Creeping Genocide: Obamacare Repealed

District of Corruption

As promised, House Republicans repealed Obamacare this afternoon. The vote was 245 to 189. It passed with unanimous Republican support and with the votes of three Blue Dog Democrats from Arkansas and Oklahoma.

Harry Reid has refused to schedule a vote in the Senate. His exact words that repeal “won’t see the light of day” under the Democratic majority there. Obama would veto repeal anyway if it managed to clear Congress.

Al Sharpton and other “civil rights leaders” have criticized repeal as “racist” because the legislation disproportionately benefits uninsured non-Whites at the expense of predominately White taxpayers. Jesse Jackson has called it a “creeping genocide.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. What? Not handing out free goodies is never aracial. Listen to Jesse Jackson. He knows what he’s talking about.

    I can’t believe the House actually had the testosterone to pull that off. Then again, maybe it was simply kowtowing to President Hu. “No. Honestly sir. Please don’t call our note. Really. We’re not little shit heels that can’t control our spending. We can play big grown-up government just like you.”

    But perhaps I’m being cynical.

  2. Obamacare is an illustrative example of why the White Nationalist movement has been such a huge failure for going on forty years now.

    In the real world, White Americans (most of whom are motivated by self interest) care about those “boring issues” like jobs, taxes, and government spending. White Nationalists have little interest in most issues which resonate with ordinary people. They believe in selling their message in terms of pure idealism which resonates with only a small fraction of voters.

    What is the White Nationalist economic program?

    Support us. We want to expedite the collapse of Western civilization. We hope this recession turns into a full fledged depression. We hope the economy collapses because “worse is better.”

    The average person sees a message like that, shakes his head in disbelief, and concludes “White Nationalism is not for me.”

    Alternatively, White Nationalists could say something like Obamacare subsidizes disgusting obese negroes in poor health at the expense of White taxpayers. They could point out the myriad ways that White taxpayer dollars are wasted on “promoting diversity.”

    They could point out the insanity of importing millions of non-Whites from Latin America and Asia in the midst of the worst recession since the Great Depression.

    Ordinary people might respond positively to such a message. Then again, White Nationalists aren’t interested in making “populist appeals” to the “lemmings” anyway.

    Why do something like that when you can spend your time in a much more productive way like theorizing about the existence of a subterranean stream underneath Manhattan that leads to the center of the earth?

  3. I lovedwhat Cohen said. LOVED it! Go Jew!!! You are providing my matches! Thanks Jew! You hit EVERYTHING! In less than minutes! Nazis! Jews BLOOD LIBEL!!!! (Ariel Toaff, any-one?) Holocaust! Nazis!

    Woo HOO!

    Glenn Beck is on air now, doing spin on this, to cover for Cohen’s…over-enthusiasm.

  4. Speaking of the Democrats one of the big contributors to generally lefty causes is Bill Gates, perhaps you have heard of him. Anyway his latest crusade is birth control and abortion for shall we say the “poor”, in order to save humanity from CO2. Since the left is comprised of cults rigidly segregated I’m thinking of calling his cult “Democrats for DePop” and I want to join. Factlet; there is supposed to be a vaccine which acts as long term birth control and Bill is all hyped up for the poor to have access to it, and “Free Love.”

  5. “This is exactly the kind of aracial issue that I don’t want to see conservatives waste much effort on.”

    Jackson injected race into the issue. For non-Whites, practically everything can be reduced to race. That is indicative of the salience of their ethnocentrism through which they view life, coloring all their perceptions. Pointing out to Whites that their political opponents are motivated by racial self-interest and grievance is to demonstrate that race is relevant to their own lives whether they like it or not. It is a teachable moment.

  6. The old chestnut that conservatives care about their money is somewhat true. That’s why we should appeal to their financial self interest instead of attacking them for it.

    Show them how the Obama administration is taxing them to “spread the wealth” among Jesse Jackson’s co-ethnics. This is a path toward White Nationalism that is seldom mined.

    That is a more powerful message for this audience than IQ test scores.

    I’ve learned to constantly work my anti-immigration message into fiscal concerns. I always point out that importing Hispanics as a cheap labor force will lead to a new generation of voters that will raise taxes and expand the scope of government.

  7. Ask him a question which will embarrass him in public (preferably one that exposes his hypocrisy) and elicit a negative reaction from his audience. If you can, get someone to videotape his response and upload it to YouTube.

  8. What is the White Nationalist economic program?
    Support us. We want to expedite the collapse of Western civilization. We hope this recession turns into a full fledged depression. We hope the economy collapses because “worse is better.”

    You don’t know what your talking about. There’s alot of intelligent people on Stormfront proposing different economic models and these people know what they’re talking about. There’s alot of variation but the main theme among White Nationalists seems to be economic nationalism. What is the GOP dishing out? NAFTA, CAFTA, globalism, North American Union, free trade, union busting, de-industrialization and a plentiful supply of cheap gardeners, cooks and maids to staff their million dollar homes?

  9. “Jesse Jackson is coming to my school to give a speech next February – any ideas for what to do?”

    You could get one of those joke devices called “The Last Word” and sound it off during Jackasses’ verbiage. You press the button and it goes, “YOU’RE AN ASSHOLE!” or “FUCK OFF!” and other succinct commentary in plain Anglo Saxon.

  10. No. That’s not the way. Just ask him a respectful question like, “How many illegitimate children have you personally inflicted on us?’ Or: “Since you became a shill for the Jews (whom in private you call “Hymies”) and their welfare/illfare state, how many millions of dollars have you personalluy accumulated? On like that.

  11. And as to the House “repeal” of Obamacare, yes, it’s largely symbolic at this point…but still useful: will give more political traction to that majority of state legislatures and Attorneys General who are moving to take it apart piece-by-piece. Best would be for the House majority to refuse to raise the debt ceiling. Doubt if they have sufficient courage as it might well bring down the whole Zionist Ponzi right now…so we don’t have wait ’til mid-2012. Most likely they’ll horse-trade the issue away for some other “consideration”.

  12. “Jesse Jackson is coming to my school to give a speech next February – any ideas for what to do?”

    Ask him to expand on his famous comment, “Barack … he’s talking down to black people … telling niggers how to behave.” Then, work the hypocrisy/lack of credibility angles.

  13. Ask Jesse Jerkson if he thinks HE is a racist, since he’s complaining about taxes disproportionatley affecting minorities. Why so? Why is he ONLY concerned with minorities? sk him why he only carss about Darkies (my word – not YOURS, in questioning) – and not about homeless Whites.

  14. This is exactly the kind of aracial issue that I don’t want to see conservatives waste much effort on.

    The healthcare bill was a power grab by the central government, and the power of the central government is the means by which our race is subjugated. It’s a quintessententially racial issue.

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