Nagging Little Voices

Dungeons and Dragons with Commander Harold Covington


I just got finished listening to the latest podcast of Radio Free Northwest. As I suspected, Harold Covington, a writer of fantasy fiction, had a few words to say about this website, none of which were positive.

I suggest we play a game.

– First, take a deep breath.

– Second, hold your breath like you are underwater.

– Third, count how many seconds you can hold your breath before you exhale.

I can hold my breath for at least 35 seconds.

Now let’s imagine every second you can hold your breath represents a person. By my count, that is at least 30 more people (counting sockpuppets) than there are in the Northwest Front and 35 more than there are who are seriously willing to engage in an IRA-style terrorist campaign to create a Northwest Republic.

According to Gallup, 25 percent of the residents of Washington self identify as “liberals.” There are 6,664,195 people in Washington state. That means Harold Covington has around 1,666,048 “liberal” neighbors.

Can you hold your breath for 19 hrs and 25 minutes?

If every White Nationalist in America (including every sympathizer who reads these websites including antis and monitors) moved to Washington state tomorrow, they would still be dwarfed by the sheer number of liberals on the ground there.

If they followed HAC’s advice, the liberal, moderate, and conservative majority would unanimously react to vanguardist terrorism in the same way that Americans reacted to the Oklahoma City bombing. Local law enforcement alone would be sufficient to squelch any rebellion. Not to mention the FBI and ATF which have snuffed out any number of such groups over the past thirty years.

Mainstreamers vs. Vanguardists

I’ve repeatedly compared “vanguardism” to fool’s gold. It is a rhetorical position that sounds tough and uncompromising. It is a siren song that at first sounds promising. This type of radical posturing is attractive to highly alienated people, but all bullshit aside, it ultimately amounts to nothing more than escapism.

There is nothing of substance to vanguardism. There isn’t a Northwest Front. There is only Harold Covington (see photo above) living in a fantasy world. There is just one alienated fantasist sitting behind his computer, someone who has no real influence in his own community, browbeating other alienated fantasists to move to the Northwest and join his cult to keep him company.

If I were to move to Washington state, I would find myself hanging out with Harold Covington when I got there, thousands of miles away from home and without a job. Instead of being alienated and irrelevant in Alabama, I would be alienated, irrelevant, broke, and homesick in the Pacific Northwest.

The most damning criticism of Harold Covington is that he doesn’t believe his own bullshit. For all his talk of military bravado, Covington himself can’t even find a single unhinged psychopath to take on the local post office. His own followers won’t move to the Pacific Northwest because even they understand at some level that Covington is nuts.

The Pacific Northwest and Vanguardists

Vanguardists have been active in the Pacific Northwest since the 1970s. From the 1970s until 2001, Aryan Nations was based out of Idaho. The phrase “hiding out in a bunker in Idaho” has become a derisive phrase in the movement for that reason.

When Richard Butler died in 2001, Aryan Nations had a worldwide following of around 200 people. The SPLC bankrupted the group with a wrongful death lawsuit. Their property was seized and awarded to the plaintiffs. It was later turned into “a peace park.”

Aryan Nations failed to make any inroads into the surrounding communities. The group has since splintered and relocated to Ohio and Pennsylvania. If Richard Butler and the Aryan Nations couldn’t spark a Northwest Migration, what makes Harold Covington think he would be any more successful?

All of vanguardism is based on the same errors: unrealistic escapist fantasies, a fundamental unwillingness to adapt their rhetoric to the experience of their audience, a radical sense of alienation from White America, wild millenarian expectations of an apocalyptic collapse, a tendency to withdraw from society, a tendency to express that alienation by erecting unnecessary barriers to understanding, an unwillingness to start where people are today, and radical impulse to burn bridges and push people away.

It really doesn’t matter where the vanguardists go: Arizona, Washington, or West Virginia. The effective result is always the same. Stewing in their alienation, they fail to make any progress in establishing a political base in their communities. With nothing else to do, they log on to the internet to vent their frustrations and share their alienation and misery with others.

“The Northwest Homeland” is an abstract republic. It is an imaginary community that is pitched to intellectuals and vanguardists on the basis of their alienation, fantasies, idealism, and abstract reason. For all his prodding to “come home,” Harold Covington must know that he can never compete with someone’s real home.

There is a scene in Gods and Generals that captures the attitude of many White Southerners to a Northwest Migration.

In 1861, Simon Cameron (President Lincoln’s Secretary of War) offered Robert E. Lee full command of the Union Army. It was a major promotion. Lee was then a Colonel. He could have fought on the winning side of the War Between the States. In some alternate histories, Lee might have succeeded Lincoln as President like General Grant, whose war glory propelled him into the White House.

Robert E. Lee preferred to lose rather than accept a promotion and turn his back on his native state.

Admittedly, this is an extreme example. The vast majority of White Southerners have nothing like Lee’s sense of honor and duty. At the same time, they are highly adverse to uprooting themselves (from their friends, families, kinship networks, culture, communities, native climate) and travelling thousands of miles across America to settle in a strange place where they don’t know anyone and probably can’t find a job.

A good example of this is the response of Southerners to devastating hurricanes. It doesn’t matter how many times hurricanes like Ike, Ivan and Katrina strike the communities along the Gulf Coast. It doesn’t matter to the natives who know that the prevailing weather of the region means they are likely to get hit again.

The people who live there rebuild Galveston, Bay St. Louis, and Panama City. They won’t even contemplate moving to Wyoming or Idaho because they want to live in Mississippi and Florida.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 unleashed an epidemic of negro pathologies in the Deep South. The people who live in Alabama responded by adapting to the hated law, not by fleeing to other parts of the country.

The moral of the story: a fantasy world can never compete with a real community.

There has to be some compelling reason and practical benefit to the settler to abandon everything he knows. In the 1840s, the discovery of gold in California sparked a migration. The Mormons traveled to Utah to save their souls. The pioneers went West for freedom and cheap land.

No one is going to move to the Northwest for Harold Covington will have someone to talk to.

The Pacific Northwest and Mainstreamers

In his latest episode of Radio Free Northwest, Harold Covington accused me of “running down the Northwest.” In reality, I have only criticized Covington and his implausible vanguardist scheme, which will only have the effect of making life even more uncomfortable for White Nationalists already living in the region.

There are many valid reasons for White Zionists to move to the Pacific Northwest. I have spent hours analyzing Wyoming and Idaho. Eventually, I plan to take a hard look at Washington, Oregon, Montana, and the Dakotas. I will complete my analysis with a regional summary.

Harold’s real gripe isn’t that I am “running down the Northwest.” It is that I have written positive reviews of the wrong Northwestern states. Namely, those where Harold Covington doesn’t live, which are excluded from his fantasy world.

White Zionists settling in Idaho and Wyoming could have a far bigger impact than they could in Washington or Oregon. Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota are smaller states than Idaho. Their impact would be even larger there.

There is nothing stopping White Zionists from taking over existing communities in the Interior West and creating communities where anti-White taboos are unenforceable. If they moved to Wyoming or Montana, they could demonstrate the potential of the White Zionist model. That would attract more recruits and the publicity necessary to fuel and sustain a real Northwest migration.

In his podcast, Harold Covington denounced the Ron Paul campaign. Ron Paul’s presidential campaign laid the foundation (through institutions like Young Americans for Liberty and Campaign for Liberty) for Rand Paul’s successful bid to become U.S. Senator from Kentucky.

Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota are smaller than Oregon and Washington. Instead of 4 Senators, they send 10 to Washington. Wyoming has 2 Senators in spite of being 1/9th the size of Kentucky.

If the libertarians can succeed in Kentucky, the home of millions of “Red State Fascists,” why can’t White Nationalists succeed in Wyoming?

This migration plan is perfectly legal. It is not based on a wild fantasist scheme of a successful vanguardist insurrection. The vast majority of White Zionists are just looking for a place to settle down and live a White life.

The Nagging Little Voice

The “nagging little voice” says:

If I moved to Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, or the Dakotas, I could live a fairly decent life, pay less in taxes, own more property, and my kids would have Nordic classmates. I might find myself an attractive, conservative Nordic woman to marry and live with on my ranch or in my cabin in the woods. There would be no Jews or blacks to put up with.

I would be safe. I might have some actual political representation. If more people moved here, seeing how good we have it, we might even be able to live openly as White Nationalists.

Alternatively, I could move to Washington and join the Northwest Front, which would consist of me hanging out with Harold Covington and a few other alienated vanguardists all day. After getting a job, I would be constantly prodded to support “the movement,” which must have some financial base of support.

Any association with Covington might actually prevent me from acquiring employment. In the event I did move there and built up a nest egg, it could be wrecked at any moment by an unhinged fantasist going on a counterproductive shooting spree.

Maybe I ought to just move to the Pacific Northwest and enjoy living a quiet life there. If I want to hear what Harold Covington has to say, I could always listen to his podcast. That way I could enjoy all the benefits of the Pacific Northwest without the liability of having any dangerous affiliations.

HAC responds to his critics:

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. (1) The “system” itself doesn’t favor any particular class of people. It is the same “system” that we have had in America for centuries. Our enemies are just better at gaming the “system” because, unlike vanguardists, they are not retarded.

    (2) Virginia, Colorado, Georgia, and North Carolina used to be deeply Red states. That has changed because of the influx of SWPLs into those states. Look at Northern Virginia. It is one of the best examples.

    How did they change the political demography of Northern Virginia and Colorado? Well, they moved there, registered to vote, organized, built alliances with indigenous groups and began to elect politicians more amenable to to their tastes.

    (3) Funny how the “system” produces radically different crops of politicians in near direct correlation to the number of “Blues” or “Reds” on the ground there. Vermont is a deeply Blue State because so many liberals live there.

    Colorado is a Purple State that leans Red because while there are more liberals, there are also more conservatives and fewer moderates than in Washington and Oregon.

    Washington and Oregon are Purple States that lean Blue because there are more moderates and fewer conservatives than in Colorado.

    Hispanic immigration is making Colorado, Washington, and Oregon more Blue by the year. How come? Because the number of Hispanics who participate in elections has risen. In Colorado, they have risen from less than 6 percent of voters to around 12 percent.

  2. I will continue to use the “SWPL” term or switch over to “DWL” which describes the exact same tribe of migrating White people.

    SWPL political behavior is motivated by their status consciousness, alienation from, and hostility toward ordinary White people. In this sense, they are not unlike the vanguardists, who also subscribe to the notion that they are better than other people.

    The book does a good job at identifying the anthropological markers that separate this pathological class of Whites from the wrong sort of White people. Everywhere you look, it doesn’t matter whether it is Boise or Denver or Atlanta or San Francisco or Arlington, the presence of SWPL carpetbaggers on the ground tilts the political spectrum in the anti-White direction. Look at Portland and Seattle.

    The stereotypes about SWPLs are largely true: urban, effeminate, vegetarian, liberal, vaguely homosexual, alienated, ironic, detached from the productive side of life, obsessed with elitist posturing, condescending, etc.

    Most of the time, SWPLs are “educated” in idle nonsense of no practical value. They could never build a house, run a small business, change a flat tire, grow their own food, or use firearms effectively.

    Fortunately, SWPLs are the one class of White people most likely to be wiped out in the event of the long awaited “collapse” of the system. It is the “system” that has made the SWPL lifestyle possible.

  3. M,

    As to your 2:57 pm comment addressing me, percentages of USA/EU immigrants are secondary to the fact that, as in Lebanon, Muslims enter into conflict with the native people wherever they reach certain percentages. Are you familiar with Mark Steyn’s America Alone? It has been reviewed in this blog.

    Don’t miss the following interview. Covington’s scenario will be doable in America when the current “age of treason” Zeitgeist changes thanks to Europe going to flames in the next decades:

  4. To Mr. Covington,
    Hunter Wallace (pen name, and he is right to use a pen name) is allowing you to post comments here. So I will ask that you make a short apology or just say you were “sorry” to Hunter for devoting many minutes in an unscripted, wing it RFNW podcast last week ragging on Hunter and O.D. for all sorts of trivial things like supposedly not being from Alabama and other such nonsense.

    Hunter has graciously allowed me to post some links to your best RFNW podcasts and to promote your Northwest novels – many people here responded in a very positive way to your books/podcasts and I know that more people were listening to your RFNW radio podcasts thanks to new people learning about RFNW from posts/links made here on O.D.

    The personal insults, off the cuff ragging, dismissal of O.D. as irrelevant or competition to the NorthWest migration this negativity drives away good people. I know from many years of hard work in and out of our “Movement” that the main reason good people don’t stay and work for success in our movement is the negativity, petty jealousies.

    Mr. Covington, please make a very short apology or just say you were “sorry” to Hunter and let’s move on.

    I want to promote your best works and the NorthWest migration in many places and I recognize O.D. along with web sites like as important gateway sites for Conservatives starting to research immigration, racial issues/activism.

    How hard is it to say “sorry”? Everyone makes little mistakes, says things that they later regret.


    Jack Ryan

  5. Very true.

    You had linked to several of his podcasts here. We were actually promoting his show. I said that I listened to the podcast and that I liked it.

    Yet he went on a tirade against us.

    No one here is censoring him. If he wants to argue his case, he is free to do so.

  6. I have always thought a “Northwest Migration” to the smaller states (Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota) made a lot more sense.

    Isn’t Idaho part of the Northwest Republic? If so, what is he complaining about?

  7. I didn’t take Mr. Wallace’s list as condescending to all vegetarians, but I’d like to state I’ve been vegetarian going on 9 years – through military deployments and life in half a dozen countries – and we’re not all self-righteous or hostile to the cause.

  8. It is really obvious that Hunter is being driven by his feelings of inferiority both to Vanguardists (who are braver and more honest that he can ever be) and “SWPLs” (who see him as central casting’s idea of a prole). Populists are just as obsessed with status, just as phony and inclined to posturing and condescension as liberals, if HW is any indication.

  9. Here is Christopher Donovan’s review of Stuff White People Like. The book, as long as it doesn’t fall into the hands of resentment obsessed hayseeds and drama queens who thrive on polarization and hate, could actually be a tool for building bridges and created a hegemonic White consciousness, once White liberals realize that their preferences are not universal but racially specific and thus unlikely to survive in a majority non-white America.

    Explicit Whiteness
    Christopher Donovan

    Stuff White People Like:
    A Definitive Guide to the Unique Taste of Millions
    New York: Random House, 2008

    Does Christian Lander have our number? For a wide, mostly liberal swath of the white Western world, the answer is “yes.”

    His observations about white tastes are so accurate, a goodly number of them apply even to this convert to white advocacy. While reading his book in the family room of my house on a fall Sunday, I was struck by how many of Lander’s items were within eyeshot: I was wearing New Balance shoes and a semi-ironic T-shirt (Items No. 94 and 84, respectively) after having gone for a run (Items No. 9 and 27), with an i-Pod around my neck (Item No. 40). There was a Sunday New York Times and several New Yorkers on the table next to me (Items No. 46 and 114, respectively), Netflix in the drawer below me (Item No. 39), a mug of coffee from earlier in the morning on the coffee table (Item No. 1), a bottle of water in my hand (Item No. 76), and, of course, a book—Stuff White People Like—in the other hand (Item No. 138).

    Merely opening the garage door or walking upstairs would have put a dozen more items in range (Item No. 24, Wine; Item No. 31, Snowboarding; Item No. 61, Bicycles; Item No. 53, Dogs), and if I were to add the stuff preferred by just two or three family members or acquaintances, the entire list of “stuff white people like” would be covered, many times over.

    Talk about busted. I started to wonder if Lander’s been spying on me, but this would have only branded me yet whiter (Item No. 126, Conspiracies; Item No. 149, Self-Importance).

    I was a tad disappointed by my overall whiteness score (a mere 56 percent), but as I say, the “white people” in “Stuff White People Like” are the NPR-listening (Item No. 44), Volvo-driving set (oddly, Volvos are not on the list, but the Toyota Prius, Item No. 60, is) found in Manhattan and Brooklyn (Item No. 26) and small college towns in the Northeast. Lander leaves out working-class whites, many Christians, and political conservatives (excepting perhaps the “crunchy cons” identified by writer Rod Dreher). In other words, none of Jeff Foxworthy’s rednecks (Item No. 8, Barack Obama—White people like Barack Obama because they are afraid that if they don’t they will be considered racist; Item No. 118, the ACLU).

    So who is Christian Lander? According to the book cover and interviews, he’s a left-leaning Ph.D. dropout now living in Los Angeles who once taught public speaking at Indiana University. It was his wildly popular blog,, that set the stage for his book.

    Mr. Lander is not, at least wittingly, a white advocate. He expressed revulsion at the popularity of his observations among posters at But as with the honest observations about Jewish power in the anti-consumerist magazine Adbusters,[1] sincere and principled gentiles from the hip left occasionally stumble onto the truth.

    How can the following be denied?

    Item No. 2: Religions Their Parents Don’t Belong To. White people will often say they are “spiritual” but not religious. This usually means they will believe in any religion that doesn’t involve Jesus.

    Of course, Christianity is big for much of white America, just not the set Lander has focused his anthropology on. As for “I’m not religious, but I am spiritual,” I can attest that this is something I’ve heard many, many times—using those exact words—from whites in more-educated settings across the country. What these whites are saying is that it would be cool to practice heathen rituals in the forest, but that Bible study is starchy and repressive.

    Item No. 7. Diversity. White people love ethnic diversity, but only as it relates to restaurants.[2]

    Naturally. Now that a white left-wing hipster has called them on it, how will all the other white left-wing hipsters react? Perhaps by dryly noting, “Oh, those Free Tibet stickers are so Number 7,” cluing other whites into their familiarity with Lander’s book. Being ahead of the curve is indeed very important to whites.

    Item No. 11. Asian Girls.

    No argument here, although anyone who’s ever laid eyes on Sean Lennon cannot seriously believe that the white/Asian mixture makes for attractive children.

    Item No. 20. Being An Expert On Your Culture. White people are pretty conflicted about their culture. On one hand, they are proud of the art, literature, and film produced by white culture. On the other, they are very ashamed of all the bad things about white culture: the KKK, colonialism, slavery, Jim Crow laws, feudalism, and the treatment of Native Americans.

    So, they make up for it by attempting to absorb the “authenticity” of any culture but their own. This regrettably goes far enough that whites feel compelled to adopt non-white (though rarely black) children from China and Guatemala, or move to dangerous corners of the globe where they sometimes get themselves killed in an attempt to prove their non-white authenticity. I call this the “Amy Biehl Syndrome,” after the blonde California woman who ventured to South Africa to help blacks and ended up being killed by them.

    Not that I’m so immune myself: I’ve volunteered for job placement in the Bronx and ventured to the Palestinian town of Ramallah, where I took a certain pride in being mistaken for an Englishman, because “no Jew or American would ever come here,” as one local observed. As it turns out, my explorer impulse is only another item on the list of stuff white people like.

    So is a book like Stuff White People Like good or bad for whites? On balance, my answer is “good.” I am not so concerned about what Lander considers the truly negative traits of whites: they’re anti-conformity hypocrites, they’re shallow, and they hate anyone not like them. The mere fact that he’s discussing whites as a group with generalized characteristics is subversive enough. No doubt some whites will be disappointed to realize that they’re not so unique after all, but might they come to embrace white groupness? Take an ironic pride in being white, which might then stoke an actual pride? Stop and wonder why it’s so taboo for them to even declare their whiteness?

    Imagine that whites finally realize that prizing multiculturalism, diversity, and nature, and losing sleep over the fate of non-whites around the world, are specifically white things, and not universal values. The next step would be to point out that if whites, and only whites, practice these values, it puts us at a systematic disadvantage in our dealings with other races. If the other races take care of their own, and we don’t, but instead worry about their interests too, we will trade our birthrights—our wealth, our power, our homelands—for a mess of moral superiority. But these mere feelings will provide little solace to our dwindling, dispossessed progeny who will come to exist at the mercy of groups who will go on blaming us for their failures even after we become extinct.

    Lander’s brand of ironic explicit whiteness may, of course, peter out as just another fad, but in a country where too many whites are petrified even to think of themselves as part of a unique human group with a right of self-determination, any ice-breaker is welcome. If you’re not inclined to be ashamed of your New Balances, how far off are the bigger thoughts about the state of your race?

    Christopher Donovan is the pen name of an attorney and former journalist whose writing has appeared in the Cleveland Plain Dealer and the Philadelphia Inquirer. He is the media critic for The Occidental Observer ( and doesn’t doubt his whiteness for a second.

  10. I don’t know why you’re spending so much energy discussing Covington’s crackpot scheme or the makeup of various states. Covington, like Linder, is a anti-social misfit mostly known for being unable to get along with people.

  11. Hushed But Deadly?

    Never heard of HBD or SWPL. Just so much more clever ‘Net jargon, like MILF, that I won’t be using.

    Hadding, you asked: “So, ‘Hunter Wallace,’ you think Dr. William Pierce was ridiculous? He was much bolder in his speech than you.”

    “Hunter” calls Dr. Pierce a failure who accomplished nothing and encourages others who follow that line o’ patter. That’s why he likes the Covingtonistas. They are “true vanguardist” losers he can contrast with his “mainstreamer” winners.

    Setting aside the anti-White Jew Leonard Zeskin’s (and “Hunter’s”) ‘vanguardist v mainstreamers’ “false dichotomy” theory, as Robert C. put it, Dr. Pierce was arguably the only American to have seriously attempted to build a revolutionary White Racial Vanguard movement. Who’s going to argue with me about that besides Commander Harold “Big Lie” Covington? Covington’s phony NWF vanguard is led by Pastor Mad Dog and Jack Ryan, neither of whom have any intention of migrating to Seattle for vanguard-building.

    This is the simple formula Dr. Pierce followed, in a nutshell:

    “Our task is not to persuade a numerical majority of the American population [the mainstream mob, let us say] that we are right but rather to build the numerical minority of those whose values coincide with ours into a majority of will and determination.” William L. Pierce, September 1978.

    Oh, one other thing: those in our vanguard must tell the truth. It’s not that hard to tell the truth. Our people need the truth. The unvarnished truth is what followers of Dr. Pierce came to expect from him. Truth-telling has a powerful attraction to a certain subgroup of our people.

  12. Ironic comment from Greg Johnson:

    The book, as long as it doesn’t fall into the hands of resentment obsessed hayseeds and drama queens who thrive on polarization and hate, could actually be a tool for building bridges and created a hegemonic White consciousness, once White liberals realize that their preferences are not universal but racially specific and thus unlikely to survive in a majority non-white America.

    Emphasis added.

  13. FB: “Covington, like Linder, is a anti-social misfit mostly known for being unable to get along with people.”

    This is true, with the exception that Covington wrote 4 rather decent books of fiction, which caused some people to show toward him a certain degree of respect, the kind that a irascible but real artist earns, because if he produces decent books it doesn’t matter that he can’t get along with people. Even is own self-portraiture admits his difficult personality.

  14. The more of Will Williams’ comments I read here and there, the more I like the guy. He is one of, unfortunately not so many, WNs out there who have a solid grasp of what Dr William Pierce was all about. Will Williams and Glenn Miller are not simply decent and honest men, with remarkably strong sense of common sense – the treatment of these two gentlemen, along with the treatment of Dr William Pierce’s legacy, has become a litmus test I use to evaluate other WNs.

    And the hobbyist Covington would be the last one to pass, if ever, that powerful test.

    Here is my advice to Mr Covington. The NW imperative in a nutshell is little more than the natural phenomenon known as ‘white flight’. And I agree that it makes some sense. So, taking into account your irreparably damaged reputation for a ‘big lie’ technique student, please step aside, restrict your hobbies to writing novels, and, I promise, the success of the NW imperative, and other ‘imperatives’ of that sort, will take off the ground like a rocket. ‘Is that understood? Ok, good’ 🙂

  15. Hunter says:
    >The stereotypes about SWPLs are largely true: urban, effeminate, vegetarian, liberal, vaguely homosexual, alienated, ironic, detached from the productive side of life, obsessed with elitist posturing, condescending, etc.

    Most of the time, SWPLs are “educated” in idle nonsense of no practical value. They could never build a house, run a small business, change a flat tire, grow their own food, or use firearms effectively.

    Simmons says:
    >May I beat the drum one more time and say we need to change the discourse before any fancy plans can come to anything like frutition. I’ll use the jews as an example, Israel exists because of “anti-semites” and “anti-semitism.”

    Whites must put the phrase “anti-white” into their vernacular, and once they do then white community naturally follows.

    Well I have to say Simmonds is right. As usual we Whites are caught up in the process of supporting one football team of Whites vs another football team of Whites, nitpicking over definitions of petty likes and dislikes, while all of our nations are being surrendered day by day.

    Meanwhile back on planet Earth, the only question that matters is, are you pro White or anti-White?

  16. Thanks, Ivan. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. By your attitude and words you’re a candidate for Pierce’s Remnant.

    Good, simple litmus test you have there. I stand with you. Believe me, we’re not alone.

    I’ve said for years that Covington is absolutely a defining issue in the White resistance. Those who promote him in any way, accept him as “one of us; just “can’t make up their minds” about him, or “don’t care”…you folks get over there with “Hunter” and the rest of the dabblers.

    Glenn Miller turned 70 on 11/23, BTW. He wrote this on his birthday tribute thread at VNN”

    “Thanks men.

    “I feel pretty good to be 70, btw. My memory ain’t what it used to be, but my general health is good, in spite of having been a smoker for 54 years. I quit, cold turkey 6 months ago on May 31st, and haven’t touched a cigarette since.

    “I’m distributing American Free Press newspapers. Just received another shipment of 400. AFC provides back issues for cost of shipping. Around $20-$25 for 400 copies. VNN’ers interested, should phone Faye at AFP headquarters 202-544-5977. Tell her I sent ya.”

  17. Hadding says: “So, “Hunter Wallace,” you think Dr. William Pierce was ridiculous? He was much bolder in his speech than you.”

    Pierce’s ideas were bold and original early in his career but stale 40 years later. He published Why Conservatives Won’t Win in the early 70s and came up with little that was fresh or new in the 40 intervening years until his death.

    I also can’t help but wonder how many of Pierce’s insights were not original at all but totally derived from Revilo P. Oliver and others. Pierce’s famously prescient insight on conservatives came not too many years after Oliver broke with conservatism.

  18. It’s a pleasure to hear greeting from a gentleman like yourself, Will. My warmest congratulations to Glenn – he is a real American and a good man.

    I would grant Mr Covington the credit he deserves for the breadth of his factual knowledge though. Hell, he knows even of Tscherim Soobzokov, the Circassian community leader in New Jersey who was murdered by the Jewish Defense League.

    If I may resort to an analogy: Mr Covington is not a well from which one can draw a fresh and resuscitating artesian water – he is rather a puddle with not so clean rain water covering a vast area: You never know what you’ll get from that puddle.

    He is also very good at fast and smooth ‘deep throat’ talking with absolutely no pause whatsoever to let his listeners to reflect a little bit on what the hell this arrogant, tough guy is talking about.

    Well, our time is up now. So, that’s it for this week’s edition. This is not Harold Covington, and I’ll see you next week. Until then: Sasha and de Bum – Freedom ♫ ?

  19. Dr. Pierce derived a large part of his thinking from Adolf Hitler, not from Revilo Oliver. That blurb about the majority of will and determination I believe is straight out of Mein Kampf. Dr. Pierce had the highest regard for Hitler.

    New ideas? At the time of Dr. Pierce’s death the National Alliance was an unprecedented success as a racial organization that could afford to employ a dozen or so fulltime paid staff. Unprecedented.

  20. Will Williams: “I’ve said for years that Covington is absolutely a defining issue in the White resistance.”

    You’ve been self-obsessed for years from the sounds of it. Even though you are trying your damnedest, Covington will be remembered more for his writing than the baleful fact that he had a lot of enemies, one of which was a guy named Will Williams.

  21. Hadding, one needs to understand one very important thing about Dr Pierce. He was not only a brilliant strategist, he was a very good tactician as well. He had a very dynamic, very flexible and open mind. I do not agree with LEW’s argument that Dr Pierce views did not evolve – the direct opposite is true. He always was on the lookout for new ideas, new ways of communicating his ideas. He didn’t care if the idea was his or somebody else’s. If he thought the idea was good, he would adopt it and use it. He had this, overriding everything else, concern for the fate of his people. He could say almost anything, do almost anything that, in his judgment, could alleviate this passionate concern for his kin. In one radio broadcast he could say something to the effect: I do not care if you kill a bunch of towelheads in the Middle East in the process of testing a new weapon if that was what it takes to save my race from extinction. Few weeks later, he could launch a passionate radio broadcast entirely designated to the plight of a Palestinian woman because that served his ultimate goal – saving his race from extinction. He who does not understand this angle of Dr Pierce’s personality, won’t be able to put his entire legacy into the right perspective.

  22. Says you, SooooulTrain. You can get over there with “Hunter” and Lew and those who think your Mr. Covington is legitimate and that Dr. Pierce was such a failure. You and I are not in the same “movement.”

    If Covington is such a great writer, then why doesn’t he just pay me the piddling $200,000 he owes so he can come out of hiding and lead you uncritical, anonymous fans of his fiction writing?

    That way you can have your “movement” and we “self-obsessed” Pierceans, who don’t buy into you NW migrants and fiction-lovers’ “Butler Plan,” will have a couple hundred grand with which to regather the Remnant and once again provide some proper direction for our kinsmen. And may the better program prevail. Defendant Covington’s debt to me is all that’s holding the Migration up, after all.

  23. I liked Pierce okay. Didn’t everybody? It is your never ending squawking about that precious judgment that is over the top. You don’t see how self-obsessive it is to make Covington, your personal enemy, the “litmus test for the entire WN movement”? Just for the record, my allegiance is to the multi-pronged attack. I like mainstreamers and vanguardist, but I’m against the personality-disordered, unless they sit on the mountain top and write good books.

  24. The author of this diatribe has already quit. His first few paragraphs are sheer proof of that. He defines our cause of racial as lost because of NUMBERS. In his eyes egven the PNW is lost because we can’t even get enough white warriors in one tiny place to fight back. Liberals are SOO scary, after all. (not!) Wow, I sure am glad that outnumbered whites men throughout history did not toss in the towel so fast. I suggest the author go get himself a few 24 packs and turn on the jewtube to watch the end of white civilization, because you aren’t leading anyone, anywhere positive, pal

  25. Well, Solutrean Social Club, I sit on a mountain top and write good books. You can’t solve the Big Problems without solving the money problem or how the Jew-devils make their money. You boys are all barking up the wrong tree. None of you understand the kikenvermin, so how can you figure out how to beat them?

    “How the Jews Betrayed Mankind”:
    Volume One, “The Sumerian Swindle”,
    by G_d, 330 pages,
    Adobe Acrobat format (.pdf file size 7.4 Mb)

    Download here:

  26. Solutrean Social Club, my free and friendly advice to you: Please make sure that you have understood what you have read before you dash out your hasty attack on somebody who is not even paying attention to you, otherwise you run a risk of making a fool of yourself.

    Mr Covington is not the litmus test. The treatment of gentlemen like Will Williams and Glenn Miller along with the treatment of Dr William Pierce’s legacy is.

    Btw, the multi-pronged attack is not bad at all, and Mr Covington is certainly not my enemy. I don’t like him, that much is true, but he is not my personal enemy, at least not yet. After all, why can’t we have a little fun with each other, and learn something in the process.

    Until then: Sasha and de Bum – Freedom

  27. Will Williams, good to see your still in the fight! I was with the NA in Texas, when we tracked that scum bag Harold down. He lit out fast enough to College Station. Man! was the FBI mad when found him in San Antonio.

    Anyway all the best to you Capt. And Happy Yule Fest!

  28. Will Williams,

    Something I have been curious about. Why exactly did the court decide to make Covington pay you 200,000$?
    If he was causing you to lose money in business ventures I can understand that, but I was lead to believe that was not the case.
    I find it hard to believe that anyone would be paid just because they got their feelings hurt.

    Also do you have the transcripts uploaded anywhere?

  29. The main problem with the Northwest Migration scenario is that it is a defeatist ideology. It tends to give white people the idea that by running off to some remote location and abandoning the rest of the nation to aliens and subversives, that everything will be better. Just the migration of Mexicans, alone, shows that there is no geographically safe place for white people since the Mexicans have scampered into every state including Maine and Alaska. Is there some sort of Harold Covington Ray Gun that automatically zaps Mexicans as they cross the Oregon border?

    What keeps a nation white and unpolluted is not force of arms, it is force of will power and the power of integrity. That is not saying that force of arms are not also necessary, but it is the force of character behind those arms that is the deciding factor.

    We should not be trying to protect our people through running-away strategies. Facing the problems squarely and attending to solutions to those problems wherever we are in our country, is the only way to save our country. Defending the entire country and not conceding any of it, is the only way to keep the entire country.

    And even if a Northwest Paradise full of happy and secure white folks were to be eventually established, how long would that endure with the other three-fourths of the Nation filling up with Third World scum demanding even more territory? And there is no shortage of Third World scum. Now that the Obama Administration has given Imminent Domain guarantees to the Red Communists, how long before the Chinese Government demands that their ownership of the house mortgages in the Northwest means that they are entitled to move a hundred million Chinese into the region of this white paradise? And if so, the US Government has already guaranteed them full police and military protection from outraged whites.

    We cannot protect the borders of the Nation by giving up the borders of the Nation. The Northwest Migration scheme is a losing ideology for losers. Defend the entire country or lose the entire country, there is no middle ground and certainly nowhere to run.

  30. Glenn Miller is a known Narc.

    It’s lame and stupid to be druggie. It’s worse to turn Narc on your own Race. Far worse.

  31. I watched that Gods and Genrals clip. Gosh – Robert Duvall is a marvellous actor!

    The scene was exceptionally moving. Lee’s actions embody White Honor, and White Integrity.

    There-in lies the problem.

    These attributes are brilliant – the best that the Human Race has to offer. However – we are not delaing with Honorble, Worthy Humans.

    We are dealing with absolute vermin. To cll the creatures attackign us vermin is to insult actual vermn. Mices. rats. bats – they are what they are, and follow their simple natures. But those that violte the codes embodied by Lee?

    Worse than vermin.

    We owe them *nothing* .

    What would our world be like now, had Lee accepted the offer – and ran the scumbag Lincoln through at the first available opportunity? In public. No apologies.

    Just wondering…

  32. Harold A Covington Wrote:

    For those who are genuinely interested: in my podcast dated September 23rd I answer a number of frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the Northwest Migration. This is a special broadcast that runs a little over two hours, but when you have the time to listen you might want to check it out. I think it will clear some things up.

    I listened to most of HAC’s broadcast last night while I was working on personal business. He actually did a pretty good job answering some of the main objections to his NWF concept. It’s a real shame there is so much personal baggage associated with this man because whether anyone agrees with his ideas or not, he is often interesting, insightful and funny.

    Although HACs attacks on OD were uncalled for and despicable, I’ve heard enough that I will probably continue keeping tabs on what he has to say. The best WN writers are always attacking each other, so if I quit listening to every writer who ever got attacked by somebody there would be no quality commentators left to listen to.

    HACs broadcast, interestingly enough, actually revealed some very broad common ground between HAC and HWs approaches, despite their probably irreconcilably differences over important particulars like working within the system or not. What HAC/HW have in common is that both believe that lack of action WN action in real world has been a huge mistake.

    HACs position on “action in the real world” is also diametrically opposed to the great Trainspotter’s position on this issue. HAC totally rejects this notion that WNs main focus at this time should be on “spreading ideas” and suggests that any WN approach devoid of action in the real world will fail.

    Here are a few highlights from the broadcast (FYI stuff for anyone who might care):

    – HAC says that merely spreading ideas will not work; accordingly, his NWF plan has the added key element of requiring WN action; that is, with his NWF plan, WN actually have to do something, not just say things on the Internet.

    – The NWF plan is not a survivalist project that involves hiding out in the woods, nor does it call for WN forming small communities and enclaves throughout the northwest. Forming small enclaves is not a viable option for WN because they will be surrounded by hostiles and are not defensible. HAC pointed to Ruby Ridge, Waco, the Texas polygamy compound and the Gaza strip as evidence that the survivalist/small enclave approach will not work.

    – HAC was very clear that he is not advocating violence or illegal acts now; on the other hand, he suggested that conflict will likely be necessary at some point in the distant future, and he therefore uses his fiction to help people start wrapping their minds around this idea right now, but in a purely hypothetical way for the foreseeable future.

    – HAC said there are qualities in the Tea Party movement that are encouraging and that the TP movement does reflect genuine White unease. He also said the TP will go nowhere because their energy will be dissipated into a system built to control grassroots outbursts. This is basically the standard vanguard criticism.

    – While HAC heavily criticized the grassroot conservatives’ focus on economics over race, he did a suggest a certain logic to rank-and-file conservative concern with economics and personal finance. He suggests grassroots conservative business man should be pissed at having to work for money only to have it redistributed to Blacks and Browns who don’t do shit. HAC suggested this dynamic keeps grassroots economic conservatives participating in the system in an effort to minimize their losses.

    – HAC explained why he uses words like nigger and kike and rejects the idea that using crude slurs will drive away so-called quality people from his project. To sum it up, he suggested that WN self-censorship is counterproductive and that allowing the Jewish regime to control the range, parameters and terms of permissible thought is a mistake.

    He said something to the effect of “what the Jewish regime does not want us to do we have a moral obligation to do as often as possible.”

    – Regarding WN don’t want to relocate because they have lost substantial equity in their homes, HAC suggested that the economy is not likely to recover this time and that not only will your home never recover its value, your home is guaranteed to lose even more value as the years go on as your neighborhood becomes more non-White.

    – HAC suggests that Whites who believe their “rights” will be protected in the future by non-White police in non-White America are delusional (not his word but that characterization was my takeaway).

    – HAC said that when the USA finally does crack up, Whites want to be fighting a “colonial war” as far from the centers of power as possible. He suggested that the Pacific northwest is so far from DC and the other east coast centers of power, the ruling class might be more inclined to just let it go rather than spend resources trying to retain it.

  33. Lew – excellent comments; I agree with you that Covington’s RFNW are often very, very good. When Covington isn’t falling down in to personal insults, ragging on others, he is one of THE BEST radio commenters on our side. Like Hunter Wallace, Covington has a keen eye for what’s happening now, historical precedents and future options open to us.
    Hunter Wallace has written on O.D. that he often listened to RFNW and found the programs to be entertaining, and informative.
    For others that feel the same way, please continue to listen to RFNW, and promote RFNW in good places on the Net and in real life.
    But, please understand Mr. Covington’s strengths and weaknesses. Mr. Covington is not a good fund raiser, not a good business man, he isn’t going to be able to help White folks find jobs, find White G.F.s/wives, he’s not a physically fit athlete, boxer, UFC fighter, he’s not the long awaited White leader/fuhrer/messiah who will reverse the course of history and save the White race and he does have some character issues, the worst being he can’t work well with others and eventually falls down in to insulting just about everyone.
    Please understand that negativity, personal feuds/attacks are very common in American White Nationalism, anything associated with WN – so try not to fall in to this negativity.
    Again, I’ve been called bad names my whole life – it’s not that big of a deal, try just to move on and work for positive, productive White activism in your life.
    14 Words

  34. JJ Johnson says:
    “Will Williams, good to see your still in the fight! I was with the NA in Texas, when we tracked that scum bag Harold down. He lit out fast enough to College Station. Man! was the FBI mad when found him in San Antonio.

    Anyway all the best to you Capt. And Happy Yule Fest!”

    Thank you, JJ, and the same back. It’s nice to bump into you again here all these years later. You describe the advantage a strong nationwide membership org has when dealing with a professional political saboteur like defendant Covington. Unlike Soooultrain and “Hunter,” you were around to witness HAC’s relentless, indefensible attacks on our Alliance back in the 1990’s, especially after he discovered the Internet.

    Once I easily convinced the NC District Court in Wake County (Raleigh, where I grew up) of what a cowardly, lying dirtbag defendant “Big Lie” Covington is — presenting nothing but his OWN WORDS from his weekly snail-mailed Resistance smearsheets (there was no case law as yet, back then, on Defendant’s style of cyberstalking/smearing) — he immediately fled NC to Charleston, SC. That was 13 years ago and he’s been running ever since. Our loyal Alliance members in the Charleston area weren’t any more amused by Covington’s malicious black ops against our organization than was Judge Gessner back in Raleigh. Within a month or so he was back on the run again, trying to escape the long arm of justice for his misdeeds. That’s when he hiked up in San Antonio only to face an even more pissed-off, more determined Alliance crew of Texans.

    You could probably tell that story better than I, JJ, since your boots were on the ground there. What I recall the most about y’all’s part in the counter-offensive then (1998) is that Commander Tubs showed up on your turf because he’d heard Texas was not a “judgment-friendly” state; he figured it would be more difficult for me to execute the judgment there. He wasn’t in Texas for a week however, before your stakeout of his new POB paid off. We had photos of his fat ass uploaded to the Internet, walking out of the Post Office; photos of his car and its plates, and of his apartment, uploaded to the Internet for everybody with a modem to see. The “Rabbit” was on the run again. Our Austin Local Unit eventually ran him out of Texas altogether when he showed up near there, living in some sucker’s garage.

    Dread, our Holy Cause is not some “business venture.” ‘Williams v. Covington’ is a personal libel case: Will Williams v. Harold Covington. It’s not the “frivolous” National Alliance v. Tubbo’s phony nswpp libel suit, nor the “baseless” ZOG v. Covington and the NWF as defendant has claimed to his suckers. Browse around my linked Web site and see that Covington smeared lots of legitimate pro-White leaders and organizations over three decades. None of them sued him for libel because doing so can become a legal quagmire, a real tar baby, taking up precious time and resources that are better spent doing productive work. But he screwed up when he targeted me. I fought back, and legally, by simply getting the Rule Book and following it. I like going to court, especially on offense, especially when I know I can prevail if I can see the fight through.

    I sued Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr. and the entire masthead of Jews at the New York Times Company, Inc. for “hurting the feelings” of an Alliance comrade with the outrageous headline “BLACK COUPLE KILLED/National Alliance member arrested.” When I protested to the Jew editor responsible in charge of that defamatory headline, in that Jew-owned paper, he told me, “Mr. Williams, if you don’t like what we publish in our newspaper, you should sue us.’ So I did, ‘pro se’ — because, having already filed and then immersed myself in one ironclad libel suit against a notorious, libelous publisher, I had by then already forgotten more about NC defamation law than most attorneys ever learn. Libel cases are rare, and the elements of libel suits against publishers must meet a higher bar than against your regular libeler because of America’s much vaunted Freedom of the Press. Jew media and JOG soon learned not to screw with National Alliance members — not the ones in NC, anyway. The NC Alliance membership was behind their pro se comrade, and against the New York Times Company, Inc. They wished they’d never told us to sue them. All they could do before we were through with them was whine in their editorials about citizens filing “frivolous, baseless, ‘pro se’ harassment lawsuits.”

    My point: each Alliance member had weight enough and the will behind him with their Alliance organization to take on a Jew Goliath like The Times. At its peak the Alliance had a dozen or so members in a special Legal Unit that included lawyers, law students, paralegals, law enforcement and at least one judge who could be called upon to put their heads together over legal issues that were certain to rise.

    Defendant Covington’s first defense against my claim was that he had the right as a publisher to write whatever he wanted to about me, who he claimed is a public figure. That didn’t work for him, nor did his technical defense that his ‘per se’ smears of me were time-barred because he had actually first written them more than a year earlier and exceded the statutes of limitation. Motions denied! Defendant learned that republishing is the same as publishing; the clock starts over with each publishing of each libel. The court was not pleased by defendant’s next defense theory, either. See if you are.

    The following is Harold Covington’s reply to the court in his “Defendant’s Answer to Complaint,” ‘Williams v. Covington’, dated 11/19/1996:

    “Regarding the issue of defamation of character, it is the entirely serious contention of the defendant, and will constitute a substantial portion of the defense, that the plaintiff has no character to defame. For a number of years Mr. Williams has voluntarily adopted a style of life which has involved active membership and leadership roles in a number of white supremacist organizations. This subsequently resulted in his involvement in a series of transactions, incidents, and episodes of such disreputable and unsavory nature that the standards of injury and loss of reputation which would apply to a normal, law-abiding citizen cannot reasonably be said to apply to him. With addressing the moral issues involved, the court will be aware that modern American society has determined, in its collective wisdom, that white supremacy and activities related to promoting white supremacy are disreputable and unsavory per se. It is the contention of the defense that by choosing his present mode of living, in the eyes of all reasonable people he has renounced the values and standards of character which would entitle him to bring an action of libel, against the defendant or anyone else.”

    Boundless hypocrisy! Do you “white supremacists” who follow defendant Covington feel “disreputable and unsavory?” He says you are.

    The court awarded me $10,088 in actual damages for defendant’s defamation of my character. His claims that I’m a serial murderer, a mass murderer, a child rapist, a queer, a thief, an arsonist, a deep-cover FBI Special Agent, etc., etc. didn’t “hurt my feelings,” because I knew I was innocent of all his smears, just like I knew Ben Klassen was innocent of Covington’s protracted smears that he was a Jewish child rapist. I bet you didn’t know that Covington sued me and Mr. Klassen for libel back in 1989 because we hurt his feelings when we exposed him as a world class fraudin an article in which he was the title character: “Anatomy of a Hypocrite.” He couldn’t pursue that case either because everything we had said about him happened to be true. Truth is the best defense against a libel charge, you know. Tubby can’t go there. He couldn’t show up in court to defend himself against my claim because, of course, I’m neither a serial murderer nor a mass murderer, nor an arsonist, nor all those other false felonies and capital offense accusations he likes to spread around about me with such clever details.

    Defendant’s smears of me were so over the top that when I finally got my day in court the judge prefaced his decision by praising me in open court for my restraint over those 18 months since I filed the claim, saying he didn’t know if he could have kept as cool a head as I, were he accused of all the smears he’d seen that Covington had published about me. He was particularly disturbed that the defendant had called me a queer and him a Jewish tyrant in a black robe. The court awarded me $100,000 more in punitive damages. 8% interest on the uncollected balance for 13 years puts the Rabbit’s arrears above $200,000.

  35. Covington says that Northwest Migration is a plan. It is not a plan, unless you consider hanging out with Harold Covington a plan.

    White people have been fleeing the encroachment of mestizos without ever hearing the name Harold Covington. Some from California have been going to Idaho and Montana and Colorado, but those who don’t live on that side of the continent have been finding White enclaves closer to home.

    Before Covington fled North Carolina because he had been found in contempt of court, he was advocating the Carolinas as the White homeland. There is nothing magical about the Northwest.

    Oregon, by the way, is already loaded with mestizos.

  36. Will Williams says:
    November 27, 2010 at 6:56 pm

    “Currently, there’s a $400 reward to the person who can tell me where defendant Covington sleeps at night. Some people want to talk to him.”

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Will Williams is apparently putting some type of bounty on Mr. Covington’s head – using the comment section of O.D. to offer $ payments to track down Mr. Covington – find out where he sleeps, have some un-named men come in the middle of the night to “talk to” Mr. Covington.

    I think this comment violates Hunter’s O.D. comment guidelines and also just basically goes places O.D. doesn’t need to go.

    Can’t see anything productive or possitive in this.

Comments are closed.