Via Civil War Memory.
The 54th Regiment fought with Massachusetts for the Yankee flag and for the “Glory” of BRA. This is what we were fighting against.
“A Union officer had asked the Confederates at Battery Wagner for the return of Shaw’s body but was informed by the Confederate commander, Brigadier General Johnson Hagood, “We buried him with his niggers.” Shaw’s father wrote in response that he was proud that Robert, a fierce fighter for equality, had been buried in that manner.”
Note: Having read Buchanan’s latest column on VDARE, I would like to point out that “we as a people” did not agree to end segregation in the 1960s. Instead, the U.S. federal government which was controlled by the Northern states (who voted as a 9 to 1 supermajority in Congress to defeat the Southern filibusters) dismantled Jim Crow and threw open our borders to the Third World.
Dixie was against MLK and the Civil Rights Movement. We voted down the Immigration Act of 1965. We opposed Roe vs. Wade. We blocked the Equal Rights Amendment. We opposed the Reagan amnesty. We opposed the Bush amnesty. The Cultural Revolution of the 1960s was a Jewish and Yankee embrace of the degenerate counterculture that was also opposed here.
Woodstock was in New York. Kent State was in Ohio. The Stonewall Riots were in New York City.
We as a people did not agree to pay this price. Just like we never agreed to make the negro a citizen. We have never agreed with gay marriage or “women’s liberation” or the Barack Hussein Obama presidency or the rest of these deluded utopian schemes that are constantly hatched by other peoples who live within the United States.
These other groups are racially, ethnically, culturally, and religiously distinct from us. They do not share either our blood, our history, or our political principles.
I can’t believe I just watched it all. I hope you have more sense than I did.
i saw the expression on the homo erectus’s face and immediatly assumed it was about “oppreshun”. its going to be a real big clusterfuck when this thing starts to REALLY get going, 5 ten years from now. i can see it, and it won’t be a heroic stuggle, it will be utter and total mayham, like the 1918 civil war in bolshevikland, but with the added savagry of the negroid thrown in.
I have not watched, and will not watch ANY propaganda that legitimizes a nigger as a human being. I have had that HERESY shoved down my throat for over fifty years!
I have become an unreconstructed Yankee, as I cannot claim to be a Southernor. But, by God, I don’t have to REMAIN a Yankee, even if I stay up north.
The MOMENT civil society breaks down, I swear, if a ‘nigrah’ even so much as LOOKS at me, for a handout, a touch, or a surveillance operation in our small town, where there are none, I will shoot to kill. Hunter, thanks for the clarification. I see now that it was MY side of the country that gave us EVERY EVIL UNDER THE SUN.
After 400 years of White Largesse, I am DONE with the fallacy that the Negro is/should be, or ever could be, the White Man’s equal. This is a lie straight from the pit of hell. And Jer. 13:23 is my new John 3:16, frankly.
Ah, and the author’s name for this piece of crap? Kevin LEVIN.
Jew. Deicide. Kike. Pervert. Shylock. Antichrist.
Shoulda known……
I wouldn’t be too rough on rural Kent State where a bunch of draft dodging national guard shot up a bunch of college kids many of whom were walking between classes on a Spring day.
Among the dead and wounded were two members of the ROTC, one of whom was killed while walking to class.
You know Hunter, George Wallace was probably more outspoken against the Vietnam war, and foreign entanglement, than Humphrey & Nixon.
Fr. John,
I’m sure you have experienced the wonders of “diversity” now that the liberal wing of the Lutheran Church has imported Somalis to Minnesota to enrich the culture of your state.
I heard that just the other day one of these “Somali-Americans” from Minnesota had self detonated in Somalia. This is like the fourth or fifth one now.
In case anyone was wondering, I call them “African-Americans” because I want to stress that they are “African” and “American,” whereas I consider myself to be a White Southerner, and therefore not an American.
While we are talking about the “Civil War,” Thaddeus Stevens of Vermont lived with his negro mistress housekeeper and had himself buried in a negro cemetery in Lancaster, Pennsylvania because of his fanatical commitment to racial equality.
This is the guy who was behind the 14th Amendment which made blacks into American citizens:
Stevens never married but two of his adult nephews came to live with him. He shared his home and parental responsibilities with his mixed-race housekeeper of twenty years, Lydia Hamilton Smith.
Stevens devoted most of his enormous energies to the destruction of what he considered the Slave Power, that is the conspiracy he saw of slave owners to seize control of the federal government and block the progress of liberty. In 1848, while still a Whig party member, Stevens was elected to serve in the House of Representatives. He served in congress from 1849 to 1853, and then from 1859 until his death in 1868.
He defended and supported Native Americans, Seventh-day Adventists, Mormons, Jews, Chinese, and women. However, the defense of runaway or fugitive slaves gradually began to consume the greatest amount of his time, until the abolition of slavery became his primary political and personal focus. He was actively involved in the Underground Railroad, assisting runaway slaves in getting to Canada.[citation needed] A possible Underground Railroad site (which consists of a water cistern that shows evidence of being modified for human habitation) has been discovered under his office in Lancaster, PA. This office, along with Lydia Smith’s home, is located next to the new conference center in the center of Lancaster; they may soon become a museum open to the public.
During the American Civil War Stevens was one of the three or four most powerful men in Congress, using his slashing oratorical powers, his chairmanship of the Ways and Means Committee, and above all his single-minded devotion to victory. His power grew during Reconstruction as he dominated the House and helped to draft both the Fourteenth Amendment and the Reconstruction Act in 1867.
Stevens was the leader of the Radical Republicans, who had full control of Congress after the 1866 elections. He largely set the course of Reconstruction. He wanted to begin to rebuild the South, using military power to force the South to recognize the equality of Freedmen. When President Johnson resisted, Stevens proposed and passed the resolution for the impeachment of Andrew Johnson in 1868.
Thaddeus Stevens died at midnight on August 11, 1868, in Washington, D.C., less than three months after the acquittal of Johnson by the Senate. Stevens’ coffin lay in state inside the Capitol Rotunda, flanked by a Black Honor Guard (the Butler Zouaves from the District of Columbia).[7] Twenty thousand people, one-half of whom were African-American, attended his funeral in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. He chose to be buried in the Shreiner-Concord Cemetery because it was the only cemetery that would accept people without regard to race.
Stevens wrote the inscription on his headstone that reads: “I repose in this quiet and secluded spot, not from any natural preference for solitude, but finding other cemeteries limited as to race, by charter rules, I have chosen this that I might illustrate in my death the principles which I advocated through a long life, equality of man before his Creator.”
Stevens’ monument is at the intersection of North Mulberry Street and West Chestnut Street in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
The Washington Post is celebrating the demise of the White neighborhood:
Census: The new U.S. neighborhood defined by diversity as all-white enclaves vanish
Interesting info on the Civil War starts at 1:00:23. Give it a shot.
“These other groups are racially . . . distinct from us. They do not share our blood . . .”
That is an absurd statement.
Old-stock White Americans, North and South, are of the Nordic race.
The South was colonized by English, Scotch-Irish / Lowland Scot, German and Huguenot settlers.
The North was colonized by English, Scotch-Irish / Lowland Scot, German, Huguenot, Dutch and Swedish settlers.
The race and blood of old-stock White American Northerners and Southerners is damn near identical. I’d wager genetic testing would prove as much.
In the early national period the American people, North and South, were Nordic in race, English in language, Protestant in religion, Whig in political principles and de facto pragmatic-distributionist in their economic principles.
The North, unfortunately, has changed since that time. The elites have apostisticized from traditional Protestantism to Transcendentalism and they abandoned the Whig principles of representative government and ordered liberty in favor of judicially imposed anarcho-tyranny. Mass immigration has changed the ethnic makeup of the North, introducing some groups very hostile to traditional America. Both the welfare-statist economic fundamentalism of the Democratic Party and the neoliberal-globalist economic fundamentalism of the Republican Party, unlike the economic pragmatism of our ancestors, threaten the well being of workers, small businessmen, manufacturers and the middle class.
But among the old-stock common folk of the North, the old American principles still have appeal, as they do among assimilated descendants of South/East European immigrants – Tom Tancredo, for instance.
As near as I can tell, your dream is the breakup of America, the rebirth of the Confederacy, and the spread of race-realist thinking, all ultimately leading to the rebirth of Jim Crow.
To me, this sounds as far-fetched as the White Nationalist dream of an all White ethnostate. If (BIG IF) the Confederacy were somehow reborn, the the rump of the USA would be radicalized to the left, and would join with the world community in imposing an economic blockade of the South, and would also support Black and leftwing guerilla movements against the South, if Jim Crow were reintroduced in a hypothetically independant South – the South Africa treatment. International boundaries aren’t what they used to be – ineffective against the power of finance, Hollywood or leftwing academia. Sharia-law Iran and Stalinist North Korea are just barely able to hold out against the soft power of these global homogenizing forces. What chance would a South ideologically committed to neo-Confederate free trade fundamentalism have? These are the power political realities of our world.
I think the best that White Americans can hope for is a square deal – consistent standards for all ethnic groups within our now balkanized USA. We get to shed our ethno-masochism, Jews have to reign in their hyper-ethnocentrism. Either affirmative action must be completely abolished, or Jews and Whites must be categorized separately – and the quotas set accordingly. Either the constant, lurid retelling of relatively infrequent acts of White on Black violence from 100 years ago must be toned down, or full attention must be given to the relatively frequent acts of Black on White violence in our own time.
The power of this one simple idea, CONSISTENCY, can be used to protect White American interests, even in a majority non-White America, if we can muster enough UNITY.
This is an idea the redeemers (but not the fire-eating secessionists like Edmund Ruffin, in their pride and folly) would understand.
I think that is why Buchanan, unlike some other paleocons, concedes the legitimacy of those aspects of the civil rights movement which had consistency as their moral basis.
And that is why I strongly dislike the pseudo-racial myth promoted by Ron and Don Kennedy in “The South Was Right” (Gaelic South vs. Germanic North): it divides White Americans against each other, all based on a lie. The same goes for the extreme, anti-American weirdness of the European New Right. Your Southern Nationalism and Greg Johnson’s White Nationalism have that much in common: they are both counterproductive dreams, retreats from reality which have the potential to weaken our ability to defend our interests in the real world, by dividing us against each other, and by hopelessly dividing the awakened vanguard from the easy-going mass of our people.
Witnessing the pygmy Halle Berry gig at the La. State House is inexpressibly nightmarish. How can any normal mind retain any sentiment of patriotism in this impossibly revolting country? Yes, I know we still possess some freedom, still laden with creature comforts, still better than elsewhere. These benefits accrued to us gratis those better than us, before us–like the slacker inheritor we will soon lose it all. I am Yankee born and raised but have long ago come to detest the egalitarian universalism of the people and their institutions from there who have succeeded in effecting our own immolation. Who could have imagined a mere fifty years ago decadence, degeneracy and general ruin of such magnitude could have so quickly befallen this once incomparable nation?
The Democrats lost control of the Louisiana House in the 2010 midterms due to party switching.
Just a few days ago, there were state elections in Louisiana: Jindal won a landslide victory, Republicans picked up two seats in the state senate, and Republicans retained control of the Louisiana House.
I would have written an article about this, but the open primaries in the Louisiana House has resulted in 12 runoff elections which are scheduled for around November 18th or thereabouts.
The Republicans will head into 2012 with firm control of the Louisiana state government for the first time since Reconstruction. Much depends upon how the Louisiana House sorts out. We will know in three weeks.
Mississippi, which is holding elections on Nov. 8, is taking another shot at immigration reform in January. Louisiana is another state where a stronger version of immigration reform could conceivably get passed.
I have to agree with Whites Unite on the matter of an independent, Jim Crow South. It is geographically indefensible and will be subject to endless guerrilla war, supported by Washington. It will be isolated economically, facing a near complete embargo from the rest of the world. The whole world will eventually be forced by the scarcity of resources to re-adopt some of the old ways, but if the South gives up oil before the Federal regime, they will find themselves facing airpower with cavalry.
I disagree with W.U. on the matter of a square deal. These foreigners are a very recent phenomenon. They were not here when I was a young man, and they can go back. Any deal that allows them to stay is suicide, as they are colonists, out to take everything they can from Whites. They are all predators or parasites. They don’t want consistency, they want privilege. Live among them and see. The only consistency we need is the well-being of our race. That’s exactly how the non-Whites do things.
@Whites Unite
“..counter productive dream, retreats from reality…”
Do you honestly imagine a “reality” of a “square deal” for whites in the preposterous scenario of race chaos that you describe? After all you’ve witnessed in recent years how can you intellectually, emotionally close with such a scheme. If at some point whites don’t separate to some homeland of their own and bear the awesome burdens that you concatenate then they will die.
We saw a lot of that “Nordic unity” in the War Between the States, Reconstruction, WW1 and WW2.
The South was colonized by three distinct peoples: the Virginia Cavaliers, the Barbadian Chivalry, and the Scots-Irish. The region was settled from three directions: from South Carolina, from the Virginia Tidewater, and down the Appalachians from Pennsylvania.
The North was settled by three distinct peoples: the New England Puritans, the Pennsylvania Quakers, and the New Amsterdam Dutch. In the middle colonies, there were lots of Scots-Irish, Swedes, Dutch, and Germans.
The Puritans and the Quakers were the two most notorious sects in Britain and came to North America because they were disliked in England. The Dutch founded New Amsterdam as a commercial trading entrepot.
The Puritans came from East Anglia. The Scots-Irish came from Ulster and the borderlands of Northern England. The Virginia Cavaliers and the Barbadians came from the south and west of England.
In any case, the colonists were under no illusions that they were the same people, or that the American colonies were founded for the same purpose. Virginia and North Carolina were tobacco colonies that became a refuge for the English gentry. South Carolina was an extension of the West Indies slave states.
OTOH, New England and Pennsylvania were founded as religious experiments by the Puritans and the Quakers. New Amsterdam was just a trading colony sandwiched between the two.
Delaware was created because of Quaker mismanagement of Pennsylvania. Maryland was created as a Catholic colony. Georgia was created as a colony for the English poor.
In the colonial period, the term “Nordic” was completely unknown. It wasn’t coined until the late nineteenth century. The American colonists were “Protestants,” but that was a meaningless term by that point.
The Yankees were New England Congregationalists. The Quakers were the most radical sect in the British Isles. In the Southern colonies, the Carolina Chivalry and the Virginia Cavaliers were Anglicans, and the Scots-Irish were Presybterians and later Baptists and Methodists.
The Southern colonies were slave states with an economy based on cash crop agriculture for export to foreign markers. The Northern colonies were religious experiments that tolerated slavery.
This only begs the question: why did the North change? How much has it really changed? The Puritans came to the New World to create a religious utopia. Their secularized descendants are still trying to create a utopian society.
Why didn’t the South follow in the footsteps of the North? Because the South has never been like the North in our entire history. That’s because we are not the same people. We do not have the same climate. We do not have the same culture or the same religion. We do not have the same economic system
This is questionable.
The truth is, the Irish disliked blacks and rioted in New York City, and the last thing they wanted to do was to fight the South to end slavery and give the negro equal rights. The Germans disliked slavery, but they were not eager to go to war with the South.
Americans don’t vote on class lines.
They vote on ethnic lines, religious lines, cultural lines, and racial lines. Every single representative in New England voted for the DREAM Act. The people who support the DREAM Act and “comprehensive immigration reform” are concentrated in the Northeast, the Upper Midwest, and the Left Coast.
Tancredo is from Colorado which is a Far West state that is under siege by Hispanics and White liberals from California who have moved to the Denver area.
If we separated from the North and created our own federal government, we could easily solve most of our problems here. Every single deluded utopian scheme in American history from abolitionism to women’s suffrage to gay marriage has come from that area and has been opposed here.
I want a Southern ethnostate for Anglo-Celts or Southerners of British ancestry, the Republic of Dixie, a nation-state like France or Germany or Serbia or Ireland, and I want to secure the border, deport the Hispanics who live here, and squeeze out the blacks by making life ever more difficult for them.
How so?
There is a huge difference: White Southerners are an ethnic group. We have seceded from the United States before. We share the same blood, the same history, the same culture, and the same religion. We also have compelling reasons to separate from the federal government that are increasingly perceived around here.
What are White Nationalists though? Are White Nationalists an ethnic group? Do they have a culture? Are they blood relatives?
By the time the Confederacy is reborn, Europe will have collapsed after committing demographic suicide, and the North will be on its knees after the American economy has collapsed.
Hispanics are already fleeing Dixie. After the American economy collapses, racial conflict will erupt here and this the last place in America where they are going to want to be caught in the crossfire.
When this shit finally goes down, we will see who will hang with Washington, and who will bail on the Union. Who is going to let themselves be tied to the national debt out of American patriotism?
The South will bail on the Union and create a new federal government.
Hollywood, the Mainstream Media, and the Ivy League are already despised in Dixie.
The power reality of our present world is that the Lincoln system which was established after the War Between the States is now on its last legs. The end is now in sight for the American Empire, for New York City’s domination of world finance, for the Federal Reserve control of our currency, for Hollywood and the Mainstream Media’s credibility, for the political class in Washington.
When the United States goes down like the Titanic, who do you think is most likely to jump ship and set up a new government?
We are not really ethnomasochists though. This system was imposed upon us by force. Not once, but twice.
If we quit the United States, we could talk about black-on-white crime as much as we want to, and solve the problem in our own way. But we are never going to do that as long as we are tied to Washington and pay taxes to that city and bow our heads before its judges and send representatives to its corrupt Congress to argue with fanatics all day.
There is no such thing as White America.
If there was a White America, we wouldn’t have this problem. Instead, we have rival ethnic groups that are trying to fuck over other ethnic groups, especially White Southerners.
Edmund Ruffin and the Redeemers understood who abolished slavery and who gave the negro citizenship as a way of oppressing the people who live here. It was the Yankees. The same damn people who supported MLK and the who voted for the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
Buchanan has a fond nostalgic memory of an America that never existed.
In the “country he grew up in,” the Supreme Court had just spent the last twenty years trying to overthrow Jim Crow, which culminated in the Brown decision in 1954 which forced us to integrate our schools. Eisenhower and JFK used the military to force integration on the South.
We were not “one people” back then either. The North did not share our culture. They did have our racial caste system either. They did not have Jim Crow laws. They believed that negroes were their equals and were determined to force their view on the rest of the country.
It takes a liar to travel through Dixie and then travel to New England and imagine that these places which look, act, and sound nothing alike are the same people.
“White people” are not a people.
The only people who suffer from this delusion are White Nationalists. If you go to Europe, you will find that the “White people” who live there are organized in rival nation-states. If you go to Canada, you will find that the Quebecois and English Canadians are not the same people.
It’s the same way here: in our case, the Yankees and their Jewish allies are trying to flood the South with non-White immigrants, enfranchise blacks, elevate blacks over Whites, tear down Christianity, turn men against women and the young against the old and the middle class and working class against the upper class.
If we seceded from the United States and created an international border and built the “big ass White wall” along the Ohio and Potomac rivers, the problem would stop. It would stop because the people who are relentlessly pushing us in our present direction would be on the other side of that border.
In a homogeneous nation-state, we could have real representative government and our culture would return to its natural equilibrium, and blacks would on the way out the door.
Solid historical arguments vs. Whites Unite, HW, but you underestimate both the intelligence and murderous savagery of the current Jew-regime and its ethnic stormtroopers. I have Jews married into several branches of my family, and we have “discussed” these matters. Their ultimate intentions – toward all Whites – are lethal. We take it all back, or we lose it all. The Hollywood-NY-DC Triad must be destroyed. Utterly. Or they will destroy us. Utterly.
Virtually all the Jews in America live in three places: The Left Coast, the Upper Midwest, and the Northeast. There are Jewish snowbirds in South Florida, but they are retirees who have gone there to die. Jews who live in parts of the rural South like Selma are vanishing.
I wish we could “take it all back,” but obviously, we are not going to take anything back until we take at least something back. The surest way to guarantee our collective demise is to stick with the Union. Just look at the Justice Department lawsuits against Arizona, Alabama, and South Carolina.
The most likely candidate for “taking it back” is Dixie because the overwhelming majority of racialists and conservatives are concentrated here. There is a constituency here that might be persuadable to the ideal of “taking it back.”
After Dixie, the places where we might enjoy some success are Alaska (which could go its own way), the Southwest (where Whites are most under siege), the Interior West and the Lower North, which fills out the map of “Red America,” which are most likely to follow the South out of the Union.
The most inhospitable places to “taking it back” will prove to be The Left Coast, the Upper Midwest, and the Northeast. The people who live there know what I am saying is true. They know very well that those regions are the parts of America that is dragging the rest of America to White minority status in 2042.
If we are going to derail this train before it arrives at its awful destination, we have to separate from those parts of America.
You people are ignorant, vile, and sickening. Get a life.