Jefferson County, Alabama has managed to raise its head above the national horizon with no less than four interesting stories about Black Run America coming out of the Birmingham metropolitan area this afternoon:
(1.) The first and most significant story is that Jefferson County will soon be laying off nearly a third of its workforce in order to avoid becoming the largest municipal bankruptcy in American history, yet again:
We are seeing “the beginning of a new era” in Jefferson County: the inevitable fiscal collapse of major municipalities in Black Run America without the fresh influx of federal bailout money:
“These steps are the beginning of a new era … a reduced level of services for the citizens of Jefferson County,” County Commissioner Jimmie Stephens told the Birmingham News. “We cannot generate any revenue. All we can do is balance the budget within the constraints of the revenue that we have. With less revenue we have no choice.”
Birmingham is only one of 16 major cities facing the possibility of financial meltdown this year unless they make deep spending cuts.
The others are San Diego, San Jose, Los Angeles and San Francisco; Camden, Patterson, and Newark; Detroit and Hamtramck; Chicago and Joliet, IL; New York City; Washington, DC; Cincinnati, OH; Reading, PA; Honolulu, HI; and Central Falls, RI.
In March, the Alabama Supreme Court struck down Birmingham’s occupational tax as unconstitutional, which generated $66 million dollars in tax revenue for the county last year. This is the immediate cause of the latest budget crisis.
Birmingham’s finances have been in chaos for years. We have discussed this here in the past on a previous incarnation of this blog. The city immersed itself in the opaque derivatives swindle on Wall Street and nearly went bankrupt in the 2008 financial crisis over its $3 billion dollar sewer debt.
The layoffs include: 282 employees in the roads department, 156 in the general services department, 148 in the sheriff’s office, 61 in the revenue, finance and budget management departments, 33 in the land planning and development, board of registrars, family court departments, and 17 in the human resources and county attorney department.
According to Reuters, a third of county workers will be put on administrative leave without pay on Monday. SBPDL has already pointed out that five Fortune 500 companies have left Birmingham in the past ten years. How many Fortune 500 corporations will be attracted to Birmingham now?
(2) The second story that caught our attention is that child prostitution is now flourishing in Jefferson County according to a new study that was released today by the Women’s Fund of Greater Birmingham.
“Invisibility: A Study of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Jefferson County” reports:
• 87 percent of survey respondents said children who are sexually exploited in Jefferson County are working for a pimp or are being pimped by a parent.
• Of the social service providers surveyed, 47 percent said the pimps identified by their organization were members of the child’s family.
• Of the identified victims, 79 percent are local to Jefferson County and consist of an equal number of blacks and whites — 38 percent each.
• 53 percent of young people identified as victims of commercial sexual exploitation in Jefferson County were homeless youth.
• 65 percent of survey respondents said they had not been trained to recognize children who were being sexually exploited and 76 percent said they did not know what questions to ask to find out if a child had been the victim of such a crime.
• 82 percent of those surveyed said there were no programs in place designed to specifically help the victims and 45 percent said there wasn’t a safe place to take them.
White people aren’t pimping out their own children in Jefferson County. The Whites involved here are assuredly Hispanics from Latin America. It comes as no surprise that African-Americans in Birmingham are pimping out their own teenage daughters to sex predators.
The Rev. James Bevel, the SCLC organizer of the 1963 Birmingham Children’s March, was arrested in 2007 on criminal charges of molesting his own daughters. His own daughter testified in court that he started repeatedly molesting her when she was six years old.
Bevel was found guilty and sentenced to 15 years in prison, but quickly died of pancreatic cancer before he could serve his sentence.
(3) In Bessemer, there has been “a borderline riot” at the Alabama Adventure theme park which forced the park to close down. SBPDL has determined that African-Americans were responsible for the chaos.
The MSM refused to report the race of the suspects who were responsible for the “borderline riot.” Fortunately, we live in the age of smart phones and YouTube, and you can watch the video below shot by a citizen journalist and draw your own politically incorrect conclusions.
(4) Finally, Mayor William A. Bell of Birmingham has filed ethics complaints with the State Ethics Commission which accuse Councilwoman Lashunda Scales of using her council position to intimidate business associates as well as police and city equipment for personal use.
This isn’t the first time this has happened either:
“In 2005, then-Mayor Bernard Kincaid appointed an outside attorney to investigate then-Councilman Bert Miller and two others concerning $25,000 in city money that was supposed to support a jazz concert that apparently never happened. Kincaid then gave the results of the independent report to the Ethics Commission.”
In case you were wondering, Mayors Bernard Kincaid and William A. Bell, Councilmen Lashunda Scales and Bert Miller (previously a maître d’ at a BBQ restaurant) are all African-Americans.
Larry Langford, the last African-American Mayor of Birmingham, began serving a 15 year felony prison sentence in 2010 after he “was arrested by the FBI on a 101-count indictment alleging conspiracy, bribery, fraud, money laundering, and filing false tax returns in connection with a long-running bribery scheme.”
He took more than $200,000 in money, designer clothes and jewelry from Montgomery investment banker William B. Blount in exchange for steering more than $7 million in debt and swap fees to two former JP Morgan bankers.
Richard Arrington, Jr. was elected in 1979 as the first African-American Mayor of Birmingham. He served in that position for twenty years.
While Arrington was in office, Birmingham became a majority black city and elected a black city council, which has systematically mismanaged the city ever since, most notoriously under Larry Langford who presided over the financial ruin of Birmingham.
This is what Birmingham has become under Black Run America: a decaying, crime ridden, majority black city where child prostitution is thriving and Fortune 500 companies are fleeing; a bankrupt metropolis held in thrall to black corruption and racial nepotism; a place where you cannot even take your kids to a water park in the summer because of riots by black teenagers.
Bull Connor clearly had the right idea when he used water hoses on those troublemakers and threw Martin Luther King in jail. If the good guys had won back then, Birmingham might actually be habitable today and the Iron Bowl might still be held there.
African-Americans like Larry Langford and William A. Bell have destroyed the Magic City. That is the true legacy of the so-called “Civil Rights Movement” in Birmingham. You won’t hear that side of the story being told anywhere else.
Update: Predictably, the fiscal absurdity of a Black Run America high speed rail line between Birmingham and Atlanta is also being explored, which would enable African American EBT card users to commute back and forth without having to buy automobiles or pay high gas prices like White people.
Blacks are heavily dependent on government jobs; almost 25% of Black working adults work for the government, likely MUCH higher in many ‘chocolate cities’:
It’s actually five Fortune 500 companies that were headquartered in Birmingham that left. Not just companies, but companies that were HEADQUARTERED in Birmingham.
No other city saw that kind of attrition over the 2000 -2010 time period.
“Bert Miller (previously a maître d’ at a BBQ restaurant)”
From that link I read: “During the 1980s the population dramatically changed. Birmingham became an increasingly an African-American city and there was the possibility that the council would become all Black.”
The main problem is that people of African descent never really evolved beyond the agrarian/hunting/fishing stage. You see evidence of this in the cities where people of BlackAfrican descent are settled en masse: they are generally hellholes. It is against their rural/agrarian genetics to deal with complex things like big cities, high technology, and so forth. Just a few centuries ago these people were settled in small villages in jungles in Sub-Saharan Africa, yet now they are thrust in to the 21st Century and expected to deal with hugely complex challenges of running major cities, dealing with complex White/Western-invented technologies, and so on. It’s obvious why they cannot and never will measure up: White/Western modernity is a major shock to them. The same can be said for many Asian and Latin American ethnic groups too. You can take the people out of the jungle but you can’t take the jungle out of the people.
Spengler’s MAN AND TECHNICS is instructive regarding how White/Western-invented technology can only be maintained and furthered by White Westerners; other racial/ethnic groups can adopt it but they will never be able to manage it adequately like White Westerners — http://www.archive.org/details/ManTechnics-AContributionToAPhilosophyOfLife193253 — read it: it’s a brilliant short read regarding the interplay between race and Western (or ‘Faustian’) technology.
“You can take the people out of the jungle but you can’t take the jungle out of the people.”
Regarding that quote, it was a huge mistake by Whites to try and urbanize all of these rural races in the past few decades, to bring them in to our 20th and 21st Centuries: Blacks, Hispanics, all kinds of Asiatics, and so on — all of them just a few decades ago were by and large living simple rural/agrarian lives all over, and now they are pouring in to White cities needing to be fed, medicated, and otherwise cared for. Again, these people are coming from pre-modern rural/agrarian conditions and then thrust in to the 21st Century White world of big cities, advanced technology, hyper-complex transportation networks, computers, modern medicine, industrialized agriculture, etc. It is obvious that they would fail to adapt: take an African person out of the jungle of Southern Sudan or an Arab out of the desert of Yemen, dump them in a major Western city, and it’s obvious they are going to flounder.
Even worse, and this is the crux of the point, White-invented technology has allowed the population of 3rd world races to explode in the past few decades, applying White technologies to 3rd world peoples has enhanced non-White fertility far beyond what they would be able to support naturally. Thus White-invented technology is both our greatest gift and greatest curse; it will be our undoing unless some top White minds figure out a way to slow the machines down before non-Whites completely swamp Whites in the very cities that their forefathers built.
Watch the Alabama Adventure video. They don’t even sound like White girls.
The business community is ultimately responsible for creating the disaster that is modern Birmingham. The Chamber of Commerce thought that appeasing the blacks would restore “law and order,” get rid of the negative publicity, and allow the local economy to grow.
Instead, Birmingham was delivered on a silver platter to the black community, who through their misbehavior and incompetence have created a financial black hole in the middle of Jefferson County.
Stay tuned to the next post. Montgomery is up next.
You forgot all those Jewish lawyers and Jewish advisors and Jewish financial donors who where behind the scenes in those black “civil rights” legal cases. Those Jews achieved their goal- the Celtic/Germanic society of Birmingham has been destroyed. Ethnically cleansed. Another European community destroyed by Jews.
A maitre d’ at a BBQ joint? Kind of overtitled himself, didn’t he?
It is an oversimplification to blame the integration of Birmingham on Jews.
(1) It was the Warren Court that ordered integration.
(2) It was President Eisenhower and President Kennedy that let it happen.
(3) It was Northern Democrats and Northern Republicans that voted for it.
(4) It was local race traitors who sold out White people.
(5) It was the business community above all else that threw us overboard.
Tokyo, Beijing, Singapore and Hong Kong and many other Japanese and Chinese cities are all high-functioning modern cities, with working systems for mass transit, sanitation, bridges, water and so on. While it may be true that some Asians races can’t cope with modern technology it’s not accurate to compare Asians, in general, with Blacks. There is a lot of difference between the Japanese and the Hmong. The Asian races well understand, among themselves, the pecking order over there.
The main problem is that people of African descent never really evolved beyond the agrarian
They never even evolved to it. Even with the help of Whites, sub-Saharan Africans are not productive farmers. That’s one of their main problems, they’re so dysfunctional they can’t even feed themselves.
No, HW, in the larger sense Phil is right. Organized Jewry is race-replacing relatively individualist, High-IQ whites with collectivizable, Low-IQ blacks for a reason, and it’s right there in the Talmud: “Kill the Best Goyim”. Naturally, as you point out, they’ve had plenty of shortsighted, corrupt white help in doing so. And by all means, keep hammering the bunnies…P-O-L-A-R-I-Z-A-T-I-O-N. It’s clearly working.
The first video shows up sideways on my view…
BRA is collapsing, but notice how the SWPL don’t care one whit. I’ll bet those feminist haridans of education thought they were creating the new supermen of effeminate passive/aggressives controlled by various verbal commands to rule the country from the cubicles of power, and instead ended up with fashion chasing narcisists more inward looking than a Hasedic sect.
Hunter and MajikFireHornet,
In the USA Jews used blacks to attack the ruling Celtic/Germanic ruling class and destroy Celtic/Germanic schools and neighborhoods. The same strategy was used in South Africa. Are both of you aware of this?
The article “Jews and Communism- The SA Experience” tells of four books that describe the Jewish role in destroying the Germanic Afrikaner society.
Quotes from the article: “the extraordinary salience of Jewish indivduals in the white oppostion to the regime of apartheid. Throughout this period Jewish names kept appearing in every facet of the struggle: amongst reformist liberals; in the radical Communist oppostion; in the courts, whether as defendants or as counsel for the defense; in the list of bannings and amongst those who fled the country to evade arrest.”
“a disproportionate number of indivdual Jews played a part in transforming South Africa into a more just society. There are two streams: those who fought within the system as jurists, members of parliament, via the media, or in civil society, and those who entered illegal organizations which were socialist, communist or mass-based in character.”
“From the outset, the Jews had been prominent in the Communist party and its various fronts. Jews were equally conspicuous in the various movements that sought to break down the barriors separating the White from the non-White population.”
Another article by Sam Davidson “Nelson Mandela and the Jews” shows Jewish leadership in the Black organizations in South Africa.
Quote: “First, in South Africa as in the United States, the Jewish role in promoting ‘civil rights’ for blacks is essentially the same. It springs from the same motives of anti-white hatred and has the same results: the rule of Jewish oligarchs over whites through black proxies and puppets.”
Everyone who reads this should print out these articles and save them.
Having taught Sam Davidson about the issue, I know the Jewish Question inside and out.
I can also state for a fact that the Jewish Question was only one piece of a much larger puzzle and that the people who say “oh, it was the Jews who did it” are wrong, and they are obfuscating the bigger picture by focusing exclusively on one thing.
I’m writing an article now about the integration of Montgomery. Look for that later this afternoon. The Jewish Question was certainly involved in the Civil Rights Movement, but it was only one aspect of it, and must be seen in the larger context of the Cold War which American policymakers were obsessed with at the time.
Here are the facts:
(1) Earl Warren was not Jewish.
(2) Gunnar Myrdal wasn’t Jewish.
(3) The local business community in Montgomery wasn’t Jewish.
(4) John F. Kennedy and RFK were not Jewish. LBJ was not Jewish. Dwight Eisenhower wasn’t Jewish.
(5) The local race traitors in Alabama were more likely to be deviant Christians than Jews.
(6) The Northern Democrats and Republicans who threw the South under the bus and who passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were not Jewish.
(7) Jews had nothing to do with the 14th Amendment and the 15th Amendment which were the constitutional basis of the attack on Jim Crow.
(8) James Zwerg wasn’t Jewish.
(9) Within the South, Southern Jews who were born and raised here kept a low profile in the Civil Rights Movement, and many of them resented the Northern Jews from Eastern Europe who came here to stir up trouble.
To my knowledge, no one has ever claimed that Southern Jews fomented the Civil Rights Movement in the American South. It was always seen as the work of outside agitators coming here on their “Freedom Rides” and sanctimonious liberals like Hubert Humphrey lecturing us about our moral defects in Congress.
Now, I could sit here and tell you what role the Jews played in the Civil Rights Movement, but I will save that for some other time. There was a Jewish role, but it was not what you think.
Just pointing out the above is sufficient to show that most of the major players were not Jews and were Gentiles like the Irish Catholic John F. Kennedy or the Swedish economist Gunnar Myrdal with his “American Dilemma” and the millions of other gullible Gentiles in places like Vermont, New York, and Wisconsin who were stupid enough to believe that integration was a good idea and that racial differences would go away in integrated schools.
It is a fiction to portray the Civil Rights Movement as a Jews vs. Whites struggle.
It was more like the majority of White Southerners and a significant minority of White Northerners against a treacherous Southern minority and a deluded Northern majority.
Every group was divided on the Civil Rights Movement and this includes Jews, although they were less divided than most other groups, much as they are today.
Why should despicable Whites like LBJ and JFK and James Zwerg and Earl Warren be let off the hook?
It should also be noted here that Jim Crow was a uniquely Southern system of race relations. There were also some Western states like Wyoming and Idaho that had milder Jim Crow laws.
The Midwest and Northeast didn’t have Jim Crow. The Whites who lived there outlawed segregation after the War Between the States.
It was more like the majority of White Southerners and a significant minority of White Northerners against a treacherous Southern minority and a deluded Northern majority.
Yes, it is pathological to exclusively lay the blame upon Jews for involvement in movements which included substantial numbers of non-Jews. Like I heard someone say at The Phora, there is today an atheistic/secular religion based on achieving salvation/utopia through racial mixing which is today embraced by large numbers of whites. This did not come from nowhere, nor did it spring up overnight, and like FB was saying some time ago, a lot of the egalitarian ideologies in European thought were the product of the Enlightenment and its fallout. Clearly this was a trend that increased in momentum over hundreds of years and reached critical mass in 20th century America, and from there was emulated by European nations in the postwar era.
The real area of Jewish subversion is US government beginning with the FDR days (and especially after LBJ who was FDR’s protege), when the managerial state gained dominance and Jews began to infiltrate the political elite class of America.
Thanks for the article, the books sounds like a good read.
Re: Birmingham. The unraveling of BRA will begin with the dissolution of the artificial black middle class, propped up by local, state and federal “busy-work” jobs, which are nothing more than a thinly veiled “wealth-redistribution” scheme.
A good beginning would be to continue to advocate for a 50% reduction in the payroll of the federal civil service. It accomplishes two things: reduces the scope of the federal government, and helps return more control to the states, and relieves the white middle class of the burden of propping up the affirmative action class.
I can also state for a fact that the Jewish Question was only one piece of a much larger puzzle and that the people who say “oh, it was the Jews who did it” are wrong, and they are obfuscating the bigger picture by focusing exclusively on one thing.
This is true. BUT, where there’s smoke, there’s fire, I says. You can criticize businessmen, whites, capitalists, liberals, leftists, etc., and nobody will denounce you as evil. You can even criticize blacks, and many whites will still give you a pass. But criticize Jews, and pretty much everyone comes out of the woodwork to denounce you.
That tells me where the action is.
Jews are the brains. Going after capitalists, leftists, commies, blacks, liberals…that’s trying to lop off a hand or a foot. Going after Jews is going after the brains.
Yes, it is pathological to exclusively lay the blame upon Jews for involvement in movements which included substantial numbers of non-Jews.
What’s pathological is pretty much anything but anti-semitism. Period. They represent ruin for all societies composed of people among which they can “pass.”
Like I heard someone say at The Phora, there is today an atheistic/secular religion based on achieving salvation/utopia through racial mixing which is today embraced by large numbers of whites. This did not come from nowhere, nor did it spring up overnight, and like FB was saying some time ago, a lot of the egalitarian ideologies in European thought were the product of the Enlightenment and its fallout. Clearly this was a trend that increased in momentum over hundreds of years and reached critical mass in 20th century America, and from there was emulated by European nations in the postwar era.
Why doesn’t anyone blame the Egyptians for everything? They’re the ones who invented and systematized the idea of heaven for the righteous AFAICT. Sounds even stupider than the stupid “ideological pedigrees” hawked by history buffs throughout the alt right, so that’s a plus, too.
Some people need to learn to separate ideas, and the power they have. Ideas only have the power given to them by people.
Lately, I have been taking a hard look at integration on the city and county level in Alabama, and what I am consistently seeing is that it was the local business community and their obsession with attracting Northern industry to the state that played the decisive role in the overthrow of segregation here.
Who were the Jews involved here?
Earl Warren and JFK weren’t Jewish. Gunnar Myrdal wasn’t Jewish. The local race traitors like the Graetzs and Durrs in Montgomery were not Jewish.
The Montgomery Chamber of Commerce wasn’t Jewish. Judge Frank Johnson wasn’t Jewish. James Zwerg who got beat up in Montgomery when the Freedom Riders came to town in 1961 wasn’t Jewish.
Why should the Jews be singled out when Northern Democrats and Northern Republicans voted overwhelmingly in favor of the Civil Rights Act of 1964? How can anyone say that Jews alone are to blame for this?
To be sure, Jews played an important role in the demise of Jim Crow, but they couldn’t have overthrown segregation by themselves. It wouldn’t have happened without the support of blacks, the presence of the fifth column in the South that was the business community, and without the support of a supermajority of idealistic Northern Whites.
The brain trust behind integration was disproportionately Jewish, but it wasn’t exclusively Jewish by any means.
The single biggest individual arsonist was the Swedish economist Gunnar Myrdal who in his book An American Dilemma came up with the theory that racial prejudice is what creates racial inequality and that eliminating “White racism” is the key to breaking a vicious cycle of prejudice creating inequality which creates prejudice.
If we were to examine the Jewish role in integration, we would have to look at the impact of Boas and his students, Felix Frankfurter on the Supreme Court, Jewish financial support for MLK and the SCLC, Jewish involvement in SNCC and CORE, Jewish influence in the Democratic Party and Kennedy administration, and Jewish influence in Hollywood and the mainstream media like The New York Times.
Fair enough.
In order to understand the Jewish role properly, you would need a comprehensive understanding of the subject which takes into account all the other various factors, and which weighs them alongside Jewish involvement in the Civil Rights Movement.
You will find that that the Jewish angle was very important in bringing about that result, but it was one factor among several others which were equally important to the demise of Jim Crow.
It is becoming clear that the business community was just as involved in the overthrow of segregation as they have been in pushing for liberal immigration laws.
“The real area of Jewish subversion is US government beginning with the FDR days (and especially after LBJ who was FDR’s protege), when the managerial state gained dominance and Jews began to infiltrate the political elite class of America.”
Wrong. As Hunter notes, Jewish subversion started well before FDR. There was a well funded and organized network of Jewish subversive organizations by 1900. The most important early one was the “Ethical Culture Society,” which attracted liberal gentile adherents and worked to deracinate whites. The ADL was active around this time too. The NAACP was created by largely Jews in this period as well. Early attempts at immigration reform around the turn of the Century were blocked by Jewish lobbying. Jews were buying up newspapers and had taken control of the film industry before WWI.
It makes sense for a mercantile ethnic minority to try and spread division and conflict among the majority host population because if the host population is fighting among themselves then they’ll be too busy to pick on the minority. The most effective way of increasing division and conflict is through identifying the existing cracks in a society and then working to make them bigger.
All societies will have cracks: class, religion, race, gender, sexuality, sub-ethnicity, region, greedy businessmen, liberal novelty gene etc. Jews actively seek to make those cracks worse but if your aim is national unity the cracks are also a problem in themselves.
The Christopher Lambert film ‘Day of Wrath’ gives one an idea of how they viewed European and white American society since the middle ages. We were a ‘danger’ they had to ‘hide’ from for centuries, pretending to be Christian. It’s a bit hard to believe they were run out of EVERY country since Israel for simply being of a different religious belief.
Hunter Wallace- “The single biggest individual arsonist was the Swedish economist Gunnar Myrdal who in his book The American Dilemma.”
Not so fast, Hunter. You are unaware of some key information surrounding Mr. Myrdal. From E. Michael Jones book “The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and its Impact on World History” page 834:
University of Chicago sociologist Louis Wirth was on the board of directors of the ADL after the war. Wirth’s attitude towards Catholic ethnics and social engineering was formed early on when he was involved with the Marxist student organizations at the University of Chicago. Wirth was then a dedicated admirer of Josef Stalin, whom, he felt, had solved the Soviet Union’s “nationalities problem”. Wirth was instrumental in bringing Gunnar Myrdal to the United States and wrote eight chapters of “The American Dilemma”, the Carnegie Foundation-sponsored book cited as justification for de-segregation in Brown vs. Board of Education.”
Did you read that Hunter? It was the Jewish sociologist Louis Wirth who “was instrumental in bringing Gunnar Myrdal to the United States”. The Jew Louis Wirth also “wrote eight chapters of ‘The American Dilemma’, the book cited as justification for de-segregation in Brown vs. Board of Education.”
Hunter, Please read pages 834 thru 837 of E. Michael Jones’ book “The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit”. It is a goldmine of information. Better yet, buy the book thru Mr. Jones’ website culturewars.com or at Amazon.
The Carnegie Foundation brought Gunnar Myrdal to the United States to write a follow up book to de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America. Even if Wirth worked with Myrdal to produce the book, it only illustrates the DWL + Jew alliance.
John Dewey and Randolph Bourne are two other examples of this. They were Judeophiles associated with Horace Kallen.
What’s more, it was the Warren Court that wrote the Brown decision. There was 1 Jew on the Supreme Court, Felix Frankfurter. There were 8 Gentiles.
It was the Kennedy and Johnson administrations that destroyed Jim Crow. It was also the Northern states that overwhelmingly voted in favor of the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
While there is a Jewish role in our decline, it is only one piece of a larger puzzle. The Jews had nothing to do with the 14th Amendment which is the constitutional foundation of the entire BRA system.
I think we link to Culture Wars.
I don’t have any problem with saying that Jews played a major role in the Civil Rights Movement.
We can discuss the Jewish role in the context of all the other players who were involved in bring about that result. There has never been one single factor cause driving our decline. Rather, it is multiple causes interacting which brought about BRA.