The Beltway
In The Washington Post, Eugene Robinson (one of the more reliable anti-White columnists) slams the American people for acting like “a bunch of spoiled brats.” They voted for change, says Robinson, but have since become impatient with its pace.
Clearly, that is why the Tea Party emerged. It is why the Democrats are going to be wiped out in November. Americans are having a “temper tantrum” because Barack Obama hasn’t spent enough money or expanded the federal government fast enough for their tastes.
The proof of this is that the Democratic Party has a 33 percent favorable rating while the Republican Party has a 24 percent favorability rating. Yet registered voters have given the GOP an unprecedented lead in the generic ballot.
If the Republicans are even more unpopular than the Democrats, why are Democrats set to lose their House majority and possibly the Senate as well? Maybe Americans are just a bunch of ignorant reactionary bigots who are lashing out because their leaders always to live up to their unreasonable expectations?
That is a comforting Blue illusion which is common knowledge in the Beltway. I think Angelo Codevilla had the more compelling explanation.
Revolt of the Masses
Americans are fed up with having to choose between Coke and Pepsi in every election cycle. They have grown tired of this shell game. The relative unpopularity of the GOP is less significant than the fact that neither the Republicans or the Democrats command the respect of the American majority.
Paradoxically, the surge in support for the GOP is explained by the fact that only 1/4th of Republican voters say that Republican officeholders represent them well. In contrast, most Democratic voters (a significant portion of whom are non-Whites) are satisfied with their elected officials.
Of the two major parties, the Republican Party is weaker than the Democratic Party. It is the junior partner in the ruling class. What we are seeing is an attempt by frustrated White conservatives and independents – the “Country Class” or “Red America” – to hijack the GOP, purge the Blue leadership, and transform it into a vehicle for asserting their interests.
That is why the attack is being waged on two fronts: against establishment Republicans like Bob Bennett (R-Utah), Arlen Specter (R-PA), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), John McCain (R-AZ) and Charlie Crist (R-FL) and against the Democrats like Harry Reid (D-NV) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA) who represent the Blue elite.
In a shell game, you can create a third shell, or take possession of the second shell. In the 1990s, White Americans attempted to create a third shell with Ross Perot and the Reform Party, but that experiment ended in failure. Now they are going with the latter option.
1994 vs. 2010
2010 is not a repeat of 1994.
There wasn’t a Tea Party in 1994. The economy wasn’t falling into a depression. There are millions of more illegal aliens in United States. America didn’t have a black president who raised expectations and arrived in office as a near messiah figure. That was near the beginning of NAFTA, Wal-Mart, offshoring, and outsourcing.
The most important difference between 1994 and 2010 is that the GOP has utterly lost its credibility. The polls clearly show this election is not about the usual partisan sniping. The Republicans are going to return to office with targets on their back.
In 1994, the GOP captured the House of Representatives for the first time since 1954. It was plausible to argue in those days that throwing out the Democrats would be sufficient to reverse our national decline. No one believes that anymore.
Not with George W. Bush, Trent Lott, and Dennis Hastert in the rearview mirror.
An important difference between 2010 and 1994 is that the economy is not going to rebound this time. There isn’t going to be an Obama boom like the Clinton boom years when the federal government ran up a budget surplus.
There have been several recessions since the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which marks the beginning of post-national America, but nothing like the economic decline we are experiencing today. We are now officially in the “bust phase” of American civilization.
The bust is only going to get worse in the years ahead. Entitlements like Medicare and Social Security are lurking out there. The Baby Boomers are now starting to retire. Western Europe is set to plunge into decline when its demographic timebomb explodes.
Peak Oil is also still lurking out there. We are now sixteen years closer to that date with destiny. We are also woefully unprepared to deal with such a crisis. If the last two decades are any indication of America’s likely trajectory, the transition is highly unlikely to be a smooth one.
“Spoiled Brats”
The “spoiled brats” that Eugene Robinson deplores are responding to the “bust” of their nation and the bankruptcy of established institutions. They are attempting to create new institutions out of the wreckage of old ones.
It is always in times of emergency when politics get interesting.
Another sharp article, Hunter.
This strategy of taking control has failed in a couple of areas, most noticeably with John McCain’s reelection bid. I don’t understand it. Arizona is being hit harder than any other state when it comes to illegal immigration and the people in AZ voted him the winner in the primary over Hayworth who is more to the right on the issue.
The article points out a long American Spectator article,
Angelo Codevilla’s article
which may become a watershed statement, with its extremely long array of facts and logic. Not everything in it will be likable to everyone. But OD commenters from Steven E Rommer to Wanderer to Albertjacksonian should find material to stimulate further thinking, and action.
Steven E. Romer and his book The Textbook of the Universe.
Albertjacksonian is starting up the Jacksonian club.
Wanderer pointed to a great site about the utterly fascinating Asch experiments showing how much we are influenced by others.
It looks like John McCain had an overwhelming money advantage and this was decisive.
The Republican Party is a big, fat corruption machine that represents those who bribe it and not those who vote for it, and the challengers seem to be idealists without money and connections.
That doesn’t mean the struggle is hopeless, otherwise there wouldn’t be any successes. It just means things are hard.
Persistence is the answer.
McCain may have survived electorially (this time) but that doesn’t mean other Blue Republican elitists can’t lose and be removed.
Electoral politics follows practical politics . PP is our business.
It will be interesting to see who runs for President in 2012 to see if any of this had any effect. If it’s a celebrity conservative like Sarah Palin then it’s just business as usual and we’ll probably get another 4 years of Obama given that at least half of conservatives dislike this woman. We’ve got to at least get someone in who is not a neoconservative.
If you want serious change in the next decade, I think the most plausible path to it is a devastating win for Republicans in 2010, followed by a big win in 2012, followed by total failure of the Republican Party to do all the things stalwarts like Tony Blankley expect it to do.
“If they didn’t go all-out for such a basic conservative agenda in 2011 after such an election as is possible, Republican Party leaders would know that across the nation, even 50-year party regulars such as I would walk out and seek a third party to carry out the people’s business.”
In that scenario what is now impossible and almost unthinkable would become doable, and the spadework of those building up the American Third Position Party could be rewarded with real political effect. It would be a long shot, as all small parties are, but nobody knows for sure what’s not possible in a “big walkout” scenario.
This is exactly the wrong time to despair. Whether you’re involved in a mainstream party (which I strongly believe is the main chance) or some other project you believe in, or even just talking on the Internet (which I do think is useful), this is the time to at least keep up what you are already doing.
Daley: I agree the Presidency will be interesting. Palin looks to have been co-opted by the neocons. Kristol got his hooks into her early. Newt, that idiot Huckabee, and Romney are all establicons. Gary Johnson is an open borders libertarian with deep sympathy for La Raza. Who ?
Palin was already co-oped by christian zionism. She (along with the millions of other jew-worshipping christians) was a ‘neocon’ long before it was a concrete political ideology.
At this late stage, the only option is to hunker down while the empire crumbles. The average working class white man should be more concerned with homesteading than politics. We’re going to have to tap into our agrarian peasant roots while the snake eats its tail because things are going to get real ugly when it runs out of tail.
1. MexCain bought his vote in Arizona. Former Mr. Campaign-finance-reform himself spent over $20 million.
2. Individuals such as Sarah Palin, Scott Brown, Grover Norquist, Dick Armey openly supported MexCain early on in the campaign. The Arizona Tea Parties proved that they are just sideline spectators and refused to support a candidate in the race.
See these links:
3. His voting base here in AZ was mostly 65+ senior voters in cities like Sun City. That generation keeps voting for him because of his P.O.W. status in Vietnam, and he plays the “war hero card” frequently as he did during his failed 2008 Presidential election.
4. We do not have an open primary election. The general election in November is open. Thus if you are a registered Republican you receive an early ballot for Republican candidates only. If you are a registered Democrat you receive an early ballot for Democrat candidates only. Independents have to request either a Republican or Democrat ballot if they want to vote in the primary. Only 19%, NINETEEN PERCENT(!!!), of registered Arizonans voted in the primary a few weeks ago.
The Tea Party is much more mainstream than the “militia” kooks back in the 90’s with their “black helicopter” nonsense.
I agree. I’d much rather support a bunch of neocon anti-racist MLK worshippers over guys in fatigues who are locked and loaded. NOT.
Daybreaker says: If you want serious change in the next decade, I think the most plausible path to it is a devastating win for Republicans in 2010, followed by a big win in 2012, followed by total failure of the Republican Party to do all the things stalwarts like Tony Blankley expect it to do.
We already tried that! The GOP had control of the executive and the congress throughout most of the ’00s. All they did was loot the economy to enrich themselves and their (mostly jewish) cronies, increase surveillance and tracking of average American’s to police-state levels under the guise of fighting “terrorism,” let Mexico de facto ANNEX the southwest and generally fuck up in office SO BADLY that even a bona-fide war hero like McCain couldn’t beat Obongo! Who then proceeded to continue on with something like 90% of Bush’s policies!
Why do people not see that the Democrats and the Republicans are the SAME party?? Only the rhetoric is different!
Irma Grese:”Why do people not see that the Democrats and the Republicans are the SAME party?? Only the rhetoric is different!”
You are exactly right. They implement about the same policies. They have different official approaches on socialist vs. privatization issues (which even they curve back to the same thing). And, the Democratic actual support for the Environment is apparently very limited. The only major difference I see is on social issues and the degree of taxing (which are much smaller than guillible Democrat voters are willing to believe).
I almost wish both parties would just merge, so the facade would end, and we could start or expand our own party.
Lets’ hope the GOP wins control of the Senate; because Jeff Sessions (R-AL) is the Ranking Member on the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee and if they win control of the Senate, Sessions will be the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. The Senate Judiciary Committee has jurisdiction over all immigration matters; any immigration legislation will have to get through the Senate Judiciary Committee before it makes it to the floor of the Senate.