To: Trainspotter


I spotted your “train” a long time ago.

It was called “communitarianism.” There were a lot of people who were interested in that project. I’ve got quite a few books on that subject.

I’m not sure who you have been reading and watching. I’ve probably read a wider variety of sources. Lee Harris, Richard Dawkins, Aristotle, Larry Auster, Mark Potok, Pearl Harbor, George Wallace, Kid Rock, etc.

Apollo/Dionysus – by that I meant a compromise between reason and fantasy, a centrist position on race and other subjects.

I had to secede from your poisonous mindset to create something better. Rethinking the paradigm was a gradual process. It was a masterpiece 10 years in the making.

Cam Newton was good at playing football. I am pretty good at watching movies, arguing with people, “outside-the-box” thinking, trying to “interpret” reality, trying to help people, etc.

Everyone can recognize the talents of other people. At least they should be able to.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent