Saving South Dakota

South Dakota to consider Arizona-style immigration law

South Dakota

Pierre is another sleepy state capital about to plunge head first into the churning waters of national immigration policy.

The South Dakota legislature will soon be considering three new proposed restrictionist immigration laws:

(1) An Arizona-style immigration law that will allow law enforcement officers to check the immigration status of anyone who they believe might be an illegal alien in South Dakota.

The bill would also make it illegal for anyone to transport or conceal an illegal alien or encourage illegal aliens to move to South Dakota.

(2) A birthright citizenship law which would challenge granting U.S. citizenship to anchor babies. This is the “state compact” which is the brainchild of Kris Kobach and State Legislators for Legal Immigration.

(3) A bill that would penalize anyone who “knowingly employs, transports or conceals” an illegal alien in South Dakota.

You know the drill by now.

Republicans are sponsoring all three bills. Democrats are generally opposed to the new laws.

The ACLU plans to file lawsuits. The business community and human rights organizations are complaining about racial profiling and the economic costs of enforcement.

68 percent of voters in South Dakota support the passage of an Arizona-style immigration law. 61 percent of South Dakotans oppose the Justice Department lawsuit against Arizona.

This is the same story that we see everywhere. It doesn’t matter whether it is South Dakota, Indiana, or Mississippi.

A Familiar Pattern

There are several inconvenient truths on display here:

(1) The mainstream media is unanimously opposed to restrictionist immigration reform in South Dakota. The public is broadly supportive of Arizona and copycat laws.

Ordinary people are not lemmings who mindlessly repeat whatever they read in the newspapers. They are capable of weighing the evidence and making their own decisions.

(2) Conservatives are overwhelmingly supportive of Arizona-style immigration reform. Progressives are overwhelmingly opposed to it.

In the White Nationalist community, there is a popular legend that there are no real substantial differences between Left and Right. This is demonstrably false.

(3) Republicans who represent conservative districts are almost always the ones who file new restrictionist immigration laws in the state legislatures. Democrats generally vote against our interests on immigration.

I’ve looked at over half the states in the Union. Over the past five months, I have repeatedly shown that immigration is now a partisan issue.

(4) Populist conservatives are carrying all the water on the immigration front.

Far from being worthless, conservatives are the only constituency in America that ever does anything about immigration.

(5) There is a strong positive correlation between the racial and ideological composition of a state and its support for restrictionist immigration reform.

If a state has a strong conservative majority and a Republican dominated state government, it tends to be more inclined to pass restrictionist immigration laws.

(6) The strength of the business community at the state level plays an important role in determining whether or not restrictionist immigration laws get passed.

The business community is especially strong in Western states like Wyoming, Idaho, and Kansas. The pro-business wing of the Republican Party is the enemy.

It makes no sense to reject Republicans like Nathan Deal and Russell Pearce on account of Sam Brownback and Lindsey Graham. The sensible course of action is to replace pro-business Republicans with populist conservative candidates through the primary process.

If we respond to our predicament intelligently, we can change the composition of Congress and the state legislatures over time.

Partisan Composition

South Dakota is a Republican leaning state.

The state has a Republican governor. Republicans control the South Dakota House and Senate by large majorities.

In the 2010 midterm elections, Democrats didn’t even bother to contest Sen. John Thune’s reelection. South Dakota voters threw out Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, a Blue Dog Democrat, and replaced her with Kristi Noem, the Republican challenger.

Herseth Sandlin retaliated against South Dakotans by voting for the DREAM Act in December. Sen. John Thune voted against the DREAM Act.

Sen. Tim Johnson, a Democrat, is “a solid supporter” of the DREAM Act and proudly voted for it in December. He is up for reelection in 2014.

We have a good shot at winning a victory in South Dakota. A possibility remains though that pro-business Republicans could kill any of these three bills in committee.

That is what happened in Wyoming. We can’t afford to let that familiar scenario to unfold again. The arm twisting process must start as soon as possible.

Final Thought

These small states are showing a lot of promise. 600 immigration laws were filed in January alone.

South Dakota and its neighbors are showing a willingness to challenge the government on healthcare, gun rights, and immigration policy. Maybe bolder actions are coming down the road.

Looking into the near future, I can’t wait to see if these White, rural, fiscally conservative states in the Heartland – which want to decrease the size of the federal government – are willing to indefinitely come to the rescue of non-White, big spending, bankrupt states like California and Illinois – which favor expanding the scope of the federal government.

I don’t expect this marriage to last indefinitely. Couples have parted ways for far less serious causes than those which tie South Dakota to Washington.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. A huge surprise in the news this morning.

    By executive order, Gov. Susana Martinez brought Arizona-style immigration reform (orders police checks on the basis of “reasonable” suspicion) to New Mexico.

    The Hispanic governor of the most far gone state outside of Hawaii beats Georgia, Kentucky, and Mississippi to the finish line! The illegals must have poured into New Mexico after leaving Arizona.

    The Southwestern domino effect has begun.

    Are Nevada, Utah, Colorado, and Texas prepared to welcome the thousands of illegals being uprooted in Arizona and New Mexico? What about the even less hospitable states like Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Montana, and South Dakota?

  2. New Mexico is proof that Hispanics have their own problems with racial solidarity. It is really a unique case.

    New Mexico has a lot of Indians and Spanish Hispanics who have lived there ever since the Mexican Cession. These people dislike the Mexican invaders who are creating large pockets of crime, unemployment, and poverty in the Southwest. They often act like Whites in their voting patterns.

    They are the Hispanic equivalent of our SWPLs who identify non-Whites.

  3. Whatever differences any of us may have – Hunter is right about getting involved. Join your local GOP/Tea Party (NJ excepted), swallow their nonsense re: “It’s not about Race”! Be subtle about the fact it is about Race – and start persuading your clueless Volk about what will happen if you allow the Mestizos or Muslims to swarm in. Since it’s my mission to Name Die Jude – you can work all that in as you get to know folks – and they get to know you.

    Dropping out of engagement is the very worst course of action.

  4. Denise your mission in life is to drive yourself crazy with your obsession on die jude. They will name themselves. Secondly about the race nonsense, again the anti-Whites will name that themselves, and then you can tell your assembled masses that those on the left are not anti-racist they are anti-white and anti-white only.

    I was really worried about Mr. Taylor and his lawsuit, it certainly looked like he was walking into a trap, file it, a vetted judge tosses it and one of those steely eyed lone wolfers who live to name die jude goes off his/her rocker and Van Brunns the place because all is lost you know.

  5. HW: I went to the wedding of an in-law, to a New Mexican Hispanic woman. Throughout the unfamiliar festivities, my table mates were explaining the Spanish origins of it all. They all looked pretty Iberian, not Indian, and they made sure that I knew it. They have their own, White, Spanish culture, and have no use for an influx of Mestizos from Yucatan.

  6. Discard says:
    February 1, 2011 at 5:40 pm
    HW: I went to the wedding of an in-law, to a New Mexican Hispanic woman. Throughout the unfamiliar festivities, my table mates were explaining the Spanish origins of it all. They all looked pretty Iberian, not Indian, and they made sure that I knew it. They have their own, White, Spanish culture, and have no use for an influx of Mestizos from Yucatan.

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Hey Discard – can you introduce me to some of these Iberian White Spanish in-laws?
    I’m in a position where I am well situated to start a second family. I note that the Northern European White Anglo guy (me) with a younger White Iberian Hispanic wife seems to be a good match – there is a couple that is this way in my building and they have a charming, handsome very White son, who’s a real charmer.

    Whiter/White Hispanic women do no have any of that “chip on the shoulder” attitude to White American men and most are racial – want to marry Whiter, associate Whiter and want nothing to do with the Jewess Lesbian Obama politics.

    Let’s talk.

  7. “…Conservatives are overwhelmingly supportive of Arizona-style immigration reform. Progressives are overwhelmingly opposed to it.
    In the White Nationalist community, there is a popular legend that there are no real substantial differences between Left and Right. This is demonstrably false….”

    Well, the latching on of race to political economy, while it has been done, is utterly illogical, on a level, and that’s what they meant. In reality, a homosexual could support non-marxist ideas of economy, so could someone ugly, or fat, or black or minority, in theory. However, the left did graft race onto economy ideas, then expand to include anything non-white, and it’s been effective. The idea of a homosexual or black or minority “conservative” then looks crazy. And in this way non-whites will even vote against their interests at times, b/c they belong with the communist group (rhetorically).

  8. “…Whiter/White Hispanic women do no have any of that “chip on the shoulder” attitude to White American men…”

    Sounds like a bad divorce. Some whiter/white women don’t have chips, I’m sure.

  9. anna says:
    February 1, 2011 at 6:45 pm
    “…Whiter/White Hispanic women do no have any of that “chip on the shoulder” attitude to White American men…”

    Sounds like a bad divorce. Some whiter/white women don’t have chips, I’m sure.

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Sadly, way too many college (mis) educated White women do have this chip on their shoulders – particularly in Northern big cities. These women have never been shown how to be feminine, to compliment a man, instead they compete with men in jobs, politics. Perhaps it is caused by proximity to Jewess feminism, Hollywood movies, TV or just the brutal life of our modern cities – I find these women to lack most everything a man wants in a mate. I can basically only deal with these types of women if I have had many beers and the music is very loud so I don’t have to listen to the nonsense of what they say – and there has to always be a sports game on TV, some type of distraction – anything to take the mind away from the reality of these bitter, no fun womyn.

  10. J.R: Sorry, I can’t help you. I just used the wedding as an excuse to spend a week poking around New Mexico and Arizona. I don’t even recall the bride’s name.
    I’ve seen a fair number of White man/Hispanic woman pairs, and talked at length with one such man. A White man is a better economic deal for an educated Hispanic woman because so few of their men even graduate from high school, and since they recognize race and color as vital matters, she gains socially even among her own kind. The White man gets a woman 10 or 12 years younger than himself, but she likely has already got a young cholo under her roof. Aside from dealing with the little bastard, there is the woman’s family. They are the people that she’s trying to move up from, but she won’t leave them behind either. Get used to having in-laws in jail.
    Unless the woman is unmistakably White, and her family looks and acts White too, don’t bother.

  11. The pro business gopers being low hanging fruit since they have aligned with the anti-white left to increase the cheap labor/welfare class. The internal battle could be short swift and conclusive.

  12. Discard says:
    February 1, 2011 at 7:12 pm
    J.R: Sorry, I can’t help you. I just used the wedding as an excuse to spend a week poking around New Mexico and Arizona. I don’t even recall the bride’s name.
    I’ve seen a fair number of White man/Hispanic woman pairs, and talked at length with one such man. A White man is a better economic deal for an educated Hispanic woman because so few of their men even graduate from high school, and since they recognize race and color as vital matters, she gains socially even among her own kind. The White man gets a woman 10 or 12 years younger than himself, but she likely has already got a young cholo under her roof. Aside from dealing with the little bastard, there is the woman’s family. They are the people that she’s trying to move up from, but she won’t leave them behind either. Get used to having in-laws in jail.
    Unless the woman is unmistakably White, and her family looks and acts White too, don’t bother.

    jack Ryan replies:

    You’re talking about lower class Mestizos – not middle class, Whiter, Iberian Hispanics. My neighbors in my building are a great couple and yes, he’s 15 years older than she (he’s my age), she’s short, dark hair, brown eyes, looks both “hispanic” and also white. She’s smart and is always very happy, smiling, respects her husband and LOVES her 3 year old son. There is simply non of the tensions between husband and wife that one sees whenever American women are around American men. No one is fighting about politics, she’s not making digs at the guy that he’s a goof or bad dresser or laughing when police or muds insult the White guy.
    This woman just really likes a solid, good White American guy who’s financial secure, has a good home, treats her well. The White nordic gene is also very strong as the son has light hair when the summer son hits it. The 3 year old is a real charmer – chicks love him.
    This is what I want.

  13. I doubt you’ll find a woman like that amongst the Mexican and Central American wetbacks, the ruling elite in Latin America usually stay put unless they are fleeing a bad political situation like Cuba or Venezuela. My mom’s Polish friend has a sister who married a guy from Uruguay, he is of Italian decent with light sandy hair. Their kids are all blond yet get to go to college for free because and Uruguayan father makes them “hispanic” for affirmative action purposes. It’s nice they get to steal some of the goodies back from the leftists, but I wonder just how extensive this whole affirmative action racket is? Do all wetbacks get $60K of free college? Has anyone come up with a comprehensive documentation of all the facts about affirmative action the way Jared Taylor did for crime with his Color of Crime report? Really, maybe the time is right for repealing affirmative action to hit the Tea Parties. In this economic climate putting these ugly facts in front of Americans just might create a fury of outrage making the ground zero mosque controversy look like child’s play.

  14. Let me get this straight, Hunter. People should rush over to the Republican Party because some of them are TALKING about doing something? When is something real world going to happen?

  15. “Kris Kobach and State Legislators for Legal Immigration”

    Meaning they support race-replacement so long as it’s “legal”. What a crock of shit.

  16. This all songs like good news, and like Rodger alluded to, when is the rubber going to hit the road? And when it does are we contemplating what our enemies are going to do then? Because they are not going to just sit by and watch all their hard work come undone. Beware, there will be repercussions if these states are successful implementing these policies.

    But, I want to believe in something good right now, so I do hope this is the great awakening that this country needs, and I will go to sleep tonight prying that it is for real.

  17. J.R: Many “middle class” Hispanic women are not that at all. They go to college on affirmative action, get office jobs on affirmative action, and look the part, but they are still Cholas. You’ll get to spend every weekend with her low class family, who will talk shit about you in Spanish. You will celebrate when the cousin is released from jail and when the niece pops out her newest bastard. You just might find a jewel in the cesspool, but it’s not the best place to look.

  18. I’ve been to New Mexico and many of the Hispanics I’ve seen appear to be of Spanish ancestry not meso-Americans. They’re called Hispanos. We stopped in Albuquerque several years ago and I’m usually uncomfortable around alot of nonwhites and I had expected something along the lines of El Paso or Nogales but it was actually pleasant.

  19. Another Wallace – their will be repercussions if the States to not implement these sorts of measures, so so what?

    Discard – thank you for your astute analysis of Sleeping with Cholas.

  20. Simmons – re: Naming Die Jude – I don’t kow where you live- but there are still loads of Whites that don’t even know wht a Jew is. You can’t combat the Enemey if you can’t Name Die Enemy – ot even know that there is an enemy. Millions of Whites don’t have any clue about how things got to be the way they are.

    My job is to point out Who is Doing Whatsky, in my little sphere. Open eyes, dispense the Red Pill, what-not….

    I’m not worried about Taylor at all. He’s having a dandy time, grandstanding at press conferences, jerking around his sincere fans… one is gonna go Van Brunn, Good grief! What nonsense.Taylor’s not that interesting. He still has his magazine. [It’s] useful as a “gateway drug”. He’s made his would-be conference attendees look like utter fools. But that’s finished. No one will waste their time on his little adventures any more.

    Oh well.

  21. @Denise: this is exactly what I do. I am a “proud” member of my county GOP, with a minor but visible elected position, always volounteering for tasks. I’m known as a good-ole-boy, foreignborn though I am. People listen to me. We’re lucky here, because the local GOP is paleocon/nationalist, not country club/business/neocon. There is a lot of discussion about immigration and the vast majority of my political brethren are pretty radical restrictionists.

  22. Let me get this straight, Hunter. People should rush over to the Republican Party because some of them are TALKING about doing something? When is something real world going to happen?

    Let me get this straight, “Rodger”: we’re discussing a multitude of actual, real-world, for-really-real, yes-dumbass-it’s-happening-right-now-are-you-f*cking-blind?, anti-immigration initiatives all across America by the GOP (you know, getting stuff done and moving the goalposts in the real world ) and you’re still asking that question? I’m surprised that you have time to check in here since you’re obviously so busy building bunkers, reconnoitering for man/animal chimeras and waiting for the final collapse of ZOG…

  23. @ Capt. Chaos: One step at a time. First the illegal mestizos. Then all the millions of others who are here illegally via over-staying work, student, and tourist visas. Then the legal immigration rackets. Then other racial issues. Wider circumstances, mainly the collapse of our debt-sandwich economy – which is going to happen much sooner than HW thinks – will accelerate the necessary polarization. I can’t think of a better time to be alive.

  24. Well, if people’s ideas on here of pro-White advocacy means discussing alot of GOP rhetoric then mission accomplished. The fact is there is no real right-wing resistance in this country and there hasn’t been in a long time. I’m not advocating violence but open your eyes. Militant leftists are out there taking to the streets, smashing storefront windows, harrassing people and shoving their message down America’s throat. What passes for the right is a bunch of wimpy MLK worshippers who shrink (on queue) at the first allegation of racism by the left, trying to find their Lloyd Marcus to lead them and are perfectly fine with immigrants as long as they’re legal. The left owns the MSM promoted right.

  25. Lloyd Marcus is a black man married to a White woman and was selected by the people running it to be the face of the Tea Party.

  26. Don’t misunderstand me. I think the Tea Party is a great way to meet White Nationalists and other pro-White people but I think the organization’s leadership is tainted with neocon money.

  27. Where do you see Black People at Tea Part rallies?

    Answer – the speaker’s podium. Marcus is the House Negro.

  28. Your explanation of why they need a “house negro” will quantify what I’ve been saying about the so-called right-wing in this country.

  29. Not until we can legitemitly speak our about our own racial interest as every other group does we wont get far. My fear is that the longer we allow the idead “Race Doesnt Matter” mantra we are the losing side. We need to validate our place as the people of this nation and yes while I appreciate implicit aspects of the conservative freshmans apporach what do we do when the courts strike down all our new HB and resolutions?
    What then? I have hope we can trun it around but its a long questionable road and an unstable world and we have many foes and 5th columns amongst us…

  30. Dear Denise, you little twit, I never said there would not be repercussions. What I said was we need to pay attention because they are not going to sit still.

    Why do you feel the need to instigate so much?

  31. I’m still trying to figure out what the ramifications of the events in Egypt are going to be for white Americans. The negative is that most likely an anti-American government will come to power in Egypt and this might be used to resurrect a “neocon” candidate in 2012. The good thing is that the behavior of President Barrak Hussein Obama has been amateurish and appears to be on the side of the anti-American mobs in the Arab Street. His authority is even more diminished in the eyes of all but his leftist supporters and ghetto rats. The message is clear, this isn’t the America from a generation ago, it will not support it’s allies. If Mubarek manages to hold on, or a new regime comes to power they will more likely look to Beijing than America. Beijing could very well home to hold major influence over the Suez as well as the Panama Canal. President Hussein has squandered what influence America has left and he will be resented by the Army and elements of what is left of the White American Regime for it. As the American economy disintegrates form globalist trade and leftist social policies, a comparison to the fall of the USSR is not really accurate. The USSR turned more practical over time, as America falls it is moving towards a more radical leftist agenda.

  32. Nightowl: I don’t know if the trouble in Egypt matters that much. The Suez Canal was important to Britain, being the most direct route to their colonies in the East, but what is that to us? The only thing of value to the U.S. in that part of the world is oil, and the giant tankers of today are too big for Suez. They sail around the south of Africa.
    And if the mobs of Egypt do close the canal, it won’t be for long. It has no locks, it’s just a straight passage from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean, so all they can do is sink a few ships to block it. Those could be cleared in a matter of weeks, if the Europeans thought it were necessary.

    If an anti-American government government takes over, who cares? Aren’t just about all self-respecting governments anti-American? Mubarak is paid to get along with Israel, but what is it to us if the Israelis have more diplomatic troubles? And I just don’t see the Neocons dragging us into war over which dirtbag rules Egypt, when they can’t win the two they’ve got us in now.

    The only downside that I can see is a jump in the price of oil if more of those sandpile nations start acting up, and, the thing that bothers me most, the threat to antiquities and archeological sites across the Middle East. The savages have already looted at least one museum. Maybe I’m just a bad man to care more about mummies than about living Egyptians.

  33. Many of the Hispanics in NM are descended from Spanish settlers who did not mix with Indians and who were never really loyal to Mexico to begin with. They are not necessarily friendly to white Americans though; they see themselves as separate from “Anglos.”

    These people are dark Mediterranean types, largely from Southern Spain and may have some Arab/Jewish/North African ancestry. Before “Anglos” came, the state of NM was extremely backwards and poor. They have a lot of resentment over this.

    Spanish persons in CA and most other Western states intermarried with Anglo-Saxon Americans many generations ago and don’t exist as a group anymore. 100% of “Mexican Americans” and “Chicanos” today are descended from post 1900 immigrants.

  34. ATBOTL: Any Mexican girl who couldn’t marry up and out with a White man in the female starved California of the later 1800s was a pretty poor specimen. But I think that some of the betters sorts of Mexicans chose to keep to their own. When I was a boy in SoCal, there were some genuine middle class Mexicans living in the White neighborhoods, different, but still our equals socially. I don’t know if they still exist as a distinct group.

  35. There were no “Mexicans” in the sense that you are talking about in CA when it was settled by Americans. There were a tiny number of Spanish settlers and some Indians. All of the Spanish quickly intermarried with the much more numerous Anglo-Saxons. The Indians in CA had no sense of themselves as Mexicans. Any “Mexican” that you grew up with was the descendant of post 1900 immigrants. The early immigrants tended to be whiter and have been getting less so. Part of that is the changing demographics of Mexico itself.

    There is a misconception that Mexicans have continually inhabited CA since it became part of the US. 100% of the people today who identify as ethnically Mexican in CA today are descended from immigrants who came after the last Revolution.
    None of the people lived in CA when Americans first settled it left descendants who consider themselves Mexican, Chicano or Hispanic.

    Hunter, have you seen this article?:

    You need to be careful of counting your chickens before they hatch.

  36. ATBOTL: When I’m writing for the whole world, I have to simplify. At the end of the Mexican War, there were 4000 Hispanics in California, who called themselves Californios, , and 3000 Americans and Europeans. The gold rush filled the northern part of the state with Americans but the ranchers in the south continued to raise large families, cattle, and then sheep for decades after statehood. There were still some of the old Californio families around in the 1950s and 60s, if not later. They were proud of their names, and knew where grandpa’s ranch had been.

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