National Television Debut

New York

I’m watching the rerun of the Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC. She is doing a segment on Gov. Haley Barbour’s comments called “Missinformation” about the Council of Conservative Citizens.

Lo and behold, Maddow flashed a photo of the CofCC Confederate Flag rally in Columbia that I attended back in June. There was none other than yours truly proudly standing in front of the Confederate monument.

Thanks for the free publicity, Rachel.

Next time feel free to point out that “Hunter Wallace” of Occidental Dissent is a ferocious critic of the so-called “DREAM Act” and subscribes to “raaaaacist views” and that his only regret is that the Confederacy lost the War Between the States.

Life was indeed much better back then.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hmmm. Mainstream exposure. Sure you haven’t sold out Hunter. Suuuuure. Next thing we know you’ll be subbing for Hannity.

  2. Looks like Vdare is going under. Any chance of Chronicles, Takimag or American Conservative publishing your work? You’d make some money and get some more exposure.

    Then again, given the way Sailer has been blacklisted there does seem to be a very low ceiling to how far somebody with the wrong views is allowed to rise. Sailer should be the top opinion writer in America and instead he is forced to pathetically beg his readers for donations.

    Hunter, I’ve never been in the South so I don’t know, could an openly racist candidate win statewide office there? It would really help our cause if an unapologetic, pro segregation racist could become govenor of some Southern state.

  3. Once a national politician(s) utters the phrase “anti-White” the world will turn, as of now the groveling still continues and the safe avenues of quibbling the details such as they do at v-dare, cofcc, amren and the even more “mainstream” outlets continues and the cult of liberalism (the cult of anti-White) survives.

  4. Hunter,

    FWIW, I think Otis is right that to the extent possible you should try to find a larger audience for your work. You are filling a niche within the American right-wing scene that exists no where else. I don’t think that Chronicles, Takimag, or the American Conservative are the place to start, however, if this is an idea you are open to.

    Perhaps you should approach Richard Spencer or Kevin MacDonald. Writing for either one of them would allow you to test your arguments against an intelligent, racialist, anti-GOP audience but an audience not comprised of WN vanguardists. In this sense, it would not be preaching to the choir or arguing against the choir because that group would likely come up with fresh objections to answer. Spencer or MacDonald might also want a writer who focuses on practical ways to advance racialist objectives since their other writers do a good job covering the history, culture, politics from an anti-GOP perspective and every angle of the struggle it seems except the practicalities of doing something effective now.

    Spencer’s 10 minute fund raising appeal is interesting for those who haven’t seen it. He talks about the direction and philosophy of altright which by itself is interesting, but he also makes the point that altright has a key niche in the conservative world because every other conservative site is interchangeable. Spencer makes the point that if one conservative site disappears, there would be nothing lost in terms of discourse variety. If altright disappears, however, a unique voice and perspective in the conservative internet world would be gone.

    OD clearly has a similar niche in the racialist Internet world. There are many “hardcore” vanguard sites so if one goes down little is lost, but if OD were to disappear a unique voice would be gone.

  5. Hunter: I agree with the commenters who think that you would be a good fit at AltRight.

    On the topic of your photo, would it kill you guys to wear suits?

  6. I think most everyone here wishing Hunter the best and hope he “breaks out” and writes to a much larger audience and wins friends and influences thousands of new people.

    My advice is that he simply gets away from anything that is too political, too “hard right” too open White Nationalism.

    Hunter should write about things local Whites in his area of Alabama care about and that’s mostly non political things – subjects like hunting and fishing – who are the best unknown until now Alabama White fishermen, hunters? How about new White folk singers, Whiter high school football coaches? Hunter could have some radio show, podcast that is like that (#&$*@$ A. Hole PC LIBERAL) Garrison Keillor’s Prairie Home Companion, where Keilor hooked his audience with authentic Upper MidWest folk music, folk humor, folk culture and then once he had this large audience, Keilor tried to push his PC Liberal politics on them, Hunter would be doing something similar only presenting implicit White Nationalism to a specific Local Alabama audience and then folks from around America, around the world who support this type of Alabama culture, politics could tune it. Tennessee bass fishing TV shows are popular in metro New York City.

  7. I don’t think Hunter should try and reach new audiences by branching out to other sites, although he certainly has the chops. He should stay here and stake out his own territory instead of muddying the waters through other sites. Personally I’ve never been able to take altright – their format is too flashy. And I don’t like Occidental Observer much since they’ve changed their format. Keep it simple, punchy and honest. People will come. Don’t dilute your message by competing with other authors. Put a donate link up again if you have to. I’d pay for this stuff easy. This is good stuff. You’ve got a great site going. Great commenters. It’s a family. Grow it, don’t sell it out. Rock on.

  8. Jack Ryan’s advice sucks. Most whites are racist in private. Even among blacks and browns they’re friendly with most say what they think. Being openly racist isn’t going to turn people off.

    The flip side is that widespread private racism proves the problem is a lack of whites with the balls to be racist in public. Getting more whites to agree with you won’t achieve shit. They already do. I’ve yet to see someone disagree when I point out the country will go to shit when its run by darkies. Liberals aren’t making it up when they accuse conservatives of courting implicit whiteness. But look what that’s achieved.

    The strategy for this point in time is simple. Get the whites who agree to openly admit it and do something about it. Critical mass can’t be too far away. A handful of fundamentalist nutjobs came to my college every month with big signs and the 50,000 strong student body became familiar with them. A few committed people campaigning in the “free speech” zones of major universities could easily change the image of a racist from a vague sense of someone who automatically hates individuals for their color to someone with irrefutable facts and common sense politics.

  9. “Looks like Vdare is going under.”
    I remember them doing this same “please give generously because V-dare won’t be there for you next year if you don’t”, Christmas fund raising campaign last year. And the year before. It will probably become a regular yearly fund drive like Public Radio has.

  10. The best way to argue with the left is to adopt their labels and force them to argue about actual content. If you deny being racist, the left wins. Instead you need to own the word.

  11. “Brimelow admits to taking $350k/annum from VDare”
    Care to post a link to some reputable source to substantiate that? I could find nothing supporting that statement anywhere.

  12. @Otis the Sweaty
    “The best way to argue with the left is to adopt their labels and force them to argue about actual content. If you deny being racist, the left wins. Instead you need to own the word.”

    Never ever, cooperate with the enemy! All collaborators will be shot!

    “In your opinion, I’m a racist.
    You’re just calling me that because I’m White.
    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White. ”

    Only idiots negotiate with those that are trying to exterminate their people. I never beg for my people’s existence using nerdy facts and figures, to try and prove my people’s superiority. Our right to exist is a fundamental human right.

    I call these freaks out as being Anti-White and Pro White Genocide and hold them responsible for their attempted Genocide of my people.

    White genocide Mantra

  13. Well said dingobob. I’ll bet otis uses the chosen word for “anti-racists” and that is “antis”, exactly what they want to be called.

  14. (1) I wasn’t the organizer of this event.

    (2) It had to be at least 95 degrees in Columbia.

    (3) It was so hot in Columbia that the event had to take place in the shade underneath the trees.

    (4) The several of us who were there looked like normal White Southerners who could have walked off the campus of Auburn or USC.

  15. I have nothing against VDARE.

    Considering the alternatives to VDARE, Brimelow deserves whatever salary he draws from the site.

    OD has become a lot more like VDARE lately in that we are focused more on mainstream politics and immigration policy than we used to be.

  16. LEW,

    I’m only interested in working with people who can be motivated to do something about our problems. It is a waste of time to argue with alienated people who are just going to criticize the GOP without proposing any viable alternative.

    Instead of arguing with those people, I can do any number of things: workout at the gym, write for my own blog, go hunting, hang out with friends, make money, burrow myself deeper into state and local politics, push the envelope on mainstream sites that reach a wider audience, etc.

    The “lemmings” are a lot smarter than their critics: they spend their leisure time trying to enjoy themselves instead of being angry and alienated all the time.

    The “lemmings” also vote and make their voices heard whereas the vanguardists fail to do even that much. If you aren’t going to do anything to reverse our decline, it makes a lot more sense to try to enjoy your own life and stop obstructing those who want to make a difference.

  17. Hunter, you’ve been writing for ten years now and I personally feel very close to your thinking. Have you thought of publishing a book in an effort to systemize and add coherence to your worldview? I think it’s time. I’ll help you with it.

  18. I would prefer to give it at least a year. I want to see how things work out for us on the legislative front. There is always the chance that the GOP could revert to the pro-amnesty position under a Newt Gingrich or a Jeb Bush.

    I think we will know by the end of next year how far we can push this model. By that time, other states should have passed their own immigration laws, there will have been a push in the House for things like E-Verify, and the federal courts will have weighed in on SB 1070 and the other state immigration laws.

  19. FB, my thinking is very close to your own: start a website dedicated to the worship of Hitler; get hauled in front of the Canadian Human Rights Commission and threatened with prosecution.; take down my website and then begin trolling other WN websites that were not so intemperate as to dedicate themselves to Hitler-worship in search of “anti-Semitism”. LOL.

  20. There are about 450 000 Web sites dedicated to your hero and anti-Semitism. And all about as irrelevant and inconsequential to real problems; actually, that would be unfair: they’re a beautiful fundraising mechanism for racist-hunters and a fantastic pretext to promulgate additional anti-hate laws in the West (to stop Nazis from murdering Jews, gays, non-Whites, etc.). In that sense, and only in that sense, they’ve got a role to play. It can further be argued, I suppose, that they also highlight that racially conscious Whites are potential Holocaust-perpetrators and thus effectively scare away normal Whites who otherwise might be receptive to an implicitly White Nationalist message. See Alex Linder. All in all, a winning formula (but for whom?).

    Oh and I hardly ever post anywhere (the fact that I reject anti-Semitism and Teutonism as a solution to 21st Century problems, doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m trolling). One day, you’ll be forced to realize (or maybe not) that one can genuinely come to the conclusion that anti-Semitism is a political dead-end. On the contrary, it’s an albatross around our necks for those who wish to organize to promote our interests.

    And it’s not because we’re being blackmailed by the Jooz.

    But as Hunter has written, you’re not interested in producing concrete results out in the real world, you’re the prototype of a little Internet rhetorical radical whose life consists of living in a fantasy world and furiously typing hundreds of widely unread messages a day on obscure extremist blogs that might reach 000000000000.1% of Whites. That’s the total extent of your accomplishments and activism. To call you a zero would be to grant you more importance than you merit. In fact, it’s anachronistic wannabe Brown shirts like you who hold us back.

  21. I think the ADL or some other Jew org did a survey recently and found there are significant undercurrents of anti-semitism within American and European society.

    If we are to believe them, then the notion that anti-Semitism (depending on how one chooses to define it as the definitions seem to be inconsistent and wildly varying when talking to philosemites) being a political dead-end would seem to be inaccurate. There is at least *some* nominal tolerance for discussion on the JQ. I don’t really understand the reactionary philosemitism.

    Now of course I agree that exterminationists like Alex Linder are political non-starters, but it in my discussions with normal people, quite a number of them were willing to entertain some sort of idea that Jews have too much power or are associated with some sort of negative quality, which jives with the surveys I just mentioned.

    I definitely agree that psychopathic Judeo-obsessiveness is a problem among some of the crowd as well as the generally unhinged hyperbolic rhetoric that is symptomatic of alienation from the normal white people we’re supposed to be supporting.

    As a point to CC above, even Jews don’t believe FB is sincere in his overnight 180 degree spin from being a rabid Hitlerite to becoming a rabid philosemite. (I’m not weighing in on that, just mentioning the facts).

  22. “I think the ADL or some other Jew org did a survey recently and found there are significant undercurrents of anti-semitism within American and European society.”

    The ADL is not credible on anti-Semitism and its manifestations, they have a vested interested in playing it up for financial and political motives. The vast majority of Whites have been successfully programmed over decades to see Jews as victims. Additionally, most just see them as other Whites like them. Add to that mix American philosemitic Evangelical Christianity and any whiff of anti-Semitism can only serve to antagonize your target audience.

    “If we are to believe them, then the notion that anti-Semitism (depending on how one chooses to define it as the definitions seem to be inconsistent and wildly varying when talking to philosemites) being a political dead-end would seem to be inaccurate. There is at least *some* nominal tolerance for discussion on the JQ. I don’t really understand the reactionary philosemitism.”

    Knock yourself out, Donald, and see where an anti-Semitic party plank will get you with the average White voter. If you honestly think that it’s a recipe for success, you’re delusional.

    “Now of course I agree that exterminationists like Alex Linder are political non-starters, but it in my discussions with normal people, quite a number of them were willing to entertain some sort of idea that Jews have too much power or are associated with some sort of negative quality, which jives with the surveys I just mentioned.”

    Addressing Jewish influence in a political setting is an electoral loser, at least in the West. Try to pull it off in front of any audience of normal White people and watch their reaction. I’d focus on race realism, immigration, and anti-White policies of political and judicial elites. If you throw anti-Jewish rhetoric into it, you’ve just shot yourself in the foot.

    “I definitely agree that psychopathic Judeo-obsessiveness is a problem among some of the crowd as well as the generally unhinged hyperbolic rhetoric that is symptomatic of alienation from the normal white people we’re supposed to be supporting.”

    I suggest avoiding the JQ in practical White politics. That’s my advice to any explicit White advocate who wants to make a jump into politics.

    “As a point to CC above, even Jews don’t believe FB is sincere in his overnight 180 degree spin from being a rabid Hitlerite to becoming a rabid philosemite. (I’m not weighing in on that, just mentioning the facts).”

    It’s been well over two years since I gave my reasons. I came to my conclusions via a lot of reading, observing, and reflecting. The only “rabid” reactions you see is from those who cannot accept that somebody refuses to toe their anti-Semitic party-line. You can attack my arguments if you want but the bullshit conspiracy theories are a waste of our time. In any case, my online presence is minuscule.

  23. The thing is, we all agree that Jews basically suck. Even Churchill thought that Jews sucked. We all agree that we need to end the wars and stop running interference for Israel at the UN end end the billions in welfare we give them. But most of us here just don’t feel like focusing on it.

    I like the Buchanon/Vdare strategy of not ignoring Jews, but not becoming obsessed with the either. A middle ground is possible.

  24. Donald,

    You are right, and like you I know it is true that obsessive fixation on Jews and Hitler worship is a nonstarter, but that does not mean we cannot or should not discuss them when and where they are relevant.

    FB is as wrong as those who think that shouting Seig Heil! is politically viable. I don’t know where he “hangs out” or what all he reads, but he is a evidently textbook example of the phenomena of the Solipsism–where a person thinks the entire world and everybody in it has the very same experience and environment as that which he does.

    Few people today who matter as far as we are concerned pay much attention to, much less are swayed by, the frantic warnings and denunciations of ADL type groups and people. This is obvious. More than a few WN are ironically themselves victims of the enemies propaganda. For example, to hear many WN’s talk, one would think nearly 3/4 of white women today are sleeping with blacks. And like FB, many constantly tell us what we can and cannot do in terms of talking with and convincing other whites. According to them, the average white man is as anti white as the New York Times staff. This is what can happen when you do not occasionally step back to take your nose off the bark of a single tree and look at the whole forest in front of you.

    The Jewish Question requires a different approach, that is all. So do many other subjects and endeavors in life. It is not the giant and impossible hurdle many would have us believe. For a start, discussing Hollywood and movies, televisions shows, commercials, and music provides an A-1 setting to bringing up and discussing the JQ.

  25. Otis the Sweaty posted:

    “The best way to argue with the left is to adopt their labels and force them to argue about actual content. If you deny being racist, the left wins. Instead you need to own the word.”

    Don’t deny OR confirm being racist. AFAIC, race is a distraction from the real issues of class and power. The racist label is nothing more than an time-proven effective strategy to shut the White lumpenproletariat down when he is making an argument or a demand. He has been so indoctrinated by “progressive” politically correct education in believing that racism is the ultimate evil that the accusation distracts him by making him feel flustered and defensive.

    I remember reading about a depressed White town in Iowa. They were upset because there were not jobs. Guess what the solution of the city council was to their complaints? More diversity! So they invited 100 Negro families to move in and the Whites stopped complaining about the lack of jobs and more about Negro crime. So then their city council could righteously scold them for being RAYCISSS! The White elite pulls those kinds of stunts ALL the time and their little Rainbow Tools play along. Screw them both.

    I know, because back in the day that stupid little word had that effect on ME. Until the day I was so irritated by the offending minority that when I reamed them out and they tried to play the race card with me, I was so irritated, I said, “Whatever!” Then I reamed them out over their behavior that much more severely. And they had their fellow minorities there to back them up. But I backed them down, because I was RIGHT and stood on truth and they KNEW I would not be bullied or intimidated by a damned WORD into backing down or groveling.

    After that, I felt freed. “Whatever!” is the perfect response to “You’re RAY-CISS!” With that word you yank that race card out of their hand and then bitch slap them with it. Whites have nothing to prove. Whites are NOT required to confirm or deny a damned thing. Just say “Whatever!” Then let’er rip! You’ll never go back to being afraid of a stupid little word again.

    I don’t care what color you are when I’m arguing with you. If I can, I WILL get the last word! Pfffft!

  26. I know an elderly White Gentile lady who has a Jewish-sounding surname. She gets ADL literature all the time. Just reading it would convince one that Hitler is alive and well and living in Argentina and that a bunch of Neo-Nazis will come kicking down her door any day now to haul her old behind off to the concentration camp. But all that can be stopped if she just gives the ADL money!

    IOW, my impression is that the ADL is a protection racket that subsists on shaking down a bunch of traumatized Holocaust era Jews out of their butter and egg money. I feel sorry for those people and wish they’d buy a one-way ticket airline ticket to Israel to keep handy and put any savings they have in an Israeli bank to make themselves feel secure. Because in such an unlikely scenario as a SHTF Red, White and Blue Pogrom, they’d end up being left twisting in the wind while the ADL gangsters are living the life of the idle rich in Rio de Janeiro or something. They disgust me.

    In any case, they leave themselves wide open for the ADL’s con, because so many of them believe that any Gentile who feels that Jews can be criticized just like everybody else out there MUST be an AntiSemite and is only seconds away from joining the KKK or the Neo Nazis. So, what can you do with them, but shake your head and let those ADL parasites suck them dry?

    Where I’m concerned the Jewish Question is not as problematic as the Gentiles Who Collaborate With Jews Question. And when I talk about collaborating, I’m talking about intentional AND subconscious collaboration. We need to focus on nipping that in the bud first and foremost. Not to mention individually working on overcoming out our personal vices. Clean up our own backyard and concentrate on policing ourselves first before we try to do the same with any other people. First things, first.

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