In this podcast, Mr. Covington talks about police, federal informers, and agent provocateurs within the White Nationalist movement, how to recognize them, and how to deal with them.
In this podcast, Mr. Covington talks about police, federal informers, and agent provocateurs within the White Nationalist movement, how to recognize them, and how to deal with them.
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Hunter Wallace says:
“(7) I know both Jack Ryan and Robert Campbell. I have respect for both of them. When the comment threads get nasty and too serious, Jack often tries to take the piss out of the punch bowl. He is a reconciler and that is always a good characteristic to have around.”
JR Replies:
Thanks very much Hunter for your words of support and respect for Robert Campbell and myself. I hope I can get on much better terms with Mr. Campbell and work together on some successful posts/projects at O.D.
What is the final resolution on the issue of linking to better Radio Free Northwest podcasts here on O.D.? Is it now banned? Maybe it would work better if I wasn’t the one who posted the link to RFNW podcasts – maybe it should be you or someone else as i am identified now by a few as someone “pushing” Mr. Covington or taking Covington’s side in some personal feud. That’s something I don’t want to do as I try to be a reconciler.
Mr. Campbell, please accept my apologies for anything I said or did in this thread and yes, I completely understand that Mr. Covington says and does negative things to good people, he insulted me yesterday; I recommend brushing these things off, not taking these things personally and moving on.
Hunter, I did have my Administration privileges (making new posts) taken away – how would you like to leave this? Maybe I should just go away for awhile and not post anything until Christmas or the New Year.
I believe Jack is being treated unfairly. This looks like one strike and you’re out to me. People can mistakes. Everyone does it. Deleting Robert Cambell’s comments without the courtesy of discussing the HAC matter with Robert was seriously bad judgment given the circumstances described here. Jack was heavy handed in deleting comments elsewhere too, and he deleted some of mine as well. Jack is the only OD mod to ever delete my comments. What’s important to me, however, is that Jack is a fellow White man with good intentions. Jack’s emphasis on getting into the real world and interacting with other White people was a constant theme in his contributions and comments, and an important one. If the problem was JRs excessive deletions and the content of his contributions, that’s fixed easily enough with a simple request — something like “hey Jack, use a lighter touch and focus more on X instead of Y.” That might have done it.
(1) Like I said, I don’t really care one way or the other about the Covington issue, as I usually listen to the podcast myself. I don’t agree with Covington’s plan, but he is one of the few WN personalities who is somewhat entertaining enough to follow.
(2) I haven’t read through the entire thread. Given Campbell’s strong feelings on the issue, I wouldn’t post any further links to RFNW. Everyone who is going to listen to the podcast here already knows where to find it.
(3) It makes no sense to leave the site.
(4) The biggest criticism that the commentators are so mad about is sending their comments to the trash folder. I haven’t looked through the comments that were deleted.
The guidelines should have resolved the issue. If a comment doesn’t fall afoul of the guidelines, it should be left in place as a rule. I have been far too liberal in my own comment threads about letting the discussions get out of hand.
(5) The same standard should apply to all the writers. That means comments which are critical of Savitri Devi and Julius Evola are fair game if criticism of Covington is to be tolerated.
(6) You should be able to post now. If you do post anything else, reflect upon the response you are likely to provoke. For example, the Lindsey Graham discussion was derailed into the irrelevant issue of whether Mr. Rogers was a queer. Then the discussion about the McCain females became a discussion about anti-Nordicism.
(7) You need to do a better job proofreading for spelling and grammatical errors.
Hunter Wallace says:
JR replies;
Very good, understood.
I would just add a request that people try to be a bit more positive and supportive of honest WN writers and activists such as myself who are trying to do our best in small ways, doing what we can. The main cause of Whites getting burnt out and giving up WN activism is the intense negativity in the “Movement”. So when you read a new post, whether it is one of mine or someone else, trying to find something honest and supportive to say about the post or about the writer, instead of just falling in to reflex negativism saying everything sucks, including the writer who must be “crazy”, an anti Nordic race traitor, a “Neo Con sell out etc.”
And as for grammar and typos go – old fashioned magazines employed proof readers and editors to help in this area – with O.D. it goes straight from the writer to publication. In my case, I am often posting after imbibing beer – and I make no apologies for drinking and writing or drinking and socializing with over educated, big city Northern White women who I really can’t stand to be around 100% sober. So if you see some typos, grammar mistakes please just let me know in a positive way and they’ll get fixed right away.
Thanks again to everyone especially Robert Campbell who commented on this thread and let’s all do our best to make O.D. a great, positive place, one that thousands of new people, our people will want to come and stay.
14 words
“I know my writing sucks, but I’m usually drunk when I draft that crazy shit. Chill out, Robert. Dance with some fat women.”
Is this stuff a joke?
Chill out. My writing doesn’t suck. I am a smart, confident person – I qualified for MENSA. My videos are very well received. Maybe having some beers and socializing with White women isn’t what you do to relax and unwind. Try something else – maybe play tennis. I do that, I’m looking to crack the top ten in my downtown tennis club. Or go for a run, half marathons are increasingly popular with White folks – maybe it will work well with you. Whatever works best for you to unwind and get away, recharge your positive energy – yeah go for it.
This negativity, ragging isn’t helping anything and I am not your enemy. I never did anything wrong to you. I just deleted some comments that rehashed a tired old personal feud with an individual who yes, does get in to lots and lots of personal feuds. Upon request, I am no longer deleting comments.
So again – take care and please do something physical to get away and recharge your positive energy – you’ll feel better and it will help O.D.
From Hunter:
“The guidelines should have resolved the issue.”
And it would except when the author is heavy handed with the delete button and ignores the guidelines himself.
and; ” I haven’t looked through the comments that were deleted.”
It won’t be a quick and easy job, but perhaps you should?
From Jack Ryan:
“I qualified for MENSA.”
Really? Did they accept your application?
and: ” Maybe I should just go away for awhile and not post anything until Christmas or the New Year.”
This just might have been your best idea yet.
But for anyone to openly discuss a violent revolution of those that we have no real kinship with well that is just EVIL..
You go ahead and vote your way through it and talk about it on the net all you want.
Why is this so difficult to grasp?
1) the critical mass of awakened whites necessary to any kind of revolution – peaceful or violent – does not yet exist.
2) Currently whites are driven away from our message insofar as it’s joined at the hip to violent rhetoric.
3) “Vote vs. shoot” is a false dichotomy. A relatively infantile one.
“If the Obama administration was going to “frame” anyone, it would be one of their real enemies with power and influence like Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Chris Christie, or Rush Limbaugh, not an obscure White Nationalist like Edgar Steele.”
They do it for promotion. The police are totally PC-ed in a lot of places now so anyone who wants to get promoted above a certain level likes to pad their resume with some PC red meat – like the Duke Lacrosse case
I doubt it’s a big conspiracy for the reasons you state but him being a bona fide “great white defendent” but small enough not to make much of a wave fits the promotion angle imo. Nine times out of ten it’s something small like joining a gay pride parade or hanging one of their officers out to dry
but framing a (small) great white defendent wouldn’t surprise me.
I’d expect the Hutaree thing to have been for the same reason.
Jack Ryan,
>The main cause of Whites getting burnt out and giving up WN activism is the intense negativity in the “Movement”.
I know what you mean. Bob Whitaker wrote something about that recently, which all White leaders should read. I’m sure that once people understand it is a common phenomenon in any movement, it won’t demoralize them any longer.
Fighting for Defeat
DingoBob says:
November 16, 2010 at 7:59 pm
Jack Ryan,
>The main cause of Whites getting burnt out and giving up WN activism is the intense negativity in the “Movement”.
I know what you mean. Bob Whitaker wrote something about that recently, which all White leaders should read. I’m sure that once people understand it is a common phenomenon in any movement, it won’t demoralize them any longer.
Fighting for Defeat
JR Replies:
Thank you for the link to the excellent commentary by Mr. Whitaker, he is dead right on this terrible problem with supposedly pro White racialists demanding negative, defeatist – “all is lost” depression.
I think this commentary should be reposted here on O.D. and many other places, though right now, I think I shouldn’t post anything under my name as some folks are completely hostile to me for linking to a couple RFNW’ podcasts and deleting some comments so these folks might scream negative comments about Mr. Whitaker’s good commentary, just because I posted it. Perhaps one of our other writers/admins will post it.
Thanks again.
Robert you’re on the ball…. Well done.
Hac is a slanderer of duke, metzger, pierce, klassen, and others. His nutty nw secession idea is for video games not real life. Sanitize him from this website for a big improvement to quality.
JR says:
I know my writing sucks, but I’m usually drunk when I draft that crazy shit. Chill out, Robert. Dance with some fat women.
Robert Campbell says:
Is this stuff a joke?
I think it’s fairly clear Jack has some serious issues and he seems to be incapable of acknowledging his faults and improving.
Is that the kind of person that Hunter wants representing OD? An alcoholic who advocates miscegenation with mestizos, insults traditional American Whites and masquerades as a positive force for White Nationalism while deleting anyone’s comments he doesn’t like.
You want to know why there is negativity and disagreement? Degenerates like Jack are given positions of authority. No sane person is going to march in lockstep with someone like that.
After running a half marathon, pounding down some brewskies, and serenading pudgy slatterns in Spanish, I have returned as a new man, but I still think that Jack Ryan is a fruitcake who should be shown the door.
Jack ignored the private e-mails I sent him, in which I tried to ameliorate the situation here before it got out of hand. He offered up his craven apology only upon his failure to censor me. He is not sorry that he deleted my comments unjustly, merely that I was able to do something about it.
Jack has brought nothing to this blog but distractions, heavy-handed moderation, and “writing” of the lowest common denominator. His excuse — that he usually writes his posts while intoxicated — merely underscores the unsuitability of his nature to the task at hand.
“In the true revolutionary, the first quality is the power to endure. Constancy, loyalty to cause and comrades, manhood and stability of nature. These are the qualities of the true Britain and the true revolutionary.” – Sir Oswald Mosley
To Robert Campbell
Lighten up Francis (here’s the link to a great very funny scene from the 1980s movie Stripes where some other guy was going off)
Robert, I just received your e-mail and responded promptly.
Everything is going to be OK – this was no big deal – I just made a link to a radio podcast that I and some others thought was rather good. Upon review, I will not be making any further posts to these podcasts.
I felt that the comment section had gotten way out of control before the new guidelines, now the comment section is much better, but I would prefer people not bring up past personal feuds or engage in ad hominem attacks, calling Hunter crazy, call me stupid etc.
Upon review I will not delete any posts but choose to ignore many comments.
Robert, if you feel you don’t like one of my posts (there will not be so many) please ignore them and don’t bring up past disputes or insinuate that I am stupid, or I am looking to destroy the Nordic race, stuff like that.
Take care folks, and I really do hope this raps things up.
30,000 White women being raped by Black men each year, that’s a big deal.
This was no bid deal.
“. He is not sorry that he deleted my comments unjustly, merely that I was able to do something about it.
Jack has brought nothing to this blog but distractions, heavy-handed moderation, and “writing” of the lowest common denominator. His excuse — that he usually writes his posts while intoxicated — merely underscores the unsuitability of his nature to the task at hand.”
Yes indeed, except that under his tenure here “moderation” more closely resembled censorship, and the whole tenor of the website changed (for the worse) from the very day he started writing his “articles”. Perhaps this was a carry-over from his days as an authoritarian figure while engaged in his teaching career,or perhaps it is just innate in his character. Whatever the reason, it does not promote comfortable and free discussion of issues. As to his admiration for HAC; seems he should have paid more attention to HAC’s exhortation to his followers to abstain from drinking (at least while engaging in responsible activity and work).
Lighten up Francis (here’s the link to a great very funny scene from the 1980s movie Stripes where some other guy was going off)
Jack Ryan
A scene demeaning a White man as a violent lunatic from a movie written and directed by a Jew, that’s inspiring.
Did you get your moniker from neocon warmonger Tom Clancy’s fedgov loving propaganda tomes?
M says:
“A scene demeaning a White man as a violent lunatic from a movie written and directed by a Jew, that’s inspiring.
Did you get your moniker from neocon warmonger Tom Clancy’s fedgov loving propaganda tomes?”
JR Replies:
Hey M – you need to really, really lighten up. The Stripes movie scene “Lighten Up Francis” is funny, it does hit a bit close to home for some men who are completely uptight, hostile, who project non stop hostility and negativity. The controlled anti White mass media – MSM presents White Nationalists or any racially conscious Whites as hostile, angry, hateful psychos – White Nationalists are presented as “the bad guys” pushing the negative force of HATE.
This is not, I repeat NOT the image we want to present. We want to present a positive image – a place where regular White folks can go and be in a good place, full of bright, healthy POSITIVE and yeah, fun/funny people.
So M….
“Lighten up Francis”
Oh yeah, Francis needs to lighten up, Robert (Campbell) needs to lighten up, everyone who is critical of you needs to “lighten up” in your view, isn’t that right Jack? I mean, hey, there couldn’t POSSIBLY be anything wrong with YOUR point of view, right? All the rest of us “lack a sense of humor”, are too negative, or too critical and we (obviously) are in the wrong, and you of course are all sunshine and positive vibrations (maybe I should follow your example and have “a few beers” before I post and the rose colored sunglasses will kick in automatically).
There is something wrong with an individual whose self- image is radically different from the way others perceive him or her. Some might say that such an individual is not completely in tune with reality. Obviously your perception of yourself is very different from how many of us see you (from your writings and the handling of your blog responsiblities). I don’t know exactly what it is Jack, but something about you is not entirely “Kosher”.
Has Covington mentioned us or something? I thought the show was on Thursday?
Yes, Covington mentioned Occidental Dissent. See below:
Racial Comrades:
Radio Free Northwest #43, dated November 18th 2010, is now available for download from the Party website at
In this podcast I talk about “negativity,” I discuss the problems
intellectual racists have with the Northwest Front (and vice versa) and answer the question of “Will the Northwest Republic have a stock exchange?”
Hail Victory!!!
Pastor Martin LD Lindstedt CJCC/AN
HAC is talking about whether or not a stock exchange will exist in his fantasy world.
Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt says:
November 18, 2010 at 10:30 am
“What I see is typpycull cult behavior here on Fade’s/Hunter’s blog.
I came over here to see what the fuss was all about on Tuesday’s Radio Free Northwest. What I seen was confirmation of Covington’s Law of White Nationalist Forums in which the mini-fuerher who …
( blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah).
…. ‘Jack Ryan’ got into a position of power and promptly abused it when he thought he could get away with it. ‘Robert Campbell’ in turn purged Jack Ryan when he thought that he could get away with it…..”
JR responds:
Hey Pastor – may I politely ask you to:
Lighten up?!
(a common request on this thread)
There are no “mini-fuerhers” here at O.D. – certainly not Hunter or anyone else. O.D. is run and edited by very bright, young men who are living in the real world and working for solid mainstream success in the United States of America, especially the South and Mid-Western parts of the USA in the here and now, year 2010.
I was/am certainly never in any position of “POWER” here at O.D., and no one has been “purged here”. I made a few posts sharing my experience with effective pro White activism and shared some of my knowledge of White history, positive popular culture – and linked to some articles and radio podcasts that I thought were very good, including a few links to Mr. Covington’s RFNW podcasts.
I and many others here at O.D. think Mr. Covington is an excellent radio commentator and RFNW is often one of the best podcasts on the Internet. Unfortunately Mr. Covington’s habit of getting in to personal feuds and insulting people has caused “problems”. And there is also the issue of Mr. Covington promoting escapism – pretending that we are about to abolish, stock exchanges, lawyers, mortgage interest etc. O.D. is not about “fantasy”.
I am no longer allowed to link/promote RFNW or any of Mr. Covington’s work here on O.D., but I will continue to do so in other places and also continue to financially support the Northwest Front and Mr. Covington’s positive work – that is if Mr. Covington can refrain from personally insulting me more than once a week – accusing me of being a COWARD, hiding in a sheltered Chicago suburb and being a SHIRKER for not doing the Northwest migration….
(I live and do activism in the belly of the beast on the South Side of Chicago!)
Fortunately, I don’t take these periodic insults by Mr. Covington personally, others at O.D. do; so for now, I am not allowed to promote RFNW or Mr. Covington’s books here on O.D.
I hope this clears up the situation.
And Pastor – how about getting off the Net a bit and go marry some young White couples in Missouri, perform many baptisms of White children – this will be a much better use of your time.
14 Words
Should I write a post about a Northwest Migration that would make sense? Just for the hell of it?
Population: 544,270
Population: 974,989
Population: 698,473
North Dakota
Population: 646,850
South Dakota
Population: 800,000
Total Population: 3,664,582
Now look at this:
Population: 6,664,195
The population of the Seattle metro area is 3,344,813.
Population: 3,825,657
The population of the Portland metro area is 2,241,841.
Population: 1,545,801
The total population of the overwhelmingly “Blue” Seattle and Portland metropolitan areas is 5,586,654. This is Barack Obama territory.
In contrast, there are 3,664,582 people in Wyoming, Montana, Alaska, South Dakota, and North Dakota. The overwhelming majority of them are “Red” cultural conservatives who are zealous defenders of gun rights. There are about 5 million of them in this region if you include Idaho.
The population is innately suspicious of the federal government. They also have grievances against Washington because the overwhelming majority of their land is owned by the feds and locked off from private development.
Has Covington really thought this through?
My point was that whigger nutsionalists simply do not know how to behave amongst theysselfs. Which is why whenever they have power they abuse it. When their behavior is noted, they deny everything. Since they cannot act morally even amongst their own, this goes on to explain how and why they cannot get along with the outside whigger world.
Now insofar as Covington is promoting his Northwest Front plan, Covington wants ocean-front property for his White Ethnostate.
Now being a Dual-Seedline Christian Identity Armageddonnist, I don’t believe in or totally agree with Harold Covington’s vision, and having property in South Dakota in which the nearest neighbor is a mile or so away, see Hunter’s point. As DSCI looks at it, the solution is a Great Tribulation will end up clearing out most of the problems — 150 million whiggers and 140 million muds, leaving only 10 million Whites ruled by Ten Thousand Warlords. I really do believe that the White Man can kill his way out of the mess we’ve gotten in by simply letting Nature, directed by us after a fashion, to get rid of the problem makers.
Yet Harold Covington’s plan doesn’t get in the way of the DSCI Armageddon Solution, and so I support Harold Covington’s plan as being better than most because at least it is a plan, which is more than can be said for the rest of you people playing at Revolution. I can see that ZOG/Babylon is doomed, and Whites in the NorthWest killing regime-criminal whiggers, jews and muds without scruple, especially if they are genuine Christian Identity types like myself. After ZOG is belly up, well, we’ll be getting what we want. Cold-blooded ruthlessness will get you anywhere, and if you exterminate anyone who gets in your way, while you may not have very many friends, then you certainly won’t have any enemies left either.
So get it in your head that ZOG/Babylon is dead meat. The only question is as to whether you are going to lay down and die or fight and kill and live. It is this ‘peace’ which is killing the White Race as we get drowned in a mud flood.
My point is that Harold Covington at least has a plan and is working on it and has had some measure of success in carrying it out. That Covington blew the whistle on some frauds and ZOGbots is an additional plus.
Hail Victory!!!
Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
I have actually dealt with “Hunter Wallace’s” objections to Northwest Migration repeatedly in the past (Northwest nay-says are all pretty standard and treatable with canned answers) as well as an special two-hour Radio Free Northwest for September 23rd. They are nothing new.
As a matter of personal policy, though, I do not participate in forums or groups that have displayed either intellectual or personal dishonesty in the past. There is no point. Honest difference of opinion I can tolerate and eventually overcome, given an open mind to begin with. Deliberate and malicious deceit in the service of a hidden agenda is something else. I handle it in the only way open for legitimate White Nationalists at this time to do so.
HAC, I greatly admire and respect your writing and most of your insights. I have an open mind. It’s hard to know what to believe about you beyond an obvious sharp intellect. If you have answered the various personal criticisms leveled at you over the years the suggest you can’t be trusted, I’m open to reading it. I’ve googled and can’t find it.
(1) Can you provide links to the episodes where you have responded to the points I have raised?
(2) Stay tuned. I suspect you will enjoy my next post.
Hac throws the snitch jacket when he calls his critics liars.
Noobs lap it up like naive schoolboys.
Madman Linstet shows up on cue with
Some homicidal blather to lighten up the mood.
A flunkie in the splc basement laughs over this.
Let’s see your dd 214 hac.