![Sheriff Joe Arapio](http://fromtheprovinces.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/sheriffjoe.jpg?resize=238%2C281)
Washington, DC
In a successful defensive stand, Red America defeated the DREAM Act in the Senate this afternoon. If the DREAM Act had passed Congress, 2 million illegal aliens would have become eligible to attain U.S. citizenship, roughly 20% of illegals now in America.
The vote was 56 to 43.
Democrats fell 4 votes short of the 60 necessary to move the defense bill forward with the DREAM Act amendment. The entire Republican caucus stood firm. Senators Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor of Arkansas defected to the Republican opposition.
What to make of this?
1.) The first observation is that the Lincoln and Pryor defections can be explained by the disintegration of the Democratic Party in Arkansas. Like West Virginia, Arkansas is a state that is trending Republican as the Clinton Democrats defect from the national party.
Blanche Lincoln will almost certainly be defeated by John Boozman, an opponent of comprehensive immigration reform, in November. Mark Pryor doesn’t come up for reelection until 2014, but seems determined to avoid Lincoln’s likely fate.
2.) The second observation is that the myth of “conservative Democrats” has been exploded. As Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid was joined by almost his entire caucus in attempting to pass an amnesty bill, including Mark Warner and Jim Webb of Virginia and Jon Tester of Montana.
3.) The third observation is that immigration is now a partisan issue. Republicans voted for our side. Democrats voted against us. The vote on the DREAM Act afternoon established that there is an important difference between the two parties on immigration; one that will be considerably magnified by the incoming Senate.
A few years ago, this wasn’t the case. George W. Bush attempted to force his amnesty down our throats along with several of the traitors (i.e., John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Richard Lugar, Sam Brownback, Bob Bennett, Orin Hatch, Susan Collins, etc.) who voted against the DREAM Act this afternoon.
4.) The fourth observation is that the Tea Party movement and the sheer amount of grassroots anger against the GOP establishment has pulled the political spectrum in our direction and cowed moderates. If Lindsay Graham and John McCain had the political breathing room to vote for the DREAM Act, they would almost certainly have done so.
5.) The fifth observation is that many of the worthless politicians who voted for amnesty before are no longer with us. Larry Craig and Mel Martinez come to mind.
6.) The sixth observation is how organizations like NumbersUSA effectively harness voter outrage to mobilize against amnesty. Instead of ranting on an obscure blog or forum that no one reads, it seems to be a much more effective use of your time to let your Senator receive your Two Minute Hate instead.
![Alex Linder](http://fromtheprovinces.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/linder.jpg?resize=157%2C125)
7.) The seventh observation is that it was once again the hated conservative cowards and the worthless Republican Party that blocked amnesty, remarkably voting with a unified voice for once, not White Nationalists who had little impact on the fate of the DREAM Act.
The most important observation of all, which I will close with here, is that working within the mainstream defeated amnesty (defense) and got us a national debate on birthright citizenship and the Arizona immigration law (offense). Parading around Knoxville in a Nazi uniform and posting thousands of radical anonymous comments on VNN Forum accomplished nothing.
The most important observation of all, which I will close with here, is that working within the mainstream defeated amnesty (defense) and got us a national debate on birthright citizenship and the Arizona immigration law (offense). Parading around Knoxville in a Nazi uniform and posting thousands of radical anonymous comments on VNN Forum accomplished nothing.
What would you have expected in an election year? Do you think the Republicans would even contemplate voting for amnesty with the midterm elections a little more than a month away? Let’s see what happens in 2011 when this issue comes up again before you start crowing for your neocon buddies. Don’t you think your comments about the Knoxville rally are growing a bit tiresome to listen to? I’d much rather have boots on the ground than listen to some chubby homosexual running a kosher conservative website.
When they got the Civil Rights agenda in the 50’s and 60’s it was sold as just giving a smart black the chance to go to a good school and grab a bite to eat. They never told their real agenda, to bring even more blacks here along with every other third world peasant and outnumber the historical people who built America. Americans can be outraged by framing the issues moderately such as showing exactly how much of a drain and unfair ripoff this “Affirmative Action” really is. Whites thought it was originally a small measure to help out the decedents of slaves. Little did they realize it meant tens of millions of peasants from Central America coming here and getting a free college education that most whites would only dream about. Then Jose and Lupe get first dibs at employment? Pointing out this double standard about letting groups that didn’t even exist in the United States during it’s so called “evil” days works. At a minimum, no defender of Affirmative Action can make any case for giving it to anyone but American Blacks.
I caught National Geographic channel for a bit the other day while cooking diner. It seems another issue the left tricked the public with was so called “medical marijuana” they made it sound like it was for square old ladies who needed chemotherapy. I saw nothing but chronic users getting cards for “back-pain” “insomnia” “swollen ankles” etc. These weren’t ordinary people who walked into a doctors office and were given a prescription for a new treatment they had never tried before. These were all long term recreational users manipulating the system. And these “dispensaries” didn’t seem like pharmacies, rather they throwing out the idiot “420” lingo of the “High Times” clowns. When was the last time you walked in to the pharmacy for anti biotics or cholesterol lowering prescription and the pharmacist came over with 8 different brands of pills and said “Whoa dude, smell this blue pill, MAN that smells like Huckleberries mixed with chocolate, and check out the generic, it has a jammy sweet orange pungent flavor dude!” Yet many WN seem to think that they have to be 100% honest about their whole agenda right from the start. Did Putin tell the oligarchs that he intended to run them out of Dodge when getting their blessing to succeed the drunkard Yeltsin? Clinton would have loved to let all those Death Row Negros off in Arkansas, yet he went there in the middle of his Presidential Campaign to throw the switch. I think some French King put it correct when he said “Paris is well worth a mass a day.” Not to say somebody shouldn’t be blogging about politically incorrect topics, just that those who seemingly take a more practical road just might know a bit more than they’re letting on.
“Parading around Knoxville in a Nazi uniform and posting thousands of radical anonymous comments on VNN Forum accomplished nothing. ”
Point made (and remade). This place never was VNN, though perhaps it had some crossever.
I sent your column out to my mailing list, but deleted the last two points as no one on it would understand them (because they are mostly Tea Party types).
Which is another way of saying this was a great straight-ahead political commentary with a unneeded postscript that drags the whole post down.
As I said previously it seems like points 1 – 7.5 are aimed at general readership and points 7.5 – the end are aimed at someone (the people in Virginia?) you are having an argument with.
As an impartial observer I hereby declare you the winner of the argument: “which is the more effective tactic, mainstream conservative and tea party tactics or White Nationalist web warfare”.
We now know where you are coming from, and how you suggest we get there. Let’s move on.
@ Hunter
Three things:
First, Linder doesn’t dress up like a nazi clown.
Second, Linder has serious personal health problems.
Third, Linder doesn’t trust you either.
@ Hunter
What Linder doesn’t get.
Things are so bad now, that there is no need to exaggerate to get noticed. A steady drumbeat of the facts is all you need.
Also, I wonder what kind of a personal political machine, or association Linder has put together in his area. Alex Linder’s Jeffersonians, should be as far along as your Jacksonians. Further because he has been at it longer.
I’ve been gone for awhile and this is a bit off topic here but what happened to this site? There isn’t an article on here that you wouldn’t find on Fox News and the tone of them seems to be shilling for the Republicans. Pat Buchanan’s toned down website has more White Nationalism on the boards than you’d find on here. What’s going on?
“Whites thought it was originally a small measure to help out the decedents of slaves.”
Maybe Nightowl meant “decadence.”
Politics takes place along a continuum of values; WNs – tho not the swastika types – did play a role in this process. Also, I wouldn’t get too excited about what is no more than a short-term, defensive victory via minority filibuster. The race replacement regime is still in power, and they mean to destroy us…one way or another.
Considering no known white nationalists are serving in either chamber how would you expect WN’s to defeat this bill other than blogging and writing elected officials like everyone else? If you think this is the end of any efforts at amnesty you are naive in the extreme. The fortunes of the Democratic party rest on legalizing as many illegal aliens as possible as soon as possible. This isn’t over and conservatard opposition often splinters and collapses in the face of concerted attacks by the Democrats and their lapdog media hounds. Remember TARP? Once the media starts using pejoratives like racist and nativist the kosher cons will run for the hills.
The new stratagem adopted by the left is to push for amnesty in phases. First, the innocent children, then the hardworking, stolid adults and eventually use the numerous loopholes to legalize all 30 million and counting (estimated) within our borders. If this isn’t killed in its crib and soon from 2016 onward you can count on a far leftist or Obongo type getting elected for as long as this country survives.
If the conservatives are so wonderful why aren’t they going on the attack and drafting bills that allocate money to build a border fence and that enlists the US military to forcibly deport all illegals? Oh, I forgot that’s not the right starting point . Got to take things sloooowly even though we are about out of time. Perhaps making abortion illegal, mandating school prayer and ending the Fed will solve the intractable race problem.
OK – I’ve written really flamboyant fantasias, in the past – but now I will be really real.
Join your local GOP. The Tea Parties – I, personally, have had a very schizophrnic experience. The lage group in my area are complete morons, run by ditsy Hags. that worship Glenn BEK. They are facists, and censorious, and ignorant of just about everything. they accomplish very littel
The smaller group – it’s quietly getting things done. In the real world. I am cherished, albeit behind-the-scenes/provides background/walkng encyclopedia of history kinda gal. And well-regarded as such.
I say odd little things, now and then, that…kinda…startle ’em… for a moment – but the credible things I say outweigh the odd…little..things…so there.
The Tea Parties in my area ARE the GOP. You must deal with your situation on the ground.
Join. Dress respectably. Make jokes. Be fun to be around. Know your subjects, when you discuss issues.
Gain credibilty and respect.
Here’s a Female View kinda thing – be NICE to the Ladies. Care about them on a personal level – or at least learn how to fake it. Humans are emotional – not logical. We are too concerned with “theory” – let’s shake hands, and have a beer, instead. Listen to their problems, and concerns. I made a life-long Best Friend Forever, with a well-placed gal – cause we both love Halloween, and horror movies. I know the movies she likes. She likes the silliest, schlockiest horror movies you can imagine. I like them too. I’m articulate, know “all this stuff about history” – and I love the most God Awful stupid movies you can imagine.
We have a common ground – and it’s not all dreary political dreadfulness and onslaught stuff. So find a common personal ground.
If you say you are gonna show up and do something, on a grassroots level – show up and DO it. If you can’t – say so right away. Every-one will understand a busy, over-burdened life. They won’t understand false promises, and constant disappointment.
Also – be POSITIVE. Not pollyana-ish, and un-realistic. Really – things are a nightmare. Every-one knows the Whirlwind is gathering. Doing things on a practical, grass-roots level – and seeing successes – one success leads ot another. A failure? Tell every-one, “Look – that didn’t go our way. Why? Let’s figure out why, and learn. We’ll do better next time”.
You dealing with Americans, folks. Racially Awake, or not. Most likely not – or at least not admitting to it openly – yet. But Americans are ALL about “Tomorrow will be better than today”. Realisitc positivism will be gobbles right up.
It tells us we can to better.
That there is a tomorrow.
That steady, practical measures can accomplish all sorts of amazing things.
That we Little People can learn, and gain control of our lives again.
I’ve been very busy in the real world. MIA from here. I freak people out, and have alienated quite a few folks, due to my “John Brown” nature. But they are very willing to “take me back” – after a time. Cause they know I’m a straight-shooter. And I stikc ot my guns. I’m trying to remember to mix some sugar with the brimstone.
This is what I’ve learned, in the real world. Up to now.
I’m with Mr. Dithers and Denise. Again. as Mr. Dithers points out, we have no Congressmen or Congresswomen, yet. Given that we don’t it is no surprise that someone like myself, or especially some person more flamboyant than myself is calling the shots, on the ‘Dream Act’ or any other legislation meant to eliminate me and my own.
As Denise so nicely illustrates, it would be helpful to get out there and voice your opinion in as factual and pleasant a way as possible. And, yes, sometimes shock may be required; but usually it is just something like: WN: “Hey Bill how is the weather?” Bill: “It should be sunny today; hey, did you hear about that Dream Act?” WN: “I sure did; I heard the Democrats need more votes for 2012 and beyond; and, by the way, want you replaced.” Bill: “Come again on the replacement thing?” … You get the idea. It’s one step at a time and the economic depression may yake care of the rest. We don’t need a majority to turn this around, just a substantial, motivated, and concerned minority of a majority.
Have a nice day and a beer,
Bonus Gift
The NSM are “boots on the ground” now?
I rest my case.
This is why I have come to believe White Nationalists are unwilling to reverse our decline.
At least with the “conservatards,” there is an opposition, one that occasionally wins victories such as this one, unlike White Nationalists, who mount no opposition to the status quo at all, and then complain on the internet about those who do.
I see American politics as see-sawing back and forth, but tilting further to the left with every cycle. In each new round, the left pushes for more and when the right has their resurgence, they push for less. Most right wing “victories” as just holding the line. We have to break the cycle.
I’d like to hear Hunter explain how he thinks the current strong anti-amnesty feelings can be turned into effective activism towards 1.) Mass deporting of the illegals already here and 2.) Drastic reductions in legal immigration.
At the end of the day, when it is time to look at the balance sheet, what does all the radical rhetoric on the internet amount to? In sixteen years, has it changed anything? I’m talking about action, not words.
It is an escape valve that takes anger at the status quo and channels it into a completely harmless sink where it can be safely ignored by those with power. Ever see how rainwater is channeled out of the streets and into the sewer during a thunderstorm?
That’s exactly what is going on here.
It is a much more sensible idea to work within the system, where the mass of ordinary White people find themselves, to make the real opposition more radical and effective than to sit on the sidelines and sulk about how awful things are now.
NumbersUSA has moved beyond playing defense on “comprehensive immigration reform” to going on the offense against legal immigration and birthright citizenship. How isn’t that the right idea?
Every other actor in the political spectrum accepts the reality that one has to play offense and defense. They accept the reality that one has to speak to ordinary people in their own terms to be effective. They accept the reality of having to work with people they dislike, building coalitions, moving the goal posts, and settling for some of what they want to make progress toward their goals.
When it comes to White Nationalists, it is an uphill struggle merely to point out that reality is the only world that matters, not the internet, and that posting radical comments on the internet that change nothing is equivalent to sleeping through history.
I think the strong current against amnesty can be translated into state laws that result in polarizing confrontations with the federal government, a real border fence, a reduction or elimination of legal immigration, an attack on the 14th Amendment, and a significant increase in deportations and self deportations.
If you follow the link I posted above, I cited Arizona as an example where the Tea Party has gotten involved in the immigration fight. Sheriff Joe Arapio is traveling around Arizona as a Tea Party spokesman right now.
This indicates to me that giving the Tea Party a harder edge on immigration in other states like Alabama and Florida is doable. I think it is possible to shift the political spectrum on immigration in our direction, especially in the content of Depression conditions, and that it would be a huge mistake not to take advantage of the present opportunity.
I think it is possible to shift the political spectrum on immigration in our direction, especially in the content of Depression conditions, and that it would be a huge mistake not to take advantage of the present opportunity.
Then why are you still on the internet bashing the White Nationalist movement?
There isn’t a White Nationalist movement.
Instead, there are thousands of people who read White Nationalist websites, who subscribe to White Nationalist ideas, who come to websites like this one to vent and entertain themselves, but that is the extent of their involvement.
If I can convince a handful of these people to act on those ideas in an effective way, I will consider that a productive use of my time. What are you still doing here after bashing me and this website on Majority Rights?
Alternatively, I could post a scathing denunciation of the Jews, which would earn universal applause from the rhetorical radicals. A few days later, it would recede into memory after a hundred or so comments, without having made any discernible dent in Jewish power.
Everyone here needs to read David Horowitz’s autobiography, “Radical Son”.
Yeah, I know. So what?
In it you will learn from a first-hand source, not only a Member of the Tribe but an honest-to-Stalin Red Diaper Baby here thanks to COMINTERN, how they pulled off this caper on ignorant, naive Huddled Masses and then the WASP establishment itself.
There is a need for extremists, who move that so-called Overton Window a few degrees, but they cannot be so far out they trivialize themselves. They need to do their thing in a sophisticated, effective way as part of a strategy.
Then the cell structure comes into play, reinforcing and legitimizing the vanguard’s extremism as a real choice that normal people can take without fear of social ostracism.
Working within the GOP, the local Kiwanis Club, the Friends of the NRA, or whatever gives you the opportunity to build credibility that can be spend promoting White Affirmation.
Theory is great – we need it – but operational tactics based on a sound, winnign strategy are far more important. We’ve got 50 years of theory. Time to put it into practice.
Mr. Wallace-
Escape valve? Without the internet you wouldn’t have seen Americans demonstrating, at the national level, against the illegal invasion since roughly 05. 05 was the year the minuteman and other organizations came into being. (Nor, sans internet, would you be seeing the anti-sharia movement that is making itself heard right now.)
Thanks to numbers usa and similar groups, those same activists applied pressure upon our elected elites to defeat the amnesties that periodically surfaced.
Certainly the activism, the phoning, faxing and emailing activities of numbers usa and the actions of our elected elites fall within the “system”, no? And yet, thanks to those in the political class happily working within the system, the invasion and de facto amnesty continue apace.
You’re confusing electioneering with reality Mr. Wallace.
Am I to believe that the mere candidacies of a handful of Tea Party politicians eager to work within the system will solve our problems?
And I can’t help but note the, um, triumphant tone of your “the hated conservative cowards and the worthless Republican Party that blocked amnesty” statement. One shouldn’t mistake frightened politicians voting to please their base during an election cycle as an indication that things are changing sir. (The ‘Pledge To America’ not withstanding.) We’ve seen this before haven’t we? How’s the fence doin Mr. Wallace? How’s Napalitano’s catch and release program doin Mr. Wallace. How’s California doin Mr. Wallace?
Political theater Mr. Wallace. The dems introduce a bill they know won’t pass, the republicans vote against a bill they know won’t pass to thrill the gullible. Works every time.
As to conservative cowards, well, what part of the American culture and American people have conservatives conserved in the last 40 years sir? What part of the destruction wrought by our political class have the brave and stalwart conservatives prevented? What, in fact, have the conservatives done during our decline besides getting themselves a seat at the table and a pat on their heads for their efforts?
And how have those conservative “success'” helped us in our struggle to survive sir?
History shows us that electoral promises made to Americans by Republican/conservative politicians are soon crushed beneath the socialist juggernaut.
You think we should all work within that system sir?
You are right and a very brave man, judging by all of the snarky comments. Keeping a positive outlook about our plight and joining with people who are actually doing something in the real word is the way to go. I;ve been reading this blog for about a month and have not posted until now. I, too, have become involved with the Tea Party in my area and have donated money to Jan Brewer and Sherriff Joe. This is the beginning.
I don’t think cyberspace is a waste and should be abandoned, there are always new people coming in and a need for the latest “State of Decay” article. But I don’t think the solution is for those who read this to get together and rally under the banner of ideas the general public has been conditioned to consider immoral. The problem is not when a young bright person comes across these ideas. The problem is when they are tricked into thinking the solution is “going cult” ie joining some organization whose affiliation will tar their reputation for life, and getting publicly involved with even the respectable wing of WN will have that effect. Sure take these ideas in, but publicly stay within the mainstream and become influential, not blacklisted. When the CIA or KGB made first contact with a potential asset during the cold war they didn’t tell them to become a public activist against the regime, they told them to keep a low profile and blend in. Sure, send a money order to someone whose writings you like, but don’t join their nowhere bound organization. Make your change efforts at the local level with organizations that can do things. The Tea Parties are very effective, the left is VERY scared of them that’s why they are working as hard as they can to make them ineffective by seeming “beyond the pale.” And which heresy do they tar the Tea Party with? Racism, not only because race is the core of the leftist assault against the west, but because they HAVE succeeded in making “racism” beyond the pale in public discourse amongst whites.
Hunter, since you like bashing White Nationalism without ever actually attending any rallies while simultaneously raving over the Tea Parties, I have to ask, have you actually been to a Tea Party? There’s lots of anti-racist groveling over topics like how immigration is just fine as long as they come legally. This stuff probably flies over the heads of most people but what they’re really saying is that population replacement is fine as long as they have their papers in order. There’s nothing being talked about at these meetings that’s any different from the standard neocon boilerplate we’ve been spoon fed over the years. I was listening to a radio program today of some people grumbling over the Republicans unveiling their pledge to America. We’ve been down that catwalk before in 1994 and nothing became of it. It seems people aren’t buying the act this time nor should they. I got a fund raising letter from the GOP yesterday like I get just about every week. I usually throw them in the trash or use their postage paid envelope to mail back something inflammatory. This time they replaced Michael Steele on the envelope and letterhead with Sarah Palin’s name but it’s the same address. Michael Steele, Sarah Palin, Glen Beck, it doesn’t matter who they choose from their parade of clowns, I won’t give them a dime until I see some real change, starting with firing Steele and replacing him with a paleocon.
I’m not a white nationalist.
As a result, we seem to be arguing about two different things here.
You guys seem desperate to spread your message, surreptitiously, to the members of an organization (Republican/conservative party) that has essentially cast me and mine out so as to retain political power.
You seem to be doing this because the tea parties, republicans themselves, represent a change from the way republicans do business… Or so you hope.
Do what you gotta do, but you’ll understand if I don’t wish you luck and all. Right?
Hunter Wallace wrote
They accept the reality of having to work with people they dislike, building coalitions, moving the goal posts, and settling for some of what they want to make progress toward their goals.
I would say this goes without saying. Yet there are pro-White people out there who are absolutist and extreme. They will allow only their own 100 percent pure agenda.
I see some of this 100 percent purity thing in myself. However it is just reality that groups have to work with other groups, in those places where the two groups have common goals, unless the other group has ideas that are too repugnant to you.
Is it good or bad that these 100 percent absolutists make pubic displays? It’s too hard to see the overall large-scale effects to know the answer. But there are some cases where it seems pretty likely they are doing harm. Wish I could be more definite, but I don’t think the reality is more definite.
PS. I did my NumberUSA part and sent in the faxes to my representatives, against the DREAM act. Civic duty, you know. In fact, tonight I came to OD because I preferred to read the DREAM act vote results on OD than in the MSM.
1.) I never attacked the internet per se. If I was against the internet, I certainly wouldn’t spend so much of my time writing a blog. If you take the time to read my post, you will see that I attacked the misuse of the internet by White Nationalist, namely, its use an escape valve for ineffective venting on obscure radical websites.
2.) You cited NumbersUSA above and the grassroots rebellion that thwarted amnesty several times. I notice you have done this without giving credit to the people who blocked amnesty or drawing any insights from the manner in which they accomplished their goal.
3.) The composition of the U.S. Senate on “comprehensive immigration reform” has changed dramatically since the highwater mark for amnesty in 2006. It will change even more dramatically in the incoming Senate. This is yet another example of making the perfect the enemy of the good.
4.) Much of the border fence was constructed. It wasn’t completed because Obama was elected president in 2008 and Democrats took control of Congress in 2006. If memory serves, this was the result that White Nationalists advocated at the time.
5.) The only reason Janet Napolitano is now in charge of the Department of Homeland Security is because Barack Obama won in 2008. Most White Nationalists supported Obama over McCain.
6.) Like Texas and New Mexico, California has a non-White majority. If the pro-White movement hadn’t wasted the last forty years, that might not be the case.
7.) I never said a handful of Tea Party politicians will solve all our problems. Their election will create a political environment more favorable to our interests.
8.) I will grant that is true of a number of Republican Senators: Brownback, McCain, Graham, Collins, Lugar, etc. OTOH, several Republican Senators have always received high marks from NumbersUSA (i.e., DeMint, Sessions) and rebelled against the Bush administration to block amnesty last time around.
9.) ATBOTL noted above that the pendulum swings to the Left and then back to the Right, but not as much as in the Right direction. The reason for that lies in the composition of the Far Left and Far Right.
The Far Left has thoroughly penetrated the mainstream Left and even hijacked the mainstream conservative movement. The neocons were able to accomplish this through every note that I been hitting upon recently: deception, pretending to be on our side, starting from where people are today, creating a rapport with their audience, working within the mainstream, etc.
In stark contrast, the Far Right is hopelessly disorganized. It has been marginalized within the mainstream Right and completely exorcised from the mainstream Left. Many White Nationalists have immersed themselves in a fantasy world in cyberspace and have completely given up on working within the system.
As a result they are powerless.
It is hardly any wonder than that conservatives haven’t conserved much. The pressure upon conservatives comes exclusively from their Left. The Far Left has invaded and captured control of the conservative movement.
That says more about the Far Right than anything else. Why were we incapable of doing that?
10.) I pointed out to ATBOTL above that the Civil Rights Movement ran out of gas in the early 1990s after the Republicans recaptured control of Congress. Were it not for Republican opposition in Congress on issues like immigration, we would certainly be much worse off than we are today.
11.) Well, look at the DREAM Act. It was the conservative grassroots who stopped it this time and in every Congress since 2001. OTOH, White Nationalists haven’t done anything at all about immigration. They have ceded the issue to NumbersUSA and other aracial groups.
12.) That’s why it makes sense for losers to study winners. For forty years now, the Left has been the winner. Why is that?
Maybe it has something to do with the neocons hijacking the conservative movement. Maybe it has something to do with the internet acting as a sink for White Nationalist energy. Maybe it has to do with the refusal of White Nationalists to grasp something as simple as the necessity of communicating with people in terms of their own experience.
Hmm. Maybe it has something to do with MLK twisting the Founding Fathers to justify “social equality” as the fulfillment of the Declaration of Independence. Maybe it has something to do with all the money and organization of our enemies and all the institutions which they hijacked and now control.
13.) What’s your alternative to working within the system? Oh wait … that’s right. It is posting anonymous comments on the internet, venting your frustrations, doing nothing in reality to reverse our decline.
I will take the system.
It is amazing that literally every other social group in American society from blacks to Jews to Mormons to homosexuals accepts the necessity of starting with reality and working within the system. It is no coincidence either that every single one of those groups has more power than we do.
I also sent faxes to my representatives. I already knew which way Sessions and Shelby would vote though. That was an effective use of my time.
There are hundreds of thousands of White Nationalists. It pains to me think that so much of that latent energy is wasted. It could be put to such better use.
Although I have lost count, I too have sent faxes to all U.S. congressmen during the amnesty battles (especially the second term of Bush II). I contributed to Numbers USA and the Minutemen. I even sent a decent amount to the Minutemen group that was actually building a fence (during Bush II), and I could go on but you probably get the idea. So that was me before, and I am still sympathetic to those groups and issues.
During the last election I voted for Chuck Baldwin (i.e., the Constitution Party), and after that I have stopped contributing to anything that would be considered mainstream. Why would I do that? Why would I ‘throw away my vote’, etc., etc.?
Because I knew with high probability that the country was in the process of folding economically and Barry would likely speed that process up (he is a socialist/Marxist for Christ sakes, seems to hate Whitey, etc.); but I even didn’t think that he would do what he has done in such a short period of time. How about my reason for not following the Saul Alinsky game book exactly? With all due respect Hunter: “It’s the economy stupid.” Effective unemployment is already near Great Depression levels (according to Shadow Stats it’s now in the low 20s), etc., etc. We are no longer operating under the preferred Jewish operating environment/playbook (i.e., strong economy where you can “spread the wealth”). Look around Mr. Wallace, what do you see, what do you hear? What you see is a shadow of a country, economically at least. Why is that? Well you have the demographic part of the equation right (i.e., part of this is the importation of third worlders), but you seem to grossly underweight the importance of the economy (and specifically real jobs and income). If you assume for a moment that the economy is closer to collapse that growth, then I don’t see the value of applying something like “Rules for Radicals”. No, I wouldn’t want to be a ‘community organizer’ in a Detroit, Chicago, etc. during the next decade. For example, as the crime rate begins to spike next year packing heat in such areas will not really be an option.
In short, not incorporating the likely effects of the current and future economy in your strategy and tactics is not just foolish but effective insanity. For example, did Lenin have a chance taking over Russia before it collapsed? Did Hitler in Germany before the Weimar Collapse, how about Mao in China, …? History is the best guide now Mr. Wallace. Historically extreme economic events typically result in extreme politics not mealy mouthed ones. So I actually find your cutting loose WNs at this time rather odd. History shows that now, not five years ago for example, is the right time to push the WN agenda; and that is why I for one will be pushing a more extreme politics going forward into the teeth of this economic depression and leaving behind working more in the mainstream. Why would I do that? Because it’s all about the economy and timing, and for me now is the logical time to put the pedal to the metal. Sure, we must engage our neighbors, friends, acquaintances, etc. in as forthright and honest a manner as possible, but the immediate future is not for the timid and you can thank decades of insane immigration policies and economic policies. Five, ten, twenty years ago was the time for the Barry Soetoro type ‘community organizers’, now we need real WNs. It’s time for a third party, it’s time for taking a stand, it’s time honesty, … No, the time for evolution is fading fast, the future smells much messier than the perverted musings of some Jewish fellow that hates non-Jewish white people.
Have a nice day, and enjoy the ‘economic recovery’,
Bonus Gift
If I have to choose a label, I’m a White Nationalist. I’d love to see a White Ethnostate. The reality is, there is no government, or potential government, significant opposition party or revolutionary movement anywhere in the world that would permit us to establish so much as a White ethno-condominium. This is outrageous, but it’s reality.
Hunter says that WN web sites are just an escape valve to let off steam and divert energy from more effective action. Unfortunately, he is largely correct. I took my nom de plume from the title of Damon Knight’s dystopian novel “The Analogue Men” (also published as “Hell’s Pavement”). In the book, a psychologist invents a technique for controlling dangerous psychopaths. They are given an analogue, which is basically an induced hallucination that acts as a conscience. Every time the patient thinks of doing something that is prohibited (raping a child etc), he sees his analogue, which takes a form tailored for him – his mother, a cop, a feared school teacher, anybody that he fears enough to submit to. When the inventor learns that the government plans to use his technique on the general population, he is alarmed and tries to enlist the help of a reporter to warn the populace. The reporter sets his mind at rest with promises to print the story. Then it turns out that the reporter is not real, he’s an analogue…
So I wondered. Have we got a real movement here, or just the analogue of a movement? We know Hunter’s answer to that.
I think he’s right, and he’s wrong. Yes, we need action in the real world. Yes, we have to work with reality as we find it. Joe of the Mountain, Denise and others are right about using whatever organizations already exist. A former writer on this blog, who appears to have become an unperson, made the same points, and even proposed trying to subvert the Mormon church, which is perhaps a bigger mouthful than we can chew. I think the Club Jacksonian idea is excellent, but combine it with community projects. Paint a widow’s house, help a family move, clean up a single woman’s yard, establish a presence in the community.
However, somebody has to give direction to all these efforts. Keep your eyes on the ball. If we don’t know where we want to go, how can we move the debate in that direction? A random flurry of defensive reactions to liberal assaults like immigration, affirmative action and so on can only delay the collapse. We need discussion and agreement on broad principles and strategies. That’s why I’m disappointed in the direction this blog has taken in the last few months.
Finally, I apologize for the long post, but I want to quote a comment that was posted by a reader on The Occidental Quarterly in June. This is a real-world program that we can learn from:
I read sometime ago the “History of Legionary Movement” of Horia Sima. Beyond the grandeur of the style due to the epoch and people many things are amazingly similar.
Anyway, the most important conclusions:
– the necessity to entirely reject the old parties, no matter how brilliant or honest or even heroic some leaders of them might be, because at some moments they might be (and in Romania they were) manipulated by the Establishment – or the Occult Forces as they were calling the traitorous elite; that there is no chance to convert an old politician into a new better one; no chance to change anything as a member of any party – only to get corrupted or bitter yourself
– the necessity of an alternative socioeconomic reality; Corneliu Zelea Codreanu insisted on small enterprises like “legionaries’ deli stores”, “legionaries’ restaurants”, “legionaries’ hardware shops” and so on – the small profit to be reinvested 100%; everything ruled under “The Three Principles”
1. We don’t sell poor quality products here!
2. We sell only the best quality Romanian products!
3. The legionaries are selling only at the right price!
– in order to get money for the elections of 1937 Codreanu launched the “Scrap metal Operation”; he asked help for this from everybody even a child to collect any piece of scrap metal and donate it
– but the most inspiring is the notion of “legionaries construction sites”; even it was about helping poor communities by building a bridge, a levee, a school, a church or even small things as helping somebody really poor (like an widow woman – there were many as Romania lost almost 1 million people in the first world slaughter) to repair his home; these sites were excellent occasions for political education.
Codreanu was stressing the point that “let your deeds to speak for you”. Of course they had a good number of newspapers and magazines. If one was closed another one was ready to go.
Internet or 3D? One or the other?
It’s both, folks.
I would not have known ANYTHING about the deliberate genocide against me Race had I not spent YEARS reading on the Net. Zip. Nada. I don’t know if my local library has a WN section. Kinda doubt it. The most imortant people in my Real World life were met in the Net. So the Internet is critical.
The Tea Partiers, and Numbers USA itself would not be so very effective were it not for the Net. So don’t be hatin’ on the Net mah Bruthas!
However- tonight, and this weekend, and other times – my over-worked little keyboard will have merciful rest. I’ll be IN 3D.
We need to find ways to
Do you guys have ANY idea how difficult is is for ME to not just spout off, and start giving the Victory Salute, and singing Duetscheland Uber Allies, at GOP events?
God. I’d love to do that…..it appeals to my demented sense of humour, and rebellious nature. I LOVE Spooking the Horses.
But I don’t. I don’t.
I met that afore-mentioned Best Friend Forever, at a GOP event. Reaching out to the Public. Her hubby was a cop, in Philadelphia, under Frank Rizzo. I lived in Philadelphia, during the tail end of the Rizzo Era, and after, when the local Citizenry used to call his radio show, and call him “Hizzoner”. Rizzoe was LOVED. He was especially loved by the Police. Hated by Blacks. Cause he never ever ever fell for their CRAP. Rizzo was crooked. But he was smart, canny, tough, and EXTREMELY effective. He inspired life-long devotion, and loyalty. He knew how to get things done, on the ground. Boy did he EVER.
So – who among us knows how to do this?
Now – my beloved, once Beautiful City, Philadelphia, is run by Blacks. Every sort of refuse crawls over the cobblestones laid out by my ancestors. It hurts my heart to even visit, anymore.
The City has fallen so hard……..as has our Nation. Philadelphia is all but abandoned to the savage Dark Hordes.
I want my City back. I want my beautiful, beautiful city, laid out by the brilliant, elegant, visionary, and exemplary Englishman William Penn BACK.
How do I do this?
I do this by meeting people, and talking to people, and looking a retired Philly cop in the eye, the first time we meet, and tell him he’s so lucky to have served under Rizzo. That I know Rizzo had “issues, shall we say” – but he was a great man. I see thsi crusty big guy’s steely eyes melt, for a second, as he remembers.
FYI – this big old retired cop? He’s gotta be in his early 70’s. He’s HUGE. He’s still really fit. He loks like he is more than capable of inflicting lots of damage, if it comes to that. The event, where we met? He’s still a cop. He’ll always be a cop. His eyes never kept scanning the crowd. He is ever vigilant. Do I think getting some-one like this, on our side, is a definite asset – even though he’s OLD?
I sure as Hell do.
God only knows who he knows. God only knows what he knows. God only knows what he can teach me. He has kids, and grandkids. I know this couple loves their kids – and their grandkids.
The wife already knows that “we aren’t having kids”.
Hmmm….I made an aside about this, as we were watching a lovely little blue-eyes toddler toddle by – we two clucked over this little girl’s complete cuteness – and this woman, whim I had just met – she knew exactly what I meant. She didn’t even say, “What do you mean? Who is we?”
So it’s both. We MUST take our Internet knowledge, and apply in 3D world. We must build personal networks, affiliations, and loyalties…..
That is how it’s done.
Hunter is right. I am WN. I don’t care if he trashes White Nationalism. The critcism is completely valid. We must act in the REAL world. Stop being sensitive little babies.
And for those of you that are too Aspbergery to condescend to walk among the Scruffy, non-Elite Boorish Masses At State Fairs, and Funderaisers And Tea Party meetings – stop trashing Hunter. Stop being nay-sayers. Research your arcana. I appreciate Deep Knowledge. But stop carping over those who want to apply that Knowledge to actually SAVING THE VOLK – instead of merely chronicalling our demise from Existence.
Bonus Gift,
The U.S. economy started to collapse in late 2007. By early 2008, it was in free fall. In early 2009, Barack Obama was sworn into office as President of the United States.
White Nationalists operate on the assumption that economic downturns work to their advantage. Historically speaking, this prediction never seems to pan out.
In the Great Depression, the Communists and Socialists ballooned in strength, whereas the Second Klan collapsed in that period. FDR was elected President four times and Jews became more influential in the American government than ever before.
Under Bush, the collapse of the economy worked to the advantage of Democrats, who rode the wave of economic anxiety into the White House and into stronger majorities in Congress.
Two years after the American economy collapsed, White Nationalists websites are marginally more popular, but nothing in the way of an organized resistance emerged in the real world.
There is an important lesson to learn from this: without the means to exploit opportunities, they come and go. When the economy collapsed, it worked to the advantage of the Left. When Whites got disgusted with Obama, it worked to the advantage of Dick Armey and the Tea Party.
If the American economy experienced a Mad Max style collapse tomorrow, it would just lead to some other group like the Tea Party taking power. White Nationalists don’t have the means or organization to compete with them.
They don’t have the means or organization because most of them will reject Saul Alinsky’s advice of organizing their communities. The Left has taken that advice to heart and controls territory all across America.
Saul Alinsky teaches us how to organize our communities, establish our legitimacy, build a mass power base, and lead the masses in a more radical direction. In the event of a serious economic collapse, we would invariably be in a far stronger position if we followed his advice.
The alternative is doing what we were doing here before which is certainly more popular. That involves entertaining people by telling them what they want to hear.
It sounds pleasing to the ears to hear a Two Minute Hate against the Jews, but if that Two Minute Hate effectively accomplishes nothing, what is the point? If I was the Jews, I would certainly rather have my opposition venting on the internet than building and organizing against me in the real world.
1.) There is a video on our YouTube channel of the Tax Day Tea Party on April 15.
2.) It would have been a complete and utter waste of my time to travel to Knoxville to attend the NSM “Stand in the South” rally. The only thing that event successfully accomplished was portraying White Nationalists as Neo-Nazis.
3.) The Far Left penetrated and hijacked the conservative movement using Alinsky tactics. The Far Right spent the 1980s robbing banks. It is hardly any surprise that anti-racism sunk deep roots into mainstream conservatism.
4.) I believe in moving the goal posts. If we can’t win on illegal immigration, we don’t have a shot at taking on legal immigration. I’m supporting winners like NumbersUSA which take on both, not people who blow off steam on the internet and do nothing to reverse our decline.
5.) The composition of the Senate on immigration reform has changed dramatically since 2006. It will be much improved in 2011.
6.) Michael Steele is highly unpopular with the conservative grassroots. He will inevitably be purged sooner or later.
7.) You consider parading around Knoxville in Nazi uniforms to be “boots on the ground.” Obviously, you are more interested in acting out your own fantasies than changing minds and reversing our decline.
If the GOP could free itself from Jews, then we might be on to something.
Mr Wallace-
2.) You cited NumbersUSA above and the grassroots rebellion that thwarted amnesty several times. I notice you have done this without giving credit to the people who blocked amnesty or drawing any insights from the manner in which they accomplished their goal.
I gave credit where credit was due- to that grassroots rebellion that coerced and threatened recalcitrant republican fops who, before that grassroots rebellion, were quite energetic in their efforts to grant de facto citizenship to illegal invaders.
What, i should thank the governing elite for making me fax, email, and phone them Plus I gotta hit the streets to demonstrate against the amnesties too? All that just to get these ‘working within the system’ punks to do what they’re paid to do?
…3.) The composition of the U.S. Senate on “comprehensive immigration reform” has changed dramatically since the highwater mark for amnesty in 2006. It will change even more dramatically in the incoming Senate. This is yet another example of making the perfect the enemy of the good.
Last amnesty was in 07.
You hope it will change Mr. Wallace. Anything in that Republican pledge to America about the 14th amendment, deportations, workplace raids, crackdowns on employers, sb1070 or stopping the various catch and release programs? Anything besides gaining operational control, which they assured us would happen in 06 but, inexplicably never did? Anything in that bit of electioneering tripe dramatically different from what we’ve heard the past 6 years Mr. Wallace?
…4.) Much of the border fence was constructed. It wasn’t completed because Obama was elected president in 2008 and Democrats took control of Congress in 2006. If memory serves, this was the result that White Nationalists advocated at the time.
The secure fence act was passed in 06. Whatever is built was built after the dems took over. It wasn’t completed because our political elites don’t want to curb the flow of illegal immigrants into the country. Is this unclear to you sir?
As the grassroots forced the punks to stop the amnesties, so the grassroots forced them to build whatever exists of the fence. And by the by Mr. Wallace, the legislation calls for some 700 miles of fence. Anyone whom you’ve pinned your hopes and dreams on mentioning the fact that there are nearly 2,000 miles of land border with mexico and perhaps the fence should take those miles into account?
…5.) The only reason Janet Napolitano is now in charge of the Department of Homeland Security is because Barack Obama won in 2008. Most White Nationalists supported Obama over McCain.
Things were better with chertoff and bush?
…It is hardly any wonder than that conservatives haven’t conserved much. The pressure upon conservatives comes exclusively from their Left. The Far Left has invaded and captured control of the conservative movement.
Conservatives haven’t conserved much (other than their own financial and political interests) because they’re punks Mr. Wallace. They have never missed an opportunity to fold under that pressure exerted by the left. Never. They can’t and won’t fight. The left wipes its collective ass on the heads of conservatives and conservatives, adhering to their universal commitment to being polite, squeak “please sir may I have another?” They’re battered wives. No more, no less.
…13.) What’s your alternative to working within the system? Oh wait … that’s right. It is posting anonymous comments on the internet, venting your frustrations, doing nothing in reality to reverse our decline.
Anonymous? Tatosian’s my name. Google it sometime kid.
As for what do I do, well, I started demonstrating against illegal immigration in 05. in 06 I got escorted out of elvira arellano’s sanctuary while videoing her claptrap because some meskins recognized me. I went there alone Mr. Wallace. What’d you and yours do? And unlike august kreis, I stood against Islam’s creeping sharia and Hizbut Tahrir too. I went to 2 Jan schakowski town hall meetings. The first to express my displeasure with her stand on immigration and the second to oppose obamacare.
I get around Mr. Wallace. What’s stopping you and yours from doin the same?
Guys like me be in the streets for years because nothing happens until it happens in the streets. Meanwhile you wait around till a predominantly white tea party gives you the courage to put your faith in republicans and conservatives who have to be forced into doing the right thing. And what was it you were doing all that time Mr. Wallace? Writing blog posts?
But I’m the one who’s “doing nothing in reality to reverse our decline”?
By all means take the system Mr. Wallace. You’re a natural.
They don’t truly wish to live in this piece of shit country anyhow.
Colleen Garvin of the DSS / CPS works to cover up child sexual abuse within the Western, MA area. She is a social worker who assisted one of her colleagues in covering up his own sex abuse scandal when this social worker supervisor raped a teen held in DSS custody. The teen he raped was then white washed by this cunt and inevitably injected with the HIV and then killed so as to shut her up.
Colleen Garvin lives in the South Hadley area and works out of the Northampton offices of the DSS. Upon assisting her colleague with the cover up, this pig was promoted within the organization. “Good girl! Now, more money and fun for you – rapist pig!”
Be aware of it.
This is the the sort of very common happening they’d be contending if or when they do. Douche bags. All the way around.
You know the whole universe of White Nationalism doesn’t revolve around one rally in Knoxville. Watching a video of something is quite different from being there. Have you been to any White Nationalist rallies in all your years of crusading for White rights? Why the need to censor people’s viewpoints on here? I see comments being posted that I agree with and then the next minute they vanish. An exchange of ideas is much better than trying to force your own opinion on everyone.
Yer a joke
Mr Wallace-
“I notice you have done this without giving credit to the people who blocked amnesty or drawing any insights from the manner in which they accomplished their goal.”
I gave credit where credit was due- to that grassroots rebellion that coerced and threatened recalcitrant republican fops who, before that grassroots rebellion, were quite energetic in their efforts to grant de facto citizenship to illegal invaders.
What, i should thank the governing elite for making me fax, email, and phone them Plus I gotta hit the streets to demonstrate against the amnesties too? All that just to get these ‘working within the system’ punks to do what they’re paid to do?
… The composition of the U.S. Senate on “comprehensive immigration reform” has changed dramatically…It will change even more dramatically in the incoming Senate.
You hope it will change Mr. Wallace. Anything in that Republican pledge to America about the 14th amendment, deportations, workplace raids, crackdowns on employers, sb1070 or stopping the various catch and release programs? Anything besides gaining operational control, which they assured us would happen in 06 but, inexplicably never did? Anything in that bit of electioneering tripe dramatically different from what we’ve heard the past 6 years Mr. Wallace?
…Much of the border fence was constructed. It wasn’t completed because Obama was elected president in 2008 and Democrats took control of Congress in 2006.
The secure fence act was passed in 06. Whatever is built was built after the dems took over. It wasn’t completed because our political elites don’t want to curb the flow of illegal immigrants into the country. Is this unclear to you sir?
As the grassroots forced the punks to stop the amnesties, so the grassroots forced them to build whatever exists of the fence. And by the by Mr. Wallace, the legislation calls for some 700 miles of fence. Anyone whom you’ve pinned your hopes and dreams on mentioning the fact that there are nearly 2,000 miles of land border with mexico and perhaps the fence should take those miles into account?
…The only reason Janet Napolitano is now in charge of the Department of Homeland Security is because Barack Obama won in 2008.
Things were better with chertoff and bush?
…It is hardly any wonder than that conservatives haven’t conserved much. The pressure upon conservatives comes exclusively from their Left. The Far Left has invaded and captured control of the conservative movement.
Conservatives haven’t conserved much (other than their own financial and political interests) because they’re punks Mr. Wallace. They have never missed an opportunity to fold under that pressure exerted by the left. Never. They can’t and won’t fight. The left wipes its collective ass on the heads of conservatives and conservatives, adhering to their universal commitment to being polite, squeak “please sir may I have another?” They’re battered wives. No more, no less.
…What’s your alternative…Oh wait … that’s right. It is posting anonymous comments on the internet, venting your frustrations, doing nothing in reality to reverse our decline.
Anonymous? Tatosian’s my name. Google it sometime kid.
As for what do I do, well, I started demonstrating against illegal immigration in 05. in 06 I got escorted out of elvira arellano’s sanctuary while videoing her claptrap because some meskins recognized me. I went there alone Mr. Wallace. What’d you and yours do? And unlike august kreis, I stood against Islam’s creeping sharia and Hizbut Tahrir too. I went to 2 Jan schakowski town hall meetings. The first to express my displeasure with her stand on immigration and the second to oppose obamacare.
I get around Mr. Wallace. What’s stopping you and yours from doin the same?
Guys like me been in the streets for years because nothing happens until it happens in the streets. Meanwhile you wait around till a predominantly white tea party gives you the courage to put your faith in republicans and conservatives who have to be forced into doing the right thing. And what was it you were doing all that time Mr. Wallace? Writing blog posts?
But I’m the one who’s “doing nothing in reality to reverse our decline”?
The rally in Knoxville was unremarkable. It was like every other NSM rally I have written about in the archives.
I went to a CofCC rally in Columbia in June. The video is on our YouTube channel. That rally was properly organized.
1.) The grassroots rebellion that stopped amnesty was effective because it channeled anger against “comprehensive immigration reform” into pressure on the Senate.
Ultimately, there is no reason why White Nationalists couldn’t be similarly effective. A fax or a phone call only takes a few minutes. A minority of White Nationalists have been doing this, but insufficient attention has been paid to their success.
2.) The GOP always had two faces on immigration. Senators like McCain, Graham, Specter, and Snowe have a track record of voting against our interests on immigration. They were the ones who supported the Bush amnesty.
OTOH, Senators like Jeff Sessions and Jim DeMint fought tooth and nail to stop the Bush amnesty. They receive high marks from NumbersUSA. There will be more of them in the incoming Senate.
The Democrats have controlled Congress for the last four years.
3.) That isn’t true. The fence was built under Bush when Homeland Security was still under Republican control. Bush certainly didn’t want to build the fence, but the conservative base forced him to do it.
What’s your alternative? Homeland Security under Janet Napolitano? The Senate under Harry Reid? The House under Nancy Pelosi? How did that work out for us?
4.) Yes. Bush retreated on immigration. Much of the border fence was built. That is one of the major reasons the number of illegal aliens entering America declined under Obama.
5.) Granted, conservatives haven’t conserved much, but they have certainly done more reverse our decline than White Nationalists, who haven’t done anything at all.
6.) White Nationalists don’t even exist in the real world. How could they fold under pressure?
7.) Jeffrey Imm protests the Islamic group you mentioned.
Could White Nationalists win without being open about our real goals during the first stages of our ascent to power?
It’s not impossible. We’d have to get an immigration moratorium, or so close to it that the trickle of non-white immigrants was insignificant. In a story on the coming non-white majority I found this admission:
Under a purely theoretical “zero immigration” scenario in which the U.S. effectively does not take in any immigrants, whites would remain the majority in 2050, making up a solid 58 percent of the U.S. population. In such a case, the share of Hispanics would increase to 21 percent because of high fertility rates and a younger population.
58% White isn’t great, but it’s better than a minority, and for reasons I won’t elaborate on the US system of two senators per state, regardless of population, favors Whites.
At the same time we’re pushing an immigration moratorium we’d have to awaken the majority of Whites to their interests. The goal should be to make voting as racially polarized in most states as it is in Mississippi. This is the Sailer Strategy.
The GOP establishment would try to block this strategy and any pro-white policies we or implicit pro-whites tried to establish but the Tea Party is showing that the GOP establishment can be defeated, and in very short order.
A renewed Republican party that was staunchly opposed to immigration would reinforce the implicit whiteness of the party and help racially polarize the electorate. So each part of this strategy reinforces the others.
The movement would have to be ever on guard against opportunists and subversives trying to hijack it and turn it into a universalist libertarian or neocon front. By making immigration a litmus test issue and paying close attention to every immigration vote the fakes can be exposed and thrown out.
It’s a start.
Your’s is a point of view where real itenlglience shines through.