About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Of course it’s all whitey’s fault. If Negroes had any intelligent leadership they would seriously consider forming alliances with the white population to counter the hordes of Hispanics who will eventually become the majority population if present trends continue. “Mexiamericans” and other Latinos will have no qualms about overrunning and dominating blacks too. Is the Negro’s hatred for whitey so great or his IQ so low that he can’t see that he’s just as threatened by the 3rd world invasion as whites are?

  2. “Is the Negro’s hatred for whitey so great or his IQ so low that he can’t see that he’s just as threatened by the 3rd world invasion as whites are?”
    During the Michael Vick flap I listened to some Philadelphia radio stations. Again, and again I would hear angry black men argue that the real reason for disliking Vick is that they, the white people, were racist. The line went that since there were both blacks and whites ( from the now growing group of white camp followers of blacks ) in favor of Vick but only whites ( it seems) against him, white were racist. The thought did not cross the mind of black callers that it also said a great deal about blacks attitude towards violence and animals ( once expressed as “just an old dog”) and most of all to be confrontational with whites.

    Blacks have already called the extermination of whites. See CSpan of about Oct 14 for a talk by Dr. Kamau Kambon. The only answer for blacks is to exterminate all whites. Broadcast on Cspan, covered by the AR web page. No reaction any where else.
    Here’s one thing that should real scare you. Kamau mentioned his wife and that she was a psychologist. Well, she is, you can find her, Mawiyah Kambon. A Ph.d from Duke, licensed by the State of North Carolina and past President of the Association of Black Pyschologist.
    Does she have any idea what her hubby is going around saying on tv?
    I would bet she does.

  3. “During the Michael Vick flap I listened to some Philadelphia radio stations. Again, and again I would hear angry black men argue that the real reason for disliking Vick is that they, the white people, were racist.”

    Lol, yep, and it wasn’t just that Vick is black, it’s that he’s a black QB! Blacks think that whites are keeping blacks from playing that position and we dont want that position to be dominated by blacks like WR and RB. But at the end of the day the QB and o-line need to be smart, and whites dominate those positions. The WR and RB, need to be, oddly enough in the words of Keith Olbermann “no brain, no pain”. Yes, us white folk aren’t content having made over 90% of the contributions to the liberal arts, it’s sports that we only care about succeeding in!

    The majority of blacks are against illegal immigration even more so than whites. It was after the Arizona law that the media portrayed them out to be friends of the Mezito, but blacks were just against that law. Blacks have great tension with the mexicans just like they do with Korean shop owners, (and gays and jews and pretty much everyone) while the media plays up every shout of racism directed towards a white man from a black person, blacks have no problems calling out other races and people, it just doesn’t jive with the message academia and the media are trying to send.

    The message of leftist revolution entices the minds of intelligent but wayward naive minds (like Van Jones, rich white liberals and college students) while depending upon the knuckle draggers (ghetto trash) who think their lot in life is due to oppression and not their own feeble mindedness, to start the revolt. So while plenty of blacks dont fall for Van Jones charade, plenty more, with the help of the white bourgeoisie, will enact upon their racist, violent fantasies.

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