The Bigot Whisperers

Phil Rockstroh on Red America.

New York City, NY

From his lofty perch in New York City, the “poet” and “philosopher bard” Phil Rockstroh has written an attack on the White working class of Alabama, whose rage he claims is misdirected by the paranoid perception that their sense of identity is under attack.

Rockstroh claims to have grown up in Birmingham. His father was employed as a “freelance photojournalist” during the Civil Rights Movement. The elder Rockstroh would come home with his “mind reeling” from the “brutality” of the “white underclass.”

There is hardly a leftwing cliché that isn’t found in this terrible article.

The “bigot whisperers” of the Far Right are stirring up the paranoid authoritarian white trash yokels (i.e., James Howard Kunstler’s “Cornpone Nazis”) with scaremongering about blacks and homosexuals. It is all an astroturf conspiracy to enrich Corporate America and The Man. Americans have the right to attack anyone but the powerful corporations that control the government and the mass media.

The ignorant, angry White masses behind the Tea Party are faux populists. Their possession of firearms wards off “their unfocused sense of dread” and “mitigates” the “unease inherent in feeling helplessly unmoored” as they travel along the “soul-devoid US interstate.” Ordinary people aren’t logical enough “to navigate the novel landscape” that one is cast into “when one’s sacred beliefs are challenged.”

Blue America vs. Red America

I’m hard pressed to find a more distilled version of Blue America’s contempt and hostility toward Red America. It is a striking illustration of the gaping cultural divide that now exists between the White majority and America’s cosmopolitan ruling class.

Phil Rockstroh has never lived among ordinary White people and fails to understand their ways. He is exactly the type of rootless, alienated, cosmopolitan intellectual that the Tea Party despises and is desperately trying to dislodge from the seats of cultural power in America.

I can easily picture this bohemian urbane aesthete strolling around New York City, wandering aimlessly with his head in the clouds, imagining himself as being on the side of “the workers,” while simultaneously looking down his nose at the moral inferiority of all the “bigots” who surround him. It is unlikely he has worked a real job a day in his life.

White Americans have every reason to believe their culture and sense of identity is under attack:

– Under multiculturalism, Whites alone are denied a positive sense of racial identity. Instead, they are educated by the public schools and mass media to feel a collective sense of racial shame.

– Whites really are being physically displaced in the United States. The U.S. federal government deliberately neglects the Mexican border. Powerful special interest groups really are tirelessly working around the clock to reduce Whites to a demographic minority.

– Blues have relentlessly attacked and undermined the White nuclear family with feminism, gay marriage, gay adoption, abortion, birth control, youth rebellion, expressive individualism, sex education, consumerism, no fault divorce, atheism, and repeal of the anti-miscegenation laws. Every conceivable avenue of attack on the White family has been pursued.

– There really are powerful organized interest groups led by the ACLU dedicated to eradicating Christianity in the public sphere. Christmas has been replaced with “Happy Holidays.” The Ten Commandments have been hauled out of the Alabama Supreme Court.

– Economically, Whites are under attack through free trade policies, wealth redistribution to minorities, and an exploding national debt that will inevitably result in long term tax increases.

– Whites really are physically under attack in the major cities by black criminals. The home security industry, White flight, and the expansion of prisons have only mitigated the problem. Interracial violent crime statistics are utterly lopsided.

– Hollywood really does portray White America in a negative light in its movies. Political correctness is enforced in academia and the corporate world.

– Whites have experienced five decades of racial discrimination through affirmative action.

– There really are plenty of Blues who would like nothing better than to gut the Constitution so they can legally take guns away and establish hate speech laws. This is already the norm in much of the West today.

In America, only the strength of the organized gun rights opposition and constitutional obstacles have prevented this scenario from unfolding.

Phil Rockstroh’s article is dripping with hostility toward Red America. Whites see these attacks and logically respond to them by circling the wagons and adopting a defensive posture, not because they are “dupes” of corporations.

Blues like Phil Rockstroh really do want to “fundamentally transform” America. The Reds who have swarmed into the Tea Party movement really do want to preserve their cultural heritage and dislike these proposed changes. Hence, all the talk of “taking our country back.”

The Alien

It will come as no surprise to White Nationalists that Phil Rockstroh claims partial Jewish ancestry. I’m bringing this up because it is clearly relevant to his cultural criticism of Red America.

In “A Zionist’s State of Mind,” Rockstroh writes:

“To this day, within me, there are traits of cultural Judaism that have not been washed away in the deluge of shame I experience when confronted by the actions of the state of Israel and the casuistry of her apologists. Deep in my genetic structure, I carry tribal memories of Diaspora and its concomitant feelings of alienation from majoritarian culture. Most often, I still apprehend human existence from the perspective of an alien and interloper, believing my survival is dependent upon knowing where I stand in hostile terrain. By rote, I play the role of the outsider, wary and savvy in my dealings with a hostile gentile world.”

That explains a lot.

At the same time, Phil Rockstroh is equally alienated from Israel and traditional Judaism, not unlike the legions of other destructive Jewish cultural critics that Kevin MacDonald has documented over the years. This sense of double alienation – from Red America and one’s own ethnic roots – is strongly associated with the Blue sense of identity.

Eric Kaufmann has called cosmopolitanism a “surrogate ethnic identity” that hatched out of Reform Judaism and radical Protestantism. That seems to fit what we are seeing here.

It would explain the hostility of Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow to Red America. These Gentiles clearly belong to the same tribe as Phil Rockstroh. They don’t have anything in common with the Whites in the Heartland either.

The Aliens Within

At the same time, I can’t help but reflect on the similarities between Phil Rockstroh and some White Nationalists that I know. I’m referring to their radical rhetoric, their sense of alienation from ordinary people, their arrogant contempt for the ideas of their social inferiors, their effete aesthetic sensibilities, their intellectual navel gazing, and other lifestyle preferences.

I can easily imagine Phil Rockstroh and some White Nationalists finding a lot of common ground: their common hatred of Christianity, American conservatives, patriotism, neo-liberal capitalism, the boorish rednecks in Middle America, and so on. If they could only get past the ideological divide and anti-Semitism, their shared counterculture mores should allow them to get along famously, whether it involves walking the dog or chatting at the local bookstore in San Francisco.

I’ve never really thought of the White Nationalist movement as being divided between “Reds” and “Blues” before. Yet I am starting to think such a division exists. It exists within the conservative movement. Logically, it should exist within our own ranks.

If you take some conservatives and White Nationalists aside, giving them night off from ideology, their cultural, ethnic, and regional similarities will allow to find a lot of common ground. At the same time, White Nationalists and progressives are divided over race and Jews, but share the same perspective on lots of other issues.

I wonder how these divisions will play out in the years ahead.

In the context of a triumphant implicit whiteness, I imagine some White Nationalists and conservatives could find points of convergence, say, on issues like multiculturalism and immigration, while the alienated White Nationalist counterculture would remain in radical opposition to cooperation and dialogue, a trend that can already be seen today.

We can either build bridges or burn them. The next few years should decide which faction gains the upper hand.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Cosmopolitanism as a surrogate ethnic identity. Makes sense. It calls to mind Paul Fussell’s book, “Class”, in which he describes a group he calls the X class. According to Fussell, they’re not really a class, they’re beyond those vulgar status competitions of the wealthy and working classes. They’re too smart and discerning to be taken in by fashion or marketing. It is, of course, his own social class, the class of professors, the intellectual elites, and his own students at the University of Pennsylvania. I honestly could not tell if he were blind to his own class’s bigotry or was mocking it. The book ought be available through your local library.

  2. Most Jews aren’t as candid as Phil Rockstroh: he believes Diaspora Jews, especially the irreligious/humanist ones, have a genetic and cultural predisposition of alienation and hostility toward White Gentiles. He can feel it deep down in his bones.

    Funny. That’s probably the most deeply held belief of every anti-Semite I have ever known. It is the fundamental reason they want to expel Jews from America and discount any hope of reconciliation.

    A useful find, I think.

  3. Hunter, who was the comic genius who dreamed up this posting, was it you or was it John at at FTP? I want to give proper credit where credits is due. I almost laughed myself right out of my perch of privilege and power … You guys are on to me. Would you do me a favor and keep this under your hoods? Please don’t ruin my cushy gig.

  4. There is nothing you said in your rant against Corporate America that Frank Rich (NY Times) and E.J. Dionne (Wash Post) haven’t said over the past three weeks.

    It sure is funny how attacks on Big Business (like the Koch “expose”) seem to regularly emanate from the Op-Ed pages of America’s leading newspapers. After reading your article, I was under the impression that no one was allowed to “speak out” against the status quo.

    No, it is clearly Big Jew that is beyond the pale of respectable discourse in the United States. We were reminded of this just a few days ago when Rick Sanchez was fired at CNN. That incident brought to mind how Jimmy Carter groveled on his knees for Israel’s forgiveness not to long ago.

  5. Hunter, the exact quote was: “US citizens have the right to say almost anything that is on their minds, as long as it has little to no effect on the status quo. If there was ever a mass movement that effectively challenged the nation’s massive class inequity and threatened to rein in the excesses of the National Security State, it would be shut down faster than an open air, live sex show in the middle of Temple Square in Salt Lake City.”

    The NY Times is not a threat to the status quo; they are the very voice of it. Affluent liberals have no more desire to change the present order than do the Koch Brothers e.g., when Obama came into office he replaced Bush’s Treasury sec., Henry Paulson (from … where? Goldman Saks) with Timothy Giethner (from where? Goldman Saks).

    BTW: My father, when he wasn’t doing photojournalism, worked in a scrap metal yard … I’ve lived around working class white people all my live … I’m even 1/4 Scot Irish (My father was adopted off an Indian res. in the mid-west and has so called mixed blood). Sorry, but now, you can only make 3/4ths of a straw man out of my ethnic background.

    But I don’t want to throw off the tempo of your comic inspiration too badly with mere facts … I’m enjoying your riffs too much. I feel as I’m having the privilege of peering into an alternative universe where such annoyances as facts do not exist but laughs bloom like hot house flowers. It is surely a type of genius. I’m in awe.

  6. Amazingly, this is how I’ve felt since that awkward moment in an undergraduate political science class when I realized my classmates not only did not see things my way – they did not even understand my way of thinking.

    If we are to look to our own Diaspora, let it begin with the Pilgrim Fathers who hired Mayflower at their own expense to carry them to a new life in the New World, leaving all else behind. While a storm carried them far off course, after a much delayed launch, they persevered in their travails reckoning their death and suffering superior to life as a slave.

    “To this day, within me, there are traits of cultural Judaism that have not been washed away in the deluge of shame I experience when confronted by the actions of the state of Israel and the casuistry of her apologists. Deep in my genetic structure, I carry tribal memories of Diaspora and its concomitant feelings of alienation from majoritarian culture. Most often, I still apprehend human existence from the perspective of an alien and interloper, believing my survival is dependent upon knowing where I stand in hostile terrain. By rote, I play the role of the outsider, wary and savvy in my dealings with a hostile gentile world.”

  7. “I’m hard pressed to find a more distilled version of Blue America’s contempt and hostility toward Red America.”

    Oh I don’t know. How about, “JUST AS WAS PROPHESIED –
    BREAKING TEABAGGER NEWS: Govmint Stoled Newborn Baby”

    Bony-armed Phil would weep in a puddle if faced with the justified rage of true Red State America. The Capitol of our Empire has Gubmint emboldened lackeys whose heartlessness disallows them from even the simple white decency of humility. In short, they are shameless. This means the lash will need to be offered, rather than stern words.


  8. Discard,
    Fusel was still teaching when I was a grad student at Penn (and recently released another book of a similar vein).

    I read “Class” in the 1980s and found it both illuminating and condescending at the same time infuriating. However, after I got past his sneering, my judgment was that it was equal part analysis and mocking send-up of rootless Americans.

    Penn faculty and students ought to know: they are neither Harvard, Yale nor Princeton. Philadelphia is not Columbia’s New York City. There are more Jews per capita in University City than perhaps Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. Yet they cannot bring themselves, in all their sense of diaspora, to divorce their self-conceptualization from the University’s founder, Benjamin Franklin, the New England Puritan that ran away from his native Massachusetts to strike out on his own in cosmopolitan and wealthy Philadelphia.

    Per Hunter’s own thesis, Puritans and Quakers had much in common, although they hated each other enough to inflict bloodshed. The Jews of Penn seem to instinctively attach to even tangentially kindred spirits and find a home for themselves at the former “Publick Academy of Philadelphia” for the children of the city’s poor.

  9. You notice how the Jew always responds in a sarcastic or mocking way?

    Rockstroh, you’re confusing Jewish Saks Fifth Avenue with Jewish Goldman Sachs.

    “US citizens have the right to say almost anything that is on their minds, as long as it has little to no effect on the status quo. If there was ever a mass movement that effectively challenged the nation’s massive class inequity and threatened to rein in the excesses of the National Security State, it would be shut down faster than an open air, live sex show in the middle of Temple Square in Salt Lake City.”

    Jews are big believers in free speech (wink, wink). Since you’re on the subject, I don’t think a live sex show would go over big with the Hasids in Crown Heights either! Always attacking white Christians. Typical Jew.

  10. Jews should not be thought of as “intellectuals” they for the most part are not, but to think of them as the “Rabbinate.”

    Intellectuals deal with fact like 2+3=4, the Rabbinate deal with the abstract chaos just beyond our intellectual reach.

    If you put jews in this perspective then they are of some use, but if you like most people conceive of them as intellectuals then you will live a lifetime of useless frustration with them.

    Personally I would like to know why our new buddy Phil preaches the genocide of white nations and white nations only. I said “genocide” and I mean genocide.

  11. – Blues have relentlessly attacked and undermined the White nuclear family with feminism, gay marriage, gay adoption, abortion, birth control, youth rebellion, expressive individualism, sex education, consumerism, no fault divorce, atheism, and repeal of the anti-miscegenation laws. Every conceivable avenue of attack on the White family has been pursued.

    – There really are powerful organized interest groups led by the ACLU dedicated to eradicating Christianity in the public sphere. Christmas has been replaced with “Happy Holidays.” The Ten Commandments have been hauled out of the Alabama Supreme Court.

    Golly gee! It looks like I might be a Blue:

    – I don’t care about homosexuals or gay marriage. I only oppose adoption.
    – I am firmly planted in the corner of pro-choice.
    – I definitely believe that birth control makes more sense than the puritanical Chastity Belt Solution.
    – I believe that sex education is a more realistic path to take than pretending like it will go away if you ignore it.
    – I abhor religious institutions. Most especially those that wish to intertwine their simpleton brain droppings with government institutions.
    – I would put more stock in child rearing through Dr. Seuss than I would The Ten Commandments.
    – I sure as hell don’t see no-fault divorce as being an attack on family.
    – I don’t get all tingly inside when I talk about bringing back “The good ole days.” I do, however, look forward to progress and the evolution of mind…forward being the key.
    – I would legalize marijuana in a New York minute.
    – I am highly receptive to socialist ideas(even though I’m no Socialist).

    Ya know, I wouldn’t worry too much about the ten commandments in Alabama. You have more pressing issues. You have thousands of horny and bored White housewives who can’t go and buy a good dildo because of the religious zealots. I guess it’s kind of a trade off — you take their dildos, they take your bible and use constitutional laws to stick it up your arse. Quite the ironic comedy when one bitches about undermining a foundation and taking something from another.

  12. That story posted above by FWM about the man who had his child taken away due to his involvement with the politically incorrect anti-government group, the Oathkeepers, was interesting. According to a document on the Oathkeeper’s Web site, Richard Cohen the President and CEO of the SPLC is advising the US Department of Homeland Security. I didn’t know that.

  13. Phil,

    If you ever visited Reddit, you would see that attacks on “corporations” are completely mainstream and ubiquitous on the Left. It is simply not true that Corporate America is beyond the pale of criticism. The Obama administration is beating the drum against the Chamber of Commerce right now.

    Personally, I don’t care all that much for the Chamber of Commerce or Business Roundtable, who have pushed harder than almost anyone in America for “comprehensive immigration reform.” If you took off your ideological blinders, you would see that grassroots conservatives and Corporate America are at odds on a number of issues.

  14. It should also be noted that I did not say your ethnic background is the cause of your political beliefs. There is just clearly some connection. You have admitted this yourself.

    Rather, I have argued that you belong to a “surrogate ethnicity” of cosmopolitanism which includes a number of radical Gentiles like Keith Olbermann, Ed Schultz, and Rachel Maddow. At the core of this social identity is alienation and estrangement from White America.

  15. Celestial Time,

    1.) I oppose gay marriage and gay adoption. I’m strongly in favor of traditional marriage. Unfortunately, I don’t see much hope for traditional marriage in the present cultural context when every White girl is raised by television to be a harlot.

    2.) Generally, I am against abortion. I’ve been rereading Death of The West in recent days. The collapse of the Western birthrate was clearly tied to the legalization of abortion and the spread of birth control.

    I say “generally” opposed because I am not a fundamentalist on the issue. In some cases, I do not oppose abortion. If a negro criminal were to rape a white woman and impregnate her, I would not oppose abortion in that case. I wouldn’t oppose abortion in the case of serious birth defects either.

    3.) Birth control has promoted degeneracy and sexual promiscuity. It has undermined taboos and discouraged family formation.

    4.) I don’t want government bureaucrats teaching my children about sex. This is especially true of those who are exposed to perverse theories in social sciences.

    5.) As an atheist, I used to have an axe to grind against Christianity. In recent years, I have become more concerned about drug abuse and sexual promiscuity, which has wrecked the lives of more than a few women that I know. I’ve found myself at times wishing Calvinism upon them.

    6.) The Ten Commandments are good advice.

    7.) I think the 1950s were a better time for White America. Over 95% of Whites were married. Families were more stable. Children weren’t raised in anything like the broken homes that exist today.

    8.) Legalizing marijuana will only further encourage vicious behavior.

    9.) I used to be far more supportive of socialism than I am today. What convinced me to turn against socialism was the impact it has had on family formation.

    When the government will take care of you in old age, you lose an incentive to have children. Women lose an incentive to marry. Generous social welfare programs are connected to the decline of the Western birthrate.

  16. Well I’ll play devil’s advocate because I’m not a conservative by nature, it’s just that I hate liberalism and also can’t stand the presence of all these annoying, low IQ black and latinos.

    1.) I oppose gay marriage and gay adoption. I’m strongly in favor of traditional marriage. Unfortunately, I don’t see much hope for traditional marriage in the present cultural context when every White girl is raised by television to be a harlot.

    Gay marriage is silly, sort of like the pretend facade of a marriage that Frank n’ Furter had to Rocky in Rocky Horror, but if giving them gay marriage would mean they’d stop voting for the far left I’d let them have it. However when it hits the fan my current attitude is “The gays all voted for Obama, fuck them!”
    As far as adoption, if there are legions of unwanted older kids around in need of foster homes and the gays are relatively stable it’s better than nothing. However, I don’t see the need to let a gay have an infant that lots of white couple should get preference for.

    2.) Generally, I am against abortion. I’ve been rereading Death of The West in recent days. The collapse of the Western birthrate was clearly tied to the legalization of abortion and the spread of birth control.

    I say “generally” opposed because I am not a fundamentalist on the issue. In some cases, I do not oppose abortion. If a negro criminal were to rape a white woman and impregnate her, I would not oppose abortion in that case. I wouldn’t oppose abortion in the case of serious birth defects either.

    Sure white women have had lots of abortions since Roe vs. Wade, but Black and Hispanics have had even more. Some hobbyist WN’s seem to imagine that smart white women are the ones having all the abortions, but I was “gifted” with a black ghetto roomate in college (probably deliberately) and was shocked to hear the gossip amongst them about all the abortions the “Sistahz” in his peer group were having. The groups who disproportionately have the most out of wedlock babies are also the ones who disproportionately have the most abortions. High IQ white girls just don’t get pregnant period, partly because they are competent and foresighted enough to use birth control effectively, and also because they are all uptight, anxious, and don’t put out as much.

    3.) Birth control has promoted degeneracy and sexual promiscuity. It has undermined taboos and discouraged family formation.

    I think it is normal for young adults to be sexual throughout the ages, what’s different now is that they no longer get married at young ages. Whether that is a good or bad thing is up to debate, but it just is and to expect them to be celibate is unrealistic. What we actually need is a return to the corner brothel where guys can get their rocks off with the bad girls. Letting women vote resulted in getting local authorities who no longer “look the other way” at red light vices the way male authorities do in most male dominated societies. That might reduce the number of amateur harlots who’ve seen to many Brittany Spears videos getting knocked up and gifting Daddy and Mommy with a bastard they have to raise in their retirement years.

    4.) I don’t want government bureaucrats teaching my children about sex. This is especially true of those who are exposed to perverse theories in social sciences.

    True for the most part, kids already know all about sex by third grade when the classmate with the older brother tells all he’s learned about the birds and the bees. However, I did learn technical information about birth control in the one hour “sex ed” class we had in high school health class.

    5.) As an atheist, I used to have an axe to grind against Christianity. In recent years, I have become more concerned about drug abuse and sexual promiscuity, which has wrecked the lives of more than a few women that I know. I’ve found myself at times wishing Calvinism upon them.

    I agree that playing the Atheist card doesn’t Play in Peoria, however I think anyone who seriously believes in Christianity in this day of age is a loon. My folks were very religious and sent me to Catholic School, however I NEVER BELIEVED, even at age nine I never bought that story. Seems to be for the same gullible whites who let Jews sell them the Brooklyn Bridge. I feel even more contempt for those who suddenly “see through” Christianity to convert to Paganism? as if “Thor” or “Asatru” or whatever is more plausible? Please tell me these clowns are just play acting and don’t really believe this stuff? No I think the high IQ elite should know the truth that God is Dead and there is no supernatural world.

    6.) The Ten Commandments are good advice.

    Maybe, but to me it just rings too much of polyester wearing hicks who believe in fairytales.

    7.) I think the 1950s were a better time for White America. Over 95% of Whites were married. Families were more stable. Children weren’t raised in anything like the broken homes that exist today.

    True, as long as there is a place for the outsider types to go live a life of booze, whores, and jazz unmolested by Jesus freaks.

    8.) Legalizing marijuana will only further encourage vicious behavior.

    I don’t know about vicious behavior, but laziness Yes.

    9.) I used to be far more supportive of socialism than I am today. What convinced me to turn against socialism was the impact it has had on family formation.

    When the government will take care of you in old age, you lose an incentive to have children. Women lose an incentive to marry. Generous social welfare programs are connected to the decline of the Western birthrate.

    That’s all true, but the fact of the matter is I hate children and don’t enjoy being around them. I’d rather be at a sophisticated party where adult beverages are served than Chuck E Cheese. Nor do I want anything other than a purely sexual relationship with a woman. Their whiny pleas to get you to pay their bills, or buy them junk, or their childish views on the world just annoy me. Maybe we need to do like the Bene Tliexleux in Dune and grow babies in a lab, that way we can keep the population up and selectively breed out the defective.

  17. From Phil: “A fresh, lurid bloom of comic hothouse flowers … Thank you all so much for this bouquet of hilarity. I’m really enjoying this.”

    This is boilerplate from the anti-white left. It is ubiquitous–to be found on nearly every Internet message board where right and left skirmish. To translate it into something resembling English would result in the following:

    “I have no counterpoint, though I am loath to admit it. So to cover, I will offer a crude, irrelevant splash of sarcasm which I hope will sound witty rather than desperate. P.S. I hate you.”

  18. There’s no need to bother reading Rockstroh’s screed against red state/white America. Typically if you’ve read one Jewish liberal’s rant against tea parties and the white backlash against Obama you’ve read them all. Ironically, I guessed he was Jewish or part Jewish just by seeing his picture before Hunter spilled the beans about his ethnicity.

    Rockstroh’s revelation of his visceral hostility towards the white majority vindicates the worldview of the so called extreme wing of white nationalism which holds that most Jews will always act as a treacherous fifth column in white gentile nations. It should also serve as a lesson to right wing Christian types who believe that anti-Zionist Jews are good and much like the residents of Ft. Dodge, Iowa while Zionist Jews are baaaad.

  19. “At the same time, White Nationalists and progressives are divided over race and Jews, but share the same perspective on lots of other issues.”

    These shared similarities can be traced back decades ago to the Progressive Movement.

    Progressive-ism was not always Left-wing.

    Woodrow Wilson was a strict segregationist. Today however he is lauded by (left-wing) Progressives for founding the League of Nations and breaking the US out of isolationism. (left-wing) Progressives today completely ignore the racialism of Wilson and instead when debating the role of foreign policy will ironically focus on the racial views of isolationist Pat Buchanan to make isolationism seem ‘evil’.

    Only two Presidents have ever been College Professors, Wilson… and Obama!!

    Another example is Margaret Sanger. She was a hard-core progressive, feminist, and birth control and abortion rights advocate… but also (to the horror of Left Wing Progressives who try to keep it a secret) she advocated Eugenics and even using forms of Birth Control to eventually exterminate the Black Race. (Note this is even more hard-core then Adolf Hitler who has never been documented to have to have advocated or ordered the holo-hoax. Recall David Irvings famous challenge…)

    Yes many White Nationalists share similarities with Progressives on views like Segregation, Eugenics, and Birth Control and this rich history is something to be celebrated as Higher Aryan Man marches over the remains of Blacks in chains and untermensch fetuses on the high way to a New Order.

  20. Nightowl:

    Maybe, but to me it just rings too much of polyester wearing hicks who believe in fairytales.

    Hey, nothing wrong with polyester or hicks, or even leisure suits for that matter. Imagine the NSM or KKK dropping their outdated ensemble and marching in fresh new leisure suits….. how could anyone say no to that?

  21. They closed the comments out on Phil’s little screed as soon as the comments went from suckup to truth. Speaking of which, the article reeks bull.

  22. Some time ago I suggested to Alex Cockburn at Counterpunch that we take the best of the originalist right – anti-statism + closed border nationalism – and combine it with the best of the left – anti-corporate capitalism + anti-Zionist imperialism. He thought this a good idea but unworkable, because “the left is too cowardly”. Via this Rockstroh whatsit, I now understand what he meant.

  23. The Southern whites had common sense and his cosmo father probably just wanted to wreck their world for the hell of it.

  24. Phil has little beady eyes. I bet they were full of hate while he was posting on this site. He had a “most enjoyable time,” my ass.

  25. I can see Phil cant take to heart the reality of the hyperethnic tribes evolutionary group strategy and how he fits like a round peg into the round hole. He is more at home with the boehmian than the red neck. I like how he tries to associate how his father worked in scarp yard when he wasnt doing photo journalism. I would like to find a single jew who is a laborer, a gardner, a plumber, or a mechanic.
    Phil falls firmly into the file of behind the enemies gates for me. He has contempt for the goy and has a historica grudge to ” Never Forget”. While we cant just rid ourselves of this we can know them and “Not Forget” , just why we also have have our historical reactions to the tribe.

  26. We all have to fess up here, nothing is more frightening than a Jew filled with brawn. Jeezus Joanne, a Jew filled with brawn is about as commonplace as a Jew filled with critical thinking.

    So long Phil, come back any time!

  27. What really amuses me is that little sad beatnik/hippie/whatever morons like that generally fail to understand one thing: when the revolution comes, they’re no longer needed.

    In the countries (e.g. Russia, Eastern Europe, China) where they have worked for “the brave new world”, they are among the first to be executed once the Party is in power. The marxist-leninist comrades of proven worth, the hardliners, don’t want anti-social rabble like that around.

    The same thing will happen if the White world collapses. The Browns are not all stupid and there will be enough Brown leaders that the Tribe in general, and little slimy pinkos in particular, will meet a swift end. “What?! You’re smarter and more productive than I am?! That’s opression! You have kinky hair and all, but you’re a White devil, just like all the rest!”.

  28. Erik – That’s the logical error most white left-wingers don’t understand. If someone hates all white people, making them racist of course, they aren’t going to start liking some white person whom constantly bashes their own race to appear more multi-cultural. They’ll at most see them as useful, disposable idiots as you’ve touched upon earlier.

  29. I speak in support of Phil Rockstruh. I oppose bigotry, hatred of the “Other” and the philosophy expressed by those I believe to be uneducated losers in the modern society which should espouse opportunity for all. That was the promise of this country and white nationalist philosophy seeks to destroy the ideals of human justice, equality and dignity. I also was raised and now live in the American South and enjoy the good and hate the narrow-mindedness of those one step away from wearing sheets and burning crosses. I will stand against you.

  30. The Phil Jew is an self-deluding as every other Jew. He speaks aobut “alienation” – well – of course he hates the Goyim – they always have. His Triber, however, control the West – so he bloody well knows that whatever nonsense he spews is irrelevant. He’ll always have a cushy gig, as long as the Self Chosen are in control.

    Now Manning sounds like a well-fed Mommy’s boy twat, wot NEVER spent any real time around the Darling Darkies. Where are you now, Stevie? I’d like to take you on tour of Elizabeth, NJ, this weekend, so you can commune with the Swarthy Other, to your heart’s content …..go and tell the Bruthas all abou your opposition to bigotry, and such. I’m sure they’ll be thrilled…

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