Lemmings Stampede

Conservative lemmings fail to realize that resistance is pacifism

The Vanguard

The term “lemmings” has long been a popular term of abuse for ordinary people among alienated vanguardists. It has been frequently used to poke fun at the unenlightened, herd like behavior of the conservative masses, who tend to do booboise things like organize, raise money, and vote in elections.

These ignorant hayseeds cannot see the superior wisdom of hiding out in a bunker, rejecting the political process, shunning moderates, failing to communicate, subscribing to conspiracy theories, waiting for “the collapse” of civilization, living in a fantasy world, navel gazing, insulting their audience, empowering our opposition, parading around in Nazi uniforms, and spending the majority of their time posting thousands of radical messages on online blogs and forums as an effective revolutionary political strategy.

You listen here, I will not forsake Satanism for the sake of “playing in Peoria.” We’ve made too many compromises already. A line must be drawn here. This far and no farther!

Here are some recent news items that reflect a veritable stampede of troubling lemming like behavior going on across America. I have already documented this nationwide movement of lemmings in Idaho, Utah, Texas, Mississippi, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia, Iowa, and Wisconsin.


In Nevada, state lawmakers in both chambers of the Nevada state legislature are gearing up to fight for E-Verify and an Arizona-style immigration law. There is another bill in the works which would impose an Oklahoma-style fee on illegal alien remittances to Latin America.

South Carolina

South Carolina has long been recognized as one of the states most likely to pass an Arizona-style immigration law in 2011. Republican lawmakers in the Palmetto State have confirmed that passing such a bill will be a “top priority” next year.


Some creative Tea Party restrictionists in California are attempting to run around Governor Elect Jerry Brown and the California state legislature by pushing an Arizona-style immigration law through the initiative process.

Even if the California initiative fails, Republican control of the House should prevent the federal government from pushing through an amnesty. That will keep some time on the clock in the Golden State.


Colorado state lawmakers will attempt to push an Arizona-style immigration law through the state legislature. If that fails on account of a Hickenlooper veto, they will also go through the initiative process. A healthy majority of Coloradans support passing Arizona-style immigration reform in their own state.


Oklahoma has been quietly cracking down on illegal immigration for several years now. State lawmakers there are pushing for an “Arizona plus” law that would abolish birthright citizenship and allow the state police to seize the vehicles driven by illegal aliens.

South Dakota

This morning brings news that South Dakota is another state that is working on “an Arizona-style bill to criminalize immigration-related offenses on the state level.”

In every case, let it be noted, the conservative lemmings did not get their way. Deval Patrick was reelected Governor of Massachusetts. Lincoln Chafee was elected Governor of Rhode Island on a promise to repeal E-Verify.

NumbersUSA “true reformer” candidates like Tom Tancredo in Colorado, Sharron Angle in Nevada, and Joe Miller in Alaska were defeated. Ken Buck lost to Michael Bennet (an F- on immigration). If they had won their races like Sen. David Vitter, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Lisa Murkowski would have been forced into retirement. Governor Tancredo would have signed an Arizona-style immigration law and any other good immigration bill to come across his desk.

Poor lemmings.

Will they ever learn that words are more powerful than deeds?

Note: In case you somehow missed it over the previous decade, tomorrow National Vanguard and VNN Forum will be airing the 1,045,476th encore episode of “Jews Suck” followed by “We’re Doomed.”

Update: United States National Counterterrorism Center statistics prove that “Neo-Nazi/Fascist/White Supremacists” are non-existent* as a terrorist threat. From 2001 to 2010, one Neo-Nazi killed one person in a terrorist attack, James von Brunn the Holocaust Museum shooter.

*The Northwest Front could not be reached for comment.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “HW”: “I closed the Nagging Little Voices thread because it was a distraction. I was busy working on my Colorado post. I later reopened it.”

    Good. I liked that thread.

  2. Celestial Time,

    I think your agenda is transparent. You have repeatedly described yourself as a “leftist” who supports abortion, gay marriage, and drug legalization. You spend 100 percent of your time here attacking conservatives like Tom Tancredo who support tougher immigration policies.

    In one revealing comment, you stated that White Nationalists should support the “Center Left.” In other words, you are a leftist of the Hillary Clinton stripe, a mole who comes here pretending to be a White Nationalist in order promote the Democratic Party.

    If I thought like our opposition, I would do pretty much everything you suggest. I would be a partisan of Ralph Nader and Dennis Kucinich.

    I would go on websites like Democratic Underground to promote defeatism and abstaining from the political process. That way the pro-amnesty candidates would get elected and more non-Whites would immigrate here and gain legal status.

  3. Still bobbing and weaving……

    My stance on non-racial issues doesn’t make me any less serious about Race than anyone else. You’re purposely obfuscating; that is the only thing that’s transparent. My mind isn’t hard-wired to solely function in Right/Left. The very fact that you are insinuating that a pro-Choice person can’t be pro-White is very telling of your overall character and underlying motives. Most non-racial issues that you deem to be “leftist” have ZERO impact in discouraging the empowerment of White people.

    I’ll answer practically anything you would like answered. Now, are you man enough to finally address the questions about your history of BS?

  4. “Anyone care to guess why “Hunter” ignores and dodges questions about his history of BS, distortion, and outright lies?”

    I ignore all the personal stuff.

  5. I don’t know CT or his belief system, but the value of the New Right is their unflinching assertion that both Western Liberalism (in the classical sense) and the Socialist alternative are insufficient for the man of the Occident. We must get beyond Left and Right — capitalist greed and Marxist servitude — and supplant the demon of the economy with something meaningful, transcendent and beautiful.

    Hunter, not long ago you were defending “gay people” in our conversations (I asserted that Homosexuality is a Way of Death, and I still hold that position) and described yourself as “quite liberal on social issues.” You have made similar comments here, also, and it wasn’t that long ago that you created the Odessa Syndicate in order to advocate a Third Way based on a fusion of Left and Right.

  6. Hunter Wallace said: (1) The only reason you are posting here (unlike everywhere else where you have been banned) is because I am reasonably tolerant of opposing views. You post here at my sole discretion

    I have to admit that HW has a compelling point here. Still, at the risk of making fool of myself, I would like to elaborate a little bit on the very important subject: Rules of behavior for making comments. If we do not have the rules, or if we do not follow the rules, hardly we can have a meaningful and useful conversation. When we fight in such a way that we don’t want to follow the rules because we are non-compromising and principled warriors, we look ridiculous. Why? Because that implies either

    (1) we are here just ‘to kill’ the opponent so to speak;
    (2) we believe as if the fate of the entire world depends on the outcome of our ‘non-compromising, self-sacrificing fight’. People with a modicum of sense of humor usually don’t behave that way – they know better.

    Btw, can somebody point me to the OD’s catechism that stipulates the rules of behavior for both the host and the guest. In particular, is the host allowed to edit or change in any way the original text?

    The reason I am asking is this. A portion of my answer to Will Williams question about my ethnicity looked like this:

    … Who could have thought that Hunter Wallace is more tolerant to free exchange of ideas than Alex Linder was! Live and learn.

    Will Williams asked: Are you Russian, Ivan?

    No, I am not Russian. I am Circassian, born and raised in Russia.

    And, in fact, it was published exactly like that, but a bit later it was altered by the host without any warning to the following:

    Who would have thought that Hunter Wallace offers greater freedom of expression than Alex Linder?

    I am not Russian, although I am a circassian who was born in Russia.

    In this particular case, no harm was done, because not only the semantics wasn’t altered at all, but my text, in fact, benefited from editing.

    But if the original text is allowed to be modified by host, it can lead to misunderstanding, not to mention it can open the gate for potential abuse. I believe such a practice should be avoided if possible.

    Again, I do not intend to set the rules of behavior for the house that does not belong to me. But, in general, it is a good practice to have some rules, and it is important the rules to be understood by everyone and followed.

  7. Ivan wrote:

    Btw, can somebody point me to the OD’s catechism that stipulates the rules of behavior for both the host and the guest. In particular, is the host allowed to edit or change in any way the original text?

    The reason I am asking is this. A portion of my answer to Will Williams question about my ethnicity looked like this:

    … Who could have thought that Hunter Wallace is more tolerant to free exchange of ideas than Alex Linder was! Live and learn.

    Will Williams asked: Are you Russian, Ivan?

    No, I am not Russian. I am Circassian, born and raised in Russia.

    And, in fact, it was published exactly like that, but a bit later it was altered by the host without any warning to the following:

    Who would have thought that Hunter Wallace offers greater freedom of expression than Alex Linder?

    I am not Russian, although I am a circassian who was born in Russia.

    In this particular case, no harm was done, because not only the semantics wasn’t altered at all, but my text, in fact, benefited from editing.

    That was my fault, Ivan. My apologies. When I tried to respond to your comment, I inadvertently erased some of the original text (I was copying sections to which I wanted to reply), and I had to re-write it from memory.

    As a matter of general principle, we do not alter the comments that people make; either they are allowed to stand as they are, or they’re deleted for violating guidelines. In this case, I thought the best thing to do was to re-write the part of the post that I accidentally trashed, rather than omit it, since I didn’t change the substance of the remark and I didn’t want you to think your comments were being censored.

    I’m sorry if you took umbrage. I’ve never had to do that before and I’ll make sure I never have to do it again.

    Jack Ryan was fond of editing comments when he wasn’t simply deleting them, but he could only do that on threads that he created, and he’s no longer deleting or editing comments at all.

  8. Thank you, Robert Campbell. I have an extra reason to respect Robert’s opinion right there, which compels me to pay close attention to whatever he has to say in the future.

    He easily could have ridiculed me for moralizing, but he evidently didn’t think that would serve any useful purpose.

  9. “It is still hopelessly stuck in the ditch of fantasism. I’m not sure why I bother. I ask myself that question all the time.”

    My guess: In part, you’re exacting a form of vengeance on a community that you consider to have wasted a decade of your life on. You derive pleasure from articulating the failures of the “vanguardist” position and forcing its adherents to confront an alternative that’s more conservative and “mainstream”. They can’t ignore you as OD is frequently updated with good material, reflecting your natural talent, and so they are drawn like moths to the flame.

  10. Ivan,

    Thanks for the kind words.

    I completely understand your concern, to such an extent that I was hesitant to re-write the lost portions of the post in question, but I couldn’t think of a better solution.

    As a matter of principle, I don’t even alter my own comments after I have posted them, unless I notice a typing error or a clumsy phrase; I never change the substance of the comment.

    This site’s owner, Hunter Wallace, doesn’t edit comments either, and he is the only other Administrator who is active here at present, so I can safely say that the house rule is to leave comments alone.

    There is one exception to this general rule: occasionally people make a post requesting that their comment be amended in order to correct an error of grammar or orthography. In that case, I fix their post and delete the request after I’ve done so. I’ve only done this 2 or 3 times.

    P.S. Regarding that post of yours and my reply, there was certainly no hostility on my end; I just found the irony to be rather amusing.

  11. Will Williams said: Perhaps we can chat privately about some of the questions you posed concerning the complicated history of Messrs Hitler and Stalin

    Sure, Will. But first we have to sign an “Ivan-Williams Non-Aggression Pact” similar to “Molotov-Ribbentrop Non-Aggression Pact”.
    If and when we get to the point where it becomes clear that we have different and unreconcilable understanding of what uncle Joe was all about, we should restrain from forcing our way to another’s house.

    Let me know your preferred method of communication.

  12. Robert Campbell said: P.S. Regarding that post of yours and my reply, there was certainly no hostility on my end; I just found the irony to be rather amusing

    To be completely honest, Robert, at first I suspected some intentional modification to the text because the word ‘Circassian’ was replaced with ‘Caucasian’. But when I checked again later, even that misprint was corrected. So I have no trouble believing in what you are saying here. When misunderstanding is cleared in all honesty, that leads to trust, if not, it can lead to a downward spiral of nasty exchanges which are not useful to anybody.

  13. HW,

    Allow me to help you take your critique to the next level.

    I would say that you’re correct in identifying certain types as being hopelessly alienated from their people and heritage, but how does this happen exactly? How does one make the transition from mere racial awareness to calling for a neo-pagan (or Nietzschean) reconstitution of Western society?

    My guess – once again – is that, although few are willing to state the proposition in such bald terms, there is an undercurrent in the far right that sees the last two millennium of Western history as being one big fat Jewish conspiracy that only saw intervals of Western greatness. It makes perfect sense for anyone who takes this idea seriously, even if only at a subconscious level, to despise their own people (pathetic creatures willing to labor under the yolk of another for so long) and call for a reconstitution of Western society that is as radical as it is lightweight, the latter because once you reject the bulk of recorded Western history there’s not much left to work with. It also explains the enmity against all things conservative, which seek to preserve our inauthentic “Jewish” heritage.

  14. HW,

    The gaping hole in your argument is that we simply cannot achieve everything that we want within the bounds of mainstream political discourse. For example, I would like to restrict American citizenship and all its attending privileges to native born White Americans, but this is clearly something that cannot be done within the political mainstream for the foreseeable future. However, as you rightly note, good things can be accomplished within the mainstream: stopping amnesties, restricting immigration, auditing the fed, pushing the boundaries on state sovereignty, cutting foreign aid, etc. But let’s not kid ourselves in thinking that this is all we want.

  15. Ivan wrote,

    “the word ‘Circassian’ was replaced with ‘Caucasian’.”

    Yes, it was, very briefly, but it was a mistake. Sorry about that. I’m not all that bright (we can’t all be MENSA material like Jack Ryan) and I’m an American, so my geographical acumen would make Herr Haushofer cringe with contempt.

    Would you like me to change your post back to the original state, now that I know what you wrote and don’t need to retrieve it from memory?

  16. Hunter’s Tard Corral

    My dear WhiggerSwill still can’t get over the fact that Pierce never was anything other than a whigger who ran a sort of Elohim City for CreaTards courtesy of $400,000 from the Order and that in turn Benny Klassen was a jew who predated Dickie Barrett in running its own pederasty mill. All they ever turned out was anglo-mestizo fuktards ‘thinking’ that they were some sort of ‘Vanguard’ when all they ever were was ZOGbots and snitches who routinely betray others, like TraitorGlenn Miller. Tom Martinez, and Ammo-Face Tardd von Biber. They all have enjoyed a brief reputation as ‘dangerous Whigger Supremacists’ but in reality they never were dangerous except to those they testified against who were stupid enough to have something to do with them.

    The fact of the matter is that every owner of any particular tard corral in Whigger Nutsionalism practices a form of censorship of some sort. Linder is notorious in removing anyone and everyone smarter than Linder — only the [de]generousity of ZOG strangers from the petty cash drawer of the Department of ZOGland InSecurity with TraitorGlenn Miller keeps VNNF/TGMNNF/GFRTCNNF alive.

    Nor can these VNNF Boat-Pisspul fuktards like Hadding the Loveless Mattoid Meercat or WhiggerSwill claim that they can function in a free-speech forum. Rather, they are always running off to a jewdge of a regime kort or a forum Mauderaturd to ‘silence Tubby’ and Friends or else they will pee theyz’ pants. For that reason The Reltney Identity got kicked off of phorafags/feebs recently, for making fun of Hadding’s & WhiggerSwill’s cumplaints concerning how the Duegello Report morphed into the Cooper Report into the Covington Report.

    Every little bowel-Movement Head FukTard obeys Covington’s Law of White Nationalist Forums in that the head Tard puts up his butt-boyz in as mods and they flame and censor and ban weaker Tards. One out of a hundred Tards then forms itz own Tard Corral and the process of Bowel Movement polytricks — Up & Down, In and Out — cuntinues as a fun time is had by all those on top at the time. Lindstedt’s Corollary to Covington’s Law says that censorsheep by jews is replaced by censorsheep by whiggers.

    The end result shouldn’t be characterized as being that of Vanguards vs Mainstreamers. Neither have much if any potential for success. Rather progress is made towards an apocalyptic future in which each against all [un]civil warfare is waged until one side exterminates or overawes all rivals. This most certainly applies to the bowel Movement, which is why I never lack for material on my podcasts.

    Since I think that the only salvation for Whites is a Great Tribulation in which only ten million whites ruled by ten thousand warlords acting under the racial religion of Dual-Seedline Christian Identity, will survive, naturally I rejoice at the results of all this fussing and fighting. The breakdown in the overall parent social order is reflected in the fact that the bowel Movement cannot act in a sort of neo-Babylonian from-the-top-down order either. So why should we pretend otherwise when all along we hate and fear each other and that racial solidarity is a myth? Chaos and lawlessness and hatred is what we practice in our relations with those who claim to practice and believe that which we claim to believe and practice. I myself have had three of my web pages taken down by a faggot mamzer and two baal-priests pretending to be Christian Identity recently.

    So why pretend to be working to a common solution as White Nationalists when that is not at all true whatsoever? Especially when most of us hate each other worse than we hate ZOG/Babylon in most cases?

    Fade’s/Hunter’s strength has been in creating forums and blogs in which everyone can post without too much fear of censorship for as long as Fade’s mental stability holds out. Expecting more than what Fade/Hunter is able to provide ends up being an exercise in disappointment. So why not live with what Hunter provides, enjoy it, and live with Hunter’s weaknesses, as we have no other choice?

    I enjoy Hunter’s Tard Corral. But expecting much from what are essentially selfish whigger and anglo-mestizo fuktards is a sure way to become frustrated over nothing.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  17. I don’t know if it is gonna be CI, wot are the Warlords – but this is the way it’s gonna roll. All the other stuff – bunker hiding, mainstreaming (which is what I do, in 3D world) Nazi marching -whatever your preferred taste – that’s the way it’s gonna roll. I don’t know if it will take 2 years. or 5. or 10, or 50, or one hundred – but this is where it ends up. The vast majority of Whites, in the world, just want to “have a nice life”. Nice cushy chairs, restaurants, and vacations. They will hangtheir own kind out to rot – viciously refuse to admit they they are a part of anything called “Our Own Kind”, and watch and actively participate, and applaud the total destruction of everything related to and created by Our Own Kind. Cause they are “tolerant”, and “Above Race”, and “Citizens of the World Cause Saying That Phrase Makes Me Dead Cool”, and Full of Love not Hate – but it’s really about the stuff. Cushy chairs, restaurants, and vacations. And going to parties and talking about the lastest cushy chair, the latest restaurant, and the newest hippest vacation spot.

    So Civilization will go right down to the ground. And if the White Race does survive – it will be due to the actions of Warlords.

    Meanwhile – I will still go to the local GOP/Tea Party meetings, and do what I can.

  18. Denise said: The vast majority of Whites, in the world, just want to ‘have a nice life’. Nice cushy chairs, restaurants, and vacations. They will hang their own kind out to rot – viciously refuse to admit they are a part of anything called ‘Our Own Kind’, and watch and actively participate, and applaud the total destruction of everything related to and created by Our Own Kind. Cause they are ‘tolerant’, and ‘Above Race’, and ‘Citizens of the World Cause Saying That Phrase Makes Me Dead Cool’, and Full of Love not Hate – but it’s really about the stuff. Cushy chairs, restaurants, and vacations.

    A+++, Denise! Very profound indeed – this is really the key to understanding a lot of things. If you want to scare the shit out of today’s White American, call him/her a racist, and watch him/her turning inside out to prove that’s not true. It’s almost unbelievable how powerful a single word can be! Jews know what they are doing when they come up with ideological weapons inherent in simple words like ‘racist, ‘anti-semite, ‘hater’ etc.

    The indoctrination, the killing of the soul and common sense starts from day one in American child’s life. I frequently recall the following real life story. One day in October 2008, before the presidential elections, my twin kids came from school and told us that the teacher showed two pictures to the kids in the class and asked them who would they vote for – McCain or Obama. I was very surprised to learn that 6-year old kids would be subjected to that kind of questioning. “And who did you pick?” – I asked. “McCain” both said. “Why McCain?” I thought they would say something to the effect that McCain reminded them of some of their favorite cartoon characters. But they answered: “We didn’t like the other guy”. “But why?” – I wouldn’t let it go. They looked at each other and steadfastly refused to answer.

    My kids are already programmed to be politically correct, they do not dare to be themselves and be open even in the company of their own parents. That’s how early the programming starts that continues to the day we die. If the White American electorate had the untempered common sense inherent in the instincts of my 6-year old kids, we wouldn’t have the humiliation of having a nigger family in the White House today.

    Make no mistake, pushing a half-nigger down our throats was a deliberate, I reapeat delibarate, attempt at breaking the spirit of the White man and raping his psyche – a damage the far-reaching implications of which we probably haven’t fully realized yet.

    P.S. I have much more to say about Denise’s insightful comment, but I’ll leave it out for now – the attention span of contemporary American is too short to be subjected to a long comment.

  19. “So Civilization will go right down to the ground. And if the White Race does survive – it will be due to the actions of Warlords.”

    If the worst comes to the worst then the more people who are awake and conscious the better. Also the more people who are half-awake or 1/4 awake the better. No-one can do anything without recruits.

  20. Besides, he needs us to kick around

    I was going to say the same thing. Clearly, Hunter would lose about 75% of his material if he stopped talking about “Vanguardists.” He’s triangulating, but doesn’t want to admit it. Which is part of triangulating, I guess.

    If the “Vanguardists” disappeared, he’d find his camp to be the new “Vanguard.” So obviously “Vanguardists” are very useful to Hunter, at least.

  21. As I said in my last post, these kinds of personal feuds are very, very common in American White nationalism and the cause as I stated is that it’s usually not a lot of success, $ money, women, good jobs, social status to work for pro White causes in America and that causes resentments, we take it out on each other.

    No, the cause is the personality that correlates with WNism and ethnopatriotism – low agreeableness. The low agreeableness that tends to go hand in hand with the sort of person capable of thinking for himself to the radical degree necessary for ethnopatriotism doesn’t stop at the political.

  22. Denise said: The vast majority of Whites, in the world, just want to ‘have a nice life’. Nice cushy chairs, restaurants, and vacations. They will hang their own kind out to rot – viciously refuse to admit they are a part of anything called ‘Our Own Kind’, and watch and actively participate, and applaud the total destruction of everything related to and created by Our Own Kind. Cause they are ‘tolerant’, and ‘Above Race’, and ‘Citizens of the World Cause Saying That Phrase Makes Me Dead Cool’, and Full of Love not Hate – but it’s really about the stuff. Cushy chairs, restaurants, and vacations.

    Ivan said: A+++, Denise! Very profound indeed – this is really the key to understanding a lot of things. If you want to scare the shit out of today’s White American, call him/her a racist, and watch him/her turning inside out to prove that’s not true. It’s almost unbelievable how powerful a single word can be!

    I agree Ivan, Denise’s comment is A+++ spot-on – like so many of them are. Very, very perceptive woman she is.

    As to your comment – “If you want to scare the shit out of today’s White American, call him/her a racist, and watch him/her turning inside out to prove that’s not true. It’s almost unbelievable how powerful a single word can be!’

    Also dead-on accurate.

    Not that much different then when one was accused of being a “witch” back in the day.

    After all, how does one properly ‘defend’ him/herself from such a highly subjective and essentially meaningless term, a word that its accusers can mean anything they want it to.

    Using the term is more akin to voodoo than anything else (which makes sense considering those who traditionally sling it).

  23. Robert,

    (1) The lesson that I took away from Odessa Syndicate was that the Far Left wasn’t interested in any “synthesis” of that sort. The only people who are somewhat receptive to our ideas are conservatives who dislike multiculturalism and favor stricter immigration policies.

    (2) Everyone is in agreement that the organized business community is our major enemy on the Right.

    (3) The weakness of the business community is now clearly evident in immigration policy where at most two Republican Senators are willing to support the DREAM Act. This is indicative of the success of working within the mainstream as opposed to abandoning the political process to our enemies.

    (4) I have never supported “gay marriage” or ending “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” My position on homosexuals is “liberal” in the sense that I am tolerant compared to Harold Covington or Alex Linder.

    As much as I dislike Greg Johnson, I would never advocate executing him or stripping him on his rights on that basis. I don’t see how homosexuality can be cured. It is just a fact of life that any society – racialist or otherwise – will have to adapt to.

    (5) We don’t have time to sit around and wait for ideal scenarios to unfold.

    It should be clear to any impartial observer that we can build coalitions with other groups (virtually all of them on the Right) to promote policies that advance our interests. This is especially true of immigration policy and subjects like gun rights and opposing affirmative action.

  24. Notus Wind,

    There is certainly some element of truth to what you say. The major reason why I persist here though is because I have invested too much of my time in this website to abandon it.

    Greg Johnson and Trainspotter insist there is “intellectual work” to be done in the White Nationalist movement. I’m willing to grant their point on a conditional basis: clearly, the biggest task left to be done is to create a viable strategy that gets us from Point A (the present) to Point B (a viable White ethnostate).

    If we were to take this idea of performing “intellectual labor” seriously, then the obvious next step would be to diagnose the factors that have crippled the White Nationalist movement for over forty years and propose some type of workable alternative solution.

    Just hanging out here in the OD comments is somewhat similar to running a clinic. All sorts of broken people come through here. It gives you are fairly accurate picture (like an X-ray) of what has gone wrong.

    As the “doctor” here, I will say a preliminary analysis strongly suggests that vanguardists who are so alienated they are incapable of communicating with their own family members shows that a lack of understanding and respect for our target audience might be playing a role.

  25. Celestial Time,

    I can see a plausible argument being made for abortion … in the black community, the Hispanic community, the Jewish community, etc. I can see a case for abortion in instances like rape or incest.

    How does abortion on demand benefit us though? It looks to me like it depresses our birthrate. Aside from immigration, that is one of the biggest factors driving race replacement.

    What about gay marriage? How is that a pro-White cause? How is abortion, gay marriage, and drug legalization as a combo (and the broader lifestyle surrounding these issues) supposed to work out for us?

    In any case, you are not striking at the real issue here. I have made a point of promoting politicians (as in the midterm endorsement thread) who are absolutely solid on immigration policy.

    Why would a White Nationalist be opposed to a NumbersUSA “true reformer” candidate? Immigration is obviously the most important issue facing us today. What sense does it make to oppose people who would have a positive impact in Congress?

    It starts to make sense when you realize … that your animus is directed at “conservatives” in general, regardless of their stance on the issues, because you are just a leftist troll who is trying to disrupt the discussion on this website.

    You have spent 100% of your time arguing against the likes of Steve King and Tom Tancredo? Why?

    Are their Democratic opponents who favor amnesty somehow better? I suppose so if you identify with the “Center Left” and want to see life get worse for White people for we can have gay marriage and marijuana for sale at the local convenience store.

  26. Langobard, correct me if I am wrong, but I hear an unspoken question in your comment: How do we overcome the fear which paralyses our will to fight back? Do we really have to be hateful towards those who mean harm to us? One of the best cures from being afraid is simply seeing somebody who is not.

    Please watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlZ-xF0w3-M

    I do not believe for a second that Glenn Miller is hateful person, even after he says ‘I hate you’ in the face of Howard Stern. Howard Stern does not deserve to be hated, he should be despised, not hated. Howard Stern and creatures like him are mortal danger to the moral health of the society and to the very existence of this nation, and they should be treated as such.

    Hate is a manifestation of weakness. Hate is a corrosive feeling of powerlessness confronted by powerful enemy. Hate is a humiliating feeling of inferiority in the presence of a superior being. Hate is an uncontrollable feeling of envy by the immoral and wicked in the presence of the wholesome and noble. Hate is unhealthy feeling of small confronted by big. Hate is a lot of little men.

    You do not lionize the bastards by hating them, you do not hate your mortal enemies – you simply destroy them without mercy.

  27. Very perceptive, indeed, Denise and Ivan. Complacency and ideological toxification are very difficult obstacles to overcome.

  28. It may, or may not, be true that Hunter has had some problems with being entirely truthfull regarding his personal circumstances. I really don’t care. Whatever. It happens.

    His biggest fault, though, is that he allows a bunch of mentally deficient bunker-nazis spew cr@p all over the website. Most of you morons are either off or on . Off your meds or on the federal payroll.

    If it’s closer to my frontdoor than 20 meters and barking like a mad dog… well, you know. In on-line posting terms; ban the suckers .

  29. It may, or may not, be true that Hunter has had some problems with being entirely truthfull regarding his personal circumstances. I really don’t care. Whatever. It happens.

    It happens? So this is an indication of what type of man you are, and the type of people that you associate with?

    His biggest fault, though, is that he allows a bunch of mentally deficient bunker-nazis spew cr@p all over the website. Most of you morons are either off or on . Off your meds or on the federal payroll.

    Do you recognize irony when you see it?

  30. Make no mistake, pushing a half-nigger down our throats was a deliberate, I reapeat delibarate, attempt at breaking the spirit of the White man and raping his psyche – a damage the far-reaching implications of which we probably haven’t fully realized yet.

    I wouldn’t worry, Ivo. I mean, you can always piss off back to Astrakhan or wherever you people come from, right (I mean since “kinship” and “belonging” mean so much to you and all that)?

    Robert Campbell, seriously? I mean it doesn’t bode well for the mean cephalic index now, surely.

  31. You seem a little upset there, Mr Silver. I highly recommend you to refrain from making comments while in such an aggravated state of mind.

  32. Silver wrote:

    “Robert Campbell, seriously? I mean it doesn’t bode well for the mean cephalic index now, surely.”

    I’m not sure what you’re on about Silver. What doesn’t bode well for the mean CI? Surely, this is pertinent stuff to me, whenever the Cephalic Index is under threat of brachycephalisation!

  33. It happens? So this is an indication of what type of man you are, and the type of people that you associate with?

    Do you recognize irony when you see it?

    1) What kind of man am I? I am the kind of man who would rather fight in the real world* and have a chance to accomplish something, than fight with the Bunker Bunch and win such glorious victories as flying the swastika in Tennessee, pinning banners from Texas bridges or posting exciting articles about how the Satan is actually the umpteenth incarnation of Vishnu in the Kali Yuga and also the third cousin of Adolf Hitler, the new Prophet of the God-like Aryan superrace.

    2) What kind of people do I associate with? I’d rather associate with someone like Hunter, than with the 88 Stooges. I could probably list half a dozen items off the top of my head that I don’t like/find doubtful about Hunter, but he still get A’s for tenacity and sense of direction.

    3) Do I recognize irony? The real irony is that Hunter – off his meds, on a bad day, with a concussion and after a 12-pack – still comes out miles ahead of the fantasists who have been barking around here lately.

    *I am active in my local GOP and if the $PLC knew of some of the opinions uttered bethind closed doors, their heads would implode. Lots of Tancredo fans, too.

  34. A fundamental question is whether you support the national interest of the United States.

    IQ and the Wealth of Nations has shown that nations whose populace possess a higher IQ are more adept at generating wealth. These nations have a higher per capital gross national product.

    The immigrants from Latin America have a lower IQ the national average. The long-term effect may be to decrease the wealth of the United States.

    Is that in the national interest? I don’t think so.

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