In this podcast, Mr. Covington talks about police, federal informers, and agent provocateurs within the White Nationalist movement, how to recognize them, and how to deal with them.
In this podcast, Mr. Covington talks about police, federal informers, and agent provocateurs within the White Nationalist movement, how to recognize them, and how to deal with them.
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I like Radio Free Northwest, but it doesn’t seem to fit with the new mainstream direction of this blog. Know what I mean?
Jacob C. says:
November 15, 2010 at 7:31 pm (Edit)
I like Radio Free Northwest, but it doesn’t seem to fit with the new mainstream direction of this blog. Know what I mean?
JR responds.
Yes, I do understand what you mean. It’s Hunters call, so if he wants me to stop posting links to RFNW i will of course do so.
But, I think Radio Free Northwest is still very good, informative and doesn’t really conflict with the new mainstream direction of O.D.
The Northwest imperative encourages White Americans to move to White areas, form local communities, local economies and resist the Washington/Wall Street/Hollywood establishment with a view to getting something good, new when things break up.
This strategy does not imply that Whites shouldn’t participate in local politics – just recognizes that we can’t take back everything.
I also think Mr. Covington has good, common sense suggestions about how to handle problems with government oppression, kooks, the press, religious quarrels etc.
And I also think Mr. Covington is clearly our best write and a damn good radio commentator.
But, again it’s Hunter’s call.
I think that Mr. Covington is really well spoken and I love the radio show. I would like it to stay, but just had to be a pain and point out the obvious.
Harold Covington promotes the genocide of Jews and the ethnic cleansing of the American landscape by an army of White Nationalist guerrillas who declare themselves to be in an open state of armed rebellion against the United States government, but Mr. Ryan holds that such motives “don’t really conflict with the new mainstream direction” of the site.
At his request, I spoke to Mr. Ryan at length regarding my concerns with the promotion of Harold Covington on this web site. Not only was he unable to address my criticism in any meaningful way, but he acknowledged that Harold Covington could be an extremely unpleasant individual and he told me that Covington had recently stopped speaking to him as a result of some falling out between them.
I assumed that the matter would be dropped there, since that is what Mr. Ryan led me to believe, but he began publicly pushing Harold Covington’s work on this web site soon afterwards.
Harold Covington spent most of his adult life attacking those doing the best at promoting WN/NS ideas. He spent most of the 1990s writing smears of Dr. William Pierce from behind the curtain of one costumed nazi organisation after the other. Covington’s “Brief History of the White Nationalist Movement” has been dissected at some length by Hadding Scott here:
Not long ago, Covington came to this web site and used multiple accounts in an attempt to sway a debate on his ideas.When I asked him to stop doing this, he viciously attacked me and accused me of being a cognitive dissonance operative employed by Obama’s White House. Here is the thread in question:
From there, Covington created a Yahoo group (GUBU_Crew) where he lamented the “ambush at OD” and continued to voice similar accusations on his blog and during his podcasts.
Why are we linking to the podcasts of a known liar and smear artist who engages is the basest possible racial rhetoric and asks his followers to engage in “direct action against the United States and its armed men?”
Anyone stupid enough to take “direct action” at this juncture will end up in prison or dead, and they will have played right into the hands of the system by becoming the caricature that the Jews have created of us. The oligarchs desperately needs another McVeigh to prop up, in order to make sure that white people stay obedient and complacent; I suspect that no one is more keenly aware of that fact than Harold Covington.
I deleted a comment that got in to personal “issues” with Mr. Covington and presented Mr. Covington’s books of fantasy, fiction as somehow a real, how to guide for White Americans to engage in open IRA style terrorism. Mr. Covington is very clear in his pod casts that his books are fiction and he is very careful to instruct his listeners not to engage in any violent, illegal acts now.
And yes, I fully understand that Mr. Covington often gets in to personal feuds, ad hominem attacks with others and it is often Mr. Covington who is partly or mostly to blame in these one on one feuds. I was in fact insulted today by Mr. Covington in a manner that I felt was unfair, but I don’t take these things personally. I understand that great artists often have great egos or just lack certain personal manners at certain times. Richard Wagner was this way – so was A.H. – Mr. Covington is a great artist/writer and I think it is a good idea to promote our best writer and a damn good radio commenter here on O.D.
Again, it’s Hunters call whether O.D. should continue to link to RFNW – but I enjoy Radio Free Northwest.
Please do not delete my comments. Everything I said was fact-based.
Mr. Covington has made it very clear, on numerous occasions, that he wishes for his books to become a “self-fulfilling prophecy.” The reason there is not yet a Northwest Volunteer Army is because Mr. Covington cannot find enough people willing to support the idea. He is very open about that: he wants an NVA, but he doesn’t yet have the people to build it.
I find your assertion that Herr Hitler “lacked personal manners” to be in contradiction to the historical record. Could you please provide academic citation for that remark? Everyone from his secretary (Traudl Junge) to his closest subordinates (Goebbels, Bormann, etc.) have attested to his unfailing civility.
I have had to restore my comment twice. Please do not delete it a third time, Jack.
Robert Campbell says:
November 15, 2010 at 8:41 pm (Edit)
Please do not delete my comments. Everything I said was fact-based.
“Mr. Covington has made it very clear, on numerous occasions, that he wishes for his books to become a “self-fulfilling prophecy.” The reason there is not yet a Northwest Volunteer Army is because Mr. Covington cannot find enough people willing to support the idea. He is very open about that: he wants an NVA, but he doesn’t yet have the people to build it.
I find your assertion that Herr Hitler “lacked personal manners” to be in contradiction to the historical record. Could you please provide academic citation for that remark? Everyone from his secretary (Traudl Junge) to his closest subordinates (Goebbels, Bormann, etc.) have attested to his unfailing civility.”
JR replies:
I apologize for implying that A.H. lacked good manners all the time. My point was that regular folks should cut great artists some slack in this area and yes, A.H. was a great artist. I think at certain times in his life A.H. lost his temper and insulted individuals – many probably deserved it. He reportedly chewed out and humiliated the political leaders of Austria during/after the German Austrian Anschluss. Wagner was definitely a temperamental “artist” – got run out of places for disrespectful relations with other people’s wives.
So again, I am promoting Mr. Covington’s radio show and his books of fiction, which are very good. As to the future, would Whites in North America someday want some army that was fighting against the US Government? Well, folks in the Southern States once had an army fighting against the US government so, yeah, it’s possible.
But, please – go easy on these personal feuds with Mr. Covington. I’m not asking for anyone to try to be “friends” with Mr. Covington or count on him to organize anything. He’s a writer and now a radio commentator – I think he’s very good at these two things and I want to encourage us to promote White folks who are good at things, good at anything like:
Competing for boxing titles
Competing in dancing, popular music, singing – can the White guy carry a tune? If no – I don’t care about his politics. If yes and he’s on our side, promote him/her.
In politics – can the White guy compete, challenge to win? Does he have the right accent for the specific region, can he communicate with working class White folks, with religious White folks, with White folks who support the military etc. And if the White guy in question is very, very good in say local White politics, I’m willing to cut him a lot of slack in other areas of his personal life.
I hope that clears things up a bit.
If ignored every WN contributor and activist who got personally attacked by somebody, I would be ignoring, well, pretty much every WN writer/activist of any significance. All I know about HAC is that everything I’ve ever read by him was interesting, illuminating, and written in a dazzling prose style. That guy can wordsmith better than anyone. Stylistically, he reminds of Joe Sobran.
Side note: I haven’t read HACs novels so my judgment of his work is based on his other writings.
You deleted my comment several times, despite the fact that it did not violate the comment policy. I warned you to stop deleting the comment, but you persisted. You must have deleted my comment 5 times.
I have locked your account until Hunter can review what went on here.
I enjoy his podcasts more than any other. He has the situation entirely pegged, IMO. There is nothing incongruent about taking the Hunter Wallace approach, and doing it in the NW, which is a sea of Whites. I certainly wouldn’t go parading as a Nazi down Franklin Blvd. in Eugene.
The whole NVA-thing is based on after the “balloon goes up.” Until then, networking is the best form of politics that creates real-world bonds.
To Robert Campbell:
That’s fine. And again, it’s Hunter’s call if he wants to allow any links to RFNW under the new mainstream O.D. policy.
I do feel the new comment guidelines are working very well as the general public gets turned off to read endless, negative comments with flame wars about how everyone remotely associated with American White Nationalism hates each other, accuses each other of being “liars”, “perverts”, money hustlers, psychos, terrorists etc.
So just consider allowing the general White public to sample some of Mr. Covington’s radio podcasts and read some of his books, and also include some words of caution that he has some personality issues that get him in to conflict with many people.
Since you came here, you have been trying to push Harold Covington’s “work.”
Hunter told you that if you wanted to promote Covington here, you should speak with me, since I felt very strongly that he should not be promoted here.
We did speak by skype on this matter, at your request, and I shared my feelings with you at that time. You said that you would drop the matter.
Several months later, you simply began promoting Covington on this blog, as if we had never spoken about it. You even tried to delete my comments on the matter (the “words of caution” you mention above). That is not the way an Aryan man comports himself, Mr. Ryan.
To Robert Campbell
I did discuss this with Hunter at that time and he explained the personal conflict you had with Mr. Covington here on O.D. Hunter’s response at the time was that he generally liked Mr. Covington’s radio show and hoped that a way could be found to smooth things over with you so O.D. could link to RFNW and then it was my understanding that you went a way from O.D. and weren’t actively involved in editing O.D.
Again, I am just trying to promote what I think is one of the best WN programs/writers out there. I don’t want to take sides in personal feuds, which frankly to me seem rather trivial:
So and so called me a name – “accused me of being a cognitive dissonance operative”.
Well, today Mr. Covington lashed out at me for supposedly hiding in a comfortable Chicago suburb and not personally doing the North West migration. Getting called a name by Mr. Covington isn’t causing me to break down and cry, instead I just gave it back to HAC in kind – expressing the truth that the South Side of Chicago is hardly a safe, comfortable Chicago suburb and I am doing effective local activism in the belly of the beast.
Come on man, toughen up a bit. Do what I did, teach public school to 7th and 8th grade Black, Latino and Italian kids in Red Hook Brooklyn – yeah, you’re going to get called names. That’s life.
South Side Chicago….Morgan Park, Evergreen Park, Loogan Town?
It is not a personal feud. Mr. Covington attacked me in my capacity as moderator of this web site and it is in that capacity that he accused me of being Cass Sunstein’s cognitive dissonance operative — that is to say, he considers this web site to be an apparatus of “the organs,” so why would anyone here promote him?
I made my feelings on Covington known in our Skype conversation. If you wanted to “find a way to smooth things over,” you should have addressed my criticism head-on. Instead, you waited until you thought I had left, then decided to push Covington and delete my comments on the subject.
What does teaching middle school to negroes have to do with our discussion? I notice that you group Italians with Blacks and Lations.
Robert Campbell says:
November 15, 2010 at 10:36 pm
“It is not a personal feud. Mr. Covington attacked me in my capacity as moderator of this web site and it is in that capacity that he accused me of being Cass Sunstein’s cognitive dissonance operative”—
JR replies:
And today Mr. Covington attacked me for being “a coward”, supposedly hiding out in a comfortable Chicago suburb and not DOING the NorthWest Migration.
I got called a name – but for some reason I’m not breaking down and crying, I just told HAC to:
“P(*&#$ off and get to work writing the next NorthWest novel
Ron Paul got called a name – a “RACIST” by Jewish homosexual, Zionist, Lib Min editor of the New Republic Martin Peretz, instead of telling this pervert, homosexual Zionist AIPAC firster to “P(#*$ off”, Ron Paul felt the need to go on national television with former AIPAC lobbyist Wolf Blitzer and deny that he had ever said, wrote or thought anything “RACIST” in his whole life and that he didn’t even read his own newsletter which said negative comments about the Black rioters/murderers in the Rodney King LA Riots – all this for being called a simple name!
Robert Campbell writes:
“What does teaching middle school to negroes have to do with our discussion? I notice that you group Italians with Blacks and Lations.”
JR replies.
Because this was my true life experience. My 7th and 8th grade students in Red Hook Brooklyn were really Blacks, Latinos and Italian kids and many were very disrespectful – called their teacher – me a lot of mean names much worse than “a cognitive dissonance operative”.
Being called a name on the internet isn’t a big deal – so I recommend that you just let it go.
As for linking to Radio Free Northwest and promoting Mr. Covington’s podcasts and his books on O.D., that’s Hunter’s call. I try to promote the best writing, music, podcasts, athletes of our people/movement. And yes, I think Mr. Covington is our best writer and a damn good radio commentator. I encourage others here to just listen to the link here RFNW #42, Mr. Covington’s advice is very good here.
I wish you all the best Mr. Campbell and in all honesty, I thought you had walked away from O.D. so others here, including me are trying to carry on, publish interesting material.
14 Words.
Funny how some of you folks think this country wasnt built on a very real and violent revolution by your forefathers against our own ethnic cousins.. BUT THATS OK KILLING WHITE COUSINS ACROSS THE SEA FOR THIS TERRITORY,, RIGHT ?? ., Or Your white cousins in the south..
But for anyone to openly discuss a violent revolution of those that we have no real kinship with well that is just EVIL..
You go ahead and vote your way through it and talk about it on the net all you want. The reality of it is most men today wouldnt be able to crawl and touch the hand of there forfathers and founders very real blood sacrafice paid out to give you that which is being taken by a clear evolutionary group strategy on many fronts.. SO GO AHEAD PRETEND ITS GONNA GO AWAY AND DISTANCE YOUR SELF FROM THE REALITY OF HOW IT’S ALL GOING TO GO DOWN..
God help your grandchildren because you wont..
“But for anyone to openly discuss a violent revolution of those that we have no real kinship with well that is just EVIL..”
Not evil. Stupid.
Jack Ryan,
You say that you thought I had left OD, insinuating that if I had done so it would give you license to delete my commentary at your whim. That’s an interesting example of situational ethics.
As it happens, I am still an Admin here, and I had to use that power in order to lock your account because you were so intent on censoring my words, despite the fact that they didn’t violate the comment guidelines, that you deleted my comment more than five (5) times.
As for the “interesting material” that you’ve been turning out, your posts have been wildly inconsistent and in some instances downright counterproductive. You have peddled an anti-Nordish, pro-mestizo flavor of racial populism (promoting the dumb blonde myth, urging American WNs to “be more like” South Americans and take up the mantle of Enrique Iglesias, etc.) and made it a priority to attack iconic figures of White America.
Cui bono?
Robert Campbell says:
November 16, 2010 at 12:54 am
“You have peddled an anti-Nordish, pro-mestizo flavor of racial populism (promoting the dumb blonde myth, urging WNs to take up the mantle of Enrique Iglesias, etc.) and made it a priority to attack iconic figures of White America.”
JR Responds:
Hey Robert, lighten up – chill out. Get off the Internet and go hang out with some regular White folks, ask a slightly over-weight White chick to dance Regular White folks aren’t trying to persecute folks for thought crimes of:
“peddl(ing) an anti-Nordish, pro-mestizo flavor of racial populism”.
I posted a few links to RFNW podcasts that I thought were particularly good and would have strong appeal to mainstream White Americans. I am not pushing HAC every week or every day and please get over your paranoia that I am part of some sinister conspiracy to spread “anti Nordish, pro White/Mestizo populism.
Robert – when you see a huge stadium full of White women in Ulster/Northern Ireland going wild for Enrique Inglesias – it’s not all the fault of my sinister conspiracy against the Nordic race. A lot of (slightly over weight) White chicks in Ulster/Northern Ireland really do go for Enrique.
Time to chill out Robert – go out and have a few beers. The first one is on me.
Jack Ryan has chosen to sidestep the issues of importance here and toss out an irrelevant red herring about dancing with fat women.
You’re not a very formidable opponent without recourse to the delete function, are you, Mr. Ryan?
Well, I think we should probably rap up the comment sections here.
I don’t think this is really very controversial or anything to split hairs about.
We either allow links to the better Radio Free Northwest radio podcasts or we do not. I would think that is Hunters call and if O.D. decides to not post any more links to RFNW radio podcasts – no problem, I can understand and will simply not post any more links.
And Robert I fully understand that you had arguments with Mr. Covington and Mr. Covington has gotten in to argument, personal feuds with many people in the past, present and most probably the future.
Again, Mr. Covington insulted me today – called me a coward for hanging out in a sheltered Chicago suburb and not doing the whole NorthWest migration. Some people take insults in different ways – as for me – I like to brush things off, respond in kind and move on.
Let’s move on – and no Robert, I am not part of some “anti-Nordish, pro-mestizo flavor of racial populism” conspiracy. I (was) blonde haired, blue eyed Anglo/Germanic, Scandinavian Nordic before I lost most of my hair.
Please go have that beers and go notice some slightly overweight White chicks before the Southern European/Hispanic Whites get them.
14 Words
I can’t believe anyone takes this con artist seriously.
Which con artist?
Con artist or not, the guy can write.
If I may:
It isn’t an either-violence-or-mainstream situation; in most cases in history, a people need both approaches.
Cultivating sub rosa military power in the form of militias, cadres in the bona fide military, foriegn policyarrangements with our white cousins abroad (esp. Russia) is absolutely the right thing to do in the event that some “Black Swan” event staggers America in the future.
We need to be able to seize the opportunity if it appears; not to be prepared is immoral and a betrayal of our unborn children.
Meanwhile, the mainstream folks fight the battle in the electoral and media arenas: slowing the decline of America generally, and reversing it where possible. What is the fulcrum of that fight? The GOP primaries. Insurgent candidates in those few areas where their victory in the general is possible, and where such a general election victory is not possible, at least we ought to primary away the New World Orders hacks so as to keep the fence-sitters in line.
As I have said before, for those nationalists who believe voting is a waste of time; please do it anyway; quietly, without fanfare. Do not pooh-pooh voting. It is an act of at most two days in a year not a life commitment, so just freakin’ do it! Spend the rest of your time preparing for the Black Swan. Study urban warfare and small to mid sized unit tactics. Look to the Spanish Civil War for inspiration.
For those folks who want nothing to do with violence, just keep your guns well lubed, and your basements well stocked; quietly, without fanfare. Carry the fight in the media arenas, and in the electoral realm.
These are not mutually exclusive activities for our people as a whole, though certain individuals may have to stay behind a firewall politically or martially as the case may be, like candidates or main stream media types.
While I have repeatedly cringed at the increasingly unhinged rhetoric employed by Jack Ryan on this blog, I was hesitant to step in and do something about it, so I would like to thank Mr. Ryan for forcing my hand in that regard.
For too long, Jack Ryan has used this blog as a platform to promote his eclectic, often offensive, personal interests. Moreover, he has attacked and censored many of those who have disagreed with him in principle, irrespective of whether or not their comments violated our established guidelines. For those reasons, I have relieved him of his privileges as an author and a moderator here.
Well put Nietzsche! Also, I like Harold C and appreciate his works. I don’t think much of the Nordicists furthermore. If we are to be honest, having Mediterranean Whites and Eastern European whites, are blood brothers, here is not the same thing as having Negroes or Jews amoung us. It is not even the same thing as having Asians amoung us (furthermore having the Japanese amoung us is not the same thing as Negroes). I am quit comfortable with a situation in which each European country is allowed to regain and retain its particular ethnic and subracial purity and the former Colonial Anlgosphere of the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand (as well as Latin White Nations such as Costa Rica, Cuba, South Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina) are treated as “Whitemanistans.” If you are really absolutely positively scared that your son is going to marry a Russian or your daughter is going to marry a Greek, in the future I think you should try to instill in your children or grandchildren your “Nordish” beliefs. If you think that doesn’t work and I get my way ( and Covington’s too because he is pro-Mediterranean as anyone who has read his Quartet and Slow Coming Dark is aware) you should move to Norway or Germany to avoid this scary menace (I am laughing now). As for the Pure English Americans here who regret that the country isn’t 100% English, I likewise think you should go back to Jolly Old Blighty given my scenario.
Well, I thought JR went overboard a few times deleting comments, but overall he struck me as a good guy with good intentions. I thought his posts brought some needed levity to this place and kept it from getting stuffy. I hope you will reconsider.
LEW says:
November 16, 2010 at 3:11 am
Well, I thought JR went overboard a few times deleting comments, but overall he struck me as a good guy with good intentions. I thought his posts brought some needed levity to this place and kept it from getting stuffy. I hope you will reconsider.
JR Replies:
Thanks for the kind words Lew – and I really have tried to be a regular good White guy, bringing levity to places that often get stuffy. I try to do my best.
It’s rough to be convicted of thought crime – given the official verdict of
Oh well. As Popeye once said:
“I am what I am”
“For too long, Jack Ryan has used this blog as a platform to promote his eclectic, often offensive, personal interests. Moreover, he has attacked and censored many of those who have disagreed with him in principle, irrespective of whether or not their comments violated our established guidelines. For those reasons, I have relieved him of his privileges as an author and a moderator here.
– Amen! I couldn’t tell you how many times he has censored my comments, which were by the way, not at all contrary to posting guidelines. Mention anything that is not complimentary to either his point of view or Jews and your comment disappears instantly. To me personally, it has been refreshing to see him thwarted in his efforts to censor the comments of someone he does not agree with. And by the way Robert, you are right; that “piece” about Cindy McCain was one of the most inane and vacuous scribblings to have been posted on OD to date. I made a comment to that effect and…surprise! It disappeared.
JR attempting to pass off Ms. Kournikova as nordish was a bit much for me, though I admit to having a particular detestation for the females of the Tribe. On the other hand, HAC seems a mild fellow compared to Robert Morgan, whose idolizing of AH knows no bounds. Somehow these incessant, hair-splitting, personality-based WN squabbles are reminiscent of the endless, talmudic disputations in the early European communist parties. You really need to get beyond this stuff.
(1) Robert Campbell has plenty of good reasons to dislike HAC. I clearly remember when HAC set up that Yahoo Group which attacked OD. HAC also went around spreading the vicious rumor that Campbell was a ZOG Bot.
I was similarly furious when Greg Johnson went around spreading the lie that I work for the SPLC. Thus, I completely understand where Campbell is coming from, and why he objects to promoting RFNW on this website.
(2) As for Radio Free Northwest, I do happen to like the podcast. Needless to say, I disagree with Harold Covington’s plan of creating a Northwest Republic. I think it is an unrealistic scenario. It is a good starting point though for thinking out other alternatives since no one aside from Covington has really articulated a road map to the ethnostate.
(3) Personally, I don’t really mind that the RFNW podcast is posted here. I listen to show anyway and sometimes I like to share my own thoughts on whatever Covington happens to be saying.
(4) I told Jack Ryan to discuss the whole matter of the RFNW podcast with Robert Campbell. I have no strong views on the subject. Gregory Hood also likes the podcast and was in favor of linking to it here.
(5) As far as censoring comments, I wrote up some guidelines that should have resolved the issue last month. I have been extremely liberal in letting flames and critical comments through in my own comment threads. At the same time, there is no consensus among the writers here as to how their own comment threads should be dealt with.
(6) I clearly said in the guidelines that I wanted to avoid hobby horse riding and off-topic subracial pissing contests.
(7) I know both Jack Ryan and Robert Campbell. I have respect for both of them. When the comment threads get nasty and too serious, Jack often tries to take the piss out of the punch bowl. He is a reconciler and that is always a good characteristic to have around.
(8) I haven’t looked in the Trash folder. I don’t know what comments have been deleted or why.
(9) Covington’s many feuds with any number of other people in the White Nationalist movement are well known.
Hunter writes:
What Hunter neglects to mention is that it was his own lie that I was spreading, namely his claims on The Odessa Syndicate that he was buddies with Dees. I should also mention that I completely accepted Hunter’s explanation that he was lying about working for Dees and that he just made it up while he was having a psychotic break with reality. What Hunter does not get is that an insanity defense, if true, does not really restore one’s credibility.
Re: Edgar Steele
If the Obama administration was going to “frame” anyone, it would be one of their real enemies with power and influence like Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Chris Christie, or Rush Limbaugh, not an obscure White Nationalist like Edgar Steele.
I haven’t followed the Edgar Steele story but the notion that he was framed by the government sounds extremely far fetched to me. I can see the government twisting the tax code to go after someone like David Duke, but a car bomb to assassinate his wife, a non-entity that no one state, local, or federal cares about? Why didn’t the government arrest William Pierce at the height of his influence?
Johnson knew there was no basis to the rumor but went around and spread it anyway. He also did not include the disclaimer that he personally thought it was untrue. I received inquires about the matter when I was living in Virginia.
For the record, the incident that I had back in April 2008 was caused by stress and sleep deprivation (this was later cleared up), not any underlying syndrome. I was misdiagnosed and put on prescription medication that is supposed to help those with bipolar syndrome.
I am not bipolar and the medication that I was taking threw me for a loop as it would any normal person. People who suffer from bipolar syndrome take prescription medication to function normally in their daily lives. Most Americans have a friend or know someone who is bipolar.
Once again, I am not bipolar. I don’t take any prescription medication for that illness. In fact, I don’t take any pills at all in my daily life, nothing for anxiety, depression, stress, etc. The only drugs that I consume are caffeine and alcohol.
When I was in Virginia, I lived with four other White Nationalists who had every opportunity to confirm this. A few months ago, Johnson (from the vantagepoint of San Francisco, CA) spread around the lie that I was having some type of bipolar episode, something that multiple witnesses can confirm was flat out untrue.
Are you a homosexual? That’s a pretty straightforward question. Care to take a shot at answering it? I have been completely candid about my lack of insanity.
To side step for a sec I wanted to tell you I finished writing the rough draft of my epic about 2 hours ago (I wrote the last 1,000 lines the past 2 days). I’m gonna spend tomorrow morning proofreading and editing it.
Shoot me an e-mail at my willierome address so I can send you a copy.
Email it to my gmail.
Robert Campbell:
You have peddled an anti-Nordish, pro-mestizo flavor of racial populism (promoting the dumb blonde myth, urging American WNs to “be more like” South Americans and take up the mantle of Enrique Iglesias, etc.) and made it a priority to attack iconic figures of White America.
You’re not a very formidable opponent without recourse to the delete function, are you, Mr. Ryan?
For too long, Jack Ryan has used this blog as a platform to promote his eclectic, often offensive, personal interests. Moreover, he has attacked and censored many of those who have disagreed with him in principle, irrespective of whether or not their comments violated our established guidelines. For those reasons, I have relieved him of his privileges as an author and a moderator here.
This has been a long time coming, well done, Mr. Campbell.
Robert Campbell:
That is not the way an Aryan man comports himself, Mr. Ryan.
That pretty much sums it up, he’s not.
In other news … anyone catch Charlie Rangel’s meltdown?
Now that the election is over, the shit is hitting the fan in the House ethics investigations and the real size of the state budget deficits is being released.
In other news … anyone catch Charlie Rangel’s meltdown?
How apropos, both Rangel and Ryan are corrupt.
Ugh, this stuff is such a turn off.
All these extended bouts of petty personal sniping serve to do is repel readers and provide fuel for our actual enemies.
What do you hope to prove with this?
Bunch of jokers.
(7) I know both Jack Ryan and Robert Campbell. I have respect for both of them. When the comment threads get nasty and too serious, Jack often tries to take the piss out of the punch bowl. He is a reconciler and that is always a good characteristic to have around.
He’s not good to have around at all, not as a contributor.
Liberalism has what could be called its defining principles; so does (aracial) conservatism; and so too “Christianism” (ie the social and political, aside from merely religious, aspects of Christian living). Racialism likewise has certain defining principles, and as an ideology or a philosophical outlook or a social system it is superior because those principles are more in tune with nature and human nature. But that fact won’t be apparent to readers exposed to Jack Ryan’s make-it-up-as-I-go ramblings.
Having been censored by J.R. several times – and having observed his repeated ideological zig-zaging – I cannot say that I will shed a tear…
Yeah I agree.
We need to get back to discussing the issues. I can’t lecture anyone here about this latest food fight because I have participated in one myself.
Jack Ryan’s contributions are not up the the standards of the other writers here.
I skipped over his ridiculous tribute to Enrique Iglesias but when he accused Mr. Rogers of being a homosexual that was the last straw. He’s not a serious contributor.
As for Covington, personal feuds aside, he’s hardly a mainstreamer.