About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Top comment on the youtube video:

    “Look at how diverse? that crowd is . I saw many different shades of white skin there.”

    Our Tea Party is more Diverse than your Occupy Wall Street! Vote Herman Cain!

  2. About what I expected: campus Red Jews, Urban White Cosmics, other street sweepings; tho the N. Korea-style crowd-chants-back-the-speakers-words is pretty cool. Otherwise, sad stuff…was hoping for more chaos, but this crowd isn’t up to it. Chaff before the Storm. Next spring, maybe more bodies and energy.

  3. KrollAssociatesDid911 says:
    October 13, 2011 at 1:02 am
    Top comment on the youtube video:

    “Look at how diverse? that crowd is . I saw many different shades of white skin there.”

    Our Tea Party is more Diverse than your Occupy Wall Street! Vote Herman Cain!

    There-in lies the Tragic Flaw of “Conservative” Whites.

  4. Denise,

    Sometimes I doubt my own eyes about the tribe elevating mud people. Maybe, just maybe, they hate ’em too and are determined to have one at the helm when the titanic finally slips beneath the waves. If true, Obama was put in place as a fall guy and herman cain will be too. In theory, ending the dream of diversity and begging a nation wide “ship ’em back” movement. The modern conservative movement may just have to die before it can be reborn…..in that case GO CAIN!

  5. I understand the Vote Cain concept. Perhaps I am being pssimistic – but I think the vast majority of Whites are TOO clueless, to indoctrinated, to de-racinated, too faux Xianized, and too EGOISTIC, really, to EVER Do What’s Best for the White. These “White” protestors, here, and abroad – they are too in love, and far gone in thier love, re: the We Are All One scam, to EVER work to preserve our Race. And it’s really about ego; Whites, deep down, believe that we ARE superior, and our Wonderful White Wqoderfulness can transform everything on Earth, if we just figure out the correct mumbo jumo incantation, this time……….Whites are simpy, finally, too GOOD to be racist; that’s for those other, less intelligent, less wonderful Races.

    By the time enough Whites “get it”, and get right with reality – I think there will be too few of us left to accomplish anything. We wil simply be overwhelmed. The Jews do NOT care about their Mud Golem. Once Whitey’s gone – Jews are the White People. They don’t care if they Rule over Chaos, and a planet full of Dark Savages. They really do not care. They have no standards, for anything. Never have. Just Will to Power.

    Half the time, these days, I think Whites deserve to be wiped from existence. Every other living thing on Earth tries to preserve and perpetuate itself. The simplest bug tries to live. But not Whitey. I deeply resent the fact that the handful of us that do want to see our Race continue to exist getthe WORST scorn, pushback, impediments, censure, and sheer hatred from our ostensible “own kind”. WN are a crazy lot. I count myself among that grouping – cause in the end we are all we’ve got.

    I could be wrong about everything. I dunno. I see a Camp of the Saints scenario for our Race, though. C’est la vie.

  6. I thought I was having a flash back to the Sixties. Hippies, peaceniks, campus “demonstrators”; no doubt a mixing of minorities, “feminists” and “gays”; all the usual suspects.

    The only thing missing, so far as I can tell, is a haze of marijuana smoke and overt violence but I have no doubt that that is lurking in the wings waiting for its cue.

    Obama’s answer to the Tea Party and his storm troopers in practice for next year.

  7. KrollAssociates said: “Remember, the Yankee religion teaches them that they are the “real Jews” – God’s Chosen People meant to Tikkun Olam the “torn world.”
    What is worse than an actual Hymie? A Yankee trying to out do them.”

    If by ‘real Jews’ you mean, real Talmudics, then you are correct.

    If by ‘real Jews’ you mean, the ONLY ‘Elect’ of God, the ‘holy nation, peculiar people, etc.’ noted in the New Testament, then I take umbrage at this insult. For the Church IS the ‘Israel of God’ [ Gal. 6:16] and has been since Calvary, if not before…

    What has caused the Church to abandon the Kingdom for the realm of Satania (the modern multicult mess shown to great perversion in the ‘Occupy’ videos above) is the DENIAL of that ‘Elect Nation’ status, as God has decreed it should be, and the REPLACEMENT with ‘another Gospel’ – one that the Marxists, the Deicides, and the Bolsheviks have actively worked to PERVERT the “TRUE” Chosen People, because they are, and can only be, the ‘sons of Satan’ that Christ called them, 2000 years ago.
    [John 8:44]

  8. FR. john, your quoting john the baptist right there, i don’t recall him being familiar with bolsheviks? but otherwise i agree, these are just the mindless masses waiting for someone/some group (probably bolshevik in nature) with a (coherent) ideology to basically take away all their power and make them slaves in communal automobile factories. just take for one, andy jackson. he was the “common man”, he mobilized the newly empowered lower class AMERICANS (white men) and based his policies around them. but sometimes i think all these people really want is to talk about how interesting they are to some attractive woman in a coffee shop, or during a bong session.

  9. Kroll – I love your posts. There’s some DWL on the Chicago, Color of Crime thread, that embodies your characterization of Yankee White Supremacist abomination. It calles itself “Sickened” (by our Hatefulness clutch the pearls!) Some of us are having fun wth It. The replies to the Thing are mostly gentlemanly.

    I, however, am not a gentleman. ; }

    Wander over and toy with It,, if It returns….

  10. @Denise

    re: your second post – It’s a demoralizing time in history for White people, absolutely. But you gotta keep your chin up. I have to believe there’s some design to being burdened with racial clarity in times like these. Maybe something like that old axion about God not giving us any more than we can handle. Maybe people like us are here, now, because we were specifically built to take it. At least that’s what I tell myself.


    Fuck you and your Yankee-cutting bullshit. I’m sick of hearing it from everyone. People who blame ‘Yankee this’, Yankee that’, and ‘stupid fuckin Yankees’ and such, I am realy beginning to suspect only do so, because they are too pussy to correctly blame niggers and their Jew zoo-keepers for the bedlam that passes for normalcy these days. Hate the enemy in front of you. Don’t look for new ones where there aren’t any.

    Regarding 2012/Cain/Obama/Tea Party/Conservatives etc., well, at the risk of sounding like a 1960’s university commie scumbag, I really don’t give a shit anymore. I say fuck it. Obama 2012 and hope this whole motherfucker finally burns to the ground!

  11. BTW, Hunter, that hippie in the second video is hilarious! But it’s also embarassing because he looks like he could be my twin brother..

  12. @Chris the Faggot says

    I am realy beginning to suspect only do so, because they are too pussy to correctly blame niggers and their Jew zoo-keepers for the bedlam that passes for normalcy these days. Hate the enemy in front of you. Don’t look for new ones where there aren’t any.

    What kind of WHITE MAN would want to blame our problems on niggers and jews? Are you KIDDING? Niggers and Jews are irrelevant. Any problems we have are our own.

    at the risk of sounding like a 1960?s university commie scumbag, I really don’t give a shit anymore.

    Pfft. Your boss should hire me, I’m a far better propagandist than you losers.

  13. @Kroll

    First of all, stupidass, Muslims “did 911″, (nice use of phasing, BTW) not Kroll Associates”, whatever the hell they are. There’s video of the individuals in question boarding their respective planes. Al Qaeda openly took credit for the attacks afterward. You stupid, hysterical, paranoid, toothless, piss-stained, little girl.

    Second, yes, motherfucker, Jews HAVE aided and abetted niggers for the past 60 years. Clear some of the shit out of what passes for your brains and open your beety, probably inbred, eyes and look around you for once. White people didn’t burn down cities and destroy school districts and exhaust taxpayers with endless public assistance programs. NIGGERS HAVE DONE THAT. NOT “YANKEES”. NIGGERS. Comprende, asshole?

    And finally, “Chris the Faggot”? What are you, 12? Crawl back down to your basement and jerk off to a Hitler speech. Punk.

  14. stupidass … stupid, hysterical, paranoid, toothless, piss-stained, little girl. … Crawl back down to your basement and jerk off to a Hitler speech. Punk.

    Remember, he started this exchange by saying “fuck you” and now he’s complaining about name-calling. Plus, he’s a 9/11 liar.

    So, let’s see, he lies about 9/11, and then tells me to “jerk off to a Hitler speech.” Sounds pretty damn kosher to me.

  15. Chris! Kroll! I love you both! Stop it.

    Chris – it was Yankees. We really screwed over the South. They are NOT “over” it. The South was right all along. I’ve told Southerners this, long, long before I ever heard of WN, that they were right, and the North was horrid. We can own up to this. They deserve a little venting. I can take it. In the end, all we hav is each other. Whites are very different. I am a Celt. I’m surrounded by lowland Germans. Passiv,e stubborn low-land Germans, so very proud of their blind obedience. I am REALLY mean to ALL the WWII vets I know – I’ve called old men murderers, and traitors, because the marched off and slaughtered their Racial Kin,. cause some God-DAMNED Jews made a few movies starring the Andrews Sisters. I’ve told them I hold THEM responsible for our ruined Nation, when they lament the cost of thngs, the things they can nop longer afford, and speak of their fear of all the violent …minorities that are now intheir little towns. I tel them that THWY created this mess. That we were onthe wrong side – and Patton was MURDERED cause he was saying the same things. They look at me with astonishment, anger, amazement – and …..I can see something way behind their eyes, deep inside. They know I’m speaking the truth. They do, even if they push the truth away, right away. They wo’t go to theur deaths peacefully – and they don’t deserve to.

    It’s Whites. We’ve done it to ourselves. We always do. We all natter about this and that, and which group is guilty – but Kroll is right. Until Whites stop suiciding ourselves, and do what EVERY other Race does – then we’ll always repeat the same stupid, self-demolishing patterns.

    I’m haven’t died from eating Yankee crow. I season it with rue. Let them say what they must say – it’s long over due. Time and Tide is vindicating them. The thing about Southerners – they are mad as HELL about what was done to them. But I, as a Yankee, have told them …..my heart bleeds for what my Yankees have done….and they know I mean my words. So they ….I can’t say accept me….why should they, or any-one trust me, until that trust is proven….but was can walk on the same road. And that’s fine. It’s Ok. All we have is each other, in the end.

  16. Hey I was drunk when I wrote that, I don’t even remember. But the next day I find him saying he knows what happened on 9/11, but doesn’t even know who Kroll Associates is – (hint, they are nicknamed “the CIA of Wall Street”) – on a thread about WALL STREET PROTESTS no less, so I’m not particularly worried about it. He’s obviously got a boner for the ragheads. Maybe it’s a “South Park Conservative” you know, the wily Ragheads outsmarted our dumb military on 9/11, and two aircraft make three buildings demolish themselves, because the office furniture was on fire.

    There’s no point in playing pretend with these liars. Nobody – NOBODY – is that stupid.

    My apology video:

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