Jefferson’s Great Contribution: Sage of Charlottesville


Over two centuries ago, Thomas Jefferson and the Old Republicans (the rightwing anti-government domestic extremists of their time) were wise enough to insert the First Amendment into the U.S. Constitution. They anticipated that one day we would have to exercise our inalienable rights against the likes of the black fictional image Barack Hussein Obama, the NAACP, Luis Gutierrez, Hollywood, Newsweek and Chris Matthews, etc.

This “blogosphere of bigots” is the ultimate free press. It is a frontier zone of outlaws where (how’s this for a metaphor – the monks of America and the West) can keep the flame of truth, virtue, and freedom alive in the United States rotting under Lady Gaga and lost in its own Truman Show mania – and talk about important things that are censored in the Gannett-controlled Montgomery Advertiser.

Thomas Jefferson has given us everything we need to annihilate the corporate media and break its narrative power over the world – to take revenge on the banks, on the red traitors, on the globalists, on the cultural termites who have wrecked the country.

Ideas are free. Technology is free. Time is free. Myths are free. Memes have viral potential in this environment as good ideas sweep from mind to mind. No one has to listen to BRA’s insufferable moral voice if they choose not to. We can create our own discourse.

We can pull a sort of “flanking maneuver” with social media on Don Lemon and Chris Matthews and slay the entire rotten army of Beltway eunuchs (like J.E.B. Stuart in a calvary charge, sword in hand, decapitating eunuch after sorry eunuch) who wield undeserve power in New York City, Washington, DC, and Hollywood.

Just putting this out there … tacking this idea on the drawing board. If the Founding Fathers were alive today, surely Morris would label them a hate group and hold his own Inquisition. Meanwhile, Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry would probably open up a WordPress blog and laugh openly while Wall Street crashes.

Jackson and Jefferson always hated the Money Power that has conquered North America. It puts this black fictional image – Barack Hussein Obama – on television to sanctify itself as BRA’s moral voice.

As Cornell West said, he really is the black mascot of Wall Street, a sell out turning tricks with the Treasury for the powerful. That’s the role of Barack Hussein Obama.

For an ever so brief moment, everyone had an epiphany during the “debt ceiling crisis,” the world saw the black fictional image at the podium, and the Money Power and its army of eunuchs throwing a tantrum over the national debt which Jackson paid off.

We are not fooled. We must do our duty. We destroy him.

Note: The unstoppable Jacksonian Revolt is now hurtling toward Wall Street and Washington to sweep out Chris Matthews and Barack Hussein Obama and the Money Power.

Just listen to George Wallace in 1963 when he declared war on Washington. A great people come off their knees and shrug off the load they have been forced to carry. That was one of the most powerful speeches ever delivered in U.S. political history – why?

Wallace captured the Jacksonian spirit in ’63. He rode it almost to the White House  … almost got there:

“Today I have stood, where once Jefferson Davis stood, and took an oath to my people. It is very appropriate then that from this Cradle of the Confederacy, this very Heart of the Great Anglo-Saxon Southland, that today we sound the drum for freedom as have our generations of forebears before us done, time and time again through history. Let us rise to the call of freedom-loving blood that is in us and send our answer to the tyranny that clanks its chains upon the South. In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny . . . and I say . . . segregation today . . . segregation tomorrow . . . segregation forever.

Let us send this message back to Washington by our representatives who are with us today . . that from this day we are standing up, and the heel of tyranny does not fit the neck of an upright man . . . that we intend to take the offensive and carry our fight for freedom across the nation, wielding the balance of power we know we possess in the Southland . . . . that WE, not the insipid bloc of voters of some sections . . will determine in the next election who shall sit in the White House of these United States . . . That from this day, from this hour . . . from this minute . . . we give the word of a race of honor that we will tolerate their boot in our face no longer . . . . and let those certain judges put that in their opium pipes of power and smoke it for what it is worth.

Hear me, Southerners! You sons and daughters who have moved north and west throughout this nation . . . . we call on you from your native soil to join with us in national support and vote . . and we know . . . wherever you are . . away from the hearths of the Southland . . . that you will respond, for though you may live in the fartherest reaches of this vast country . . . . your heart has never left Dixieland.

And you native sons and daughters of old New England’s rock-ribbed patriotism . . . and you sturdy natives of the great Mid-West . . and you descendants of the far West flaming spirit of pioneer freedom . . we invite you to come and be with us . . for you are of the Southern spirit . . and the Southern philosophy . . . you are Southerners too and brothers with us in our fight.

The liberals’ theory that poverty, discrimination and lack of opportunity is the cause of communism is a false theory . . . if it were true the South would have been the biggest single communist bloc in the western hemisphere long ago . . . for after the great War Between the States, our people faced a desolate land of burned universities, destroyed crops and homes, with manpower depleted and crippled, and even the mule, which was required to work the land, was so scarce that whole communities shared one animal to make the spring plowing. There were no government handouts, no Marshall Plan aid, no coddling to make sure that our people would not suffer; instead the South was set upon by the vulturous carpetbagger and federal troops, all loyal Southerners were denied the vote at the point of bayonet, so that the infamous, illegal 14th Amendment might be passed. There was no money, no food and no hope of either. But our grandfathers bent their knee only in church and bowed their head only to God.

Not for a single instant did they ever consider the easy way of federal dictatorship and amalgamation in return for fat bellies. They fought. They dug sweet roots from the ground with their bare hands and boiled them in iron pots . . . . they gathered poke salad from the woods and acorns from the ground. They fought. They followed no false doctrine . . . they knew what the wanted . . and they fought for freedom! They came up from their knees in the greatest display of sheer nerve, grit and guts that has ever been set down in the pages of written history . . . and they won! The great writer, Rudyard Kipling wrote of them, that: “There in the Southland of the United States of America, lives the greatest fighting breed of man . . . in all the world!”

And that is why today, I stand ashamed of the fat, well-fed whimperers who say that it is inevitable . . . that our cause is lost. I am ashamed of them . . . . and I am ashamed for them. They do not represent the people of the Southland.

George Wallace is back to say it again to the eunuchs in 2011 … to explain to them what is happening to them … and now the Midwest, the Interior West, and who knows what other states out there … are responding to that call. Michigan probably realizes he was right after African-Americans destroyed Detroit.

The pathetic spectacle of the black fictional image trying to reconnect in the Midwest with mere preaching only shows that (whoever wants to be George Wallace) will win in 2012 and overrun the establishment.

The establishment knows it has become the Federalists.

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent