Crossing the Delaware


Last night, the Tea Party Express rolled into Delaware and carried Christine O’Donnell, an obscure perennial loser candidate, to victory over Mike Castle, a six term congressman and popular former governor.

O’Donnell’s victory has sent shockwaves through the GOP establishment. It was the biggest upset yet and the latest in a series of Tea Party victories over handpicked establishment candidates.

A month ago, O’Donnell was dead in the water, but Joe Miller’s victory in Alaska and a Sarah Palin endorsement brought new momentum and resources to her fading campaign. O’Donnell rode the wave of populist resentment against the political class to victory in Delaware.

Blue America was solidly on the side of Mike Castle. In The Washington Post, E.J. Dionne pens a painful tell of woe about the Blues who have been purged from the Republican Party. Dionne himself was at Castle headquarters on Monday crying into his cocktail over the demise of Rockefeller Republicans.

After his defeat in the Republican Senate primary, Mike Castle received telephone calls from Barack Obama and Joe Biden, which says a lot about his political leanings. He will likely join the chorus of defeated Republicans that range from Lincoln Chaffee to Jim Greer to Lisa Murkowski whose universal accusation has been that Tea Party extremists have hijacked the GOP.

The accusation is not without merit: the Tea Party and the conservative grassroots are clearly trying to overthrow the GOP establishment and remold the Republican Party in their own image. They have been chipping away at the Bush legacy for several years now. There is no doubt about that.

This has sparked bold predictions from Blues of a Republican Civil War with Senator Jim DeMint leading a Rebel Army of Tea Party candidates. According to this narrative, Blues are thrilled by the victories of kooks and extremists like Sharon Angle and Christine O’Donnell who make their job of holding a Democratic majority much easier.

This is also what Blues were saying after Rand Paul won in Kentucky, Ken Buck won in Colorado, Mike Lee won in Utah, Joe Miller won in Alaska, Marco Rubio won in Florida, and Sharon Angle won in Nevada. In every case, the “extremist” Tea Party candidates are running ahead or even with their Democratic opponents.

The O’Donnell victory in Delaware has already surged Sharon Angle ahead of Harry Reid in Nevada.

The GOP establishment is dying with a whimper. There isn’t going to be a Republican Civil War. It is clear the Tea Party has already emerged victorious in the contest. Last night, RSCC officials stated that they would not be funding O’Donnell in the general election, a decision that was reversed before I woke up this morning.

A Few Observations

1.) The O’Donnell victory is the latest example of the clash between Red America and Blue America. In a normal election cycle, Castle would have crushed O’Donnell, but the seething rage of White Americans against the political class inspired voters to toss out the anointed insider in favor of the underdog challenger, in spite of their ideological reservations and the conventional wisdom.

2.) The momentum that swept O’Donnell to victory is a point that I have made repeatedly in recent weeks: once ordinary people are set in motion and notch victories into their belt, they gain the confidence necessary to tackle obstacles which were once thought to be insurmountable.

No one thought Scott Brown could win in Massachusetts or Joe Miller could upset Lisa Murkowski in Alaska. Yet it happened anyway. The lesson the Tea Party took away from that experience was to push on to places like Delaware, New York, and New Hampshire.

3.) Three years ago, the Tea Party didn’t exist, but is now on the verge of hijacking the Republican Party and overthrowing the GOP establishment. Whatever your views of the Tea Party, you must grudgingly admit that is quite an accomplishment. It suggests White Nationalists have a lot to learn from Tea Party tactics and fundraising skills.

4.) The Tea Party Express poured thousands of dollars into the Alaska and Delaware Republican Senate primaries. How did they create this financial network? How did they succeed in channeling grassroots anger and money into effective political action? How did they succeed in mobilizing dispirited libertarians and conservatives and transforming them into such a powerful social movement?

5.) The Tea Party has succeeded in pulling the political spectrum in their direction on issues like taxation, spending, and the size of government. Why can’t we do the same on immigration, affirmative action, and multiculturalism where White America broadly supports our point of view?

6.) What is it about the White Nationalist movement that prevents it from experiencing the dynamic, vertical growth which characterizes the Tea Party? What should we be doing that we are not doing to pull the political spectrum in our direction?

Delaware is the latest chapter in a book about the awakening of Red America that has yet to be written. It is part of a larger narrative that winds from the desert of Southern Arizona to the wilds of Alaska to the protests against the Ground Zero Mosque in Manhattan and now to the The First State on the Atlantic seaboard.

The next page will be written soon.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Christine O’Donnell is half Italian and half Irish.

    Hunter, are you a supporter of inter-ethnic marriages between different European groups?

    Because if you aren’t, it’s pretty damn hypocritical for you to be touting Christine O’Donnell’s victory like this.

  2. Hunter, another great article on praxis. It’s possibly too obvious but it bears mentioning:

    The tea party movement didn’t erupt fully made from the sea. It is the output of a generation of “patriot” activism that never forgot the War for Independence, The Shot Heard ’round the World, The Crossing of the Delaware and Valley Forge.

    It lived through the dark times of the 1970s and its hate by flying the Betsy Ross and Bennington flags, by teaching children “Yankee Doodle” and the preamble to the Declaration of Independence.

    It was sustained by reading forbidden Bible passages about Pharisees and hypocrites and the need to throw them out of the temple (please… all you who dismiss Christianity as a “Jewish” religion, let this pass and focus on the larger point).

    It required baby training steps of failed “top down” reform like Jack Anderson, Ross Perot, Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul. Even Ronald Reagan (himself a liberal “JFK” Democrat by any definition), was unable to change much of anything.

    What happened, then?

    The received dogma of blind trust in “capitalism” (Marx’s construct, ironically enough) foisted on Republican voters for a generation was proven a giant fraud by the larceny of the 2008 bailouts and market crashes.

    This is where Macdonald’s “resource competition” comes in. It is a basic lesson of salesmanship that people do not make decisions based on perceived pleasure so much as they make decisions to AVOID PAIN.

    After 40 years of wasted effort supporting “someone else to fix the problem” for them, after being increasingly insulted and abused (not unlike some of the posters here with their small-mindedness and belittling attitude toward Christianity), the final straw was the destruction of their life’s savings — the only remaining means for them to protect against the collapse of American society.

    So now the tea party movement is nothing more than the last stand of normal Americans who would rather not have to shoot anyone to get the feds off their backs.

    But it took almost 40 years to get to this point.

    At the moment, the tea partiers are tutored by the neocons because that’s all they know. Paleoconservatism is hopelessly out of touch, prattling on about Locke and Mills rather than the present existential issues of immigration and imposed downward mobility. There is no other ideology “in the waiting” and since neocons are historical antistalinists, they have a vague pedigree in the minds of the untutored.

    WN strikes a genetic chord but the incessant pairing with loser Nazi sympathy is repulsive to those whose traditions includes numerous internecine wars waged by aggressive Germans. This is my point about Anglo-America: America is an outgrowth of England and our culture is (was) English. Attempts at imposing fuhrerprinzip here are ludicrous and destined to failure, per the above recitation of “top down” attempts at reform.

    To regain a sense of “Whiteness” we must look to the long-term trends which are favorable to practical action. By this I do not mean demonstrations or protests. I mean, “normalizing” White consciousness in the minds of the common American who is, unfortunately, most likely the offspring of immigrants with a poor understanding of the Rights of Englishmen and Americans, no especial connection to history apart from clinging to his ethnic roots, and no true understanding of why he should promote exclusivity when his family was itself the beneficiary of “tolerance” and “diversity” viz the Anglo-Americans that extended succor to his great-grandfather.

    This is accomplished by words and ideas inserted into everyday conversations. Archie Bunker had the right idea, but since it was a fictional TV show, he lost every argument with the Left of the day. But times have changed and many would see Archie Bunker today as incredibly prescient — and we can exploit that.

    I’d like to see developed a counter-revolutionary praxis that accepts status quo conditions, is geared to reclaiming basic Anglo-American principles, which for America, are raison d’etre for every person living within our borders. Rebuilding such an identity, which is not only safe but achievable, is the first step to recognizing that “birds of a feather flock together”.

    But now is not the time to push for the unwinding of the integrationist state. Doing that openly would bring the entire weight of the fedgoon police power onto one’s shoulders, crushed never to act again.

    We can leverage the implicit Whiteness of people who just discovered their long forgotten, somewhat atrophied power when acting en bloc.


  3. Joe,

    I quite agree — we have to do anything that will make progress in our direction. Effective resistance is all; contention is of the devil. We need to hang out with conservatives, and Christians, and any other implicit Whites, and go to them where they are at, rather than trying to drag them, kicking and screaming, to us.

    Again, learn NLP. You can ask people to imagine their ideal country, where nobody accuses them of racism or demands reparations. What would it look like? Close your eyes, and tell me, “What did the old America look like? Like a Norman Rockwell painting? Good — there’s nothing wrong with that!”

    Get the old Nancy Drew movies from the 1930’s, with Bonita Granville, to show to your friends and family. This is what America used to look like. Bonita Granville has to be one of the most beautiful women who ever lived. See how she acts, how feminine, yet intellectually curious. This is what we are fighting for.

    Great articles, Hunter. Can you link to your blogroll?

  4. Joe of the Mountain: I have no English ancestry whatever. I am a product of several inter-ethnic marriages of the sort that Reginald Thompson refers to above. I can’t speak for everyone who shares my Euro-mixed condition, but I have always seen George Washington as the Father of MY country. Whereas continental European history has always been the history of other peoples, British history was the history of MY people. I’m not writing of genetic or historic fact, but simply how I have seen myself all my life, as an American.
    I don’t know where you live, but I don’t know any Whites who cling to their ethnic roots, unless you count Jews.

  5. Okay, so can we expect the “Elite” to focus character assassination, invective, and general hysteria on O’Connell, like they’ve been doing to Palin for the past two years?

  6. So she is Irish-Italian, huh? (Irish-Catholic I’ll presume). I did think there was something a bit unplaceable about her look. I don’t live in the northeast so I don’t regularly see such mixes.

    Unfortunately, there is some truth to what “Joe of the Mountain” writes about Ellis-Islanders vs. Colonial-stock Americans.

    A demographer once wrote that half of the white ancestral stock in the USA in 1960 was descended from pre-1800 settlers, and the other half from post-1800ers.

    Which half do you think the great majority of the Tea-Party supporters comes from? Is there -anyone- of sound mind who thinks it’d be the latter group?

  7. …what “Joe of the Mountain” writes about Ellis-Islanders vs. Colonial-stock Americans…

    It’s not about “English vs non-English” [by ancestry]. According to what I’ve read, among the whites present in the 13 colonies in 1776, a little over 60% of their ancestors came from England. Another 18% were ancestrally from other parts of the British Isles [highly disproportionately Ulster-Protestants]. The rest, a significant 22%, were from “the Continent”. (Partially the remnants of non-English colonies in North America, like the Dutch [Martin Van Buren] and the Swedes [John Hanson], and then plenty of German-Protestants in PA, lots of Huguenots in the mix, and a smattering of plenty of others with tiny numbers). Still, collectively these people made up the American Nation that won independence.

    For the record [‘statement of bias’]: Only 1 of my 8 great-grandparental lines goes back to pre-1776 times (back to Mass. Bay Colony). 4 other lines were post-Civil-War Scandinavian settlers of the then-empty Upper-Midwest farm country, and 3 were German-Lutherans going to the east-coast.

  8. You know it’s weird how much of a personal political/cultural difference there is between the descendents of the colonial era Germanics who were almost all Protestants & rural, and the 1848ers & later German immigrants who were “maybe” majority Roman Catholic and urban.

    Once again, real go out, and meet, and talk with folks politics is hard work.

    All of these intellectual discussions don’t mean anything.

  9. Earl, I’m not sure I understand your point in the post marked 8:40pm above. I agree with paragraph-#1 in general.

    But I’ll take issue with this:
    1848ers & later German immigrants who were “maybe” majority Roman Catholic and urban.

    It’s true that the first German-Catholics came with the post-1848 wave. But German-speakers in Europe in the 1800s were about 70%-Protestant. (The Pope had not even 1-in-10 of those Germans living outside of south-Bavaria, “Austria”, and parts of the deep-Rhineland. Those were, as it happens, the areas that never fell under Roman control 2,000 years ago…). So it’s nigh-on impossible that a ‘majority’ of later Germans coming over would have been Roman-Catholic.

    Change {“maybe” majority Roman-Catholic} to {heavily Roman-Catholic} and it’s solid.

  10. the 1848ers & later German immigrants who were “maybe” majority Roman Catholic and urban.

    Most of the Catholic German immigrants settled in rural areas in the Midwest and beyond.

  11. Christine O’Donnell is half Italian and half Irish.

    Hunter, are you a supporter of inter-ethnic marriages between different European groups?

    Because if you aren’t, it’s pretty damn hypocritical for you to be touting Christine O’Donnell’s victory like this.

    I believe all White Americans, whether they’re Northern Euro, Southern Euro, or mixed, should work together for our common goals. I am of Northern Euro descent and I also believe in Northern Euro identity and preservation.

    I think Northern Euro preservationists should respect supporters of inter-ethnic marriages between different Euro groups, just as Northern Euro identity and Northern Euro preservation should be respected.

    Those of Northern Euro descent who support inter-ethnic marriages between different Euro groups should have many daughters and offer them in order to absorb the demand for Northern Euro females from different Euro groups. This seems like a peaceful and practical solution that allows for both inter-ethnic marriages between different Euro groups and Northern Euro preservation.

  12. I think there is less of a divide between those descended from early WASP/German Protestant/Scandinavian Protestant/Irish Protestant and those descended from later Irish/German Catholics and still later Polish/Italian/etc. Catholics than asserted, particularly on the race issue. Prior to and even during the Civil War, Northern Irish and German Catholic Democrats supported the South on the slavery issue. After the 1848-49 revolutions in Europe, Pope Pius IX issued the Syllabus of Errors, which condemned socialism and public education. Following that, the Catholic Church in America began to attack abolitionists, Free Soilers, and other Protestant reform movements (abolitionism did not stem from Yankee Catholicism). While Nativists railed against Irish immigrants in the 1840’s-50’s, Irish immigrants were rioting against blacks in northern cities. To this day–as any one who has grown up in a northern city like Philadelphia can attest–these urban white Catholics are still largely racist. Far Northeast Philadelphia (one of the few remaining mostly white areas in the city, but it will fall soon) went for Wallace in ’68. . Contrary to what the article may intimate, Philadelphia mayoral elections are still divided by race and determined by racial-bloc voting.

    In the end, there are white liberal papists and white liberal Protestants; there are also those, from both groups, who are far more racially conscious. For much of history, Irish-German Catholics have grown up living a neighborhood away from inner city blacks. Throughout that same period of time, most Irish-German Catholics have not been too keen on that demographic, and have spent generations trying to move away from them.

  13. Earlmundo Pitts III says:

    “Let’s not forget Biden is a mickey.”

    But on his paternal side, Biden is of Iraqi Jewish descent. Biden’s great grandfather was an Iraqi Jew.

    Biden voted in the In the 2005 Iraqi Election based on his “heritage.”

  14. It’s not about “English vs non-English” [by ancestry].

    It’s about English and compatible racial and cultural people, those of Germanic and Celtic stock which is what the traditional American people were composed of and the majority still are. It’s what White American means, along with Canadian, Australian, New Zealander and South African.

    As much as the British get flack, think of the world without the British empire, it would be a much swarthier and mongrelized place with all of the Latin hybrids populating Nordish countries. It would be Brazil worldwide.

  15. Actually, without the British Empire, there would likely be no Moslems and Hindus in Britain. They were first welcomed as members of the British Commonwealth.

  16. Discard – hooyah! You are exactly what is meant by assimilation. When growing up, I had not a clue about my ancestry. I didn’t know anyone or thing before my grandparents and yes, George Washington was my “grandfather” too.

    Adopted sons ought be more loyal, if only from a sense of gratitude, than even the native born son. This is what is means to “become” American!

    It is possible many that post here live in reasonably homogeneous regions. Writing from eastern Pennsylvania, I can tell you from personal experience that the various ethnics here are still fighting the Great War. “Where the heart is” and all that.

    Some other know that entire populations have migrated here — even European populations — and yet retain all that is important to them from their Old World culture. Walk through South Philadelphia some time and hear with your own ears, “What do the Irish know?” spoken by a self-profession “Italian”. It’s even worse as you move up into the coal region with its mish-mash of early 20th C. nationalities all vying with each other with their own churches, schools and neighborhoods. (To be fair, the last 30 years have been devastating for these tribal groups, as the local economy has forced their children to flee elsewhere to find work.)

    So my comments should hold no meaning for the assimilated American and his offspring who should be American in spirit no less (and perhaps more) than many New Englanders.

    But it should be a thought provocation for those that attempt to impose unamerican institutions and concepts on Americans. This is true of WN with an eye to goose stepping as much as Slavs and their eye to goosestepping.

    Americans understand that a man’s home is his castle – there is no such thing as “one size fits all” and so it’s only irritating to try tactics and strategies that ignore it.

  17. I think Northern Euro preservationists should respect supporters of inter-ethnic marriages between different Euro groups, just as Northern Euro identity and Northern Euro preservation should be respected.

    A bit of a contradiction, no? It’s like saying racial preservationists should support interracial marriages. They’re the antithesis of each other. You’re basically advocating that we shouldn’t have the courage of our convictions.

    It’s not necessarily about ethnicity either, it’s about race/subrace. You can have two completely different races or subraces raised in the same country, city and culture with the same language. Conversely you can have two different ethnicities who are similar racially and subracially. I would prefer the latter union for racial reasons.

    Identity is a complicated thing.

  18. Reginald the sanctimonious mendacious bastard drips venom on the desire for preservation simply because it excludes him.

  19. From James McPherson’s Battle Cry of Freedom, p. 137:

    ” . . . The antislavery movement grew from the same cultural soil of evangelical Protestantism as temperance and nativism. Some free soilers viewed slavery and Catholicism alike as repressive institutions. Both were ‘founded and supported on the basis of ignorance and tyranny,’ resolved a Know-Nothing lodge in Massachusetts, and thus ‘there can exist no real hostility to Roman Catholicism which does not embrace slavery, its natural co-worker in opposition to freedom and republican institutions.’ The support of immigrant Catholic voters for the proslavery ‘Hunker’ wing of the Democratic party cemented this perceived identity of slavery and Catholicism. So did frequent editorials in the Catholic press branding the free-soil movement as ‘wild, lawless, destructive fanaticism.’ Competing with free blacks at the bottom of the social order, Irish [Catholic] Americans were intensely anti-Negro and frequently rioted against black people in northern cities. In 1946 a solid Irish vote had helped defeat a referendum to grant equal voting rights to blacks in New York state. ‘No other class of our citizens was so zealous, so unanimous in its hostility to Equal Suffrage without regard to color,’ commented the New York Tribune bitterly. ‘ ‘Would you have your daughter marry a naygur?’ was their standing flout at the champions of democracy irrespective of race and color.’ In 1854 a Massachusetts free soiler summarized the issues in the forthcoming elections as ‘freedom, temperance, and Protestantism against slavery, rum, and Romanism.’ “

  20. Mark

    I’m trying to think of a compromise.

    Like I said I believe in Northern Euro identity and preservation but I understand that there are those who support inter-ethnic marriages between different Euro groups.

    So I think those of Northern Euro descent who support inter-ethnic marriages between different Euro groups should take the lead and offer their daughters in order to absorb the demand for Northern Euro females from different Euro groups. This will stave off the demand and give some breathing room to Northern Euros who wish to preserve ourselves.

    I think once a White nation or territory is secured this can be formally implemented by establishing sovereign, autonomous nations or communities i.e. there can be Northern Euro preservationist nations/communities, mixed Euro nations/communities, etc.

  21. Do, or do not. There is no try.

    What do you mean?

    Do you think a compromise isn’t necessary?

    Without a compromise, Southern Euros/mixed Euros may ally with non-Whites against WN. They may prefer a multi-racial state where they have continued access to Northern Euro females to a WN state where they don’t have access to Northern Euro females. Personally I don’t really like offering this “tribute” and buying them off like this, and I think it’s distasteful, but I can’t think of any other way to maintain WN unity while at the same time allowing us Northern Euros to preserve ourselves. It seems like a practical and peaceful solution to me. If you have any other ideas I’m all ears.

  22. More White Nationalism World of Warcraft internet fantasy discussion.
    Who is allowed to live in a nation that doesn’t exist!

  23. You don’t “preserve” yourself by miscegenating into extinction.

    What ingenious strategy will you think of next? “Preserve” your race by offering your daughter to a negro?

    If “WN unity” requires offering “tribute” and miscegenating your people into extinction, maybe you ought to rethink whether “WN unity” is all it’s cracked up to be.

  24. Do you think a compromise isn’t necessary?

    You can’t compromise on the issue of existence or extinction. You must take your choice. It’s either separation or mongrelization.

  25. “Miscegenation” to some, apparently means mixing (AIIIIEEEE) with Italians, Russians, or Poles.

    Who gives a rat’s ass?

    We’re watching city after city, state after state fall to waves of Latin and other immigrants (not to mention all of the academic, economic, and medical resources that are falling into the hands of Asians and East Indians) and yet we have WNs fretting that their descendants might not be “fully Germanic” or some such.

    (Incidentally, why are we worrying about what Med males want? Do Med females never go for nothern European males?)

    Yeah, you can moan about “Nordish” or whatever made-up anthropological terms you want (meaning, in effect, “the Protestant part of Europe”), but you’re missing the forest for the trees. Hell, you aren’t even looking at the trees. I seriously doubt that the “Nordish” are at all threatened by being “mixed out of existence” by the Med and Slavic elements in the USA. Judging from the number of blond or red-headed Italian-Americans I know–plus my knowledge of the population percentages–I’d say it’s Med phenotype that’s going to be lost.

    Of course, it won’t ever be gone completely–it is a fearful thought that “the Situation” might still crop up in the population in the year 2525?

    Get real. White America–and White Britain, and France, Italy, the Netherlands, and Spain–aren’t endangered by subracial admixture. It’s that, ya know, other kind of mixture that puts us all in danger–ya know, the kind that produces Barack Obamas, veiled daughters, and mestizos with LOTS of money and the surname “Bush.”

    And–and I honesty mean no gratuitous insult here–are any of you fretting about “subracial mixture” really in any position to worry about your reproductive futures? Everyone I’ve met making those arguments have either been in A) high school or B) the early years of college.

  26. You can’t compromise on the issue of existence or extinction. You must take your choice. It’s either separation or mongrelization.

    I don’t disagree with this. My compromise doesn’t involve all Northern Euros mixing away. Only those of Northern Euro descent who support inter-ethnic marriages between different Euro groups or don’t care about Northern Euro preservation would mix. They can provide a kind of buffer zone that will stem the tide and give Northern Euro preservationists some much needed breathing room.

  27. More White Nationalism World of Warcraft internet fantasy discussion.
    Who is allowed to live in a nation that doesn’t exist!

    No comparison, WoW guilds are far more organized and active than White nationalists. 🙂

  28. Lowell–just change social mores about marriage–i.e., marriage can’t happen unless the parents agree to it, as in the Victorian Era–and you’ve pretty much eradicated the entire need of a separate “Nordish” state.

  29. If “WN unity” requires offering “tribute” and miscegenating your people into extinction, maybe you ought to rethink whether “WN unity” is all it’s cracked up to be.

    Let us emulate the American pioneers, they didn’t compromise their race.

    Southerners didn’t choose to amalgamate their people, they relocated the Amerindian tribes and segregated blacks. They didn’t capitulate when they had the power and we certainly shouldn’t do so now when the situation is so dire.

  30. Lowell–just change social mores about marriage–i.e., marriage can’t happen unless the parents agree to it, as in the Victorian Era–and you’ve pretty much eradicated the entire need of a separate “Nordish” state.

    It’s true that more traditional social mores would go a long way. But remember that we did have traditional social mores once that were eroded away. The problem wasn’t just that the traditional social mores were weakened. The problem was that they were weakened when we didn’t have our own preservationist state. If they were weakened within our own preservationist state the damage would have been mitigated.

  31. Lowell–just change social mores about marriage–i.e., marriage can’t happen unless the parents agree to it, as in the Victorian Era–and you’ve pretty much eradicated the entire need of a separate “Nordish” state.

    Instituting draconian social laws would be at least as difficult to achieve as separation, and they would be more difficult to maintain.

    Also, even low rates of miscegenation ineluctably lead to extinction in the long run.

    You must take your choice. It’s either separation or mongrelization.

  32. >>Also, even low rates of miscegenation ineluctably lead to extinction in the long run.

    You must take your choice. It’s either separation or mongrelization.>>

    Of course, we’re talking here about “extinction” consisting of a future of Irish-Italians, Polish-English, Russian-Germans, etc. And since we’re talking about it in the USA, we’re also discussing a future were the Meds and Slavs are going to be a very minor element in a largely Germanic population. So these unclean, inferior future mongrels will be more like 3/4 Germano-English, 1/8 Slovak, 1/8 Italian, something like that. Seems to me that the “Medish” are more likely to become extinct than the “Nordish.”

    No, we have a choice beyond separation or mongrelization. It’s choice C): leave the worrying about this crap to the same personality types who create mental plans for Christian Identity Theocracies, while the rest of us live and function in the real world.

    When I think “mongrelization,” I think Barack Obama and Brazil. This Nordish stuff is just more control freakery from wanna-be alpha males and patriarchs.

  33. Gloob,

    So you have a problem with a White nation or territory or continent in North America divided into sovereign, autonomous nations or communities?

    Do you have a problem with Europe as well, since it’s a White territory divided into nations? Should Europe demolish its internal borders and mix indiscriminately?

    Do Northern Euros have a right to preserve themselves or not?

  34. Seems to me that the “Medish” are more likely to become extinct than the “Nordish.”

    Northern Euros are more recessive than Southern Euros. Mixing doesn’t affect each group equally. It damages the more recessive group much more.

  35. So these unclean, inferior future mongrels will be more like 3/4 Germano-English, 1/8 Slovak, 1/8 Italian, something like that. Seems to me that the “Medish” are more likely to become extinct than the “Nordish.”

    The point of the matter is your ideological allegiance. If you support Nordish preservation and acknowledge the USA as a Nordish country and at the very least reenacting limits on non-Nordish immigration such as what we had with the Immigration Act of 1924 then that’s a starting point.

    This Nordish stuff is just more control freakery

    However you feel about racial preservation it’s a necessity.

    Leftists feel as you do, it’s fascism, evil, control freakery, why can’t people do what they want and mate with who they want.

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