Warrior Monks


Amerika.org is posting some great stuff lately.

The buzzsaw of minds is whirling in the right direction here. In particular, we need to go back to take a close look at the religion, political structure, sociology, and economics of the European Middle Ages.

I believe this is a key to understanding the disfigured society of Wall Street commercialism that surrounds us here in North America. The New World was settled with commercial profit foremost on the minds of the Spanish, Portuguese, English, Dutch, and French.

Modernity itself is defined by competition and the pursuit of commercial profit. There is an Alternative Reality of possibilities (how does that sounds for a new domain name?) in Antiquity and the Middle Ages.

There was a time when the clerics served God, the soldiers served the Realm, and the laboring and mercantile classes worked in the fields or engaged in trade for Lords who were vassals of the King.

Is it possible to reconstruct that social and economic system? It would be the end of the reign of the most successful merchants over the world. 🙂

Note: In this hypothetical scenario, “God’s Army” could disperse and return to Dixie and Heartland. There could be a Kingdom of Alabama and a Kingdom of Texas.

God’s Army could disperse across the countryside and secure “counties.” Every civitas would have a Lord and a City Council which would report to the Governor who exercises power over his Realm.

In such a way, we could free ourselves from the idiots on television like Chris Matthews, the degenerate mandarins in Washington, and rebuild our civilization with an eye toward the common good of our citizens and piety toward Christ.

Just a fantasy worth entertaining.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This is a good article:

    In Black Run America (1965-2011), blackness was holiness, and whiteness was sinfulness. There is a whole bizarre racial and cultural etiquette waiting for future historians to discover here. It is like the inversion of Jim Crow.

    In BRA, blacks were everywhere on television, everywhere in movies, everywhere in newspapers … because they were black. Don Lemon, Charles Blow, Bob Herbert, Eugene Robinson and so on have written so many tirades against White people over the years that I have lost count of them all.

    Does anyone remember the time that Don Lemon discussed the Tim Wise hate letter on CNN?


    To be sure, no white candidate who had close associations with an outspoken hater of America like Jeremiah Wright and an unrepentant terrorist like Bill Ayers would have lasted a single day. But because Mr. Obama was black, and therefore entitled in the eyes of liberaldom to have hung out with protesters against various American injustices, even if they were a bit extreme, he was given a pass. And in any case, what did such ancient history matter when he was also articulate and elegant and (as he himself had said) “non-threatening,” all of which gave him a fighting chance to become the first black president and thereby to lay the curse of racism to rest?

  2. This is not a fantasy, HW. Post system collapse, post CW II, there may well be massive decentralization culminating in neo-feudal domains built around alpha males. If you’ve read Larry Niven’s Lucifer’s Hammer….something like that.

  3. Norm Podhoretz on Obama:

    Strange times, indeed.


    That is why my own answer to the question, “What Happened to Obama?” is that nothing happened to him. He is still the same anti-American leftist he was before becoming our president, and it is this rather than inexperience or incompetence or weakness or stupidity that accounts for the richly deserved failure both at home and abroad of the policies stemming from that reprehensible cast of mind.

  4. Capitalism and communism share more than proponents of each would like to admit- they both promise material prosperity to the masses, if only we permit a technocratic class of managers and bureacrats organize and run society. Communism rolled over and died 20 years ago; social democratic capitalism seems to be doing the same now.

    If society can’t be organized around stuff, it will have to be organized around something else.

  5. I keep meaning to procure a copy of Ilana Mercer’s book “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from post-Apartheid South Africa,” but I haven’t yet. Many of the underlying and unquestioned assumptions behind BRA are falling away. This and other demographic changes will affect the dynamics of the coming new reality.

    @Compassionatefascist (nice moniker, I think I R-1-2!)
    I believe that is the pattern, but I have never read Niven’s work. New (but really very old) decentralized “neofeudal” organizational units will emerge following system collapse. Seccession from the system just before or following collapse seem a likely mechanism to begin the resultant political change. Violent or not depending upon the situation (decrepitude of the system).

    Traditional caste system (warriors/clerics/producers/servants) will be the most likely form of the successful “fiefdoms” simply by virtue of the need for security and stability in insecure and unstable times. Plato’s “Republic”, Evola’s “Revolt Against the Modern World”, and Faye’s “Archeofuturism” are all outline to a greater or lesser degree the potential dynamics of this cyclical pattern of organization.

  6. Plato’s “Republic” is probably the clearest and most comprehensive regarding the dynamics of the process. He outlines the components of the society as above, and also gives the cyclical progression. Warrior class are referred to as “guardians.” Progression is Republic/monarchy–plutocracy–democracy–dictatorship/tyranny. Dictatorship ends in establishment of a new republic. Democracy is the most unstable form as quickly destroys itself–sound familiar? Dictatorship also exhausts itself quickly. The process is one of progressive degeneration. Each part of the cycle basically results from the class or caste that characterizes its ruling dynamic. Warriors/king–producers–servants–tyrant(an individual, not a class). Priests/clerics/(media in the modern state?) provide legitimacy through religious ritual and do not actually rule. Enough for now. Highly recommended.

  7. One last diatribe. A good working model of this order from history would be Sparta or Rome, for example.

    In the new world, the closest whites ever came to establishing this order was the antebellum South. It was destroyed by the plutocrats.

    This order and its inherent stability resonates down to this day in the collective memory of Southerners.

    It is inherently illiberal and inegalitarian, which is why our current society has such a revulsion for it. Those who maintain an attraction for it have an equal revulsion for our current society.

  8. It has been amazing to watch the transformation of what passes for “discourse” among the establishment over the past two weeks. In fact, it is almost like someone is paying attention for a change, figuring out problems that we have anticipated for decades, now that the liberal establishment is veering toward the precipice of revolution.


  9. Apuleius,

    The South was evolving in a new direction by the mid-nineteenth century. It had begun to branch off into its own world. Aristocracy had come back. Frontiersmen had become Cavaliers. Hardcore egalitarianism had been laid to rest.

    See W.J. Cash’s The Mind of the South.

    Suppose we were to do a “metapolitical project” of reconstructing that world. Provide an “Alternative Reality” tailored to Dixie. It could be quite useful when the maniacs in Washington and Wall Street succeed in torpedoing their model.

    Something will obviously have to be done about the blacks. After the flash mobs run wild in the Second Great Depression, Black Run America will fall hard. No one here ever really believed in it.

    In 2008, 92 percent of Whites in Alabama voted against Obama, at the height of his popularity. It is fair to say that Whites in Alabama and Mississippi were deeply disturbed by the Obama presidency. I wouldn’t be surprised if 99 percent of Whites in Alabama and Mississippi voted against him in 2012.

    Such has been his performance as president.

  10. I’ve got all kinds of books on Plato including the original texts and Karl Popper’s delightful two volume masterpiece, “The Open Society and Its Enemies.”

    It was an enjoyable experience watching Popper decry “radical historicism.” I made a mental note of his anxiety on that sore subject. I believe it helped me become a more effective enemy of the establishment.

  11. Liberality is a classical virtue. Somewhere along the line it became an ideology (a form of “false consciousness”) and was perverted into a vice of excess.

    Now “liberalism” is the solution to everything. These people don’t even have the slightest understanding of the history of ideas. I spent many years reading about the history of ideas while I was in college.

  12. My sir, but you do get around. Interesting link. Been meaning to read Cash for a long time, too. Especially after the disappointment that is C.Vann Woodward. Are you familiar with Richard Weaver, particularly “Ideas Have Consequences” and “Visions of Order.” He saw what was coming decades before anyone else.

    Liberal–classic definition “of or pertaining to a free man”
    Some men were not meant to be free. Particularly those with low impulse control and lack of future time orientation. Sound like anyone we know? Tradition rightfully placed these at the bottom–serfs/peasants/helots/servants/PWT. Liberty and equality are contradictory values. These folks prove that.
    There is also an old English custom for these types called “transportation.”
    Location would be obvious. As much as it pains me, the evil Yankee tyrant saw this as the solution to the BQ. Even a stopped watch is right twice a day.

    Producers are artisans/craftsmen/shopkeepers/yeoman farmers/”good country people”. Have small freeholders of land/property. Mastery of craft ensured by guilds, inheiritance, legacy. Pretty well staked out by the work of the Vanderbuilt Fugitives’ classic work “I’ll Take My Stand” and “Who Owns America?” Chesterton “An Outline of Sanity” and Belloc “The Servile State” promote this types concerns with their Distributivist philosophy. Also Theodore Roepke “A Humane Economy” for a Swiss take that acknowledged the need this class has for protection.

    Liberty is properly counterbalanced by responsibility. According to Tradition the warrior monk types, the protectors, are rightfully placed at the top. More discipline=more duty=more obligations=more rights. That’s also why Robert Edward Lee, the finest gentleman to ever draw breath, remains the epitome of Southern leadership at its finest.

    As a prototype for the “metapolitical project” you could do no better than to emulate Wade Hampton and the Redshirts. Rifle clubs would be the fun part. The time needs to ripen a bit, perhaps. Also posse comitatus concept after Roman collapse is really the same thing. All this has me in the mood to watch “Birth of a Nation” again sometime soon.

  13. Thank you, Hunter, for appreciating what we do.

    Plato’s “Republic” is probably the clearest and most comprehensive regarding the dynamics of the process.

    I cannot stress this enough: The Republic is the founding document of conservatism.

    Personally, I like the idea of warrior-monks. We need to return religiosity, reverence and transcendental thinking to our all-too-practical modernistic thinking.

    After all, this is a holy war. Allahu ackbar! 😉

  14. Some other attendant issues with this order exist.
    The warriors must be restrained by a transcendent spiritual order–a religion or faith. Otherwise they become mafiosi rather than samurai.
    This is the role of the clerics/fourth estate/priests/educators/monk half of the warrior. Atheistic societies are incapable of producing or sustaining this order. Veneration of ancestors/Tradition/spiritual values are disseminated/sustained through ritual designed to provide the necessary legitimacy/sanctions/focus on duties and obligations expected of the warrior class. That and a strong monarch who is intimately tied to the spiritual realm. Clerics are subordinate to the monarch (Evola’s Ghibelline monarch). They are the eunuchs, after all. Given too much power, they will subvert, weaken, feminize, and undermine the society as we are altogether too familiar with now. Plato’s solution for when these guys run amok–kill all the “poets.” Yes, that’s right–subversion is a capital offense. Monarch makes the call ala Thomas a Becket.
    Greatest amount of work will be to undo the damage done to producers. They will need to have their property and rights restored. Corporations/big box stores have laid waste to them. Sounds like property redistribution?–Yes property distribution ala Chesterbelloc. Not Marxist at all. The America I was born into was full of small businessmen (hear Alan Jackson–“The Little Man”). Must be protected. Warrior class still owns largest amount of land/property/commodity plant. That’s where the remaining serf/peasant/helots work. Under close supervision and with the ever present physical threat provided by the warrior class. Nice fit, don’t you think?

  15. 43: A knyght ther was, and that a worthy man,
    44: That fro the tyme that he first bigan
    45: To riden out, he loved chivalrie,
    46: Trouthe and honour, fredom and curteisie.
    47: Ful worthy was he in his lordes werre,
    48: And therto hadde he riden, no man ferre,
    49: As wel in Cristendom as in hethenesse,
    50: And evere honoured for his worthynesse.
    51: At Alisaundre he was whan it was wonne.
    52: Ful ofte tyme he hadde the bord bigonne
    53: Aboven alle nacions in Pruce;
    54: In Lettow hadde he reysed and in Ruce,
    55: No Cristen man so ofte of his degree.
    56: In Gernade at the seege eek hadde he be
    57: Of Algezir, and riden in Belmarye.
    58: At Lyeys was he and at Satalye,
    59: Whan they were wonne; and in the grete see
    60: At many a noble armee hadde he be.
    61: At mortal batailles hadde he been fiftene,
    62: And foughten for oure feith at Tramyssene
    63: In lystes thries, and ay slayn his foo.
    64: This ilke worthy knyght hadde been also
    65: Somtyme with the lord of Palatye
    66: Agayn another hethen in Turkye.
    67: And everemoore he hadde a sovereyn prys;
    68: And though that he were worthy, he was wys,
    69: And of his port as meeke as is a mayde.
    70: He nevere yet no vileynye ne sayde
    71: In al his lyf unto no maner wight.
    72: He was a verray, parfit gentil knyght.
    73: But, for to tellen yow of his array,
    74: His hors were goode, but he was nat gay.
    75: Of fustian he wered a gypon
    76: Al bismotered with his habergeon,
    77: For he was late ycome from his viage,
    78: And wente for to doon his pilgrymage.

    A knight there was, and he a worthy man,
    Who, from the moment that he first began
    To ride about the world, loved chivalry,
    Truth, honour, freedom and all courtesy.
    Full worthy was he in his liege-lord’s war,
    And therein had he ridden (none more far)
    As well in Christendom as heathenesse,
    And honoured everywhere for worthiness.
    At Alexandria, he, when it was won;
    Full oft the table’s roster he’d begun
    Above all nations’ knights in Prussia.
    In Latvia raided he, and Russia,
    No christened man so oft of his degree.
    In far Granada at the siege was he
    Of Algeciras, and in Belmarie.
    At Ayas was he and at Satalye
    When they were won; and on the Middle Sea
    At many a noble meeting chanced to be.
    Of mortal battles he had fought fifteen,
    And he’d fought for our faith at Tramissene
    Three times in lists, and each time slain his foe.
    This self-same worthy knight had been also
    At one time with the lord of Palatye
    Against another heathen in Turkey:
    And always won he sovereign fame for prize.
    Though so illustrious, he was very wise
    And bore himself as meekly as a maid.
    He never yet had any vileness said,
    In all his life, to whatsoever wight.
    He was a truly perfect, gentle knight.
    But now, to tell you all of his array,
    His steeds were good, but yet he was not gay.
    Of simple fustian wore he a jupon
    Sadly discoloured by his habergeon;
    For he had lately come from his voyage
    And now was going on this pilgrimage.

  16. Brettr – I agree with you on the necessity of reading, and absorbing Plato’s “Republic”. May I humbly suggest another essential work, of equal significance – Machiavelli’s “The Prince”. This details, to squirm and cringe inducing precision, the way Human Nature functions. This work has been scorned not so much for the content – but for the accuracy. Humans like to inflate their own egos, and primp their feathers, and tell pretty little lies about their own General Wonderfulness. “The Prince” strips all the nonsense and delusion away – and lays the reality of Human Nature on the dissection table. This is why people cannot bear to read [it]. The Prince is actually a very ego-less treatise. Frued and all the rest of the mumbo-jumbo of psycho-analytic nonsense shrivel, and blow away, in comparison.

  17. Have you procured yet Andrew Fraser’s book, ‘The WASP Question”??

    If not, GET IT. It is an in-depth analysis of the ethnobiological necessity of Whites to reclaim their pre-schism Anglo-Saxon Orthodoxy, and not look to any rationalist Calvinist or post (or pre!) Vatican II Catholi-schism.

    Also, get and read ‘The Revolt of 2020.” This book was so far superior to Bristow’s ‘White Apocalypse,’ (itself a very good book, but ultimately pagan to the core, and therefore, useless) I cannot praise it as a ‘this is what should happen’ sort of book.

    For Christ, and HIS Kingdom.

  18. Denise:

    I agree; that’s another vital volume.

    If we’re listing favorites… Alexis de Tocqueville, Samuel Huntington and Garrett Hardin come to mind. All good analyses of the nature of power and the difficulties of democracy.

  19. Brett – I am unfamiliar with Huntington and Hardin. I will invesigate. De Tocqueville is a gem, but when I read his name, in your post – it hurt my heart. When I think if the transformation of America, from what America was when he wrote “Democracy in America”, to the …place…I live in now….well….it’s almost unendurable.

  20. Ack! Plato’s “Republic?” Eugenic totalitarianism? God forbid! What is wrong with our own Founders’ Republic, with the weaknesses expunged?

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