It has been ten years since 9/11: the day that everything changed in America.
I vividly remember that morning in September 2001. At the time, I was a sophomore at Auburn University, someone who was just beginning his political awakening, whose racial conservative views were fairly conventional for a 20 year old college student from South Alabama.
I woke up that morning to get ready for my finance class, turned on the news like I did every morning, and found myself transfixed as the “Nineties” came to their fiery historical end.
My initial reaction was identical to that of my peers: Muslim terrorists had attacked America on live television, it was time to retaliate against these jihadists, it was time to conquer the Islamic nations that harbored these criminals and overthrow their illegitimate governments.
For most Americans, 9/11 inspired similar feelings of rage and a thirst for revenge, the bloodlust of which was soon satiated in the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq. But that is not what I remember most about that fateful day in American history.
9/11 was intellectually stimulative: Osama bin Laden’s great act of jihad grabbed the attention of millions, knocked thousands of Americans out of the orbit of their lives, and got lots of people like me interested in politics and current events.
The 9/11 discussion was so fascinating and thought provoking and such a striking contrast with the boilerplate analysis in the mainstream media that thousands of Americans became addicted to the messageboard culture of sharing and swapping their thoughts online in those months.
In the course of debating 9/11 on gaming forums and conservative messageboards, I stumbled across an underground website called “Stormfront,” which had recently been relaunched as a small vBulletin discussion forum, where I was exposed for the first time to a group of people who called themselves “White Nationalists.”
These “White Nationalists” were a fascinating group of people to a Southern conservative from Alabama: they believed in asserting a positive sense of White racial identity, telling the truth about black-on-white crime, opposing racial double standards, opposing affirmative action, opposing multiculturalism, and opposing illegal immigration, which was all right up my alley, but this man named David Duke and his followers were entertaining a strange theory that the Jews and Israel were somehow responsible for 9/11.
I found it bizarre that the Jews were being blamed for 9/11 on Stormfront. Wasn’t it obvious that the 9/11 terrorists were Muslims? Didn’t Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda take credit for the 9/11 attacks?
In any case, I was intrigued enough by these “White Nationalists” to stick around and listen to what they had to say, as most of what they were saying about Hispanic immigration and racial double standards at Stormfront was resonating with me.
Not long after I discovered Stormfront, I founded a website called “Freedom Forums” (the first of several names of that project) to create a discursive space on the internet more to my own tastes. I was always more of a Philosopher King than a Brownshirt.
“Freedom Forums” was the beginning of a vast inquiry into every topic under the sun: current events, politics, history, philosophy, religion, economics, racial science, the Jewish Question, science and technology, popular culture, international relations, etc.
It was one of the few places on the internet where all of these topics could be intelligently discussed without being censored by the prevailing taboos or drowned out by morons peddling conspiracy theories. Back then it was much harder to run a racialist website than it is today.
I spent the next five years utterly absorbed by these online debates. In the course of thousands of debates, I was exposed to Kevin MacDonald’s work on the Jewish Question, which I was able to locate and read for myself in my university library. I also used my library card to check out and read most of the sources that he had cited in his trilogy.
At the end of this process, I had formulated my own point of view on the Jewish Question, which is a moderate opinion that falls somewhere in between Kevin MacDonald and Lawrence Auster.
While I was at Auburn, I must have received the equivalent of five college educations. I wasn’t in any hurry to graduate into a world on its last demographic legs. Unlike my peers, I spent most of my time there using my library card to pursue my own research interests.
After graduating with my degree, I continued working on my personal research project into the origins of America’s racial decline. I was still consumed by my inquiry, my love of online debates, and my love of sharing my thoughts online.
If my account of 9/11 sounds a bit solipsistic, it is because I finally completed the inquiry and my involvement in the underground came to an end a decade later. I returned to about where I was before those planes struck the Twin Towers although vastly more educated than I was before.
9/12 was the beginning and the end of my youthful radicalism.
This might sound like a strange argument. I obviously haven’t fundamentally changed my racial views in recent months. How can I make the argument that I have given up radicalism?
It is because my “radical views” are becoming the conventional wisdom of White America: the federal government is hopelessly dysfunctional, it is growing ever more tyrannical, America’s best days are in the past, we can’t afford anymore foreign wars to spread democracy, the mainstream media is the propaganda arm of the liberal establishment, White people live under intolerable racial double standards.
There is nothing that can possibly be done to appease black people, we need to dismantle the welfare state and get rid of affirmative action, racial differences are intractable, “anti-racism” is based on pseudoscience, White people are the victims of black-on-white violent crime, globalization has destroyed the American economy, free trade has eroded the American working class, the SPLC is an illegitimate organization, Newsweek is an illegitimate magazine.
Diversity is a weakness, multiculturalism has balkanized America, illegal immigration is destroying America, Third World immigration is undermining Anerica, the United States could break apart in the twenty-first century, the states have a right to secede from the federal government, the permanent political class must be thrown out of power, crony capitalists are destroying the economy, etc.
In the year 2011, these ideas are now centrist, “mainstream,” or borderline mainstream – they have become the conventional wisdom of White people outside the Beltway. The gap between Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage and Jared Taylor and Pat Buchanan is rapidly closing.
“White Nationalism Lite” is crossing over into the mainstream. It has been amazing to watch it happen on Free Republic over the past five years. The evolution has dramatically accelerated since Obama became president.
It shouldn’t be long now before the boldest conservative politicians at the state level in the South openly begin to embrace a pro-White identity. Arizona is attacking the Voting Rights Act now. No one outside the progressive echo chamber listens to the SPLC anymore.
Jesse Jackson and Maxine Waters have maxed out the White Guilt Express. David Frum isn’t taken seriously anymore. Being labeled a “racist” by the mainstream media no longer carries the same sting that it did just five years ago. The other abusive terms like “extremist” and “nativist” also have a different ring to them.
Somewhere during the Obama administration, Black Run Amerika passed and we entered a transition phase. It reminds me of the late 1950s and early 1960s when the zeitgeist shifted against Jim Crow while the Southern states were passing more segregation laws than ever before.
The spirit of Black Run Amerika has died under Barack Hussein Obama. We still live under the forms of this system, the political and cultural discourse of this system, and the ruling class which was legitimized by this system, but there is an expanding “white hole” at the center of this project in Middle America which is growing ever more distressed and agitated over its inexorable social and economic decline.
How long do we have until the inevitable crackup? It is hard to say. I’m convinced it will happen long before 2042. It could happen as early as 2012 or as late as 2026. Probably sometime before 2020.
I think it will happen within the next ten years – by 9/12/2021, I believe we will be living under a new racial system, the successor to Black Run Amerika, in a world as different from our own as the 1970s were from the 1950s.
The last decade will prove less interesting than the one unfolding ahead of us. In the 9/11 decade, I was a radical. In this decade, I think I will be a moderate bystander.
It’s good to be on board with ya Hunter 🙂
America, the West in general are run like a day care center of unruly children, those who act out get the most attention. Maybe we are at the breaking point, we certainly are broke enough that some of the children might go without treats.
Till the patriarchs can make a comeback though there is nothing but stagnation and entropy, but hey we got us some football.
One of the most clear-headed posts written by Hunter in a while.
It’s almost like I feel like I could forward this post to a few younger friends whose skulls have yet to be cracked open to the New Enlightenment of the post 9/11 universe, as an introduction to the movement.
Keep up zee excellent work.
– Arturo.
Arturo – do it. Spook the damned horses. I’ve forwarded this website everywhere. Do not EVER back down.
Tell any naysayers to DISPROVE the ideology here-in.
Great text as usual. I also spent a great transformation in the meantime. Again, thanks for letting me post. It’s always nice to hear good news from up there.
“The harvest is in; the summer has ended; and we are not saved.”- Jeremiah
I too am amazed at how mainstream white nationalism is getting. I just think it will be a challenge to not let the message get watered down and re-directed in a way that would lead white people to simply take up a place next to blacks and Hispanics asking for their piece of the pie, rather than fighting for separate, homogeneous white political states that are run by a leadership who explicitly identifies with whites.
A fine overview, and it’s quite interesting to learn more about your intellectual formation. You are always a pleasure to read, especially when you have found a bright side to something that the rest of us missed.
I remember reading a post by someone I didn’t even know, back in the late 1990’s, by a man- one Harold Covington. It was his few posts I did read (and forwarded to some of my friends) and the revolving swastika [!] that didn’t ‘scan’ in my antiquated computer, that caused me to lose a friend from Grad School days – HIS PC could see what it was, plain and clear. But the realities HC talked about in those four or five posts I did read, and look up the links to, which made me think. Then, Y2K happened, and I spent over $1000 to ‘stock up.’ I didn’t realize it, but God was preparing me for the biggest divine ‘cognitive upset’ this generation has yet known. The next year or so, I got a job in upstate NY, and was on a college campus the day the Yids starting running scared. I was transfixed- the Anglos were upset, shocked, etc. But they were calm, rational, wanting to understand it all. The down-state ‘Dirty Dancing’ crowd, otoh, was ‘oy veying’ like you wouldn’t believe, running back and forth on this campus, hundreds of miles from ‘ground zero,’ screaming on their cell phones, tearing their hair, moaning and wailing (literally, it was like watching the scene in GWTW, in the railroad hospital yard- yet there were no bodies- no casualties) and yet, the Yids were acting like it was their supposed ‘Hollow hoax’ all over again.
I was reading Hans-Hermann Hoppe’s “Democracy- the God that Failed” after the 2000 election, and suddenly, I watched the idol of democracy falling before my very eyes. It was if America was having its own 1917 St. Petersburg, or 1956 Budapest.
You have your story to tell, I have had mine. What I think you stumbled on, Sir, is that the Deicides thought they could ‘take over’ after 9/11, but the inconsistencies, coupled with the total availability of NON-CONTROLLED PRESS via the Internet, is backfiring on them so badly they don’t know where to stop up the holes!!!
As more and more Anglos awake to the REALITY OF WHITE AMERICA as the Norm, the days of the Bolshies, the Alinsky’s, the Hillary’s and the Obamantions are OVER.
Praise God, and may it continue to cascade until the evidence and the anger is like the Mountain of the Lord, ready to fall and crush them with a rod of iron. Amen.
Mr. Wallace, that was well written and most enlightening. If I may, I’d like to quote Slim Pickens from Blazing Saddles and say:
“You use your tongue pertier than a twenty dollar whore…”
Its about time you got your head out of your arse.
Fr John – I love your posts. Thanks.
MA – stop insulting Hunter. I tihnk he is the BEST analyst “out there”. Far better than the paid Shabbos Goy shills.
He’s never head his head up his arse. He’s simply had his head in other places. His detours into Literature and Myth land contribute mightily to his prosaic afforts. So shut up, lie back , and take it nice from lord Scorpius, mmm’kay?
On the morning of Sept. 11 2001, I was sound asleep. I didn’t get up until 11:40, I think. So it had come and gone while I was still cutting Z’s. I had been out until about 4 AM the night before, and can vaguely remember staggering in at about 4:30. Not really sure how I made it home, but the drive must have been epic. What can I say? I was 24 years old and enjoying myself and didn’t have a care in the world. That was one long, lazy summer that year. It certainly came to a jarring end, huh?
I recall being overcome with energy, a heightened state of consciousness. I had already been fully racially aware since ’99. When I expressed some critical remarks of our government I was incorrectly and irrationally called a “communist.”
I was all for attacking Mecca with nuclear weapons.
I had always been a racialist. In 2001, I had become concerned about illegal immigration, affirmative action, and “reparations for slavery.” Blacks were pushing for “reparations” back then – which they eventually got under Obama who disguised it as the Pigford settlement, Obamacare, and the stimulus package.
I was at work when it came over the radio.We ran in the office where there was a TV and the owner of the shop,a Austrian told us to go back to work.I went home and got the rest of my uniforms,threw them on the shop floor and told the owner fuck you you unamerican bastard I quit.
I went home and got the rest of my uniforms,threw them on the shop floor and told the owner fuck you you unamerican bastard I quit.
Good for you. Now that’s a Kodak moment.
I still think that it’s too early to fully realize the impact of 9/11. From the establishment of semi-police state dedicated to frisking old white grannies, to the continual invade/invite strategy used to displace/dispossess whites, to the neverending fiscal fiasco after fiscal fiasco used to bankrupt whites, to…
The government has become the enemy of its own people…
…while pretending to “protect” those same people.
I’m sure we’ve all read what the founding documents say. The real question is only when will we all be ready? What will be the real nature of the struggle to come?
Deo Vindice
Civil War, and sooner than most of us think. Perry is awful on most immigration-related issues, but I’m not sure it matters. I don’t think he’s policy-oriented…more of an opportunist who will ride a populist wave. Keep looking at that lapel pin of his. Everyone, even Zero, wears a flag these days. Not Perry. It’s his AF wings. He remains dead serious about the Secession Thing. Just what we need to get rid of the beltway crowd, all at once.
I remember exactly where I was that day. I was on a job and me and my coworker just looked at each other, the hair on our necks standing up. I remember he said “someone’s going to get invaded over this.” I responded, “no, they’re (TPTB) are smarter than that, we’ll have spies and black ops types crawling all over the ME until the end of time, but they know an invasion won’t solve anything.”
That was back when I thought TPTB had something on the ball.
9/11 was my clarion call to WNism, too. I had always been a racially-aware southerner, in that I knew racial differences were real because I’d grown up steeped in them, and knew PC was a pile of shit – but nothing compared to what would come after. I resolved after 9/11 to get to the bottom of “things,” because I realized that you didn’t have to be interested in the world for the world to be interested in you. I had very strong values concerning critical thinking (do your own thinking, rule nothing out because of taboos, etc.), and they inevitably led me to where I am today.
Good read.
FYI the CofCC website is running a piece about the 9/11 ceremonies where apparently our illustrious first “lady” is rolling her eyes over the folding the flag ceremony.
“In the year 2011, these ideas are now centrist, “mainstream,” or borderline mainstream – they have become the conventional wisdom of White people outside the Beltway. The gap between Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage and Jared Taylor and Pat Buchanan is rapidly closing.
“White Nationalism Lite” is crossing over into the mainstream. It has been amazing to watch it happen on Free Republic over the past five years. The evolution has dramatically accelerated since Obama became president.”
We’ve seen this kind of thing before. In the early 90’s, it appeared that WN was about to break into the mainstream. Several prominent conservatives had embraced racial consciousness or come close, David Duke was enjoying widespread support among Louisiana whites, anger at illegal immigration was at a boiling point and the black crime wave was peaking, capped by the LA riots. But it was a false dawn.
Things are worse now, but whites are far more deracinated than they were in 1992. Many of the whites who voted for David Duke and held traditional views on race at that time are now dead. They’ve been replaced by a generation who have been subjected to anti-white propaganda from all directions, often even from their own baby boomer parents. It remains to be seen if anything good is going to happen in America soon.
I will give you that Free Republic has changed radically in recent years. It’s not much different from Stormfront now. There is frequent open hostility towards blacks that once would have resulting in banning. The general tone has become very shrill. Freepers seem to have reacted to the betrayals of the Bush regime with great disillusionment.
Europe on the other hand is clearly moving steadily towards a point where nationalists will take power in several countries and hopefully eventually the entire continent.
Excellent read (why am I always using this sly gerund to describe your writing?), fun comments.
He’s never head his head up his arse.
Nah. Head was up arse. He reported some fantastical things up that way, I admit, but this is better.
I still think that it’s too early to fully realize the impact of 9/11. From the establishment of semi-police state dedicated to frisking old white grannies, to the continual invade/invite strategy used to displace/dispossess whites, to the neverending fiscal fiasco after fiscal fiasco used to bankrupt whites, to…
I don’t know that the cultural shock wave begun by the WTC attack extends to the fiscal bust and the ongoing lame measures to shore up our insoluble debt, but you’re right, someone shall have to write a few books examining and detailing the consequences of it for the populace. It is manifest from this entry alone that the incident created a few serious para-white nationalist personalities, myself among them. It seems to me, further, that this and the concurrent thread at MajorityRights reveal a morphological fault-line or break between those who were WNs before 9/11 and those who became so because of or after it. Those before try to fit the event into their preexisting template of Jewish culpability, which actually ruins the semantics of Jewish involvement in cultural degradation by relying on a myth of omnipotent agency; those after are surprised that people think it was staged or that anyone but the Arab hijackers was responsible, much like finding out some people believe the moon landing was a production, though there is a possibility that we dismiss the “Truther” hobbyhorse in defense of a youthful paradigm shaped by this event. That doesn’t mean “Truthers” are right, it just means this was a big moment in our young minds, and Arab hijackers are part of the script. I always said, perhaps too freely, that I despise “Truthers” for trying to deprive the hijackers of their nefarious glory — it takes great will to set out on that sort of mission, do everything necessary, then actually pull it off. Imagine sometime boarding a plane with the intention of taking everyone hostage, killing the pilots, and flying it into a big fucking tower. It may sound grotesque to our host and most readers, but nerve that steady demands my respect.
That was back when I thought TPTB had something on the ball.
LOL. Precisely that two countries were invaded is proof enough they weren’t behind the damned thing. But Bush Jr did have a will to intervene, as it were, a precedent set by his father and Clinton, and of course encouraged by the neocon crew.
It was if America was having its own 1917 St. Petersburg, or 1956 Budapest.
Well, that’s a stretch. Those were major transfers of power for those states, one a fundamental shift in its political orientation going back centuries into a past no one remembered. Very many people in Russia 1917 were still illiterate. Until the Bolshevik takeover, little had occurred to interrupt their authoritarian cultural narrative. The Hungarian Revolt was an upsurge of native feeling against foreign rule involving hundreds of thousands of people. My point is that, as with most things, Americans told themselves 9/11 was that kind of event, allowing sentimentality to completely overtake them at the loss of: two office towers, 3000 people unknown to the majority, and the illusion of invulnerability. This latter the media played to its advantage instantly and received effusive outpourings of “sympathy” and “support” from Europe. Magazines and newspapers with “stark”, “dramatic” photos of plumes of smoke and frazzled citizens crying like fucking infants, the video on permanent loops all over the networks, quickly instilled in everyone a pathos — and the corollary, pointless “we’re murrcan, we overcome” truculence — out of all proportion to the scope of the event, especially compared to such existential dramas as your examples. This year some Jew at Time releases a “special edition” with a different color border and another “stark” image. Some other Jew at some other obsolete rag does the same, for some other precious dramatic effect. False, commodified pathos: nothing more.
How many “special editions” and documentaries and blog wars are produced to “honor” the “horrible events” of the last unmanned drone attack on some hardscrabble village in NWFP, Pakistan, that killed a bunch of people’s children and completely destroyed their homes and pitiful livelihood?
There’s a lot that occurred to me to say while reading this one, but it’s late and my eyes are going, so only this makes it through:
These “White Nationalists” were a fascinating group of people to a Southern conservative from Alabama: they believed in asserting a positive sense of White racial identity, telling the truth about black-on-white crime, opposing racial double standards, opposing affirmative action, opposing multiculturalism, and opposing illegal immigration, which was all right up my alley, but this man named David Duke and his followers were entertaining a strange theory that the Jews and Israel were somehow responsible for 9/11.
So it seems we had a similar experience here. I thought you went back farther than that. I didn’t know you started at StormFront, either. Well, as you know I started at VNN, and the Pearson/Linder spintro machine was like catnip to my weak lower New York lizard brain full of venom and profanity. But what set me on the path wasn’t the event itself, rather the UN debates on whether to invade Iraq — when the neocon crew was on every political talk show. I soon observed that their names were all Jewish-German. I hit Google and found Jewwatch. More weirdly, at the time I was just beginning my research into ancient linguistics and discovered a silly Christian Identity site that claimed to prove Gaelic and Hebrew were the same language from a snatch of extinct Gaelic speech preserved in a play by Plautus; being Identitarians there was some sideline Jew Crit that set my brain buzzing and soon I was reading everything from Finkelstein to Heretical Press.
So I too am a 9/11 franksteinwitzberghammer, but it wasn’t the impact that did it. When it happened I was unconcerned and knew very little about the world. What did I care? Though I did know just enough about American foreign policy to sense that retaliation was long in coming but inevitable. “It’s about fucking time,” I said to myself.
Perry is awful on most immigration-related issues, but I’m not sure it matters.
Hispanics are over half of his constituency. Big Dick’s after those spic votes. Secede with all them in tow? Buena suerte, señor! Make sure your militiamen are trained to duck the new MILITARY MOBILE TACTICAL HIGH ENERGY LASER the beltway gang will deploy their way!
In 2001, Perry expressed his pride in the enactment of the statute extending in-state tuition to undocumented immigrants who meet Texas’ Residency requirements. It also required the undocumented students to pledge to apply for permanent residency/citizenship if this became a possibility for them. A path for permanent residency/citizenship could become possible if the DREAM Act is passed by Congress. In supporting the legislation, he said:
We must say to every Texas child learning in a Texas classroom, “we don’t care where you come from, but where you are going, and we are going to do everything we can to help you get there.” And that vision must include the children of undocumented workers. That’s why Texas took the national lead in allowing such deserving young minds to attend a Texas college at a resident rate.
Perry has opposed the creation of the Mexico – United States barrier, which is meant to keep out illegal aliens. Instead of barricading the border completely with a fence, Perry believes that the federal government should fulfill its responsibility to its citizens by securing the borders with “boots on the ground” and technology to improve safety while not harming trade with the state’s biggest trading partner, Mexico. Perry said the Arizona immigration law SB 1070 “would not be the right direction for Texas” and would distract law enforcement from fighting other crimes.
Svigor says: … me and my coworker just looked at each other
You have a long track record of saying stupid shit and being a dumb-ass. Did you even graduate high school?
You’re a “southerner” by geography only. Go back to the Eurasian Steppe you Slavo-Turkic mongrel.
Thanks Mark, for kindly confirming. I mean, I thought you were the guy here who always says stupid shit, but like I said I have a hard enough time keeping track of people I want to remember, never mind the non-entities.