
Nearly half of Barack Obama's former supporters have abandoned him.

Clinton Country

Hopium, the drug which Barack Obama used to raise wild millenarian expectations among White voters during his presidential campaign, especially in the American Heartland, seems to be in short supply these days.

A new Bloomberg poll released today has found that nearly half of Barack Obama’s former supporters, more than 4 out of 10 voters who once supported him, now say they are either less supportive or no longer support him at all.

In previous threads, I have tracked the abandonment of Barack Obama by Jacksonian Democrats and the White working class, which is leading up to a Midwestern Meltdown in November. In states like West Virginia, Kentucky, and Arkansas, the Clinton Coalition has collapsed.

Republicans like John Raese are swiftly moving into the vacuum. Lately, Bill Clinton has been hitting the campaign trail, attempting to use what’s left of his former prestige to shore up the Bubba vote in the Heartland, although the latest polls show this damage control effort isn’t having much success.

Year of the Angry White Woman

The 2010 election cycle will go down in history as “The Year of the Angry White Woman” or “Revenge of the Hillary Voters.” 6 out of 10 of Barack Obama’s alienated former supporters are women. 53% of the disaffected are Independents. Democrats are privately sweating about their erosion of support among these key demographics.

Few analysts dare to point out the obvious: the collapse of Barack Obama’s popularity and the impending wipeout of the Democratic Congress is wholly attributable to a convulsion going on within the White electorate.

The people who are abandoning Obama are the Obamacons who voted for him only to “feel good” about supporting a black candidate, the alienated and economically distressed White working class, the angry and neglected White women who voted for Hillary, the cynical White youth who supported him on campus because he “seemed cool,” the Jacksonian Democrats in the South who have been steadily leaving the Democratic Party for decades, and the White Independents in the suburbs who are distressed about his fiscal policies.

The White Center has tipped into the Republican column. The “professional Left” is mad with Obama, but they aren’t going anywhere. Blacks and Hispanics are just as supportive of Obama as ever. Gays aren’t going anywhere. The White Democrats are the ones who are sitting out the election or crossing over to vote for the Republicans.

The Divorce

Danger and opportunity tend to run together.

The implosion of Barack Obama is opening the door for Hillary Clinton, whose popularity has surged to a record 64%, or another White Democrat from the South or Midwest to challenge Obama in the 2012 Democratic presidential primary. Such a White Democrat could conceivably run on a platform of appealing to the alienated White Center that Bill Clinton rode to victory in the 1990s.

The obvious problem with this scenario is that any White candidate who challenges Barack Obama for the nomination will face the wrath of his black supporters. This tension was already apparent in the 2008 presidential primary when Bill and Hillary Clinton were accused of “racism” after Clinton’s comeback victory in New Hampshire. It subsided only because Obama won the nomination and was able to unite his party around hatred of George W. Bush.

If Obama decides to run again in 2012, this will postpone any threatening move back toward the White Center until 2016. It is not a far fetched scenario to imagine the Tea Party fizzling out after capturing power and failing to change Washington. The Republicans could also potentially sell out their own supporters and demoralize their base again.

Obama lost his magic within six months of sitting in the White House. He is unlikely to recapture it, but his failure to live up to high expectations is a warning to his potential successors, particularly Sarah Palin.

The greatest threat to the eventual coalescing of the White vote is a Jim Webb-style Democratic candidate who could potentially stop or reverse the racial polarization that is changing White voting patterns. This is what Bill Clinton was able to accomplish in the 1990s. Hillary has the potential to do it in 2012.

A George W. Bush-style Republican president could also demoralize Whites by pandering to non-White minorities to the point where another Barack Obama is able slip into the White House. Given the success that Republicans are having with disaffected White voters, this scenario is more unlikely.

In the short term, I predict the rift between White and non-White Democrats will continue to grow. I don’t see this changing before 2016. Obama will be forced to pander harder to his black supporters. This will force more Whites out of the Democratic Party.

The divorce isn’t yet official but the sentiment is reflected in the polls.


This much is clear: Barack Obama’s electoral path to victory in 2012 will have to follow a different route from the one he took in 2008. It is highly unlikely, more like impossible, that White voters will recover their former starstruck enthusiasm for his candidacy now that he will be forced to run on his track record, which the polls show as a huge disappointment with the White electorate.

If Republicans can reverse their losses in the South and West and capitalize on their historic opportunity with White voters in the Midwest, it is difficult to see how Barack Obama can win reelection at all. He has a negative approval rating even behind the so-called “Democratic firewall” in Northeastern states like Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Maine.

A Democratic President who can’t win Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Connecticut (because of his negatives with White voters) isn’t about to win Indiana, Virginia, and North Carolina again. At this point, Barack Obama’s future depends entirely on whether the Republicans are willing and capable of retaining and expanding their appeal to disaffected White voters, who are giving the GOP a second look only because of their disgust with Democrats

The loss of the Republican majority in 2006 and 2008, not to mention the ongoing purge of the GOP establishment and the creation of alternative institutions like the Tea Party, is clear warning that Whites refuse to be taken for granted. If George W. Bush and Karl Rove ride again, the GOP will find itself in the trash pile of history along with other defunct political parties like the Whigs.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The obvious problem with this scenario is that any White candidate who challenges Barack Obama for the nomination will face the wrath of his black supporters. This tension was already apparent in the 2008 presidential primary when Bill and Hillary Clinton were accused of “racism” after Clinton’s comeback victory in New Hampshire.

    That’s something with which to troll dedicated liberals who are switching to a different candidate. Point out their racism and immorality. They’re the very last to care if the accusation is true. They only care if it sticks. So, stick it to ’em.

  2. Obama lost his magic within six months of sitting in the White House. He is unlikely to recapture it, but his failure to live up to high expectations is a warning to his potential successors, particularly Sarah Palin.

    Please. Ron Paul is the only potential successor at this point to challenge Obama. You think this George Bush in a skirt is going to capture the far right vote or the young White voters with her wars, wars, wars speeches wearing her pentagram jewelry, menorah broach and foreign flag pin?

  3. Ron Paul isn’t nearly as popular as Sarah Palin. If anything is true, Ron Paul has moved further toward the libertarian fringe since the 2008 election. He isn’t as popular as he was a few years ago.

    Rand Paul is on the verge of winning his Senate campaign. He is more mainstream and can appeal to the so-called “Red State Fascists” who would never vote for Ron Paul.

  4. That’s an odd thing for someone to say who claims to have voted for Ron Paul in the primaries. Ron Paul is even more popular than during the election and his son is taking heat for spewing pro-zionist garbage out of his mouth. Ron Paul is the favorite of the majority of White Nationalists and I find it peculiar that this is one of the few sites that don’t endorse him. Then again looking at the articles on here it looks like standard GOP boilerplate. Do us a favor and drop the appeal to White Nationalism on this site. It’s not fooling anyone. Go Ron Paul!!!!!!!!

  5. Who cares if Republicans win?

    When they won in 1994 they didn’t do anything to stop diversity or affirmative action. There is no reason to believe they will do these things this time.

    “There isn’t a dimes worth of difference between democrats and republicans” — George Wallace

    If there is no George Wallace around to support then it is probably best to just close up shop, follow Thomas W. Chittums survivalist advice in Civil War 2 and wait out ‘The Decline of the West’. ‘Will the last White please turn out the light?’

  6. I agree with Rupert. Their will be no change with the right wing in power. The right wing in this country already had their chances and demonstrated that they hate white people too. What you are seeing is the last gasp of democracy. When the whites realize that neither party or third parties will help them, they will have to take matters into their own hands. I just can’t believe the whites still believe in elections, decade after decade of not getting anything they want. I hate to say it, but a lot of white people are really stupid. They have to see the bottom of the abyss, before they form a decent thought in their heads.

  7. I did vote for Ron Paul in the primaries.

    If the 2008 election demonstrated anything, it was that Ron Paul doesn’t have a broad enough appeal to win the Republican nomination. He also threw away numerous opportunities to campaign on winning issues like immigration in favor of his quixotic crusade to “End the Fed.”

    What are you doing supporting Ron Paul anyway? Ron Paul is a Republican. If all Republicans are bad, why are you beating the Paul drum?

    Ron Paul isn’t a White Nationalist either. There are Republicans in the Senate and House who are better than Ron Paul on immigration. Many of whom you have been attacking.

  8. I do.

    There have always been Republicans who are strong on issues like immigration, multiculturalism, and affirmative action. If Tom Tancredo became Governor of Colorado, that would certainly make a difference. If Jim DeMint was Senate Majority Leader, that would be a huge improvement over Harry Reid.

    Like the Tea Party, I have decided to back Republican candidates who are reliable votes on my issues, and vote against incumbents who have been a disappointment. That makes a lot more sense that sitting on the sidelines doing nothing or letting openly hostile politicians set national policy.

    What’s the alternative to working within the mainstream?

    Electing Barack Obama in the name of the juvenille “worse is better” theory. That got us Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan on the Supreme Court. It didn’t have the slightest effect on the White Nationalist movement either.

  9. When the whites realize that neither party or third parties will help them, they will have to take matters into their own hands.

    That’s highly unlikely.

    It is much more likely that Whites will tire of the two party shell game. They will concentrate in one of the two major parties, hijack that party, and reform it into a political vehicle for advancing their interests. That’s what we are seeing today.

    I just can’t believe the whites still believe in elections, decade after decade of not getting anything they want.

    This is largely due to the failure of the White Nationalist movement. If White Nationalists had been able to organize a political base like Hitler did in Germany, democracy would have been overthrown in America a long time ago.

    I hate to say it, but a lot of white people are really stupid. They have to see the bottom of the abyss, before they form a decent thought in their heads.

    White people aren’t stupid.

    They look at the White Nationalist movement and see hopelessly dysfunctional organizations that don’t pose a credible threat to the status quo. They draw the logical conclusion: these people can’t do anything for me, so I should work within the system, where I can at least get some of what I want.

  10. Most White people don’t want to vote for a White candidate because he or she is White, or makes explicit appeals to Whiteness. To blame the White Nationalist movement for failures in electoral politics doesn’t make a lot of sense . They have never fielded a candidates or organized to influence elections. The Tea Part strategy is interesting because it is based on implicit, not explicit, whiteness. That has a much greater appeal in the real world, as Hunter continues to point out.

    How many Whites have deprogrammed themselves from the 40 years of liberal indoctrination that they have suffered through. Very few. Explicit whites, White Nationalists, have never even been 1/10th of 1% of the electorate. That’s way to small to have any effect, other than introducing ideas.

    WN’s who want to effect politics would do well to look at how the Libertarians work. While they are tiny minority, who win no races, the GOP still adopts many (but not all) of their positions. Why? Think tanks, articulate “ready to deploy” talking points, money, activists who will do real work — all contribute to letting them punch above their weight class.

    WN’s need to learn to do this to have impact, and be realistic about winning elections. That simply isn’t goign to happen at this point, or at any point in the foreseeable future.

  11. Jackson,

    I think there is a lot White Nationalists could have done. The movement recruited thousands of converts in the 1990s and 2000s. They reached a lot of new people with the internet.

    The failure of the White Nationalist movement was never converting people to radical ideas on the internet. They were quite successful at that. It was doing something with those people once they had been converted. Giving them a practical outlet for their energies that was effective in changing the political spectrum.

    The focus was entirely on ideas and rhetoric and converting new people. The result of this was that wave after wave of new people were converted … only to drop out a few years later after concluding that seemingly nothing could be done to alter our situation.

    Another major problem was the “spoiling” factor. White Nationalists would take people out of the mainstream and addict them to a radical rhetoric untethered to any form of action.

    The result of that was that many people who once might have voted, donated, organized, or influenced their peers in their reality lost interest in interacting with moderates, dropped out of society, and immersed themselves in a fantasy world on the internet.

    Alternatively, more time could have been spent on the practical side of the equation, figuring out ways to use our resources effectively, organizing moderates around uncontroversial issues and establishing ourselves as leaders in our communities.

  12. It doesn’t matter what any politician does. The courts are stacked against them. The enemy has already figured out how to subvert the political process a long time ago. Nothing short of violence will stop them now. Either police, military or militia.

    Voting means nothing. All politicians talk a good game and then do whatever their masters tell them. The Tea Party candidates are a joke.

    “What’s the alternative to working within the mainstream?”

    Good question. Probably nothing. Better to do nothing than let the system make a fool of you by putting any kind of faith in it. Prepare for worst case scenario. Wait until the system has failed, one or two years in my opinion. Natural leaders will arise.

    “Electing Barack Obama in the name of the juvenille “worse is better” theory. That got us Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan on the Supreme Court. It didn’t have the slightest effect on the White Nationalist movement either.”

    True, but Obama is a blessing in disguise. A gift that cannot fail to keep on giving. Actually, it’s the best thing that happened to the “White nationalist movement.” Many white nationalists will not join silly groups, lead by freaks, where they can been herded into a pen. It will be covert, rather than overt, and it will not speak its name. Much harder to infiltrate and destroy. People learned from the Nazis.

    “It is much more likely that Whites will tire of the two party shell game. They will concentrate in one of the two major parties, hijack that party, and reform it into a political vehicle for advancing their interests. That’s what we are seeing today.”

    The only people that still believe in voting are the baby boomers and their parents. But again, even if we accept that whites could be represented by the political system, how much more anger will be generated by an unresponsive court system? Time is running short and everyone knows it.

    “This is largely due to the failure of the White Nationalist movement. If White Nationalists had been able to organize a political base like Hitler did in Germany, democracy would have been overthrown in America a long time ago.”

    The White nationalists failed because they have too many wolves in sheep’s clothing. Also, white people have always hated other white people, which is rarely discussed. Only the barbarians at the gate scare them together.

    “White people aren’t stupid.

    They look at the White Nationalist movement and see hopelessly dysfunctional organizations that don’t pose a credible threat to the status quo. They draw the logical conclusion: these people can’t do anything for me, so I should work within the system, where I can at least get some of what I want.”

    We can argue over the definition of stupid. But how long will people participate in a system that is obviously actively trying to destroy them? Seems like the smarter ones bowed out and stopped participating in the mainstream a long time ago. Things will take their course.

  13. On an abstract political calculus, HW has it pretty well laid out. When the economy crumples, though, all this stuff goes out the window. Violent racial polarization will occur; states will nullify and secede; cities and countryside will be at war; and everybody, I mean everybody, will be out to get the Jews. Elemental chaos, out of which will arise a New Leader and a New Order.

  14. It doesn’t matter what any politician does. The courts are stacked against them.

    The Supreme Court will likely uphold Arizona’s SB 1070. What politicians do clearly does matter. This can be seen in the more than 100,000 illegal aliens who have fled Arizona since 2007.

    The enemy has already figured out how to subvert the political process a long time ago.

    The enemy hasn’t done anything that can’t be undone. If White Nationalists were smarter and imitated their methods, we would be having more success. Instead, we drop out of the system, immerse ourselves in a fantasy world on the internet, and otherwise ignore ordinary people who don’t share our views.

    The result: irrelevancy.

    Nothing short of violence will stop them now. Either police, military or militia.

    The last thing America needs is another Oklahoma City bombing or some lunatic assassinating Obama and turning him into a deified martyr like MLK.

    It is much better for us that Obama was given a chance to succeed and has been allowed to fail. If MLK had only lived another decade or two, he would have eventually discredited himself as well.

    Voting means nothing. All politicians talk a good game and then do whatever their masters tell them.

    This is a prescription for irrelevancy. Blacks certainly don’t think that. Neither do Jews or Hispanics. They participate in the political process and have real power and influence.

    The Tea Party candidates are a joke.

    The Tea Party has already succeeded in pulling the political spectrum in their direction. And they haven’t even won yet.

    Good question. Probably nothing. Better to do nothing than let the system make a fool of you by putting any kind of faith in it.

    It’s not better to sit out, let our enemies lord over us, and enjoy the power of being able to determine the fate of our race. It is much better to work within the system to incrementally reverse our decline.

    Blacks are less than 14% of the American population and they were able to do this. They overcame slavery and Jim Crow. It’s truly embarrassing that we can’t seem to tackle much smaller obstacles.

    Prepare for worst case scenario. Wait until the system has failed, one or two years in my opinion. Natural leaders will arise.

    Two years ago, White Nationalists were saying the system was about to collapse. They have been saying that for decades. In the 1960s, the Far Left was saying the same thing, and the system didn’t collapse on them either.

    True, but Obama is a blessing in disguise. A gift that cannot fail to keep on giving. Actually, it’s the best thing that happened to the “White nationalist movement.” Many white nationalists will not join silly groups, lead by freaks, where they can been herded into a pen. It will be covert, rather than overt, and it will not speak its name. Much harder to infiltrate and destroy. People learned from the Nazis.

    The only “blessing” that I can see is that White Nationalist websites are marginally more popular than they were a few years ago. Which effectively means that a mulatto communist in the White House hasn’t produced anymore interest in the White Nationalist movement than the number of people who tune in on any given night to watch Katie Couric.

    The only people that still believe in voting are the baby boomers and their parents. But again, even if we accept that whites could be represented by the political system, how much more anger will be generated by an unresponsive court system? Time is running short and everyone knows it.

    I haven’t seen any indication that Gen X’ers or Millennials have abandoned the political process. They vote like other groups.

    The White nationalists failed because they have too many wolves in sheep’s clothing. Also, white people have always hated other white people, which is rarely discussed. Only the barbarians at the gate scare them together.

    They failed in large part because they agree with you and don’t even show up at the polls to participate. As a consequence, they are powerless and become a safe target for any aspiring politician to attack.

    We can argue over the definition of stupid. But how long will people participate in a system that is obviously actively trying to destroy them? Seems like the smarter ones bowed out and stopped participating in the mainstream a long time ago. Things will take their course.

    The system itself isn’t the problem. America was a pro-White country for centuries … with the system that we have now. A coalition of small minority groups has hijacked the system. If the White majority was ever inclined to do so, it could shatter their political power.

  15. Your response stinks of Jewism. You voted for him but now you’ve changed your mind even though he hasn’t changed his positions one bit and he is against illegal immigration. Quixotic crusade to “End the Fed”? You don’t think this is an important issue and one that is definitely doable with the right person in office? Sarah Palin is not a White Nationalist either but I know why your tooting your horn for her and so does anyone else with any understanding.

  16. Hunter;

    “The Supreme Court will likely uphold Arizona’s SB 1070”

    !!?? Huh? , and how in Heaven’s name did you arrive at that conclusion? Major portions of SB1070 were already struck down by Federal District Court judge Susan Bolton. This piece of legislation is already so hobbled by virtue of having been watered down that it is simply symbolic at this point. It will NOT be enforced and we all know it. So Jan Brewer has filed an appeal with the 9th Circuit (Circus as expressed by Rush Limbaugh, and appropriate) Court of Appeals. We all know what a laugh that gesture is. Sorry Hunter, but Joe is right: “The enemy has already figured out how to subvert the political process a long time ago.” Yes, 1070 will eventually make it to the Supreme Court where the presence of Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor will have its intended effect. This is the key problem; the judicial branch of the government now enforces unpopular (with whites) marxist inspired ideology in spite of any effort the pols might make to right the system again. Unelected judges and lifetime appointments to the S.C. of neocon lackeys cannot be undone “through the system”. These changes are permanent. This is one reason why your statement that “The enemy hasn’t done anything that can’t be undone” is erroneous.
    Another reason is that attempts by whites to “change the system” from within have been constant for at least the last 50 years. Whites haven’t been slack about voting in elections, it is simply that elections have always offered a choice between two equally compromised candidates (in the presidential elections, for example) who, as we all know are “bought and paid for” or “vetted” in the genteel terminology of PC speak, before even being allowed to appear on a ballot. There has been a lot of system re-engineering by the left since the start of the last century which encompasses not only government but the education system as well and which serves to demoralize, disenfranchise and emotionally hobble whites from the time they enter school until adulthood. All this cannot be undone “through the system”. I am one (and I am sure that there are many like me) who believe that any positive change for whites will have to involve a new govenment altogether.
    You dismiss Joe’s statement that “Nothing short of violence will stop them now. Either police, military or militia” by referencing the act of a lone (possibly mentally ill) malcontent. When “working within the system” becomes futile then the only alternatives may be the organized physical sort, as opposed to the “rhetoric in cyber space” that you so often denounce.

  17. On one hand alienation and on the other we hear that the “worse is better” is juvenile. Okay. We are insurgents and a Kagan in the hen house equals more insurgents.

  18. Your response stinks of Jewism. You voted for him but now you’ve changed your mind even though he hasn’t changed his positions one bit and he is against illegal immigration.

    Ron Paul has caved further to the libertarian grassroots. He learned absolutely nothing from the 2008 presidential campaign. Last time around he couldn’t win a single primary.

    Quixotic crusade to “End the Fed”? You don’t think this is an important issue and one that is definitely doable with the right person in office?

    No real White Nationalist believes “End the Fed” is near as important as immigration. The fact is, Ron Paul has never been a strong, outspoken critic of our immigration policies like Tom Tancredo. He prefers to focus on other issues.

    Sarah Palin is not a White Nationalist either but I know why your tooting your horn for her and so does anyone else with any understanding.

    If Sarah Palin was President, I think she could be persuaded to build the border fence, crackdown on illegals, and sign whatever good legislation that comes out of Congress on the issue. I also think it would be a huge improvement to have Jim DeMint as Senate Majority Leader.

  19. From what I’ve been reading, Tweedle-Dee is in for a serious ass-kicking this time ’round. Tweedle-Dum should be thrilled.

    I once read that volatility is a sure sign of and impending crash or bear market. Maybe the same’s true of politics? Let’s hope so.

  20. !!?? Huh? , and how in Heaven’s name did you arrive at that conclusion? Major portions of SB1070 were already struck down by Federal District Court judge Susan Bolton. This piece of legislation is already so hobbled by virtue of having been watered down that it is simply symbolic at this point.

    Everyone expected Bolton and the 9th Circus in San Francisco to rule against Governor Brewer. Likewise, the Supreme Court is expected to take the case and uphold the law. It has a conservative majority thanks to the “worthless conservatives” who chose to work within the system.

    will NOT be enforced and we all know it. So Jan Brewer has filed an appeal with the 9th Circuit (Circus as expressed by Rush Limbaugh, and appropriate) Court of Appeals. We all know what a laugh that gesture is.

    I’m fairly sure the 9th Circus will uphold the lower court decision. It will then be kicked ed up to the Supreme Court where Chief Justice Roberts will rule in favor of Arizona. That will open the floodgates to ever other state like Utah and Mississippi chomping at the bit to pass similar legislation.

    s, 1070 will eventually make it to the Supreme Court where the presence of Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor will have its intended effect.

    Fortunately, Kagan and Sotomayor are still in the minority. If Barack Obama wins another term though, he will likely appoint the next swing vote on the SCOTUS.

    lected judges and lifetime appointments to the S.C. of neocon lackeys cannot be undone “through the system”. These changes are permanent.

    The Roberts court has reversed all kinds of decisions and precedents that liberals take for granted. With two more justices, the SCOTUS would swing radically in our favor.

    Another reason is that attempts by whites to “change the system” from within have been constant for at least the last 50 years. Whites haven’t been slack about voting in elections, it is simply that elections have always offered a choice between two equally compromised candidates (in the presidential elections, for example) who, as we all know are “bought and paid for” or “vetted” in the genteel terminology of PC speak, before even being allowed to appear on a ballot.

    There is a good explanation for this: the conservative vote, or “Red America,” has always been split between the two parties, and “Blues” have always controlled the Republican Party by virtue of their fundraising dominance.

    There has been a lot of system re-engineering by the left since the start of the last century which encompasses not only government but the education system as well and which serves to demoralize, disenfranchise and emotionally hobble whites from the time they enter school until adulthood.

    Instead of rejecting the system, which is what rhetorical radicals like the beatniks and hippies used to advocate, leftists infiltrated the system and reformed it to their their tastes.

    All this cannot be undone “through the system”. I am one (and I am sure that there are many like me) who believe that any positive change for whites will have to involve a new govenment altogether.

    Then you are engaging in wishful thinking.

    You dismiss Joe’s statement that “Nothing short of violence will stop them now. Either police, military or militia” by referencing the act of a lone (possibly mentally ill) malcontent.

    Joe believes “violence is the answer.”

    It is worth revisiting the history of the 1990s. In the early 1990s, David Duke and Pat Buchanan were a force in mainstream politics. There was a thriving militia movement. Anti-government sentiment was hitting record highs after Waco and Ruby Ridge. Clinton and the Democratic Party were crippled by the 1994 elections.

    Then a moron named Timothy McVeigh who had read the Turner Diaries decided to blow up the federal building in Oklahoma City. Suddenly, the federal government became the good guy, and militias the bad guy. Bill Clinton surged in the polls.

    Immigration dropped off the radar screen and their was a massive government crackdown on White Nationalists. When MLK was assassinated, the Left turned him into a God. If he had only survived and been allowed to fail, he would be as discredited as Obama as it today.

    Oklahoma City was a godsend to the Far Left and SPLC.

    When “working within the system” becomes futile then the only alternatives may be the organized physical sort, as opposed to the “rhetoric in cyber space” that you so often denounce.

    The rhetorical radicals that I pillor on the internet aren’t about to take up weapons in the real world. These people won’t even drink a cup of coffee with you at an IHOP. Their exaggerated apocalyptic rhetoric is what I am referring to when I call them fantasists.

  21. Hunter;

    “I’m fairly sure the 9th Circus will uphold the lower court decision”
    – I am one who believes that with the right conditions almost anything is possible, but with their anti-conservative track record, the thought of the 9th Circus upholding SB1070 is like expecting the Society of Friends to accept the doctrine of Papal Infallibility. You could be right, but I doubt it and I will be the first to remind you of your unwarranted optimism if you prove to be wrong.
    There are two main points which the ACLU will be using to fight the ratification of this law; one is that it constitutes “profiling” and the other is that it allegedly infringes on US government jurisdiction;
    “But Bolton, ruling in a lawsuit brought by the Obama administration, said it appears that key provisions illegally intrude into the exclusive right of the federal government to regulate immigration.”
    You seem to be of the belief that much depends on the outcome of the next presidential campaign;
    “If Barack Obama wins another term though, he will likely appoint the next swing vote on the SCOTUS.”
    Actually, it is not a forgone conclusion that any alternative president to BO will necessarily appoint S.C. justices that favor whites. Any neocon appointment is just as bad as a Sotomayor and an appointee such as Kagan passes for white in the eyes of the vast majority of American sheeple. Additionally, if B.O. looses in the next election (and I expect him to), and for that matter even if he were to win, he will almost certainly amnesty all 30 million of those illegals already present in the country and instantly make whites a minority, and that is the endgame for us as well as the Republican Party’s hopes of having another GOP president.
    “Then you are engaging in wishful thinking.”
    -No, I am a realist and I merely note what I believe would be necessary to turn the tide in our favor- not that I believe it will actually happen. I am too old and familiar with my fellow white Americans to believe that these “armchair commandos” are of the same mettle as their Revolutionary War forebears.
    “Then a moron named Timothy McVeigh who had read the Turner Diaries decided to blow up the federal building in Oklahoma City. Suddenly, the federal government became the good guy, and militias the bad guy.”
    -Yes, how utterly convenient that was for both the Federal government and the (rightly) maligned and contemptable BATF! I do not believe in coincidence Hunter, at least not where our government is concerned. Just when the feds need an anti-hero to turn up, low and behold, he does. I find that the truth in matters often lies somewhere between “the official version” and “the conspiracy theories”, so if you have the patience and an open mind, I suggest this article for you to read: http://www.conspiracypenpal.com/columns/mcstrange.htm
    Frankly, since Steele is incarcerated and has been for months now, I am surprised that this is still up and available on his web site.

  22. I remember how deluded the commentary on Stormfront and Whitecivilrights.com got during the Paul campaign. They were 100% convinced that Ron Paul was the most popular candidate out there and winning all the primaries only to have the results “stolen by DieBold.” Yet in the real world I never talked to a single person who had ever heard of Ron Paul. If I brought this up I was denounced as a Jew or a troll. Yet if their theory was correct, where were the vast number of voters who voted for Paul only to have their vote “stolen.” The fact that ordinary white republicans who send around those conservative viral chain emails didn’t know who Paul was is telling. Here we had Tom Tancredo who made Immigration the central issue of his campaign and did a much better job of relating to the average voter than Paul and WN abandoned him for Paul’s Quixotic “Gold Standard” issue campaign. Wasn’t it obvious Tancredo was on our side, yet if I brought him up on Stormfront the usual clowns pounced on me because “Tancredo is a Zionist.” So what, he wants to get elected and at least has to appease the most sympathetic faction of the Jews. These people also assumed Tancredo was showing all his cards and didn’t know more that he kept quiet about. That suggests they are so deluded that if they had a chance to win an election they’d walk out on the podium the day before and open their mouths about “Israel and the Holohoax” and blow all chances of getting the keys to power.

  23. Ron Paul has caved further to the libertarian grassroots. He learned absolutely nothing from the 2008 presidential campaign. Last time around he couldn’t win a single primary.

    Paul is no different ideologically today than he was ten years ago.

    No real White Nationalist believes “End the Fed” is near as important as immigration. The fact is, Ron Paul has never been a strong, outspoken critic of our immigration policies like Tom Tancredo. He prefers to focus on other issues.

    Complete BS! Ron Paul was extremely outspoken on immigration. The difference is that Paul isn’t a one-trick pony like Tancredo.

    Ron Paul on illegal immigration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfJFcSF80dE

    Tancredo “focusing on other issues”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GI7CrA2IPDk

    Hunter, my German Shepherd has more astute racial sensibilities than you do. No joke! She’s loyal to her family, too.

    If Sarah Palin was President, I think she could be persuaded to build the border fence, crackdown on illegals, and sign whatever good legislation that comes out of Congress on the issue. I also think it would be a huge improvement to have Jim DeMint as Senate Majority Leader.

    Sarah Palin as President…..So you’re saying you should have voted for McCain ’08? OK, I think it’s becoming clearer now. You’re seriously unhinged.

    Are there any real pro-White sites out there that aren’t nazi hangouts, religious pulpits, or neocon sounding boards?

  24. I came late to this conversation, but here is my $.002 worth. Any White who is eligible to vote should become a registered voter. This year is more crucial than any other. Whites have three things to blame for the circumstances they have found themselves in: laziness, complacency and apathy.

    Laziness: Whites would rather watch Negros chase balls and White cheerleaders than use all their spare time organizing White voter registration drives and getting involved in state and local elections. Every politician has started somewhere; probably on a school board somewhere. That is where key, critical people need to be planted and then harvested. Whites need to be more active in the primary process as local and state delegates. This is where any control they have is. By the time these candidates go national, you can’t touch them, because they don’t need you anymore.

    Complacency: The two parties are opposite wings of the same Anti-White bird of prey. The Democrat Party is the Welfare Wing and the GOP is the Warfare Wing. The GOP has figured out that it has to spout off a lot of conservative “right wing” rhetoric to win their support in the primary, then they “move to center” for the national election and then, the minute they are elected, they swing to the Left, figuring the conservative voter will be too complacent over the electoral victory to closely monitor them while they pass all these Omnibus Bills laden with poisoned pork.

    Apathy: This is where the “sharper” knives in the White drawer realize they get the exact opposite of what they vote for, no matter who is in office and stop voting altogether and, even worse, stop registering to vote which keeps them off of any jury where they can nullify Anti-White prosecutions. No matter whether they are Democrat or GOP, politicians keep careful tally of the racial demographics of the voters they pander to. It was the kind of White Apathy where it is believed that less than half of the Whites eligible to vote even bothered to register that was responsible for the Bush-Rove Strategy where they basically spat on White interests to pander to Negro and Mestizos.

    The solution? The Tea Party is on the correct track. They are going to GOP primaries and electing their own candidates. What can White Nationalists do? They can become their own version of ACORN by canvasing primarily White neighborhoods and organizing registration and voter drives. Instead of littering White neighborhoods with Death of the White Race tracts, they should pass out Tea Party pamphlets and copies of the Constitution. It’s God, Country, Mom and Apple Pie Time. Your average White center-right conservative loves that stuff.

    My point is that Whites need to make their presence known and felt to be heard. If enough White people can be motivated to vote by the Tea Party that will be an awesome victory, but even if enough White people can bother to register that would be like a great big White hand smacking the mule that is our Congress across the side of the snout to get its attention.

    We can’t afford to be invisible this election.

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