Two Californias

Welcome to Mexifornia


Over at National Review, the neocon Victor Davis Hanson has been spending some time surveying the damage that illegal immigration has done to California, his native state. The video of Kent Wong ranting about the DREAM Act students ethnically cleansing old White men in the Senate was also shot in Los Angeles.

California isn’t so “golden” these days. The only real question is how long will it take for California to collapse (not long) and what the likely impact will be (enormous) for the rest of the country.

Hanson is right that the most interesting political question facing America next year will be whether the Republican controlled House of Representatives, beholden to the Tea Party (which can’t even stomach earmarks), is willing to pass another bailout for Jerry Brown’s California, and what the likely consequences will be (WTSHTF) will be if Washington fails to ride to the rescue:

The last three weeks I have traveled about, taking the pulse of the more forgotten areas of central California. I wanted to witness, even if superficially, what is happening to a state that has the highest sales and income taxes, the most lavish entitlements, the near-worst public schools (based on federal test scores), and the largest number of illegal aliens in the nation, along with an overregulated private sector, a stagnant and shrinking manufacturing base, and an elite environmental ethos that restricts commerce and productivity without curbing consumption.

During this unscientific experiment, three times a week I rode a bike on a 20-mile trip over various rural roads in southwestern Fresno County. I also drove my car over to the coast to work, on various routes through towns like San Joaquin, Mendota, and Firebaugh. And near my home I have been driving, shopping, and touring by intent the rather segregated and impoverished areas of Caruthers, Fowler, Laton, Orange Cove, Parlier, and Selma. My own farmhouse is now in an area of abject poverty and almost no ethnic diversity; the closest elementary school (my alma mater, two miles away) is 94 percent Hispanic and 1 percent white, and well below federal testing norms in math and English.

Here are some general observations about what I saw (other than that the rural roads of California are fast turning into rubble, poorly maintained and reverting to what I remember seeing long ago in the rural South). First, remember that these areas are the ground zero, so to speak, of 20 years of illegal immigration. There has been a general depression in farming — to such an extent that the 20- to-100-acre tree and vine farmer, the erstwhile backbone of the old rural California, for all practical purposes has ceased to exist. . .

He also does a good job skewering the SWPL progressives who have wrecked the Golden State:

California coastal elites may worry about the oxygen content of water available to a three-inch smelt in the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta, but they seem to have no interest in the epidemic dumping of trash, furniture, and often toxic substances throughout California’s rural hinterland. Yesterday, for example, I rode my bike by a stopped van just as the occupants tossed seven plastic bags of raw refuse onto the side of the road. I rode up near their bumper and said in my broken Spanish not to throw garbage onto the public road. But there were three of them, and one of me. So I was lucky to be sworn at only. I note in passing that I would not drive into Mexico and, as a guest, dare to pull over and throw seven bags of trash into the environment of my host.

In fact, trash piles are commonplace out here — composed of everything from half-empty paint cans and children’s plastic toys to diapers and moldy food. I have never seen a rural sheriff cite a litterer, or witnessed state EPA workers cleaning up these unauthorized wastelands. So I would suggest to Bay Area scientists that the environment is taking a much harder beating down here in central California than it is in the Delta. Perhaps before we cut off more irrigation water to the west side of the valley, we might invest some green dollars into cleaning up the unsightly and sometimes dangerous garbage that now litters the outskirts of our rural communities.
We hear about the tough small-business regulations that have driven residents out of the state, at the rate of 2,000 to 3,000 a week. But from my unscientific observations these past weeks, it seems rather easy to open a small business in California without any oversight at all, or at least what I might call a “counter business.” I counted eleven mobile hot-kitchen trucks that simply park by the side of the road, spread about some plastic chairs, pull down a tarp canopy, and, presto, become mini-restaurants. There are no “facilities” such as toilets or washrooms. But I do frequently see lard trails on the isolated roads I bike on, where trucks apparently have simply opened their draining tanks and sped on, leaving a slick of cooking fats and oils. Crows and ground squirrels love them; they can be seen from a distance mysteriously occupied in the middle of the road. . . .

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “what the likely consequences will be (WTSHTF) will be if Washington fails to ride to the rescue”

    The best thing that can happen to us as a white people is that the state and federal governments default on their debt. Wipe the slate clean and unburden ourselves and our children of this oppressive millstone around our necks. The powers that be will then not be able to borrow more than they can pay back and we will rid ourselves of our wasteful military bureaucracy in one fell swoop.

  2. Well … you can take the Mexican out of Mexico, but you can’t take the Mexico out of the Mexican.

    In Miami, there is a Home Depot where, Monday through Saturday, two to three-hundred illegals line up and prostitute their discounted labor. By the time these invaders find Johns, the area is trashed.

  3. Is it for sure that CA will need a bailout next year or are they going to be able to push it off a few years more?

    A CA default will bring down almost every other blue state/city in the union with it. It should lead to the direct loss of over a million jobs and the indirect loss of several million more. It is exactly what we need.

    The downside of a CA default is that it will make it easier for the Feds to sell Federal debt.

    as for gays in the army, they’re already there. Now they just can be honest about it. I don’t really think it matters except to SWPLs.

  4. A portent of things to come. And if they manage to railroad the Dream Act through, this creeping grunge will spread across all 50 states. No surprises here folks. It is what our aristocratic class and business want- cheap labor and the simultaneous destruction of our culture. Any culture is okay with them, except Western Culture. And in the meantime Americans have to vie for the few existing jobs with these Latin cretins.

  5. “The House just passed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal. Queers in the military. Courtesy of the Democratic Party.”

    This is the definition of a phony issue that the GOP uses to get whites to vote for them while they enact anti-white policies. Other first world countries, including Israel, allow gays to serve openly in the military and it’s not a problem.

  6. (1) It was the Democrats who relentlessly pushed for “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal.

    (2) It was Democratic control of the House that brought the bill to the floor.

    (3) The vote was 250 to 175.

    (4) 235 Democrats and 15 Republicans voted for the bill. It is clear who is responsible for passing it.

    (5) The Republicans who voted “YEA” include Cao, Djou, Castle, Ehlers, Lincoln Diaz-Balart, and Ileana Ros Lehtinen.

    (6) If that cast of characters sounds familiar, it is because 6 out of the 8 Republicans who voted for the DREAM Act in the House also voted for Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal.

    (7) Far from being a phony issue, the vote on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell broke along the usual Red vs. Blue lines:

    (8) Why am I not surprised that ATBOTL is chiming in to accuse Republicans, not the Democrats, of enacting “anti-white” policies?

    (9) It was Republicans who voted overwhelmingly against the DREAM Act in the House and who blocked it in the Senate a few days ago.

    (10) The only reason the DREAM Act hasn’t been rammed through the Senate is because of Republican opposition.

  7. This is what happens when our folk lose there back bone. Men like Dan White took it to certain extremes to rid our folk of this rubbish only to to hold back the clock just briefly. We need a back bone and no fear over the worrys of our oay cheks since our children likely have no future at all.. so have fun at the Indian Casino your kids will be ambushed in 20 when we are in depends.
    No one stands we only blog

  8. Don’t worry about “what if” the Jews don’t bailout California; they don’t need the Congress, they have the Federal Reserve.

    Hunter: you judge the GOP by what they do when they have a chance to actually change things, not by this kabuki theater.

    If they cry havoc and release the dogs of war, yeah, I’ll credit them. But so far they are just pulling the wool over the weak-minded.

  9. Don’t worry about “what if” the Jews don’t bailout California; they don’t need the Congress, they have the Federal Reserve

    No, that isn’t going to happen. If Bernanke even thinks about doing something that stupid the 10 year will start yielding 15% and whole rotten structure will come crashing down.

    The Feds are going to have to let CA collapse if there is no bailout. Printing money would do nothing except destroy the dollar.

  10. Sometimes in an idle moment, I think about how we would actually go about expelling the foreign nation that has settled among us and feeds off our resources. Hanson wrote about these vast swathes of Mexifornia, but he didn’t discuss the second largest city in Mexico, Los Angeles, and its many satellites like Bell or Santa Ana. Some poster or other recently wrote of Army troops being trained for “civil unrest” in this country. I can’t seriously imagine suburbanites rising up to drive the Mexicans out. Defend their own neighborhoods from rioters, yes, but not chasing the cholos back across the border. White soldiers fighting alongside Mexican looters? Not even in California. The only conceivable use for soldiers would be to clear out the Browns.
    The fact is, and every thinking White knows it, that California’s main problem is Mexicans. Crime, education, medical care, “entitlements”, the budget, Mexicans are the cancer and expelling them in the answer. Cordon off their slums and burn them, driving the survivors towards the waiting buses, and take them straight to the border. There’s no other solution.

  11. I love it that that Mexifornia sign has “assistance” misspelled as “assitance.” The welcome sign is Mexifornian illiteracy in a microcosm.

  12. An armed forces that can make any kind of internal value judgement is dangerous to the NWO.

    It’s like abortion. It wasn’t about “allowing” it. It was about making sure the only values our culture might represent is the value of having no values at all.

    Except values the Jews find acceptable, of course. It’s beyond me how we’ve come to despise ourselves so much. We’re afraid of our own shadows. Even the most studied of us can only but guess at what we once were.

  13. This is the second victory in the federal courts over SB 1070 in the last two weeks. California’s ban on affirmative action was also upheld recently.

    Another challenge to AZ immigration law dismissed

    PHOENIX — A federal judge in Phoenix has dismissed another challenge to Arizona’s new immigration law.

    U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton on Wednesday granted the state’s motion to dismiss the lawsuit filed in July by the League of United Latin American Citizens.

    The league sued over training materials distributed to Arizona law enforcement meant to guide the law’s implementation, claiming the materials promoted racial and ethnic profiling.

    Bolton says the league lacked standing and failed to establish any real and immediate threat of harm.

    Gov. Jan Brewer says of the eight federal lawsuits against the state, six have been dismissed. Portions of the remaining two suits also been dismissed.

    The federal government’s lawsuit against Arizona on portions of Senate Bill 1070 remains at the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco.

  14. The US military is an arm of the cultural Bolshevist (and Zionist) regime that rules the American Empire. That regime is also a proven enemy of the traditional or historic American majority. So why get worked up over repealing DADT?
    While much has been written about the Frankfurt School’s move from Germany to the United States after Hitler came to power and its subsequent influence here, Gottfried breaks some new ground in his look at the boomerang effect. How is it that Jürgen Habermas, Horkheimer’s and Adorno’s successor at the Frankfurt School, has good things to say about America? As Gottfried writes,
    Immigration reform for the benefit of Third World populations, followed by laws aimed at curbing discrimination against racial minorities and recognition of feminist and gay rights, began in the United States about ten to fifteen years earlier than in Western Europe.

    Far from being a bastion of church-going cultural conservatism, the United States has become the world leader of the culturally Marxist revolution, to the point of attempting to impose secular democracy and women’s rights on the Islamic world by force of arms. Gottfried rightly traces European cultural Marxism back to the American-designed re-education of the Germans after World War II, of which Habermas proudly proclaims himself an heir. If some European countries have now gone farther than the U.S. in making cultural Marxism the state ideology—any dissent from which risks a term in prison—America had much to do with injecting the poison into the European body politic. This time it was Horkheimer and Adorno who arrived on the sealed train.

  15. The CA pension system goes bone dry in February 2011. I can’t wait. It’s Up Against the Wall Time.

    Hunter – I agree with a lot of your thoughts on Worse is NOT Better, and Better is Better – but the CA Collapse needs to happen. My biggest problem is trying to make Whites *see*. A pal of mine sees. Many of the “civilian” Whites I deal with are quiet worker-bee types. They get up, do their job, if they still have one (and do everything else if they do not. The un employed Whites I know are among the busiest and most productive folks going), keep their house fixed-up, fend for their families, etc. I turned her on to WN a few years ago. She had noticed racial realities – I just gave her the verbiage, and informed her that she was “not alone” in her observations that “we are not alike underneath”

    She expressed her frustration with her family members. Her son is a Mud Shark. He married a Mulatress, raised by Whites – so she knows he’s “lost”. Her daughter has two beautiful little toddlers (I hope she has loads more. White babies! Yay. The young members of her extended family have loads of gorgeous little kids. They have ’em young, in her working class Fam. Thank GOD!) My pal is trying to warn her extended family about the horrors of “diversity’. She’s aggravated; they don’t want to “hear it”. They know; they don’t want to deal.

    I know many Whites like this. They don’t want to deal. Acknowledgement forces (Whites) to deal.

    The financial collapse of CA will be so huge and disastrous that the effect will be impossible to ignore. By every-one. Whites are still a bare majority. We have almost no politcal power – cause Whites have abdicated power. We can still get it back. But the hour grows short.

    Remember Katrina? Remember the imagery on Talmudvision? The swarming Blacks, their criminality and savagery making the natural disaster much worse? People *saw* that. There’s been tons of *spin* about Black savgery, ever since – but people *saw* that.

    The collapse of CA will be much worse, and have effects that shake the foundations of this ruined country. The Chimp Out effects of Katrina were largley local, in practical terms – but the Taco Melt of of CA will burn the Nation.

    I just want Whites to wake up! If they don’t wake up over CA – it’s…..bad…

    P.S. – my quiet, sweet, grand-motherly middle-aged pal joked about where can she sign up as a Skinhead.

  16. “My own farmhouse is now in an area of abject poverty and almost no ethnic diversity; the closest elementary school (my alma mater, two miles away) is 94 percent Hispanic and 1 percent white, and well below federal testing norms in math and English.”

    I wonder if someday those who promote “ethnic diversity” will be labelled racist when ethnic diversity means something other than an overwhelming majority of Mexicans. Currently, when I hear someone claim an area of the nation is diverse I automatically assume it’s become mostly Hispanic/third world. In the dystopian nightmare future, “ethnic diversity” might mean having a substantial white population. At that point, promoting diversity will be considered racist.

    I don’t agree with Hanson on a lot of things, but this article is fantastic. I spent a couple years in California in the nineties when I was in the Marines and was shocked at how often I felt like I was in a third world country. Obviously it has deteriorated since then. While I hate to see Americans living in the state suffer, a part of me hopes conditions continue to get worse so California can serve as an example of a liberal utopia and a warning for other states.

  17. In Miami, there is a Home Depot where, Monday through Saturday, two to three-hundred illegals line up and prostitute their discounted labor.

    I worked at the Home Depot for a few months. Mexicans outside, Haitians across the street, queers down the street, Colombians & Argentines shopping inside.

    An accelerated course in losing hope.

  18. If they don’t wake up over CA – it’s…..bad…

    They might better stay asleep. Awareness of doom is pure suffering. There’s good psychological reason for whites shutting their ears to the whole truth. As animals, they opt for the abstract potential threat, on which the door can be shut, over the permanent existential threat of awareness. No animal but one predisposed to taking risks, a rarity and often degenerate, can be successfully enticed to place itself in a state of permanent existential dread, or anxiety; it contravenes all evolution. It is in fact to ask the human animal to abjure all of its advanced creature comforts and live in a mostly fantasy-world of constant danger analogous to the life of the most primitive ancient humans, beset by harsh climate, wild beasts, sudden ailment, and so on. Can’t ask a human to regress, and racial awareness, without the means to avoid the causes of anxiety, in its full psychological profile amounts to evolutionary regression for those caught in the mud-tide. Even those provided with means dwell on matters and harbor a certain false consciousness of danger.

  19. Uh – I wholly disagree. Awareness of doom pre-empts doom, and helps one avoid doom.

    Sounds like you have given up. Fine. Go bye bye.

    Not all of us have…… Give up? NOT EVER.

  20. Bye Uh. Evolution to those who adapt, we have no choice. Anyway the radical left over at theoildrum were bickering briefly over an article pasted on how the new “radical” GOP is gonna let Cali and IL twist in the wind to break the gooberment unions and restart their economies, or something like that.

    There is no gooberment bailout for California simply because every other politician would object or lard up the process so badly it would be an epic fail. Now the FED might be able to conjure up something in the name of saving a bank or dozen or so banks.

    But I say so what if it collapses, that basically will mean that old white gooberment workers are gonna take a hit on their pension payments, the Mexicans are gonna still live in hovels and TMZ will still only be showing celebutards on Rodeo drive.

    The “Collapse” as we think is in our rear view mirrors. What we need now is a guide “A guide for Whites living in a collapsed anti-White country.”

  21. Covington ought to take up my last paragraph instead of his American IRA fantasy. I think future plans are necessary but I think you have to connect them to today’s situation.

  22. Uh,

    You are too pessimistic man. I say give it at least another year. Let’s see what happens when Mexifornia and the other Blue States like Illinois, New York, and New Jersey collapse.

    Note: I don’t suppose you have heard about the impending creation the Eurosiberian Arctic Septentrion?

  23. “Hunter: you judge the GOP by what they do when they have a chance to actually change things, not by this kabuki theater.”


    The GOP from 2001-2006 had both houses and the presidency for six years and tried to pass Amnesty, and ran up the debt and attacked Iraq and Afghanistan and did absolutely nothing about broken borders, illegal immigration, “diversity” brainwashing, affirmative action and other anti-white schemes, outsourcing of jobs, H1B visas, exporting our industrial base, etc.

    Maybe the new Tea Party Congress will reverse all that, but that remains to be seen. Words mean nothing: only action matters.

    As for gays in the military: why should we care? The US military has become a giant leftist social engineering project anyway, and serves only to further leftist globalist schemes overseas (trying to turn Third World primitives into “good Americans”). Once you’ve flooded the military with blacks, hispanics, asians, etc, and with women, what do gays matter, whether they be open or not?

    Frankly I’d rather have a white homosexual on my side who was loyal and willing to fight, than a hispanic who hates my guts and who wants to “take back” California for Mexico. Blood is thicker than water and homos are no exception. The problem is that most of them have been co-opted into the left as a pseudo-racial minority group and turned against Western Civilization.

    But this did not have to happen. Though I don’t agree with everything they write I really do think more of us should at least listen to some of the pro-white homosexuals out there and what they have to say. Don’t worry, you can’t “catch” gay:

  24. Lurker,

    I’ve been hanging around this scene since October 2001. It was Pat Buchanan’s book Death of the West and the immigration issue that got me involved with the White Nationalist movement.

    You have omitted some crucial facts from your narrative:

    (1) There have always been two factions in the Republican Party: the populist wing and the business wing. This has been true since Pat Buchanan ran against George H.W. Bush in 1992.

    (2) It was the business wing of the GOP that pushed for “comprehensive immigration reform,” but it was OPPOSED and BLOCKED by the populist wing.

    (3) The Bush amnesty failed BECAUSE the majority of Republicans were opposed to it. They BLOCKED comprehensive immigration reform and the DREAM Act multiple times.

    (4) When George W. Bush, Arlen Specter, and Lindsey Graham were pushing for the amnesty, they were relying primarily upon Democratic votes to get it through the House and Senate, which Reid and Pelosi were able to deliver.

    (5) The highwater mark of the business wing of the GOP was 2006. From that point forward, the populist wing has steadily gained the upper hand in the Republican Party, which is why Lindsey Graham and John McCain won’t vote for the DREAM Act whenever Reid brings it to the floor of the Senate.

    (6) The populist wing of the Republican Party forced George W. Bush to start construction of the border fence. Much of it was actually built.

    (7) The power of the restrictionists in the Republican caucus to block other legislation meant that even a traitor like George W. Bush had to attempt to appease them. Restrictionists have no comparable influence over Harry Reid and Barack Obama.

    (8) Any president whether it be Thomas Jefferson or Andrew Jackson or Theodore Roosevelt would have attacked Afghanistan after something like the 9/11 attacks. Bush had almost unanimous support for the Afghanistan invasion.

    (9) It is flatly untrue that “nothing was done” about illegal immigration or affirmative action in the Bush years. Multiple states and cities were passing restrictionist immigration laws in the that period. States were also banning affirmative action.

    There were populists in the House like Nathan Deal, Steve King, and Tancredo attacking birthright citizenship even then.

    (10) Several of the free trade agreements (like the South Korea and Columbia free trade agreements) that were negotiated by the Bush administration failed to be ratified by Congress because of increasing public opposition to outsourcing.

    (11) Homosexuals serving openly in the military is just one of the many ways that Democrats are trying to level and undermine all social institutions based on hierarchy. It is a progression of the same narrative that was going on in the 1960s when the anti-miscegenation laws were struck down in the Loving decision.

    (12) There are plenty of good White people in the military. Attacking the military and the police has to be one of the most stupid, fucking retarded ideas that I have seen come out of the White Nationalist movement.

    Whose side are you on? The anarchist scum? The police and military have a monopoly on the possession of force. The military is far more sympathetic to our ideas than the universities. Soldiers and police officers with guns are far more useful to White Nationalism than legions of homosexuals and alienated, effeminate intellectuals.

    Even Hitler wasn’t stupid enough to attack the military. It makes a lot more sense to portray the military and police as the enemy of our enemies. Which happens to be accurate.

    (13) In case you haven’t noticed, homosexuals and alienated intellectuals overwhelmingly line up on the other side, with all the blacks, Jews, and Hispanics, whereas cops and soldiers and church goers tend to be more sympathetic to our ideas.

    (14) The homosexuals in Congress don’t seem to be on board with this idea that “blood is thicker than water.”

  25. Hunter Wallace writes:

    (14) The homosexuals in Congress don’t seem to be on board with this idea that “blood is thicker than water.”

    Jack Ryan replies

    I wouldn’t write off the third sex as always antis. White “gays” (no don’t like that word) voted for David Duke in his 1990s races and Pym Fortuyn – the “gay” Dutch leader was the first real breakthrough European political leader that made stopping, reversing the Muslim immigration invasion socially acceptable for Liberal/Left Europeans. For some reason, this breakthrough hasn’t happened in English speaking countries, although I think I see a Gay leader in the BNP.

  26. “they don’t need the Congress, they have the Federal Reserve.”

    The semi-almost-mini audit recently showed how the fed had been secretly supporting banks and businesses all over the world with funds so that’s possible but…

    “No, that isn’t going to happen. If Bernanke even thinks about doing something that stupid the 10 year will start yielding 15% and whole rotten structure will come crashing down.”

    I’m hoping the above is true.

    Ideally either option has an equally bad effect. Not bailing out California or bailing it out leading to unfixable problems elsewhere.

  27. Nick van Rensburg says:
    December 16, 2010 at 7:26 pm
    I’ve heard of one or two gay BNP members but never a leader.
    Do you know his name?

    Jac Ryan replies:
    No, I am just noting how a certain BNP rep dresses, carries himself – and he would be in the closet if he is gay, so that’s fine.
    My view on the Third Sex is that there have always been such people and we have to make the best of things, try to discourage this through early marriage, women being more “available” – but given the situation, I am willing to tolerate White gays provided they are on our side. Since most White gays live in cities, they are around lower class NW thugs, Blacks and any White person that is exposed to hostile, violent, low life Blacks is going to become racially aware. If I lived in a prosperous, all White city and the only thing I had to worry about was that there were some White gay people, I would be very happy indeed.

  28. Any president whether it be Thomas Jefferson or Andrew Jackson or Theodore Roosevelt would have attacked Afghanistan after something like the 9/11 attacks. Bush had almost unanimous support for the Afghanistan invasion.

    A short punitive expedition is one thing-endless “nation-building” is neocon looniness. In case anyone failed to notice, Af-Pak is now the longest war in US history.

    Even Hitler wasn’t stupid enough to attack the military. It makes a lot more sense to portray the military and police as the enemy of our enemies. Which happens to be accurate.

    The German military of the Weimar Republic was an all-white, all-male force made up entirely of conservatives, reactionaries and nationalists. It had no Marxists, feminists, multiculturalists or diversicrats. Political Correctness-much less mandatory PC- had yet to be invented. Anyone in the US military today understands that the ideas of neo-Marxism/Cultural Marxism comprise the official doctrine of the regime that he serves, though I’m sure many silently protest and are fans of the likes of Rush Limbaugh.

    Don’t you remember this?:

  29. Vox Day comments on Thomas Friedman:
    “This is extraordinarily ironic, coming as it does from an elite Jewish liberal. He quite clearly doesn’t recognize that it is the very causes he has championed for decades, from diversity, equality, and secularization to free trade, immigration, and globalization, that have so weakened America in the manner that concerns him now. While he is correct in saying that a successful and powerful America committed to its core values could again become a world leader, his definition of those core values almost surely includes those values that have proven so pernicious to American success, power, and world leadership.”

    “The North American landmass isn’t going to disappear. There will still be Americans proper – descendants of the white Anglo-Saxon Protestants who founded the nation on principles derived from the Bible and the Magna Carta – as well as those who call themselves Americans but have no cultural, ethnic, or religious connection to the historical America that is now essentially gone. The results of the great experiment are now sufficiently observable that we can pronounce the failure of the Viral America hypothesis.”

  30. Ideally either option has an equally bad effect

    In the long run, yeah, but I’m sick of waiting. Bailing out CA allows the gov to kick the can down the road whereas not bailing out CA starts the collapse process immediately. Sooner is better than later.

    I have no doubt the government would love to bail out California. But this is America, not Europe, and the politicians can’t just do whatever they want here.

  31. “The CA pension system goes bone dry in February 2011. I can’t wait. It’s Up Against the Wall Time.”
    – Maybe, but they can probably keep it on life support for quite a while by doing some of the same things that PA did with its pension system. As a matter of fact, “pension reform” was just enacted here this year, and some major changes were made such as requiring current active employees to contribute a greater % toward their health care, a greater % of their pay toward their retirement, not allowing them to retire until at least age 62, etc. Part of the reason for CA’s pension problem was that it allowed ALL employees with enough time in the system to retire at age 55 if they so chose. This would only make sense for certain state jobs-like working in prisons or as a state trooper where you become relatively useless (for obvious reasons) for those jobs when you reach the early 50’s.
    As far as a “collapse” of the system goes, why does everyone imagine that it has to be some apocalyptic scenario? It looks much more like a step-wise decay scenario at this point in time, and could continue that way until we become just like Mexico or any of the latin American countries, where you have a 2 class system of very rich and the poor, complete with gated communities and extensive ghettos. If they can keep the military well-fed and happy our plutocrats are unlikely to experience much trouble. Ditto if they can get enough muds enlisted in the military. The “haves” probably figure that the proles will simply be too busy trying to survive day to day to be much of a bother to the aristocracy, and they are probably right. Whites haven’t shown any real backbone since the 1920’s or so, and hell, they were even orderly, law-abiding citizens during the depression. Blacks and browns will “show their ass” if they are wanting in any way, but the gov will placate them to keep them quiet-not so for us.
    China is grossly overpopulated and needs “lebensraum”. Will they sit by calmly and be content to simply look away when the US can no longer pay on the extraordinary debt we have incurred with them? The US has resources; coal, natural gas, timber some mines of worth and a lot of very good farmland. I have often wondered if, when the right time comes, will China decide to pounce?

  32. I once opon a time loved visiting Mexico, but I NEVER wanted to live there. Now look where I live, in the WMZ (White Minority zone) of the United States (California). It’s getting more dangerous on many levels around here and it’s not going to change because people arn’t understanding the fallout of cheap labor. It brings a backbreaking load on our infrastructure, schools, housing, the list is long, to dam long…..

  33. This article is the usual pap that passes for conservative commentary these days. Nowhere does the author say that Mexicans are an unassimilable race and culture whose exponential growth poses a clear and present danger to white Americans. Oh no, Hanson is utterly shocked that they aren’t assimilating and that they practice ethnic chauvinism and Anglo bashing. After all, if one doesn’t adhere to The National Review’s neo-conservative virtues of racelessness, corporatism, and endless wars for Israel that’s cause for alarm.

    The culprits? Well, certainly not the conservatives who never fail or commit any mistakes. No, The SWPL progressives are squarely to blame for this mess. If conservatives re-assumed power tomorrow those revanchist, hate filled brown smurfs would become dittoheads practically overnight.

    I hear about all these great and glorious things coming out of the conservative establishment but all I see is sniveling, whining and hand wringing on National Review and American Spectator. Over at Free Republic there’s concern that Syfy channel won’t be renewing Stargate Universe for a third season (check out their site). The fortunes of our race depend on Syfy and Stargate Universe.

    So this is the movement that will lead us to total victory? Don’t make me laugh.

  34. Mr. Dithers – everyone here at Occidental Dissent is well aware that National Review/the Goldberg Review is a Jewish Neo Conservative rag – National Review purged Peter Brimelow and all White Gentiles who expressed opposition to mass NW immigration, let on that they were aware of cultural marxist attacks on Christmas etc.
    So once in a blue moon the National Review will print something like this which is at least honest about the personal experience of going back to a once loved California rural area.
    O.D. links to articles like these, not because we think National Review has changed to our side, it’s just something decent to read which confirms our world view.
    It isn’t an act of treason to read/link to one decent article from the mainstream media.

  35. I hate to sound like a kook here but I’m pretty much convinced that the National Review was a CIA Operation from the beginning. It’s main purpose was to purge the Old Right (Taft, Lindbergh, etc.) from mainstream American politics. Both Buckley and his sister were confirmed CIA agents; and as the old saying goes: “Once CIA, always CIA.”

  36. I hate to sound like a kook here but I’m pretty much convinced that the National Review was a CIA Operation from the beginning. It’s main purpose was to purge the Old Right (Taft, Lindbergh, etc.) from mainstream American politics. Both Buckley and his sister were confirmed CIA agents; and as the old saying goes: “Once CIA, always CIA.”
    Jack Ryan replies
    NightWolf is trying hard not to sound like a kook………
    I have to say in all honesty that you sound like a kook here.

  37. I figured Mr. Dithers would chime in …

    (1) I observed that most people liked the article.

    Hanson drew attention to the devastating effects of illegal immigration and the mindless pursuit of diversity in the article. He drew attention to racial differences in test scores and the long term results of race replacement which includes environmental devastation and a deteriorating infrastructure.

    (2) That is exactly why Hanson had to be attacked by the vanguardists. He was drawing attention to important racial issues in a conservative forum. He was pushing the envelope and making it easier to discuss our ideas.

    (3) It is important to keep in mind that vanguardists are alienated misanthropes who hate White people and want to make life worse for all of us. They also advocate losing as a strategy. This means empowering as many Democrats as possible who will push an anti-White agenda through Congress.

    (4) That is why 100 percent of the animus of vanguardists is aimed at the conservatives who support tougher immigration laws, not the progressives who support amnesty.

    (5) Republicans voted overwhelmingly against the DREAM Act and Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal.

    So what is a vanguardist to do? Attack Republicans who voted against the DREAM Act for more pro-amnesty Democrats will get elected.

    Attack the conservatives who support securing the border to make White Nationalism look as unattractive as possible to ordinary people who are otherwise sympathetic to our ideas.

    (6) It is highly significant that Mr. Dithers was impressed by the Knoxville rally, which by any reasonable standard is an embarrassing albatross for White Nationalists, but attacks Victor Davis Hanson and the Republicans who voted against the DREAM Act, not for something like supporting the Iraq War, but for doing something right to push White people in the mainstream in a more racial direction.

    (7) If you look at the vote on the DREAM Act in California, you will find that every Republican from California in the House voted “NAY” while every Democrat from California voted “YEA.”

    Guess what?

    Every Republican in Oregon and Washington also voted against the DREAM Act. There is a clear strong correlation between the number of conservatives in a House district and opposition to the DREAM Act and comprehensive immigration reform.

    (8) If there is a substantial difference between the vanguardists and Tim Wise and our avowed enemies on the Left, I fail to see it.

    They both support the same political platform. They both have the same agenda of making life worse for White people. The effective result of their advice is the same.

  38. Nightwolf: It’s a fact that Buckley made it his business in the 1950s to establish a “respectable” conservatism, free of Birchers, open anti-Semites, and racists. Whether the CIA had a hand in it, as they did in similar efforts in Western Europe, I don’t know. But it’s not kookery to think so, Mr Ryan.
    More recently, of course, Buckley led the way in purging non-philo-Semites like Joe Sobran from polite society, so it’s not hard to see how he used to operate.

  39. “(3) It is important to keep in mind that vanguardists are alienated misanthropes who hate White people and want to make life worse for all of us. They also advocate losing as a strategy. This means empowering as many Democrats as possible who will push an anti-White agenda through Congress.”



    I am stil laughing. My hubby wubby is reading over my shoulder, intrigued by my inability to stop laughing.

    That paragraph is among the most perfectly expressed descriptions of…any subject…the a human has ever produced.

    Thank you!

    P.S. – Point # 6 is particularly astute as well – but didn’t make me laugh aloud. Anyway – I have told the Costume Nazis I know that the Knoxville thing was…ahhhh…not the best use of our resources, shall we say…..oh well.

  40. Pine Mountain Kid
    “because people arn’t understanding the fallout of cheap labor. It brings a backbreaking load on our infrastructure, schools, housing, the list is long, to dam long….”

    Corporate socialism. Privatize the profits. Socialize the costs.

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