Rats Multiplying

Rep. Curry Todd compares pregnant illegal aliens to "rats multiplying."


A Republican lawmaker in Tennessee has been receiving a lot of criticism for politically incorrect comments he recently made about illegal aliens. Rep. Curry Todd of Collierville compared pregnant illegals to “rats multiplying.” Upon further reflection, he backtracked from his “insensitive” remarks. In hindsight, he believes “anchor babies” was the proper term to refer this form of pestilence.

In the 2011 legislative session, Rep. Todd intends to introduce a bill in the Tennessee state legislature that would deny illegal aliens access to healthcare. He sees illegal aliens as parasites who are taking advantage of Tennessee taxpayers.

To his credit, Todd has stood his ground and refused to apologize for expressing his opinion. “I am not going to try and be politically correct with everything I say,” Todd said. “If I offended them I am sorry. But the truth is the truth. A spade is a spade.”

Phil Bredesen, the Democratic Governor of Tennessee, has predictably condemned him. Todd has also been widely condemned by Hispanic groups and the leftwing media throughout the state. Members of the Hispanic community and various anti-White advocacy groups like the NAACP apparently attempted to confront Todd at his home.

Someone inside called the police to have them removed from the property.

Unfashionable Observations

The barriers to “respectability” in the post-Bush GOP and the post-Buckley conservative movement are breaking down. The scarlet letter of “racism” no longer has the same effect. Whites are increasingly more likely to take offense than apologize when the charge of bigotry is hurled in their direction. Some Whites like Rep. Todd are even starting to revel in violating the boundaries of political correctness.

It brings to mind a scene from Jurassic Park. In that movie, a corrupt employee named Dennis Nedry infected the park’s security measures with a computer virus that would allow him to steal dinosaur embryos and sell them on the black market. Nerdy’s sabotage deactivated the electric fences that contained the dinosaurs.

Then all hell broke loose.

In a somewhat similar way, the boundaries of “respectability” are being tested here: Whites are challenging the restrictions imposed upon them by politically correct orthodoxy in small ways. In Murfreesboro, there have been mosque protests. In Oklahoma, voters recently banned “sharia law.” In Arizona, voters struck out against affirmative action. In Iowa, three federal judges who imposed gay marriage on the state were thrown out of office.

The T-Rex of White nativism is trying to break out of its cage.

When the NAACP released the Zeskind report on the Tea Party, the result was a deafening silence, followed by a massacre of Democrats in the Heartland. Some conservatives returned fire with their own accusations of “racism.” The mainstream media and anti-White organizations like the NAACP no longer have the legitimacy in the eyes of White America to impose taboos on respectable discussion. They have maxed the race card out.

Immigration and Tennessee

In Tennessee, the 2010 midterm elections played out much like they did elsewhere in Middle America. Republicans captured the governorship, both chambers of the state legislature, and 7 out of 9 congressional seats including 1 at the expense of Democrats. The GOP hasn’t been this powerful in Tennessee since Reconstruction.

Earlier this year, the Tennessee state legislature passed a resolution congratulating Arizona for its passage of SB 1070. Tennessee state lawmakers later visited Arizona to learn how to pass a similar measure. By a 4 to 1 margin, 72 percent of Tennessee voters want to pass Arizona-style immigration reform in their own state.

Tennessee has already passed several of its own laws against illegal immigration. While they are not quite as famous as SB 1070, Tennessee already checks the immigration status of prisoners, requires “English-only” in the workplace, and the state has the power to “deny, suspend or revoke the business licenses of employers that knowingly employ illegal immigrants.”

After delivering a “shellacking” to Barack Obama in the 2010 midterm elections, Tennessee Republicans “pretty much have the votes to pass what they want” on immigration. They have already promised to pass all sorts of immigration bills that Democrats have defeated in previous sessions.

The list includes:

– A requirement to produce photo based voter identification at the polls.

– A requirement for proof of citizenship in order to be eligible to vote.

– Another crackdown on employers who hire illegal aliens.

Tennessee is also part of a coalition of states asking the Supreme Court to uphold Arizona’s SB 1070. By working within the mainstream, we now have the power to make life as uncomfortable as possible for illegal aliens in the Volunteer State. As in Arizona, illegals will now likely choose some other destination that has a reputation for being more hospitable to criminals.

Vanguardism = Massive Failure

Back in August, the NSM arrived in Knoxville with much fanfare (it was billed as the biggest rally in years) and pitched their tent at the “Stand in the South” rally. For those who have forgotten that debacle, which got this author “banned from the state of Tennessee,” it is worth revisiting the video of what transpired when “America’s premiere White civil rights organization” came to town on a platform of cracking down on illegal immigration:

That’s the alternative to working within the system. Like most White Americans, I remain unpersuaded.

The mainstream strategy is producing tangible results. Vanguardist theatrics have only succeeded in inviting public ridicule. Working within the mainstream is showing signs of a breakthrough. The wild eyed radicals holed up in their bunkers have been forgotten and ignored by their contemporaries.

With the minutes on the play clock winding down, White Nationalists can no longer afford to indulge in such political silliness.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. How about “flies on shit”, that’s been used in the past by numerous politicians including the Earl Butz. 🙂

    Remember Earl Butz on “the three things a nigger needs”? ” Loose shoes, tight pussy, and a warm place to shit.”

    That’s before your time Hunter.

  2. Definitely more encouraging developments in Tennessee. Tangible results as you say. Not to beat a dying horse, but just a few more observations re: vanguard/mainstream. Let me know if you want give this angle some rest for now.

    Hunter Wallace:

    Vanguardism = Massive Failure

    Back in August, the NSM arrived in Knoxville with much fanfare (it was billed as the biggest rally in years)

    I can’t help but wonder how much of the divide between vanguardists and mainstreamers is just semantics. It seems to me that some of it definitely is, and it is the source of much confusion among people basically on the same side. It seems to me we do talk past each other a bit on this topic.

    For example, Hunter you said somewhere in these comments that:

    – some WN should get involved in anti-immigration work and call themselves “immigration reform advocates,” then work for move the goal posts right. It’s practical and can be effective right now.

    If you’re saying the entire WN movement should do this, well then I disagree, but I haven’t seen you say that.

    Somewhere else Greg Johnson said that:

    – some WN need to integrate into the mainstream to “move discourse in our direction.” Greg said that this segment of the WN community needs to learn the issues, get involved, build respect among peers, then move discourse and people right.

    How are these two ideas any different in principle? It seems like you and Greg saying are the exact same thing here.

    I really think for this discussion to be productive in the future we much clearer definitions of “vanguard” and “mainstream.”

    Although I hate to provide my definitions using examples — Socrates ripped his interlocutor in Plato’s Euthyphro for doing this — my concept of the ideal WN mainstreamer is early 1990s David Duke. Duke is pro-White, but in his campaigns from 20 years ago he adapted his message to where people were at the time.

    Jared Taylor is a WN mainstreamer, too, in my book, and I don’t have a problem with Taylor other than his views on the JQ. Richard Spencer might be considered a form of WN mainstreamer as well, although he also puts a grossly insufficient emphasis on the JQ too IMO.

    Kevin MacDonald, on the other hand, is also a mainstreamer by my understanding, and he does put emphasis on the JQ. In fact, the JQ is KMD’s life work. And, most importantly, because KMD stays within the mainstream in image, style, and tone people are much more likely to listen to him and his radical ideas than say William Pierce’s ideas on the JQ.

    A mainstreamer in my book is someone who is pro-White but with an image and style of argument that ordinary people can relate to and with substance that actually has a chance of persuading someone to look at our ideas.

    In contrast, my concept of a vanguardist someone who is above all misanthropic, doesn’t care about using an image, style and arguments that people will respond to, or who actually prefers pushing ideas and arguments that will drive people away.

    Vanguardists also grossly underestimate the importance of doing useful things right now such as using the existing system to our advantage, not to solve problems fundamentally but to keep things from getting worse. Vanguardists other than Greg Johnson rarely provide examples of what the consider useful action right now. William Pierce did nothing useful in the real world.

    Your critics keep telling you “quit using this NSM straw man!”

    OK, I fine; I personally would be willing to accept the idea that the NSM is a straw man example of the vanguard IF someone shows me what they consider to be the actual WN vanguard in action if the NSM isn’t it.

    So where is this non-straw man vanguard if the NSM is a such caricature?

    Is it VNN? Stormfront? The old NA? Where is it?

    VNN and the old NA are/were misanthropic and do/did push ideas that will drive Whites away. Stormfront may have many people with good intentions, but Nazi and fascist imagery still dominate on SF.

    Greg Johnson and the regulars at MR have the right style and tone, but man, some of their ideas — some not all — are guaranteed to make things worse for our race by pushing people away from organizing around White identity. There is a disturbing emphasis on eugenics at MR, often wedded to most vile and virulent anti-Christianity I have ever seen and admiration for fascist, quasi-fascist or authoritarian political forms. The ordinary person walking around out there won’t perceive that, but if we ever hope to reach educated an educated population, no one is going to respond to that.

    Taking vanguardist ideas into Tennessee where very positive developments are taking place will reverse any progress being made there immediately. The net effect of pushing vanguardist ideas, as I understand them, is to keep people within the rigged system that they say they hate.

  3. The search “anchor rat baby” picks up 4 or 5 hits, all in the Urban Dictionary.

    “Pedro an worthless illegal alien from Mexico, had his son in the USA. Thanks to his anchor rat baby, now he and his whole family can leech off the US.”

  4. LEW,

    I started writing an essay called “A Middle Ground” about the “mainstreamer” vs. “vanguardist” divide. Instead of finishing the essay, I decided to return to looking at the consequences of the 2010 midterm elections at the state level.

    I had already taken a look at Texas, Iowa, Wisconsin, Mississippi, and Utah. A post on Tennessee was more within the subject matter of From The Provinces. It seemed reasonable to draw attention to the success of the “mainstreamer” approach in Tennessee and the failure of “vanguardist” alternative. I plan to give the subject a rest as I move into the other states which haven’t been the site of NSM rallies.

  5. The point that I intended to make in “A Middle Ground” was that there are fundamental, irreconcilable differences between “mainstreamers” and “vanguardists” on half a dozen important issues.

    At the same time, when you move beyond these points of disagreement, there is no reason why certain elements of “vanguardism” cannot be combined with a “mainstreamer” focus. There is nothing stopping a “mainstreamer” from purchasing firearms and learning how to use them, committing to a rigorous physical fitness routine, networking with local Whites, reading books, writing essays about political topics, or learning a thing or two about the finer points of survival training.

    Suppose for a moment the vanguardist fantasy came true and civilization really does collapse. Could Greg Johnson survive in such a world? Does he know anything about hunting or farming?

    If working within the system ultimately fails, we should prepare for the worst before that happens. This is a good example of the sheer stupidity of “vanguardism” which is based on blind alienation. You can work within the system to defend the First and Second Amendment which are under attack. Getting involved in the free speech and gun rights causes is also a good way to network and build bridges to other constituencies on the Right.

  6. “I really think for this discussion to be productive in the future we much clearer definitions of “vanguard” and “mainstream.” ”

    In theory you could have mainstream Nazis. The way it would work would be the Nazi stuff would be done in private like a weekly meeting in a gang house and/or monthly rally in some woods somewhere but during the week the orders would be to dress plain and push lines which were close enough to the people you’re talking to to not be rejected out of hand e.g
    – the “left” party wants immigration for votes
    – the “right” party wants immigration for cheap labor
    – the MSM are anti-white
    – the schools are anti-white
    – the universities are anti-white
    – anti-racism is a codeword for anti-white
    – race is real and it matters
    – diversity is genocide
    – diversity kills
    – nation first, economy second

    You’d recruit like gangs with prospects etc.

    I suppose the critical thing really is that the *interface* between your organisation and the mainstream needs to be close enough to the audience to not be rejected out of hand. In theory the insides can be very different. That’s certainly true on the left – although they have the advantage of low media scrutiny.

  7. The worst thing for Mr. Todd is to apologize- which he already has done. It’s important not to use terms like “rat” or any other name calling. Just calmly talk about illegal aliens or anchor babies. Use the proper terms. Don’t use those inflamatory words like “rat”. Those type of words are not necessary.

    By the way, Israel has built a wall on it’s southern border to keep out black africans. Israel has pressured the Egyptian government to do more to stop the flow of illegal black africans trying to get to Israel. This from an article in an English newspaper. Israel has already kicked out alot of illegal aliens. Even though Israel is a “nation of immigrants”, it hasn’t stopped them from dealing with the issue.

  8. Phil: Why would Israel need a wall to keep out Blacks? You’d think a Jewish cop could spot them easily enough and arrest them. It’d be like a White man trying to pass in a Chinese village.
    I’d guess that the wall serves some other purpose, but by saying they need it to keep Blacks out, they gain the world’s sympathy.

  9. I’d guess that the wall serves some other purpose…

    And I would guess that purpose may be to enforce their blockade against Palestinians in Gaza.

    They were willing to shoot up that aid flotilla to keep concrete out of Gaza, so why wouldn’t they build a wall for a similar purpose?

  10. LEW:
    It seems to me we do talk past each other a bit on this topic.

    That sums up a good deal of the commentary exchange on this website.

  11. This is a recurring problem within white nationalist circles. We keep talking past one another, insisting on ideological purity and righteousness, and we end up getting nowhere.

    What we need to do MORE of is actually talk about HOW we’re going to win.

  12. As far as the “how” goes, we should probably distinguish between the long term and what is practical right now.

    IMO these all of these activities are within reach right now.

    New Organizations:

    – A White ADL
    – A White national PAC
    – White PACs in every state


    – Push the A3P or an A3P equivalent at the state/local level
    – Run A3P candidates for state/local office
    – See Ryan Murdough

    Covert Activism:

    – Join anti-immigrant groups
    – Push discourse right
    – Fight for Arizona laws in each state

    Overt Activism:

    – Matt Parrot style activism


    – If there is a WN out there with the talent to do it, write a WN equivalent of Uncle Tom’s Cabin. A screenplay or a novel.

    Spreading Ideas on the Internet:

    – More emphasis on You Tube and radio, less on comments seen only by the choir
    – Short, pithy, visual, things that can move fast through Twitter

    Community Involvement:

    – Stay active in the community
    – If you’re into guns, religion, environmentalism, whatever, get into the groups that exist around your favorite activities
    – Push that list of memes Wandrin posted above

  13. @ Lew

    Yes, that is a good list.

    With regards to culture, I would also add a cartoonist. The left has plenty of good cartoonists, so we need some of our own.

  14. “NSM is the alternative to working within the system”

    Not a direct quote, but essentially what HW said. Huh???

    Nice straw dog, but that dog don’t hunt.

  15. Political Pessimist says: “With regards to culture, I would also add a cartoonist. The left has plenty of good cartoonists, so we need some of our own.

    Agree 100% about the cartoons.”

    I used to post on a paleocon/WN hybrid forum long ago, and there was a guy there who wrote short comical “dialogs” exposing Jews. One side of the dialog was a Jew “unaware” person, the other side was a Jew “aware” person trying to make the other guy aware. He would pick a cultural issue like Hollywood’s obsession with miscegenation and create a dialog around it, with the Jew “aware” guy trying to get the Jew “unaware” guy to understand it was Jews behind the Hollywood’s miscegenation obsession, not Hollywood liberals. And he pulled it off in a humorous way that I think people would have been able to relate to. That guy was always looking for an artist to draw cartoons to complement his dialogs, but never found one so far as I know. It’s too bad because they were funny and effective. And I bet his dialog copy is long by now too — and that’s another problem, the loss of years of accumulated WN insight, analysis, and commentary in the Internet ether.

    The biggest impediment to getting things done in the real world isn’t ideology it’s finding the right people and collaborators. To get anything done in the real world, you can’t just find people who are unplugged from the Matrix and go from there; you also have to find people with similar interests *and* compatible/complementary skill sets *and* compatible personalities. And that’s a tall order in WN circles.

  16. “NSM is the alternative to working within the system”

    Not a direct quote, but essentially what HW said. Huh???

    Nice straw dog, but that dog don’t hunt.

    Yep, that’s the way his mind works. You give the system the finger, you’re a Nazi. You use a little bit of lateral thinking, you’re a social pariah. You go by your life experiences instead of Hunter’s fresh-outta-momma’s-house worldview, you’re a damn psycho who sits in a bunker, plotting the next OKC bombing.

    I’d rather take my chances on rehabilitating those in the NSM than I would putting stock into Hunter ever being anything but a self-aggrandizing blowhard.

  17. Nice straw dog, but that dog don’t hunt.

    Is there a vanguardist group bigger than the NSM? If so, I am not aware of it. Is there another vanguardist group which has held a bigger rally in Tennessee within recent memory? The only vanguardist competitor the NSM has in Tennessee is the KKK.

  18. Yep, that’s the way his mind works. You give the system the finger, you’re a Nazi.

    (1) I have never said that all vanguardists are Neo-Nazis. It just so happens that the most organized and visible vanguardist groups in Tennessee are the NSM and KKK.

    (2) There are Neo-Nazis like Greg Johnson who do not march around in Stormtrooper uniforms. I have never said otherwise.

    (3) There is a much larger vanguardist constituency of people who anonymously gripe on the internet but who do nothing to change the status quo. Although I have fundamental disagreements with the NSM on their approach, I give them credit for at least trying to follow up on their ideas in the public sphere.

    (4) Virtually all the violent White Nationalists of the James von Brunn sort are of the vanguardist persuasion.

  19. What we need to do MORE of is actually talk about HOW we’re going to win.

    That’s really the only subject we should be talking about. The White ethnostate has been the goal for the past twenty years. There is no shortage of awareness of the Jewish Question in White Nationalist circles. Every angle of the Jewish Question is now covered on multiple websites.

    Without a doubt, the HOW question is the biggest and most important shortcoming of the White Nationalist movement today. The only White Nationalist who has really taken this on is Harold Covington. We need a lot more discussion about HOW to win and less Jiminy Cricket “wish upon star” fantasy thinking of what an imaginary White ethnostate ought to look like.

  20. The wall is Israel is building is to keep out the flood of black African “refugees” trying to enter Israel via Egypt. The flow has become a major border security problem the last few years and the Negev/Sinai area is a mountainous desert area, which makes efficient control problematic.

  21. Eric Nordman: So, is Egypt pulling a Mexico and letting all these Negroes pass through their territory on the way to infiltrate the Main Enemy?

  22. RE: How to win – observations and suggestions


    What we need to do MORE of is actually talk about HOW we’re going to win.


    Without a doubt, the HOW question is the biggest and most important shortcoming of the White Nationalist movement today.

    Perhaps WN should attempt to organize around occupational skills rather than ideology and similar activist interests.

    Think about it. Each of us already has a vast reservoir of knowledge on “how” to get things done in our professional fields. Potentially, I think we could just transfer the skills we have now where we each already have expert knowledge and just apply them to different problem — identifying the WN path to victory and a developing a practical plan to make it happen.

    Say for example there are 3 WN lawyers out there. Let’s say that one lawyer is currently pursuing street activism and community organizing, one wants to focus on blogging and polemical writing, and one wants to do cultural work, but none of them are experts in those things because the law is their actual career.

    Perhaps a more effective use of their time would be to pool their legal skills to set up a national PAC, or a legal 501 (c)(3) that would serve as a White ADL .

    The Homeschoolers, for example, have an organization that does nothing but represent Homeschoolers being harassed by the system. The Christians, likewise, have the American Center for Law Justice which does the same thing — it is a legal watch dog group that helps Christians being harassed by the system. Just about every group has an organization for this purpose (expect Whites of course).

    WN with business training could do the same thing as the lawyers; use their skills on aspects of the problem where their skills are germane.

    From my perspective in the business world, WN has a serious marketing problem and a serious problem with project execution, or even coming up with project plans in the first place to execute.

    I would be willing to work with other WN from the business world to see what we can do about this particular set of issues.

  23. —-
    From a business standpoint, projects usually fail one reason — poor project definition. Accordingly, if we really are going to get serious about tackling this problem of “how” we are going to win, we would have to be very specific in what we are trying to accomplish.

    Instead of setting a goal that is very vague and amorphous such as: “we need focus on how we are going to win,” the project definition would need to be specific like this:

    Create a White Equivalent of the ADL by the end of 2011.

    This objective is concrete and the result is measurable.

    The next step would then be to identify the requirements to make it happen.

    That might look something like this:

    1) Identify the skills we need: lawyers, IT guys, and writers

    2) Determine the legal requirements for setting up a 501(c)(3) — the ADL is a 501 (c)(3)

    (The WN Lawyers do this)

    3) Let WN lawyers make it happen; let them set it up the legal entity that will be the basis for the White ADL.

    (The WN Lawyers do this)

    3) Let the IT guys set up a slick Web site, with embedded video and so on, maybe with a drupal backend

    (The WN IT guys do this)

    4) Put the word out to WN all over the country to send in examples of anti-White abuses, like maybe the cops burying a Black on White gang murder by not calling it a hate crime.

    Or, we could collect examples of system figures making outrageous statements about Whites (like Tim Wise, or that Newsweek writer that said nothing is more abhorrent than being proud of being White).

    (The whole WN blogopshere could put the word out on this)

    5) Then, once we have the needed information on anti-White hate collected form WN around the country, we could turn loose our best writers, the ones who write the sharpest and cutting prose, and let them write press releases calling attention to the anti-White abuses. We could also prepare You Tube videos and push links to the press releases and videos via Twitter.

    (The WN writers and everyone does this)

    6) Put up a list of the top ten anti-White figures in the United States.

    They have their list with Jared Taylor and others, so we could put up our own counter list of what might call “American’s Foremost Anti-White Bigots and Hatemongers,” followed by names like Dees, Wise and so on.

    (The WN writers do this).

  24. —-
    If we could just a reach consensus on what’s most important for our movement at this point in time, feasible in the near future and likely to have the biggest impact in our favor, say a PAC versus a White ADL, we just might be able pull this off using skills we already have within our own ranks.

    This is just a suggestion and one example of a possibility. It wouldn’t have to be a White ADL. But anything would be very difficult. Everyone would probably have to work for free, for one thing. I would do it, but others might not want to (or be able to).

    Creating a professional organization like a White ADL with everyone working for free would also be hard for other reasons. There might be liability issues, slander issues, accounting issues, and a whole slew of issues that require professional skills to handle. And since we don’t have a million dollar budget like Foxman, we would have to rely on people within our own ranks once again to handle these problems, probably by working for free.

    It would also require strangers to collaborate in the real world — maybe an automatic show stopper right there.

    But if we could get even a bare bones version of a White ADL up and running in 2011 or 2012, it would be better than what we have now and something to build on in the future if we ever get more funding.

    Again, it wouldn’t have to be a White ADL, just whatever we decide.

    And even if it fails, it still might be time better spent for the parties involved than writing comments on the internet for the next two years.

    – LEW

  25. It is a 38-year-old idea to form an Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for white Americans:

    “There are aggressively censorious minority organizations, principal among them the B’nai B’rith’s Anti-Defamation League, which monitor the printed and the spoken word for the most subtle anti-minority allusions. Should any be found, the owner or editor of the offending media and, if necessary, the writer, advertisers and stockholders are so advised and admonished. The majority, to its great loss, has no similar watchdog organizations.” [Wilmot Robertson, 1972]

  26. Yeah, those are good points. The starting point would need to be not repeating what has already failed. I was just trying to throw out some thoughts on a possible approach for “how,” how we might take it from concept to reality. It wouldn’t have to be an adl or anything super ambitious; it could be anything that might make an impact even on a small scale and get us out of cyber space and on the ground.

  27. “you also have to find people with similar interests *and* compatible/complementary skill sets *and* compatible personalities. And that’s a tall order in WN circles.”

    This is why i’m mainly focused on simply increasing numbers. It’s much more productive to have a group of three people on the same wavelength than a group of twelve who disagree on fundamentals but if you have small numbers there’s a natural tendency for people with incompatible viewpoints to cram together so they end up fighting all the time. If you can get the base numbers up then hopefully you can get to a situation where there’s enough people to form viable groups for each viewpoint.

  28. New Organizations:

    – A White ADL
    – A White national PAC
    – White PACs in every state


    – Push the A3P or an A3P equivalent at the state/local level
    – Run A3P candidates for state/local office
    – See Ryan Murdough

    Covert Activism:

    – Join anti-immigrant groups
    – Push discourse right
    – Fight for Arizona laws in each state

    Overt Activism:

    – Matt Parrot style activism


    – If there is a WN out there with the talent to do it, write a WN equivalent of Uncle Tom’s Cabin. A screenplay or a novel.

    Spreading Ideas on the Internet:

    – More emphasis on You Tube and radio, less on comments seen only by the choir
    – Short, pithy, visual, things that can move fast through Twitter

    Community Involvement:

    – Stay active in the community
    – If you’re into guns, religion, environmentalism, whatever, get into the groups that exist around your favorite activities
    – Push that list of memes Wandrin posted above

    None of those ideas will work because they revolve first about WN and normal people are afraid to join for fear of losing their livelihood. All that will happen is the same three or four people will get to gether and then lose interest and the thing wil fade away. The point is to join normal organizations that have creedence and then carefully inject new ideas to steer it’s membership towards a more clear understanding about the true nature of the liberal assault on white people as a race.

  29. Sure; I agree; I was just throwing out some ideas for discussion. Your concept of steering people from inside the mainstream without being explicit was what I was driving at with Covert Activism and Community Involvement.

  30. The Republicans are so funny, when the economy is good you say let’s all celebrate “Cinco de Mayo, my brothers” but when the economy is down “it’s all your fault, you damn immigrant”.

    The GOP has went on a nationwide rant in proposing and passing several anti-immigration legislation (that our US Courts continue to strike down) and have continue to blame the immigrant for the flat economy or worse.

    Plus the more radical of the GOP are now attacking our Constitution (with all Amendments), and the Declaration of Independence, in their crazy notion of wanting to take away rights that all of us take for granted in their misguided attempt to garner some much needed votes (how is that working, of course I mean the Senate), they really are fools, and leading the GOP towards obscurity because they are no longer a party of ideas, just of empty suits.

    When most Americans (of Latin America roots) went to the polls this November we all remembered who stood with us, our children, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters, our parents and grandparents, in one word our families and who stood against us, so trying to make amends now is somewhat funny, but go ahead, you did not change our minds. Your hate made you do it, and you found out that you reap what you have sown. I wonder what Abraham Lincoln would say about todays GOP, he unlike the current GOP was a man of ideas.

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