Offense Formation

Defeating Dick Lugar: Change we can believe in


Roy Beck recently noted that we have spent a solid decade playing perfect defense on immigration. Now it is time to go on offense.

Meet the face of La Reconquista in America: Dick Lugar

Dick Lugar is now the most disgusting race traitor in the U.S. Senate. Even Lindsey Graham (after twisting his limp wrist) voted against the DREAM Act. Lugar has repeatedly given the finger to his constituents in Indiana.

Lugar voted for the DREAM Act twice, voted to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, voted for the TARP bailout, and voted to confirm Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court.

The good news is that Lugar has to run for reelection in 2012. He will have to run in a Red State with favorable demographics in which he has made a lot of enemies among other important constituencies. Pride comes before the fall.

The good news is that a rumor is already circulating that Indiana state senator Mike Delph, who is leading the push for an Arizona-style immigration law in Indiana, is considering mounting a challenge to Lugar in the 2012 Republican Senate primary.

Dick Lugar is easily the biggest target for White Advocates in the Senate in 2012. I can smell an opportunity for us to take action (the effective way) and make a real difference here.

The Hard Right and Dick Lugar

In The Hard Right thread, I wrote about applying the insights learned from the Arizona showdown over SB 1070, the rise of the Tea Party, and the defeat of the DREAM Act to start winning some victories at the margins. A primary victory over race traitor Dick Lugar by someone like Mike Delph or John Hostettler would be a huge boost to our cause.

The real story behind the defeat of the DREAM Act was the Tea Party. There were 12 Republican Senators who voted for the DREAM Act in the past, including Orrin Hatch and John McCain who once sponsored it, that refused to vote for it this time around because of their fear of the Tea Party cadres of “lemmings” and Joe Six Packs.

Think about it: Christine O’Donnell’s defeat of Mike Castle in Delaware, Joe Miller’s defeat of Lisa Murkowski in Alaska, and J.D. Hayworth’s near defeat of John McCain in Arizona, while unsuccessful, scared enough Republican Senators to convince them to hold the line on the DREAM Act and other issues.

There were also successful Tea Party challengers like Rand Paul in Kentucky and Mike Lee in Utah. They succeeded in striking fear into the Republican establishment. Only a few stubborn holdouts like Dick Lugar haven’t got the message.

The moral of the story: even if we win a big primary but fail to win the general election, we can still succeed in sending our message.

What was the secret of the Tea Party’s success? It was nothing more than learning how to channel their anger and resources in a more effective way or getting better at gaming the system.

The Tea Party worked within the system, organized the “lemmings,” exploited social media to build a grassroots opposition, built their own fundraising institutions to establish financial independence, played on the resentments of disaffected conservatives and used the primary process to build momentum and draw publicity to their cause.

They focused all the resources and energy that we see in the White Nationalist movement like a laser scalpel to change the composition of Congress and the state legislatures in their favor.

Now why can’t we do that?

Adapting To Our Habitat

There are some important differences between the Tea Party and the White Nationalist movement. I have a decade of experience in the White Nationalist movement and I am just now getting familiar with the world of mainstream conservatism.

Let’s quickly run through the obstacles to copying the Tea Party model:

(1) The Internet – Mainstream conservatives use the internet to vent their frustrations (this happens on Free Republic every day), but they don’t generally use it as an outlet for fantasism and escapism.

They post on the internet under anonymous pseudonyms, but they are just as active in the real world. They use the internet as a fundraising and organizing tool.

Theoretically, there is nothing stopping White Nationalists from doing this. What’s the difference between WaffenSS14/88 on Stormfront and ThomasPaine1776 on Free Republic dropping a donation?

Fundraising can be done anonymously. That shouldn’t be a problem.

(2) The Taboos – The most important difference is obviously that “racism” is socially taboo. If you come out as a “racist,” there are groups that will try to punish you with social ostracism and employment discrimination.

That’s why White Nationalism doesn’t have a presence on the ground comparable to its popularity on the internet. People are afraid of losing their jobs. Anyone who makes up excuses and says otherwise is simply a liar.

(3) Rhetorical Radicalism – The majority of White Nationalists subscribe to the false idea that it is “radical” to run your mouth in cyberspace for a few hours every night under an anonymous pseudonym while doing nothing to reverse our decline in real life.

They are adverse to moderating their rhetoric, starting with the status quo, working within the experience of their audience, and working with people who they perceive to be not as “radical” as themselves. Many White Nationalists don’t have the patience to move the goalposts and make incremental progress. They desire nothing short of instantaneous, sweeping transformative change – a prescription for failure if there ever was one.

Another popular idea in White Nationalist circles is refusing to set priorities and vote for anyone who isn’t a perfect, flawless candidate (i.e., a Hitler on a White Horse). They immerse themselves in a fantasy world where Congress should be a place for debates among angels and saints.

Having failed to find any angels and saints in Congress, they reject the political process altogether, which empowers our enemies and reinforces their political marginalization. After all, if you are a powerless pacifist, why would anyone have any incentive to join you?

(4) Alienation – I won’t say anything further about the alienation of the vanguard from ordinary people. This is self evident and has been discussed at length on this website.

In a nutshell, that is the problem: taboos keep White Nationalism bottled up on the internet, rhetorical radicalism and alienation produce a failure to communicate, the vanguard leads racialists down a dead end road, and the internet is being used for destructive escapism and fantasism.

That is why White Nationalists are unable to emulate the success of the Tea Party. There is no hope for the people (at least not yet) who are determined to follow that destructive path. On the other hand, there are White Nationalists who are familiar with these problems and who are looking for solutions.

The solution, as I see it, is this: we got to accept reality as our starting point, work within the system, adapt our message to our audience, and start pushing the envelope and scoring victories at the margins wherever possible. After we establish our legitimacy and build momentum, then we can push forward in a more radical direction.

At a stroke, this solves the problem: If you are not alienated anymore, you can move among ordinary people and talk to them. If you prioritize results over rhetoric, you are not adverse to adapting your message. If you accept starting with reality, then you move freely within the mainstream and start organizing people for change.

Dick Lugar: What To Do?

What can we do about race traitor Dick Lugar? Quite a lot.

(1) Fundraising – The vast majority of us are not Indiana residents. We can’t vote against Dick Lugar ourselves. However, we can work to empower those who live in Indiana, hate this scumbag, and want to be rid of this embarrassment to Hoosiers and Red America.

Money is the oxygen of politics.

If you have money, you can run negative advertisements on television and radio and in newspapers. You can finance cadres of activists to get your candidate on the ballot and turn out the vote on election day. You can directly contribute to the challenger candidate.

So there is ample opportunity here for out of state White Nationalists to make mischief in the Indiana Republican Senate primary in 2012. As the situation develops on the ground in 2011, I will be posting some specific and practical proposals for action.

(2) Votes – If you live in Indiana, you can relish the opportunity to vote against Dick Lugar that those of who us in other states don’t have. There is nothing stopping you from voting against him in the primary or organizing other people in your state to vote against him.

If every White Nationalist in Indiana voted against Dick Lugar, it wouldn’t make a difference. In a Republican primary, it is the conservative vote that matters. The implication of this is that your anti-Lugar message will be far more successful if it is crafted in the language of implicitly White conservatism.

Remember what Alinsky said: the right thing is almost always done for the wrong reasons. In the end, it is the result that matters. Well, there is no shortage of wrong reasons that can be used to persuade Republicans and mobilize Indiana conservatives to vote against Dick Lugar, and a successful insurgency should hit every note, especially the ones that resonate the most with primary voters, which should be hit repeatedly in forums (like talk radio shows) which cater to large numbers of voters.

(3) Propaganda – There is nothing stopping out of state White Nationalists from contributing to the propaganda war against Dick Lugar. The only real question is whether or not we want to be effective.

In order to be effective against Dick Lugar, the propaganda has to be specifically targeted at the implicitly White conservatives likely to vote in the Indiana Senate primary. It has to be molded in terms of their experience to be effective.

So let’s not waste our breath and money accusing Dick Lugar of being a tool of the Jewish conspiracy (which is probably true, his thirty pieces of silver are likely hidden somewhere) or anything so radical that Hoosiers are unlikely to process the message. The only thing that should interest us here is getting the desired result which is the scalp of this friend of La Raza and public enemy of White people in the Midwest.

What is needed is a new website where this permanent campaign against race traitor Dick Lugar can be conducted without having the distraction of being marginalized as “racist” and “extremist.” The sole purpose of the project would be to turn implicitly White Indiana conservatives against race traitor Dick Lugar and ensure his defeat in the 2012 Republican Senate primary.

We need to look at the NumbersUSA model. All they really do is publicize his anti-White votes on immigration bills like the DREAM Act. We need a website that will publish every single negative thing Dick Lugar has ever done to betray his constituents and a focal point (with the legitimacy necessary to circulate) where a constant drumbeat of talking points and propaganda can be shot at him over the next two years.

There are people in the pro-White movement with the skills and incentive to create an anti-Lugar NumbersUSA-style website from scratch.

(4) Research – The propaganda war against Dick Lugar will require a lot of research. We need people willing to dig into the history of this race traitor and identify every compromise and sell out of conservatives that he has ever committed. His betrayals on immigration in the Senate and affirmative action would be great ammunition to use against him.

This can also be done from out of state and coordinated through email. Then it can be posted to the crypto website and fired into the maelstrom of mainstream political debate in Indiana conservative circles.

Final Thoughts

If you are sick of losing and seeing our enemies like Tim Wise brag about our inevitable racial decline, this is a worthwhile project that you can contribute to. This is a chance to be effective and make a difference by helping to knock off our worst enemy in the Senate on immigration.

White Nationalists desperately need a victory. Without victories, we cease to believe in ourselves, and lack the confidence to push our agenda forward. This is a movement that we should be able to get behind. It is a healthy exercise in political activity for Indiana, the nation, and our cause.

Let’s get started.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Half measures are better than no measures. I will take half measures and a slow, glacial moving of discourse and the goal posts in our direction over nothing. Leaving an Indiana Senaye seat in the hands of La Raza supporter is insane. We can always reassess our approach if the facts on the ground change. If the facts on the ground change and people suddenly become open to a radical message, well then we can always switch over to a radical message. I would be willing to volunteer time to help with research. We can always start the research immediately and begin compiling the information now. We don’t need the anti-Lugar Web site up and running to start that now or soon. Maybe you should reopen the OD forum, but make it private and let everyone put their anti-Lugar information there until the site is ready.

    I’m going to predict the counter arguments to your suggestion will fall into three categories: 1) Indiana conservatives don’t need help from WN to defeat Lugar, 2) Helping elect any Republican is aiding the enemy because the GOP is the enemy, and 3) Lugar’s opponent is a Zionist who supports Isreal. Granted we don’t actually know if the challenger will be a supporter of Israel, but it’s likely he will be.

  2. Any candidate who wants to be elected has to pay lip service to Israel, so what? Really, if a rogue asteroid came down tomorrow and turned Israel into a crater what benefit would that be to white Americans? Would the wetbacks magically disappear? Would the Culture of Critique magically evaporate from its ensconced position in the educational racket? Would the mainstream media suddenly be purged of anti-white forces. Would president Hussein and his baby mama no longer be defiling the White House until at least Jan 20, 2013?

    Those who put anti-zionism before all else are as kooky as the area 51 crowd who talk about their rectal probes on board flying saucers.

  3. My riposte will be:

    (1) If for nothing else, White Nationalists need a victory to gain confidence and build momentum. Right now thousands of White Nationalists have all but given up on trying to reverse our racial decline. This is what Alinsky called a “cinch fight.”

    Defeating Lugar in 2012 is a tractable goal. It is realistic and doable. It is a constructive way to spend our time on the internet.

    It also makes a lot more sense to position ourselves at the forefront of a winning issue (instead of insulting our audience and calling for the destruction of civilization) than financing self serving rent seekers who accomplish nothing and produce no return on our investment.

    (2) Lugar is the only Republican in the Senate who voted against the DREAM Act who is up for reelection in 2012. The idea that Republicans are the enemy is retarded.

    What sense does it make to say that Republicans are the enemy when they defeated the DREAM Act? There were only three defectors. Robert Bennett was primaried earlier this year. It makes much more sense to knock off Lugar in the same way when we will have an opportunity to do so.

    (3) So we are exchanging a pro-Israel Zionist and open borders advocate for a pro-Israel Zionist who favors Arizona-style immigration laws? We should emerge marginally better off.

    Why should we be obsessed with Israel anyway? We should care about our own people, not Palestinians. The most we can do about Israel is to cut off the welfare and cut them loose. The most realistic way of doing that is through cutting the foreign aid budget.

  4. Those who put anti-zionism before all else are as kooky as the area 51 crowd who talk about their rectal probes on board flying saucers.

    When they said some of you guys were Zionist drones and deceitful bullshitters, they weren’t fucking kidding.

  5. So if you are furious about the politics of the Kennedys what is the best strategy to deal with their subversion; work against them within the political system in Massachusetts? Or waste all your time promoting and apocalyptic war of destruction against the nation of Ireland?

  6. The Taboo is a problem because White Nationalists are unable to approach race in a constructive manner. Support for the ethnonationalism of all people including one’s own isn’t on the WN menu. Openly fantasizing about punishing the collective Other is. This needs to change. Diverse society is everyone’s problem.

  7. I think it’s safe to brand Lugar as an ‘Uncle John’.

    ‘Uncle John’ stemming from John Mccain’s treason against his own kind.

  8. I am sick and tired of people claiming to be pro-White while putting the interests of the Palestinians and Iranians over their own European kinsmen in the USA and elsewhere.

    The only germane question in my mind is this: Are we fighting for White survival in North America or not?

    If yes, then how can our highest priority be anything other than keeping as many non-Whites off of America soil as possible?

    Until the day comes when we can actually do something about the Zionists, we should support Zionists who are also immigration restrictionists. Over and out. No other strategy makes sense unless one’s most important goal is something other than restricting immigration.

  9. “Are we fighting for White survival in North America or not?

    If yes, then how can our highest priority be anything other than keeping as many non-Whites off of America soil as possible?”

    Basically, if we get sidelined into WW3 before we reach critical mass we’re screwed.

  10. The only germane question in my mind is this: Are we fighting for White survival in North America or not?

    In short, no. Anti Zionism is the bedrock of WNism/Paleoconservatism. American whites are atleast tacit enablers of Zionism so it makes more sense for WNs to put the interests of the primary victims of Zionism, the Palestinians, ahead of the interests of white Americans.

    This is why instead of arguing with or condemning WNs/Paleocons/Vanguardists/Whateverwe’recallingthemnows we should just admit to eachother that we have different goals and part amicably. It’s hypocritical for Hunter to attack the vanguardists for being obsessed with Israel when he himself is obsessed with vanguardists who are fringe even among the larger anti Zionist movement which is mostly left wing.

    As for Lugar, beating him will be the most important political event of 2012. If Lugar gets primaried and Murkowski gets purged from the caucus then Senate Republicans will be 100% anti Hispanic. Defeating Lugar isn’t going to be easy, though. He is extremely popular.

    We need to get rid of Hutchinson and Ensign too. Brown and the Maine twins have earned our support so I hope they won’t be primaried.

  11. The bedrock of White Nationalism is or should be reversing our racial decline in North America. There are many causes driving our displacement, but immigration is by far the most important of them.

    As for the Jews, the problem we have with the Jews is not so much Israel as it is the Jews who live in America, many of whom like Tim Wise are “anti-Zionists.” Israel is a problem for us insofar as its enablers here in the United States attempt to manipulate our foreign policy.

    I don’t oppose Israel because its exists. Certainly not because the “human rights” abuses of the Palestinians. I want to curtail their destructive influence over my government.

    That’s all.

    If all the Jews in America immigrated to Israel, why would that be a problem? Shouldn’t they be encouraged to move there?

  12. The bedrock of White Nationalism is or should be reversing our racial decline in North America.

    That’s like saying Black Nationalism should be about improving the dire state of black community instead of crying about racism and demanding more handouts from whitey. It should be, but it isn’t.

    If all the Jews in America immigrated to Israel, why would that be a problem?

    Because that would harm the Arabs who since the end of WWII have been the only group to fight the Jews.

    In Hitler’s last will and testement he said that fighting the Jews was the most important thing, more important even then the preservation of the German race. A huge number of escaped Nazis went to the arab world after the war to continue the fight against the Jews. The arab/islamic world is the only place on earth today where Hitler remains a beloved figure. If Hitler (who was a great friend of the Palestinians) were still alive today, whose side would he be on?

    As for the Jews, the problem we have with the Jews is not so much Israel as it is the Jews who live in America

    I agree, but that is the exact opposite of the white nationalist position. Even more mainstream WNs like David Duke are willing to work with pro immigration, anti zionist Jews because they see combatting Zionism as the first priority.

  13. Otis the Sweaty says: “Anti Zionism is the bedrock of WNism/Paleoconservatism.”

    Out of curiosity, which prominent paleocons have said that anti-Zionism and defense of the Islamic world should be higher priorities than preserving Western civilization and saving the White race from extinction?

    I quit following the paleocons closely when Sam Francis died so I have no idea what the paleocons have said in recent years. However, from roughly 1990 until Sam Francis’s death, I do not recall Flemming, Francis, Rockwell, Gottfried, Buchanan, Sobran or anyone else ever arguing that anti-Zionism should be a higher priority than preserving the West.

    Yes, the paleocons have always opposed the neocons and defined themselves in opposition to the neocons, but they have done so, on my reading of the major paleocon writers, to save America and the West from the destructive influence of the neocons, not to save Islam and destroy Israel.

    Otis the Sweaty says: “American whites are at least tacit enablers of Zionism so it makes more sense for WNs to put the interests of the primary victims of Zionism, the Palestinians, ahead of the interests of white Americans.”

    This only makes sense if anti-Zionism is your first priority as a White man even though Whites are facing genocide in their own native lands.

  14. Many White nationalists would do well in understanding the anti-White nature and rhetoric of the anti-Zionist movement. Tanstaafl over at Age of Treason did a good job recently discussing this very issue in his article Gordon Duff: Friend or Foe? Many of the anti-Zionists are anti-White.

    Regardless of the Tea Party and their unwillingness at this time to face race, I would say they are a greater ally to us in the longrun then the anti-Zionists whos anti-White screeds know no end.

    Pick your allies carefully. Being anti-Zionist is not enouph.

  15. Buchanon (my ideal presidential candidate) and Gottfried aren’t true paleos, they just use the term. A true paleo would be somebody like Paul Craig Roberts or Justin Raimondo.

    I don’t know much about Sobran although by the end of his life he had indicated that he no longer opposed Hispanic immigration.

    Did anybody else hear about Haley Barbour’s comments? The Left wing sites are in an uproar and all the supposedly “we’re not racist” tea partiers on places like HotAir is sticking up for Haley. It’s really funny.

  16. While all this arguing back and forth about what the “major problem” of WN’s, whites, the US, Vanguardists, Jews and Immigration are or are not is going on, over here : they are actually DOING SOMETHING about immigration. Imagine that; white people actually banding together and planning to take down RINO’s. (Hunter posted the link earlier, I just followed it and these guys are actually trying to get a PAC formed to make a difference in 2012. They deserve applause. After 40 years of waiting, I am still waiting for WN’s to DO SOMETHING (yawn), if I am still alive 20 years from now I’d still be waiting, but I think by then I’d be looking at mostly black and brown faces and it wouldn’t matter any more.

  17. Oldtimer,

    The turnaround at Free Republic has been really amazing. You ought to read the immigration and race threads there now. Some of the comments there are Stormfront material.

  18. Fundraising can be done anonymously. That shouldn’t be a problem.
    Hunter Wallace

    Campaign contributions above $200 are public record with your real name and address included. Campaign finance law is intended to make organizing anonymously as difficult as possible.

  19. “A true paleo would be somebody like… Justin Raimondo.”

    Really? A queer?

    And would you like to cite the specific information or quote where Joe Sobran signaled he no longer opposed Hispanic immigration?

    There are quite a number of other statements you have made that are less than accurate, too.

  20. Really? A queer?

    He may be gay but to his credit he isn’t really down with the whole gay rights agenda. In fact, he might even be a bit of a self hating homo.

    And would you like to cite the specific information or quote where Joe Sobran signaled he no longer opposed Hispanic immigration?

    I didn’t read the original article but the exact quote was “I just can’t see Jesus turning them all back” in reference to illegal immigration. I’ll see if I can dig up the exact reference.

    Paul Craig Roberts, on the other hand is clear about supporting Hispanic immigration, and he isn’t the only one. is full of pro immigration writers.

    I don’t fault them, I actually think it’s a good strategy. The only people I don’t like are those who just complain about everything but don’t offer any practical solutions. Guys like Raimando and Roberts know that the quickest way to stop the wars is to bring in more mexicans so they support that.

  21. here’s the quote:

    But I find it hard to see how any Christian can get indignant about poor men who leave home to take tough, low-paying jobs in order to feed their families. I can’t imagine Jesus standing on the border to turn them back. As for angry talk of an “invasion,” it’ s a pretty peaceful one, and the complaint comes oddly from Americans who believe their own country has the right to invade countries around the world, and not necessarily in a pacific manner.

    I think you can see from this that guys like Sobran, Roberts, Rockwell and Raimando are totally different from guys like Buchanon or Taki.

  22. Buchanon (my ideal presidential candidate) and Gottfried aren’t true paleos, they just use the term.

    It was Gottfried who invented the term”paleoconservative”.Raimondo is a libertarian. PCR doesn’t label himself and isn’t part of any movement, but most of his readers at Counterpunch probably think he’s converted to leftism. You have to notice that PCR doesn’t show
    up at any of the alt right conferences-like HLM Club or Hoppe’s in Turkey.

  23. Campaign contributions above $200 are public record with your real name and address included. Campaign finance law is intended to make organizing anonymously as difficult as possible.

    I can easily find my name on the internet as a PJB contributor.

  24. Hoppe-Rothbard’s heir and the greatest living libertarian thinker- is being increasingly marginalized by the Lew Rockwell bunch as it moves left.

    They no longer have the balls to defend stuff like this:
    There can be no tolerance toward democrats and communists in a libertarian social order. They will have to be physically separated and expelled from society. Likewise, in a covenant founded for the purpose of protecting family and kin, there can be no tolerance toward those habitually promoting lifestyles incompatible with this goal. They – the advocates of alternative, non-family and kin-centred lifestyles such as, for instance, individual hedonism, parasitism, nature-environment worship, homosexuality, or communism – will have to be physically removed from society, too, if one is to maintain a libertarian order.

  25. HW you are so utterly destroying the hideout vanguardist costume types may I try and help them at least mount something credible in their defense?

    Maybe the costume internet warriors can ask of HW, “What will these GOP wonder warriors do when called “racist” by a radical?”

    Will they further sell out whites or will they do what just happened to the SPLC?

    Our greatest gift to the “mainstream” is one phrase, that is, “anti-White.”

  26. “American whites are at least tacit enablers of Zionism so it makes more sense for WNs to put the interests of the primary victims of Zionism, the Palestinians, ahead of the interests of white Americans.”

    My interest is the god damn baby mama or hispanic sitting in a job that should be mine, the darn Mexican, and other strange foreigners pouring into my hometown, and my former job sitting over in China. I care about crap that personally affects me. Vague talk about “the long term posterity of Whites” has some appeal, but people are primarily motivated by self interest and a campaign that focuses on whites a thousand years from now will only appeal to the small number of idealists that typically go for things like Quakerism. “Antizionism” will have even less mass appeal, primarily for the X-files crowd. Siding with the Muslims in a post 911 America is a losing hand.

  27. Joe Sobran moved from paleconservatism to an extreme brand of paleo-libertarianism toward the end of his career after being influenced on the work of Hans Herman Hoppe. Joe reversed himself on immigration very late in life after reading Pat Buchanan. In addition, Sobran’s sympathies with the Palestinians were generally reserved the Palestinian Christians, not Muslims in general. Sobran opposed Jews and Zionism because of he was 1) an Old Right non-interventionist, 2) a defender of the West and the Catholic Church who recognized the pernicious influence of the neocons, and 3) because Jews destroyed his career. (For younger readers who might not be aware, Sobran’s writings remain some of the best gateway material to the JQ for Christians.)

    Otis, I am simply astounded there is a faction of the self-described White Nationalists willing to import to Hispanics and submerge Whites in North America in an effort to protect Iran and the Palestinians form Israel.

    I also find it just about impossible to believe Adolph Hitler ever said opposing Jews is more important than saving the German race. If you have time and care to provide a source for that, I would be interested in seeing it.

  28. Otis, I am simply astounded there is a faction of the self-described White Nationalists willing to import to Hispanics and submerge Whites in North America in an effort to protect Iran and the Palestinians form Israel.

    I define white nationalism as what I read on Stormfront or the Phora (VNN is too crazy to count as any real ideology). Now I could be wrong but most people on those sites seem to believe it is more important to fight Zionism than things like leftists, hispanics or even American Jews.

    A great example would be the debate surrounding this British clown named George Galloway. Galloway is a an anti racist British politician who supports jailing Holocaust revisionists but he is fervently pro muslim immigration and anti Zionist. If you check out threads on Stormfront about him, the reaction to him is overwhelmingly positive.

    In fact, some people on Stormfront even like left wing Jews like Noam Chomsky because of his anti Zionism.

    Now, admittedly, it is rare for a self described WN to support Hispanic immigration, hispanics are just too obnoxious to support (although some support arab/islamic immigration) but most agree that Mexican immigration is small potatoes compared to dealing with Zionism. Paleocons like Roberts are a different story as they don’t claim any loyalty to whites so ofcourse they will support Hispanic immigration.

  29. Hunter, it’s very nice to load up OD and see the phrase “offense formation.” That’s exactly right – after playing defense on the various amnesties for the past decade it’s nice to suddenly be able to consider going on the offense. The anti-Dick Lugar campaign sounds great.

    I want to add my own take: the time is ripe for a serious attack on illegals’ ability to work in this country. There’s no better time than during a down economy. In my travels talking to different sorts of people, I’ve been impressed that when the topic of illegal immigration comes up, most people understand that the ability of illegals to come here and get jobs is the root of the issue. The illegal immigration problem will never be solved until it’s next to impossible for illegals to work here.

    We can go on about SB 1070-style laws, ending birthright citizenship and building fences and so on and I’m not opposed to these measures – they all add to discouraging illegals from coming here and encouraging the ones here to go home. But the stake through the heart is ending the access cheap labor profiteers have to cheap illegal labor. All else will follow.

    And like I said, people understand this in a surprisingly bipartisan way. There are many, many average white Dems ready to support such an effort. It should the central issue for white advocates who are serious about doing something practical in the real world about illegal immigration.

    NumbersUSA’s support for stronger implementation of E-verify is a good start. Would be nice to see a more active, aggressive campaign on this crucial issue.

  30. Hunter;
    ” You ought to read the immigration and race threads there now. Some of the comments there are Stormfront material.”

    I did try. I found a lot of evidence of the attitude reversal, calling for action on a lot of issues (i.e.: getting immigration , both legal and illegal stopped and eliminating anchor baby citizenship, etc.). Good stuff, but I could not find anything as radical as you might find on Stormfront. I was intrigued by the notion, but there was no name-calling, epithets, use of derogatory racial terms and so forth. Not that I felt a need to find such there, but it would have been indicative of real anger. Instead, I found all the commentary that I read to use PC terminology: “blacks”, “Latinos” etc. But I DO see the anger there. Can you steer me/us to the comments you meant? I also saw something that did show some real racial awareness though: there was some flutter over some pics of a revealing sort. These were of an actress who is being billed as “Latino” by the media and looks very white. She was correctly pointed out to be of Spanish origin (and they are white). Which is something the Jewish media does to try to fool the Average American boob-tube addict that she (Penelope Cruz) is a Latino and thereby assume that all Latinos are as white as she is, etc.

  31. Otis the Sweaty says:
    “I define white nationalism as what I read on Stormfront or the Phora (VNN is too crazy to count as any real ideology). Now I could be wrong but most people on those sites seem to believe it is more important to fight Zionism than things like leftists, hispanics or even American Jews.”

    You are correct. Talking about any issue, other than White survival, does not advance White interests. In fact it makes White interests invisible.

    All Whites ever do, is talk about anything but what is in our own interests, while other races constantly make demands.

    We have to learn to unapologetically pursue our primary interest, which is White survival using any political means.

    Anyone who says they are not willing to do something to advance white representation, because of some principle they hold, is a purist and as far as I am concerned they are not pro White.

  32. “In Hitler’s last will and testement he said that fighting the Jews was the most important thing, more important even then the preservation of the German race.”

    I don’t know if this quote is accurate but regardless it illustrates the problem with hating jews. jews are just a tribal group who evolved into a particular niche which is harmful to the majority population of the countries they live in. This is especially true if their numbers get too large.

    The solution is to expel them and keep them expelled. So long, have a nice life etc.

    Don’t hate your enemy. It clouds your judgement.

  33. “The Taboo is a problem because White Nationalists are unable to approach race in a constructive manner. Support for the ethnonationalism of all people including one’s own isn’t on the WN menu. Openly fantasizing about punishing the collective Other is. This needs to change. Diverse society is everyone’s problem.”

    This is total BS. The vast majority of WN have always been for all people having their own nations. The non-white elements here in our country are overwhelmingly here because they enjoy leaching off of us. We aren’t going to convince many of them to go away purely on the basis of their own ethnonationalism.

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