Nagging Little Voices

Dungeons and Dragons with Commander Harold Covington


I just got finished listening to the latest podcast of Radio Free Northwest. As I suspected, Harold Covington, a writer of fantasy fiction, had a few words to say about this website, none of which were positive.

I suggest we play a game.

– First, take a deep breath.

– Second, hold your breath like you are underwater.

– Third, count how many seconds you can hold your breath before you exhale.

I can hold my breath for at least 35 seconds.

Now let’s imagine every second you can hold your breath represents a person. By my count, that is at least 30 more people (counting sockpuppets) than there are in the Northwest Front and 35 more than there are who are seriously willing to engage in an IRA-style terrorist campaign to create a Northwest Republic.

According to Gallup, 25 percent of the residents of Washington self identify as “liberals.” There are 6,664,195 people in Washington state. That means Harold Covington has around 1,666,048 “liberal” neighbors.

Can you hold your breath for 19 hrs and 25 minutes?

If every White Nationalist in America (including every sympathizer who reads these websites including antis and monitors) moved to Washington state tomorrow, they would still be dwarfed by the sheer number of liberals on the ground there.

If they followed HAC’s advice, the liberal, moderate, and conservative majority would unanimously react to vanguardist terrorism in the same way that Americans reacted to the Oklahoma City bombing. Local law enforcement alone would be sufficient to squelch any rebellion. Not to mention the FBI and ATF which have snuffed out any number of such groups over the past thirty years.

Mainstreamers vs. Vanguardists

I’ve repeatedly compared “vanguardism” to fool’s gold. It is a rhetorical position that sounds tough and uncompromising. It is a siren song that at first sounds promising. This type of radical posturing is attractive to highly alienated people, but all bullshit aside, it ultimately amounts to nothing more than escapism.

There is nothing of substance to vanguardism. There isn’t a Northwest Front. There is only Harold Covington (see photo above) living in a fantasy world. There is just one alienated fantasist sitting behind his computer, someone who has no real influence in his own community, browbeating other alienated fantasists to move to the Northwest and join his cult to keep him company.

If I were to move to Washington state, I would find myself hanging out with Harold Covington when I got there, thousands of miles away from home and without a job. Instead of being alienated and irrelevant in Alabama, I would be alienated, irrelevant, broke, and homesick in the Pacific Northwest.

The most damning criticism of Harold Covington is that he doesn’t believe his own bullshit. For all his talk of military bravado, Covington himself can’t even find a single unhinged psychopath to take on the local post office. His own followers won’t move to the Pacific Northwest because even they understand at some level that Covington is nuts.

The Pacific Northwest and Vanguardists

Vanguardists have been active in the Pacific Northwest since the 1970s. From the 1970s until 2001, Aryan Nations was based out of Idaho. The phrase “hiding out in a bunker in Idaho” has become a derisive phrase in the movement for that reason.

When Richard Butler died in 2001, Aryan Nations had a worldwide following of around 200 people. The SPLC bankrupted the group with a wrongful death lawsuit. Their property was seized and awarded to the plaintiffs. It was later turned into “a peace park.”

Aryan Nations failed to make any inroads into the surrounding communities. The group has since splintered and relocated to Ohio and Pennsylvania. If Richard Butler and the Aryan Nations couldn’t spark a Northwest Migration, what makes Harold Covington think he would be any more successful?

All of vanguardism is based on the same errors: unrealistic escapist fantasies, a fundamental unwillingness to adapt their rhetoric to the experience of their audience, a radical sense of alienation from White America, wild millenarian expectations of an apocalyptic collapse, a tendency to withdraw from society, a tendency to express that alienation by erecting unnecessary barriers to understanding, an unwillingness to start where people are today, and radical impulse to burn bridges and push people away.

It really doesn’t matter where the vanguardists go: Arizona, Washington, or West Virginia. The effective result is always the same. Stewing in their alienation, they fail to make any progress in establishing a political base in their communities. With nothing else to do, they log on to the internet to vent their frustrations and share their alienation and misery with others.

“The Northwest Homeland” is an abstract republic. It is an imaginary community that is pitched to intellectuals and vanguardists on the basis of their alienation, fantasies, idealism, and abstract reason. For all his prodding to “come home,” Harold Covington must know that he can never compete with someone’s real home.

There is a scene in Gods and Generals that captures the attitude of many White Southerners to a Northwest Migration.

In 1861, Simon Cameron (President Lincoln’s Secretary of War) offered Robert E. Lee full command of the Union Army. It was a major promotion. Lee was then a Colonel. He could have fought on the winning side of the War Between the States. In some alternate histories, Lee might have succeeded Lincoln as President like General Grant, whose war glory propelled him into the White House.

Robert E. Lee preferred to lose rather than accept a promotion and turn his back on his native state.

Admittedly, this is an extreme example. The vast majority of White Southerners have nothing like Lee’s sense of honor and duty. At the same time, they are highly adverse to uprooting themselves (from their friends, families, kinship networks, culture, communities, native climate) and travelling thousands of miles across America to settle in a strange place where they don’t know anyone and probably can’t find a job.

A good example of this is the response of Southerners to devastating hurricanes. It doesn’t matter how many times hurricanes like Ike, Ivan and Katrina strike the communities along the Gulf Coast. It doesn’t matter to the natives who know that the prevailing weather of the region means they are likely to get hit again.

The people who live there rebuild Galveston, Bay St. Louis, and Panama City. They won’t even contemplate moving to Wyoming or Idaho because they want to live in Mississippi and Florida.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 unleashed an epidemic of negro pathologies in the Deep South. The people who live in Alabama responded by adapting to the hated law, not by fleeing to other parts of the country.

The moral of the story: a fantasy world can never compete with a real community.

There has to be some compelling reason and practical benefit to the settler to abandon everything he knows. In the 1840s, the discovery of gold in California sparked a migration. The Mormons traveled to Utah to save their souls. The pioneers went West for freedom and cheap land.

No one is going to move to the Northwest for Harold Covington will have someone to talk to.

The Pacific Northwest and Mainstreamers

In his latest episode of Radio Free Northwest, Harold Covington accused me of “running down the Northwest.” In reality, I have only criticized Covington and his implausible vanguardist scheme, which will only have the effect of making life even more uncomfortable for White Nationalists already living in the region.

There are many valid reasons for White Zionists to move to the Pacific Northwest. I have spent hours analyzing Wyoming and Idaho. Eventually, I plan to take a hard look at Washington, Oregon, Montana, and the Dakotas. I will complete my analysis with a regional summary.

Harold’s real gripe isn’t that I am “running down the Northwest.” It is that I have written positive reviews of the wrong Northwestern states. Namely, those where Harold Covington doesn’t live, which are excluded from his fantasy world.

White Zionists settling in Idaho and Wyoming could have a far bigger impact than they could in Washington or Oregon. Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota are smaller states than Idaho. Their impact would be even larger there.

There is nothing stopping White Zionists from taking over existing communities in the Interior West and creating communities where anti-White taboos are unenforceable. If they moved to Wyoming or Montana, they could demonstrate the potential of the White Zionist model. That would attract more recruits and the publicity necessary to fuel and sustain a real Northwest migration.

In his podcast, Harold Covington denounced the Ron Paul campaign. Ron Paul’s presidential campaign laid the foundation (through institutions like Young Americans for Liberty and Campaign for Liberty) for Rand Paul’s successful bid to become U.S. Senator from Kentucky.

Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota are smaller than Oregon and Washington. Instead of 4 Senators, they send 10 to Washington. Wyoming has 2 Senators in spite of being 1/9th the size of Kentucky.

If the libertarians can succeed in Kentucky, the home of millions of “Red State Fascists,” why can’t White Nationalists succeed in Wyoming?

This migration plan is perfectly legal. It is not based on a wild fantasist scheme of a successful vanguardist insurrection. The vast majority of White Zionists are just looking for a place to settle down and live a White life.

The Nagging Little Voice

The “nagging little voice” says:

If I moved to Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, or the Dakotas, I could live a fairly decent life, pay less in taxes, own more property, and my kids would have Nordic classmates. I might find myself an attractive, conservative Nordic woman to marry and live with on my ranch or in my cabin in the woods. There would be no Jews or blacks to put up with.

I would be safe. I might have some actual political representation. If more people moved here, seeing how good we have it, we might even be able to live openly as White Nationalists.

Alternatively, I could move to Washington and join the Northwest Front, which would consist of me hanging out with Harold Covington and a few other alienated vanguardists all day. After getting a job, I would be constantly prodded to support “the movement,” which must have some financial base of support.

Any association with Covington might actually prevent me from acquiring employment. In the event I did move there and built up a nest egg, it could be wrecked at any moment by an unhinged fantasist going on a counterproductive shooting spree.

Maybe I ought to just move to the Pacific Northwest and enjoy living a quiet life there. If I want to hear what Harold Covington has to say, I could always listen to his podcast. That way I could enjoy all the benefits of the Pacific Northwest without the liability of having any dangerous affiliations.

HAC responds to his critics:

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Jack Ryan wrote:

    “I look very Nordic.”

    According to whom, Jack?

    In the photo of you that I have seen, your phenotype did not strike me as being Nordic in the least. I could not even tell if you were Northern European.

  2. Jack, I’ve only collected a couple of thousand dollars from the judgment over the years, but even those few piddling attachments sent Weird Harold into serious tailspins. I don’t use my judgment to collect money, numbnuts; I use my judgment to hammer his sorry, fat ass and keep him off balance and neutralized with innocent folks who might take seriously your shallow recommendations of how great he is.

    You can’t sue Covington for defamation because what he said about you was true, Jack, and not defamatory. You’re an uncritical thinker, a hopeless hobbyist, and like HAC said: a shirker.

  3. Whence derives this great devotion of yours to Harold Covington, Jack Ryan? You really are pulling out all the stops to say that he should not be criticized even if he does smear other WNs. This is really extraordinary.

    Regarding Will Williams. I never noticed anything repellent about him. I read some story about him showing up at a regional NA function in shabby clothes and smelling bad. I think that’s probably made-up Covington crap. WW does have a pronounced regional accent, which some people might find unusual.

    I remember taking a young female acquaintance, a rather attractive young lady, along to a regional NA gathering about 1994 and on the way back she said, “Will Williams seems all big and burly,” and she smiled.

  4. Greg is actually right for once.

    If you are going to criticize Harold Covington, you should do so on the basis of the merits of his ideas, not these old feuds that have been going on for decades.

  5. Hadding says:
    November 28, 2010 at 8:28 pm
    Whence derives this great devotion of yours to Harold Covington, Jack Ryan? You really are pulling out all the stops to say that he should not be criticized even if he does smear other WNs. This is really extraordinary.

    Jack Ryan:
    I’m just presenting a good WN writer and yes a good radio commentator and I have always been 100% honest in stating the truth that HAC can’t get along with other people and often falls down in to ragging on other people… like the petty, endless ragging going on against me in this thread.

    And I also support the Northwest migration, support Whites in rough places all over the world to move to Whiter places – South African Whites moving to parts of Russia, Whites in over run areas of England, moving to Australia, Canada, Whites in California, Texas moving to say Iowa, Minnesota, UP Michigan. Forget about Covington’s personal feuds and just consider reading some of his excellent books and hearing his often very good radio podcasts. Again, Richard Wagner didn’t get along well with lots of folks, but he was still a great White artist.

  6. Will Williams says:
    November 28, 2010 at 8:21 pm
    “You can’t sue Covington for defamation because what he said about you was true, Jack, and not defamatory. You’re an uncritical thinker, a hopeless hobbyist, and like HAC said: a shirker.”

    Jack Ryan replies;
    Well, maybe this is the solution to ending the ancient Will Williams Harold Covington he said, she said feud.
    Will Willams can now go make up with Covington and agree to spend all his time ragging on me instead, agreeing with Covington that I am a shirker, cowardly hanging out in some posh Chicago suburb (actually the South Side of Chicago 🙂

  7. Hunter Wallace wrote:

    “If you are going to criticize Harold Covington, you should do so on the basis of the merits of his ideas, not these old feuds that have been going on for decades.”

    I agree with this sentiment for the most part, but Covington spends a great deal of time analyzing the character of others, and has proclaimed himself the head of an organisation with pretensions to overthrow the US government and establish a White republic, so I think his character (specifically vis-a-vis his connection to the Northwest imperative of which he is soi-disant leader) is a legitimate topic for discussion.

    His recent attacks on this blog, and your responses, are bound to bring out both his critics and his sycophants, and it has done so. That’s one of the many reasons I didn’t want his podcasts advertised here: he is an incredibly polarising figure.

  8. Again, Jack Ryan, I disagree that Covington is a good radio commentator. As others have been pointing out here, Northwest Migration, his main theme, is a dubious proposition, and I would argue that the rest of what he says is also of dubious value. It is my perception that the way he analyzes events is calculated more for the effect that it will have on his audience than for accuracy.

    It’s no coincidence that some of Covington’s biggest fans are drunkards and religious maniacs. These are people who don’t have both feet in reality.

  9. Hadding says:

    “Again, Jack Ryan, I disagree that Covington is a good radio commentator. As others have been pointing out here, Northwest Migration, his main theme, is a dubious proposition, and I would argue that the rest of what he says is also of dubious value. It is my perception that the way he analyzes events is calculated more for the effect that it will have on his audience than for accuracy.

    It’s no coincidence that some of Covington’s biggest fans are drunkards and religious maniacs. These are people who don’t have both feet in reality.”

    Jack Ryan replies:
    Nobody knows who Covington’s radio listeners are – are they worse than the listeners of Rush Limbaugh?

    Check out some of Covington’s concise comments about the nomination of Jewess Lesbian Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court or HAC’s history lesson about George L. Rockwell (yeah, there were 5 seconds that needed to be edited out – in this version they were).

    I am just being honest when I say that Covington has an excellent radio voice – he’s a very good speaker, sharp, to the point and he knows his/our history. As long as you accept my Caveat Emptor (buyer beware) that Covington will on many occasions fall down in to ragging on other nationalists – I have no problem recommending regular Whites listen to RFNW.

    We forget, most White American Conservatives and others, are still in the dark, they don’t understand what’s going on, why the US gets in to all these foreign wars, why the US doesn’t defend our borders, why our media is so bad.
    Well, Mr. Covington is very good at getting straight to the point and explaining racial realities.

    But, all should understand I accept Hunter’s decidion not to make new Posts linking to RFNW – O.D. is going mainstream and lots of HAC gets out of the mainstream.

  10. Ivan said: “[…Dr. Pierce] could say almost anything, do almost anything that, in his judgment, could alleviate this passionate concern for his kin.”

    Dr. Pierce was scrupulous about telling the truth to our people, no matter how much the truth hurt them — especially to that critical 2-3% of us, like you and me, that grasped what he was all about. He knew he couldn’t say “almost anything” to us because we wouldn’t have let him get away with that. His message was mainly to us, to those who agreed with his uncompromising hard line. That’s a fact. That was his strategy for building the revolutionary vanguard. That’s why I would respectfully disagree with you that he felt he could say “almost anything” to his followers. Maybe I misunderstand you, or maybe it depends on the meaning of “almost anything?”

    Dr. Pierce was very consistent with his message and careful not to contradict himself or his/our fully developed, Nature-based, reality-based, racial world view. Every word Dr. Pierce uttered or wrote was chosen to conform with the goals and program of the National Alliance. He was that driven, that focused.

    For your enlightenment and inspiration, here’s an excellent new video adaptation of one of Dr. Pierce’s American Dissident Voices radio broadcasts:

    Are you Russian, Ivan?

  11. “I have seen at least three posts by you bemoaning the fact that there is now free discussion allowed in the comment section since you were relieved of your role as a moderator there, but I can assure you that we have received no similar complaints from others. Conversely, several readers have noted how liberating it feels to no longer have you standing over their shoulder and deleting their comments according to the vagaries of your fragile constitution.”
    Hear Hear, Mr. Campbell! (nodding in the affirmative and applauding in the background), while I have no intention of inserting myself into this “discussion” of Covington vs. Williams, I have all the sypmpathy in the world for those who have had their comments removed by Ryan for no good reason at all. As for the Williams Vs. Covington matter, hell, let it rage on between the pro-Williams camp and the pro-Covington camp (if there be such) as long as it thwarts censorship, I am for it (even if we have been overexposed). Obviously, Mr. Williams is not going to give up his pursuit of this (very old) “issue” and the rest of us who are not interested in hearing about it for the 100th time can just skip to the next topic, I guess. For sure, I am tired of Ryan’s repressionist attitude,(not to mention his banal “articles” and the never-ending “smilies” and that in itself is incentive enough to look the other way with the endess discussion of Covington’s sins.

  12. Yes, not any longer Ryan, since you no longer can do so. Ahhh…., but you would if you could. As to the job, eventually I will. In the meantime you can do much to improve OD by leaving and moving up to the Pacific North West with Mr. Covington. Perhaps he can give YOU a job as his secretary or even his “second in command”. The two of you can survey your “new fiefdom” from his trailer while you swill beer together.

  13. Hadding says: Again, regarding this term “vanguardist” that “Hunter Wallace” is tossing around, here is the Wikipedia entry’s first paragraph:

    “In the context of revolutionary struggle, vanguardism is a strategy whereby an organization … attempts to place itself at the center of the movement, and steer it in a direction consistent with its ideology.”

    Vanguardism is about trying to infuse a movement with radical ideas. That means behaving in a controlled and organized manner. It is not about being angry, or flying off the handle due to poor judgment.

    Probably the most noteworthy American racial vanguardist in the proper sense of the word was Dr. William Pierce. He called his publication National Vanguard for a reason. He was fundamentally, I believe, trying to affect the range of discussion among White people concerned about the future of their race.

    Why does Hunter Wallace insist on muddling the meaning of vanguardism, confusing extremism of thought with foolhardiness of action? I think he does it to fabricate an excuse for his own fear of uninhibited clear thinking.

    Substantive points about the definition of vanguardism, Hadding. I accept the Wiki definition, “in the context of revolutionary struggle,” and I believe Dr. Pierce would as well. A few of us grasp what Dr. Pierce was all about with his vanguard approach, and most, including “Hunter,” do not. He and they make up the mainstream, all right. The mainstream is thoroughly conditioned to hate a revolutionary-minded racial loyalist of Dr. Pierce’s timber. Like you say, it probably has something to do with this conditioned fear they have of uninhibited clear thinking.

  14. Why does Hunter Wallace insist on muddling the meaning of vanguardism, confusing extremism of thought with foolhardiness of action? I think he does it to fabricate an excuse for his own fear of uninhibited clear thinking.

    I’m not interested in “vanguardism” in general. We’re not talking about Lenin in the USSR or Hitler in Germany. My interest is specifically in the familiar version of “vanguardism” that prevails in American White Nationalist circles.

    “Vanguardists” of the White Nationalist variety come across exactly as I have described them. They are angry, hyper alienated people who tend to withdraw from society. They spurn the political process as hopelessly broken.

    They pin their hopes on “the collapse” of the system. Their whole strategy is based upon making life worse for White people (in their fantasy world this works to their benefit) and withdrawing into small cult like organizations (somewhere in the hills) around a dynamic leader.

    Vanguardists suffer from the delusion that moving further toward the fringe and becoming less able to communicate with their peers is the path forward. The fundamental difference between “mainstreamers” and “vanguardists” is that the former want to narrow the gap between White America and White Nationalists whereas the latter seek to expand it.

  15. Substantive points about the definition of vanguardism, Hadding. I accept the Wiki definition, “in the context of revolutionary struggle,” and I believe Dr. Pierce would as well. A few of us grasp what Dr. Pierce was all about with his vanguard approach, and most, including “Hunter,” do not.

    William Pierce died in 2001.

    We are now in a position to take stock of his legacy. The National Alliance splintered and swiftly collapsed after his death. It was an inherently unstable organization built around a cult of personality. Even during his lifetime, the National Alliance never succeeded in making any real advances in West Virginia or in any other state.

    He and they make up the mainstream, all right. The mainstream is thoroughly conditioned to hate a revolutionary-minded racial loyalist of Dr. Pierce’s timber. Like you say, it probably has something to do with this conditioned fear they have of uninhibited clear thinking.

    When David Duke ran for office in Louisiana, he nearly succeeded in becoming Governor, in spite of the fact that the President of the United States and his own party was running against him. If Duke had not been burdened with his vanguardist baggage, he probably would have won.

    Recently, James Russell ran for Congress in New York. He won the Republican nomination and 38 percent of the vote. This was in spite of being outed as a White Nationalist by MSNBC and Salon.

    As for William Pierce, he went out of his way to isolate himself with books like The Turner Diaries and Hunter.

  16. In other news, Glenn Miller received 2 votes in Missouri and Tom Metzger received 9 votes in Indiana. Billy Roper got 2 votes in Arkansas.

    That means Traitor Glenn Miller couldn’t get his own family or Alex Linder to vote for him!

  17. Hunter,

    Dr. Pierce died in 2002, and The Turner Diaries was never meant to be a book. It appeared as a running serial in the NA publication and was collected into a book at the request of the readership.

    When David Duke ran for Governor, he jettisoned almost all of the pro-White rhetoric. He did not run on a pro-White platform. You may seize on that point in order to talk up the values of “mainstreaming” our message, but my take-away is quite the opposite, and leaves me firmly convinced that electioneering is a dead-end unless a metapolitical sea change precedes it.

  18. Hunter Wallace says:
    Quoting WW: “Substantive points about the definition of vanguardism, Hadding. I accept the Wiki definition, ‘in the context of revolutionary struggle,’ and I believe Dr. Pierce would as well. A few of us grasp what Dr. Pierce was all about with his vanguard approach, and most, including ‘Hunter,’ do not.”

    William Pierce died in 2001.

    We are now in a position to take stock of his legacy. The National Alliance splintered and swiftly collapsed after his death. It was an inherently unstable organization built around a cult of personality. Even during his lifetime, the National Alliance never succeeded in making any real advances in West Virginia or in any other state.

    You have no idea what you are talking about, Butterfly.

    Don’t you think those of us who knew Dr. Pierce and worked with him for years as National Office staffers can explain what our Alliance was about a little better than you, “Hunter?”

    You don’t even know the year Dr. Pierce died, Mr. Expert on the National Alliance. Tell us what you were doing for our race in 2001, “Hunter.”

  19. I think any taxonomy of White Nationalism that somehow puts William Pierce and Klan groups into the same cubbyhole has something pretty obviously wrong with it.

    HW’s abuse of the word vanguardist reminds me of the kosher conservative rhetorical device of lumping all their opponents together as “socialists.”

  20. Hadding, to jack ryan: “Regarding Will Williams. I never noticed anything repellent about him. I read some story about him showing up at a regional NA function in shabby clothes and smelling bad. I think that’s probably made-up Covington crap. WW does have a pronounced regional accent, which some people might find unusual.

    “I remember taking a young female acquaintance, a rather attractive young lady, along to a regional NA gathering about 1994 and on the way back she said, “Will Williams seems all big and burly,” and she smiled.”

    All big and burly, huh? And said with a smile? There were so many young, attractive ladies at our Leadership Conferences. I believe I attended 13 of them over the years, with hundreds of attendees, so memories of them sort of all run together. I certainly remember your helping me organize the first one back in 1993. You saved my butt with that one by helping me pull together a speech at the last minute when I didn’t have time to deal with that for dealing with all our excited, invited members that were showing up.

    One may never know the impression he made on someone until years later, like with that young ladyfriend of yours at the NA LC 16 years ago. I bumped into a man on another forum this month who told me he had met me at another NA LC about ten years ago. He put it like this after I’d asked him if we ever met:

    “Yes, we met quite a few years ago during an Alliance after-conference gathering, over a pool table. I made some crummy masse shot that happened to go in, then missed the next shot, whereupon you proceeded to run the table.”

    I had no memory of that pool game. For a shabbily dressed, burly ol’ fart like me, whose youth was wasted hanging around pool halls, that reminder by my impressionable, young aspiring vanguardist opponent, ten years later, sure brought a big grin to my face.

  21. Robert Campbell: [Duke] did not run on a pro-White platform. You may seize on that point in order to talk up the values of “mainstreaming” our message, but my take-away is quite the opposite, and leaves me firmly convinced that electioneering is a dead-end unless a metapolitical sea change precedes it.

    A metapolitical sea change won’t be happening any time soon, so what do you propose people do in the meantime? I mean this as a serious question. I perceive that the radical nationalists never have an answer to this question that does not amount to do little or nothing.

  22. Will Williams says: You have no idea what you are talking about, Butterfly.

    Apart from HW’s trivial error about the year Pierce died, 2002 instead of 2001, what did he say this remark that is not true?

    The National Alliance splintered and swiftly collapsed after his death. It was an inherently unstable organization built around a cult of personality. Even during his lifetime, the National Alliance never succeeded in making any real advances in West Virginia or in any other state.

  23. Not knowing the year Dr. Pierce died is not a trivial error for one like “Hunter” who claims to know so much about the man, his ideals and his vision, as he runs him down as some fantasist crank, foolishly lumping him in with HAC, the NSM, Aryan Nation and the Kluckers.

    Maybe you can answer my question to “Hunter” as to what he was doing for our race in 2001. He is always unresponsive whenever I ask him a question. Dr. Pierce was alive in 2001, was hitting his stride and had nobody had an inkling that he’d be dead within a year. That’s about the time “Hunter” claims he first started showing an interest in racial politics. What would he know of advances the Alliance had made in WV or in any other state? “Hunter” doesn’t listen to those who knew of “advances” and who know the score.

    That you would repeat “Hunter’s” glib straw man comment about West Virginia and Dr. Pierce’s alleged failure to build up his “cult” there from among the hillbillies of Pocahontas County just shows your own ignorance of Dr. Pierce’s strategy, LEW. Why do you “mainstreamers” do that? We left the SE WV locals to do their thing, and sought out those from wherever Whites live in this nation and elsewhere who agreed with us, and we built from them, not local yokels who, like you and “Hunter,” didn’t “get it.”

  24. No Advances? The NA in Texas during the 90’s had four very active units. That made headlines as far away as Detroit, and New York for their exploits. Not to mention causing monumental traffic jams in Austin with banners hanging from overpasses. Also running HC out of Texas to the embrassment of the FBI. As well as causing the SPLC a major PR black eye on talk radio. The jews where forced on the defensive for the first time in decades in Texas, having to hold ‘seminars’ for law enforcement, and having to start chapters of “Jews for the preservation of fire arms”LOL. Pinpricks? maybe but when your enemy starts reacting instead of having the initative you are are the road to victory. No matter how long that maybe.

    A small group well lead with a purpose is a powerful sign post for the confused, and downtrodden. The point of Dr. Pierce’s message was quality not quanity.
    It is pandemic in our cause. Lack of quality leadership!

  25. Will Williams: Maybe you can answer my question to “Hunter” as to what he was doing for our race in 2001.”

    You ask a fair question, and I will answer you honestly. In 2001, I was doing what most of my nationalist peers were doing: reading Web sites to learn from other nationalists and arguing with anti-racists and Jews. The NA Web site was one of my regular visits back then for intellectual ammunition, and Dr. Pierce influenced my thinking on a number of issues, especially the JQ. I actually gave the serious thought to joining the NA around that time but ultimately decided not to because of Pierce’s anti-Christianity and what I perceived to be his support for genocide.

    I also met a few guys from the NA during those years, and they made a favorable impression. I attended one of David Duke’s conferences in 2004 and met Shawn Walker and Kevin Strom. Strom gave an interesting talk at that conference. My point in mentioning these things is to let you know that I don’t have any particular dislike for Dr. Pierce or have axe to grind against the people in the former NA. This issue for me is about principled disagreement over approach, not personalities.

    So, now that I have made that clarification and answered your question, let me pose my question again: what exactly did HW say in that comment about the NA that isn’t true apart from being one year off on Dr. Pierce’s date of death?

    Let’s run through it:

    HW: We are now in a position to take stock of his legacy.

    True; it has been almost a decade.

    HW: The National Alliance splintered and swiftly collapsed after his death.


    HW: It was an inherently unstable organization built around a cult of personality.

    Speculative, but the evidence clearly suggests that this is true. If the NA was stable rather than simply held together by Dr. Pierce’s personality, the NA should have lasted beyond his death.

    HW: Even during his lifetime, the National Alliance never succeeded in making any real advances in West Virginia or in any other state.

    True. Even if making advances among the masses was never Dr. Pierce’s goal, this statement is still without a doubt true.

    And it is this last point that exposes the fundamental and fatal weakness in the Dr. Pierce’s approach: you can’t push cultural, intellectual, or political revolution as the solution to our problems when the conditions that make revolution possible do not exist. Pushing an unattainable solution to a problem is tantamount to pushing no a solution at all.

    Will Williams: “That you would repeat “Hunter’s” glib straw man comment about West Virginia and Dr. Pierce’s alleged failure to build up his “cult” there from among the hillbillies of Pocahontas County just shows your own ignorance of Dr. Pierce’s strategy, LEW.”

    Actually, it does not show that at all. Although I am general agreement with HW’s perspective on several issues, including this one, my agreement is not based on anything HW has recently written or not written on this blog. I have been mainstream-oriented for 20 years, closer to Buchanan, Francis, Taylor, Duke, KMD, the CCofC, and the A3P than to Pierce, Linder and the NA. Those people have all had far more influence in moving people toward racialism than Dr. Pierce and Alex Linder which proves their approach does not work. For all their talk about conservatism not working, it never seemed to occur to them that they weren’t right either.

    Racial nationalism will never grow unless we win converts, and we will never win converts without engaging the mainstream in some manner. This means learning what we can from Dr. Pierce but rejecting his overall strategy.

  26. Will Williams has already stated that the NA was not actively trying to recruit people in the vicinity of the national office, although a few did join. Dr. Pierce probably chose Pocahontas County because it was a nearly 100% White county. Those people in Pocahontas County, and in the mountains generally, don’t have many problems with non-Whites. It’s the Californians and Texans and New Yorkers, the people face-to-face with the problem, that become the race-radicals.

    “HW: The National Alliance splintered and swiftly collapsed after his death.”

    There are some obvious questions about the meanings of words here. The National Alliance was certainly still viable for at least a year after Dr. Pierce’s death, arguably a couple of years.

    It is true that many people lost interest in the National Alliance after Dr. Pierce’s death, but there are more issues there than the “cult of personality.” After Dr. Pierce died, we went back to having Kevin Strom write almost all of the programs, and his on average were never as compelling as Dr. Pierce’s. I considered about half of Kevin’s shows to be sub par, and some of them were even silly. It was my belief that the best bet for the future of the organization was to get a wider range of talent involved in creating the radio program. We had the talented people! We just needed to make use of them!

    None of that ever developed because eventually the wrong people ended up in control and the talented people left. Without that takeover, I would probably be writing for the NA today, and so would a few other people.

    I don’t think it’s reasonable to say that what happened to the NA after Dr. Pierce’s death was an inevitable consequence of what it was while he was alive.

  27. “Racial nationalism will never grow unless we win converts, and we will never win converts without engaging the mainstream in some manner.”

    Dr. Pierce did engage the mainstream. I will tell you how. When Dr. Pierce would present some piece of suppressed news, like the fate of Jesse Dirkhising, early the following week you would hear callers to mainstream talkshows raising the issue.

    Also I think some of you people grossly overestimate the average American’s aversion to violence. You are telling me that people who watch Iraqi cities being blown to bits with cruise missiles have a problem with mass-murder? They do not, if it is presented as somehow justified.

  28. I can’t believe you guys are talking about vanguardists and didn’t mention the King of the Vanguardists. Here ya go…

  29. Greg Johnson and Martin Lindstedt have vouched for HAC and his plan more than once in these exchanges. Those endorsements carry weight with me. Either one can correct me if I have misunderstood and if vouching and endorsement are not the right words. The NA guys seem to be the only ones grinding the axe against HAC on irrelevant personal matters. This is in contrast to HW who has been criticizing HACs ideas.

  30. No matter what any-one sez, about This One or That One – nothing will change until things get reeeeeeeaaaaalllllly bad. And God only knows what will happen then.

  31. Hadding, I don’t personally know HAC or the other parties. This means I have no way to know and will never have any way to know if HAC is a habitual liar or not. Hence, I have to rely on intermediaries, and if GJ and ML say HACs plan is worth considering rather than being totally written off then that carries weight with me. If their comments don’t carry weight with anyone else, well then I’d say that’s a fair position too because reasonable people will always disagree over polarizing figures like HAC.

  32. LEW, I guess if a man is an habitual liar that’s an “irrelevant personal matter” to you. You’ll just go ahead and trust him, right?

    He just mentioned Hunter Wallace being in contrast to “irrelevant personal matters.” You’re either dealing with people that are completely clueless about those they speak of, or people that are maybe more malleable when it comes to things like integrity, honor, speaking the truth, or even mental stability. There’s nothing “irrelevant” about a charlatan or professional liar. Never was irrelevant, never will be irrelevant.

  33. I really don’t know how anyone can read more than a paragraph from Lindstedt without collapsing from the effects of vertigo. To hell with waterboarding, make them read some of his stuff.

  34. CT, Again, if I knew these various allegations to be to be true based on my own personal knowledge they would matter me. You guys with direct personal knowledge of these matters have the rest of us at a disadvantage. I’m just looking at the ideas and arguments here. Even if HAC is a liar, it doesn’t mean his migration strategy is a bad idea. The approach can be pursued by others without him if necessary. Likewise, if HW has some agenda other than what he says — and I’m NOT saying that he does — his behind the scenes motivations are irrelevant to whether the arguments he puts forward in public have merit. HAC says the northwest; HW says Wyoming. Those are two arguments that can be evaluated apart from the personalities.

  35. LEW says: “Greg Johnson and Martin Lindstedt have vouched for HAC and his plan more than once in these exchanges…”

    Shame on Greg. He’ll learn. You, “Hunter,” Pastor Mad Dog Doubleseed, and Mensa jack will not.

    The other shoe dropped for you, Mr. LEW, when you let slip that you weren’t Alliance material, much less the vanguard, because of your obvious gullibility and superstition as a hopeless Yahwehist. You’re ideologically-challenged, and conflicted; I understand. You have no problem embracing opposed ideologies, depending on whose company you are in at any given time. LEW, you may be rock-solid on the race question, and even on the Jewish question, but the fact that you admit being influenced by Pastor “NA is a JOG false front” Lindstadt, among other things, sets off the “loud-mouth, gung-ho, nutty hobbyist” alarm with those of us who actually grasp what Dr. Pierce was all about and were on the look-out for your profile.

    I know how to ferret you folks out and let what’s needed pass through. You can’t fake it with me or anybody close to me. My daddy, a country-boy genius at animal husbandry all his life, drove it into me at an early age that to develop the best stock one must cull and cull hard. Such a simple concept: eugenics (trans. good breeding). Duh!

    Dr. Pierce liked that I held his hard line, and culled, and culled some more as we went about organizing those who were attracted to the Alliance’s hard line message. “You have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince, Will,” he’d tell me. When he quit the necessary culling and could no longer contain certain extremely problematic elements, I resigned. The Alliance was growing too fast, getting away from us on several fronts. I could no longer in good conscience be part and parcel to the direction the Alliance was heading. That was a couple of months before Dr. Pierce died. Had he taken my final counsel to pull back and make some serious adjustments, it would have bought some time at least, and the Alliance might have even gotten back on course. He didn’t and the Alliance didn’t…so here we are.

    Back in the old days when we’d run into “WNs” like you who were supportive but didn’t agree with us, we’d courteously suggest to you that you might be more comfortable joining with the CoCC or Aryan Nations or with Xian Kluckers if you wanted to be in a membership organization. We saw no value in having members who would misrepresent our philosophy and goals, disrupt our racial focus, arguing over Scriptures from their Jewish Book of Fables or voicing their worries that the Alliance advocated genocide. That’s you, LEW. You’re a dyed-in-the-wool, hopeless mainstreamer. We’d have left the door open to you as long as you didn’t choose to become hostile.

    Any Xians in our Alliance had vowed to put the welfare, the renewal and advancement of LaRaza, if you’ll forgive me, first, and kept their worship of Yah and his imaginary son, the “Pale Jew,” the “King of the Jews,” to themselves.

  36. LEW: “I have been mainstream-oriented for 20 years, closer to Buchanan, Francis, Taylor, Duke, KMD, the CCofC, and the A3P than to Pierce, Linder and the NA.”

    I’ve met all of those people, even was a member of CoCC so I could influence them and scout for potential Alliance members. I’ve painted Duke’s portrait from life, way back in ’87 when I brought him to my hometown to face down Jesse Jackson in the Democrat POTUS primary. I even have a big, autographed picture of Pat Buchanan, with my arm around his shoulders, from our 2000 presidential campaign. How can you boobs call me a “vanguardist” when I have such solid mainstream credentials like that? Hell, once I stood for a full minute next to big, fat Sam Francis, bantering to my captive audience as we emptied our bladders into adjacent urinals. That’s got to count for something!

    LEW: “Those people have all had far more influence in moving people toward racialism than Dr. Pierce and Alex Linder which proves their approach does not work.”

    Says you, LEW. It’s interesting how you dissemble that Linder banned me and Hadding, even telling his VNN team that “with this banning of Will Williams, VNN breaks it’s last tie to Pierce’s NA.” Linder was an Alliance member, like so many others, who struck out on his own, thinking he could build a better “vanguard,” but he failed. He’s like “Hunter”; he won’t listen. He never really completely grasped what Dr. Pierce was all about, now did he? So why would you lump him in with Dr. Pierce and his loyalists? Dr. Pierce never treated any of those so-called mainstreamers you named with the shabbiness and insults Linder does, and I think he had their respect. It’s safe to say he influenced them.

  37. You’re wrong about that Will. I’m an atheist, but pro-Christian. There is no contradiction there. The two are not mutually exclusive, so I didn’t let anything slip. I’m not trying to mislead or fool anyone; dont be ridiculous. Camille Paglia and many serious atheist thinkers have favorable attitudes toward religion. I believe anti-racism in the contemporary churches, which has only emerged in the last 50 years or so, is a serious problem that needs to be addressed, but that’s as far as I take it. Pierce took anti-Christianity much further, and once I understood that I realized your organization was not for me even though I am an atheist myself. That doesn’t make me your enemy.

    But, on the other hand, your comments do show there is some truth to HWs observations about the general outlook of many radical WN; radical WN often have no desire for engagement with or outreach to other Whites who don’t fit their profile, which is virtually no one. This is why radical WN often turn into misanthropes. They stand firm on principles like anti-Christianity, fascism and eugenics and then wonder why people don’t respond, or don’t care that people don’t respond. In fact, absurdly, they view the fact that few people respond to their message as evidence they are right not wrong.

    And this, again, is the problem with the Pierce/radical WN approach. When your basic principles put you permanently at odds with virtually all of the White race, you should consider the possibility those principles are a problem.

  38. I didn’t say anything about Linder banning you. That was someone else. Look, you can have the last word. This exchange has become too heated to be productive.

  39. LEW says: “I’m an atheist, but pro-Christian. There is no contradiction ther”

    If you say so, LEW. Atheists pretty much lack a belief system; they simply don’t believe in the other fellow’s spooks. That’s what defines them. I wouldn’t characterize many of the Alliance members I’ve known as atheists, nor would they they describe themselves that way. We have strong beliefs and shared the Alliance world view for the most part. You just can’t figure the big picture out any better than you can tell if “Big Lie” Covington has told any whoppers. You just don’t know.

    I said Linder banned me. It wasn’t somebody else. I asked you why you want to lump Linder and his fans in with Dr. Pierce and all of his followers, some of whom found refuge at VNN for as while before AL banned them for being Pierce loyalists. We’ve tried to show you that there is not that much similarity, but you can’t grasp it. That’s OK, it’s not meant that everyone should.

  40. On this week’s edition of Radio Free Northwest (around the 56:00 minute mark) Harold Covington states the following:

    “Nobody should run out and rob banks or armored cars and then come and dump the money in paper bags on my desk. My name isn’t William Pierce and I don’t have his immunity or whatever his arrangement was. If I get caught doing that shit, I’ll go to prison for the rest of my life.”

    Those who say that Covington left his pathological lying behind him decades ago and those of us criticizing him are merely “goat dancers who hate the Northwest idea” should keep that in mind. He accused Dr. William Pierce of being an asset of the federal government (with no evidence whatsoever to substantiate his assertion) today, during his 12/1/10 RFN broadcast.

    HAC certainly has talent as a writer, but he has an ignoble spirit and he is poison for anyone that goes near him.

  41. Robert,

    (1) The Turner Diaries and Hunter were counterproductive and presented White Nationalists in a highly unfavorable light.

    (2) I was relying upon memory. It really doesn’t matter whether William Pierce died in 2001 or 2002. The National Alliance accomplished virtually nothing in his lifetime and swiftly collapsed after his death. It is an instructive lesson in what not to do.

    (3) David Duke ran in Louisiana as an explicitly White candidate. He successfully adapted his rhetoric to the experience of his audience, but I do not recall him repudiating his pro-White views at any point in his campaign. In particular, Duke mounted a strong attack on illegal immigration, violent crime, affirmative action, and welfare which resonated with the White working class.

    Duke demonstrated that he is smarter than 99 percent of White Nationalists. Instead of campaigning as a one trick pony, Duke talked about other issues of interest to Whites like jobs and the economy. The Duke campaigns in Louisiana were the highwater mark of the postwar White Nationalist movement.

    (4) I completely reject Greg Johnson’s position that engaging in practical politics must be preceded by a “metapolitical” sea change. Experience has shown that exactly the opposite is true.

    Duke’s campaign in Louisiana helped “mainstream” issues like violent crime, welfare, illegal immigration, and affirmative action. These “social issues” were picked up in the 1990s by Republican candidates like Pat Buchanan.

    White Nationalists have forgotten that both violent crime and welfare were addressed with remedial legislation under the Clinton administration when Republicans controlled Congress. These issues have faded in importance since that time because the reforms were later considered successful.

    The last time major immigration reform passed Congress was 1996.

    Several states have banned affirmative action. The latest was Arizona in the midterm elections.

    Expanding upon this point, Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul’s presidential campaigns were vital in spreading their ideas to a larger audience. There was no conflict between Paul writing End the Fed and running for president. If he had chosen to withdraw from society, he wouldn’t have been nearly as successful or influential as he ultimately was.

  42. Will,

    (1) No, I actually do think I know what I am talking about. William Pierce spent decades building his organization around a cult of personality. That organization swiftly collapsed after his death.

    In hindsight, the NA was rather unremarkable. Every year organizations like the NA collapse after the death of their central guru figure.

    The only thing holding the NA together was the William Pierce fan club. When Pierce was removed from the equation, the trademark dysfunctional characteristics of vanguardists came to the fore and wrecked everything he created.

    (2) I can draw my own conclusions from interacting with his followers. Every time you open your mouth in the comments you unwittingly add ammunition to my case.

    (3) If you must know, I was a junior at Auburn in 2001. I was just turning 21 and beginning to develop my political views.

  43. Hadding,

    I completely disagree.

    The comment section on this website alone has provided ample proof that there is a real division in the White Nationalist movement between “vanguardists” and “mainstreamers.”

    It seems to me that the William Pierce fan club dislikes being lumped in with the NSM solely because they consider themselves some kind of elite strike force. In reality, virtually every cult that has ever existed has convinced themselves of the same thing. The elect few always possess secret knowledge which the uninitiated lack.

    Looked at from the outside, I don’t see much difference between the NA and other standard fare vanguardist groups. William Pierce squirreled away in West Virginia. Pastor Butler retreated to Idaho. HAC retreated to Washington.

    Both created groups out of highly alienated racialists. Both groups were based on a cult of personality. Both groups splintered and collapsed after the death of the guru. Both groups developed their own theology. Both groups waited on the inevitable collapse of the system.

    Every group of alienated vanguardists I have seen has made a point to create their own flag. The National Alliance had a flag. The World Church of the Creator had a flag. The Aryan Nations had a flag. The NSM has a flag. The Northwest Front has a flag.

    They all created their own flag and their own storyline because they were all composed of highly alienated people going through the same identity crisis.

    None of these groups had or have anything resembling a real strategy. Every single vanguardist group prioritizes rhetoric over organization. Every single one of them refuses to communicate with White Americans in terms of their own experience. They all rejected “working within the system.”

    I could sit here all night and point out to you the similarities.

  44. Will,

    (1) Like Harold Covington, William Pierce was also a writer of fantasy fiction. Specifically, Hunter and The Turner Diaries are two examples of Pierce’s contribution to this genre.

    I’ve never read either The Turner Diaries or The Northwest Quartet. I’m told they end in a similar way: every non-White and Jew on earth exterminated, triumphant vanguardists lording over their enemies, White Nationalists on Mars, etc.

    Escapist fantasies run wild.

    (2) Like I said above, I was a junior in college in 2001 when I first began to develop political views.

    (3) You pretty much admitted above that there were no advances in West Virginia or any other state.

    (4) I’m willing to hear arguments on this.

    Where did the National Alliance seize power? Where did the National Alliance build a political base in any real existing community? Where did they make an impact on the political spectrum? What laws did they change?

    (5) I’ve repeatedly said that “vanguardists” are alienated people who withdraw from society into small cult like organizations of purists to await a millenarian collapse of the system.

    (6) Ah yes.

    You let the hillbillies do their own thing. The lords of the earth would never waste their time on such yokels. It is funny that you ridicule Christians while subscribing to your own version of The Rapture.

    Every rapture bunny I have ever known was similarly cocksure that his own salvation and the eternal damnation of his enemies.

  45. LEW said: “Hadding, I don’t personally know HAC or the other parties. This means I have no way to know and will never have any way to know if HAC is a habitual liar or not.”

    You absolutely do have a way. You could read my blog,

    If you are too lazy to read all that, you could just check out some of the murder accusations that Covington has published.

    Covington has claimed that Ben Klassen committed several murders. He made these accusations in his “obituary” of Ben Klassen in 1993 and republished them in A Brief History of the White Nationalist Movement in 2007.

    Murders that Never Happened
    Part 1. “Barry Edwards”

    Harold Covington would have us believe that Ben Klassen, founder of the Church of the Creator and author of Nature’s Eternal Religion, was responsible for many unpunished crimes, including a number of murders, and that although he, Covington, knew this, somehow Klassen was never charged. There is the case of “Barry Edwards,” which appears in Covington’s vicious obituary of Klassen in 1993, which is visible online and was reproduced in several of Jeffrey Kaplan’s books about White Nationalism. The story is perpetuated in A Brief History of the White Nationalist Movement (2007) as follows:

    “1978 – Klassen business manager Barry Edwards is murdered in what police call a “gangland style execution.” Edwards’s body is found on June 12th, 1978 in the trunk of a car parked at a public beach in West Palm Beach.”

    An inquiry was sent to the West Palm Beach Police Department as to whether any Barry Edwards was murdered in that city in 1978. On 31 August 2010 Sergeant Jim Cink of the homicide unit gave this response:

    “Regarding your inquiry into the death/murder of a Mr. Barry Edwards, our records show a Barry Edwards alive as of April 1984. Without any other details such as his date of birth, social security number, etc., we may not be talking about the same person. I can tell you we don’t have, according to our records, a Barry Edwards murdered in the City of West Palm Beach after 1967.”

    Part 2. “Dennis Witherspoon”

    This is from the section of A Brief History of the White Nationalist Movement called “The Strange Tale of Benny Klassen,” which contains stories long peddled by Harold Covington:

    “1990 – On October 12th, 20 year-old former Skinhead Dennis Witherspoon is found dead in a rural area of Dade County, Florida. He has been bound with duct tape and shot several times in the head with a .22-caliber revolver. Witherspoon was known to have been a former COTC “Reverend” who claimed that in the summer of 1989, a year previously, he arrived in the Otto, N.C. compound and was invited to Klassen’s basement rec room for a private showing of Leni Riefenstahl’ s Triumph of the Will. He was given drugged liquor and passed out. Witherspoon then claims he suddenly awoke on the floor, doubled up nude with sofa pillows under him, while Klassen was in the act of sodomizing him, with the movie still playing. Witherspoon jumped up and assaulted Klassen, beating him very badly and extorting a promise of money. Witherspoon claims he was given $10,000 in cash next day and a used car, with which he drove to Florida. The only comment Klassen ever makes about this incident is that Witherspoon was attempting to blackmail him. Florida police write off Witherspoon’s death as a drug-related killing, which may be correct.”

    The details given here imply that Klassen was a suspect in this “murder” and was questioned about it, but you will find nothing about it in a Google News Archive search. “The Old Order Passeth,” an article written by Harold Covington under the pen name Luther Williams, which Covington sent out to readers of his Resistance newsletter in the 1990s, has 1987, not 1989, as the date of the alleged anal rape: obviously, dates can be flexible in a story that was never based on fact anyway. According to Will Williams there was never a Dennis Witherspoon in the COTC.

    For absolute verification, an inquiry was sent to the Miami-Dade Police Department: “Is there any record of a Dennis Witherspoon being found dead in rural Dade County? The claim is that he had been shot several times in the head with a .22-caliber revolver. This is alleged to have happened on 12 October 1990.”

    On 2 September 2010 Major Rey Valdes of the homicide bureau gave this response:

    “Thank you for your recent email requesting information related to the death of Dennis Witherspoon, which occurred in Miami-Dade County, on October 12, 1990. We have researched our records and were unable to locate a homicide case involving Mr. Witherspoon, or matching the description you provided. In abundance of caution, we also contacted the Medical Examiner Department, with similar results.”

    This means that they could find neither any record of a homicide involving a Dennis Witherspoon, nor any killing of a similar description on or about the specified date.

    Major Valdes says that further information, if anybody has any, or further inquiries about the alleged Witherspoon homicide (which evidently never occurred) should be directed to Sergeant Miguel Tabernero of the Homicide Bureau, Miami-Dade Police Department.

    In addition to his murder accusations against Ben Klassen, Covington also has accused Matt Koehl (and it is also insuated, William Pierce) of being involved in the murder of George Lincoln Rockwell. Covington has said that in his podcast THIS YEAR. I am told that Covington has made other murder accusations, e.g. against Will Williams, but I have not investigated those because they did not appear in the Brief History.

    You can easily find contact information for the West Palm Beach and Miami-Dade police departments online, but if you are really lazy I can give you those phone numbers too.

  46. JJ Johnson,

    (1) If the National Alliance seized power anywhere in Texas, made an impact on the state political spectrum, or built a lasting political base in any community in that state, I have never heard of this.

    (2) William Pierce built a “hardcore nucleus” out of people with the sort of anti-social personality types that guaranteed its ultimate dissolution.

    (3) Gathering up a few alienated people and heading for the hills has never produced anything but failure. In 2010, the National Alliance in West Virginia and Aryan Nations in Idaho is proof of that.

  47. Hunter Wallace said: “The National Alliance had a flag.”

    Not while Dr. Pierce was alive.

    I joined the National Alliance because Dr. Pierce talked about racial matters exactly the way I do. He told the truth without apology and without dressing it up in any pretense. Is that what you call a cult of personality?

  48. You let the hillbillies do their own thing. The lords of the earth would never waste their time on such yokels.

    Just so people know what kind of spoiled runt they’re dealing with, weren’t you the same “Hunter” that ridiculed a guy a while back for having a service job?

    It’s amazing to sit back and watch a guy who has a history of BS and lies try and point fingers at other people for having an “identity crisis.”

    Where exactly is the Hunter Wallace army?

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