Lesson of 9/11 Muslims Need to.. Get Back


9-11-01 Muslim Terrorists - Not a Handsome Bunch

Today is the 9th anniversary of the 9/11/01 Arab Muslim attack on the World Trade Center. With most Americans – except idiot, clueless White Libertarians blathering on about private property rights, and 1st Amendment rights protecting religion, most Americans are aware that Sept 11th is now a day where we think about relations with the Muslim world and notice the growing numbers of racially/culturally alien looking NW Muslims immigrants in our communities and in “The West”.

We’re constantly being lectured about the supposed benefits of “diversity” and told that we should all be “tolerant” of other people, other cultures and if we don’t watch what we say and think about these other cultures, then the politically correct powers that be will be extremely INTOLERANT of us, accuse of all kinds of thought crimes like being…


But for racially conscious White Americans and other Whites still alive in The West, we recognize the obvious fact that Sept 11th represents the clash of cultures – as we White Westerners confront ~ 1 billion non White Muslims that seem to

A) Want to all move in to White Countries
B) Murder, enslave Whites in White countries and bring in Sharia law etc.

So on this day, this “holy day” where 9 years ago 300 White New York City Fire Department heroes gave their lives attempting to save OUR PEOPLE from these other, alien NW Muslim terrorists – we honor our martyrs and make holy vows that we will resist the NW Muslim immigration invasion.

We are fully aware of the various Jewish intrigues, one of the worst being their push for open borders immigration for Non Whites, including Muslim terrorists to move in to the USA, Europe, UK, Australian – The West.

That said – we are proud White Westerners, now fighting for the legitimate rights of our White Western people to live in freedom and safety in our Western countries, and we are now fighting to stop NW Muslim immigration and deport and if necessary kill all Muslim terrorists now living in Western countries.

9/11/01 wasn’t the first NW Muslim attack on the US or on the World Trade Centers. In 1993, nasty, ugly Ramzi Yousef directed a car bomb attack on the World Trade Center In 1993, The attack was intended to break the foundation of Tower One knocking it into Tower Two, bringing the entire complex down.
Yousef hoped this would kill 250,000 people. The towers shook and swayed but the foundation held and he succeeded in killing only six people (although he injured 1,042 others and caused nearly $300 million in property damage).

Check out the photo of Ramzi Yousef? Would you want your daughter or sister to date/marry such a man? Would you want to get on an airplane with creatures who looked, smelt and felt so wrong? Do you want the population of Minnesota or England to “change” to look and act like Ramzi Yousef?

No you don’t. And you don’t need some know it all, high IQ libertarian to come up with some theory why you feel this way.

It’s Us against Them. And WE now want THEM – the Non White Muslim extremists, dark, hairy, hateful aliens to…

Go back to where they belong.

Click here to see the music video telling NW Muslims to…

Get back to where they once belonged.



  1. What’s up with this new terminology of “NW Muslims”? What about North African Muslims? Malaysian Muslims? Indian Muslims? Is it because “NW Muslims” are located in proximity to that nasty little zionist state of Israel?

  2. I am taking a very strict, “zero tolerance” policy to folks posting ridiculous conspiracy mongering, nut case, kook stuff that 9/11 was a complete “inside job” and no planes ever crashed in to the World Trade Center, and some supposedly all powerful secret conspiracy of ALIENS FROM OUTER SPACE, working in alliance with THE JEWS staged the whole 9/11/01 high-jacking, World Trade Center collapse – the same ALL POWERFUL conspiracy that staged the 68 lunar landing and used secret ray-guns FROM OUTER SPACE to bring earth quakes to Haiti and, and…

    Well you get the idea.

    Zero tolerance for these idiot, conspiracy mongering Kooks.

    We’re SANE White Western people. We understand that allowing the likes of Mohammed Atta and various Pakistani, Algerian, Leb Muslim/Mudslime terrorists freedom to roam around our US of A – that’s a rather STUPID thing to do.

    We’re no longer promoting really stupid actions, like having open borders immigration.

    Are we clear on this?

  3. Chad says:
    September 11, 2010 at 3:44 am (Edit)
    “What’s up with this new terminology of “NW Muslims”? What about North African Muslims? Malaysian Muslims? Indian Muslims? Is it because “NW Muslims” are located in proximity to that nasty little zionist state of Israel?”

    It’s my term “NW Muslims” – Non White Muslims. I recognize that there are some White Europeans, White Americans who have accepted the Islamic faith. And yes, Bosnian Muslims fought on the right side in World War II.

    But, I recognize that it is just reality that ~ 98% of the world’s Muslims are “Non White” – many are of some of the nastiest, low level non White races in the world – like the mountain tribal people in Chetnia, Pakistan/ Afghanistan. It is asking too much of regular White folks, working class Whites in places like Tennessee or even France to try to learn all the various sub sets of racial, ethnic, tribal people who are “Muslims”. Most regular folks in the South think Muslims are all Ay-rabs, which is understandable.

    So, I am keeping it simple. We’re “White”, we’re White Westerners. 98% of Muslims are “non White” and seeing as how we are YES – RACISTS, we’re taking a very strict, hard line on NW Muslim immigration. That means we oppose nasty Paki Muslims in Merry Old England grooming poor White English girls for lives of prostitution, we take the side of French Steel workers who vote either “Communist” or National Front – we take their side against Algerians, we take the Russian side against the Chetnians and we should have taken the side of the Soviet White Russian side against these nasty Afghan Muslim/Mudslime Taliban folks the US is now fighting.

    Does that help?

  4. Not everyone who looks at 911 with a critical eye is a ‘no planer’. There are plenty of sane, legitimate questions surrounding the event, just as there are plenty of sane, legitimate questions surrounding JFK, OKC, Waco, the bombing of the USS Liberty or any number of historical events. There are enough objectively odd circumstances surrounding 911 to warrant an agnostic stance, at the very least. That’s usually the most pragmatic stance since it’s virtually impossible to know anything with absolute certainty.

    I’m 100% with you if you want to use 911 as a weapon against muslims. That’s a good tactic if you’re dealing with people who buy the government story. Just don’t lift your leg and piss on racist white conspiracy theorists who do useful things like tie Israel to the event. Being tactically dynamic in your activism and recruitment is better than stubbornly clinging to a position because you crave some sort of unattainable mainstream legitimacy.

  5. “I recognize that there are some White Europeans, White Americans who have accepted the Islamic faith.”

    Such as the great majority of Albanians.

    Interestingly, I just noticed that the Indo-European language they speak constitutes its own branch, even though I had always just assumed they were Slavic like the Croats and Serbs.

    Funny that the Balkans has two groups, Greeks and Albanians, both speaking languages which are their own branch of Indo-European.

    Also worth noting that Albanians, who are about 80% Muslim in Albania, have the highest birthrate of any group in the Balkans.

  6. Reginald Thompson says:
    September 11, 2010 at 5:18 am (Edit)
    “I recognize that there are some White Europeans, White Americans who have accepted the Islamic faith.”

    Such as the great majority of Albanians.”

    Reginald Thompson is being very generous – accepting most Albananians as White Europeans…

    John and Jim Belushi – are they “White”?

    Well, I would say “yes” provided they bathe, get decent hair, body hair cuts and don’t go in for nasty, Muslim Jihadist stuff.

    But, why make things complicated? In the Balkans mess, just take the Serb anti Muslim Turk side. Take the White side.

    We’re White people remember?

  7. Albanian Muslims may be part of a different civilization than us, whereas Serbs are part of the Orthodox subset of Western Civilization.
    However, in terms of genetics I doubt there’s any real difference between the two groups.

    If you’re thinking that being ruled by Turks made Albanians somewhat Turk in genetics, it would follow that the Serbs are somewhat Turk in genetics as well.

    After all, the two groups were under Turkish rule for about the same period of time.

    Leaving that aside, it’s probably the case that Albanian Muslims are more apt to side with Middle Easterners due to their religious commitments, whereas Serbs would be more likely to side with Europeans.

  8. “Mitochondrial DNA HV1 sequences and Y chromosome haplotypes (DYS19 STR and YAP) were characterized in an Albanian sample and compared with those of several other Indo-European populations from the European continent. No significant difference was observed between Albanians and most other Europeans, despite the fact that Albanians are clearly different from all other Indo-Europeans linguistically.”

    -Maternal and paternal lineages in Albania and the
    genetic structure of Indo-European populations


  9. I don’t necessarily hate Muslims but they and their religion are incompatible with Western Civilization and they should be ejected from all Western lands forthwith. But the same applies to Jews whether they actively practice their gentile hating religion or not. Both belong back in the Levant and both should be encouraged to destroy each other.

  10. Folks even the religous battles are waged against whites. Do white liberals smear the religous nature of the precious non-whites? Heavens no. IMO the libs have jumped the shark by accepting islam as an ally. Now the fools have to defend complete wack jobs everytime an “infidel” (meaning white) gets his head chopped off or blown up by an IED.

  11. I think Jack Ryan is right to attack with whatever rhetorical weapons are available. Muslims and Jews are both equally our enemies, and dishonesty is part of the Semitic MindWeapon strategy which both M’s and J’s use. You don’t have to believe the official government story to pin 911 on Muslims. Whatever works.

    I have a new blog http://mindweaponsinragnarok.wordpress.com

    The theory I am developing is that Muslims and Jews are for our purposes the same. They are mind-weaponized collectives, albeit in different ways. We have always used hot lead and cold steel against these Semitic MindWeapons, and it’s worked for us, until now. Now we have to play on their field. We have to become MindWeapons ourselves, and neutralize the Semitic advantage. Or we will . . . never . . . win.

    Check my blog to read more about Mind Weaponization. Basically we need to become a cross between a religious fanatic and a Terminator type cyborg. The Terminator cyborg aspect entails doing math and science (weaponized intellect).

  12. Discard says:
    September 11, 2010 at 6:49 am (Edit)
    The videos don’t play.

    Please try again, The vids should be loading and playing fine.


    Are others able to view the videos?

    And please comment on the video – lots of time and effort went in to making them. The images and more importantly the MUSIC have tremendous cultural meaning to Whites above the age of 40. The Beatles were once “more important than Jesus Christ” and this song “Get Back” had very strong racial overtones – many suggesting that it was based on Enoch Powel’s Rivers of Blood speech where the invading Blacks, non Whites needed to “go back where they came from”.

    The first song is by beloved British pop/folk singer Cat Stevens who shocked and enraged his (White) fan base when he went away for awhile and came back a dark, hairy looking Muslim guy named Yusuf Islam. He really enraged British and American Liberal/Left society by seeming to endorse the fatwa – death sentence on British Indian author S. Rushdie.

    So folks, please take a moment or two to put aside your obsessions to view new videos, new articles, new ideas. You might learn to effective new ways of presenting our program, ways that reach the hearts and minds of regular White folks.

  13. JP Davis says:
    September 11, 2010 at 6:22 am (Edit)
    >Interesting documentary that touches upon some of the themes in this post:

    >“Turning Muslim in Texas”

    Thanks very much for the link to the “White Texans gone Muslim wild” video. I couldn’t bare to watch too much of it, just enough to see and hear authentic White Texans speaking with thick Southern Texas accents, do really weird stuff like dressing in a Muslim burka.

    I see this as yet another instances of Whites adopting some exotic foreign, non White way of dress and acting, more for kicks than anything else. Just like Whites who went the Bob Marley dred locks “Rasta” look in the 80s, or Wiggers who dress and talk like low life hip hop Black Ni****** or that idiot San Francisco suburban Liberal/Leftist boy who joined the Taliban John Walker Lindh
    Or Hanoi Jane Fonda going to North Viet Nam and dressing and acting like the local Asian Reds and denouncing America. These White Texas Muslim converts just look like idiot traitors to most Whites, same as Bosnian Muslims look like traitors to the Serbs – the Bosnian Muslims were the local White Serbs who went over to the brutal Muslim Turk occupiers. You don’t see to many White Greek Muslims as few would ever go over to the cursed Turk side.

  14. Jack Ryan: I guess it’s my computer, the video rectangles are simply black, without even the right-pointing arrow that makes the little cursor arrow turn into a little hand. (That probably sounds like baby talk computerese, but I’m pretty marginal at this.)
    Are these videos somehow Mac noxious?

  15. Discard says:
    September 11, 2010 at 4:03 pm (Edit)
    >Jack Ryan: I guess it’s my computer, the video rectangles are simply black, without >even the right-pointing arrow that makes the little cursor arrow turn into a little >hand. (That probably sounds like baby talk computerese, but I’m pretty marginal at >this.)
    >Are these videos somehow Mac noxious?

    I haven’t received any other notices from anyone else that the videos aren’t loading. I see stats that ~ 60 people have viewed the videos, so I assume they are loading, viewing fine.

    But, I am also not receiving any comments from anyone that they are viewing this PROPAGANDA VIDEO – that’s what it is meant to be, propaganda for our White side, using beloved, familiar music that reinforces the theme that dangerous, ugly, racially/culturally alien NW Muslims need to “GET BACK TO WHERE THEY BELONG” – get out of all White communities in the West.

    Try to view the video on some other computer – at a Kinkos store or at a public library, this video site should not be restricted.

  16. JP Davis: From Christian to Moslem is a step up, in the eyes of the MSM. They’ll never again see themselves ridiculed by the smart set.
    Hey, born again ragheads, take a hint. Lose the Texas twang and try to speak as if you were chewing camel dung. You’ll get even more respect if you sound wholly alien.

  17. Discard says:
    September 11, 2010 at 4:19 pm (Edit)
    >JP Davis: From Christian to Moslem is a step up, in the eyes of the MSM. They’ll >never again see themselves ridiculed by the smart set.
    >Hey, born again ragheads, take a hint. Lose the Texas twang and try to speak as if you >were chewing camel dung. You’ll get even more respect if you sound wholly alien.

    Discard is right to notice that the cursed MSM, “smart set” elites will bless Whites who reject White culture, White loyalty – who take up anything else, anything non White or anti White – like in the case of these White Texans converting to Islam. The MSM, “smart set” elites will promote race traitor Whites who embrace radical homosexual lifestyle and Islamic fundamentalism – even though these two lifestyles are completely at odds – try having a gay and lesbian pride march in Saudi Arabia!

    But to the anti White elites, they don’t care – they just celebrate everything and anything that is hostile to traditional White Americans – the Jane Fondas that are always with us can join the African National Caucus, Jewish led lesbian National Organization of Women and then next week support some dark and hairy Muslim leader who wants to build an insulting, “in our face” Mosque on Ground Zero. It’s all good to the smart set, anti White elites/traitors.

    As for us, we just….

    Take the White side and encourage the various parts of the anti White RAINBOW coalition to slaughter each other instead of regular Whites.

  18. I used to come to this site more frequently, but the anti-libertarian rhetoric I’ve been seeing is deterring me now. As a (philosophical) libertarian that supports the defense of our White civilization from its many aggressors I suppose I will need to look elsewhere for like minds.

    I’m not posting this because I expect anyone to mourn (after all the loss of a libertarian supporter is no loss at all, right?), but in case the departure inspires reflection on the part of anyone in this marginalized community about who our friends and enemies really are.

    Later, folks.

  19. The fundamental reason to avoid turning the conversation over to tangents like 911 conspiracy theories, and obsessions with Israel is that this angle doesn’t work with ordinary Americans. Normal people just stop listening when the discussion goes there. Dirty, ugly, vicious Muslims come here at the invitation of the globalist ruling class and proceed to murder 3000 Americans…That resonates with Americans. Crazy conspiracy theories, and shifting focus to Netanyahu as the ultimate villain in this whole affair doesn’t.

  20. Elijah says:
    September 11, 2010 at 5:19 pm
    >I used to come to this site more frequently, but the anti-libertarian rhetoric I’ve been >seeing is deterring me now. As a (philosophical) libertarian that supports …
    >Later, folks.

    Very good. We wish you all the best. Perhaps you will consider doing some other activities, like working at a real job with regular working White Americans. I think you’ll find regular working White Americans not to be bad folks at all, few are complete idiots – I’d say about 98% of regular White American working folks don’t support allowing Arab and Asian Muslim Jihadists to come in to our country on unsupervised tourist visas, allowing these nasty Ay-rabs, urine colored untermenschen to attend Florida flight schools to learn how to fly 747s… they didn’t take the part of the course where they learned to LAND THE 747s, just fly them in to space, buildings etc. well, some folks in our “free to choose” free market nation, choose to only fly airplanes, never intending to land the planes.


    And I think you’ll find that few if any of these regular White working American folks support the building of an “in our face” Muslim mosque on Ground Zero, celebrating the 10th anniversary of the 9/11/01 attack – named “the Cordoba initiative” – the name taken from the Spanish City where Arab Muslim Moors occupied and enslaved our White Spanish kinsmen for…

    700 years!

    Those never say die Libertarian true believers – they’re not at all…. RACIST.

    We on the other hand are RACISTS and we’re not idiots.

    14 Words

  21. When the discussion is on 911 and someone comes on with the “But the Israeli’s…..war crimes against Palestinians…..Violate UN resolutions to get out of Palestine…..Mossad…..” That tone to me sounds most like what I’d expect from a defense attorney representing the accused. I suspect that is how ordinary Americans hear it as well, and we all know what ordinary Americans think of slick lawyers using words to acquit the obviously guilty.

  22. Nightowl says:
    September 11, 2010 at 7:02 pm
    “The fundamental reason to avoid turning the conversation over to tangents like 911 conspiracy theories, and obsessions with Israel is that this angle doesn’t work with ordinary Americans. Normal people just stop listening when the discussion goes there. Dirty, ugly, vicious Muslims come here at the invitation of the globalist ruling class and proceed to murder 3000 Americans…That resonates with Americans. Crazy conspiracy theories, and shifting focus to Netanyahu as the ultimate villain in this whole affair doesn’t.”

    Very, very well said Nightowl. I would just add that it is important to honor the 300 brave, noble White NY Fire Department martyrs – they should be immortalized in poems, songs, novels and movies in the same way the White 300 Spartans were who faced the dark, hairy hordes of Asia/Persia.

    300 Spartans/300 NYFD – that’s inspiring.

  23. So, Jack Ryan, I’m not the only one who, on hearing that the World Trade Center collapsed thought, “Oh well, a bunch of slicksters getting rich off exporting American jobs just died, but I got to go to work.” Not until I heard about the firemen (ALL MEN, BTW) and cops dying did I really care. At least 400 Americans died, and a bunch of USians too. I mourn the Americans.

  24. Okay, I can now be counted as one among those who viewed this propaganda tool (message: it’s ok for Whitey to “come over” into the “fold” of “approved” religions and associations- at least that is what I took away from it). Some observations:

    First this quote from R.T.: “Leaving that aside, it’s probably the case that Albanian Muslims are more apt to side with Middle Easterners due to their religious commitments, whereas Serbs would be more likely to side with Europeans.”
    -What makes you so sure of that? The Serbs were with the allies in WW2 and just look at what gratitude we showed them for that back in the 1990’s. If I were a Serb national, I’d have to think long and hard about helping out the Europeans in any war endeavor based on that alone (The Croats sided with the Nazi’s during that war). Serbs would be more likely to side with Russia in whatever side Russia takes in any conflict, as they have been traditional allies for hundreds of years (yes, long before the time of Marshall Tito’s regime).They even adopted the cryllic alphabet .T he Serbs are mostly of the Serbian Orthodox church (christian) their hatred of the Muslims goes back to the middle part of the 15th century when Serbs were required by the reigning Muslim Caliphate to give up male children for service as Janissary troops.
    As to some Texans becoming muslims; just listening to the reasoning of some of the “white muslims” in that group of interviewed people gives one the sense that they are born “followers” (possibly less than average IQ). There is the very human need to be part of an “approved” or “in” crowd as well. There is the “hang around the fort Indians” syndrome (what native American indians used to call their peers who wanted to be white and dressed up in Bowler hats of the period and the like) which at least partly explains the Whigger thing-and might factor into this as well. Then too, the media is openly disapproving of Christianity and since Jews don’t accept converts (applies to the “fort Indians”) , and “Islam” is approved of by same, perhaps that explains, in part why some whites gravitate to Islam. Then too, Islam offers a brand of “mysticism” that would appeal to some who are thus inclined. And lastly, since whites are protrayed as evil as well as “losers” both in the media and in universities throughout the country, non-white religion would have its appeal to those who have rejected their own kind. Let’s face it; the not too subtle birth-to-death conditioning that our kin receive in schools and from the “entertainment” industry is hard to counter effectively. With no access to MSM, this is how cultures are changed today, rather than with open warfare.

  25. No significant difference was observed between Albanians and most other Europeans

    More than 80% of European males carry one of three Y-DNA lines: R1b, R1a or I. In the European interior this reaches up to 90% and even higher in places.

    According to this, in Albania only 48% of males Y-lines are either R1b, R1a, or any of the I lines.

    But come on, you don’t need the nebulous world of genetic markers to know that Albanians are simply much darker and coarser than the European average. Not to mention shiftless, untrustworthy, and even criminal (When they do actually work — rather than grab European-Christian welfare checks — they are notorious for organized crime, prostitution, and the like).

    It is sad to say, but centuries of Ottoman rule ruined those once-racial-Europeans, the descendants of the Illyrians of old. There are probably many people there with minimal extra-European admixture, but it would be wrong to call Albania a racially-European state, on the whole. It isn’t.

  26. Reginald Thompson wrote:
    If you’re thinking that being ruled by Turks made Albanians somewhat Turk in genetics, it would follow that the Serbs are somewhat Turk in genetics as well.

    After all, the two groups were under Turkish rule for about the same period of time.

    Surely any Ottoman settlers into the Balkans in those times, would much more likely have assimilated into Islamic communities [Albanians, Bosniaks], rather than Orthodox ones [Serbs].

  27. Jack Ryan wrote:
    I see this [“White Texan Muslims” video] as yet another instances of Whites adopting some exotic foreign, non White way of dress and acting, more for kicks than anything else. Just like Whites who went the Bob Marley dred locks “Rasta” look in the 80s, or Wiggers who dress and talk like low life hip hop Black Ni****** or that idiot San Francisco suburban Liberal/Leftist boy who joined the Taliban John Walker Lindh.

    I believe I can sum up what you mean in two words: Sand Whigger.


  28. Wanderer says:
    September 11, 2010 at 10:24 pm (Edit)

    >I believe I can sum up what you mean in two words: Sand Whigger.

    Very good. Excellent!

    When I went to college in Tennessee (mid 80s) there was a local good ol boy comedian commenting on all the Arabs attending colleges in Tennessee he said:

    “You know the Arab terrorist spent some time in Tennessee when his demands include:

    a 6 pack of Bud and some fishing gear.


  29. Please ban me because I have informed myself enough to realize that “Muslim Extremists” were at most simply henchmen in the Zionist plot of 9/11.

    This site has really gone downhill, now you act only as a far right gatekeeper for the same types that populate FOX news. By accepting the official lie and playing the same “tin foil” word games you have made yourself about as helpful to our survival as any random editor at the Weekly Standard.

    The media has been going balls to the wall trying to re-associate 9/11 with Islamic extremism. It seems to be working. All of this recent hoopla is obviously being constructed by the same fucking types that lied to get us into the Iraq war.

    This blog abruptly changed its beliefs and tone recently and has shown its true colors.

  30. Maybe you guys would like to clarify what your standard now is for banning comments.

    If it’s all the filter then you really need to fix that.

  31. Another approach to take with the 9/11/01 attack, the question of “who’s side should we be on in the Middle East” – what about the JEWS, Muslim immigration etc is to note the policies done by the Japanese in Japan.

    I often ask White Americans:

    Q: “How many Japanese people were murdered by Arab Muslim extremists let in to Japan on unsupervised student visas?”

    I answer my own question by saying:

    “None – zero. The Japanese government implements common sense pro Japanese immigration policies to keep out Muslim terrorists, all terrorists and virtually all assorted drug dealers, gangsters, third world people infected with AIDS, bubonic plague. That’s because the Japanese are not idiots – like the American government and too many idiot Americans”.

    And if the White person I am talking with starts jumping in to the whole Jewish question saying I’m a Neo Conservative, the tool of Zionists. I come back with:

    “Do the Japanese allow Jews to take control of 80-90% of the Japanese media, as is this situation here in the USA? Do the Japanese spent $ trillions to fight pro Israel wars against Arabs in Iraq?”

    Again I answer my own question:

    “No, the Japanese pursue a pro Japanese foreign policy, the Japanese don’t get used by other nations, other people – like we do”.

    So the solution is simple – White Americans should do like the Japanese who are sane, intelligent and look after the interests of their own people.

    Why can’t we (White) Americans do the same – just look out for the interests of our own people in or own country?

    So when you find yourself being forced between taking:

    a) the NW Muslim immigrant/terrorist side or just the Arab Muslim side
    b) the Neo Conservative, Zionist, Jew side

    The correct answer should be obvious – it’s:

    c) None of the above.

    Take the White side.

    We’re Whites, not Arabs, Asian Muslims and certainly not Jews.

    Just take the White side.

  32. What it means to take the “White side” is not clear, however.

    If it means supporting the White race then there is no reason to support anything beyond miniscule non-White immigration. Repatriation then makes sense. Segregated and eventually separatist neighborhoods and eventually states and then separate races in separate countries make sense.

    This is obvious to WNs, it is the defining feature of the ideology.

    So how is this any different from just saying, “be WN”?

    It is not. Yet this site has moved away from WN in many public statements, at least in focus.

    The more important aspect is how do you think you will avoid having very smart and very opposed people know perfectly well your strategy is explicitly WN? After all, it is: “take the White side”. That’s explicit WN again.

    Round and round it goes.

    Someone please explain.

  33. Jacob C. says:
    September 11, 2010 at 11:02 pm (Edit)
    >Please ban me because I have informed myself enough to realize that “Muslim >Extremists” were at most simply henchmen in the Zionist plot of 9/11.”
    >This site has really gone downhill, now you act only as a far right gatekeeper for the same types that populate FOX news.”

    It’s Hunter’s call as I understand it – this is Hunter’s web site. I don’t think anyone is looking to “ban you”.

    But come on – stop posting nonsense. O.D. is not in anyway a Jewish Neo Conservative web site. O.D. is 100% against the Jewish neo conservative program:

    1) Invade the world for Israel – endless US wars against Arabs and Muslims for Israeli interests

    2) Invite the world – open borders immigration of NW in to the US and the remaining White West

    3) in hoc to the world to pay for 1 and 2.

    That’s the Jewish Neo Conservative program and O.D. is not supporting any of it, we’re strongly opposing 1,2,3

    At the same time O.D. is promoting common sense – mainstreaming. We want to get White Americans out of this contrarian, drop out, loner, conspiracy obsessed 1% that simply can’t function in White American society, that can’t communicate with regular White Americans who are trying to live normal, positive lives.

    Be honest – ~ 98% of sane White Americans don’t want ugly, nasty, hateful Arab/Asian Muslims to come in to our country to do mass murder terrorists attacks against our people in OUR COUNTRY. OK, so when you/we talk about 9/11/01 understand that most or really all sane White Americans are going to take the side of the murdered, martyred White victims of 9/11 – especially the 300 hero White NYFD.

    That’s realty. Folks here need to get back in to reality and get to know regular, sane White Americans – get back in to the mainstream.

  34. I think the video is a visually good. Just showing what these creeps look like, should turn the stomach of most normal Whites.

    I am in my mid 40s, but I never could stand the Beatles or anything like it. It’s just a dissonate mess that gives me a headache. For those who don’t have a problem with that, I think the video/audio combination could very effective, though.

    Good effort. 🙂

  35. I understand what you are trying to do is mainstream the site. The only part of this article I have a problem with is the disclaimer aimed at “truthers” or whatnot. Putting a disclaimer like that is a sure way to attract those that disagree and have a voice.

    Do you really believe the official story, or do you simple lack morals?

  36. Erik Nordman says:
    September 11, 2010 at 11:44 pm (Edit)
    >I think the video is a visually good. Just showing what these creeps look like, should >turn the stomach of most normal Whites.
    >I am in my mid 40s, but I never could stand the Beatles or anything like it. It’s just a >dissonate mess that gives me a headache. For those who don’t have a problem with >that, I think the video/audio combination could very effective, though.

    >Good effort.

    Thank you Erik Nordman for the review and I note that Erik Nordman is really the first person here to show that he has viewed the video/post – thought about it and considered the possibilities of using this medium to reach, awaken, educate other White Western people.

    We need to be open to see new videos, hear new songs, new artists, promote White folks who have talent, who know how to reach people, reach their hearts and minds instead of just ranting over and over again how bad and hopeless everything is and how everything is controlled by THE JEWS etc.

    Thank you again Erik Nordman.

  37. It is also worth mentioning that those who do not believe the official story are not Muslim lovers. I would love to see a moratorium on all immigration, but we are not in the same life-or-death position as europe when it comes to Muslim immigration, and the events of 9/11 (to me at least) show that our primary enemy is the Jews.

    Is it not a problem with anybody else that the same people who did this still hold power and could do it again? I suppose that another attack may be unlikely when all they have to do is manufacture a Mosque building and Koran burning crisis, but it still worries me.

  38. Jacob C. says:
    September 11, 2010 at 11:51 pm (Edit)
    >Do you really believe the official story, or do you simple lack morals?

    I am confident I know the truth about 9/11/01 and yes there is certainly a very strong Jewish responsibility for this horror. Arabs, Arab Muslims and just all Muslims hate America because of America’s pro Israel policies that really abuse the Palestinians. So the 9/11 Arab Muslim terrorists were slaughtering our people here in our country in large part because of their hatred of America’s pro Israel policies. Many, many books have been written on this subject – my personal favorite is P. Findley’s They Dare Speak Out.

    And yes, I think Israeli intelligence was following many/most of the 9/11/01 Arab Muslim terrorists and didn’t share this information with US intelligence. But so what? Israeli intelligence is designed to protect Israel no America. Where the *$$(#$@) was American intelligence.

    And tell me, how “intelligent” is it to give unsupervised student visas to ugly, nasty, hateful Arab Muslims like Mohammed Atta and let them attend 747 flight training in Florida? How “intelligent” is it to allow 10 million plus non White illegal immigrants to simply up and come in to the USA and do whatever destructive things they want to do?

    Not very “intelligent” at all.

    And yeah, Israel, Zionist, Neo Conservative Jewish groups were perfectly happy with the 9/11/01 terror attacks and leading Jewish Neo Conservatives used 9/11/01 as a justification for the second US war against Iraq. I am well familiar with all the Jewish Neo Conservatives like David Frum (wrote that ridiculous “Axis of Evil” war mongering speech) Paul Wolfowitz the Assistant Secretary of Defense, National Review, Weekly Standard etc.

    The main way Jews supported the 9/11/01 Arab Muslim terrorist attack was the concerted and successful efforts of jewish groups to mess up our immigration laws/practices. Before 1965, America had a pro White European immigration policy, same as Australia had a “White Australia” immigration policy. That all changed, and Jewish organization played a leading part in changing US immigration laws/policies that allow filthy scum like Mohammed Atta and his gang to come in to the US and murder our people.

    But this isn’t anything really weird, or crazy, it’s not crazy conspiracy mongering nonsense like folks claiming that yjr planes never crashed in to the World Trade Center and secret missiles did all the damage. Stick around Right Wing racialist web sites like Stormfront and you will see these crazy conspiracy mongering kooks coming by to spread their poison. If you are as old as I am, you can remember the old Spotlight Magazine which pushed this stuff all the time and basically drove away, alienated healthy, sane, positive White Americans who just want to protect our people.

    And I am very aware of racial, cultural realities in the non White Muslim world – they are not good for us. Check out the history of Algeria during the middle half of the 20th century and Algerian Arab areas of France now.

    Those American WN who want to go drink beers with the Arab Muslims and unite to defeat the Jews are in for some rude awakenings when dealing with the 1 billion plus NW Muslims who basically all want to up and move in to our White countries have sex with our women and beat up or kill White men and basically take over. Anybody think the Paki Muslim areas of England are nice places for Whites now?

  39. Jacob C. says:
    September 11, 2010 at 11:57 pm (Edit)
    >It is also worth mentioning that those who do not believe the official story are not >Muslim lovers. I would love to see a moratorium on all immigration, but we are not >in the same life-or-death position as europe when it comes to Muslim immigration

    But you are making the mistake of being “fair”, “reasonable” – looking at demographic statistics when the masses of White Americans are not motivated to act on sweet reason and calm understanding of accurate demographic information.

    Masses of people are motivated by emotion, and pushed to action by strong, effective propaganda and talented leaders moving or manipulating them in certain directions.

    The 9/11/01 event is extremely important because it the most important single day event in the history of most living White Americans. And ugly, hostile, racially/culturally alien Arab/Asian Muslims are THE PERFECT PROPAGANDA ENEMY.

    There is simply no way to make Al Qaeda Muslim terrorists look nice, cute and friendly. With Arab Muslim immigrants as the propaganda enemy, you don’t have the problem with nice White Christian Americans trying to “save” and help poor Third World people who supposedly just want to come to America to feed their families and live in peace, accept our Christian religion, accept our values and become good Americans just like us.

    With murderous, throat cutting Muslim Jihadists who deny the Christian faith, you’ve got an enemy that we can sell to most White Americans.

    When we say:

    We must stop NW third world immigration to stop future horrors like 9/11, White Americans will listen to us and take action to keep THE ENEMY OUT.

    But, those contrarians here who always insist on doing everything the hard way, will want to ignore, deny 9/11, say it never happened or it was all our fault, and White Americans should try to get to understand the Muslims, etc. – there isn’t really much that can be done with these folks.

  40. Jack Ryan says:
    “But, those contrarians here who always insist on doing everything the hard way, will want to ignore, deny 9/11, say it never happened or it was all our fault, and White Americans should try to get to understand the Muslims, etc. – there isn’t really much that can be done with these folks.”

    I sure hope that isn’t intended to describe me. I don’t “deny” that 9/11 happened, and simply using the word ‘deny’ in that way gives credence to our enemies use of that word in many other matters. I don’t even believe that it was “our” fault. The evidence supports a case against Israel, “neo-conservatives”, and their supporters. This group of people, although some of them may be marginally described as Americans, does not include any of us. However, these kinds of articles simply play into a role that they expect to be filled. Thanks for helping flesh out their narrative!

    The only part of that statement that I might agree with is that I am taking the “hard way”. Unfortunately, with even WN’s split like this, it will be a hard road. Some of us are simply not willing to bend the truth for political expediency.

    I live in S/E Michigan currently, and I understand the threat that Muslims pose to us. I don’t believe in any kind of fru-fru “we should get to know Muslims”. Greater Detroit (Dearborn in particular) has the largest Muslim immigrant population in the U.S., I believe. I don’t appreciate them or their distorting effects on our culture any more than you do.

  41. Leaving aside all questions of truth or falsehood and right or wrong, I have a tactical question.

    It seems to me that a major problem with screaming about “the diabolical Muslim threat to America” is that to about 99% of the American public it sounds completely indistinguishable from what the more extreme neocons are always screaming about on FoxNews and such. And I’d say that the neocons have something like 10,000x times more media access and visibility than people like you do.

    So if it sounds to most people like you’re basically saying the same thing the neocons do, and they have vastly more media access, why do you think anyone will pay the least attention to your arguments? Remember, they’re on TV and you’re not

  42. The Reds did not get mass, anti-White race quotas by saying “We demand mass, anti-White race quotas”. They got them by saying they just wanted to help the poor Blacks out who had been unfairly discriminated against, you know, just give these guys a break.
    If we want to get rid of the post 1965 Third World invaders, and we say, “Let’s get rid of all these post-1965 Third World invaders”, we will have to answer too many questions all at once. You don’t mean that nice Filipino man who delivers my mail, do you? You don’t mean my Hindu doctor, do you? You don’t mean my African son-in-law, do you? You don’t mean my Chinese engineering students, do you? Yes, we do, but we can’t fight successfully on 17 fronts. Let us try to establish a precedent, that we have the natural right to decide who we allow into our country, and let Moslems be the testing ground. Let the Reds defend the ugly fuckers, let them explain why they want America to have a Moslem problem just like Europe does, let them justify respect for Islam and contempt for Christianity. Let them paint themselves into a corner and exhaust their credibility and legitimacy. Then we’ll be ready to start in on the Mexican mess.

  43. It’s probably very unfortunate the Florida pastor backed off from burning the Koran.
    BTW, I am pretty sure that Obama “accidentally” did not take the oath of presidency on the bible, and later because of the problem, he took the oath again inside the White House, though this time he did lay his hand on a sacred book, but it was on the Koran.

    About 4 weeks ago, the MSM was stating how a larger percentage of Americans “mistook” Obama for being a Muslim.

    I am one of those who believe the World Trade Center was attacked because we continue to fight Israel’s wars in the Middle East.
    I also believe that all invaders (“immigrants’) should be about 10 or 20 times less than there are in the US (and in Europe too). And also, we should be in Arab countries in way smaller percentage that we are.

  44. Discard says:
    September 12, 2010 at 1:12 am
    >”If we want to get rid of the post 1965 Third World invaders, and we say, “Let’s get >rid of all these post-1965 Third World invaders”, we will have to answer too many >questions all at once. You don’t mean that nice Filipino man who delivers my mail, >do you? You don’t mean my Hindu doctor, do you? You don’t mean my African son->in-law, do you? You don’t mean my Chinese engineering students, do you? Yes, we >do, but we can’t fight successfully on 17 fronts. Let us try to establish a precedent, >that we have the natural right to decide who we allow into our country, and let >Moslems be the testing ground. Let the Reds defend the ugly fuckers, let them >explain why they want America to have a Moslem problem just like Europe does”

    Another excellent post from Discard.

    We need to go with:

    What works.

    No don’t compromise our WN program, certainly don’t take the 30 pieces of silver and work for Jewish interests.

    Just present a program, propaganda with enemies, heroes, traitors that reach the hearts and minds of regular White folks now, here and now in the year 2010 – we Whites live in America, other Whites live in places like England, France, Greece, Holland, Russia, Australia.

    We don’t have to worry about reaching White folks who live in Kosovo, Algeria or Zimbabwe (or Detroit, Memphis) because our White kin folks there have all been killed, ethnically cleansed there. We’ve got to try to reach the hearts and minds of White folks who are still alive and breathing, thinking now in places in this year 2010.

    Discard has made the excellent observation that making Arab/Asian Muslim extremists the #1 propaganda enemy is a great idea because it forces anti White liberals/Leftist to take the side of Muslim extremists who oppress gays, women, animals, democracy, ie everything that liberals/Leftists are supposed to support.

    When you present yourself as a Right Wing, Jew hating NAZI Conservative – who hates gays, women and wants to make alliances with Muslim Jihadists to fight THE JEWS because you admire Hitler and hate everything Liberal – well, you’re setting yourself up to be an easy target and you’re completely on defense.

    When you/we make Muslim immigrant extremists the #1 propaganda enemy – everything falls our way and the idiot, anti Liberal/Left are forced to take the side of the Taliban, Al Qaeda – folks that do female circumcision, honor killings, who stone gays to death – plus Muslim immigrant extremists are all ugly – no way Hollywood /MSM can make them look chic and sexy.

    And it is a very easy stop to oppose any and all NW Third World immigration, because… well just look at 9/11/01.

    Well said Discard.

    To others here I have this very simple request:

    Consider doing things that work, that have some chance of success.

    Our goal should not be to lose EVERY SINGLE TIME, to never ever win more than 1% and to be treated with hatred and contempt by mainstream Whites.

  45. I don’t think many of us were born racially and Jewishly aware. Rather, it’s something we came to realize over time because the model of reality we were taught didn’t fit our observations. And even if a majority of readers and commenters here WERE born aware, most people clearly are not. Otherwise, BHO wouldn’t even be allowed in the country, let alone be President. So, we have to lead people to see things our way, a step at a time. Why is this controversial? Does anyone think that you can teach math or French by pronouncement? Particularly if your students have been taught and honestly believe that 3×5=35, or that the French word for “yes” is Jarwohl? As absurd as those beliefs are, and they are not much more absurd than what many decent Whites DO believe, people will not give them up on our say so. The whole media world says we’re wrong, so we can’t butt heads and expect to convince people.
    To give myself as an example, I first learned of a political alternative to liberalism when I saw The American Spectator on a newsstand. I then discovered National Review, Commentary, Reason, Liberty, and Chronicles of Culture. Nothing too radical, nothing that couldn’t be displayed at a chain bookstore. It was actually, of all things, The New Republic, a leftist, Zionist magazine that first alerted me to Jewish power. Before that, had someone come up to me and said, “Jews are exploiting Whites”, I would have regarded him as a nut and eased myself away. If we’re not going to be those nuts, we need to persuade people, seduce them if you will, not bitch slap them.

  46. In the early 20th Century, the Socialist movement was coming of age. It hadn’t yet formed a goverment anywhere, but it was moving in many countries, especially Germany but also Britain and the Scandinavian contries.

    The movement tended to consist of two wings. On the one hand the communist wing. It was rigid, fanatical, murderous and often refused to accept parlamentarism even when the reactionary forces would allow it and they showed unbridled contempt for the masses. They never could control the yearning to plot a revolution that would kill the enemy, hang the capitalists and slice and dice the Czar and the Kaiser.

    On the other hand was the more moderate social democratic wing. They worked within the system, without surrendering their soul to it. They were quite aware of the evil of their opponents, but they used their brains, cut the rethoric and worked for mass appeal.

    One hundred years later, communism is dead and the socialist welfare state is the norm in Europe and, essentially, in the United States. Nobody is seriously questioning entitlements and welfare. Even the liberals and the conservatives and working within the framwork that seemed radical in 1910.

    The only exception was the Bolshevik takeover in Russia, which was not a revolution, but a coup d’etat that only (barely) worked in a country that was illiterate, wartorn and populated by hundreds of misgenated ethnic groups.

    For those “purists” who think this strategy is not Kosher (pun fully intended) think of November 1923 versus January 1933. If you still don’t get it; nevermind…

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