I just got finished listening to the latest podcast of Radio Free Northwest. As I suspected, Harold Covington, a writer of fantasy fiction, had a few words to say about this website, none of which were positive.
I suggest we play a game.
– First, take a deep breath.
– Second, hold your breath like you are underwater.
– Third, count how many seconds you can hold your breath before you exhale.
I can hold my breath for at least 35 seconds.
Now let’s imagine every second you can hold your breath represents a person. By my count, that is at least 30 more people (counting sockpuppets) than there are in the Northwest Front and 35 more than there are who are seriously willing to engage in an IRA-style terrorist campaign to create a Northwest Republic.
According to Gallup, 25 percent of the residents of Washington self identify as “liberals.” There are 6,664,195 people in Washington state. That means Harold Covington has around 1,666,048 “liberal” neighbors.
Can you hold your breath for 19 hrs and 25 minutes?
If every White Nationalist in America (including every sympathizer who reads these websites including antis and monitors) moved to Washington state tomorrow, they would still be dwarfed by the sheer number of liberals on the ground there.
If they followed HAC’s advice, the liberal, moderate, and conservative majority would unanimously react to vanguardist terrorism in the same way that Americans reacted to the Oklahoma City bombing. Local law enforcement alone would be sufficient to squelch any rebellion. Not to mention the FBI and ATF which have snuffed out any number of such groups over the past thirty years.
Mainstreamers vs. Vanguardists
I’ve repeatedly compared “vanguardism” to fool’s gold. It is a rhetorical position that sounds tough and uncompromising. It is a siren song that at first sounds promising. This type of radical posturing is attractive to highly alienated people, but all bullshit aside, it ultimately amounts to nothing more than escapism.
There is nothing of substance to vanguardism. There isn’t a Northwest Front. There is only Harold Covington (see photo above) living in a fantasy world. There is just one alienated fantasist sitting behind his computer, someone who has no real influence in his own community, browbeating other alienated fantasists to move to the Northwest and join his cult to keep him company.
If I were to move to Washington state, I would find myself hanging out with Harold Covington when I got there, thousands of miles away from home and without a job. Instead of being alienated and irrelevant in Alabama, I would be alienated, irrelevant, broke, and homesick in the Pacific Northwest.
The most damning criticism of Harold Covington is that he doesn’t believe his own bullshit. For all his talk of military bravado, Covington himself can’t even find a single unhinged psychopath to take on the local post office. His own followers won’t move to the Pacific Northwest because even they understand at some level that Covington is nuts.
The Pacific Northwest and Vanguardists
Vanguardists have been active in the Pacific Northwest since the 1970s. From the 1970s until 2001, Aryan Nations was based out of Idaho. The phrase “hiding out in a bunker in Idaho” has become a derisive phrase in the movement for that reason.
When Richard Butler died in 2001, Aryan Nations had a worldwide following of around 200 people. The SPLC bankrupted the group with a wrongful death lawsuit. Their property was seized and awarded to the plaintiffs. It was later turned into “a peace park.”
Aryan Nations failed to make any inroads into the surrounding communities. The group has since splintered and relocated to Ohio and Pennsylvania. If Richard Butler and the Aryan Nations couldn’t spark a Northwest Migration, what makes Harold Covington think he would be any more successful?
All of vanguardism is based on the same errors: unrealistic escapist fantasies, a fundamental unwillingness to adapt their rhetoric to the experience of their audience, a radical sense of alienation from White America, wild millenarian expectations of an apocalyptic collapse, a tendency to withdraw from society, a tendency to express that alienation by erecting unnecessary barriers to understanding, an unwillingness to start where people are today, and radical impulse to burn bridges and push people away.
It really doesn’t matter where the vanguardists go: Arizona, Washington, or West Virginia. The effective result is always the same. Stewing in their alienation, they fail to make any progress in establishing a political base in their communities. With nothing else to do, they log on to the internet to vent their frustrations and share their alienation and misery with others.
“The Northwest Homeland” is an abstract republic. It is an imaginary community that is pitched to intellectuals and vanguardists on the basis of their alienation, fantasies, idealism, and abstract reason. For all his prodding to “come home,” Harold Covington must know that he can never compete with someone’s real home.
There is a scene in Gods and Generals that captures the attitude of many White Southerners to a Northwest Migration.
In 1861, Simon Cameron (President Lincoln’s Secretary of War) offered Robert E. Lee full command of the Union Army. It was a major promotion. Lee was then a Colonel. He could have fought on the winning side of the War Between the States. In some alternate histories, Lee might have succeeded Lincoln as President like General Grant, whose war glory propelled him into the White House.
Robert E. Lee preferred to lose rather than accept a promotion and turn his back on his native state.
Admittedly, this is an extreme example. The vast majority of White Southerners have nothing like Lee’s sense of honor and duty. At the same time, they are highly adverse to uprooting themselves (from their friends, families, kinship networks, culture, communities, native climate) and travelling thousands of miles across America to settle in a strange place where they don’t know anyone and probably can’t find a job.
A good example of this is the response of Southerners to devastating hurricanes. It doesn’t matter how many times hurricanes like Ike, Ivan and Katrina strike the communities along the Gulf Coast. It doesn’t matter to the natives who know that the prevailing weather of the region means they are likely to get hit again.
The people who live there rebuild Galveston, Bay St. Louis, and Panama City. They won’t even contemplate moving to Wyoming or Idaho because they want to live in Mississippi and Florida.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 unleashed an epidemic of negro pathologies in the Deep South. The people who live in Alabama responded by adapting to the hated law, not by fleeing to other parts of the country.
The moral of the story: a fantasy world can never compete with a real community.
There has to be some compelling reason and practical benefit to the settler to abandon everything he knows. In the 1840s, the discovery of gold in California sparked a migration. The Mormons traveled to Utah to save their souls. The pioneers went West for freedom and cheap land.
No one is going to move to the Northwest for Harold Covington will have someone to talk to.
The Pacific Northwest and Mainstreamers
In his latest episode of Radio Free Northwest, Harold Covington accused me of “running down the Northwest.” In reality, I have only criticized Covington and his implausible vanguardist scheme, which will only have the effect of making life even more uncomfortable for White Nationalists already living in the region.
There are many valid reasons for White Zionists to move to the Pacific Northwest. I have spent hours analyzing Wyoming and Idaho. Eventually, I plan to take a hard look at Washington, Oregon, Montana, and the Dakotas. I will complete my analysis with a regional summary.
Harold’s real gripe isn’t that I am “running down the Northwest.” It is that I have written positive reviews of the wrong Northwestern states. Namely, those where Harold Covington doesn’t live, which are excluded from his fantasy world.
White Zionists settling in Idaho and Wyoming could have a far bigger impact than they could in Washington or Oregon. Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota are smaller states than Idaho. Their impact would be even larger there.
There is nothing stopping White Zionists from taking over existing communities in the Interior West and creating communities where anti-White taboos are unenforceable. If they moved to Wyoming or Montana, they could demonstrate the potential of the White Zionist model. That would attract more recruits and the publicity necessary to fuel and sustain a real Northwest migration.
In his podcast, Harold Covington denounced the Ron Paul campaign. Ron Paul’s presidential campaign laid the foundation (through institutions like Young Americans for Liberty and Campaign for Liberty) for Rand Paul’s successful bid to become U.S. Senator from Kentucky.
Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota are smaller than Oregon and Washington. Instead of 4 Senators, they send 10 to Washington. Wyoming has 2 Senators in spite of being 1/9th the size of Kentucky.
If the libertarians can succeed in Kentucky, the home of millions of “Red State Fascists,” why can’t White Nationalists succeed in Wyoming?
This migration plan is perfectly legal. It is not based on a wild fantasist scheme of a successful vanguardist insurrection. The vast majority of White Zionists are just looking for a place to settle down and live a White life.
The Nagging Little Voice
The “nagging little voice” says:
If I moved to Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, or the Dakotas, I could live a fairly decent life, pay less in taxes, own more property, and my kids would have Nordic classmates. I might find myself an attractive, conservative Nordic woman to marry and live with on my ranch or in my cabin in the woods. There would be no Jews or blacks to put up with.
I would be safe. I might have some actual political representation. If more people moved here, seeing how good we have it, we might even be able to live openly as White Nationalists.
Alternatively, I could move to Washington and join the Northwest Front, which would consist of me hanging out with Harold Covington and a few other alienated vanguardists all day. After getting a job, I would be constantly prodded to support “the movement,” which must have some financial base of support.
Any association with Covington might actually prevent me from acquiring employment. In the event I did move there and built up a nest egg, it could be wrecked at any moment by an unhinged fantasist going on a counterproductive shooting spree.
Maybe I ought to just move to the Pacific Northwest and enjoy living a quiet life there. If I want to hear what Harold Covington has to say, I could always listen to his podcast. That way I could enjoy all the benefits of the Pacific Northwest without the liability of having any dangerous affiliations.
HAC responds to his critics:
(1) The SPLC predicted the NA would splinter and collapse after his death. That is exactly what happened.
(2) Pierce’s lack of interest in establishing a political base in West Virginia was symptomatic of his overreliance upon the internet and his faith in alienated radicals who ultimately proved incapable of either building upon his foundation or even preserving what he had already accomplished.
(3) Okay … so you can quibble over whether “swiftly collapsed” meant one year or two years. That’s effectively what happened. The NA ceased to be viable years ago.
(4) The major failure of the NA was clearly succession. The organization was built around the William Pierce fan club. Because of its very nature, it could never transition to becoming the Kevin Alfred Strom or Erich Gliebe fan club.
(5) It was William Pierce himself who left the NA in the hands of “the wrong people.”
(6) The collapse of the NA was a textbook example of a vanguardist organization built around a dynamic leader with a personal fan club. There are any number of other examples of similar organizations that have failed for the same reasons.
I see our house leftist troll is back. I will get to him in a minute.
(1) Pierce rejected electoral politics as a matter of principle. He also refused as a matter of principle to tailor his message to the experience of his audience. He was only interested in talking to and attracting other alienated people in his own mold.
(2) I think the Oklahoma City bombing is a clear example of America’s aversion to violence. McVeigh singlehandedly destroyed all the momentum of the militia and patriot movements. He gave Bill Clinton a political gifthorse which he rode to reelection in 1996.
Mark Penn is already going around saying that Barack Obama needs another Oklahoma City to reconnect with the White working class in the Midwest. Harold Covington would love nothing better than to make his dream come true.
HW sez: “Like Harold Covington, William Pierce was also a writer of fantasy fiction.”
I think Dr. Pierce and Harold Covington are two very different kinds of “fantasy fiction” author.
Dr. Pierce wrote the Turner Diaries primarily as a vehicle for ideas and information. It’s loaded with what amount to summaries of news-items that you can also read in The Best of Attack and National Vanguard. He only wrote one novel after that.
Covington on the other hand writes fiction because THAT’S ALL HE DOES. Is Covington even capable of telling a story without embellishing it? Possibly not. In addition to what he has written under his own name, it is said that he writes ghost stories under a pseudonym, which seems very appropriate given the spooky and mystery-filled character of much of what he tries to pass off as his nonfictional writing, e.g. his “Brief History” or his short essay, “The Seabrook Theory: Why Movement Fags Hate Harold Covington.”
Re: Will Williams
(1) William Pierce tried to build a viable White resistance on the basis of the 0.05% of atheists in America (a generous estimate) who are alienated White Nationalist vanguardists. The results of that misguided strategy are clear for anyone to see.
(2) I’ve repeatedly drawn attention to the fact that vanguardists are compelled to withdraw from society. They want to pull away. Mainstreamers seek to narrow the gap and spread our ideas to a wider audience. Vanguardists have no interest in doing this.
(3) Being a vanguardist has a lot to do with entertaining the notion that you are superior to ordinary people. It is not about saving the White race. It is more about the personal psychodrama that the alienated radical is going through.
(4) The NA was never “on track” to begin with. In what sense was it ever successful?
(5) No one has ever said that vanguardists are unwilling to launch inept political campaigns to draw attention to themselves.. See Jim Giles or Glenn Miller.
(6) Pierce was about gathering a small, cohesive group of alienated ideologues to await the collapse of the system. Is that not an accurate description?
Hadding: If you are too lazy to read all that, you could just check out some of the murder accusations that Covington has published.
Well, suggesting that I’m too lazy to get the truth doesn’t make me inclined to wade through 1000s of your words on this subject. But, I try read at least some of it when I can. From what I’ve seen of your posts over the last couple of years in various Internet venues (I lurk a lot all over the place), I know you’re capable writer, so I will give it a fair hearing if I can get to it.
“The major failure of the NA was clearly succession. The organization was built around the William Pierce fan club. Because of its very nature …”
You are stating two different reasons why the NA has failed since the death of Dr. Pierce. I disagree that the National Alliance was simply a William Pierce fan club. We had talented people committed to the cause, not just people idolizing Dr. Pierce as some divine epiphany. Hell, I used to make fun of the way he talked and I was as committed as anybody.
I agree that there was a problem with succession. Dr. Pierce had obviously expected to live a few years longer than he did, and he did not plan any succession until he was already dying, and the range of people to whom he could entrust matters on short notice was rather limited.
It was not a far-fetched prediction that the National Alliance would splinter after the death of the founder. That’s what happened to the NSWPP after Rockwell was killed. It would not have happened to the National Alliance if Dr. Pierce had been a slightly better judge of character.
I’m not aware of a vanguardist group that hasn’t been anything more than a sole proprietorship built around a cult of personality. I don’t know of one that has endured either. The collapse of the NA was absolutely typical of the failure of that model.
Hunter Wallace says: “I’m not aware….”
“Sole proprietorship” and “cult of personality” again are two different issues. No question, Dr. Pierce had too many reins in his own hands even in 2002 when the NA had over a dozen fulltime staffers. The most important thing that had not been done sufficiently was to cultivate other writers and spokesmen to be the voice of the organization. Kevin Strom probably would have sufficed and would have held the organization together, but when he was offered the chairmanship he turned it down.
I think the most important reason why there were not more suitable candidates for that role is limited finances. As long as the economy was good, it was hard to find talented people that would give up other career prospects to work for $1000 or less per month. I myself turned down a request from Dr. Pierce to join the staff because I had just been accepted to grad school. I made what seemed to me the sensible choice. That would have been a much harder decision if the position that Dr. Pierce was offering had been well paid.
I said “well paid,” but in truth, I probably would have forgone grad school to work in the NA office if the pay had been just a normal middle-class salary so that I wouldn’t feel that I was cutting my own throat by being there.
I also had the idea that I might go work there sometime after grad school, but by then Dr. Pierce was dying.
What was the NA supposed to be accomplishing with a full time staff? Will Williams said above that the NA wasn’t interested in spreading its message in West Virginia. Pierce didn’t have the slightest interest in building a foundation for political power.
What was the goal?
It looks to me like the goal was to evangelize alienated people and convert them to a more radical message. Then the initiated were supposed to sit around and wait for the collapse to come along and solve all their problems.
Ironically, the long awaited collapse actually did come. The faithful just didn’t recognize it as such. The collapse of the system was the demise of the National Alliance after the death of its guru figure.
Erich Gliebe and Kevin Strom couldn’t preserve the established system which was entertaining people and keeping them interested without ever producing any tangible return on their investment.*
* This is the same system which Alex Linder and Traitor Glenn Miller have perfected and which Greg Johnson and Harold Covington seek to emulate.
“Erich Gliebe and Kevin Strom couldn’t preserve the established system which was entertaining people and keeping them interested without ever producing any tangible return on their investment.”
You think that the only value in the American Dissident Voices program was ENTERTAINMENT VALUE?
Dr. Pierce’s project was to effect a shift in opinion among White people in the direction of racial consciousness. That is obviously a good thing. It strengthens the race for facing whatever circumstances might arise. Such a change obviously has potential even to affect electoral politics!
What you fail to grasp, HUNTER WALLACE, is that running for public office and proclaiming the undiluted truth are two different and incompatible jobs. If you run for public office with the expectation of being elected, you will mince words. Still, somebody needs to be shining that beacon of truth, and whoever does that is not going to be running for public office.
HAC’s the enemy of truth. He’s the enemy of serious White renewal. The short and sweet of it: he’s the enemy. He’s a defining issue.
I don’t listen to defendant Covington’s “radio” bullshit. I’m glad you caught that, though, Robert. Highlighting that comment might just shake some disbelieving Pierce fan off the disastrous cardboard NWF bandwagon. Problem is, they have nowhere to go where they don’t have to hold their noses.
For the past three or so months Hadding’s ‘noncounterproductive’ blog has been documenting and exposing the fraud of this known enemy Covington’s “brief history of WN,” in one place, where folks can be steered to get the true picture without all the disruption and diversion like they witness here, presently. It’s a start.
Those who would like to see Hadding expand his careful research, even undertake to put the Covington issue to rest and expand from that trial balloon to write an honest account of our own history — not another Lenny Zeskind or Harold Covington smear job — then support his work. Hadding’s not alone. Several sincere Pierce loyalists have already volunteered and pitched in to help in one way or another. Who knows, we might even end up with our own interactive venue, where we can go about rebuilding something without all the Covingtonistas and other gadflys constantly queering things.
Robert, is it true that Commander Tub o’ Lard read some supposed email from “Ron in Richmond” on his “radio” show? To be sure, former Richmond National Alliance Local Unit Coordinator Ron Doggett hasn’t gone over to the dark side to support “Big Lie.” Tell me it ain’t so, Joe. Ron had had enough of “Big Lie” way back in 1989 after he caught a heavy dose of his treacherous lies and double-dealing intrigues by getting too close to him.
HAC has this history of co-opting and using known people’s names like that for effect. Hadding you mentioned that HAC wrote one of his patented scathing critiques of the National Alliance, the Old Order Passeth. That was back in the 1990s, under the pen name Luther Williams, a variation of William Luther Pierce. Cute fiction writer’s device, huh? There are the same attacks in “Luther Williams'” smear sheet of the exact, same familiar targets in that “brief history” of HAC’s , a decade later, that Hadding has already debunked.
Pastor Lindstedt,
What I don’t understand about the whole colonial war scenario thing is that if 10 million people (about the population of NYC) were able to defeat and exterminate ZOG and 290 million people, wouldn’t that invite intervention by Russia, NATO, China, Europe, or some other powers? Either during or after the war.
“Hunter Wallace”: “What was the NA supposed to be accomplishing with a full time staff? Will Williams said above that the NA wasn’t interested in spreading its message in West Virginia. Pierce didn’t have the slightest interest in building a foundation for political power.
“What was the goal?
“It looks to me like the goal was to evangelize alienated people and convert them to a more radical message…”
That’s what it looks like to you, eh, “Hunter?” Maybe that’s because you’re hostile to the idea of an uncompromising, radical, organized White racial resistance, and because you don’t listen when folks try to explain it to you. There was a thread at your shitcanned OD forum named “National Alliance,” and another named “What set the National Alliance apart from the also rans.” Remember? We’ve been through this before, “Hunter,” so please don’t play dumb. Childishness tends to alienate me.
Before I start answering your question about the National Alliance goal, actually its multiple goals, I must say you do twist my words, you raging runt. I’ve never said “the NA wasn’t interested in spreading its message in West Virginia.” Our Alliance had plenty of West Virginian members. Why don’t you pay attention? Why wouldn’t we “spread our nessage, if “Hunter” thinks the goal is to evangelize alienated Bible-thumpers in Pocahontas County, WV, and convert them into misanthropic, “unhappy atheists.” Hell, “Hunter,” we could leave that job to you. “Unhappy atheist.” Isn’t that how you describe yourself?
Why would the NA need a full-time staff? What were they supposed to be accomplishing? Well, when I was there as a staffer I coordinated the membership and their activities. I won’t get into the details of that, but let’s say those duties took up most of my 70+ hour weekly workload. Our media center was coordinated by Kevin Strom back then. It takes some assistance to publish books, several high-quality periodicals, put together weekly radio shows, specialty videos and all that, so Kevin had some helpers as our operation expanded. We had a chief of staff who was, well, chief of staff. We had a business manager, a couple of writers and editors, a data entry office to handle membership dues and book orders and such for National Vanguard Books, with its $million dollar inventory. We usually had a librarian who maintained our 15,000+ research library, updated the NVB Book catalog, etc. Ordering books in bulk, processing and shipping orders takes staff. When the Internet presented itself to us, we needed more staffers, some off-site, some on, to deal with the software, the Web-sites and all the traffic they generated. Then came Resistance Records, another sister organization, resulting in more staffers. We had our motor pool, grounds and road maintenance, commo system, construction of new buildings, maintenance of existing ones. Fred Streed took care of all that and usually had a volunteer or two, or more, from our membership on-site with him to take care of those things. Our membership in the field were always very generous in helping to make things easier for those in the National Office. We’d put out a request for something in our internal membership BULLETIN and it usually wouldn’t be long before some individual member, or perhaps a Local Unit, would see that the request was soon filled, usually as a donation. One thing I liked about our membership was that we had many members who volunteered to monitor Jewish media as well as certain of their mass media. We’d assign volunteers to subscribe to every Jewish magazine and newspaper we thought was relevant and monitor them, sending clippings to our clearing house. Dr. Pierce kept good files on many subjects, and had a stable of writers and researchers to pull together the facts and check them. He was an excellent editor. He knew what to cover and, more importantly, what NOT to cover.
Does that help? What would you do with such a hard-working, motivated staff of 12-15 like that, “Hunter?”
Before providing the goals of the Alliance, let’s try to grasp the ideology behind those goals.
The National Alliance is not only working to achieve certain goals; it also stands for a comprehensive view of life, or world view. Its goals have not been chosen arbitrarily in reaction to current social, racial or economic problems, the way the Democrats and Republicans put together a party platform for election purposes; instead they follow naturally from Alliance ideology.
2.a.i. A natural order
We see ourselves as integral with a unitary world around us, which evolves according to natural law. There is only one reality, which we call Nature; not the “my reality” and “your reality” of the subjectivists and not the separate spiritual and physical realms of the supernaturalists. We are a part of Nature and subject to Nature’s laws. Within the scope of these laws we are able to determine our own destiny. If we err in our efforts there is no one to protect us from the consequences of our folly or our weakness. In other words, we ourselves are responsible for everything over which we have the power of choice; in particular, for the state of our environment and for the destiny of our race.
This view may be contrasted with the Semitic view, which separates man from the rest of the world and postulates a divine but nevertheless manlike being who rules man and the world by supernatural law. Those who hold this view absolve themselves of responsibility for their fate. When faced with an undesired outcome of events they say, “It is God’s (or Yahweh’s or Allah’s) will.” They believe that it is not necessary for men to concern themselves with the future beyond planning for their own needs, because their god has everything under control.
During the time when Europe was most strongly under the influence of Semitic ideology (and also today in some countries under Islamic rule, as well as among some fundamentalist Jewish and Christian sects in America and elsewhere), it was considered impious for a man to infringe upon the deity’s prerogatives: specifically, to attempt to understand or influence the phenomena of Nature, or to change venerable social institutions.
2a.ii. The law of inequality
Our wold is hierarchical. Each of us is a member of the Aryan (or European) race, which, like the other races, developed its special characteristics over many thousands of years during which natural selection not only adapted it to its environment but also advanced it along its evolutionary path. Those races which evolved in the more demanding environment of the North, where surviving a winter required planning and self-discipline, advanced more rapidly in the development of the higher mental faculties—including the abilities to conceptualize, to solve problems, to plan for the future, and to postpone gratification—than those which remained in the relatively unvarying climate of the tropics. Consequently, the races vary today in their capabilities to build and sustain a civilized society and, more generally, in their abilities to lend a conscious hand to Nature in the task of evolution.
Furthermore, just as the races may be ordered according to their levels of development, so may the individuals within a race. Some are better able to understand the world around them than others; some are more creative; some have better self-discipline or a stronger will; some have a more highly developed sense of responsibility. In a well-ordered society these differences will be reflected in varying degrees of influence or control over the course of the society being exercised by the various members of the society, according to their varying individual qualities.
In contrast to our view is that of the egalitarians, who believe that the differences in the levels of civilization of the different races and the differences in the social positions of individuals in our society are purely circumstantial and can be changed easily by changing the circumstances: e.g., the level of civilization in Black Africa can be brought up to the European level and kept there by providing economic and technical aid to make up for past “injustices,” such as colonialism; and any individual can fill any position in society if he is given certain “advantages,” such as good schools and a good home environment. Differences in attainment, standard of living, and degree of social influence, among races and among individuals, are therefore unnatural and unjust and should be done away with, according to the egalitarians.
2.a.ii. A hierarchy of responsibilities
As individuals who are conscious of our own nature and of our relationship to the rest of the world, we have an inevitable hierarchy of obligations or responsibilities.
First, we have an obligation to the Nature of which we are a part to participate as effectively as we can in its eternal quest for the higher levels of development, higher forms of life.
This obligation has been recognized and expressed by our poets and philosophers throughout our history. Frederich Nietzsche told us that or first responsibility is to help prepare the world for the coming of a higher type of man. George Bernard Shaw wrote that we are obliged to serve the Life Force in its striving to know itself more fully: i.e., to achieve higher levels of consciousness.
Second, we have an obligation to our race as a collective agent of progress. Nature has refined and honed the special qualities embodied in the Aryan race so we would be better able to fulfill the mission allotted to us. Event though Nature also has developed other forms of life, including other races of man, we have a special obligation to our own race: to ensure its survival, to safeguard its unique characteristics, to improve its quality.
Third, we have an obligation to those members of our race who are most conscious of their own obligations and most active in meeting them. Thus, there is a bond of comradeship between us and those who also are working for the same cause.
Finally, we have a responsibility to ourselves to be the best and strongest individuals that we can be.
Our acceptance of this hierarchy of responsibilities is in contrast to the attitude of the individualists (as defined below), who do not recognize a responsibility to anyone but themselves; and to that of the humanists (as defined below), who eschew their racial responsibility.
We may summarize in the following statement the ideology outlined above:
We see ourselves as a part of Nature, subject to Nature’s law. We recognize the inequalities which arise as natural consequences of the evolutionary process and which are essential to progress in every sphere of life. We accept our responsibilities as Aryan men and women to strive for the advancement of our race in the service of Life, and to be the fittest instruments for that purpose that we can be.
So, there is the Alliance ideology and the fundamental principles supporting it.
Next: Goals of the National Alliance
Pastor Mad Dog Doubleseed charges: “TraitorGlenn Miller and WhiggerSwill are both ZOG agents provocateur.”
You talking to me, Fat man? You trying to alienate me?
If so, back up your claim that I’m an agent provocateur for your ZOG. Prove it. Trot out some specifics. Here’s one from your Commander Covington, page 3 of the 6-page The Old Order Passeth, mentioned above: “…Williams sent two mail bombs to Christian evangelists in Virginia and Texas, one of which wounded a security guard and the other which almost blinded a 21-year old White girl. For reasons best known to themselves, the Federal authorities [ZOG] have placed this one on the back burner as well [along with Williams’ alleged gun-running].
I only almost blinded the 21-year old White girl. What a nice touch.
You nor your Commander Covington would make such a charge to my face, Internet Fat Man. I’d be fully justified to whack you about your head, hard and repeatedly, for such fighting words. Think not?
It’s no wonder so few take “Hunter” seriously.
I think William Pierce was a brilliant writer. I only met him once, but he also struck me as a very decent man: generous with his time, funny, warm, and down to earth, When I asked him for a photocopy of something in his vast and valuable library, he did not call his secretary. He just hopped up and ran it off himself.
His broadcasts had a powerful effect on me. At first I was a skeptic, and I tuned in primarily for the entertainment value. But he kept hammering his message home week after week, and he made a believer out of me. I am not a fan of HUNTER and THE TURNER DIARIES. But I very much admire his substantial essays beginning in the NATIONAL SOCIALIST WORLD in the late 1960s and continuing through to his death. I also think highly of his broadcasts.
It is a shame that the NA has not flourished since his death, but I see no point in getting into finger-pointing and recriminations. I am focused on the future. I will take what Pierce offered and move on.
I have the same attitude toward Harold Covington. He is a terrific writer and broadcaster, and I think that his Northwest Quartet is filled with very valuable ideas. Check out my review of of the Quartet, Michael O’Meara’s review, and my interview of Covington here: http://www.counter-currents.com/tag/harold-covington/
I am not interested in raking through allegations and recriminations about HAC’s character. Again, my focus is on the future: I will take what I can from HAC and move forward.
I think Will Williams showed amazing class when the buffoon Giles cold called him for his interview show.
Hadding is clearly a highly intelligent fellow and a talented writer. I wish they would focus their energies and talents on something more productive than movement recriminations. Hadding, there are lots of interesting books that I would like to have reviewed at Counter-Currents. Please contact me if you are interested. Only one author, for obvious reasons, is off limits.
Still cruising the threads here?
This ain’t a rest stop, Johnson.
Will, I was very impressed with your description of the operations and ideology of the NA. There really were only two people in the postwar movement capable of building organizations that employ full-time white nationalists: William Pierce and Willis Carto. Pierce is gone, and I imagine that most of those full-time employees are gone too Carto is still around, and more productive in his 80s than most men are at half his age.
I was one of the handful of full-time WNs until April 23rd of this year. There was no full-time replacement. The movement is just down one full-time advocate. Sam Dickson’s legacy as President of the Charles Martel Society. And “Wallace” was brought in to enable him to get away with it–at the expense of defunding and silencing Michael O’Meara.
I am sure that the people who subscribe and donate to TOQ are delighted that hacker/phisher/stalker “Wallace” still does “volunteer” work for them. This is a man who, in the one pyschotic episode he will admit to, fantasized about working for the SPLC. If you do not already subscribe or donate to TOQ, I would not advise it until you can get reasonable assurances that this malevolent kook has no access to your private data.
Meanwhile, the numbers of professional Jewish advocates, black advocates, Hispanic advocates, etc. are only increasing.
You would not only be justified in a little cranial shock therapy, you’d be encouraged to dish it out, receive a get-out-of-jail-free card, and given a nice party afterward. But that’s just me.
Wasn’t Covington’s brother in a SPLC report a while back, talking about Harold’s penchant for lying and his overall mental instability?
If you want a date, just say so. No need grease someone up, Mr. “Crisco.”
If you want a date, just say so.
Dale, It looks like CT is making you an offer.
Celestial Time says: “Wasn’t Covington’s brother in a SPLC report a while back, talking about Harold’s penchant for lying and his overall mental instability?”
Yes, CT. That was his brother Ben, here: http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-report/browse-all-issues/2008/winter/little-big-man
Ben: “Harold tells a story about when he had his great racial epiphany. He talks about the day he was in school and two or three black kids cornered him in the bathroom between classes. According to him, the black kids were up to thuggery and he, bravely, of course, grabbed a Pepsi bottle, smashed it, and fought his way out, bloodying his foes and covering himself in glory. He learned from this, of course, that he could stand up righteously and defend himself as a free white man.
“The true story is significantly different. Harold was indeed confronted by three black kids in the bathroom during class change, but rather than bravely breaking a bottle and fighting his way through, he cowered in a corner and urinated in his pants. He waited until class change was done and went to the office covered in tears and urine…It turned out that Harold had started it by mouthing off to the three kids in the school courtyard. The principal was adamant about it: If Harold hadn’t been running his mouth, he wouldn’t have gotten in trouble.”
What a pisser! Imagine that, a cowering pisser like that leading the Great Trek to the North West Homeland.
Overall mental stability? Defendant Covington has claimed in writing that he served a combat tour in Vietnam. Ben continues: “But he didn’t end up going to Vietnam.
“No. While at Schofield Barracks, he apparently started passing around pamphlets — Nazi propaganda, all that kind of crap. They put Harold on restrictive duty, and they ordered him to see the base psychiatrist to be evaluated as to whether or not he was medically fit to be in the military. Ultimately, he was in fact diagnosed as having paranoid personality disorder.”
Forrest, Jr., HAC’s other brother, says the diagnosis was full-blown schizophrenic paranoia and that Br’er Harold should be institutionalized to protect society. That’s pretty much A-1 confirmation that defendant Covington is not only a world class liar, but extremely shakey in the mental department after 40 years of hearing those nagging little voices in his head. I’m going to have to get that micro-cassette interview my PI conducted with Forrest digitalized so I can share it with friends on the Internet. Forrest deserves to be heard just as much as Ben does.
“Meanwhile, the numbers of professional Jewish advocates, black advocates, Hispanic advocates, etc. are only increasing.”
Depressing, but true. WN just can’t compete with Soros, Gates, the Ford Foundation and the million other establishment elites and organizations that pay people to work full time on non-White and anti-White causes. Foxman alone has about $50,000,000 a year at his disposal.
Defendant Covington has claimed in writing that he served a combat tour in Vietnam. “But he didn’t end up going to Vietnam,” say Br’er Ben.
“Big Lie” risks alienating American Legionaries and the VFW crowd with his “stolen valor” bullshit. They are not big fans of such disturbed, lying frauds as some so-called WNs are..
You are a toxic defeatist, LEW.
Will, I am a realist not a defeatist. I am not going uncork champagne and pretend we are in the driver’s seat when Abe Foxman gets $50,000,000 a year and David Duke gets close to nothing.
Maybe it is time to tell the real story about Greg Johnson. To my knowledge, the details of Greg Johnson’s termination haven’t been discussed anywhere else.
It goes something like this.
(1) Greg Johnson was hired to catch up the TOQ journal. He failed to catch up the journal. He unilaterally renumbered the journal and this caused a lot resentment among TOQ subscribers.
Lesson: Greg Johnson was flatly unable to do his own job. He has no one to blame but himself for his own laziness.
(2) Greg Johnson was put in charge of the TOQ Online website. Johnson himself wrote for the website less than twenty times. He spent most of his time plagiarizing material from around the net or spamming news articles.
Lesson: Greg Johnson’s lack of a work ethic was reflected in his management of TOQ Online. Once again, Johnson had one to blame but himself.
(3) Greg Johnson started pushing ever more extreme material at TOQ Online. In particular, he started to use TOQ to promote Harold Covington who advocates a Neo-Nazi terrorist campaign in the Pacific Northwest.
Johnson’s employers did not want TOQ to be associated with terrorism and requested he remove the article. He responded by throwing a temper tantrum.
Lesson: Greg Johnson took it upon himself to push the boundaries during his tenure as TOQ Editor.
(4) Greg Johnson repeatedly harangued his employers about money. This was in spite of the fact that Johnson was (A.) unable to do his own job, (B.) unable to stay within his assigned parameters as Editor, and (C.) his living expenses (in addition to his salary) were being provided by CMS.
Lesson: Greg Johnson was the cause of his own misfortunes with his employers.
I’m cutting off the above because all this was going on “before the fall” of Greg Johnson. For over six months, Johnson had been skating on thin ice with his employers. I learned after the fact that the problems with Johnson went back even further than that.
I was completely ignorant of all this right up until April of this year. Johnson never discussed his precarious situation with us until the very end.
In April, Greg Johnson and several others informed the four us who lived in Virginia of the back and forth that was going on. William Rome was in Virginia at the time and witnessed it all play out.
Johnson’s employers called and told us that he was probably going to be fired. They asked if we wanted to take over the TOQ website and journal. William Rome was in the room with us and saw my reaction.
I flatly turned down the offer.
I said under no circumstances could we “betray a friend” like Greg Johnson. Instead, we would work to find some other compromise solution. Finally, we hit upon the idea of offering to catch up the back issues of the TOQ journal ourselves.
This was proposed to Johnson over the phone. His friends would volunteer to chip in and all write essays for the two back issues of the journal could be caught up and the whole matter would go away.
Johnson flatly turned down the offer. Instead, he said that these old geezers needed to learn how to shut up and cut the checks, and that he would convince them of his superior reasoning later that fall.
I knew at that point that Johnson was doomed. There was nothing we could do to save him. The matter was out of our hands.
Once again, William Rome was there and saw this happen. Johnson would call and interrupt us while we were at the gym, eating dinner, or working to gossip about the latest news.
I pleaded Johnson at the time to save his job. I clearly and unmistakably warned him that he needed to reconcile with his employers. In fact, I got at least two other people to call him and impress the same point upon him.
What did Greg Johnson do? Did he attempt to reconcile?
No, he called up his employers and told them that he should have the power to fire them!
We all piled up in the car and went to the Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot in Kentucky. It wasn’t long after we got back that Greg Johnson called and announced that he had been fired.
Who could have ever predicted that? Who could have ever saw that one coming?
It was at this point that Johnson went nuts.
Johnson had his own mental meltdown in April and May. He called up all his friends and demanded that they follow him over the cliff and make all his enemies their enemies. Everyone associated with TOQ had to quit and follow Greg Johnson into a new organization called “Western Renaissance” that would replace CMS.
Johnson tried to splinter his own organization or failing that destroy it altogether.
Johnson’s attempt to destroy his own organization ultimately caused him to get expelled from that organization and shunned by everyone else.
Greg Johnson refused to accept that he had been terminated.
So what did he do? He refuses to hand over the property in his possession that did not belong to him. Specifically, I am referring to control of the TOQ Online website and its domains, material that had been submitted to the journal, the books and back issues of the journal that were for sale, and his laptop.
In essence, Greg Johnson attempted to destroy his organization, stole property that did not belong to him, and then sat on it demanding that he get paid off with a nice sum of money.
At that point, Johnson’s erratic actions had become inexcusable. Whatever the merits of his case, he had absolutely no right to steal property that did not belong to him, much less wreck his organization simply because he was no longer the TOQ Editor.
Johnson’s own partisans (myself included) began to fall away after that. This was early May.
There was a meeting in Texas in which it was decided that Kevin MacDonald would take over as TOQ Editor. We were assigned the task of posting articles from back issues of the journal to help out and keep things going.
Through the month of May, the rent seeking parasite Greg Johnson sat on all the stolen property, up until the point in which we were successful at reacquiring the TOQ Online domain. We had the crack the password to recover it.
It was at that precise moment (late May) when Hunter Wallace became a probable SPLC spy and a crazy psycho.
So why was I a SPLC spy after May but not in the previous year when Greg Johnson was plagiarizing my website (and others) to promote himself?
Maybe that had something to do with the fact that his possession of the TOQ Online website and all the material that had been submitted through its email account was the major bargaining chip that Greg Johnson had planned to use to shakedown his employers?
Greg Johnson spent three straight months shouting to everyone with a telephone number who would listen to him about “his money.” It wasn’t the cause that interested him. No, it was his money.
Throughout the summer, Greg Johnson handed out the back issues of TOQ in his possession to his friends. He sold the stolen books on Counter-Currents to make money. He continued to shakedown his employers by threatening lawsuits over “his money.” Eventually, a settlement was reached with him … just so the matter would go away.
Did a settlement “settle” anything with Greg Johnson?
No, after Johnson cashed the check it was back to biting the hand that fed him, spreading vicious rumors and attempting to disrupt his former organization.
That continued to go on through the fall and right down until the present day.
Poor Greg Johnson.
He had it so hard. Just think about it …
(1) If you told your boss to his face that he could go to hell, what would be the likely result of that irresponsible action?
(2) Does your employer put you up in a nice apartment in Atlanta and pay your living expenses in addition to your salary?
(3) Does your employer look the other way when you refuse to do your job?
(4) Would your employer quietly let you get off scot free with the theft of company property?
(5) If you tried to force every other employee in your organization to join you while you hijacked the company store and demanded a huge payoff to go away, what would be the likely result?
The fact is, no employer in America would have put up with someone as lazy and irresponsible as Greg Johnson for as long as TOQ tolerated him, nor would any other employer have so meekly tolerated his misbehavior or subsidized his extravagant homosexual lifestyle (i.e., Johnson moved to San Francisco for obvious reasons).
In fact, this is why Greg Johnson has dwelled and brooded over the matter for going on six months now. It is why he is so bitter. There isn’t much of a market for Ernst Roehm fantasists with delusions of grandeur, no work ethic, and no marketable skills.
If Greg Johnson had really been mistreated by TOQ, he certainly wouldn’t be so butthurt about it today. He would have moved on and happily found a new job.
Get a fucking job Greg and quit whining like a girl.
Translation: I am in desperate need of a handout because I am too fucking lazy to get a real job and work like everyone else for a living.
I forgot to mention the fact that the TOQ financial records were in absolute shambles when Johnson’s replacement took over. It took that guy months to sort through Johnson’s inept record keeping. Greg Johnson was so lazy that he would write down new subscriptions on paper napkins.
There was a stack full of complaints he was sitting on in his email address. No one was aware of just how terrible a job Greg Johnson had done. People who ordered the journal wouldn’t get their issue. Meanwhile, Johnson was sending his friends two or three copies at no charge.
“Hadding is clearly a highly intelligent fellow and a talented writer. I wish they would focus their energies and talents on something more productive than movement recriminations.”
Do I make recriminations? No. I set the record straight with demonstrable facts. I have refrained from making accusations against Harold Covington apart from the indisputable fact that he has been a chronic publisher of libels against half a dozen prominent White Nationalists for 20 years.
There is a wealth of other material about Covington, about his personal life, that I have chosen not to use, even though Ingrid Rimland has referred to some of it in years gone by.
Should the White Nationalist movement be subsidizing Greg Johnson’s ability to live in San Francisco, CA (one of the most expensive cities in America) for he can live a flamboyant gay lifestyle?
What is accomplished by paying this queer to promote alliances with North Korea on the internet all day?
One last thing.
Greg Johnson is a liar. I worked for TOQ for two months (June and July). I quit that job four months ago. The money that I was paid was money that was saved from terminating Greg Johnson for his own reckless actions.
If Michael O’Meara is homeless somewhere, it certainly isn’t my fault. I don’t work for TOQ anymore. I also shutdown the PayPal account of this website after it was up a mere three weeks.
Why didn’t Greg Johnson pay Michael O’Meara a stipend out of his settlement? Johnson was paid more money than I ever was over the summer.
There is also a huge difference here: Greg Johnson is still the same old rent seeking parasite chasing after dollar signs that he was six months ago. I’m not asking for donations.
The truth’s somewhere in the middle they say, but I’m leaning toward believing Greg, “Hunter.” So, he’s lazy and he pushed TOQ boundaries. TOQ’s boundaries neededpushing. He pushed the wrong way promoting Covington. So? So did you and your frat house up in Charlottesville.
You asked about the goals of the National Alliance. Here are the first two. I’ll come back with the others tomorrow.
Our goals follow from this [previously posted] world view, and like it they are evolutionary. That is, our goals for the next decade are steps on the way to our goals for the next quarter-century, which in turn are steps on the way to the things we want to achieve a century from now, and so on. It may seem unrealistic for us to describe in detail the type of world we are aiming at a millennium or even a century hence, because, although we know the principles which must govern that world, we cannot be sure exactly how they will be realized. Not only are there the uncertainties of fortune, but we expect to learn from our experiences and to modify accordingly the ways in which we implement our principles.
Nevertheless, it is useful to have a concrete picture now of the world for which we are striving, even though we understand that this picture will evolve, and its details will change. If we think of the world that we want to forge from the ruins of the present world, we might fix our sights on things as we would make them a quarter-century hence, after our enemies have been vanquished, the strife of revolution has subsided, and the spiritual and physical debris of this era has been cleared away. We can then describe, at least in outline, certain essential features that now world must have. They are, in brief:
2.c.i. White living space
In spiritually healthier times our ancestors took as theirs those parts of the world suited by climate and terrain to our race: in particular, all of Europe, and the temperate zones of the Americas, not to mention Australia and the southern tip of Africa. This was our living area and our breeding area, and it must be so again. After the sickness of “multiculturalism,” which is destroying America, Britain, and every other Aryan nation in which it is being promoted, has been swept away, we must again have a racially clean area of the earth for the further development of our people. We must have White schools, White residential neighborhoods and recreational areas, White workplaces, White farms and countryside. We must have no non-Whites in our living space and we mush have open space around us for expansion.
We will do whatever is necessary to achieve this White living space and to keep it White. We will not be deterred by the difficulty or temporary unpleasantness involved, because we realize that it is absolutely necessary for our racial survival. The long-term demographic trend toward a darker world which the disastrous policies of the last century have caused must not only be halted; it must be reversed.
2.c.ii. An Aryan society
We must have new societies throughout the White world which are based on Aryan values and are compatible with the Aryan nature. We do not need to homogenize the White world; there will be room for Germanic societies, Celtic societies, Slavic societies, Baltic societies, and so on, each with its own roots, traditions, and language. What we must have, however, is a thorough rooting out of Semitic and other non-Aryan values and customs everywhere. We must once again provide the sort of social and spiritual environment in which our own nature can express itself in music, in art and architecture, in literature, in philosophy and scholarship, in the mass media, and in the life-styles of the people.
In specific terms, this means a society in which young men and women gather to revel with polkas or waltzes, reels or jigs, or any other White dances, but never to undulate or jerk to negroid jazz or rock rhythms. It means pop music without Barry Manilow and art galleries without Marc Chagall. It means films in which the appearance of any non-White face on the screen is a sure sign that what’s being shown is either archival newsreel footage or a historical drama about the bad old days. It means neighborhoods, schools, work groups, and universities in which there is a feeling of family and comradeship, of a shared heritage and a shared destiny. It means a sense of rootedness, which in turn engenders a sense of responsibility and energizes a moral compass, so that people once again know instinctively what is wholesome and natural and what is degenerate and alien. It means spiritual feeling coming from the soul and unencumbered by superstition or dogma, soaring free and reaching far above today’s priest-ridden, church-bound spirituality.
Re: Will Williams
I’m hostile to the idea of failure.
I’m not sure what set the National Alliance apart from the also rans. It looks to me like a larger version of the typical ineffective vanguardist groups. It ultimately failed like all the other ones and for the exact same reasons.
You said above that Pierce wasn’t interested in bothering with the “hillbillies” of Pocahontas County. In other words, he was preaching to alienated people over the internet, not trying to establish a political base in the geographic vicinity of NA headquarters.
Writing off the only constituency that could possibly be mobilized to create a White ethnostate is typical of the fantasism and unreality of vanguardist thinking.
What could the NA have possibly accomplished by narrowing its appeal to alienated White Nationalist vanguardists who happen to be atheists? What percentage of the White population do they constitute?
Once again, what was the point of all this? What does preaching to a small group of highly alienated people accomplish?
Does it change the political spectrum? Does it enable you to seize power? Does it do anything to reverse our decline?
Not that I can tell.
It looks to me like one year bled into the next. It certainly looks like the NA alliance had ZERO IMPACT even at the local level in areas where numerous persuadables could be found.
Well, I think I would start by organizing the people who already agree with us on race and immigration. There are millions of explicit Whites in America. With their numbers alone, White Nationalists could be kingmakers in at least 13 states.
There’s a novel idea.
C’mon Greg,
Take the money and run … :p
If only “Hunter” were as dogged in telling the truth as he is telling lies, he might actually be an asset to the movement rather than . . . well, whatever he is.
You mean raw dogged, right? That’s how you like it, right Johnson?
Those who are credulous enough to believe that Greg Johnson was “persecuted” should go ask his former employers why he was terminated. There is another side to this “woe is me” tall tale.
What the hell did he do to cause that? It’s not like I was in any position to fire him.
I wish I had a boss that would “persecute” me by putting me up in a nice apartment in addition to paying me a generous salary. I wish I could tell my boss “fuck you” and “go to hell” without being fired for six months.
The reason Johnson is so bitter over his termination is that he knows full well how good he had it.
Hunter, Greg,
I think it is counterproductive to be discussing such matters, particularly on an open forum.
Perhaps the last volley between you two should be redacted in the name of privacy, decency and integrity.
No one benefits from this nonsense. I’m sure Tim Wise finds it highly amusing.
Please stop.
Rob, you are a better friend than Hunter deserves. But you can’t fix him unless he wants to change, and if he embarrasses himself enough times, maybe he will. I don’t care what he says about me. I’ve heard worse, and I know I will hear worse still in the future. But I knew going in that this was part of the price of signing on to this cause. To quote HAC, the cause is still right, despite the fact that the people are so wrong.
“I’m hostile to the idea of failure.”
This raises the question of what would constitute a success. Do you have to take over the government to be counted a success?
The ill fate of the National Alliance notwithstanding, I think the reverberations of Dr. Pierce’s activities during his lifetime are substantial and continuing. Dr. Pierce, for one thing, reestablished that an educated man can be an outspoken racialist, a fact that had been buried a long time. I think this was even a conscious part of his mission, because he mentions in one of his personal narratives how the news media during the “Civil Rights Movement” only showed inarticulate people as opposing it.
Without William Pierce how much at least moderately intelligent discussion of racial problems would be going on now? I am guessing, not as much.
The notion of vanguard vs mainstreamer is not really a problem. If you have an aptitude to act inside mainstream politics to advance our cause then do it. If you can operate in the more demanding environment of vanguard politics then you should do that. Thats a personal choice that should be based on personal opportunities and abilities.
The question of which approach is wrong is based on the erroneous presumption that both approaches should not be simultaneously pursued. To the same ends. Rhetoric aside.
one hand many fingers
Its like professional sports. are they on separate teams? of course not. the league is the one that benefits by all the competition. what you want is to bring in the resources to everyone in the league and the evident competition serves the purpose.
There is another fallacy and that is that the ends are the important thing. On the contrary it is the process that should be focused on. The process of struggle for resources is the very essence of existence at both the individual, group, and racial levels. The coming and passing of state forms and constitutional arrangements are episodes and incidents in the historical process. We need to be competent at the process and increase our group’s fortunes in the time we live. There will be no final victory in the eternal struggle for existence.
If there is one big fallacy to the Christian mindset that pervades western culture it is this notion of the Apocalypse that will finally settle all scores and make things right permanently. This notion expresses Jour de la corde, gotterdamerung, endlosung, tribulation, apocalypse, all of that stuff is in itself the emotional crutch that lets a person stop struggling and just rest easy on the idea that one day all accounts will be settled. Maybe as humans we need those moments of rest but the truth of existence is permanent struggle.
Which to loop it back, is the reason why we dont need to entirely exhaust ourselves on these questions of the ideal policy. The wisest thing to do is not stand around all day considering which mountain to scale, its just to start plodding one foot after another up the hill in front of you.
WW asked: “Does that help? What would you do with such a hard-working, motivated staff of 12-15 like that, “Hunter?”
“Hunter” responds: “Well, I think I would start by organizing the people who already agree with us on race and immigration.”
What do you mean “us,” Kemosabe? You and I agree on very little.
You’d like to organize the locals, like our Alliance did in “Little Mexico (Siler City, NC)” ten years ago: The enemy described that like this: http://www.unc.edu/~hispana/nc05.html
Duke is a mainstreamer, yet he joined with us to preach to the alienated locals about how they had lost their town to Mexicans.
Don’t believe the numbers, though. We had much closer to a thousand attend our rally, almost all local yokels, not 400, or the “nearly 300” reported by this enemy medium: http://www.wral.com/news/local/story/139627/. Those in attendance knew that there couldn’t have been more than a dozen counter-demonstrators there that day — the usual suspects; a couple of local churchmen who love Mexico and Mexicans (with a handful of their alien, chicken-pluckin” parishioners in tow), and a contingent of queers from the UNC chapter of Hillel House.
Googling for this Alliance rally, I came across this description by me from 2004: http://www.vnnforum.com/showthread.php?t=2287
“…[O]ur activists here organized a demonstration protesting the Mexican invasion in an adjoining county. We had what was estimated at over 1,000 people show up for that event, mostly local folks — no robed Kluckers, no uniformed Nazis and barely a dozen counterprotesters. All the regional TV stations featured our protest on their evening newscasts, and all the local papers featured our extremely well organized event on their front pages the next day, with the Charlotte Observer headlining it as the largest Nazi rally in 15 years. Of course, it was not a ‘Nazi rally’ at all and the good White folks who participated didn’t appreciate being characterized as such in the controlled media. It was a positive eye-opener for a lot of White folks around these parts and put the invaders and their White collaborators on notice.”
Read that old VNN thread and you’ll see we were having the same silly “Vanguardist v. Mainstreamer” argument you’re regurgitating and fanning today, we just didn’t frame it using Lenny Zeskind’s or your terms; My vanguard, and Dr. Pierce’s, didn’t include the Sons of YHWH, the NSM, Aryan Nations, and the KKK. Like I said, your “mainstreamer” Dr. Duke was our featured speaker, the man we used to attract all those local who were thoroughly pissed that their town was by then nearly 50% Mexican; their elementary school’s enrollment of little mestizo reconquistadors at 80%.
You are trying to go where I’ve already been, “Hunter,” but you won’t listen to me. You’re not equipped to. I understand. In February of 2000, before you were a know-it-all raging runt, back when you were a snot-nosed freshman at Auburn, jumping up and down, hooting for your goddamned niggerballers, I already had 15 years of continuous experience under my belt “organizing the people who already agree with [me] on race and immigration”
Your and Greg’s favorite fantasist, defendant Covington, claims I was a deep-cover FBI agent during that period. And you allow Pastor Doubleseed to make the same charge today, per se, in this very thread, that I’m a “ZOG agent provocateur.”
Are you trying to alienate me?
That being said, I think WLP appreciated that whites had failed to understand the power opportunities entailed in a radical vanguard political organization. He observed the Rockwell activities and reflected on them with his keen intellect and he developed a strategic plan for a vanguard organization and then he executed it. His life had meaning and direction and purpose and attainment.
Along the way he lost many comforts of existence that many of us could never even gain let alone have the chance to lose. Such as the job as a tenured professor of physics. I dont know if you guys know what a privileged life it is to be a tenured professor but the fact WLP walked away from it to be a pro white activist is just amazing. The level of his committment was awe inspiring.
There is a document called “prospectus” from around 1970 that was by WLP and set out what he conceived as possible for the organization he intended to build. He did not realize all his hopes but he went about it with the determination and vigor of a man who had tremendous vigor, talent, judgment, and determination. I read it and saved it but cant find it quickly. That document we should find. WIll have you got it archived? We need to keep that accesible on the net.
Dr. Pierce took note of our anti-illegal immigration demonstration in Siler City, NC, just once, in an ADV broadcast in March of 2000: http://www.natvan.com/free-speech/fs004b.html
“The U.S. Border Patrol is charged with keeping [invasive mestizos] out and with arresting them if they get in. But the U.S. Border Patrol is under the jurisdiction of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and the Immigration and Naturalization Service is headed by a woman named Doris Meissner, who, even if she weren’t a Jewess, would be carrying out the policy of the Clinton administration, which is to let anyone into the country who will strengthen the feminist, Jewish, homosexual, racial minority, welfare coalition against the normal, healthy, self-supporting, heterosexual White men and women who used to be America.
}You might think the [Mainstreamer] Republicans would raise hell about this policy, but they’re afraid to. In the first place, they’re afraid of being called “racists” by the media — and they’re afraid that the Mexicans who’re legally in the country will vote against them if they’re seen as anti-immigrant. Of course, nearly all of those votes go to the Democrats anyway, but the Republicans believe that the Mexicans will continue swarming into the country because they think that Americans just aren’t tough-minded enough to support the firm policies required to halt the flood, and so instead of trying to keep them out the Republicans are trying to out-Democrat the Democrats in being nice to them.
“The fact is that the government could halt all illegal immigration immediately, and I mean today, if it wanted to, simply by announcing that anyone attempting to cross the border illegally would be shot on sight and then demonstrating that we meant it. That would do it. We could spend the next three months building an adequate set of fences, installing intrusion sensors, and so on. But just shooting a few hundred illegals the first day would be enough to stop the flood. It wouldn’t require any more resources than the Border Patrol is using now. All of the excuses we hear about the government not being able to afford enough Border Patrol agents to patrol the border, and that it’s impossible to keep the Mexicans from climbing the fences we build or cutting through them or burrowing under them, are simply lies. We could stop them all in a day with almost no effort.
“Of course, the liberals and the Jews in the media and the Christian churches would wail long and loud if the government actually got serious about protecting our borders. The government would have to be prepared to deal with them. But of course, the government isn’t about to begin protecting our borders.
“Our real problem is that we don’t have enough Roger Barnetts. And we don’t have enough people who really understand how bad the problem is. The ranchers along the border understand. They see the size of the flood, and they also see the appalling lack of human quality among those who make up the flood. In the rest of the country, the perception is not as clear — but it is becoming clearer as the mestizos continue pouring in. Communities that ten years ago had only a relatively small Mexican problem — and that 20 years ago had no Mexicans at all — are finding themselves overwhelmed by the Mexican invasion today, and these communities being overrun by mestizos are not just along the border: they are all over the country. The big agribusiness tycoons are importing them by the hundreds of thousands for farm labor, for work in poultry plants, and for other low-wage work, and the Clinton government is pretending not to notice. One of the worst offenders is Bill Clinton’s bosom buddy and financial supporter, Arkansas chicken-processing billionaire Donald Tyson, of Tyson Foods.
“As I said, the mestizo problem is spreading all over the country. Last month my organization, the National Alliance, organized a public demonstration in Siler City, North Carolina, to protest the government’s refusal to arrest and deport illegal aliens. Ten years ago Siler City, a little town of about 6,000 residents, was almost entirely White. Today it is 40 per cent Mexican, because two poultry processing plants in the town have been bringing mestizo workers in, and the Immigration and Naturalization Service has done nothing to stop them. The government ignores its own laws, and because of this the mestizo population of the state of North Carolina has doubled in the past decade.
“And let me tell you, the people do not like this. In communities such as Siler City, which have been especially badly impacted by the mestizo invasion, the people are angry. They don’t like it that the schools, which were built with their taxes, and used to be clean and safe and White, now are overrun with Mexicans. They don’t like it that the drug problem and the gang problem and the crime problem and a dozen other big problems which came along with the Mexicans have made their town a far less pleasant place to live. Like John Rocker, they prefer their neighbors to be White and to speak English. Of course, the agribusiness tycoons — the Donald Tysons — don’t really care what they prefer. And clearly, the government doesn’t either.
“When the National Alliance was demonstrating in Siler City last month, the White citizens were on our side, and the media, the politicians, and the preachers were on the Mexican side. The media are on the Mexican side because multiculturalizing the country — destroying the White majority — is a deliberate policy with the media bosses. The politicians are on the Mexican side because the agribusiness tycoons and the media bosses are. The agribusiness people slip them money, the way Donald Tyson used to slip money to Bill Clinton in Arkansas, and they know that if the media bosses turn against them they’ll never be allowed to win another election. Furthermore, they don’t think the White citizens have the will to stop the invasion. The preachers are on the Mexican side because to them a Brown soul is as good as a White one. The churches had a few counter-demonstrators in Siler City carrying signs with slogans such as, “God sees no borders” and “The only race is the human race.”
2.c.i. White living space…
2.c.ii. An Aryan society…
2.c.iii. A responsible government
We must have a government wholly committed to the service of our race and subject to no non-Aryan influence. It must be a government guided by fixed principles, yet able to respond in a flexible way to challenges and opportunities. It must be structured and organized in a way suited to its purpose of safeguarding and advancing the race, and it must be as immune to corruption and subversion as human genius can make it.
In America we have had ample experience with two tendencies in government. During the first century or so of the American republic, we had a government which to a large degree embodied the principle that the best government is the least government, reflecting the general distrust of governments which was shared by many of the framers of the U.S. Constitution. This government provided for the national defense, for the mails, and for a number of other functions more or less helpful or necessary to the orderly existence of the nation, but it interfered relatively little in the lives of its citizens and left most of them to take care of their personal needs in the way they saw fit.
With the growth of mass democracy (the abolition of poll taxes and other qualifications for voters, the enfranchisement of women and of non-Whites), the rise in the influence of the mass media on public opinion, and the insinuation of the Jews into a position of control over the media, the U.S. government was gradually transformed into the malignant monster it is today: the single most dangerous and destructive enemy our race has ever known.
Many patriots look back fondly at the government as it was in its first phase, when it was less democratic and less intrusive in the lives of citizens. Perhaps the time will come when we can afford to have a minimal government once again, but that time lies in the remote future. The fact is that we need a strong, centralized government spanning several continents to coordinate many important tasks during the first few decades of a White world: the racial cleansing of the land, the rooting out of racially destructive institutions, and the reorganization of society on a new basis.
The central task of a new government will be to reverse the racially devolutionary course of the last few millennia and keep it reversed: a long-term eugenics program involving at least the entire populations of Europe and America. Such a task is necessarily intrusive, and it will require large-scale organization.
The structural details of a new government are important, but they are not a matter of principle. One might even get the job done by continuing with mass democracy, simply by replacing the people who control the mass media with Alliance members, and perhaps that is a reasonable way to proceed during a transitional period. In the long run, however, we want an honest government, not one which hides behind the carefully managed illusion that tens of millions of voters are its real rulers. A government of and by politicians is not only grossly inefficient, it remains too susceptible to corruption and subversion, regardless of who controls the organs of public opinion.
We need a government every branch of which is staffed by people carefully selected and trained for their responsibilities, not by people who are merely liars with charisma. We need a government of men and women who actually respect that government, and whose attitude toward its mission is essentially religious: a government more like a holy order than like any existing secular government today. It might not be too much to say that the most important single institution in the government we want will be the one which selects, trains, and tests the people who will be the judges and the legislators and the executives in that government: people who will be more like secular priests in their behavior and their attitude toward their work than like today’s politicians and bureaucrats. The institution which prepares these people for their work must be incorruptible and single-minded, with our principles engraved in the souls of its teachers.
2.c.iv. A new educational system
A proper educational system serves three purposes: it passes a people’s cultural, intellectual, and spiritual heritage from generation to generation; it teaches skills and techniques; and it guides the character development of individuals from childhood to adulthood.
The first purpose is served by teaching facts and ideas: language, history, science, ethics, and so on.
The second purpose is served by teaching the child or young adult how to do things which will be useful to himself and/or society: how to play a musical instrument, how to weld, how to manage a business, how to type, how to repair a motor vehicle, how to fight with and without weapons, how to draw, how to swim, how to raise children, how to grow food, how to build a house.
The third purpose is served by challenging, testing, conditioning: by forcing the child to exercise his will, to discipline himself, to endure discomfort, to make plans and carry them out, to overcome fears, to accept responsibility, to be truthful, and generally to develop and strengthen those traits of character valued by a healthy, Aryan society.
The present educational system in America completely neglects the third purpose and does poorly with the first two, even in those fortunate areas not yet encumbered with an appreciable “multicultural” contingent. The most important reason for its poor performance it that it has lost any clear understanding of purpose. In order to pass on a people’s cultural, intellectual, and spiritual heritage, it must first know the answer to the question: Which people’s heritage? Today such a question is Politically Incorrect and therefore not admissible.
Even half a century ago, before it became Politically Incorrect to understand that the heritage to be passed on is European, there was no depth of purpose. The reason for passing on the European heritage is not just to help young people qualify for higher-paid employment or become better dinner-table conversationalists. It is to instill in them a consciousness of what it means to be Europeans—a race consciousness—and thereby to make racial patriots of them. Facts and ideas have a spiritual component, and this component must be emphasized in the educational process.
There certainly will be sexual and occupational specialization in the second area of educational activity, and sexual specialization in the third. Even in the first area, children undoubtedly will be separated according to ability: not every child needs to learn Greek and Latin and the infinitesimal calculus to acquire a feeling for his race and its ways. Nevertheless, a proper educational system should provide a common body of knowledge and understanding shared by everyone, so that every member of the society has a fully developed sense of peoplehood. The boy who aims at becoming a machinist should read Homer, at least in translation, and the boy who plans to teach literature should understand what it means to be a good welder, at least to the extent of trying his hand at it.
It is by pursuing the third purpose, however, that a new educational system will make the most radical contribution to Aryan society. Education which concerns itself with the development of the whole person and focuses as strongly on forming character as on imparting knowledge or teaching skills dates back to ancient Greece, and it enjoyed an all-too-brief revival earlier this century in National Socialist Germany, before being outlawed by the advocates of permissiveness. Today permissiveness rules throughout the Aryan world. “Education” is something which takes place only in designated buildings for a few hours on prescribed days, under conditions approaching chaos. Inside or outside these buildings, discipline is minimal. Children grow up in a world without standards of performance, without clear guidelines for behavior, without any strong source of authority. We see the products of this system all around us: too many weak, indecisive men, and too many unfeminine women; a general lack of significant goals and self-confidence; a self-indulgent population without self-discipline or inner strength, restlessly seeking “happiness.”
By ensuring that each child born to our race grows into the strongest, most capable, most responsible, and most conscious future citizen that his genes make possible, we will gain an enormous advantage over any race without such an educational system.
National Alliance goals to be continued…
Greg Johnson says: “To quote HAC, the cause is still right, despite the fact that the people are so wrong.”
You refer to defendant Covington’s analysis of the “wrong people” in his The Song, Not the Singer, right? That’s the exact same song he sings in his “brief history,” Greg. You still like the way Tubby sings. You wrote that Hadding is an excellent researcher and writer, yet you dismiss his research at noncounterproductive.com to quote the fraud he exposed. Where’s your intellectual honesty? I don’t have HAC’s ‘bad singers’ bullshit scanned, but the one he wrote that’s mentioned above, The Old Order Passeth, is here: http://img18.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=haroldcovingtontheoldor.jpg
Click on a page to choose it, then click again to enlarge it.
Hadding doesn’t feature this one at his Truther blog. He doesn’t believe in kicking one’s enemy in his sorry head while he’s down, like I do.