Mississippi Advances New Immigration Law

New immigration law passes Mississippi House


A year ago, I would have been more excited by the Mississippi House finally passing a new immigration law.

It was frustrating to watch Arizona-style immigration reform die in Mississippi after the Republican-controlled Mississippi Senate and the Democrat-controlled Mississippi House failed to reach a compromise bill.

After that happened, we spent the rest of the year anticipating the 2011 state elections, hoping that Lt. Gov Phil Bryant would get elected and that Republicans would capture the Mississippi House and eliminate the Democratic majority that was the major obstacle to immigration reform.

Phil Bryant was elected governor. Republicans captured the Mississippi House. Mississippi even passed the strong Voter ID law that had been blocked for decades in the Mississippi state legislature. Immigration reform was introduced as expected.

And the result?

Mississippi Republicans gutted “Alabama-style immigration reform” and passed something that more closely resembles Tennessee’s state immigration law. Gone are provisions that would have checked the immigration status of public school students, allowed police to arrest illegal aliens who lacked identity documents, allowed Mississippi police to check immigration status at traffic stops, allowed public utilities to refuse power, water, and sewer service to illegal aliens.

The specter of ACLU and SPLC court challenges and liberal federal judges gutting the immigration law, as they have already done in Arizona, Alabama, Utah, Georgia, South Carolina, and Indiana, was enough to water down the bill to a mere immigration check of illegal aliens who are arrested.

It is another instructive example of how the federal government has usurped all the powers reserved to the states. It shows that our actual rulers are powerful liberal special interest groups who effectively have veto power over state lawmakers.

Even if the Supreme Court upholds Arizona’s immigration law in June, it will only reinforce and confirm the principle that all power in the United States is concentrated in Washington. Most states aren’t as bold as Mississippi and won’t even bother to pass Arizona-style immigration laws.

Vermont isn’t sued for announcing its intention to become a sanctuary state. California isn’t sued for passing the DREAM Act. Washington, DC isn’t sued for publicly announcing that federal immigration law isn’t enforced there. The only states and municipalities that are sued and have to go through these expensive court challenges are the ones that try to enforce existing federal immigration law.

South Carolina passed an Arizona-style immigration law and Voter ID law. Texas also passed a Voter ID law. There is no reason to believe that Mississippi’s immigration law and Voter ID law won’t end up like those in neighboring states.

It sounded nice and got some Republican politicians elected in 2011, but it ultimately disappeared into the bowels of the federal court system in 2012, not unlike the attempt to ban “gay marriage” in California.

Is Michael Hill right? Can we reform a system that is institutionally closed to reform? Let’s sit back and watch how this plays out.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Bryant is even being attacked by some of the churches in Mississippi for signing this weak immigration bill.

    My advice to Bryant, is to tell these “holy rollers” to go “f” their mother and their dad.

    I don’t like to be crude, but, these “holy roller” types force it on you. They should be preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, not the gospel of of Karl Marx & social Marxism.

  2. It’s true Armando it’s a big problem.

    The Southern Baptist Convention narrowly backed (51% to 49%) what basically amounts to an endorsement of amnesty this past summer.


    Still 49% unreconstructed delegates on the immigration issue is a lot more than in any other major Christian denomination in the United States I think.

    The much abused rank and file evangelical despite their other problems are consistently the most solid in their support for deportations according to polls.

    Our rulers have their own ideas though.

    Interesting to see how it plays out at the Supreme Court.

  3. Saddest part, Hunter, is that the Anti-Federalists predicted almost everything.

    I love to hear the patriotards harp about democracy and freedom. I always like to rub their face in the fact that they are dictated to by federal judges who routinely overule and nullify the will of the people.

    As far as the Judeo-Christians are concerned, I’m beginning to believe what you wrote earlier–that they are banking on the rapture happening in their lifetime or the lifetime of their children, therefore they care not to wreck our culture and society.

  4. We already know how the Supreme decision will turn out.

    There is a FUCKING LESBIAN COCKROACH from PUERTO RICO that thinks she is LATINA.

    She is as much a LATINA is my SHIT is GOLD DUCATs. So if anyone is sure she is a LATINA, please let me know and I will start shitting in coffee cans and burying them, then after five years I will sell those coffee cans based on their weight to you at the current price of gold.

    How did everyone in these shithole third world countries decide they were Latin because some Spaniard shot his wad there 200 years ago, I do not know. They are not Latin. They are fucking metizo garbage. They are fucking garbage being sent to destroy our country by countries that don’t want them.

    Let’s not forget Emma West of the UK, her trial date is June 11, 2012.

  5. That’s right, HW. You cannot reform Hell and – via the Jews and their hirelings – we are living in it. But the central equation is this: ZOG has the dollars, but we’ve got the guns. Pretty soon their dollars aren’t going to buy anything…not even the allegiance of their current enforcers, the military and police. Then we will speak to them all in a language they can understand.

  6. Maybe folks are reading to much into the watered down legislation. It could have been a tactic to get some improvement while the AZ style law get’s ironed out in the court system

    my do people think church leadership represents church members? It doesn’t work that way with politics, why would it work that way in other areas

    atheist are the most liberal group in America and poll after poll shows religious people are the most socially conservative. Not socially conservative enough for my taste but still conservative in comparison to secular people.

  7. Majik, don’t they have some guns, too, and drones, etc. as well as nearly all the money? And with all the money, mercenaries of all kinds, including some of the most intelligent (but lacking common sense and conviction) thinkers, inventors and advisors, can be hired.

  8. Anglo American, the article you linked says, attributing to Pew, “A February poll by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press finds that white evangelicals are more likely to see immigrants as a burden than a strength. Pew found that evangelicals are twice as likely to see immigrants today as “a burden on our country because they take our jobs, housing and health care” than they are to say immigrants “strengthen our country because of their hard work and talents.” These views were similar—but still more negative—than other religious groups.
    Hispanic Catholics and those who are not affiliated with any religion were the most positive toward immigrants, with a majority saying immigrants strengthen the country.

    Hispanics-Catholics-the irreligious are the strongest on immigrations. The others are really browbeat in those “conferences” where such things are decided.

    The main thing is that the immigration be a) non-white b) mostly third world catholic and otherwise looking like they are from india.

    Truly, it is the Great American Giveaway. Anyone who’s taken a public paycheck on the Welfare OR Warfare, whether directly or administering those funds, is responsible for it. No wonder children hate their parents. How could people sellout their own children on such a level?

    It’s an anti-white program, quite obviously. No white south africans are being mass imported.

  9. Not socially conservative enough for my taste but still conservative in comparison to secular people….’

    They SAY they are “secular,” and usually mean impartial, somehow— but there is no such thing as “Secular.” It’s a religion in its own right. It does everything –ideologically— that religions do. It is a way of life. They are not “secular” in many different ways. They are socialized under a system using communist-think-tanking for social control, and don’t even know that about themselves. No one could be more in the dark.

  10. Remnants of the Southern people —which is to say those who did not forget who they are, their history, their heritage, their culture, their folkways, their music, their writers, etc, etc.— will find each other, but it looks less and less that they will do so in southern land. Too many yankees wearing tie-dye, simultaneously worshiping Lady Gaga, Nfl games and the military, and the remnant of the protestants who didn’t flee, have bought into the latest “Jesus as Empire” neo-Rome deal.

  11. They are playing 24-7 infomercials about the Japanese, showing them in rebounding from the meltdown. But nobody mentions the startling fact— THEY ARE ALL Japanese! It’s disgraceful. Why aren’t they ready for immigration? Shouldn’t the Japanese be “diversified” until they are a minority and Japan is majority African and Anglo-Saxon? And before that happens, the Central Planner Committee could put Anglo-Saxons in charge of the Japanese population.

    The Japanese don’t exist, race doesn’t exist, so therefore Anglo-Saxons should have Japanese pay for them to go and rule over the Japanese.

    Of those Japanese left, we will have 24-7 infomercials pushing Assimilation, i.e. intermarriage—- and studies showing that the injection of new genetics will bolster up safeguards against ill effects from fukishimia. Maybe the Japanese will buy into it, and intermarry with Anglo-Saxons and Africans who will be the new majority there.

    It would not be genocide, b/c the Japanese do not exist.

  12. @Dixiegirl

    I know you’re throwing out the sarcasm big time. Still, nobody could pay me enough money to go live in Japan. I’ve been there before, and it SUCKS. And perhaps I’m in the minority among modern white males (*cough*stonelifter) but I don’t find Oriental women physically attractive at all, nor their predatory advances toward white males, any bit flattering.

    The Japanese might be wise about dealings with foreign races, but in their undisturbed, everyday existence, Japs are really, really, unwell. I’m just going by my limited time there, but my observation was that their’s is a sociopathic, nihilistic culture that, at times, could make Tel Aviv look like Mayberry in comparison.

  13. Chris – I love you. I know we all into spats, at times – but I luv yer posts.

    “The Japanese might be wise about dealings with foreign races, but in their undisturbed, everyday existence, Japs are really, really, unwell. I’m just going by my limited time there, but my observation was that their’s is a sociopathic, nihilistic culture that, at times, could make Tel Aviv look like Mayberry in comparison.”

    Yikes! That’s skeery. I never heard anything like that about the Nips, but I did hear, YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEARS ago – that their culture is not really about honor, but shame. It only matters if you get caught. It’s not about what you do – it’s about if you get caught.

  14. RJP – if you are referrign to Sotomayor – it’s a lesbian Mestizo Kike. Yup. The Kike Troika rules “American Law”. Ginsburg, Sotomayor, and Kagan – the 3 Kike Hell Hags.

    They literally embody the reason why they all ought to be tossed into great big hot ovens – for REAL.

  15. @Denise

    The Japs very, very misogynistic, and sexual crimes against children are rampant in that country. More often than not, they go unreported because, as you were correctly told, it’s a culture of shame and masochism. Just read any novels that Yukio Mishima wrote, or better yet, his autobiography.

    They are orderly, polite, diligent, and very self-controlled in the presence of strangers –images of well behaved crowds at baseball games, or troupes of white-collar workers using the subways, schoolchildren in their immaculately-pressed uniforms– looks really wonderful to stressed-out American eyes, but that just masks the depth of dysfunction underneath. They’re wound way too tight. It’s gonna be interesting to see what transpires in that little country if they ever collectively snap.

  16. @Dixiegirl

    You know, and I know that some Protestants might as well be Catholics. They have these weird ideas, that cannot be supported by the New Testament, and they reject the basic teachings of Jesus Christ.

    But, it’s as much our own fault too. We have not asserted ourselves, and, detailed our differences with Roman Catholicism. You can’t please everyone.

    I’m as guilty as anyone else, of not speaking out strongly in the past, about the origins and political consequences of Roman Catholicism.

    Now faced with really alien Roman Catholic invaders, these Catholic influenced Protestants don’t know what to do.

  17. Re: Catholic-influenced Protestants: Protestant leadership does knows how to follow, and historically has aimed to outdo the Catholics, in number of witches burned, in heretical members banned, in number of missionaries sent abroad to convert the pagans, and recently, in support and teaching of multiculturalism and Zionism. Both branches of APOSTATE Christianity have been mostly destructive of European people and civilisation, from their beginnings.

  18. This is SOOOOO SWEET :

    Invisible Children founder Jason Russell arrested for public masturbation in San Diego!

    Holy Jesus this is so perfect.

    Hunter you need to talk a LOT more about this Kony 2012 phenomenon. It is the intersection of all the things we talk about here, and the unspeakable reality of African HBD.

    Somehow Russell getting arrested just makes so much sense: the moral high ground he commanded this past week with this laughably naive little Afro-uplift that even made smug liberal diversity enforcers want to vomit has been summarily wrenched away. What could be more fitting. ?

    Will the tens of millions of gullible whites who watched the vid and donated be enlightened as to the vacuity of this Kony mission?

    Answer: some, but most, not really, to paraphrase the great Doctor Watson.

    The good news is that even the New York Times has expressed doubt about the Invisible Children (except, of course, the inimitable Nicholas Kristof).


    – Arturo


    ps: remind me to talk about the “theory of the missing vanishing point” next time.


    I put this to yee, fellow OD Dissenters and Commenters:

    Envision the following two scenarios, and tell us what you think would happen in each of them :


    The Large Hadron Collider in France and Switzerland in its search for the elusive Higgs Bosom (or whatever the fuck they call it) (2L2G) (“too lazy to Google”), conducts an experiment that goes horribly wrong. It turns out the programmer responsible for inputting key data into the LHC’s super computer – a Diversity AA hire from Nigeria – accidentally mixes up the IP addresses of the scientists of CERN – the European Organization for Nuclear Research – with those of subscribers to theroot.com.

    As a result, all humans on planet Earth are rendered mentally incapacitated, EXCEPT the readership of theroot.com. What happens next is that Henry Louis “Yo Mama” Gates becomes the absolute undisputed Master of the World, his theroot.com subscribers become his foot soldiers, and together Gates and his theroot.com subscribers are henceforth endowed with total control of Earth and all its (now incapacitated and unplugged) people.


    The Large Hadron Collider in France and Switzerland in its search for the elusive Higgs Bosom (tiny.cc/2ycabw), conducts an experiment that goes horribly wrong. It turns out that the programmer responsible for inputting key data into the LHC’s super computer – a Diversity AA hire from Nigeria – accidentally mixes up the IP addresses of the scientists of CERN – the European Organization for Nuclear Research – with those of the owner of and commenters to the blog Occidental Dissent.com.

    As a result, all humans on planet Earth are rendered mentally incapacitated, EXCEPT the readership of Occidental Dissent.com. What happens next is that Hunter Wallace becomes the absolute undisputed Master of the World, his faithful OD commenters become his foot soldiers, and together Hunter and OD commenters are henceforth endowed with total control of Earth and all its (now incapacitated and unplugged) people.


    Questions for the esteemed OD panel :

    [A] Scenario One : In what city does Henry “Yo Mama” Gates travel to announce that he and his followers are now in control, and will henceforth be responsible for reorganizing and governing humanity as we know it?

    [B] Scenario Two : In what city does Hunter Wallace travel to announce that he and his followers are now in control, and will henceforth be responsible for reorganizing and governing humanity as we know it?

    [C] Scenario One: In what restaurant do Henry “Yo Mama” Gates and his foot soldiers go to celebrate their new mandate over humanity?

    [D] Scenario Two: In what restaurant do HW and his foot soldiers go to celebrate their new mandate over humanity?

    [E] Scenario One : What is the First Universal Policy Change For Humanity announced by Henry “Yo Mama” Gates and his followers at duh root.com?

    [F] Scenario Two : What is the First Universal Policy Change For Humanity announced by HW and his followers at OD?

    [G] Scenario One : What song is declared the official anthem of “Yo Mama” and his followers?

    [H] Scenario Two: What song is declared the official anthem of HW and his dissenters at OD?


    Hey, it could happen!


    – Arturo


  20. Oh wow Arturo! What fun!

    I have to do this in stages, but I can tell you that the ugly little mutant Negroid troll Gates would IMMEDIATELY set up WHQ shop in either ParisFrance, or maybe Palm Springs – where Da White Wimminz beez. He would either want da Whit-ess White Wimmenz place – but I’m going for ParisFrance cause American Negroes think that ParisFrance is the ne plus ultra in sophistication and elegance.

    He wouldn’t go anywhere NEAR Afreaka. And there would be no Hutu or Bantu babes in his court. He’d import the blondes from Sweden.

    More later….

  21. Bush 41 and Reagan debating illegal immigration in this video from 1980. Both wanted amnesty and open borders.

  22. Art, that’s easy:
    (A) Washington (B) Richmond
    (C) MacDonalds (D) MacDougals
    (E) Re-institute slavery (F) Resume deportation
    (G) Some rap s0-called “song” (H) “I’m a Good Ole Rebel!”

  23. A. Louiseville, Kentucky. Chicken, man. Fried chicken.
    B. Kampala, Uganda. And as one of Hunter’s leutenants, I get one of Idi Amin Dada’s old palaces near Lake Victoria.
    C. The biggest KFC in Louisville. And then they’ll burn it down after a fight erupts over a game of dice.
    D. We’ll have a BBQ and enjoy the nice weather and the majestic scenery.
    E. Keel da krakaz! Wyte wimminz fo ebbrybahddy! (then they all kill each other fighting over Kate Upton)
    F. YewKnoWhews in the incinerator. Followed by niggers, followed by beaners, etc.
    G. The theme from “The Jeffersons”.
    H. “I Want It All” by Queen.

  24. The SPLC is effectively a branch of the Alabama state government.

    What do you call a nigger in a tree with a briefcase? Branch manager

  25. Remnants of the Southern people —which is to say those who did not forget who they are, their history, their heritage, their culture, their folkways, their music, their writers, etc, etc.— will find each other, but it looks less and less that they will do so in southern land.

    That rings true. I’ve been emailing folks in Alaska and a lot of of Southron boys up there are telling me how much living there reminds them of the South

    They are orderly, polite, diligent, and very self-controlled in the presence of strangers –images of well behaved crowds at baseball games, or troupes of white-collar workers using the subways, schoolchildren in their immaculately-pressed uniforms– looks really wonderful to stressed-out American eyes, but that just masks the depth of dysfunction underneath.

    Agreed. They’ve always been decent to me, but the more time you spend there the more you can see past the public front into the weird.

    Catch aides and die chris313.

  26. @stone-fellator

    Aww. Are you still upset because I don’t wish to strap down every rape victim to a birthing table, and force her to forever shackle herself to the result of the worst moment of her life? Take your undeserved self-righteousness and shove it up your ass, you middle-aged Rambo-wannabee.

    And worry about yourself contracting AIDS, stone-passer. You’re the one who gushes on about how wonderful you think third-world women are, while entertaining schemes of renting some dot-head’s uterus for your kid’s seed (goddam, I couldn’t make that up if tried..!) Sounds like your lifestyle is more STD-friendly than mine, what with your multiple girlfriends, or so you claim.

    Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go shoot pool with some of my Roman-Catholic, pro-abortion friends. Maybe I’ll meet some cute girl who happens to be on the pill.

    Oh, and sleep with one eye open when your with your shit-colored lovers. I hear that a white man’s organs can fetch a lot of money in the black market.

  27. you assume to much that isn’t true. I’ve already condemned all versions of race mixing and said I would not hold abortion for rape against anyone

    are you so short on ammo that you have to make things up like a nigger?

  28. “You know, and I know that some Protestants might as well be Catholics. They have these weird ideas, that cannot be supported by the New Testament, and they reject the basic teachings of Jesus Christ.”

    Earl- Neither Protestantism, nor Roman ‘catholi-schism’ are exemplars of honest, authentic Patristic (i.e., N. T.) Christianity. They both come from the same filioquist tree’s rotten roots.

  29. The “great apostasy” was underway before the filioque controversy, I think. Yes, they’re from the same rotten roots.

  30. Tell me how stupid the idea of test-tube babies are once an unfaithful wife is rewarded with custody of your children, the house, a car, ½ your retirement savings and $26k in child support and alimony on a $74k a year salary


  31. @ PBL: Yes, your protest can’t be echoed and emphasized enough: That heinous crime is being committed against us more frequently than ever, not as an exception but as a rule, by marriage-and-family-hating, money-and-power-loving, conscience-less LAWYERS and other ruling elite.

    Immense waste, loss, discouragement, reduction of reproduction, destruction of family and community ties and cohesion.

  32. Chris, you’re right, Yellow chicks are not hot. As in, not hot enough to say “Yellow chicks are hawt!” Because they aren’t.

    Funny, several of my observations about why they aren’t hot echo arguments offered by Blacks as to why White wymmenz aren’t hot. Specifically, docility and lack of muscle tone. Yes, too much muscle tone is unattractive in a woman, but so is too little. Yellow women have this kind of sickly quality to their muscle tone.

    Plus I’m just not into short (and shapeless) legs and slanted eyes. Once in a while I see an exceptional Yellow chick, but that’s why they call them exceptions. I suspect most of the White guys who dig Yellow chicks cluster at the far left side of the T curve.

  33. Aww. Are you still upset because I don’t wish to strap down every rape victim to a birthing table, and force her to forever shackle herself to the result of the worst moment of her life? Take your undeserved self-righteousness and shove it up your ass, you middle-aged Rambo-wannabee.

    You forget about adoption? Not saying rape victims shouldn’t (or should) be an exception to a proposed ban on infanticide, but it’s just stupid to suggest that banning infanticide has anything whatsoever with shackling anyone to anything.

    I only have one strict policy requirement vis-a-vis reproductive rights, though: “your body, your choice, your responsibility.”

    I.e., if women get all the reproductive power, they get all the responsibilities. I.e., if abortion is unrestricted, men should not be required to pay child support, or be taxed to pay for women’s reproductive choices.

  34. What do you call a nigger in a tree with a briefcase? Branch manager

    We should have a thread for nigger jokes. I did a search for nigger jokes some time back and it was gobsmacking how humorless Americans and the Internet is in this regard.

    How do you keep niggers out of your back yard? Hang one out front.

    What’s the difference between a dead nigger in the road, and a dead raccoon? Skid marks in front of the raccoon.

    Nigger walks into a bar, sits down next to a White guy, tells him “I gots a big black dick and I likes to fuck White women.” White guy gets a scared look on his face, gets up and walks away. Nigger sits down next to another White guy, says “I gots a big black dick and I likes to fuck White women.” Guy gets up and walks away. Nigger sits down next to a third White guy, same deal, “I gots a big black dick and I likes to fuck White women.” White guy looks at the nigger and says, “I don’t blame you – I wouldn’t want to fuck a nigger either.”

  35. Yikes! That’s skeery. I never heard anything like that about the Nips, but I did hear, YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEARS ago – that their culture is not really about honor, but shame. It only matters if you get caught. It’s not about what you do – it’s about if you get caught.

    Watch some anime or read some manga some time (or watch some of their porn). Broad impressions include rampant pedophilia/quasi-pedophilia, homosexuality, androgeny, perversions of all kind (incest is a big one), a shocking amount/degree of violence and gore, etc. Basically, a culture of really creepy perverted dorks with a strong nihliistic streak.

  36. @Svigor

    How do you stop a nigger from drowning? Take your foot off the back of his head.

    Why don’t nigger children play in the sandbox? Cat’s keep covering them with sand.

  37. I forgot, I have a Jew/Nigger joke, too.

    A White, a Jew, and a nigger die and go to Heaven. At the pearly gates, St. Peter greets them and tells them they’re to be granted one wish before being admitted to the city. The White man tells St. Peter he’d just like to have a nice car to drive around in. His wish is granted and he enters the city. The nigger is next, and he’s more ambitious. He tells St. Peter he wants a million dollars. His wish is granted and he enters the city. Next up is the Jew. St. Peter says, “well, what is your wish? A fancy car? A million dollars?” The Jews says, “nah, keep ya money. Just give me a thousand dollars worth of car stereo equipment and tell me vich vay da nigger vent!”

  38. How do you stop a nigger from drowning? Take your foot off the back of his head.

    Yeah, I heard that one, but I always forget it.

    Why don’t nigger children play in the sandbox? Cat’s keep covering them with sand.

    Lol, that one’s new to me. Nigger jokes are cultural treasures. We should gather and preserve them. 🙂

  39. Two-fers are the most fun:

    Why don’t Puerto Ricans let their kids marry niggers? They’re afraid their grandkids’ll be too lazy to steal.

  40. What’s black, has 8 legs and calls ho-de-do ho-de-do?
    — 4 niggers running for an elevator.

    What do you call a nigger in a suit?
    — The accused.

    What’s the definition of mixed feelings? A nigger going over a cliff — in your new Mercedes.

    A Wyoming cowboy and a nigger cowboys are in the saloon.
    Leroy says: Dat’s a nice Stetson. Gibbsmedat.
    Slim says: Siddown Nigger.
    Leroy pulls out a Bowie knife and says: Gibbsmedat.
    Slim says: Let’s step outside.

    Few minutes later, Slim walks back in. The other good ol’ boys are like, SLIM! You’re alive! How….
    Slim says: Just like a dumb nigger to bring a knife to a gunfight.

    Two ranchers were talking at the fence.
    One of them said to the other, “There was a big crash on the road near my cow pasture yesterday.”
    “What happened?” asked the other.
    “Two busloads of niggers ran head-on into one another. There was
    niggers all over the road.”
    “What’d you do?”
    “I buried them all with my tractor.”
    “You mean they were ALL dead?”
    “Well, some of them said they wasn’t . . . but you know how niggers

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