Rapture Postponed

The Rapture

The Antichrist is coming and the Rapture is going to happen this year. We have been negligent in not paying enough attention to this story.

Note: Yes, I know you are saying that the whole internet patiently waited for the Rapture to happen last May, but it has been postponed until this year. This is explained in the second video.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Thinking you can predict the rapture/ end of times is ungodly and clearly counter to what Christ and God have to say about the topic

  2. Did Martin Luther have any idea what he was starting when he tacked the 95 theses to the door?

    Five Hundred years later we have these two examples of what freedom of conscience combined with religion can lead to.

    No, I firmly believe in freedom of religion and separation of church and state. I am only looking at one of the most pathetic consequences of the Reformation. Sheepish WHITE people, really expecting to be “raptured” up any minute, with death and destruction going on all around them? Their fellow Whites suffering horrible deaths while they escape to a wonderland in the air? The end of life. The end of the world. Do they have any idea of what they eagerly expect?

    I doubt it. I think on a subconscious level they really believe they are going to cheat the Grim Reaper. That’s what it’s all about: soothing their fears of death.

    Indeed, don’t look for future WN’s in this bunch of “believers”. What a write off. What a shame.

  3. Hunter, isn’t that the only four issues the respectable “conservatives” have left? Defense of marriage, anti-abortion, “illegal” immigration and imperialism? They’ve caved on everything else and up up against the ropes getting pummeled and they don’t even know it. They are too dense to realize that their top three should be States Rights, Reaffirmation of the 10th Amendment, Repeal of Civil Rights. If they could just do this, all their other pet issues would work themselves out.

  4. Off topic, but http://www.thecampofthesaints.org Talk about a delusional site with equally delusional commentors. I checked it out because the the book, hoping to find a pro-Western site and all I got was neocon drivel. The sad part is, they REALLY believe they are radical conservatives, with the Wolverine motif and all! LOL I’d be funny if it weren’t so sad. These types are the most dangerous leftists of all, because they pose as conservatives (maybe even believe they are conservatives).

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F13WJPxOS9M Homer Simpson Os prestaré toda mi atención
    In order to cope with the Black Undertow and the Brown Tide, I believe that we should leave aside thoughts of the Rapture and focus our attention on carrying concealed handguns and learning Spanish.

  6. Damn, Hunter! I checked out the FreeRepublic link. You are spot on! Pure garbage and ignorance. As far as I’m concerned, the true conservative movement in the country has been relegated to the fringes. Thanks for carrying the torch.
    Did you notice how they treat Ron Paul on there? Disgusting!

  7. The underlining theme of these “The Rapture is coming real soon” types is for Whites to simply give up on this life, give up on this country and look to be taken out of this world (suicide – only God’s doing it for us the good people).

    We have to strongly attack these White people as cowards, the religious leaders pushing this nonsense and demanding donations – they are simply financial scammers, worse than Bernie Maddoff and they must be publicly shamed.

    And it’s OK for White Christians of different denominations to try to convert their membership to something different, anything different. Anything different, even secular humanism is better than this Rapture nonsense.

    We have to expose these frauds, idiots, cowards.

  8. Hunter….Please.

    How ANYONE can call themselves a Christian, when your primary desire is to ESCAPE that which contributes toward your sanctification (trials and tribulations), is only because of a faulty Yankee Supremacism gone bad- i.e., incomplete Calvinism, that can be reduced to a ‘once saved, always saved’ mentality. (That is, now that I am saved, I don’t have to DO anything, for that would be ‘of works’….. even though Scripture tells us to ‘…make our calling and election sure.’)

    These types are worse than the lukewarm who inhabit the ‘lamestream’ churches, IMHO. Because they won’t “polish brass on a sinking ship,” they also don’t see that voting for the lesser of two weevils, is still voting for a weevil!


  9. I think they are wired wrong. Instead of liking sex of something that gives and adrenalin rush like boxing, parachuting or rock climbing they think Jesus is going to give them a tingling feeling.

    May these charlatans and their foolish disciples die off soon.

  10. Basically this is nothing more than a cult, and a shoddy stupid one at that. Also note that the jewsmedia never ever mentions Christian/zionism, the only place I have read about it is in Playboy.

    Ask this cult any questions and it disappears on account of it sounding so stupid and being an embarrasment to its adherents.

    Sidenote; I advised some friends to send their kids to a private school, so they end up in one of the midwest’s mega-Lutheran churches and lo and behold next thing you know a rapture bumper sticker shows up on the SUV. But thankfully between me asking what about the children in the car seat and adults at the church the rapture cult got the boot and the church went back to being a place for hot soccer moms to dress well.

    Also note while reading Kuntsler rag on the goyimkopf and their creationist leanings he never mentions the rapture and the C/Z cult, hmmmm.

  11. Threadjack time, I remember I know a rapture bunny, man with 4 adult kids one grandchild. That cult just kills people with its hopelessness of life on Earth, kind of like reading crime stats all day.

  12. And they know it too. Freekistan tolerates them if you ask the general poster, maybe Rimjob is an adherent, but more than likely he is getting money on the side.

  13. If you wanted to create a damaging stereotype of Christianity you couldn’t outdo these maniacs. You couldn’t dream them up.

  14. THANK YOU, Hunter, for bringing up the subject of the Rapture Ready ™ to expose the nonsense to the disinfection of sunlight.

    As a kid — all my life, really — these “Evangelicals” have somehow managed to find me to harrangue.

    I always found them supremely irritating, but never had an exact handle on what’s wrong with them in their (1) theology (2) rude and pushy insistence they’re right and you’re going to Hell if you dispute what they say and (3) willingness to ignore growing real-world problems “cuz I don’t have to worry about it.”

    But I lacked the facts and understanding to be able to tell them to p*** off with conviction.
    Thanks to you all for the information and support:

    I see now clearly why they ARE misled in their theology, thatthey ARE rude and selfish (truly unattractive qualities for a White man who should know better) and they ARE fools to think God, in his wisdom, intends to swoop in and rescue them from the Hell of their own making.

    I have to say, I’m grateful to find others here, like you, Hunter, and you posters who reject their hooey, also. What a relief! What a blessing!

  15. Hunter Wallace says:
    January 24, 2012 at 3:51 pm
    Wouldn’t it be great if they really were raptured and we were “Left Behind”?

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Maybe all the good, moral, Evangelical Fundamentalist Christians really were RAPTURED in May of 2011. Maybe there just weren’t very many good, moral (sane) Evangelical Fundamentalist Christians and what we have left are the bad ones.


    Another good come back to these types is to some variation of the following:

    “Jesus wants you to stop being a complete idiot!”

  16. The end of life. The end of the world. Do they have any idea of what they eagerly expect?….

    More than cowardly—- it just seems arrogant that this relative handful of people think THEY will be “the ones” to be beamed up.

  17. is only because of a faulty Yankee Supremacism gone bad- i.e., incomplete Calvinism, that can be reduced to a ‘once saved, always saved’ mentality. (That is, now that I am saved, I don’t have to DO anything, for that would be ‘of works’….. even though Scripture tells us to ‘…make our calling and election sure.’)….

    well, in all fairness, a perfectly understandable reaction came about when decent people watched idiot do-gooders (doing things s/a “saving the world for democracy, or inquisitions for theeeee church, killing people for jesus in wars—- and just doing, doing, doing!)

    It’s like those people —after some John Wayne Gacy is discovered— saying “bu…bu… he was man of the year in our town….”

    So many Christians doing their “good works” turn out to be such genuine monsters.

    (Oh yeah… we’re all sinners here.) But everyone has met many who insert themselves, do “good” —the endless unwanted “charity” from people the recipients would love to expel from their homes, but who they must accept for whatever reason.

    So—- it SHOULD BE very easy to see why people protest the idea of “works.”

    Used to work with a busybody catholic. Very flawed— but the “nicest” person you ever want to meet, (on a level), and quick to inform that she had, “the only path to God!— while causing devastation in her wake, 24-7.”

    If you’d met people like that, it would make better sense.

  18. Did Martin Luther have any idea what he was starting when he tacked the 95 theses to the door?

    You might as well blame Gutenberg. Or God himself.

  19. Fr John – thanks. It’s always good to learn of the few true Lights, in the Darkness, who are not mental.

  20. Maybe the Skara Brae (on the Orkney Islands) residents were raptured up!


    their shelves, beds, jewelry etc are left perfectly in place. 3,000-2,500 BC.
    It’s the most perfectly preserved neolithic site in Northern Europe. If this it what they built at the edge of the edge of the known world, I wonder what structures have simply been lost to time? IKEA like book shelves and carved jewelry. Just a small fishing hamlet.

  21. EAPIII, it doesn’t make me question anything.

    I believe the spiritual battle is as real as any I’ve gone through down range and why the enemy had to turn the Church into a joke before he could achieve his current state of success. While I’ve not gone through what the Pike family went through, I’ve seen things (good and bad) that go beyond the physical world.

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