About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent

1 Comment

  1. I recognized Larry’s accurate comparison of White people to the Eloi as something that I had long felt but never verbalized. I will file that word in the part of my brain that manufactures hateful statements about weak White fuckboys.

    That single word, Eloi, caused me to ponder the purpose of the Black Plague in America.

    Niggers usually only take the weak ones. Like their fellow Africans, the lion, the hyena and the jackal, they can smell the grass-eaters from miles away. Maybe, they, too, are put on earth to remove the docile, dead end specimens from OUR herd.

    Aren’t the dumb-assed liberals who feel that they can safely co-exist with feral niggers analogous to the doe eyed gazelles who graze unconcerned as the pride and the pack idle nearby in the shade of an umbrella tree?

    Now, if somebody would only start advertising a cologne that smells like barbecue sauce in GQ, we could really this Darwin show on the road.

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