Jessie Jackson Jr. son of legendary racial hustler Jessie Jackson is in some trouble in Chicago. Law enforcement officials apparently have released tapes of a top Hindu Indian American financial supporter of Jessie Jackson offering a $6 million bribe to former IL Governor Rob Blagojevich to make Jessie Jackson Jr. the US Senator (the Senate seat Obama gave up). Now it comes out that this same Hindu Indian financial supporter of Jessie Jr. was paying to fly a White, blonde Washington restaurant hostess to come see Jessie Jr. in Chicago. So Jessie Jackson Jr. has a young, blonde mistress and shady Indian financial supporters are paying for her. Very interesting that Jewish/Black newspaper the Chicago Sun Times is reporting this story, featuring it – and the Black community is turning a bit on Jessie Jackson Jr for chasing White women.
Here is the front page of the Chicago Sun Times story – presented here for “fair comment” and protected by the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution.

Here are some other photos of the mud-shark blonde mistress of Jessie Jackson Jr. – and I have to say right up front that while I don’t condone violence, I would understand if Mrs. Jessie Jackson Jr or some other Black sisters wanted to throw acid on the face of this blonde bikini model/Washington night club hostess.
The CST must have fallen on hard times like other papers, no comments section on any of the articles. Of course the libs get lambasted on any comment section not heavily moderated like a Kos or a DU. Any, Chicago, stick a fork in it.
Even when the demographics of a big urban City like Chicago go non White, there are still great opportunities for activism in places somewhat near the city – say outer suburbs, downstate Illinois, Wisconsin – where Whites associate big cities with terrible NW neighborhoods, crime, and political corruption.
Towns can make the boast: We’re not Chicago. Jessie Jackson Jr. isn’t our Congressman.
I noticed down here in Central Illinois that most of the locals are St. Louis Cardinal fans. The hate the crappy state government that Chicago forces on an otherwise very rural, farm state they refuse to route for the meatball Chicago teams. One of the downsides of this is we’re forced to endure Rams snoozefest games on Sunday afternoons when we could have seen the Packers Eagles matchup that most of the nation got to watch for the late game.
Nightowl says:
September 22, 2010 at 9:15 pm (Edit)
I noticed down here in Central Illinois that most of the locals are St. Louis Cardinal fans. The hate the crappy state government that Chicago forces on an otherwise very rural, farm state they refuse to route for the meatball Chicago teams. One of the downsides of this is we’re forced to endure Rams snoozefest games on Sunday afternoons when we could have seen the Packers Eagles matchup that most of the nation got to watch for the late game.”
Jack Ryan replies:
yes you are quite correct, downstate Illinois (anything outside of the Chicago metropolitan sprawl) is very rural and looks South to St. Louis and even the old Confederate South.
I can see the attraction to the St. Louis Cardinals – I see their stadium filled with lots and lots of rowdy White folks wearing RED – ultimate RED STATE!
Can’t say the City of St. Louis or East St. Louis is something any White person should have loyalty to as “our place”.
Clue me in, what are racial realities like in St. Louis? Seems like the Black population is very contained and there is little integration and thus less conflict.
I’m in Champaign, but the radio stations all break off from Rush Limbaugh to broadcast Cardinal games when they overlap Limbaugh’s show. I see lots of Cardinal hats, mugs for sale in Bloomington-Normal and Springfield as well when I’ve passed through. I think the media heads deliberately made sure the democrats didn’t get the stigma of “red” when the color coded graphics were devised for those election maps.
Any white person who fornicates with a non-white is white trash. Plain and simple.
Here’s an interesting co-inky-dink: Rahm Emanuel is expected to quit his White House job in the next coupla weeks and announce his mayoral run. Also, he and Jesse Jr. met just a few days ago to discuss things. Evidently Rahm has been contacting each mayoral aspirant in turn, just to say “Hey!” and chew the fat.
And no-one’s the least bit surprised by this mudshark development. The apple never falls far from the tree, especially when it’s rotten at its core.
“Even when the demographics of a big urban City like Chicago go non White, there are still great opportunities for activism in places somewhat near the city – say outer suburbs, downstate Illinois, Wisconsin – where Whites associate big cities with terrible NW neighborhoods, crime, and political corruption.”
There are opportunities for activism no matter what the demographics.
The title of this should really be “Whore has a product and finds a buyer.” News at 11.
Andrew Yeoman says:
September 23, 2010 at 7:07 pm (Edit)
The title of this should really be “Whore has a product and finds a buyer.” News at 11.
Jack Ryan replies:
Yeah. True enough.
But, look on the bright side, this blonde, bikini model Washington Night Club “hostess” has knocked down the political aspirations of Jessie Jackson Jr. a lot – especially pis**** off Black African American female voters.
White (mostly blonde) women like this since the days of Helen of Troy have always caused “trouble”, might as well unleash this trouble against powerful anti White, NWs, Zionists, Neo Con fake Conservative “family values” Religious Right types who promote open borders non White immigration under the sales program that:
“Family values don’t stop at the Rio Grande”.
But, getting outed in the tabloid press as a blonde chasing player and having shady financial backers support your blonde addiction, publicly humiliating your wife and your “Conservative” congregation, yeah, that can be a good thing for our side.
Any person who fornicates for money is a prostitute. Prostitution has now been completely mainstreamed in our society.
(Spitzer got taken down only because he pissed off Wall Street, and was guilty of hypocrasy as a former prosecutor. The girl seemed proud and got various perks from being outed.)
The voters of Chicago apparently have no problems with JJJ buying whores, only in his choice of White whores.
Recall also that Rahm and JJJ had a little private meeting at the White House last week. Perhaps JJJ was not fully accomodating to Rahm’s desires. This week JJJ’s hooker is on the front page of the local Jewish newspaper. That can’t be a conincidence.
Nail in the coffin, good riddance.
Jack Ryan replies:
“Yeah. True enough.
But, look on the bright side, this blonde, bikini model Washington Night Club “hostess” has knocked down the political aspirations of Jessie Jackson Jr. a lot – especially pis**** off Black African American female voters.”
Yes, Jack Ryan, every dark cloud has silver lining!