Nagging Little Voices

Dungeons and Dragons with Commander Harold Covington


I just got finished listening to the latest podcast of Radio Free Northwest. As I suspected, Harold Covington, a writer of fantasy fiction, had a few words to say about this website, none of which were positive.

I suggest we play a game.

– First, take a deep breath.

– Second, hold your breath like you are underwater.

– Third, count how many seconds you can hold your breath before you exhale.

I can hold my breath for at least 35 seconds.

Now let’s imagine every second you can hold your breath represents a person. By my count, that is at least 30 more people (counting sockpuppets) than there are in the Northwest Front and 35 more than there are who are seriously willing to engage in an IRA-style terrorist campaign to create a Northwest Republic.

According to Gallup, 25 percent of the residents of Washington self identify as “liberals.” There are 6,664,195 people in Washington state. That means Harold Covington has around 1,666,048 “liberal” neighbors.

Can you hold your breath for 19 hrs and 25 minutes?

If every White Nationalist in America (including every sympathizer who reads these websites including antis and monitors) moved to Washington state tomorrow, they would still be dwarfed by the sheer number of liberals on the ground there.

If they followed HAC’s advice, the liberal, moderate, and conservative majority would unanimously react to vanguardist terrorism in the same way that Americans reacted to the Oklahoma City bombing. Local law enforcement alone would be sufficient to squelch any rebellion. Not to mention the FBI and ATF which have snuffed out any number of such groups over the past thirty years.

Mainstreamers vs. Vanguardists

I’ve repeatedly compared “vanguardism” to fool’s gold. It is a rhetorical position that sounds tough and uncompromising. It is a siren song that at first sounds promising. This type of radical posturing is attractive to highly alienated people, but all bullshit aside, it ultimately amounts to nothing more than escapism.

There is nothing of substance to vanguardism. There isn’t a Northwest Front. There is only Harold Covington (see photo above) living in a fantasy world. There is just one alienated fantasist sitting behind his computer, someone who has no real influence in his own community, browbeating other alienated fantasists to move to the Northwest and join his cult to keep him company.

If I were to move to Washington state, I would find myself hanging out with Harold Covington when I got there, thousands of miles away from home and without a job. Instead of being alienated and irrelevant in Alabama, I would be alienated, irrelevant, broke, and homesick in the Pacific Northwest.

The most damning criticism of Harold Covington is that he doesn’t believe his own bullshit. For all his talk of military bravado, Covington himself can’t even find a single unhinged psychopath to take on the local post office. His own followers won’t move to the Pacific Northwest because even they understand at some level that Covington is nuts.

The Pacific Northwest and Vanguardists

Vanguardists have been active in the Pacific Northwest since the 1970s. From the 1970s until 2001, Aryan Nations was based out of Idaho. The phrase “hiding out in a bunker in Idaho” has become a derisive phrase in the movement for that reason.

When Richard Butler died in 2001, Aryan Nations had a worldwide following of around 200 people. The SPLC bankrupted the group with a wrongful death lawsuit. Their property was seized and awarded to the plaintiffs. It was later turned into “a peace park.”

Aryan Nations failed to make any inroads into the surrounding communities. The group has since splintered and relocated to Ohio and Pennsylvania. If Richard Butler and the Aryan Nations couldn’t spark a Northwest Migration, what makes Harold Covington think he would be any more successful?

All of vanguardism is based on the same errors: unrealistic escapist fantasies, a fundamental unwillingness to adapt their rhetoric to the experience of their audience, a radical sense of alienation from White America, wild millenarian expectations of an apocalyptic collapse, a tendency to withdraw from society, a tendency to express that alienation by erecting unnecessary barriers to understanding, an unwillingness to start where people are today, and radical impulse to burn bridges and push people away.

It really doesn’t matter where the vanguardists go: Arizona, Washington, or West Virginia. The effective result is always the same. Stewing in their alienation, they fail to make any progress in establishing a political base in their communities. With nothing else to do, they log on to the internet to vent their frustrations and share their alienation and misery with others.

“The Northwest Homeland” is an abstract republic. It is an imaginary community that is pitched to intellectuals and vanguardists on the basis of their alienation, fantasies, idealism, and abstract reason. For all his prodding to “come home,” Harold Covington must know that he can never compete with someone’s real home.

There is a scene in Gods and Generals that captures the attitude of many White Southerners to a Northwest Migration.

In 1861, Simon Cameron (President Lincoln’s Secretary of War) offered Robert E. Lee full command of the Union Army. It was a major promotion. Lee was then a Colonel. He could have fought on the winning side of the War Between the States. In some alternate histories, Lee might have succeeded Lincoln as President like General Grant, whose war glory propelled him into the White House.

Robert E. Lee preferred to lose rather than accept a promotion and turn his back on his native state.

Admittedly, this is an extreme example. The vast majority of White Southerners have nothing like Lee’s sense of honor and duty. At the same time, they are highly adverse to uprooting themselves (from their friends, families, kinship networks, culture, communities, native climate) and travelling thousands of miles across America to settle in a strange place where they don’t know anyone and probably can’t find a job.

A good example of this is the response of Southerners to devastating hurricanes. It doesn’t matter how many times hurricanes like Ike, Ivan and Katrina strike the communities along the Gulf Coast. It doesn’t matter to the natives who know that the prevailing weather of the region means they are likely to get hit again.

The people who live there rebuild Galveston, Bay St. Louis, and Panama City. They won’t even contemplate moving to Wyoming or Idaho because they want to live in Mississippi and Florida.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 unleashed an epidemic of negro pathologies in the Deep South. The people who live in Alabama responded by adapting to the hated law, not by fleeing to other parts of the country.

The moral of the story: a fantasy world can never compete with a real community.

There has to be some compelling reason and practical benefit to the settler to abandon everything he knows. In the 1840s, the discovery of gold in California sparked a migration. The Mormons traveled to Utah to save their souls. The pioneers went West for freedom and cheap land.

No one is going to move to the Northwest for Harold Covington will have someone to talk to.

The Pacific Northwest and Mainstreamers

In his latest episode of Radio Free Northwest, Harold Covington accused me of “running down the Northwest.” In reality, I have only criticized Covington and his implausible vanguardist scheme, which will only have the effect of making life even more uncomfortable for White Nationalists already living in the region.

There are many valid reasons for White Zionists to move to the Pacific Northwest. I have spent hours analyzing Wyoming and Idaho. Eventually, I plan to take a hard look at Washington, Oregon, Montana, and the Dakotas. I will complete my analysis with a regional summary.

Harold’s real gripe isn’t that I am “running down the Northwest.” It is that I have written positive reviews of the wrong Northwestern states. Namely, those where Harold Covington doesn’t live, which are excluded from his fantasy world.

White Zionists settling in Idaho and Wyoming could have a far bigger impact than they could in Washington or Oregon. Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota are smaller states than Idaho. Their impact would be even larger there.

There is nothing stopping White Zionists from taking over existing communities in the Interior West and creating communities where anti-White taboos are unenforceable. If they moved to Wyoming or Montana, they could demonstrate the potential of the White Zionist model. That would attract more recruits and the publicity necessary to fuel and sustain a real Northwest migration.

In his podcast, Harold Covington denounced the Ron Paul campaign. Ron Paul’s presidential campaign laid the foundation (through institutions like Young Americans for Liberty and Campaign for Liberty) for Rand Paul’s successful bid to become U.S. Senator from Kentucky.

Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota are smaller than Oregon and Washington. Instead of 4 Senators, they send 10 to Washington. Wyoming has 2 Senators in spite of being 1/9th the size of Kentucky.

If the libertarians can succeed in Kentucky, the home of millions of “Red State Fascists,” why can’t White Nationalists succeed in Wyoming?

This migration plan is perfectly legal. It is not based on a wild fantasist scheme of a successful vanguardist insurrection. The vast majority of White Zionists are just looking for a place to settle down and live a White life.

The Nagging Little Voice

The “nagging little voice” says:

If I moved to Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, or the Dakotas, I could live a fairly decent life, pay less in taxes, own more property, and my kids would have Nordic classmates. I might find myself an attractive, conservative Nordic woman to marry and live with on my ranch or in my cabin in the woods. There would be no Jews or blacks to put up with.

I would be safe. I might have some actual political representation. If more people moved here, seeing how good we have it, we might even be able to live openly as White Nationalists.

Alternatively, I could move to Washington and join the Northwest Front, which would consist of me hanging out with Harold Covington and a few other alienated vanguardists all day. After getting a job, I would be constantly prodded to support “the movement,” which must have some financial base of support.

Any association with Covington might actually prevent me from acquiring employment. In the event I did move there and built up a nest egg, it could be wrecked at any moment by an unhinged fantasist going on a counterproductive shooting spree.

Maybe I ought to just move to the Pacific Northwest and enjoy living a quiet life there. If I want to hear what Harold Covington has to say, I could always listen to his podcast. That way I could enjoy all the benefits of the Pacific Northwest without the liability of having any dangerous affiliations.

HAC responds to his critics:

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter,
    Can I just request that you let this go and even delete this post?
    O.D. is going mainstream, Covington is way out of the mainstream.
    He’s a good writer and at times a good radio host. Folks can choose to read his books and listen to some of his radio podcasts.
    Covington can’t get along with anyone and he eventually ends up insulting everyone – this week it was you, last week it was me.
    Don’t take these things personally, it’s not your fault, you didn’t do anything wrong, except maybe letting the Covington issue go on too long on O.D.
    Time to move on.
    White mainstream nationalists need our version of:

  2. I like the content featured on O.D. – especially in the past 6 or so months.

    The focus on “Keeping it real” – and not lining our craniums with fluffy daydreams or coating it in piss and vinegar is most welcome.

    I’m not from North America, so I have no idea what all the issues are – but – I’m able to come up to speed by reading sites such as O.D. and AltRight.

  3. Putting the vanguardist model under the microscope helps us see why White Nationalists are failing in the Pacific Northwest. It helps us see the ways we can adapt and enjoy more success. The final product is a better model.

  4. The potential of Wyoming is a good example of a line of inquiry that has been opened up here. The major problem of the Pacific Northwest is the SWPL infestation and high population. Wyoming and neighboring states are more favorable in this respect.

    Ultimately, I hope to boomerang this discussion around to Washington and Oregon. I’m already starting to come up with productive ideas that could help the White Nationalists on the ground there.

    Before moving to Washington and Oregon, we are going to take a look at Colorado, which has many of the same features. If we can “Crack Colorado,” we might be able to save the Northwest with the same model.

  5. One other idea.

    Unfortunately I do not possess the intellectual acumen to efficiently synthesize the content featured on this website or other such websites that could be featured under a “This is what you can do” or “Do This” banner (essentially a practical advice section).

    I need “Intellectual MRE’s” (meals-ready-to-eat), I’m surrounded by anti-white, globalization multi-cult sentiment everyday. I find that I’m spending a lot more time online than I’d prefer, to find practical advice on how to counter the daily mainstream propaganda machine.

    This is my practical advice for myself;
    1) Switch of the TV (yet, now I spend that time online! Go figure!).
    2) Don’t read newspapers (I occasionally take a peak at the less Left leaning ones! I’m still curious as to what goes on around me, no need to hide in the basement)
    3) Seek out alternative information sources (and organizations).
    4) Read more books (I have a basic reading list, that encompasses my current intellectual interests, but also cover self-sufficiency, campcraft and Western martial skills).
    5) Meet and greet. Where possible I try to physically meet people of like mind. The benefits far outweigh the time and money invested to do so.

    1) Start a family (yes, that means dating mostly liberal women – but, they actually want children more than you’d expect). If you don’t have kids yet, then who will occupy the vacuum that you leave behind when you die? What you know or can teach needs to be passed on to your children.
    2) Stay connected with family, friends and community – inject you’re attitudes into the conversation and daily interactions (this is what the modern day media does everyday anyway).
    3) Get fit. So you want to start the ‘revolution’, but can you outrun the bullets coming your way? Clicking a mouse is not enough.
    4) Put what you’ve read in books into action, go camping, live simply, grow your own food (make your own booze!).
    5) Get out of debt.
    6) Save your money, or buy gold and silver (just stop buying stuff you really don’t need). How much of the stuff you own, would be of any use if the electricity went off for a week, or gas stations run dry?).

    1) Live your European values (or get some!). I die a little every time I see a Wigga.
    1) Start with yourself (eliminate bad habits, addictions, etc.)
    2) Look for ideas outside the current stock of mainstream ideas (ensure they are pro-Western and actually have roots in a Western Tradition, Tantric Sex Yoga is appealing – but it’s not European)
    2) Whether you’re Christian or a modern Heathen, live it (as long as it’s even mildly pro-Western, it’s still better than claiming affiliation with the Globalization Multi-Cult).
    3) Put the intellectual input via books here into action too.
    4) Support other white folks with advice, money, help, etc.
    5) Look after your parents, they once did the same for you (why are so many people passing time alone in “retirement homes”).

    OK, that’s all folks! I’m not advocating this list for you, I’m simply sharing my ideas (you know best what works for you). I’m not about to starting acting like Government and tell you what you should do.

    But, do something.

  6. Go figure under “INTELLECTUAL”, I have a typo.

    1) Switch of the TV

    “of” should of course be “off”, and I thought I was perfect!

  7. Georgia is a state with an enormous black population and a huge SWPL infestation in the Atlanta area. North Carolina is another state with blacks, Hispanics, and SWPL infestation.

    Why are Georgia and North Carolina succeeding whereas Washington and Oregon are failing?

  8. I guess all OD readers are familiar with Trainspotter’s criticism of OD “going mainstream”. Well, I have collated and archived most of his incisive comments. He may not be a fan of Covington, but in the longest entry in my blog I conflate both points of view in the context of the recent OD debates:

    By the way, don’t miss the NorthFront YouTube clips at the side of my blog. Pay special attention to what Covington says about the Tea Party and the conservatives. As to whether Covington’s vision is fantasist or not, read my very short review of Michael O’Meara’s Toward the White Republic:

    In his pamphlet O’Meara states that Covington’s novels “now represents the most authoritative treatment of white separatism in the English language,” and that “political fiction has one overriding purpose: to reach those who can’t be reached through rational discourse.”

    Today I will finish Covington’s A Mighty Fortress, and will start the last novel of his series. In terms of the internal chronology of the Northwest Quartet, although the latest that Covington has written, The Brigade is a masterpiece. If OD readers have already purchased a copy of Toward the White Republic and are captivated by O’Meara’s vision, I cannot recommend more strongly this thrilling novel. Yes: it’s downloadable for free (here). But I would advice purchasing the copies of the Quartet and study them as legitimate printed books.

    Covington’s scenario will not happen in the near future. But when a few Europe nations fall to Sharia or Paris starts to enjoy the joys of multiculturalism big time (the 2005 Muslim riots to the nth degree), Covington’s scenario will become doable at the other side of the Atlantic. Let me quote from a couple of pages of The Brigade where Covington seems to write about his own role as the Old Man in the coming revolution:

    “And that, Mr. Ekstrom, is what the white race has been waiting to hear from men like you for a hundred years,” said Morehouse with a nod. “You know that we were in a very similar situation, back before the Party was formed? The Old Man himself Came Home in 2002, but for years he simply sat all alone in a series of cracker box apartments or trailers or boarding houses, pounding on a computer that grew older and crankier as time passed. For years he looked for those out-of-state license plates to come over the hill, begging and pleading on his knees with his fellow white people to come to his side and help him, and for year after year, no one came. He asked only for a hundred good men, or women. One hundred people who were willing to place the future of their blood and their civilization over their own personal welfare. And for year after year, no one came.”

    “And then what happened?” asked Ekstrom.

    “Then they came,” replied Morehouse simply. “We refer to this among ourselves as The Awakening, and we still don’t understand it fully. Don’t get me wrong when I say this, because we’re not a religious movement, rather the reverse in fact. But the best and most comprehensible way that I can put this, is that it had to be some kind of divine intervention. God decided to give His most wonderful and yet wayward children one final break before He threw the white race onto the scrap heap of history. He reached into the hearts of one hundred people and moved them, changed them, so that they let the scales fall from their eyes and they knew they had to put something above their own well-being; that they had to live for something besides a job and a paycheck and a shopping spree at the mall. One day it just kind of began, and one hundred people stopped worrying about themselves and went out and began packing the moving van. The Old Man had his first hundred, and they became the nucleus of the Party that was formed when they came to the Homeland and were in place. Without that first hundred people, there could have been no Party, because it was they who set up the infrastructure of the migrants would have something to Come Home to.”


    For a splendid review of the whole Northwest Quartet in The Occidental Quarterly, click: here.

  9. The term vanguardist (originally a Marxist term) is abused here. It denotes a cadre of ideological purists, not necessarily people prone to violence. Does HW regard them as the same?

    It is nice to see HW following my lead by noting that Covington’s Northwest Migration prescription has little to recommend it for most people. I suppose that if I lived in California, following Detective Mark Fuhrman to Idaho might seem the obvious thing to do.

  10. TrekBoer – Unless you want your life to be miserable and your children to have utter disdain for your ideas, DO NOT date, and especially, marry and have children with a liberal woman! I am a conservative woman who married a liberal. It was the biggest mistake of may life. It is hell being married to a man who hates everything you hold dear, fights you every step of the way on every issue you believe in, and was in large part responsible for your children turning into liberals themselves. You would be much better off not dating at all, than dating a liberal. I’m speaking from hard learned experience.

  11. Jack,

    Who are you to request that Hunter delete an entry on the blog that he created? That’s absolutely absurd.

    If you find that the criticism of your fearless leader is hitting a little too close to home, there are other venues that you might find more welcoming. There may even be some fat women there for you. Seek these places out, Jack. Take your own advice and move on.

    I allotted a significant amount of my valuable time to discuss the Harold Covington issue with you by Skype at your request. I urged you not to open that can of worms here and you agreed to drop the matter. Did you really drop the matter and abide your word? No. You simply waited a few months until you thought that I had left OD and you pushed Covington anyway, confident in your ability to censor any and all criticism of your Führer.

    I told you that broaching the man’s name here would not be beneficial for anyone, but you wouldn’t listen. You’re reaping what you’ve sown here, Jack.

  12. Jack Ryan wrote:

    “O.D. is going mainstream.”

    This is not entirely correct.

    While Hunter Wallace has certainly “gone mainstream” with regard to his political views, OD is still a White Nationalist blogging collective dedicated to “Western Racial and Cultural Preservation” and Hunter does not plan to change that, nor does he demand that the other authors here write from a “mainstream perspective.”

  13. (1) If you shifted the “Northwest Homeland” east to Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, and South Dakota, it would make a lot more sense.

    (2) If you jettisoned the vanguardism in favor of “working within the system,” White Zionists could put 10 U.S. Senate seats in play.

    (3) White Zionists are people who are going to migrate anyway. If they move anywhere, it should be to the thinly populated, strongly conservative Northern Plains states.

  14. As we shall see, Washington, Oregon, and Colorado are still very much in play. The absolute last thing we want to do here though is launch a vanguardist terrorist campaign that would solidify the liberal/moderate alliance which has turned these Red States into Blue States.

  15. (1) If you want to see how to win in Virginia, read my post Red Dominion:

    (2) Spending the next twenty years posting anonymous comments on the internet from the Richmond suburbs will do absolutely nothing to change our situation on the ground there.

    (3) If you are interested in fantasy fiction, I recommend you check out the Star Trek novels which you can find in any good bookstore. There is a whole series on “The Dominion War.” You can also find out what happened to the Borg after Captain Janeway destroyed The Collective in Star Trek Voyager.

    (4) No one in that YouTube clip is a Northwest Front member.

    (5) Michael O’Meara has succumbed to his own alienation. That is unfortunate.

    (6) Covington’s scenario will never happen for the reasons I have described. Look at the response to the Oklahoma City bombing. What do you suppose the result would be if a violent fantasist started blowing up government buildings in a Blue State like Washington?

    Fortunately, this whole scenario (a “sidetrack” as he might call it) is like discussing angels on the head of a pin. Covington himself refuses to walk the walk. He doesn’t even believe his own bullshit. Harold isn’t about to lift a finger to do anything that might put his own ass on the line.

  16. Considering that this essay by Hunter is basically a rebuttal of Covington’s NWF, I feel that I am within safe grounds making a few comments regarding it, despite the fact that a few of us are very sensitive to the mere mention of his name.
    Hunter makes a lot of good points about Covington’s “organization” (if it can be called such), and Covington is most definitely out in left field intellectually. I listened to his last podcast and deleted it afterward. It was the worst one he has done yet, and the one previous to that (Nov. 11) was nearly as bad. HAC seems to be running out of new material and it is starting to show.That is a shame because his first 11 or so podcasts were quite good. Indeed this last podcast of his and the comments about OD were uncalled for and downright stupid. With Covington it seems that it is either “my way or the highway” as the colloquialism goes. So of course, OD comes under fire too. For the most part, his podcasts now center around admonitions to his audience to “come home” or alternatively, to berate them for spending too much time at the PC monitor. The best thing about his podcasts now are the musical interludes between his talking sessions. While I do agree that he is never going to find his 1000 “class A” (his terminology) men for his IRA type terrorist war on the USA, I do not agree with the following quote from Hunter’s article: ” Local law enforcement alone would be sufficient to squelch any rebellion.” That would be true only if they knew who the “terrorists” were, and if they maintained a high profile-“visible” to the public, like the Huttaree Militia. This is the reason why “the FBI and ATF which have snuffed out any number of such groups over the past thirty years.” They were infiltrated first and then neutralized. That is NOT the type of scenario that HAC is advocating either in his fictional books or his podcasts. Please understand that I am NOT advocating following HAC or his proposed “methods”, but the fact is that historically revolutions have been conducted successfully against governments using the method of groups of cells operating covertly, never remaining in the same place for more than a day or so and then hitting another target, and so on. The cells would have only one member who knows another from a different cell . It is exactly this kind of terrorist that the government is actually afraid of, those with a cause who do not care about their own lives and who keep a low profile , and not Vanguardists who are merely playing at being revolutionaries. I cannot imagine any of our government police agencies being effective against a home-grown Al-Queda or something similar. I don’t even trust our local police to arrive in time when and if I should ever call because of a break-and-enter robbery or murder attempt (which is why I am a gun owner).
    Having said that though, I still find his fiction entertaining even though I am in total agreement with this statement from your article, which sums up the whole scenario best:
    There is nothing of substance to vanguardism. There isn’t a Northwest Front. There is only Harold Covington (see photo above) living in a fantasy world. There is just one alienated fantasist sitting behind his computer, someone who has no real influence in his own community, browbeating other alienated fantasists to move to the Northwest and join his cult to keep him company.

  17. If you jettisoned the vanguardism in favor of “working within the system,”
    White Zionists could put 10 U.S. Senate seats in play.

    That sentence is powerful and should be repeated over and over like a mantra.
    Phantom armies of insurgents attempting to overthrow FedZog is the stuff of fantasy.
    But those ten Senate seats are within the realm of possibility.

  18. If you think about it, White Zionists could learn a lot from the SWPLs, another migrating tribe of White people. The SWPLs have succeeded in transforming states like Colorado, Virginia, Oregon and Washington in a negative way …. BY WORKING WITHIN THE SYSTEM.

    Why can’t the White Zionists move to Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota? They could work within the system there and have a positive effect on the political spectrum in other states.

    White Zionists imitating SWPLs makes a lot more sense than following Harold Covington’s advice.

  19. You write too much, but it’s great stuff. All things I’ve said to the believers in soteriology many times before. I’m surprised how similar our ideas are in parts. For example:

    White Zionists imitating SWPLs makes a lot more sense than following Harold Covington’s advice.

    I was pitching this to the MR crowd last year, of all people.

    I can hold my breath for at least 35 seconds.

    Static apnea is good fun. My personal best, 3:02.

    Disagree that OD is “mainstream”. Any mention of Lindstedt locates one in a stagnant puddle way off the main stream of everything. I love the guy, but that’s how it goes.

  20. TrekBoer,

    Great post. Have to disagree with “PHYSICAL 1)”, marrying a liberal. Wouldn’t go so far anyway; liberals have superpowerful ideological antennae. You will come to grief sooner or later, and typically sooner.

    I need “Intellectual MRE’s” (meals-ready-to-eat), I’m surrounded by anti-white, globalization multi-cult sentiment everyday. I find that I’m spending a lot more time online than I’d prefer, to find practical advice on how to counter the daily mainstream propaganda machine.

    I am right with you there. I find myself lacking a tongue in everyday encounters where it would be best, spiritually, to leave the faithful with some choice enigmatic morsels without exerting myself. To this end I recommend MajorityRights’ “Snappy Refutations” threads, and the commentary at that site in general. They provide a rhetoric to help you navigate through the shit with precision & aplomb. Pay close attention to the comments of “Wandrin”, who also appears here from time to time.

  21. White Zionists imitating SWPLs makes a lot more sense than following Harold Covington’s advice.

    It sounds good, and needs to happen, but it won’t because WNs are intransigently selfish. You know that. Actually your discussion above on reluctance to uproot is left unresolved to the obvious need to come together somewhere for some purpose. I don’t believe even a lower limit of 30,000 WNs; maybe American and European nationalists taken together, otherwise no. As someone said, there are more American Sikhs than ardent ( < committed!) American nationalists. Fortunately, the capture of those ten Senate seats wouldn't require 30,000 people. With the low population of WY at least 3,000 could seriously affect the vote.

    Whatever will land me a placid Nordic gal, dudes.

  22. Me a White Rabbit, you a White Rabbit.

    We need multiple layers of defense; multiple tools in the tool belt, and in all states, in all white nations.

    Let’s move on, shall we?

  23. Again, regarding this term “vanguardist” that “Hunter Wallace” is tossing around, here is the Wikipedia entry’s first paragraph:

    “In the context of revolutionary struggle, vanguardism is a strategy whereby an organization … attempts to place itself at the center of the movement, and steer it in a direction consistent with its ideology.”

    Vanguardism is about trying to infuse a movement with radical ideas. That means behaving in a controlled and organized manner. It is not about being angry, or flying off the handle due to poor judgment.

    Probably the most noteworthy American racial vanguardist in the proper sense of the word was Dr. William Pierce. He called his publication National Vanguard for a reason. He was fundamentally, I believe, trying to affect the range of discussion among White people concerned about the future of their race.

    Why does Hunter Wallace insist on muddling the meaning of vanguardism, confusing extremism of thought with foolhardiness of action? I think he does it to fabricate an excuse for his own fear of uninhibited clear thinking.

  24. I’m with Jack Ryan on this one. It’s better to act as if Covington doesn’t exist at all. He’s an extreme, disagreeable whackjob (to put it mildly) who is will lead us nowhere and may well repel those just starting to awaken.

    Also we need to realize two things about those who oppose to PC elite:
    1) Perception is reality
    2) Guilt by association

    1) Any newcomers to this site will take one look at the picture of Covington with Nazi flags and immediately leave. The mere sight of the swastika will send them running without a thought of reading the article and won’t come back. We need to distance ourselves from this stuff as much as possible. Facts and truth don’t matter: perception is reality. The image of the swastika and other baggage like it (even in criticism) is enough to live up to everything the PC elite says about about.

    2) People like Covington have been baine on advancing the white Americans. As Hunter as pointed out in-depth: their violent, revolutionary, radical rhetoric is all just hot air without any substance. It’s infotainment for those with our beliefs. Covington, Pierce and all the rest had 40 years to revolt or gain power after the collapse and it hasn’t happened. A joke without a punchline and time to move one. Even worse it gives our enemies extra ammo against us because it’s guilt by association: they talk about them and about their ideas so obviously they’re just like them. We can no longer afford to be associated with their anti-Christian, Anti-American, anti-self government rhetoric. Basically rhetoric attacking everything white Americans hold dear.

    This isn’t recess, it’s real so let them take their broken toys and go home to never be heard from again. It’s time to act like these people don’t exist.

  25. William Rome wrote:

    “I’m with Jack Ryan on this one. It’s better to act as if Covington doesn’t exist at all. He’s an extreme, disagreeable whackjob (to put it mildly) who is will lead us nowhere and may well repel those just starting to awaken.”

    Jack Ryan is a great admirer and promoter of Harold Covington. He only wishes to stifle criticism of Covington, not discussion; he has been pushing Covington’s propaganda here for weeks.

  26. HW offers a practical proposal (the five states) and these nattering naysayers demand that he remove this thread.
    What’s that about?

  27. William Rome has a good point about the photo of Covington with the swastikas, but I think the article deserves to stay. Covington as much as begged for this critical article with his bad-mouthing of OD for no good reason. The points made in this piece are factual and reality based (which is more than can be said of the NWF idea) and deserved. If I may, I would suggest simply removing the photo of Covington with his home-made Nazi uniform and the swastikas. That should satisfy the objection that it would scare off newcomers to the site. I mean, if they actually read the article they can see there is nothing complimentary to Covington or the NWF.

  28. @catonaro of and @uh
    Thank you for your feedback.

    Oh, I’m not advocating marrying liberal woman. After reading it again, it does seem that I’m stating that one should “mostly” date liberal woman – which was not my intention at all! What I really meant, was that I’ve come to the conclusion that woman in my neck of woods are overly (therefor “mostly”) liberal. My command of English isn’t too bad, but things get lost in translation.

    Thank you for reminding me of Majority Rights, haven’t visited that site in a while, I’ll check out the “Snappy Refutations” and keep an eye out for comments by “Wandrin”.

  29. Mr. Covington has a very interesting past! While in Texas with the National Alliance during the 90’s we came in contact with him. He has a’ Checkered’ past to say the least. Does any one remember Combat 18? His nick name is the “Rabbi” When Mr. Covington is in the cups he has a habit of singing Heberew Folks Songs.

    That is just the tip of the isceberg.

  30. Trekboer,

    From your handle, I infer that you, like me, are in South Africa. I also stopped watching TV (gave it to the local old age home), reading newspapers or listening to the radio. I’m long past dating, or pretty much any social interaction, and haven’t kept up with social or political developments in what used to be my country (not that I would expect a true report from the media). So it’s depressing to hear that you can’t find any conservative young women to date. Believe me, liberals are not the kind of people that you want for a wife, or the mother of your children. For one thing, they’re slutty.

    I see the ‘bont’ (mixed) couples, and it grieves me. You don’t want to raise children in this place. Have you considered emigration? Seriously, get a qualification that will qualify you for immigration to some western country. New Zealand is nice; also infested with liberalism, but with the huge advantage of a negiligible African population, and relatively easy immigration. Also a big ex-patriate South African community. If you marry (or become) a nurse, that’s as good as a green card for America. Think about it. Really.

  31. AnalogMan and Trekboer,
    Speaking of New Zealand, once you get citizenship there, its easy to come to Australia and while places like Sydney and Melbourne have been multikulturalized, the West and North Queensland are still White man’s country, with all of the benefits of a White civilization.

    Also if you are young, there are many beautiful women of the nordic variety in Queensland and the West.

  32. “SWPLs” have no trouble getting things by working within the system because it is their system.

    And what, exactly, is the advantage of using the clunky term “SWPLs” as a synonym for liberals? Aside from the ugliness of the term, it really is not a synonym for liberals, since the book describes the tastes of urban, educated white people, not just liberals. In fact, it describes a lot of urban, educated white nationalists. Christopher Donovan in his review of the book for TOQ makes just this point.

    Using “SWPL” as the antonym of White Nationalists tacitly identifies WNs with uneducated non-urbane people, people who don’t exercise, don’t read books, and think that eating huge greasy hamburgers and burritos loaded with drugs and chemicals, washed down with a bucket of high fructose corn syrup, at 2:00 am at an all-night fast food joint is somehow sensibly “conservative,” while health food is liberal and effete. In short, it just buys into the kind of “inbred” “trailer trash” stereotypes of White Nationalists that our enemies work so hard to propagate.

  33. Ahem! Hunter,

    Remember what we talked about back in Virginia? Say you’re keep homeboy. Don’t start fires. It’s not good for business.

    When someone attacks you, what the fuck does it matter? Nada.

    They’re people on the internet. All that matters is real world results. Get at it!!!!

  34. My understanding is that contemporary left liberalism, hypocrisy, disengenuousness, and condescension toward people who are not PC or liberal, especially on matters of race, patriarchy and tradition are the main defining traits of an SWPL sensibility. Although one can find such people anywhere, they do seem to primarily congregate in the cities. The criticisms of SWPLs are not slams on city dwellers per se, just those types. Also, as I understand the acronym “SWPL,” it does not denote a genuinely educated person who appreciates art and Western high culture but rather the opposite. A person with an SWPL outlook is likely to regard trash like The Vagina Monologues as superior to Shakespeare and Indian huts as superior to the Parthenon. In short, an SWPL regards himself as sophisticated but is anything but.

  35. Covington’s scenario will not happen in the near future. But when a few Europe nations fall to Sharia or Paris starts to enjoy the joys of multiculturalism big time (the 2005 Muslim riots to the nth degree), Covington’s scenario will become doable at the other side of the Atlantic.

    Assuming we fail to act in the United States by the time the tiny Muslim minority in Europe grows large enough to impose sharia on a European nation the United States will be majority non-White.

    Remember, today the EU is still over 90% White, the US is now under 65% White.

  36. “SWPLs” have no trouble getting things by working within the system because it is their system.

    And what, exactly, is the advantage of using the clunky term “SWPLs” as a synonym for liberals?
    Greg Johnson

    Agreed on both counts. SWPL is a term that you have to explain if you repost a blog entry that includes it. It’s no better than the weird slang used on VNN or HBD sites (Kwa and NWM respectively.) If a word or term isn’t found in most dictionaries far better to use a normal English synonym.

  37. I haven’t read any of Covington’s books. I haven’t listened to his podcasts. I am only commented on the llisted exposure I have had -namely – the bits and piaces I have read on the OD, and few other sites.

    From what I can tell – he’s an excellent and engaging *writer*. A lot of “WN” literature is simply dreadful. Covingtin has great technical chops. He spins a great yarn. He’s a good story-*teller*.

    The thing is, though – that secyiopn about the first One Hundred coming to the Old Man – the Morehouse character sez that they don’t know why they came.

    Well I do. So does every-one else here.

    White racial conciousness is in direct inverse proportion to exposure to daily 3-D Life Amongst the Diverse. It’s virtually impossible for “Nice White People” – SPWL’s or or other wise – to utter one little word of doubt about the Joys O’ Diversity – without a sickeing dose of daily exposure. Even then, many Nice Whites refuse to admit *why* they sell their house, and move, to the least Diverse placer they can find. Cause it’s not “nice” – and may hurt their employment/social advancement prospects, if they whisper a word of doubt.

    Hunter is a superb analyst, and a rock-solid realist. Covington SUCKS in those areas (Sorry – I’ve read all I need to read, of HC’s work, to be able to see this). .

    There’s a great deal of talk about changing the culture, via art. This is a truly vital insight – Art inspires and moves people in ways that dry analytics do not. The problem is – one needs genuinely gifted artists, to create great art. Wannabe’s, no matter how educated, and knowledgable, never do. Salieri vs. Mozart. The Genuine Artist is a *rare* creature – and now – most are not on “our side”.

    Instead of ignoring and/or Internet bitch-slapping each other – wouldn’t it be neato-keeno if Hunter designed an outline for the great White Awakening novel – based on real things that can happen, and are happening – and Harold took his formidable story-telling skills – and wrote the book?

    JK Rowling is a BILLIONAIRE, because of her superb story-telling skills. Sh’e not great technical writer – her prose is workman-like, at best. in the thousands of Harry Potter pages she’s written – she rarely ascends to true poetry. She does, however, create recognizable, distinct (and lovable) characters, and spin a thrilling web of events.

    And all she’s done is re-write St George and the Dragon. That’s all “Harry Potter” is….

    I wonder what a genuinely gifted scenarist, like Hunter, and a genuinely gifted story-teller, like Harold could do, if they blended their skills….

    Nah. Won’t happen. Awakened Whities are too busy maintaining the piss-lines, around their tiny little piece of turf….

  38. HW you are forgetting one thing as is HC, the locals of those places you mention do not want you. Now for sure they do not want “diversity”, but they want no trouble from radicals of any stripe.

    May I beat the drum one more time and say we need to change the discourse before any fancy plans can come to anything like frutition. I’ll use the jews as an example, Israel exists because of “anti-semites” and “anti-semitism.”

    Whites must put the phrase “anti-white” into their vernacular, and once they do then white community naturally follows.

  39. Bob Whitaker addresses this issue today, no it is not as sexy as armed revolution or even abstract Platonic social engineering done on the web, but it addresses what is basically our issue, white survival, and not the survival of anyone’s precious ego.

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