About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I always have the same thought every time I see large groups of negros gathered in one spot; perfect time for CBU’s

  2. yeah image the effect a 20mm autocannon with high explosive ordinance would have on that massive surge of orcs.
    any of you ever seen the video of the serre leonian “republican” guard using apc mounted machine guns on a ” protest for fair democratic elections?”
    it’s funny, the niggers know how to do it, but they are not held up to the same regard morally. when some south african police shoot rock throwing, assagai wielding homo erectuses it’s a “massacre”, but when some niggers open fire on women and children with the soviet bloc equivalent of a 50 caliber, it’s a non-issue. and then of course you realize that all along, it was always about “getting whitey” and not “ending racism”, see all those whites in the crowd singing “kill the whites”? that made me physically sick, how on earth could anyone ever be so naive?

  3. To think that this ” people” want to exterminate the whites, with exactly the inventions of the seconds.
    These people do not belong to the human species.

  4. There’s no need to imagine what it would do. If we simply told these dirtbags yhey would face a chaingun if they so much assembled in groups of more than 15 but only in a stadium (let them play sports if they are good.) then they would never cluster like this. They would simply turn on each other if they knew YT was now off limits.

  5. I’ve always thought that the Afrikaner is very similar to the Southerner in many ways. I have nothing but the greatest respect for them and wish they could establish an Afrikaner republic – I think it’s the only way they’re going to survive.

  6. “They would simply turn on each other if they knew YT was now off limits.” thats the part about nigs that got us the “whiteman’s burden” they are literally the cancer of humanity. they can only spite and hate and rape and kill, they don’t know what basic concepts like oath-taking and honor or even base regards for your brethern are. they made killings selling each other into slavery. no RACE has ever gone to the levelthey did in selling their own people into slavery. sure the balts got sold by russians and perhaps some germans, but aside from an example in the 12-13th century, you are gonna have to go Waaay back to find anywhere near that level of slaving going on in europe, and then i was the romans. never once did whites sell their OWN tribe (french caltholic sellign french catholic) into slavery, only niggers would take their uncle and sell him for a musket, or a gilded panga.

  7. @ palmetto patriot, read up on Herzog and jan smuts, they sound just like rebs when it comes to niggers. they felt that obviously they (the niggers) had nothing to add to what was essentially THEIR civilization. the niggers (outside ofthe pygmie-like Koi people) moved their to work FOR THE WHITES. they never-ever even knew what an “agricultural surplus” was till 1600. the niggers had only been their for around 400 years more than the whites, so really the whole “you are an invader” thing is a fallacy, since the niggers invaded the koi peoples lands too.

  8. Definitely about Cape Town. That has always been white.

    Blacks never settled there until the Dutch decided to farm to support their stop over portage.

  9. The black fellows down there were also half starved bushman. Harmless enough in their natural state. Once they were fed dairy and meats they doubled in size.

  10. Hope Springs eternal.

    It looks like a category 5 chimpout is brewing with the Trayvon Shooting by Zimmerman.

    The blacks will overplay their hand here and riot about it.

    It’ll be like the Tottenham riots.

    A proper bongo party must begin this summer, why not over this? Could be useful.

  11. For the record I am for abortion rights and contraception.

    However, obama is clearly waging a war in the womb.


    the author of this article says that Obama’s tactic and strategy is to target women. Targeting them by having them celebrate the right to flush their own offspring out their wombs. This primarily means white women who vote GOP or are indie.

    The attempted extermination could not be more overt. Women are being hysterically stampeded into snuffing out the own bloodlines by a charismatic black.

  12. http://xymphora.blogspot.com/

    I can say what I want about the Greeks, but there is a group so powerful it insists on, and gets, an absolute veto on how it is discussed (or even whether it is discussed)?

    How did the Jews amass so much power they even control the way we think about their power and how they use it? That’s the interesting question. It is an amazing accomplishment, so amazing one would think it would be the subject of much intellectual debate. It is one of the most interesting questions of our time, with massive implications in terms of general political control. Of course, we’re not allowed to ask it, or even think about it. Atzmon has some theories. He touches the third rail in a way that might cause some people to think, and thus needs to be harried out of existence. Atzmon has created a kind of political theater, the reaction to which proves the larger point.

    Theoretically, what if a group of people who think of themselves as distinguished from the larger group of human beings acted in concert, often covertly, to accomplish group supremacist goals, all of which are completely evil? What if they were able to use their power, and their covert exercise of power, to control even the way we think about them? What would we, could we, should we, do to stop them?

    at 3/09/2012 08:53:00 PM 7 Comments

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