About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’m ashamed of that a-hole being from my state. I already kinda figured he was as zionist as any other deluded unquestioning Christian these days…where have the real Christians gone, the ones responsible for segregation, limitation on immigration, anti-miscegenation laws, quotas or restrictions on J’s in academia, etc.

  2. “Cultural Marxism … what they hate — they hate everything that’s White, they hate men, and they hate Christianity … “ — ramzpaul
    “In the Old Testament, false prophets were executed. In modern times, these people just write a book and make more money.” — ramzpaul
    “What is the purpose of life? Why do I exist? Is there a God? How do I get to Heaven? What am I supposed to do to be good? What is good? What is evil?” — Andrew Bieszad
    “Political correctness is just the enforcement mechanism of our society, which is liberalism … Everybody is assumed to be the same. … Unless that belief is directly identified and opposed, then we are not going to be able to change it.” — Lawrence Auster
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVlFLOpcYeg Islam and the West…Can They Co-Exist (Part 3)
    Four-leaf Clover Christianity:
    1) Judaism is an abomination against pro-White Christianity.
    2) Islam is an abomination against pro-White Christianity.
    3) The White European races are the best supporters of Christianity.
    4) If you are not against us then you are for us.
    Do pro-White Christians need to clarify 2 things: 1) what they stand for and 2) what they are against?

  3. The traditionist Catholics and what is left of the believing old-line Protestants need to start teaching what the Christian faith has always taught about the Jews. Namely, that Jews have always been Anti-Christian and they have always hated and harmed non-Jews when they had a chance. Their real history of subverison and undermining every nation that they have lived should be taught from the pulpits and the schools we control. Then we must take what we know to our fellow citizens via mouth to moth, the net, letters to the editor, mailings, and any other media we can use to educate and motivate them.

  4. We’ve come to a chapter in our history where anyone that disagrees with a Jew is an anti-semite, and everyone that doesn’t think that the U.S. should back Israel is a terrorist. Helen Thomas, during her public crucifixion, mentioned the book” They Dared To Speak Out”. I’m getting pretty sick of watching elitists publicly kiss Jewish butts and call themselves conservatives and Americans.

  5. It has little to do with the rapture or religion, it has a lot to do with the massive bribes jews pay to our politicians, and it has a lot to do with the Stockholm Syndrome that whites are suffering from under the led-by-jews 24 hour a day holocaust that is being waged against them. It’s notable that the most uber philo-semitic major Christian groups are precisely those who take the hardest hammering on race from the system, and that non-white Christians don’t feel the need to join in the Israel worship. This is racial politics, not religion, and like their secular counterparts in the Republican Party and the Conservative movement these Evangelical “leaders” who slobber on Israel do so in order to get the system off their back so they can continue to rake in money. And of course, just like the Republicans and Conservatives the jews continue to hate them, no matter how slavish they are. But since they’re all principle-less crooks in it for the money, they don’t mind the humiliation.

    If you want a major reform that could have a massive impact on this society agitate for a repeal of tax exemption for churches. The churches were bought off by LBJ and his tax breaks, they took the money and ran. Their greed has kept them in the government’s pocket, and silent, to this day.

  6. It is also about “those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed.

    Im still waiting for when these supposed blessings that America should be getting are supposed to come. Where are they? America has been kissing the ass of Israel now for about 70 years and every year America gets worse.

    I guess we will finally get them after we destroy Iran…or something…

  7. With most politicians I think it’s pandering. With Huck I think it’s a case of stupidity. I read an article once where he admitted that he grew up wanting to start WWIII to force Jesus to return, or something to that effect. Like most Evangelicals these days, he is an uber-Dispensationalist. Thank God that man is not in the White House. People that insane should never have any sort of power.

  8. “Washington is a city of acronyms, and today one of the best known in Congress is AIPAC. The mere mention of it brings a sober, if not furtive, look to the face of anyone on Capitol Hill who deals with Middle Eastern foreign policy. AIPAC—the American Israel Public Affairs Committee—is now the preeminent power in Washington lobbying.” — Paul Findley “They Dare to Speak Out” (1985), p. 25

  9. If Huckabee’s motivation is to bring on the Rapture by supporting Israel he isn’t stupid.

    He’s a dangerous psychopath.

  10. I still think that their devotion to ‘patriotism’, however distorted it may be, is a higher priority of the average pro-Israel conservative than is Israel. If Ron Paul had enough guts to publicly and repeatedly question their loyalty he would clean up. Of course he doesn’t have the guts, but that someone will, before long, seems as inevitable as someone noticing that anti-racism is a disaster. But then I thought that in 1967.

  11. Mr. Wimpy,

    I may be reading more into your post than you intended, but despite the author’s name being Friedman, the comment you quote is sardonic. He’s not suggesting that’s the case; he’s ripping Gingrich and Romney for prostituting themselves to Israel in the hopes of attracting the votes of Jew Americans who put the welfare of a foreign state ahead of their own nation.

    This is what I heard they really said – (with apologies to Wm Shakespeare)

    Newt: Israel, I love you more than words can wield the matter;
    Dearer than eye-sight, space, and liberty;
    Beyond what can be valued, rich or rare;
    No less than life, with grace, health, beauty, honour;
    As much as child e’er loved, or father found;
    A love that makes breath poor, and speech unable;
    Beyond all manner of so much I love you.

    Romney: Israel, I am made
    Of the self-same metal that Newt is,
    And prize me at his worth. In my true heart
    I find he names my very deed of love;
    Only he comes too short: that I profess
    Myself an enemy to all other joys,
    Which the most precious square of sense possesses;
    And find I am alone felicitate
    In your dear Israel’s love.

    About the ONLY thing I can give credit to Obama for is he’s managed to thoroughly piss off both the Arabs and the Israelis/US Jews in about equal measures.

    And yes, you can pay me Tuesday for a hamburger today.

  12. If you want a major reform that could have a massive impact on this society agitate for a repeal of tax exemption for churches.

    Exactly. And balance it out by removing tax exempt status for secular non-profits: ADL, SPLC, Planned Parenthood, etc.

  13. The dirty little secret is that Congress no longer wants the accountability that goes with the wielding of power.
    Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder.
    Whoever desires to found a state and give it laws, must start with assuming that all men are bad and ever ready to display their vicious nature, whenever they may find occasion for it.
    http://www.stormfront.org/jewish/antisemite.html What famous men said about the Jews
    If you are stupid enough and you stand on the river bank long enough, then someone will sell you down the river.

  14. Huckabee is afflicted with Southern Baptist syndrome, an ultra-dispensationalist Biblical interpretation that holds that the Jews are the chosen and that we must provide unconditional support to the Zionist regime. This belief completely disregards what the New Testament teaches about the Jews. The fact that the majority of the Evangelicals here are rabid Zionists is one of the very few things I deeply dislike about the deep South.

  15. The worst possible scenario I can imagine is an international setup whereby Iran attacks Israel for whatever reason and Israel has this incredible defense system and none of the bombs reach Israel. Then we’re totally done for. God’s chosen people reign supreme over everyone for ever more.

    About a year ago I was having a conversation with a garden-variety Protestant about Israel and the Jews and I said something along the lines of Israel being last place I would want to be. Israel is toast. He was shocked. He supports an underground railroad to get Jews to Israel. Because they will be protected there. NUTS. BONKERS. THIS IS NOT CHRISTIANITY.

    Not to say that Israel getting blown sky high wouldn’t have the same effect. Either way they’re going to end up owning us even worse than they do now.

  16. @Landshark

    Israel has no such technology. The main component in Israel’s national defense is the threat of military reprisal from the United States. The Israeli’s, despite the supposed high IQ of their Ashkenazim population, really aren’t intelligent and neither is their military any bit capable. They are paper-tigers who got their asses handed to them by Hezbollah back in 2006 in the Lebanon War.

    Iran, however, is too smart to attack them just yet. Iran will wait, patiently, with the support of Russia, while the United States deteriorates and dies. Then, Hymieville’s days are numbered.

  17. “Israel has no such technology. The main component in Israel’s national defense is the threat of military reprisal from the United States. The Israeli’s, despite the supposed high IQ of their Ashkenazim population, really aren’t intelligent and neither is their military any bit capable. They are paper-tigers who got their asses handed to them by Hezbollah back in 2006 in the Lebanon War.

    Iran, however, is too smart to attack them just yet. Iran will wait, patiently, with the support of Russia, while the United States deteriorates and dies. Then, Hymieville’s days are numbered.”

    quoted for truth.

  18. You’re not a paper tiger when you’ve got serious assets in every major government. They get whatever they want. They won WW2, and they didn’t even have a nation.

    It’s a ridiculous scenario but the one thing that scares me beyond all else is that the world is duped once and for all as to who the Jews are by a fake “miracle” from God. Such as a shield around Israel.

    Even worse though, and even more brilliant, is simply letting Israel be annihilated. You can already see how the West is being set up to be seen as not acting quickly enough, a la Chamberlain. Everyone could see what was going to happen! Why did not they act? You think it’s hard to go against the Jews now. Wait until Israel is a charred hole.

    But a supposed “miracle from God” in the form of some sort of shield? Hell, Iran could be in on it for some kind of payoff — program their missiles to explode well above impact — then it’s truly game over. Nobody would dare raise their voice again.

    There would be “conspiracy theories,” but actual video of missiles exploding above Israel and causing no harm would be the End of Truth.

    Poor Huckabee. He’d have his five minutes of glory. Then be marched off to the Gulag. Couldn’t happen to a better guy.

    In this world, right now, anything could happen.

  19. If you want a major reform that could have a massive impact on this society agitate for a repeal of tax exemption for churches. The churches were bought off by LBJ and his tax breaks, they took the money and ran. Their greed has kept them in the government’s pocket, and silent, to this day….”

    Any wannabe pastor/preist/whatever can refuse the tax deal any time they wish, I thought. It would be a real selling point. Like how the primitive baptists didn’t do missions (which controls where the money goes). Many would go to churches that advertised that they pay taxes in order to preach.

  20. “It is also about “those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed.”

    Here’s the thing, and the why will not be blessed for protecting israel

    The Almighty God doesn’t care for modern jews that follow the talmud. that book is neither godly or biblical. Some rabi even claims to have out argued the Almighty. Hardly old school Old Testament.

    For the most part, when we protect modern jewery we are protecting a false people who follow after false prophets. There will be no blessings for helping the enemy and it’s people.

    IMO, Christains who support israel of today do so because they don’t understand the difference between the talmud and the Old Testament and because israel stands up to hajjis where we only sort of stand up to them. Educate them about the talmud vs Old Testament and they will began to change their thinking.

    The threat from iran is a different story. To many people on our side think iran/ moslems are ok because they don’t bow to jews. They also think the bad things said about iran/ moslems is jewish propaganda. Read what moslems and their “holy” book has to say about us. The talmud and koran are basically the same book, the jews are simply more subtle.

    No good will come out of iran or any hajji having nuclear weapons. They are an evil and irrational bunch. Nor do I want to see Christian holy sites destroyed by hajjis, or taken over by hajjis

  21. I would say at this point the US is less rational than Iran. That’s a considered statement.

    You realize a good percentage of the country would say that the people who read and comment on this blog are irrational, and that no good could ever come of them owning guns?

  22. My opinion on moslems is not based off the main stream media or the alt media. I have a lot of experience dealing with hajjis. They’ve been my on again off again professional enemy for years. I’ve study them and their history for years. I’ve read large portions of their “holy” books, seen their media and seen them in action. There is nothing rational or good about moslems

  23. I hear you Stonelifter, and I know your history. I have no problem with disliking Muslims or anyone else. But here’s the thing. The distilled ethos of our government for the last 80 years has been the ethos of those who think they who read and comment on this blog are irrational. They have destroyed this country from the bottom up. No border. Worldwide pornography. Divorce. Abortion. Etc. Yet that is totally divorced from their foreign policy?

    Given the fruits of doing everything “they” have asked over the last 80 years, don’t you think we ought to think twice about the next thing they ask us to do? Absolutely NOTHING they have done shows me they have even the remotest of our best interests at heart. If we’re dying to kill Muslims, why don’t we send a few squads over to Lansing and clear a few neighborhoods to return them to their original owners. And while we’re at it, let’s get the Mexicans out of SoCal and give the millions of displaced middle class whites back their neighborhoods. Then let’s clean up the pornography, get rid of Roe v. Wade, get our property rights back and clean up Hollywood.

    When I look around me at the enemies I see right in front of my nose, there is a list plenty long. And there isn’t an Iranian in site.

  24. When I look around me at the enemies I see right in front of my nose, there is a list plenty long. And there isn’t an Iranian in site.
    can’t disagree with the notion we need to clean our own house John. However, that’s not an available option in the here and now.

  25. Stonelifter,

    You realize that on its present course, this nation is eventually going to get nuked? China, Russia, Israel. Somebody is going to end up nuking us. We are getting weaker and weaker. Poorer and poorer. More and more disguising our moral depravity with bellicose bravado.

    The only CONCEIVABLE chance we have of avoiding that outcome is dealing with our issues at home, right here and now. Attacking Iran is neocon depravity of the highest order.

    You may dislike Muslims, but no government has done more harm to the White cause than the US government.

  26. What you ungrateful! You received Christianity from Jews, and Jesus borrowed the majority of its moral rules the Pharisees slandered still in the “Shabby” Precept. Your Aryan ancestors were pagans, and they had morals incomparably below Judaic, especially pharisaic. But instead of gratitude you many centuries cruelly oppressed Jews. And even now meanly slander us and our people.

    If you don’t love Jews – refuse the ethical monotheism “stolen” at us ;)) and return to the customs of your ARYAN ancestors: idolatry, human sacrifices, infanticide, almost absent charity, etc.

  27. Screw off you idiot Kike. Shouldn’t you be out stealing organs, or digging up graves, to steal the jewelry?

    Jews are evil. Jews worship Satan. The Talmud is the Satanic Bible. All Jews have done, for thousands of years, is cheat, lie, steal, and murder Gentiles. You’ve been booted out of EVERY place you’ve ever infested, because of your own behavior.

    Go jump in an oven.

  28. I know most southerners love Huckabee’ s Torah version of Christianity, anti abortion, anti gay, pro family and pro Israel garbage but I can’t stand the guy. Neither can I stand the southern attitude of “Israel and the Jews right or wrong because the bible tells us so”

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