Hank Williams Jr.: Obama Is The Enemy, They Are The Enemy

Hank Williams Jr.: Obama is the enemy. We're out of here, ESPN!


This is hilarious.

Apparently, Hank Williams Jr. has compared Barack Hussein Obama to Adolf Hitler on Fox and Friends and John Boehner to Bibi Netanyahu, and ESPN responded by firing him from Monday Night Football – he sees Obama as being the enemy of Appalachian Whites, a common sentiment in states like West Virginia, where The One is wildly unpopular.

Now, the ADL has condemned Hank Jr., and has demanded that he apologize to Holocaust victims! Hank has since clarified his position by describing Obama as the enemy in a written statement.

Note: Hank III is more interesting than his father. The Williams Clan are among the greatest bards of the Cracker Nation. Their greatest hits are nationalist folk songs about Scots-Irish tribe of Dixie.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. My God What A Tragedy. No More Hank Williams Jr. serenading Mon. Nite Futbol retards. Yes, I used to be one. Back in the good old days of Howud KOsell, Dandy Don, and Orenthal. Is anyone here still unaware that about 2/3 of all pro sports teams are owned by Jew billionaires, and that the point is to keep the stupid Goyim distracted while they are shorn and then led to the slaughterhouse?

  2. Hey, that’s a good thing.

    My friend Paul Kersey is writing a book about the importance of sports as the sole source of positive images of black people outside of movies. It is great news to hear that ESPN fired Hank Jr. and now the latter is urging his audience to not watch them anymore!

  3. i dont watch football or any other sports for that matter and i agree that this is all a net positive but i DO want to point out the fact that Hank never really compared Obama to Hitler, if you listen to him.
    i think he was just trying to paint a very stark and contrasting picture of two groups who are/should be mortal enemies getting together for a congenial game of golf.

  4. You got one thing right for sure Hunter.
    West Virginia loves Bocephus.

    We come from West Virginia coal mines ….
    Be nice and we’ll be nice to you.

  5. I hope he doesn’t apologize and try to backpedal. Never apologize! Stand fast and the PC Nazi’s will back down, and that includes Fox Nooze. I hope he realizes that most of his fan base probably agrees wholeheartedly.

  6. Hunter Wallace, sort of off topic here, but I’ve been reading your posts about the Dixie ethnostate and I want to believe that is the case. Today, though, an officemate sent me an article from one of those business news sites (can’t remember which) bragging about my homestate of Kentucky. The article’s point was that Bowling Green was once a backwater, but is now becoming diverse. The city Chamber of Commerse is imersing it’s members in Chinese language, and they have attracted investors from Brazil, China, Indai, Germany, etc. They claim globalism should not be feared. Naturally, I was disappointed to hear of my State playing the harlot for Globalism and diversity. Do you see Globalism as a threat to the Dixie enthostate?

  7. Hank Williams Jr. had one good song:

    ” A Country Boy Can Survive.”

    Otherwise he’s a complete idiot – personifies a “dumb goyim”. I was doing strong populist, America First type activism in the early 1990s in Tennessee against the first great patriotic war against Iraq and I had to put up with Hank Williams Jr. churning out some ridiculous propaganda song support the war against SADDAM.

    Toby Keith is another of these fake populist folk heroes the Jews media trots out to get the Southern White goyim all excited about the latest Neo Con Jew war. And make no mistake Hank Williams Jr. loved – LOVED being on the Jew TV getting all excited about Monday Night Football – “ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL”?

    Hank Williams Jr. was just too stupid to understand his role as the highly paid dumb White goyim and got fired for saying a few bad words about Obama. Now I bet Hank Williams Jr will try to run for President of the United States on some Christian Zionist program that the media is anti Israel and Obama and Hitler and too many big shot liberal/Nazi media executives hate America, hate Jews, hate Israel and don’t appreciate the principled positions of #(*$#@ idiot goys like Hank Williams Jr.

    I love the US South, Southern culture – good ol boy, rednecks – but you have to be careful when something like Hank Williams Jr. is promoted too high, given too much money, too much publicity – he does stupid stuff and embarrasses our people.

  8. Wayne,

    I am sure what is going on in Kentucky is just one small example of the “New South” spirit of Chamber-of-Commerceism that is best exemplified by Atlanta, Charlotte, and Houston.

    What you are noticing is American culture – the crap that comes in through the interstates, through the television, through the radio, through the newspapers – colliding with Southern culture.

    As in Georgia, where everyone hates Atlanta, I am positive that Southerners in Kentucky are unsettled by this, and that the “conservatism” and “evangelical Christianity” of Kentucky is a type of inchoate antibiotic reaction against it.

  9. I see globalization as a flash in the pan: a reaction by the capitalist system to the unique geopolitical circumstances that followed the demise of the Cold War, a system that is already visibly tottering, and which will soon come crashing down on us because it is inherently exploitative and unsustainable.

  10. As I write this, Yankees are “Occupying Wall Street” – if you ask me, something that is funny as hell and long overdue, perhaps they will burn down the Hamptons this time instead of coming on the “Freedom Rides” to Alabama and Mississippi!

  11. Exactly. This is open conflict between the Big Oinks – Jew banksters, multi-nats – and Little Oinks – urban cosmics, wannabe gov’t employees, campus Reds etc. Beautiful. More chaos and polarization.

  12. The protests are screamingly funny! This is the level that the USA has sunk to. Burn baby burn! Gosh – I hope they all start bitng each other, and give each other rabies.

    By the by – the Tea Part Twits are all aghast at the Unwashed, impudent masses “Lefties” at the protests. They are too ignorant to understand that the kikenvermin Banksters, and the vile Gentile Golem are the REAL reason that “getting their country back” is turning out to be so elusive..

  13. My take is that Williams’ comments were a ham-fisted effort at kissing the asses of the Zionists and Jews in the media. I’m sure he thought his comments would be welcome. All he did was namedrop Netanyahu and reaffirm in an indirect manner that Hitler is evil. What’s not hunky-dory there? Isn’t it telling that Boehner isn’t pissed off?

    I agree with you, Denise, about the twits in the Tea Party.

  14. “As I write this, Yankees are “Occupying Wall Street” – if you ask me, something that is funny as hell and long overdue, perhaps they will burn down the Hamptons this time instead of coming on the “Freedom Rides” to Alabama and Mississippi!”

    I’d like to return the favor and do freedom rides through Miami Beach, Brighton Beach, and wherever else our Kosher friends live, in protest of their warmongering, duplicity in regards to Israel and their general clannishness. What a group of hypocrites! Of course it would be a bawdy publicity stunt, but I would like to see the reaction to loads of pickups with angry Crackers driving through Kosher neighborhoods in protest!

  15. Why would a country boy even know who Netanyahu is? Does he know the name of the boss man of Burma or Laos? Or even the Wazoo of India or the President of France? He’s been on the Kosher tit for too long.

  16. Hollywood owns Nashville. When’s the last time you heard a cuntry song about Mexican invaders driving down wages for poor working Americans? Or about affirmative action?

  17. Nightowl: I didn’t bring up Netanyahu, Hank Williams Jr did. If you’d lived under direct Jewish rule, as I have in Los Angeles, you’d find it easier to recognize their handiwork.

  18. Cause it’s the Jews, Nightowl. The Jews did it. What’s YOUR issue? Have you begun banging some Hebe, or something?

  19. Commie Negro Network – CNN – had one of their darling little Negro hosts, T.J. Holmes, “interview” some of the protestors, this AM. Enjoy.


    The Mulatress abomination, who contributes so very much to the conversation, is named Cruytal *Rutenberg*. Ewww. The Ashkenazi IQ gene didn’t take, on this one. Anyway -I am not against the Occupiers. They are a mess – they are all over place – but they are not WRONG.

  20. Here’s an amazing video, of one of the protestors. NYC. He’s very en pointe. We could take lessons form this guy, in public presentation.

  21. If I remember correctly every president for the past 30-40 years has been called every name imaginable. If you criticize or dislike our current president ,”racist- racist theres a racist”! The comment about Obama WAS taken out of context. Some people hear what they want to hear and the media has a field day with it exploiting it for everything it’s worth. I noticed the ones that cry the loudest are more racist than Hank Williams Jr. has been or ever will be! People who like country music are all a bunch of racist rednecks huh ? Well, heres what you do. Find the song “If you don’t like Hank Williams” and you have to go no further to find the answer of millions of Americans to the question “Do you think I care if you approve or disapprove of ANYTHING I like or do ? Just like the song says, you can KISS MY ASS is what you can do. I don’t have any apologies for you.

  22. new visitor, found my way here frm a link on WRH/ .hi y’all 🙂

    todd sez “What a group of hypocrites! Of course it would be a bawdy publicity stunt, but I would like to see the reaction to loads of pickups with angry Crackers driving through Kosher neighborhoods in protest!”

    now that would be fun and funny! i always love to see hypocritical intolerance exposed in those who demand tolerance of others. especially when those demanding tolerance masquerade behind religious pretext in defending their intolerance.

  23. “now that would be fun and funny! i always love to see hypocritical intolerance exposed in those who demand tolerance of others. especially when those demanding tolerance masquerade behind religious pretext in defending their intolerance.”

    I can only imagine what the fallout would be! I’m already listed on a terrorist watch-list according to airport security in Amsterdam and Stockholm–and my political sins consist of being a nobody, with absolutely no training that could be used to harm anyone, who happened to reasonably complain to his congressman an senator about supporting Israel. Apparently, that’s all it takes these days. I’m not a member of any group or political party, so I can’t imagine what else it could be.

  24. Apparently Hank wrote a song over the weekend. Maybe he is coming to his senses.

    It sounded like Williams was just calling Boehner and Obama opposites. Yeah, the comparison wasn’t valid because Netanyahu isn’t exactly the polar opposite of Hitler, but how should Hank know that? Seriously, when did the Holocaust become our national religion? Why isn’t Boehner upset about being compared to Netanyahu? And since when is it taboo to call Obama a socialist on Faux News? I think Fox just shot itself in the foot on this one and showed its true colors!

    This whole issue is an attempt at imposing Jewish sensitivities on the rest of America in a very coercive way. The holocaust is not an American issue, and I believe that no reasonable person would find Williams’ comments offensive in the way they are being portrayed. He was actually bowing and scraping, for God’s sake, which is what I find offensive!

  25. Todd said: “Seriously, when did the Holocaust become our national religion?”

    After the Six-Day War, and the illegal cover-up of the Israeli bombing of the USS Liberty. The latter happened in 1967, and Hal Lindsey’s utterly heretical ‘Late, Great Planet Earth’ appeared in 1970.

    While the Scofield Reference Bible had been around for almost 70 years (and was originally published- why?- by CAMBRIDGE Press – as in England!) it was not until the much-touted, and utterly unchristian Lindsey got his rag published, that the mass consciousness of Americans was ‘held captive’ and their intelligences were ‘left behind’ and we began the long, slow freefall to utter ‘sheeople’ status as far as the Deiciedes (Christ-killers) were concerned.

  26. “The latter happened in 1967, and Hal Lindsey’s utterly heretical ‘Late, Great Planet Earth’ appeared in 1970.”

    Good Ole Hal Lindsey! I have one religious nut in my family, and that is an aunt who took me to see ‘The Late Great Planet Earth’ when I was ten. At that age, I didn’t know what the movie was about, but I understood crazy when I saw it. Christianity at this point seems to be mainly made up of crazy people and the naive, gutless pacifists and masochists. I don’t know what to make of the religion at this point. 900 versions of the Bible, and most people choose the craziest version and claim it is the literal word of God!

    I’ve often heard the claim that 1967 was a turning point for American Jews in regards to becoming overtly aggressive about Israel and the holocaust, but when did non-Jews truly become suckers and idiots?

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