Peak Oil is the only force that I can ever imagine producing the sort of “systemic collapse” that White Nationalists envision. An economic downturn is clearly insufficient.
Now it is time to see if Peak Oil lives up to all the hype. Forget about debating the merits of the theory. It is time to ride the roller coaster and see what happens.
The IEA recently admitted that world production of conventional oil hit its all time high in 2006. As recently as 2008, the IEA was saying that global conventional oil production wouldn’t peak for decades, and that the intervening period would give the world time to adapt with a “soft landing” into alternative energy sources.
The debate over “Peak Oil” has largely consisted over whether it would happen sooner or later and whether there would be a “hard landing” or a “soft landing.” If these figures hold up, it looks “sooner” and “hard landing” won the argument.
The International Energy Agency has released its World Energy Outlook for 2010, forecasting for the first time that the global crude oil production peak that so many have long feared, has in fact already been reached-more than four years ago. International demand has since fallen slightly thanks to a recent global economic downturn, but once economies around the world have recovered, the IEA says daily crude production alone will no longer be sufficient to meet their needs. . . .
I’m not going to get my hopes up yet. My attitude is “wait and see.” We should know within the next five years if the doomers have gotten the better of the optimists.
Note: The inability of the Obama administration to stop the Gulf Oil Spill or revive the American economy with trillions of dollars in government spending has me cautiously optimistic. Global aging in Europe and Japan is another factor “out there” that could conceivably make matters worse.
There will be fuel, but it won’t be cheap fuel.
The current economic model is all about CHEAP FUEL.
I just had Thanksgiving dinner with some very fine and decent and competent folks; however, social and economic incentives prevent them from doing stuff like growing their own food and processing their own food, et cetera. I have hit my limit with “farming” and found that I could grow a lot of stuff, but because there was no social support for using what I produced. People can still just go to McD’s or the supermarket.
If and when there is local social support for local food production, we’ll have a very different culture. We’ll be closer to our families and to our (White) neighbors. Race realism is the organic reality, the natural “default,” and being forced to go back to something more like a localized, village life will make our culture more in line with organic reality.
There will also be social disorder and such, but this will push people even more in our direction — more tribalistic, more race conscious, more severe in outlook. Multiculturalism will be consumed in the cleansing flames.
This much is clear: the poorer countries like Haiti aren’t in any position to “adapt” to more expensive gas and food. They will be priced out of the market.
A few years ago, there was a revolution in Haiti when food prices ticked up high enough because of the underlying rise in the price of oil. People were starving to death and eating dirt sandwiches down there.
Counter-Currents has an article about this:
Apparently, there are two “Counter Currents” websites.
Go Peak Oil! I hope the collapse does happen. I’m well-situated. I had an intersting conversation with a nice local ordinary White guy today. He asked about the band that played at my wedding. A Celtic band. He LOVED them! LOVEdthem (Deep and intrinsic love of White culture…gifted artists, etc…hmmm).
The converstaion started twisting and turning…differnt immigrant groups came to America…did this did that..nothingf new…butthe new ones aren’t assimialting…they are here to take, not build….White guy calls ’em, Freddy Freeloaders…Denise provides pitthy, brief discourse on *why* i.e. Race and IQ….White guy interested…he’s “open-minded” (!)…his adult medical personnel daughter is thinking of seelingher famly[s house…too many Brown shootings…she gets ’em in the ER all the time…..she “doesn’t NEED this”…..Denise gives White Guy a reason…these folks are clannish – and talk talk talk….one person will talk to another…
This is how it happens. Don’t give up on food production yet, Kievsky. Just a few more years…2 or so..
It’s nice to see Robert posting, again.
Questions dying to be answered …
(1) Will Martin Lindstedt now emerge as the Aryan warlord of SW Missouri?
(2) How many whigger ass clowns will become serfs in his fiefdom?
Maybe this is God’s way of punishing America for electing a black president? We need to spread that meme … if this pans out.
I am far from ready for a significant collapse , so I am hoping for a few more years yet before it hits the fan.
The Oil Drum Web site is great resource for information on Peak Oil issues. It is an interesting site where most of the contributors have expert, relevant knowledge in geology, petroleum engineering and other fields. Usually they write at a level that can be digested by non-experts.
As a matter of fact, as if we didn’t need just a bit more bad news, the lead article this morning suggests global warming and peak oil will drive millions of Mexicans into the United States.
Don’t count out Mad Marty, Pastor of Muppets!
We’ll look back someday and say, “people laughed at ol’ Mad Dog, but they didn’t realize he had the power of Aryan Jesus fighting with him, like Krishna and Arjuna.”
A lot of what Mad Dog says makes pretty good sense, when you get through the gossip and foaming.
@ Hunter
Pitt vs. West Virginia Football Cheer
Fight, Fight,
Nigger and a White,
Fight, Nigger Fight,
Beat that White.
Compliments of the “other” “OD”.
That’s nothing compared to the Iron Bowl. Heads up … Alabama vs. Auburn at 1:30 CST. We’re having a party here.
Scam Newton in T-Town. Should be interesting to watch.
Boise State plays a real team tonight.
In other news, Russia and China quit the dollar:
HW: “Peak Oil is the only force that I can ever imagine producing the sort of “systemic collapse” that White Nationalists envision. An economic downturn is clearly insufficient.”
Not so sure. The Soviet Empire collapse was a result of economic collapse. Pax Americana’s splendorous lap of luxury is only possible because slave economies like China subsidize us. Chinese are many things but stupid they are not. They will not continue subsidizing us forever.
The oildrum and kuntsler’s websites are dominated by liberal buttclowns who cannot figure out the lies they spew. By chance and the fact that global warming scams is paid for by some monied people we get the peak oil all is doomed but continue on with large state sponsored multi-cult genocide of the White nations meme. (ftr I got bounced off every peak oil site by just asking the fanatics there to explain their own contradictions) At least that little panywaist matt savinar folded his screwball forum run by some dirty old hippy lady anti-white so he could go hide in the hills with his end of the world gear.
K: “A lot of what Mad Dog says makes pretty good sense, when you get through the gossip and foaming.”
And pictures of feces.
“I have hit my limit with “farming” and found that I could grow a lot of stuff, but because there was no social support for using what I produced.”
As you seem to be finding out you can *easily* grow far more than your family can use but as you say there’s no consistent demand for selling the surplus. I had a (very) small plot a few years back before i moved for work and what i did was only grow on 1/3 of it, rotated, while continually feeding and improving the other 2/3 with compost etc. If inflation really starts to bite you’ll be glad of it.
An element of embarrassment to say but I love Kunstler’s artwork.
“The Soviet Empire collapse was a result of economic collapse. ”
Which was caused by a fall in oil prices. The Soviet economy was heavily dependent on oil and other natural resource extraction.
“In other news, Russia and China quit the dollar:”
This is very big news.
We’re already in the collapse. America is bankrupt and it’s mathematically impossible for the debt to be repaid. The only thing holding the US economy up is the status of the dollar as the global reserve currency.
(What that means is international trade is carried out using dollars.)
The federal reserve is trying to inflate this unpayable debt away by printing money (aka quantitative easing) which as well as robbing Americans also robs all the people holding dollars and dollar-debt i.e every government and financial institution in the world but especially the Chinese. This acts as an incentive for other countries to try and find a different way of conducting international trade.
Bernanke’s attempt to cause inflation is both helped and hindered by the dollar’s status as reserve currency. If other countries pull out of the dollar trade system then his money-printing will probably overshoot and there’ll be massive inflation.
However regardless of that the base problem remains that America is bankrupt and cannot afford both its social and defence budgets. One of them will have to give. Given that cutting the welfare budget will lead to a real life zombie movie as non-whites in the cities start to starve that means the defence buget is likely to be the thing cut.
This in turn means American hegemony retreating across the globe in a dramatic fashion and dozens of wars starting as regional powers fill the power vaccuum.
It won’t be one single event as the world’s power brokers will all be trying to stop it but there will continue to be a stepped collapse until things reach a new equilibrium. White survival in America and (imo) by extension Europe and elsewhere is proportional to how many white people are awake and fully understanding compared to how many are staring at the TV gawping in confused disbelief.
Hang onto your hats.
It is far from obviously correct that a finance caused meltdown is “clearly insufficient” to end the current world order.
Look at what the failure of only 5 or 6 large New York investment banks has created: massive unemployment, creeping inflation, sharp rises in commodity prices, people at all levels questioning the viability of our society.
Now, as a thought exercise consider “only” a revisit to 1932 levels of economic failure. Go look at those pictures of the depression again: mostly white men, most dressed in threadbare suits wearing hats, clinging onto their dignity standing patiently in line to get a bowl of free soup, or some food for their families.
We will not survive another 1932 style depression intact as a nation. (Review: 30,000 blacks riot over section 8 housing openings, etc.)
If our masters at the Fed and their co-conspirators don’t keep the balls in the air then the next crash will be the last, and I’m sure their will still be trillions of gallons of oil everywhere from the Gulf to Arabia.
We are no longer a nation of proud, Christian, god-fearing and humble men who will siliently endure poverty, hunger and homelessness while waiting for providence to provide for a better future.
Section 8 riot
Think about what is happening in places like Greece with their IMF/EMU imposed “austerity” and realize that there is still tremendous social cohesion and solidarity there.
Imagine something on that order happening here and it’s quite clear that it won’t be anything like the protests in Greece, it will be much much worse. It will be racial, it will be violent and it will not be easily stopped once it has begun.
A major financial crisis, such as debt default or hyperinflation, is much more likely to bring on the American apolcolypse than “peak oil”.
The Day the Dollar Died
NW: “Which was caused by a fall in oil prices. The Soviet economy was heavily dependent on oil and other natural resource extraction.”
The Soviet Union became, or actually always was, a society that spent more wealth than it produced, like the USA since the Nixon administration. This can only go on for so long before general collapse results.
“The oildrum and kuntsler’s websites are dominated by liberal buttclowns who cannot figure out the lies they spew.”
But not Jim Puplava at He’s more of an Austrian economics school guy. Interviewed Ron Paul during his Pres campaign on the Financial Sense Saturday program — told Dr. Paul that he had his vote.
Puplava used to have a guy on his web show named — ah, geez, wish I could remember. It’ll come to me. But this guy was as twangy a redneck Texas reservoir engineer turned energy-investment-advisor as you’re ever likely to meet. Wore an eyepatch. Highly popular guest on the Financial Sense radio show. Hoot to listen to — and KNEW the industry inside and out and upside down. Did a bunch of youtube videos explaining Peak Oil from the perspective of someone with a lifetime working and seeing firsthand the industry. LAUGHED at the Jack discovery — which the BP Gulf blowout proved him right, yet again.
I have the idea maybe he died? It’s been a while since I’ve listened to the Saturday broadcasts, since I well understand the arguments. Ah, geez, whats his name? Watch his videos and realize that Global Warming is a scam, but Peak Oil is a geologic fact.
Not Frank Holmes at US Global Investors.
Not Stephen Leeb, at Leeb Capital Mgmt., who wrote The Oil Factor. Now, to be sure, Leeb believed in global warming at the time of writing that book, so favors wind over coal-to-oil but that’s irrelevant to the truth-or-falsity of whether the oil industry can continue to pump fast enought meet worldwide demand. (Short answer? Nope.)
Everybody’s talking about collapse now. I was just getting lunch at the local pizza joint which is owned by a millenialist Christian. Another friend of both of ours stopped in, both Yankee Italians (you’d have to live here to know this type — real good folks). We all agreed that the excrement is hitting the ventilator. The Yankee Italian men who are about 15 years older than me were worried about their children. Their main point is, “Today’s kids are totally unprepared and uneducated and will be easily controlled by the One-World gov’t.”
I said that they are boiling the frog now and that those kids will get a real fast education when the store shelves go empty.
Solutrean Social Club’s points that “peak oil” is not necessary for collapse are spot on. Likewise Simmons points out that the left wing people pushing peak oil tend to be highly suspicious. They seem to be anti-technology and misanthropic nuts.
I don’t hope for the catastrophic peak oil senario. First, I think White Nationalists make a terrible mistake diagnosing advanced technology as our problem. Our own political systems and social systems have proven our downfall not our technology. It is not tactically sound to admit this to the public, but it was the notions of the Enlightenment and democracy and republicanism that led to our current situation and not technology. Blaming techonology is like blaming a gun that a NAM shoots you with during a mugging for the crime.
Also, because there are alternatives and other countries will use them, we will too. See here: AND here: . We need to grow up and reject many central tenants of our culture since about 1715 and not retreat into the past. Trading Jewish media and non-white presence for pre-industrial infant mortality and serf like living is not the solution. We are a people who have only begone to transform this world and perhaps others and technology is the White Man’s art just as the silk worm’s strings are its. Trying to flee into the past is like permanently settling for a life with half of one’s brain removed to treat a cancer.
The regime is falling maybe a short term peak oil crisis would help it along which is great news but if we refuse to use alternatives then the Chinese will and they (to paraphrase Oswald Spangler on war and the colored races) will become the masters of the Earth. This won’t happen though because we too will use alternatives.
Wandrin said:
“Given that cutting the welfare budget will lead to a real life zombie movie as non-whites in the cities start to starve that means the defence buget is likely to be the thing cut.”
That seems unlikely at best. The Jewish powers-that-be will not permit Israel (“our closest ally”-barf) to stand alone and unprotected in a sea of hostiles (not that I don’t relish the thought). No, the social budget will go first. Social unrest at home? Simple; declare martial law and call out the National Guard or since the Guard has been overtaxed too, they would simply use Blackwater forces (mercenaries) who were present during the aftermath of Katrina. It seems to me that that precious and most disingenously named “defense budget” would be the last thing to go. Then too, our government is afraid of its own troops (recall the warnings from Homeland Security last year about disgruntled soldiers returning from Iraq becoming potential terrorists?) and would not want and could not afford legions of suddenly unemployed and now homeless soldiers about.
No, watch for yet another war to be declared upon yet another “axis of evil” power- Iran. That was the mechanism used to get the US out of the last depression it suffered. This is a Plutocracy masquerading as a Democratic Republic, and the will of those plutocrats will prevail.
Now I remember:
Zapata George (Blake).
Here’s his website:
“That seems unlikely at best.”
Sure. In reality it will be a mixture of social and defence with the retained defence element focused around Israel. However that still leaves a lot of power vaccuum.
“No, watch for yet another war to be declared upon yet another “axis of evil” power- Iran.”
What does a deficit mean?
It means the US government is *borrowing* money to pay the bills every month.
Who is going to lend them money when they’re trying to inflate the dollar?
So how are they paying the bills currently?
They are printing money and buying their own debt.
They can’t afford to attack Iran. That doesn’t mean they won’t try (because the neocon element is insane) but it’ll just speed up the disintegration.
“Here’s his website:”
Ty, sounds useful.
I hope the Ice Capades comes out with Whigger Ass Clowns The Musical. (I would write laughing out loud here if it was still permitted.) 😀
Sure, it is an empire with over 700 military bases world-wide. I am well aware of that. It simply means that the empire will contract (and maybe implode),
“because the neocon element is insane” – exactly. Anything and everything will be sacrificed for their jewel in the mideast ;”Israel”.
“They can’t afford to attack Iran.” They can’t afford to maintain their presence in Afghanistan and Iraq either, but they are still there. They still have the option to starve (skeletonize) bases elsewhere, withdraw forces from those areas and concentrate their efforts in the Middle East, even to the point of waging another war with Iran. Such a war does not HAVE
Sure, it is an empire with over 700 military bases world-wide. I am well aware of that. It simply means that the empire will contract (and maybe implode),
“because the neocon element is insane” – exactly. Anything and everything will be sacrificed for their jewel in the mideast ;”Israel”.
“They can’t afford to attack Iran.” They can’t afford to maintain their presence in Afghanistan and Iraq either, but they are still there. They still have the option to starve (skeletonize) bases elsewhere, withdraw forces from those areas and concentrate their efforts in the Middle East, even to the point of waging another war with Iran. Such a war does not HAVE to be conventional after all, Israel is itching for a nuclear attack on Iran. Today’s nuclear munitions have been made small scale as well as in the megaton range.
Also, it is not only about maintaining their hobby country of Israel in safety. The same Oligarchy we were talking about is very interested in maintaining their oil field interests as well, so in that sense they can’t afford to leave the Middle East either. Energy (petroleum) is everything. Without it everything from the chemical industry, to fertilizer, to large-scale industrial farming (which is what makes this artificially high world human populace possible) is gone.
“Who is going to lend them money when they’re trying to inflate the dollar?” The short answer would be “World Bankers”. The usual suspects who fund all wars including the Bolshevik revolution in Russia in the early part of the last century. Funding wars is how the world’s largest banking houses attained their status. I’m sure you’re familiar with the story of the Rothschilds. No need (or space) to recount that here. So what would the bankers want in return for such funding? I don’t know-maybe your firstborn child. They have already co-opted the financial prosperity of several generations of future children with their recent robbery of the American people via the “bank bailouts”.
Please excuse the first partial post above- I hit the enter to soon accidentally on that one.
Idea of the day: recruit / rally video game modders to make realistic tactical scenarios about a collapsing America.
In a sense, the zombie games are most of the way there.
Hunter writes, “Counter-Currents has an article about this:
Apparently, there are two “Counter Currents” websites.”
Maybe my search technique isn’t up to snuff, but I looked into Counter-Currents (dot com, with a hyphen) and found no article referencing countercurrents (dot org, without the hyphen).
What are you trying to say Hunter?
It’s pretty obvious that these two sites are not the same site, yet you say there are two “Counter Currents” websites (not noting the diff between and and not noting the different spelling of the name).
Sowing a little confusion? Doing the sidewinder two-step?
What’s your point?
Maybe you need to read this article to clear up your confusion about “Counter Currents”.
that’s a very interesting idea.
And how about a former multicult empire, post-collapse, that is busy re-discovering its white-nordic core: for some inspiring pictures of Viking kids at an orthodox church in Moscow (@ the Voices From Russia site): These images just plain make me feel good!
I can’t figure out why everyone here is assuming that peak oil will be a good thing for us. In the immediate short-term, it will be hell for everyone. But, which nations are the most dependent upon cheap and abundant oil and fossil fuels? We are. The U.S., Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand… all majority white, high-tech, gas guzzling economies who have a long, long, way to fall to the subsistence economy that expensive oil implies for most of the people on this planet. Sure, India, China, Japan will be effected too.. but the chinese and indians especially still remember how to grow food without tractors, diesel fuel and genetically modified hybrid seeds. The only people in North America who can do that are amish or mennonites.
To all you wannabe warlords: Can you manufacture smokeless gun-powder and build modern weapons and ammunition without cheap and available oil/coal/gas? You might want to look into it, Rambo, it’s a pretty involved process; verrry energy dependent. What are you going to do when you run out of ammo, and everyone within a 500 mile radius hates your guts, because of your killing and thieving ways? Good luck with that. And while you’re working on that little public relations problem, and trying to stay ahead of local lynch mobs, you’ll be begging food from a growing population of amish farmers/ranchers. If they’re smart, they’ll put you to work hoeing weeds and shoveling shit for any scraps of food their animals don’t eat.
Anyone who thinks the meek won’t really inherit this earth is smokin’ crack. We are headed for a radical re-localizing of everything, especially if the power grid can’t be maintained. The question we all need to ask and answer for ourselves is this: When this phony paper money global economy collapses, and I can no longer log on to ebay and buy what I need, how can I make myself indispensable to my neighbors? If the community you live in finds your products/skills/wisdom useful, they will help you survive and even thrive. Prepare for that local economy now. Accumulate knowledge, skills, tools, now. And go meet your neighbors.
@ Barb: thanks for the link. Are there any more like you in your neck of the woods? I’m thinking maybe we should meet up? Lemme know.
I’ve posted this link before regarding the implications of a long-term disruption of the US energy grid. It’s a chilling read (emphasis added):
The kind of collapse it would take for large numbers of Americans to go back to subsistence farming would be something like a nuclear war that kills 2/3 of the population. It’s a waste of time thinking about this stuff. If someone wants to grow their own food, great, but don’t confuse that with doing anything about the overall situation in America. BTW, if you actually wanted to grow your own food to survive, you would concentrate on potatoes and little else.
All this survivalist stuff has been one of the biggest time wasters on the “far right” in this country since the 50’s. There is absolutely nothing new or useful about it. At every point in time since WWII, many people on the “far right” have been convinced that that a big collapse is about to happen. Jews don’t waste their time on this crap, nor do any other groups.
I can see America 30 years from now: Jews in total control, whites down to 40% of the population, Asians holding almost all professional and technical jobs, but at least white people will be able to grow their own food, like peasants in the Congo and Afghanistan do.
“Idea of the day: recruit / rally video game modders to make realistic tactical scenarios about a collapsing America. In a sense, the zombie games are most of the way there.”
That’s a brilliant idea. I don’t know if Fallout 3 can be modded but that could be great: “America 28 days after the welfare checks stop.”
@ATBOTL: if the Jews are still in power 30 years from now, they will have invented the first non-collapsing PONZI in history. They won’t be in power 30 months from now. You aren’t paying attention: one nation after another is making trade agreements using local currencies instead of the dollar, Russia-China the latest. When this goes far enough, Dollarcollapse. Followed by US regime collapse, then martial law, and the body language begins. Peak oil is only a positive add-on…
There is still not much information about Russia, China and the dollar running in the mainstream American media. Possible explanations for this are 1) the American media is ignoring this story on purpose, 2) most journalists are off this weekend, or 3) this event really has no significance outside of Russia and China.
It’s sad that one has to go into the comments of Free Republic to try and get an understanding of what Russia and China abandoning dollar exchange actually means.
This was an interesting comment.
There is simply no reliable source of honest information anywhere anymore. Maybe there never has been. The US government is probably the least reliable source of information in the world, followed closely by the American Jewish media. So that leaves European, Russian, and Indian media outlets, and possibly outlets like Al Jazeera English. They’re not impartial or without agendas either.
>That’s a brilliant idea. I don’t know if Fallout 3 can be modded but that could be great: “America 28 days after the welfare checks stop.”
I just did a search and yes it can be modded.
Fallout 3 script
Pro White game mods? Excellent idea.
Get them while they are young and you have them for the rest of their lives. This exactly why anti-Whites took control of the education system and media.
Hunstler, maybe you missed this part: “Reprinted with permission from HybridCars” Doesn’t set off alarm-bells?
ATBOTL is correct. If demographics by itself leads to collapse then Brazil should have “collapsed” eons ago. Instead, things there are continually getting better, not worse. You could call hyperinflation “collapse,” but they have well and truly recovered even from that. Because that’s what people do — pick themselves up, dust themselves off and get on with life. It’s not, you know, just a “white thing.”
CF, I didn’t see anything about “vikings” rediscovering their roots. Look like an ordinary bunch of Christian goobers to me. Surely you’re not so easy to please that the mere reminder that Russian is populated by Russians is cause for celebration.
@ atbotl: Learning how to grow food is not to be confused with actually doing something useful, huh? Here’s hoping you don’t have to eat your words someday… but it might be a small price to pay to get food from some dirty white peasant. A word of advice: Don’t lecture the poor farmer on how to properly use his time, while you’re eating his bread. Bad manners, you know.
Who said anything about demographics alone leading to collapse? This whole post is about the energy that supports the infrastructure that in turn supports close to 7 billion people on this planet. Less energy available = unsustainable infrastructure = precipitous population decline, or if we are spared that, much hardship while life-styles are adjusted to reflect new economic realities. I do hope we are as resilient as you say, however. I would love to be wrong about this.
All this survivalist stuff has been one of the biggest time wasters on the “far right” in this country since the 50?s. There is absolutely nothing new or useful about it. At every point in time since WWII, many people on the “far right” have been convinced that that a big collapse is about to happen. Jews don’t waste their time on this crap, nor do any other groups.
I can see America 30 years from now: Jews in total control, whites down to 40% of the population, Asians holding almost all professional and technical jobs, but at least white people will be able to grow their own food, like peasants in the Congo and Afghanistan do. – ATBOTL
Not to be a ‘party-pooper’ fellas, but ATBOTL is highly likely to be correct in his assessment here.
For too darn long, we racially-aware White Americans think, or more accurately fantasize that someday, sometime reeeeel soon, there is going to be some kind of mythical ‘collapse’ and, naturally, Whites are going to get back the power that was robbed from us over the last 40-50 years, without any kind of real work or struggle to get back that power.
Gosh, if it was only that easy… .
As a matter-of-fact, I believe our opponents put out this propaganda for the express purpose of having us do nothing — just sit back and ‘wait’ for the ‘collapse’ while our nation, and most importantly Our People — go deeper into their Dispossession.
*ATBOTL is one of the most perspicacious and prescient observers on the White Nationalist scene that I have ever read or encountered.
You’re half right. What will actually happen is that the meek will quickly become property. Look for a return to slavery, with useful people being co-opted by gangs. A sort of updated protection racket, or return to feudalism, it’s all the same.
And Barb, I’m afraid, is taken. Aren’t the best ones always? How did that college thing work out for your family, Barb?
I have worked in the oilfields and know a little bit about the topic. There is a gigantic amount of oil and natural gas left in the world and whole lot of it is in North America. The thing is that it’s just a little bit more expensive to pump up than the cheap and “light, sweet” crude from Alaska, Texas, the middle East etc.
I live in a part of the country that has “second grade oil”. A lot of it is refined into carrosene and lubrication products, instead of gasoline. When gas jumped two-three dollars a gallon a couple of years ago, our local oil fields went crazy and the crews doubled, because it was profitable, all of a sudden. California Central Valley, Wyoming, Mississippi Valley, Appalachia; there’s a buttload of crude out there, it’s just not going to be as cheap as before.
Oil will be around for a long, long time and the collapse (due to oil) will not be sudden. The lack of refinery capacity (bottle neck problem) is actually a much larger threat to our supply of gasoline and no one is building any new ones.
Furthermore, if we build more nuclear power plants (which can provide tons of electricity – including charging the majority of vehicles that only move in cities) we’ll save a bundle of oil. Waste? Yeah, since R&D on that has been discouraged/banned, not much progress has been made. If that had not been, we’d be neutralizing (not just storing) the waste already.
The collapse might be coming, but oil ain’t the reason.