middle Eastern governments over the worthless gangster State of Israel. Not supporting Zionist Wilsonian adventurism quickly deters Jews from being able to exploit are desire to live free of non-whites for their own interests.

  2. Ed the Department Head says:
    September 2, 2010 at 9:06 pm
    “We simply need a divided policy on this: one foreign and one within white countries (internal). This is a no brainer. We should favor the removal of non-whites-including Muslim non-whites-from white countries. At the same time we should make it clear that in foreign affairs we sympathize with the anti-Zionist Middle Eastern governments over the worthless gangster State of Israel.”

    Sounds good to me.

    But, please understand that large % of NW “Muslims” are not fair and honorable people who will agree to stay in “their countries”, “leave our women alone”, co-operate against Zionists, Jewish control of the media.

    Many Arabs, lower caste Muslim Pakis are dishonorable, hostile people who live to insult, beat up, kill White men and have sex with, rape White women. Lots of Arabs behave like the worst Jews – notice that Arabs set up rip off corner stores in bad urban neighborhoods – how Jew like is that? Being the “Kaufmans” – merchants. Anybody remember that Arab guy in England who owned the huge department store Harrods? He tries to get his semite son accepted at the highest Brit universities, has his money to bed Princess Diana – before they got killed (I support conspiracy theory on that one).

    Also, lots and lots of supposedly “Muslim countries – their countries”, were once our White countries – place like Algeria, Greek city states in Asia Minor, modern day Turkey. Arab Muslims also know that Spain as once “Their country” for 700 years and they want it back, same as they want France, England, Michigan.

    Sure, Muslims will give lip service to fighting the Zionists in Palestine, but most of the rich Arab Muslims would prefer to spend their time chasing blond White women, same as the Jews in Hollywood.

    No, it’s best to take a firm, no nonsense line with NW Muslims. Keep them out, drive them out; When the NW Muslims leave, you can toss them a few words of support opposing the Zionists.

  3. Earlmundo Pitts III says:
    September 2, 2010 at 9:20 pm

    “I realize that we had little or no trouble with the Moslems prior to the Jews sticking a stick in the Moslem eye over Palestine.”

    What ridiculous nonsense. Did you ever read about the Muslim conquest of Contantinople? Ever read about the Muslim occupation of Serbia, Greece, Central Europe? Ever read about the Muslim sultan’s right to take any White European girl as his concubine, any White Christian boys as his Janissary slave troops? Ever read about the 700 year Arab Muslim Moor occupation of Spain? Ever read about the French Algerian war that resulted in the complete ethnic cleansing of Whites?

    Ever read?

  4. Islam has, from Day One, been at war with Europe and its peoples. Hindus, for example, have no business here because they are simply too alien, but Moslems are even worse: They are our enemies from the cradle.

  5. For most Americans, a history lesson on East-West conflict would not be terribly persuasive, but in addition to the 9-11 argument, I think that pointing out Europe’s troubles with their imported diversity could put the rEliGioUs FreEdom morons on the defense.

  6. From day one of the founding of this country they raided our merchant vessels like pirates and held the crews ransom. They are and have always been a bunch of bandits. Why do you think Arab laws have to be so draconian? Because they know the nature of their own people, give them a little slack and they will rape, rob, and swindle anyone who happens to get in their way.

  7. Muslims are such a small problem here in America compared to all the other groups of nonwhites that focusing on them is inadequate and probably counter productive. Even in Europe, a lot of the non-whites are not Muslims.

  8. Arabs are semites just like jews, the only real difference is in religion. BOTH are obnoxious, BOTH are racially inferior, NEITHER belong in the white west. I understand the “enemy of my enemy” idea and the necessity of supporting Iran as a counteerweight to Israel, but Muslims, like jews, like negroes, like Hispanics, like Asians, like ALL NON-WHITES, do not belong here.

    When the Revolution comes (and YES, naysayers it WILL), we need to do what our ancestors SHOULD have done – clear the entire continent of ANYTHING not Aryan, from the North Pole down through the Isthmus of Panama. North America needs to be a homeland for Whites, with nothing allowed here that does not conform to the Aryan genotype.

  9. ATBOTL: True, Moslems are not much of a problem, yet. But give them time, like Europe has, and you’ll long for the days when all they did was fly airliners into buildings.
    The immediate attraction in stirring up anti-Moslem sentiments is that they’re an easy target. They are few in number and have little influence compared to other groups. They are violent when they can get away with it, and the terrorist stigma is well-attached to them. Their culture is completely alien and they have no historic connection to this country. Aside from 9-11 and a history of enmity between our cultures, we have the current examples of Europe and Australia to demonstrate their unfitness for Western society. They look, eat, dress, and act foreign, are easy to despise, and it’s easy to attack their defenders as unpatriotic.
    The longer term benefit in opposing them is that it gives us practice in racial conflict. People who meet at the Ban the Mosque rally can work together on anti-Mexican campaigns. Office holding worms can see that “racism” is good politics. Our enemies will step up their hate campaigns, more people will choose sides, the country will increase its polarization, all good things. If Whites are at a stage where they’re willing to speak out against ANY non-Whites, we should encourage it.

  10. @Irma–Iranians ARE Aryans. To be sure, mostly Muslims nowadays. But not Arabs, not Semites. Aryans. It is a complicated world. Come to know it better.

    They are definitely worth supporting in their opposition to Israel. And they show no signs of wanting to take over the US via immigration.

  11. The CBN video is titled Islamification of Paris.
    A better choice would have been Jewification of everything.

    The anti-islam movement is a Jewish thing. It’s mainly Jews who organize muslim immigration, encourage muslim politico-religious activism, carry out judicial persecution of anti-muslim Europeans, and organize anti-muslim activism while infiltrating the anti-immigration movement.

    Islam isn’t a problem at all. I see two main problems in France: race-replacement and violence. Arab immigrants tend to be violent, but it has nothing to do with islam. Besides, the French government is now importing more Blacks than Arabs. It doesn’t matter what is their religion. They will behave like Blacks.

    When you see a Paris street full of Muslims doing their prayers, it makes you aware of the race-replacement, but there is nothing wrong in itself with Muslims praying Allah.

    According to the CBN video, there are 3 main problems:
    – the blocked street (for one hour (?) every Friday)
    – the private security
    – the public worship
    Besides, it is seen as a deliberate show of force.

    I think most Jewish efforts to prevent the public display of religion are aimed at Christians, not Muslims. In fact, Jewish activists are all in favor of building more mosques.

    The video also mentions the French government’s intention to ban burqas. But the fuss over the burqa is used to avoid any discussion of the race-replacement issue.

    The three people interviewed in the video are Jews (minister Jean-Francois Copé), crypto-Jews (Jean Robin), or are working for Jewish activists (Radu Stoenescu).

    CBN journalist: “But even if many government elites are in France are in denial over Islam, the people in the streets increasingly are not. Some have become fed up with what they see as the growing Islamization of France.”

    This is simply not true. White people don’t care about “islamization”, they worry over the growing number of non-whites.

    “They’ve started staging pork and wine “aperitifs,” or cocktail parties in the street.”

    I think it is co-organized by Jewish activists.

    “Islamic expert” Radu Stoenescu: “The problem is the people who follow Islam; they’re somehow in a political party, which has a political agenda, which means basically implementing Sharia and building an Islamic state.”

    That is the kind of rubbish we read on websites like Gates of Vienna. It is really a joke. There is no risk of Sharia being implemented in France. But the race-replacement is something real.

  12. Nature abhors a vacuum. If we provide others a vacuum they will fill it. Others may deserve criticism but it’s still pointless until we shore up our own base. They’ve only done what we’ve allowed.

  13. Irma Grese: I believe we have a moral obligation to allow the Oranges and Reds indigenous within the Continental United States, and Canada (& Alaska) to remain within the political boundaries of the U.S. and Canada. The idea we must kill or kick out tribes, like the Cherokees and Iroquois is ridiculous and unacceptable.

    I certainly do not endorse the forced deportation of every non-indigeneous non-White, but I am not going to get in a confrontation over that matter’s principle. I support restricting immigration, to protect the White, Orange, and Red American populations from extinction.

  14. Also: We have no need to consciously steal Mexico and Central America from the Browns. Whites are not meant to reside in large numbers, south of the Tropic of Cancer. We would get severe sunburn, overheat, and contract diseases & parasites-without very strong artificial technology.

    However, I would support having military ports/bases in geopolitically strategic locations, retain trade strength in Mexico & Central America, and find a way to keep an eye on the Panama Canal. I do not think we should steal it back, but I do wish we kept control over the Panama Canal.

  15. Armor: I understand the temptation of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” But, (in the future) when Islam tries to destroy and conquer the U.S., Canada, Europe, and Russia-Whites will learn to resist it, as they have since the 711 Moorish invasion of Spain.

  16. As I believe Hunter Wallace has tried to convince many, most Whites will have to be motivated by implicit Whiteness, before explicit White Advocacy or White Nationalism is viable.

    I cannot think of anything better than Islam to create that spark.

  17. I removed a few ridiculous pro NW Muslim comments – stuff like:

    “Well the NW Muslims haven’t caused Whites any real problems since the 1453 sack of Constantinople, and besides it was all the Jews fault for opening the gates to the Turks there and everywhere.”

    These folks think that the race/culture war in French Algeria in the 1950s was some how “ancient history”.

    There is also always going to be this small subset of posters who maintain that every single, negative action, event in the world is secretly controlled by evil, all power Jewish forces – stuff like Mike Tyson and his homeboys in Brownsville Brooklyn would all be honest, respectful Black separatists if Jews weren’t orchestrating their every evil move.

    No folks – regular White Americans in Murfeesboro Tennessee are well within their rights to fight against the building of a large NW mosque there, as are remaining White English people in England, our kinsmen in France – who are by the way, a lot more fun than most White Americans.

    So the lesson in this post is:

    Whites should/must oppose the NW Muslim invasion, colonization of OUR COUNTRIES. Do it in a positive way and don’t get sucked in, manipulated by Jewish Neo Conservative, Zionist forces.

    Just take the White side.

    Not the NW Muslim side, not the Jew side.

    Take the White side.

    We’re White, remember?

  18. I will point out once again, that more than likely the Jews opened the gates of Constantinople, and let the Turks into the city. That was the charge at the time, and afterwards, Jews were made officials & governors of the Turkish Moslem Empire.

    A good book would be “1453”

  19. The Irish spend most of their time worshipping the Jews—you can see it in their politics! What’s Pat Buchanan going to do, blow all of the Moslems? LOL.

  20. I am sick of this obsession with Jews! The Jews are NOT Lucifer’s Sperm! They are not behind every form of evil in the World. And, believe it or not, Muslims have been capable of conquering us without Jewish help. Throughout history, they catch us off guard (as now), with better organization and race & religion awareness. Then, we start to organize and retake what is ours.

    The Turks actually controlled much-if not most-of Greece before conquering Constantinople. At that point, its fall was inevitable.

  21. The Roman Catholic Austrians, when they were a major power in Central Europe never opposed the Moslems—unless the Moslems were knocking on the door at Vienna. Even as late as 1914 the Austrians were trying to stop Greek and Serbian resistance to the Moslems.

    The fact is that the friggin’ Jews want ’em here. The Jews are more concerned about White people and what we might do, than they are with their Moslem cousins.

  22. The Holy Roman Catholic Emperor of Austria would never help the Serbs or Greeks resist the Moslems. Becasue the Serbs and Greeks were not Roman Catholics.

  23. “The Roman Catholic Austrians, when they were a major power in Central Europe never opposed the Moslems—unless the Moslems were knocking on the door at Vienna. Even as late as 1914 the Austrians were trying to stop Greek and Serbian resistance to the Moslems.”

    Yes, this is very hypocritical of them. They betrayed their God and European people. It is also a very dangerous game, as evidenced by several AmerIndian tribes siding with us against dominant tribes. We eventually would have won, in the end, anyways. But, it did make colonization much easier.

    “The fact is that the friggin’ Jews want ‘em here. The Jews are more concerned about White people and what we might do, than they are with their Moslem cousins.”

    It is very difficult to understand Jewish psychology as a whole group. But, there are different general motives for different factions, I suspect. Many Jewish elites and political activists (, etc.) are more than happy to harm us, and the latter is just as insane as self-hating White Gentiles. However, I am willing to excuse some as just super-paranoid and genuinely “Liberal.”

  24. JR: “So, just take the White side. Take the position that NW Muslims have many, many countries of their own, we do not need to give them any of our countries, states like France or Tennessee. Arab Muslims, Black Muslims, Paki Muslims, Muslim Turks – these people are very different than us and their ways are not our ways. Be gracious and polite with NW Muslims, be honest in saying that you work against all Zionist wars against Muslim nations, but NW Muslims are simply not welcome here.”

    Agree 100%.

  25. Whenever they demand a Mosque in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and/or Russia-we should ask them to build a Cathedral/Chapel in one of their North African/Arab countries. Whenever they demand we end “Islamophobia,” we should tell them to end their hatred for Christianity and stop persecuting Christian minorities (particularly in the Near East, and with the Copts in Egypt).

  26. I think the size of the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem needs to be quadrupled and the Muslim population of Israel needs to be increased tenfold per year until they outnumber the Jews.

  27. Unless their position has changed unbeknownst to me, I think some misunderstand the likes of David Duke and the “enemy of my enemy…” strategy. I don’t believe Duke or any sane WN is advocating any Muslim immigration to or presence in White nations. It is more that Whites need not make enemies of the entire(particularly Middle-Eastern) Muslim world, and may make common-cause against Jewish supremacists. But that isn’t an invite to come into our lands, nor should we be sticking our noses into theirs. That may be a simplification of it all, but that is still the heart of the matter as I understand it. Surely Duke isn’t suggesting we “Islamify” White countires as a stategy to combat Jewish domination!

  28. In almost all threads on this site, I see the same line of separation. On the one side, there is the sane, constructive and sensible people. On the other side, there is the manic, obsessed and hysterical people.

    On this particular issue, the former group realizes that Islam is going to be a bigger threat year after year and is an integral part of the combined threat against our race.

    The latter group continues to harp on about how great an ally the muslim world is in the fight against the vast Jewish conspiracy that controls everything, including the Superbowl outcome and your suspicious neighbor.

    The latter group is beginning to bore the hell out of me.

  29. Steve in the Swamps says: I believe we have a moral obligation to allow the Oranges and Reds indigenous within the Continental United States, and Canada (& Alaska) to remain within the political boundaries of the U.S. and Canada. The idea we must kill or kick out tribes, like the Cherokees and Iroquois is ridiculous and unacceptable.

    WAT?? To HELL with the redskins! We have no moral obligation to ANY race other than our own! The arrows an’ feathers brigade had this continenet for MILLENIA and did NOTHING with it except hunt the megafauna to extinction and war with each other. Fuck them, don’t buy into that noble savage crap, they are ANIMALS, just like the spics, just like the nogs!

    Also: We have no need to consciously steal Mexico and Central America from the Browns. Whites are not meant to reside in large numbers, south of the Tropic of Cancer. We would get severe sunburn, overheat, and contract diseases & parasites-without very strong artificial technology.

    Whites can live ANYWHERE we set our minds to as Australia, South Africa and New Zealand prove. Have you ever read the book “The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy” by Lothrop Stoddard? It’s a fascinating classic on race realities written in 1920 or thereabouts. It has a racial map of the world showing the concentrations of different genotypes (aryan, negro, asian and so on) and their distribution throughout the world. Whites are most heavily concentrated in Europe and North America (Canada and the US) but also have heavy concentrations in Argentina and Uruguay in addition to what I’ve mentioned above. Had I my way it would be like that again – MORESO, in fact! Why leave Africa with all its resources to the apes, for example? Why not just KILL THEM ALL and take it?? We wouldn’t even have to use nukes – just stop subsidising them and let nature take its course! Failing that, alittle race-specific biowarfare would do for them nicely. They’re NOT people, you know. Like the jews they are our racial enemies and in this world of limited resources they need to be EXTERMINATED so we can live and prosper in peace!

    As for Islam, for me it is simply yet another large and growing non-white menace to our folk that needs to be fought tooth and nail. In the are of foreign policy temporary strategic alliances against Israel are possible I suppose, but as far as those things moving here and setting up shop – NEVER. They must be ERADICATED.

  30. Irma Grese: Cape Town, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Wellington, and Sydney all lie very close to 35 degrees south latitude. They are as far south of the Equator as Los Angeles, Dallas, and Atlanta are north of it. None of them are tropical. Whites live in those places because they resemble southern Europe, not some jungle hellhole. The only equatorial regions fit for Whites are the highlands of East Africa and the lower slopes of the Andes Mountains on the west coast of South America, both of them pretty dry and cooler than lower elevations.

    You’re right that much (most?) of Black Africa would die if we stopped taking care of them. They would never have reached such numbers without colonialism and foreign aid.

  31. “ATBOTL: True, Moslems are not much of a problem, yet. But give them time, like Europe has, and you’ll long for the days when all they did was fly airliners into buildings.”

    At the current rate of demographic change, by the time Muslims are even 5% of the population, whites will be a minority already. By the time they are 10% of the population, there will probably be more Hispanics than whites.

    It’s like a 35 year old man with brain cancer who just got shot in the stomach with a 12 gauge and is bleeding out worrying about getting Parkinson’s disease.

  32. ATBOTL: The fact that we have a huge Hispanic problem doesn’t mean that we oughtn’t deal with lesser problems when they come up. When Sand People want to build a mosque in your Tennessee town, should you ignore it because Blacks are wilding at the Iowa State Fair and Mexicans are moving into New Orleans? And as I wrote, the experience and contacts gained in the lesser contest will be valuable in the larger struggle.

  33. Irma: I would perhaps not express myself as radically as you do, but I do believe that when/if our race gets it act together and secures a homeland, perhaps North America, there will follow a time when we will have to consider fighting for global resources.

  34. Eric Nordman: I think Africa will be up for grabs in this century. The Blacks are simply too dumb to make use of the resources they have, or to stop other races from taking them. I like the idea of reclaiming South Africa or Rhodesia, on the grounds that we are preventing a genocide, and using it as a base for future operations. Africans are a doomed race, losers in an evolutionary contest, and if we don’t claim Africa, the Hindus and/or Chinese will.

  35. One extremely important reason to make NW Muslims “The Enemy” is that they are the perfect propaganda enemy to show American Whites, European Whites that we have to come together as a group to protect “our people” from “them” – the other, hostile, alien group(s).

    When you make non White Muslims “the enemy” – you don’t have to immediately start talking complicated economics to regular White folks. Instead the image of a dark, hairy, angry, hostile Arab, Turk, Black Muslim comes to mind – someone who wants to kill, rape or enslave White Christians, or just Whites.

    Whenever you talk about restricting immigration – just present the argument that you want to keep people like Mohammed Atta out the USA. So the people that want to have open immigration are forced to defend the idea of letting in millions of Mohammed Attas.

    If you become well known in some local White community as an intelligent, principled (White) man that is working to help regular (White) folks in the community and you are 100% committed to bringing about sane, common sense immigration controls to keep out terrorists, alien hostile people from the third world – then the local Whites will support you. You will become a respected local leader.

    On the other hand, if you start trying to come up with spins to make mass non white Muslim immigration a good thing, that local Whites should completely change the way they live and think and should embrace NW Muslims in some all out war against the JEWS – BECAUSE THE JEWS CONTROL EVERYTHING and 9/11 was an INSIDE JOB – local Whites will think you are a kook, a nut case, a village idiot.

    Making invading NW Muslims “the enemy” works and with just a few careful adjustments you/we can make this propaganda enemy work against the various destructive, anti White programs pushed by Zionist Jews, Neo Conservative Jews.

    Just argue that we can’t be going off trying to invade and occupy Muslim countries, to fight pro Israel wars when the NW Muslims are invading us, colonization us here in the USA and especially in Europe, UK, Australia.

    Keep it simple folks. Opposing NW Muslims in our communities, in our White countries is very simple.

  36. Reginald Thompson says:
    September 3, 2010 at 5:51 pm (Edit)

    Why does somebody in this protest, wherever and whenever it occured, have a sign saying “religious freedom for all”?

    Those signs were being carried by typical, same old, same White traitor, idiot, multi cult liberals who can always be counted on to defend, welcome any and all non White invaders, sexual deviant perverts etc.

    In this case these idiot, liberal traitors are protesting to SUPPORT the building of the Muslim mosque in Murfreesboro TN.

    Another good reason to make invading NW Muslims the propaganda “enemy” is that it shows up the liberal race traitors antis as complete idiots.

    What kind of idiots support anything goes gay and lesbian rights, and, AND Muslim immigration, colonization? The Muslim program is to arrest and kill homosexuals.

  37. I’m not in favor of mosques, but the real problem is the government’s race-replacement policy. The trouble with Islam is only a consequence of that.

    There are several reasons for the Jewish anti-islamic propaganda :

    – it encourages us to think that the Jews are on our side, against Islam

    – it hides the fact that Jewish activists support mass immigration (even from Muslim countries)

    – it allows Jewish activists to become leaders in white nationalist movements

    – it gives the impression that race-replacement is not a problem in itself

    – encouraging us to focus on islam makes our opposition to race-replacement less effective

    – islam is an obstacle to miscegenation and the idea of a proposition nation

    – criticizing islam makes it easier to also criticize the Christian religion

    Anti-immigration activists have their own reason for criticizing islam: they think it’s a good way to complain about immigration without being explicit about race, and without being called racists by Jewish activists.

    I think we need to be explicit. We should say that we want to defend our existence as white people (or more specifically, as white Americans, white Europeans, etc). That’s why we need most non-white immigrants to go back to their home countries whether they are muslim or not.

  38. I think Africa will be up for grabs in this century. The Blacks are simply too dumb to make use of the resources they have, or to stop other races from taking them. I like the idea of reclaiming South Africa or Rhodesia, on the grounds that we are preventing a genocide, and using it as a base for future operations. Africans are a doomed race, losers in an evolutionary contest, and if we don’t claim Africa, the Hindus and/or Chinese will.

    The ChiComs are already running amok down there even as we speak, funding murderous anti-White regimes like that of Mugabe over in poor lost Rhodesia (now “Zimbabwe”) and other places, all so they can get their fangs into those resources! Mark my words – after the jew/muds are gone from North America and we have finally secured this continent as a White homeland our NEXT big fight will be with ching-chong Chinaman.

  39. Armor says:
    September 3, 2010 at 9:35 pm
    I’m not in favor of mosques, but the real problem is the government’s race-replacement policy. The trouble with Islam is only a consequence of that.

    – it hides the fact that Jewish activists support mass immigration (even from Muslim countries)

    – it allows Jewish activists to become leaders in white nationalist movements”

    JR Responds:

    This comment, like so many other comments – misses my main point.

    We should make NW Muslim extremists a great propaganda enemy – a clear presentation of “The Other” – dangerous, hostile, racially and culturally alien people that are INVADING our countries.

    Regular Whites everywhere in the world are suspicious of, fear, hate NW Muslims. Conservative White Christians feel this way as do liberal, secular Whites on the Liberal/Left.

    Only a complete clueless idiot or someone OBSESSED with THE JEWS doesn’t see the NW Muslim world, mass Muslim immigration as a huge threat to Whites.

    As for the Jews, the anti White Jewish powers will try to takeover every movement, every political party, everything. So just understand this and work accordingly.

    The Anti White, Jewish Zionists/Jewish Neo Conservatives will try to channel White resentment of NW Muslim immigration in to support for Israel, support for Jew wars against Iran. WN need to channel this fear, resentment of NW Muslim immigration in to pro White consciousness, immigration controls to keep out all NWs – using NW Muslims as the propaganda poster boys for THE ENEMY that we must keep out.

    The successful effort to recall California Governor Gray Davis was done using excellent propaganda posters using an ugly picture of Osama Bin Ladin on a California Drivers license – Gray Davis wanted to allow illegal aliens to get California drivers licenses.

    WN who have to always be super honest, “I can not tell a lie” stances will argue that most illegal aliens in California are Mexicans, not Islamic extremist terrorists so it is unfair to pick on Osama Bin Ladin or NW Muslims to work for immigration control.

    I say – do what works. Whites all over the world hate NW Muslims – so just take the easy way and stand up for our race and culture by opposing the NW Muslim invasion.

    Do we want to win or lose? Do we want to reach the hearts and minds of regular White folks in Tennessee, France, Holland, Serbia – lower Manhattan NYC – or do we want to give more evidence to the idea that American WN are idiots, kooks, drop outs, loners, losers, nut cases – completely out of the mainstream who can’t communicate with regular White Americans?

  40. Mark Glenn recently replaced his old co-host Phil Tourney, a USS Liberty survivor, with a black muslim. This guy is a christian who does nothing but defend Islam and try to convince other christians to lock arms with their muslim brothers. I bring him up because he’s a widwestern boy who moved to Idaho. David Duke has stayed at his house, too (this came up in an interview he did with Duke).

    Metzger is the sanest of them all, but he’s shunned by the beard-stroking, pseudo-intellectual Duke acolytes because he’s an atheist who uses the ‘n’ word. They want to put dinosaurs like him out to pasture because he’s bad for their rebranded ‘white nationalist’ image. Meanwhile, they’re cutting their own throats by getting in bed with black muslims because ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’. What a disgusting joke.

  41. JR: “the anti White Jewish powers will try to takeover every movement”

    I think Jewish activists are the original creators of “counter-jihadism” and they are trying to recruit more non-Jews. You and them are interested in anti-islamism for opposite reasons. So, it’s logical for me to think that either you or them may be doing a political miscalculation.

    Besides, it’s not that easy to sell “anti-islamism”. As Reginald noticed, in one of your pictures, someone holds a sign with the slogan “religious freedom for all”. She must be a counter-demonstrator who strayed from her group. I think there should be no Muslim immigrants in the USA in the first place, but until they are asked to leave, it is awkward to tell them that they cannot practice their own religion.

    Anyway, I suppose the anti-mosque demonstrators are doing a useful job. Creating some tension over islam may encourage some people to take position against immigration.

  42. Armor says:

    Besides, it’s not that easy to sell “anti-islamism”.

    JR Replies:

    European Nationalists like the Swiss People’s Party, Geert Wilders party in Holland are having great success selling “anti – islamism”.

    Look at the CBN video linked here. White French are forming street parties with French wine and sausages to confront NW (Arab and Blacks) showing Whites their butts praying 5 times a day in Paris streets.

    I think most White Texans would enjoying getting in the face of invader NW Muslims are flaunting the Texan’s love of BBQ Pork and beer – both illegal under Islam.

    Again, try to get out their with regular Whites and understand what local Whites love and hate. White French love French wine, French cuisine, admiring the legs of a beautiful French gal. And notice that the Islamization of France threatens this whole French way of life.

  43. “Mark Glenn recently replaced his old co-host Phil Tourney, a USS Liberty survivor, with a black muslim. This guy is a christian who does nothing but defend Islam and try to convince other christians to lock arms with their muslim brothers. I bring him up because he’s a widwestern boy who moved to Idaho. David Duke has stayed at his house, too (this came up in an interview he did with Duke).”

    Mark Glenn is in fact of Semitic Lebanese extraction, and has had 10 children with a white woman. This creature recently wrote an article claiming that the Islamificiation of the west(though he claims to be a christian) could be an antidote to the jews. Shows you where a Semite’s sympathies lie, huh? And David Duke is this race-mixing Semite’s friend?

  44. Westerners have to worry about Islamic births in their own countries, but I really doubt we have much to fear about being converted. At last not for a long time. We love our alcohol, pork and separation of church and state too much.

  45. Islam is a religion of “conquest”. Mulims are enjoined to take over the world for Allah. The Koran never really explains “why” – it’s defnitiely “Just DO it!”.

    FYI – most of the Koran was culled from the Talmud – and Jews have bene using Islam to detroy the Christian West for centuries.

    As a matter of fact -when you run into a White opposed to mosques, and Islam – WHICH IS HEALTHY – remmeber to commnet on the FACT that “It’s so weeeeird! Why are Jews always helping Muslims build mosques???!!! I just don’t understand it” Say that about 5 times. Plant the seed.

    Jews DID fund the African Islamic invasion of White Gothic Spain, Spaniards used to be blondes, and redheads, folks. Jews opned the gates to the invaders, in several cities. Literally opened the gates. When Isabella (redhead) finally “took her country back” – she was shocked to find Jews (the Seed of Satan, Steve in the Swamps) crawling all over the Muslim courts. This fact was one of the chief reasons for the Inquisition. Research the term “Marranos” (“Goldie” Pelosi is one of them there Marranos), or “Conversos”

    History repeats itself again and again. Whitey never seems to learn.

    P.S. – Steve – it is the Jews.

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