Rand Paul: End Aid To Israel

District of Corruption

Senator Rand Paul intelligently exploits concern about the deficit and national debt to make fiscal conservative arguments for cutting the foreign aid budget. I have made the same point many times on this website.

He calls for “ending all foreign aid” (including aid to Israel and “humanitarian aid” to Haiti) and cites a Reuters poll that show 71 percent of Americans want to gut the foreign aid budget.

A brilliant demonstration of adapting rhetoric to get the desired legislative result. The Laptop Luftwaffe has never made a dent in Jewish power.

This could be a real blow to them.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Another good reason why I don’t have cable TV is that I am unable to watch CNN and Wolf Blitzer. He’s more concerned about federal employee drones losing their jobs than anything else. Paul kind of put him in his place with his concerns about “humanitarian” aid.

    All in all Paul the younger comes off as very impressive and it would be wonderful if his suggestions become reality. But realistically it will be a cold day in hell before one dime of foreign aid is withheld from our most “reliable ally”.

  2. Linder is a highly reliable political compass.

    I always take his advice and do the exact opposite of what he suggests. We can start making progress that way.

    Just look at Rand Paul. He ran as a conservative in Kentucky. He moderated his libertarian views to appeal to Christians. Evangelical Christians put him over the top in his Senate race.

    Now Rand Paul is a Senator giving legitimacy to the idea of defunding Israel on live national television. He also voted against the DREAM Act in December.

    Meanwhile, Alex Linder is preaching sociopathy and genocide from grandma’s basement.

  3. Yeah, well I also noticed a lot of “yes sir, Mr. Blitzer, no sir Mr. Blitzer” and Rand Paul’s “suggestion” to cut foreign aid is presented as good for Israel as more foreign aid would supposedly be cut for Egypt.

    Didn’t’ see Rand Paul noting the fact that Wolf Blitzer was once a lobbyist for AIPAC.

    American Libertarianism is allowed under the current anti White regime, as it is seen as something that never gets implemented in any way – it lets off steam for high IQ Whites and everything is framed in terms of “economics”. Rand Paul has to state up front that he has tremendous sympathy for the poor Haitians, poor Black Africans but he’s against sending them $ billions of forieng aid/tribute because it’s not effective whereas free market economics would be the best thing to help these great, noble people.

    This isn’t exactly a Braveheart speech telling Wolf Blitzer to shove it and announcing that Rand Paul would be working for our people in our country instead of funding Third World savages that would devour us.

  4. @ Hunter

    Here’s one for you to take up. As far as I know the Federal government has never released the names of those who got money, or how much they got from the Federal government during the period of the “bailout”, “tarp” or whatever you call it.

    I recently read that GE got $60 Billion because it owned two banks in Utah—I have no idea if this is true or not? Why hasn’t the government published a list of who got what, and what they paid back or have defaulted on?

    This might be more productive research & journalism than having literary sex with Linder or the Paul family.

  5. It’s an interesting topic to think about. Paul proposes $500 Billion in budget cuts to go into effect immediately. The consensus view reported (Wolf is a good proxy for that) is that it’s heartless, irresponsible and cruel. But, as Paul notes, it’s a moderate step. The total deficit this year was $1.5 Trillion, so even if we took these steps we’d still be going bankrupt at a fast pace.

    But of course, these are not going to happen. NPR will still get funding, so will the Energy Department and the CPSC and Israel and Haiti ….

    So, what changes really ARE possible? If we can’t cut 1/3 of the total unsustainable deficit is there really a way to sustain our system for much longer? Many, many writers feel that we are on the verge of a failure of the dollar. Already the Fed is buying 67% of US debt in 2011. (The classic “snake eating it’s tail” sign of terminal fiscal failure in places like Zimbabwe)

    It may be that while Rand is a wonderful person making excellent suggestions our attempts to fix the system, using only a few intelligent patriots like him, is too little too late. The next two years will tell us alot.

    We have a little time left, but not infinite. The FED buying 67% of US Debt is not a sustainable program, at least not without hyper-inflation. If we hit the big financial crisis with the current system still in place I fear the existence of a few excellent fellows in the House and Senate will have been for naught.

  6. Jack Ryan – Rand doesn’t need to call Blitzer a Jew Seed of Satan. Rand just needs to work to get funding to the Whore of Babylon (Israel) stopped. Cut off the blood to the vampire. ‘N all.

    I’ll be happy.

  7. EAP3: Eventually the Fed was forced to cough up the list of TARP recipients, as well as other special Fed funding mechanism. This was put into the financial reform bill and released Dec. 1, 2010. Here are all the details.


    The most shocking revelation to many was the extent of lending to foreign banks. Some of the biggest banks that were bailed out were not even American. (No surprise to many here, of course.)

  8. “Laptop Luftwaffe has never made a dent in Jewish power. ”

    well, the enemy will always give the sheep a pc alternative. you cant have nazi types gaining momentum and numbers. the vanguard is a piece of the multilateral assault on marxist control on western man.

  9. “We are borrowing from China to do nothing more than fund an escalating arms race.”

    That resonates strongly with previous years spent on “arms race,” and people will really recognize it.

  10. This is good. It puts the question in play. Blitzer can snivel about how cruel it is to cut off Haiti, but can he openly defend our pouring money into a first World country like Israel? Let us have a discussion.
    If Paul can say this and survive, so can others who are sick of Israel’s imperious begging. Look up the Asch experiment, done in the 1950s, to see what apparent unanimous agreement can do to a person’s opinions, and how one dissenter can upset things. That’s why the Reds are so anxious to punish dissent, they really can’t survive any serious questioning.

  11. I can see why Blitzer would raise the issue of aid to Haiti – giving aid to poor countries who have suffered terrible natural disasters is the sort of tough question that’s reasonable to ask about Paul’s proposal.

    But aid to Israel? Are many people out in TV land wringing their hands over whether Israel gets its annual allowance from the American taxpayer? Is anyone seriously worried about the survival of Israel absent our handout? Blitzer really tipped his hand on that one.

  12. ““We are borrowing from China to do nothing more than fund an escalating arms race.”

    We are borrowing nothing from China. That’s a myth. The Chinese economy would collapse if they weren’t able to manufacture widgets for American consumers to buy in big box stores. They are more dependent on us than we are on them: they are nothing more than petty manufacturers for their White masters. The Chinese government has to feed 1+ billion Chinese citizens and they need all the jobs they can get: they grovel to American companies for jobs no matter how crappy they are.

    The USA actually manufacturers more than it every has due to automation, i.e. a few robots doing the work of dozens or even hundreds of humans in a fraction of the time. Most Chinese ‘manufacturing’ is nothing more than mere assembly, snapping a bunch of parts together, sewing clothes together, screwing a few things in, etc…the most boring work imaginable. Most Americans do no not want to do that type of work anymore, we have higher aspirations: do you want to work on an assembly line for 8+ hours a day assembling or packing a bunch of Wal-Mart junk? They are also severely wrecking their environment for temporary gain: better to have the pollution over there than over here.

  13. Jack Ryan said: Yeah, well I also noticed a lot of “yes sir, Mr. Blitzer, no sir Mr. Blitzer” and Rand Paul’s “suggestion” to cut foreign aid is presented as good for Israel as more foreign aid would supposedly be cut for Egypt.

    That is exactly the way to do it. I have extensive political experience (on precint and county level), both from my birth country and from over here (even the moderate scumbags in my county GOP like me), and he’s using the exact right tactic to kill an opponent.

    First, you agree that his idiotic points might have some good in them, and that they are certainly well-intentioned. “I see your point”, “You know, that’s interesting”, “Of course…”. That way you come off as thoughtful and non-belligerent.

    Second, you point out the problems that make these suggestions quite impossible and downright harmful, and thus out of the question.

    Third, you give your solution, which is much better and which will actually solve the problem, which shows that you are a (humble) frickin’ genius.

    1) “Of course I understand that people will get hurt, and I sooo sympathize with all the mooching brownies, Haitians and Israel. I’m caring and not extreme.”

    2) “Unfortunately, we can’t keep doing that, ‘cuz it’s crazy.”

    3) “Here, let’s do it my way.”

    If you have ever taken classes in public speaking (I have), spoken in public repeatedly (I have), or studied Media at college level (I have), you would see that Senator Paul played the game right out of the textbook. He was a little too formal and didn’t show enough passion, but I think he will learn with time.

    Also, note that he’s arguing to cut money that goes primarily to brownies and Jews, in order to save Medicare, that goes primarily to Whites…

  14. White American-

    You got it half right but you’ve reached all the wrong conclusions.

    Yes, the Chinese economy would collapse without American consumers. But by suppressing their currency they are making it much cheaper for Americans to buy the stuff made over there. The result is a massive transfer of manufacturing infrastructure and technology as companies outsource.

    Yes, the USA actually manufacturers more than it every has due to automation. But we’re not the only ones doing it any more. But with a larger supply of manufacurting around the world the prices are greatly reduced. That means our revenues are reduced.

    Yes, most Chinese ‘manufacturing’ is nothing more than mere assembly… Most Americans do no not want to do that type of work anymore. But manufacturing NEVER starts out high tech. It always starts out low tech ie making garments and plastic crap. Even though many chinese do work on assembly lines snapping crap together much of the manufacturing has grown beyond that point. They have been moving into higher levels of manufacturing for several years.

    Donald Trump is a genius. Watch this and take notes.

  15. If only Rand had gone on tv and let it rip with the, “muds and kikes” rhetoric of VNN. The FBI and SPLC/ADL/JDL get their money’s worth out of them. Send em your money kids, send em your money.

  16. Well, the with the events unfolding in Egypt I think it is very possible a new government will emerge that will no longer be best buddies with Israel and we will be off the hook for forking over $$$Billions that we signed onto with the Camp David Accords.

    Whether or not Trump actually becomes President is irrelevant, the great thing about him getting into the Republican Presidential Primaries is that he would finally inject Free Trade and the treasonous de-industrialization of America into the discourse and force others to start taking positions on it. Just like politicians are starting to fear the voters over immigration more than the business lobby, perhaps they will start to come out for protectionist tariffs or face the ire of the voters. Uncle Sam has been having promiscuous unprotected trade, taking it up the ass from practically every nation on the planet, without even getting the common courtesy of a reach around. Is it any wonder our economy is terminally sick?

  17. “Whether or not Trump actually becomes President is irrelevant, the great thing about him getting into the Republican Presidential Primaries is that he would finally inject Free Trade and the treasonous de-industrialization of America into the discourse and force others to start taking positions on it. Just like politicians are starting to fear the voters over immigration more than the business lobby, perhaps they will start to come out for protectionist tariffs or face the ire of the voters. Uncle Sam has been having promiscuous unprotected trade, taking it up the ass from practically every nation on the planet, without even getting the common courtesy of a reach around. Is it any wonder our economy is terminally sick?”

    Democracy can be a wonderful thing if the population isn’t asleep at the wheel.

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