SBPDL has speculated that Black Run America will collapse in Atlanta, “The City Too Busy To Hate,” which will become “The City Where DWLs Became Dodos” on “The Day The EBT Card Stops Working.”
We know this day is fast approaching.
The “urban unrest” which will envelop Buckhead like long forgotten “Year of The Locust” is unlikely to extend far into the Georgia countryside where the starving mobs of “urban thugs” described by Neal Boortz will encounter Real White People who are heavily armed and who drive pick up trucks.
Disarmed White Liberals (DWLs) will attempt to escape to Yankeeland in their Toyota Priuses. The abandonment of Atlanta will look like the fall of Saigon.
Many of these DWLs will cite their support for Barack Hussein Obama and their lifelong commitment to social justice and opposition to the Confederate flag when “flash mobs” of “urban youths” demand they pay a toll.
How many will live to tell the tale?
Boortz, and every-one, needs to call the Uban Thugs for what they ARe – Niggers.
Not Blacks.
Not Negroes
Not African Americans. Casue they are Africans – NOT Americans.
Thsi is an ugly word – and ugly words must be used for ugly things.
The reason racial slurs are deployed, everywhere, in every culture, io describe “The Other”, is because ugly terms for Those Who are Not You, and Yours, is because this terms sets up a mental, psychological, emotional LINE. A Line of Defense.
A mental and emotional barrier, that protects you from the Other.
That’s why.
To ennervated, castratd fools, racial slurs are gauche, unpolished, vulgar – poor. They turn up their noses due to class status reasons. They decry and demonize the less advantaged, of their own kind, for a pat onthe head from their Overlords.
Well screw ’em. Our Upper Class types arfe the ones wot done us in – not some poor grease monkey.
NIGGERS is the proper term.
Since foreign governments are now using their citizens in this country as explicit 5th columns the USA is eggshell fragile. As Michael Savage notes of his own people, they are crazy and suffering from Holocaustitis, and hence the only discrimination they will tolerate is that towards whites, ironically the only ones who can create civilization at this time.
The money is running out and while that might be ok in a homogenous country riding the waves of economics, in this country where everyone has a claim to other’s wealth that approaches religous sanctimony, we got trouble.
“As Michael Savage notes of his own people, they are crazy and suffering from Holocaustitis” Savage said this? I haven’t listened to his show in ages. Hmmmm….I didn’t hear this myself -but if he did they this – then it simply, utterly confirms my assessment of him. He’s one of the TRULY smart Jews, that appreciates the fact that the White Christian American Goy have provided his Tribe the BEST HOST EVER – and that Wrecking this Nation was not the brightest idea the Tribe ever had.
Hopefully, it’s all Too Late For All That. I’m tired of the parasites. I want the pattern to end.
Not in those exact words, of course but he did use “crazy” and “Holocaust” in the same sentence. Holocaust is a jew cult thing that has horribly twisted them even further out there, but that is too bad for them. Its a Jim Jones cult for the circumcised, and with a couple of well placed questions it will enjoy the same results.
Michael Savage did say it: I heard him .
White people in Atlanta have always had the opportunity to move away from the problems created by Black thugs, thanks to cheap land and cheap gas.
When one suburb goes dark thanks to the Black Undertow, they could always move and create a new one.
Sadly, the rising cost of gasoline is ending this alternative and the fact that commuting two hours each way from Cummings is no longer an option (nor is it conducive to raising a stable family).
No one wants a race war: looking at the rates of interracial crime (muggings, murders, property crime, etc.), it’s obvious Black people have already declared one on whites though.
Neal Boortz is smart to try and get his name out there with this statement…. watch for Rush Limbaugh to say something next week, especially after Juneteenth riots break out over this weekend.
NegroIce (I am sick of divine chocolate being co-opted, and ruined) – screw you. Boortz didn’t incite or create a race war – your damned untermenschen prognathics did. And now Whitey has had enough. Even your patrion Die Jdenraus are over you – they are moving in the Mestizos. Who HATE you, and are busily exterminating you from CA and AZ. You can’t evne go Back to Afreaka, as the Chinese are moving in for the resources, like locusts, and have shown a disctinct inclination to gun you Darkies down.
Your Race is SCREWED. Buh BYE!
It pains me somewhat to quote Harold Covington on here, but, since even a broken clock reads right twice a day, I figure what the hell. With regard to the use of the word ‘nigger’, Covington once brilliantly said, (and I might not be completely exact in the quote) :
“They’re Niggers, not African Americans. Not Black People. The proper term for them is ‘Niggers’. To call them African Americans or Black People is to suggest an intrinsic equality with White people, that just doesn’t exist.” —couldn’t have said it better.
With regard to the article, you wrote “Disarmed White Liberals (DWL’s) will attempt to escape to Yankeeland in their Toyota Priuses”. I might mention that, here in my little corner of Yankeeland, I doubt those DWL’s would find much refuge. Detroit, and most other northern, rust-belt cities are basically a standing monuments to liberal white hubris and all the destruction it brought. DWL’s have no friends up here, either.
When they destroy the cities/exhaust the food supplies (probably including each other) they are going to swarm out into the countryside looking for whites to rob of food, weapons, fuel, etc. I’m thankful atleast where I live the largest city in the state is still pretty small with a higher white population than black by far
Rah, rah, Neal. That’s exactly what it’s going to take. It took a lot of bleeding and death to tame the old west and it is going to take the same to tame the hordes of nigger trash that have built enemy states in the middle of most of our cities.
Boom, boom, boom is the proper response every time a nigger makes an aggressive move toward a White human being and I am certain that it will have a profound and immediate impact on the Moon Cricket thug community. You may have noticed that niggers rarely engage in gunfights. They prefer to drive by and shoot at unarmed people. They also to like assaulting, robbing and raping only people who are easy targets because of their size, age or gender. When Smith&Wesson once again makes us all the same size, many White people will surprised to learn how cowardly niggers really are.
Many states have passed laws that permit law-abiding citizens to shoot criminals to protect themselves and their property, but keep in mind that nigger-lover politicians and news editors are going to call for the heads of those who maim and kill to defend themselves against the sub-human threat. We must all be willing to go down to the courthouse and wave signs and make noise every time they try to jam up one of our White brothers or sisters for taking out the trash. We must also be willing to donate generously to defense funds set up for them.
“And now Whitey has had enough. Even your patrion Die Jdenraus are over you – they are moving in the Mestizos. Who HATE you, and are busily exterminating you from CA and AZ. You can’t evne go Back to Afreaka, as the Chinese are moving in for the resources, like locusts, and have shown a disctinct inclination to gun you Darkies down.
Your Race is SCREWED. Buh BYE!”
It looks like even the politicians are moving in to ethnically cleanse the Negroes out!
The future campaign slogan of Rudy Giuliani (it looks like he is going to run) may be ‘I cleaned up after that darkie Dinkins, and I can clean up after that buck Barack!’
I’m curious. Why was it necessary for you to bring up Tom Paris? By the way, he served under Janeway, Chakotay and Tuvok. He was of the same rank as B’Elanna Torres. And Harry Kim was ranked under him (except for most of Season 5 and all of Season 6).
Chris, you have a serious problem regarding racial insecurity. You need to see a good psychoanalyst.
I know I’ll be charging li if they want to get out or Atl. If they ask me why I will simply explain to them how their policies and universalist egalitaranism lead to this point. If they don’t pay me they will be deemed an undesirable and sent back into the city.
Boortz did nothing but call attention to the fact that “urban thugs” have ruined large parts of Atlanta and their presence there explains the geography of that city.
Interestingly enough, “urban thugs” are not necessarily black anymore. In cities like Chicago and Los Angeles, “urban thugs” are African-American and Hispanic, and create a particularly violent area when the two groups are forced to live near each other.
Atlanta has a problem with Hispanic gangs now. I saw an episode of Gangland about this just the other night.
The term for black americans is black americans. NOT nig—-. You guys are shooting yourselves in the foot. Just when people start to have sympathy for your viewpoints, you guys want to screw it up by using the word nig—-. Call them blacks and continually point out their crimes and behavior. Don’t use the n word.
No, the term for them is NIGGERS. Period. When someone right and just in their perspective, then the sympathy of others isn’t an issue. They’re NIGGERS, they always will be, and I will always call them such.
Phil, you’re wasting your breath. For a certain demographic, it isn’t unkind to refer to blacks in this kind of language, because, well, blacks aren’t all that far beneath them. That’s really what keeps my language fairly clean regarding blacks: they can’t organize a lemonade stand, and it’s boorish to make fun of the handicapped.
Chris is a non white or female troll.
Obviously there are distinct racial differences that cannot be overcome. To quote Jefferson: “the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them.”
Diversity causes racial strife. But with the Jews controlling every facet of power in this country and forcing political correctness on the White population via their hate crime laws and mass media, I see more strife ahead since they only want complete miscegenation to dilute the White majority and obtain complete control. But with the Bible belt states such as Alabama and Georgia opposing immigration and fending off Obama, the ACLU, ADL, and SPLC, it gives one hope. Also needed is to close the flood gates of the 1.5 million “legal” immigrants coming here annually. The 1965 Immigration Act (spearheaded by Jew Emanuel Celler using Ted Kennedy to give it mass appeal) has opened the US to third-world invasion.
I’ve never heard Michael “Savage” Weiner in my life, so I’m no expert. I did, however, read the email he sent Jared Taylor in response to his overture regarding an appearance on Weiner’s show. It was insane. Apart from all the name-calling (you know “racist” featured prominently) he threatened to call the FBI if Taylor ever contacted him again. No kidding.
Forget him. He’s worse than useless. Definitely not on the White man’s side.
I completely agree. Hunter, you have to start approving comments. Cool it with the racial epithets people.
There’s no such thing as as “good” psychoanalyst.
We are going to have to start raising the bar here. Who is this Desiree at SBPDL? I don’t read the comments on other websites.
One of the stupidest things white people did is tear down the projects in Chicago. They had the worst of them all concentrated in a small area in the midst of industrial and railroad areas well away from any desirable areas. Instead the liberals distributed out the worst of the black community out into the state. They are pouring downstate and ruining places like the former Chanute Airforce Base where welfare queens find dirt cheap housing that used to be for military families back in the days when America was still strong. Time to rebuild the Robert Taylor Homes. Rahm can have them back, they seem to be testing him to see how far they can go with all these recent “wilding” “flash mob” incidents.
This is sad. Here we are in 2011 and we still have this kind of apathy for one another. I’m a Black man and while I was offended by what he said, had he said it a different way, I could’ve entertained it. Let’s be honest, there is a lot of crime everywhere. I guess Mr. Boortz doesn’t see the crime that is committed by Whites, Hispanics, Asians, etc. If your complaint is about safety, say that. To, in a roundabout way, single out Blacks and recruit your listeners to help eradicate them is not just stupid and insensitive, its criminal. If you want to deal with an issue, be specific and call out, by name, those you hold responsible. Then and only then should you enlist the help of your listeners. If all you’re going to do is make vague generalities, then you’re a coward, its a racist rant and may God help you while you walk the streets of Atlanta.
CMC: Why do we generalize about Blacks and crime? Why not just focus on the individual offender? Because we know from experience that a town of 30,000 Whites will always be a much safer, cleaner, more orderly place than a town of 25,000 Whites and 5000 Blacks. Blacks, as a group, cause more grief than a civilized man can bear. So, as a group, Whites don’t want them around.
Ugly truth is – get blacks out of this country and the murder rate drops 50% overnight and HIV/AIDS decreases by the same number. Diversity is our strength? Hollow slogans mean nothing in the ugly face of reality.
If progressives really wanted to create a “progressive” society, then racialism would naturally follow.
It is important to keep in mind that the real progressives – not the liberals who have lately adopted that term, because liberal is an epithet – were strongly in favor of racialism. If you want to get rid of crime, poverty, and disease, the quickest way to do that is through racial separation.
That is why progressives used to be in favor of tough immigration laws. Why would anyone want the detritus of Europe, much less the detritus of Mexico, Africa, and the rest of the Third World?
Just think about it: 92 percent of the crime in Atlanta and 94 percent of the crime in Chicago is black.
How much does it cost taxpayers to sustain the black hole in our inner cities every year? Think of all the ways it hurts economic growth. Just imagine what life would be like without them.
To CMC – if oyu come back here –
“If all you’re going to do is make vague generalities, then you’re a coward, its a racist rant and may God help you while you walk the streets of Atlanta.”
You realize, in that last implied threat, that you’ve just confirmed EVERY word we are writing about the dangers posed Blacks, do you not?
P.S, – CMC – as a White Woman – an am DEEPLY. IRREVOCABLY, and IMPLACABLY offended by Black savagery, and criminality.
CMC: Why do we generalize about Blacks and crime? Why not just focus on the individual offender? Because we know from experience that a town of 30,000 Whites will always be a much safer, cleaner, more orderly place than a town of 25,000 Whites and 5000 Blacks. Blacks, as a group, cause more grief than a civilized man can bear. So, as a group, Whites don’t want them around.
Why even got that far? Blacks are only too happy to generalize about whites (and, increasingly, non-black non-whites) on the basis of something that exists entirely in their minds — “institutional racism.” (Well, it does exist, but in their favor. But don’t hold your breath waiting for them to figure that out.) Indeed, you wouldn’t be far wrong saying faith in that fantasy forms the central core of the black political outlook. And then they have the nerve to whine about generalizations. God they’re insufferable.
I can’t believe all the sheeple here, why not do your own investigating instead of letting someone spoon feed you your breakfast? I had no idea that so many were against Blacks and/or African-Americans. What most are saying is that African-Americans are pre-disposed to committing crimes, and especially to “whites”. I have a hard time understanding why a race can be displaced, forced into slavery, let free with no idea of how to survive in a monetarily founded community, an still be shunned. They’re were and still are many African-Americans that have accomplished great feats and despite all of that (many) of you still find a way to blame the disenfranchised. Has anyone ever thought to wonder why African-Americans have been shunned for all these years? Seriously has crime just become rampant since the 1800’s, or has it always and continue to be from uneducated peoples as it appears to be here. I would not like to see the day a race war begins, cause then where would it end? Are all of you from one location in the world or have you come together. Most of this is surely a misunderstanding, but we didn’t ask to come here yet we are treated as such. Most are doing the best they can with the cards they were dealt, as you. Unfortunately you all have been coaxed with a thought of being a more intelligent population, but your white ancestors are the ones who conquered the Indians, the Afrikaans and I would venture to guess the Latinos (after the Afghans) are next, after you eradicate all the African-Americans. We can all be in this together or be divided and conquered it is up to US.
You niggers are shunned because you VIOLENTLY PREY ON WHITE PEOPLE. You niggers are shunned because you DESTROY ENTIRE CITIES. You niggers are shunned because you are RAPE, MURDER, STEAL, SPREAD STD’s–I could gog on and on and there wouldn’t be enough bandwidth.
You talk about being disenfranchised? How about the Irish, who lived worse than you niggers did during slavery? How about the Italians, who were victims of the largest mass-lynching in this country’s history? How about every other white ethnicity who came here with nothing, and in spite of starting with nothing, worked hard, followed the rules, and succeeded despite being “disenfranchised”? You talk about slavery? There were thousands of white slaves brought here from England, long before your wretched kind got rescued from the African bush. We had it every bit as bad as YOU did, and we rose above it without anyone’s help. Get over yourself, NIGGER.
And you ask about racial war? When will it end? I’ll tell you when. When white people have our country back. When white people are no longer attacked and beaten 5 to 1 for going jogging alone. When white women are no longer targeted for gang-rape. When white taxpayers are no longer forced to support a worthless race of homocidal parasites who couldn’t even tie their own damn shoelaces without affirmative action.
When will it end, you ask? WHEN EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU IS GONE. THAT’S WHEN. You started this, you wanted this, and you’re going to have it.
Shut the fuck up all of you racist people… The times have changed now there is more black then white so get over yourselves man .. Stop being so damn racist I’m black I’m one of the richest men in the world I will not disclose my information but you already know so instead of staying on this website go do something productive
with your lives