“Perish the colonies, rather than sacrifice one iota of our principles.”
– Maximillien Robespierre
I’m not sure how many OD readers saw the 400+ comment exchange with Connie Chastain of “180 Degrees True South” on the League of the South Facebook group.
The thread has since been pulled. Chastain has returned to her own hermetically sealed echo chamber on Facebook where she has surrounded herself with anti-Southern liberal trolls like Ray O’Hara, Neil Hamilton, Rob Baker, Corey Meyer, and Eric Jacobsen.
I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed seeing muddleheaded Baby Boomer liberalism and anti-racism attempt to take on authentic and principled Southern conservatism and nationalism.
The debate was an excellent illustration of how muddleheadedness naturally degenerates into liberalism. We saw how the rotten fruit of liberal conclusions are derived from the bud of liberal premises.
By the end of the debate, Chastain was reduced to squawking about how blacks had been oppressed, how their present condition was a result of oppression, and finally how the South was unjust and immoral until it was redeemed by the noble Yankees who passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
There is nothing “Southern” about the substance of Chastain’s political views. For all her talk about “Southern heritage,” her modern liberal and anti-racist values – which are descended from the Black Republicans, not the Confederates – make her uncomfortable with defending that heritage.
These people don’t subscribe to the principles of our ancestors. They reject those principles and the culture that was built and sustained upon them for generations. That’s why they alone are unable to defend Southern heritage from criticism.
It is like celebrating Christmas without understanding the meaning of Christmas. In much the same way, you have Baby Boomers who dress up like Confederate soldiers, although they reject everything the Confederacy was based upon, and say things that would have shocked the men who wore that uniform.
In the early twentieth century, Thomas Dixon, Ben Tillman, and Margaret Mitchell won the culture war. They had no problem defending their culture because they still believed in the foundations of Southern culture.
Jefferson Davis and Alexander Stephens wrote memoirs about their war experience. They never attempted to justify the Confederacy on the basis of marvels like “Black Confederates” and “Heritage Not Hate.”
We lost the War Between the States, but we didn’t lose the South. Defeated on the battlefield, the ex-Confederates preserved their culture and refused to be defeated where it really counts, which is to say, in their hearts and minds.
It wasn’t until the Baby Boomer generation that we lost the culture war. A generation of White Southerners inwardly died and bought into the noxious principles of the Civil Rights Movement. The inevitable result has been the physical outward death of the South.
The logic of anti-racism, multiculturalism, and political correctness is creating a new South: one where Whites are being pushed into minority status, where the past is wicked and illegitimate, where aliens are establishing their dominance and elbowing us out of our own territory.
It is people like Connie Chastain who have created this world. It reflects their values and their mindset and their genius. They see BRA as moral and legitimate and Jim Crow as immoral and illegitimate.
These people have thrown away the birthright of future generations of White Southerners out of their sick and unnatural love of the pitiful Negro. To quote Thomas Jefferson, they have become the murderers of their own children.
The shameful condition of the South is a monument to their unbelievable folly. It will stay that way until their Radical values are finally condemned and rejected.
Note: I’ve put together a selection of videos for any scalawags reading this website who may wish to patronize the “180 Degrees True South.” The music complements the substance of the discussions that go on there.
Glory, Glory, Hallelujah! Connie is marching on!
The Indonesian Hobbitts? Well – considering the physiology of the typical Indonesian – I think they just miscegnated in….
The Orcs all migrated to MeHEEco.
Tom Metzger’s depictions of Mestizos are done with the most rigorous clinical biological detail, imaginable.
MarC’s not citing any examples of Negro….viability.
I wonder where MarC went?
FYI – I must get going and stop loitering on these boards, fervently awaiting the return of Mr. Human Dignity MarC, to illuminate We Rasiss’son the Error of His Ways…..
I have been amusing myself elsewhere, in my vigil, but now I must away…(before the Hubster just drags me off by my hair, and my Sublime New ‘Do must be preserved and protected at all costs….)
Se what you fellas can do with this one……..
http :// http://www.economist.com/comment/1318763#comment- 1318763
Remove the blank spot,s in the URL link (I am tryng to avoid getting caught in the filter) and enlighten the UnAwakened…..BUSGSTERS – here ya go! Fresh meat!
Mark Ferguson: You say that racism is morally bankrupt. How, exactly? I really am curous how you come to that conclusion. I used to be where you are regarding racism. I hope your conclusions are based on more than emotion.
IMO, liberalism is a lake that is 1000 miles wide and only 3 inches deep. Ask the hard questions, don’t just accept the company line.
Romney IS mexican, anyway
For what it’s worth, Romney’s relatives in Mexico are shooting it out with the drug cartels. Sorta, anyway. One of them stuck his head up long enough to protest the rising crime levels. And a gang of thugs kidnapped him and held him for ransom. This was months ago and I don’t know if the situation has been resolved. I do remember the Mormons were showing signs of organizing for self-defense and such.
So the intel Romney’s getting from the Mexican branch of his clan probably isn’t very touchy-feely.
I have no doubt in my mind that Caucasoids are the Elect of God.
“Caucasoid” includes everything from Arabs and Jews, to Turks, Pakis and Desis. Just FYI.
The “principle of equality” requires a total indifference to our own fate.
Yet another libtard fig-leaf for “who-Whom?” (the only real libtard value). Blacks and Jews caring very much about their own fate, and aggressively pursuing their own interests = lovely, and perfectly in line with “equality.” Whites doing the same for themselves = hate, and totally inimical to “equality.” See, equality isn’t equal, and some folks are more equal than others. Every supposed libtard value bows before “who-Whom?”
In effect, it’s not really ‘equality’ at all: blacks don’t end up mattering ‘as much as’ whites; they end up mattering more. Policies are permitted that specifically better blacks’ lives and only blacks’ lives, yet it all passes under the rubric of ‘equality.’ This is true wherever you look, even where blacks have achieved total dominance, such as S. Africa or Zimbabwe. No matter how egregious it’s never described by liberals as what it is: institutional anti-white racism. The liberal mind cannot apparently even conceive of such a thing, let alone detect its presence.
Right. Libtardism is like Sauron and his rings. There are lesser rings (equality, compassion, human rights, freedom), but they all serve the One Ring (“who-Whom?”) and its Master.
Noxious principles of the Civil Rights Movement? Such as? Do you mean such “noxious principles” as that blacks are human and should have the same rights as all other citizens, such as the right to vote, and be treated with dignity?
Was Jim Crow not immoral? Of course it was!
We are all governed by a debasing, noxious principle – that Freedom must be subordinated to Equal Outcomes. That men are better off having their Freedoms taken away. What’s really funny is that libtards make a mockery of their own project. Any fool can see that their progress is false, and depends totally on FORCE. It’s painfully obvious that libtards had to take our Freedoms and Rights away to make their project feasible.
I’m pointing and laughing, right now, at you, sir. You have the trappings of self-righteousness, but you are not righteous. You know it deep down, too. How could you not? It’s manifest. Only a fool could not see it.
You speak of dignity? It is to laff! There is only one path to dignity under this system; oppose the end of Freedom, and demand its return – mocking this system incessantly is the least a man can do, and retain his dignity.
Ah, the racists have come out into the open: “white christian hegemony.” very revealing! Blacks are “evolutionary subhuman throwbacks”? What idiocy!
The racists were out in the open the moment you stuck your head in here. Stick around and I will expose you as a racist. I promise.
Newsflash: “what idiocy!” is not an argument. That sort of thing works as a spice. But you can’t eat a pile of pepper. You have to put some actual food on the plate at some point.
Moral bankruptcy? Racism is “morally bankrupt!” I am comfortable with reasonable people reading your racist and idiotic comments and making their own judgements.
This is what I call a “teachable moment.” Mr. Ferguson has inadvertantly highlighted one of libtards’ most valuable and cherised weapons. I’m not sure what to call it yet, but it definitely exists. Basically, libtards control the cultural space via gov’t, academia, and media. As such, they control the Narrative; i.e., most everyone’s conception of history. This is a huge advantage. It means they’re better served talking about what “reasonable people” would think, and AVOIDING getting into it with us. Which is why Mr. Ferguson scarpered. That way, he avoids any unpleasant entanglements that might expose his racist and authoritarian worldview (I’m assuming here – the vast majority of “reasonable people” are quite racist and authoritarian). He simply makes vague references to The Narrative (that which all “reasonable people” already know, because their televisions and schools told them so) and speaks volumes to his fellow drones with a minimum of effort.
Meanwhile, we have to write dissertations to disagree because the cultural touchstones – the COUNTER-Narrative – hasn’t been built yet. Or at least, it doesn’t exist in the minds of the drones. So we have to build it as we go along. We have to deconstruct the trains of misconceptions that underlie every libtard pronouncement.
The upside is, it’s usually fun. Another upside is that all we have to do is tell the truth. E.g., here’s some truth: Mr. Ferguson, if you come back and argue with us, we’ll deconstruct your entire worldview. Demolish it utterly. If you don’t, we’ll all call you a sissy who’s afraid to defend his views.
Maybe an example will help me explain this Teachable Moment:
Libtard response: lulz, you think racism is justice, wow, read a book some time!
Okay, not the best example. Maybe I should start saving examples when I see them, because they’re an absolute staple of how libtards “argue.” Basically, they’re really crappy “arguments,” but they work because the drones have so much junk in their heads, and they speak one another’s language.
Whoops, let me try that again. I used the wrong kind of brackets:
Maybe an example will help me explain this Teachable Moment:
[long, detailed, articulate and tightly-argued rightist (or whatever) piece here]
Libtard response: lulz, you think racism is justice, wow, read a book some time!
Okay, not the best example. Maybe I should start saving examples when I see them, because they’re an absolute staple of how libtards “argue.” Basically, they’re really crappy “arguments,” but they work because the drones have so much junk in their heads, and they speak one another’s language.
“Moral bankruptcy? Racism is “morally bankrupt!” I am comfortable with reasonable people reading your racist and idiotic comments and making their own judgements.”
As Racism is well and truly dead but for a few throwbacks then surely we can dismantle the apparatus of anti-racism? End AA/DI, bring back restrictive convenants and so on? Or would the country immediately re-segregate if that were to happen?
Svigor apparently agrees with Denise that black people are “subhuman evolutional (whatever that means) throwbacks.”
Someone here threatens to expose me as the racist here, yet endorses such statements as that blacks are “subhuman.” Of course endorsing the idea that blacks are less than fully human is morally bankrupt, by definition.
You people are a waste of time, and should be ashamed of yourselves. There is nothing here but the usual racist idiocy, historical ignorance, and stupid political rants about liberals controlling the narrative through the media, universities, and government. Try to get yourselves out of the gutter, people.
@Marc Ferguson
Regarding your disagreement that niggers are are indeed less than human, please visit http://www.erectuswalksamongstus.com/
Blacks are “fully human.” They are a race of Homo sapiens that evolved in tropical Africa. They are adapted to that environment.
We also know that there have many human species and races. No one really knows how many versions of humanity there have been. We know for certain that modern humans lived among archaic humans.
There is nothing special about our own species. The liberal ideals of “sacred humanity” and “natural rights” were formulated at a time when “flood geology” was mainstream and the dinosaurs had yet to be discovered.
“Racism” is true – human history is a neverending story of superior races evolving and supplanting inferior ones. There is nothing special about our own species. There is no reason to believe that “morality” is universal and analogous to the laws of physics either.
“Humanism” is based on a fantasy. “Equality” is biologically impossible. Human traits are not “equally” distributed across racial groups because there is “essential” human nature. There are just localized adaptations.
Here’s a facial reconstruction of Homo erectus:
No facts mentioned by MF. . .how about the median nigger IQ in sub-Saharan Africa being 67? How about zero industry and off the scale crime rates? The 67 number is seldom raised here as we all know it and get tired of discussing the same over and over.
The game is to avoid facts and use ad-hominem against Whites. That way WHITES not negroes are to be viewed as the problem.
. . .is morally bankrupt
. . .You people are a waste of time, and should be ashamed of yourselves
. . .the usual racist idiocy
. . .historical ignorance
. . .stupid political rants
. . .Try to get yourselves out of the gutter
96% of Western media is jew-controlled. Do you deny this?
At least 1/3 (possibly Sotomayor) of the Supreme Court are jews. This is fact.
Jews (like Noel Ignatiev) have called for genocide of the White race. Fact.
Edit for Marc Ferguson-
Off topic – the Hubster and I went dancing. We will be taking lessons in ballroom dancing, so he can dance with me. This week. I basically used him as a prop, today. He gets AAA+ for effeort, though. And all the ladies were giving him encouragment, and advice. He learned one critical thing today – it’s in the hips, not the back…..
I see Mr Human Dignity did reply…errr….repeat his meaningless blather.
Hunter – you can consider the Negroids fully human, if you want to. The Section 8 Kommisars just moved a group of Congoid drug dealers, and one Coal Burner into a nearby town. I already have a “reputation” as a nefarious, adament, and DEDICATED Racist. I preach daily, and I preach LOUD.
We learned of the invasion from a local couple; long term pals of my Hubster. The drug dealing Niggers moved right on this couple’s block ,ya see. I was otherwise occupied this lovely afternoon – but apparently this couple dropped in, earlier today, and gave my Hub a long account this outrage – as well as any neighbor in earshot.
We now have 2 MORE Official Nefarious Public Racists, in the extended community. The wife is sweet and soft-spoken, but her hubby is a ball of energy, and apparently deployed every slur I’ve ever used, and lots more.
“Sub-human” is one of the more polite descriptors…..
I don’t think the Groids will last long. This fellow is quite a……hhhhh…..well – let’s just say he can be very focused, in achieving his goals.
Favourite, relevant reference: http://erectuswalksamongst.us/
Chapter on creative, practical contributions of subspecies africanus: http://erectuswalksamongst.us/Chap15.html
Chris, I just noticed you had already posted the link to the same source. Well, no harm in calling more attention to the good useful source.
@Mosin Nagant
I think I mis-typed it the first time. I’m always posting on here from my iPhone.
I just voted for “The Prison”.
Back on Topic – no – Mr. Negro Dignity does not cite any supporting evidence, of his position.
Quel suprise.
@ Denise’s off topic on dance: Off topic as well, this is manly dance:
The crow outfits are good, but Saxon green and blue woad better.
Swords or shillelaghs could be swung at and around as well as sticks or beer trays.
Denise, can’t resist just two more examples, one from the Kentucky Mountain Folk Festival: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUYH4LWoXvs&feature=related And this war dancing is in my Welsh blood, in tune with our northern heritage like none of those Med and Neg “moves”, for white men only, so who says we should not? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlU7C3nKmrs&feature=related
“Back on Topic – no – Mr. Negro Dignity does not cite any supporting evidence, of his position.
Quel suprise.”
Darn. I’m sorry Mr. Nigger-lover ran away. I was looking forward to watching Svigor disembowel him (rhetorically, of course.) I had my popcorn all ready, and everything.
Svigor apparently agrees with Denise that black people are “subhuman evolutional (whatever that means) throwbacks.”
I don’t really know what that means either, so I don’t know if I agree with it or not. I do know I don’t care enough to find out.
Someone here threatens to expose me as the racist here, yet endorses such statements as that blacks are “subhuman.” Of course endorsing the idea that blacks are less than fully human is morally bankrupt, by definition.
So, I gave you, what, several thousand words, but you have to go outside my posts and respond to something I didn’t say? The straw man argument is one of the weaker fallacies.
You people are a waste of time, and should be ashamed of yourselves.
See what I meant above? They’re always excusing themselves from the argument. Then they complain that someone sees things differently. This is what libtardism has reduced itself to; argument by authority, straw man arguments, and other fallacies, but only just long enough to quit the field.
There is no reasonable or logical defense of libtardism, so I suppose I can’t blame libtards for failing to defend themselves with reason or logic.
There is nothing here but the usual racist idiocy, historical ignorance, and stupid political rants about liberals controlling the narrative through the media, universities, and government. Try to get yourselves out of the gutter, people.
See? That “historical ignorance” part. You have to accept their reading of history. This is huge for libtards. If they lose control of history, they lose, because everything they believe depends totally on a particular reading of history.
Then it’s a bunch of feminine shaming-language about laying in gutters.
Totally devoid of substance. I make concrete points about rights and Freedom (for all men, mind you), and he hits back with feminine shaming language.
I don’t really know what that means either, so I don’t know if I agree with it or not. I do know I don’t care enough to find out.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but I don’t care because the answer is irrelevant; the concept certainly does not inform or underlie any of my political positions. It’s just you trolling for my personal opinions, trying to “read my thoughts,” etc., as libtards are wont to do. Standard witch-hunt fare.
But I’ll answer anyway:
I think Blacks are shining paragons of humanity, superior to Whites morally, cognitively, spiritually, and in every other sense.
What this has to do with the price of tea in China, I don’t know.
Darn. I’m sorry Mr. Nigger-lover ran away. I was looking forward to watching Svigor disembowel him (rhetorically, of course.) I had my popcorn all ready, and everything.
Damn libtards are skittish, innit? He probably looked around for the “delete post” and “ban” buttons and, not finding them, sought greener pastures.
He’s got a new post up about us.
Your comments have no substance whatsoever, never mind facts. You clearly endorse the notion that black Americans are “subhuman,” and have no claim to human or civil rights. You clearly don’t know what a straw man argument even is, but accuse me of using it. Anyone who uses the term “nigger lover” is automatically discredited as a virulent racist. Now I know that you will see that as ad hominem name calling, but I will stand by it. This is, after all, the 21st century. There was a Civil Rights Movement in this country, Apartheid has come to an end, the Holocaust is almost universally condemned, and it is by all moral people, as is Jim Crow (which I get the impression that you, and many others here, believe was a great way to organize racial relations).
Mr. Nigger-lover, that was me, Barb, not Svig.
Hey MarCie – when are YOU going to post “something of substance”, re: your (astonishingly in-explicable) admiration for the Untermenschen Congoid Jungle Bunny Spearchucker Jigaboo Moon Crickets?
You haven’t, yet. Do enlighten We Racists as to the splendors of Congoid merit. What do they “bring to the table” so to speak? See – I did check back
Don’t mention peanut butter……
Yes, MarCie – I’m glad oyu have noticed that some of us are Virulent Racists. Live it and love it.
Some of us are Moderate Racists – but I am definitely Virulent! Huzzah!
King James 2000 Bible, Baby:
“So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth.”
Revelations 3:16. Woo HOO!
Hey Marc: where is the great 1st world negroid nation?
Do your kids attend a majority-NAM school?
Have you ever read anything your professor didn’t assign you?
Why do you use feminine shaming-language rather than come up with some shining examples of black civilization? Are you a man?
Yes, this is the 21st century, and 150 years after the abolition of slavery and 50 years after the demise of segregation, there is still no valid reason to believe in the theory of racial equality, or Leprechauns, or Big Foot, or the Loch Ness Monster.
There was a Civil Rights Movement in this country … and anyone who has been to Selma, Tuskegee, Montgomery, Birmingham, Chicago, or Detroit lately can see that it failed.
Apartheid came to an end in South Africa … and the result was that South Africa entered into the same downward spiral into crime, corruption, and nepotism that destroyed every other sub-Saharan African country since Ghana.
Birmingham peaked under Bull Connor and Jim Crow. It recently filed for the largest municipal bankruptcy in American history after 30 years of black majority rule brought the “Magic City” to its knees.
Have the “nigger lovers” not been discredited by Detroit and Haiti? Have they not been discredited by Head Start? Have they not been discredited by sub-Saharan Africa after independence?
Everything they said would happen failed to happen. OTOH, everything the “racists” said would happen came true. The “white supremacists” predicted it would be a disaster and it arrived on schedule.
21,000 blacks have been murdered in Detroit since 1969 because of their “civil right” to own firearms.
Your comments have no substance whatsoever, never mind facts.
Hey, I give you credit for having more spunk than most liberals. A low bar to be sure, but kudos.
You didn’t read my posts all the way through, if you think they lacked substance. But I’ll repeat myself (long experience with liberals has kept me in practice):
All men have the right to choose with whom they form associations, whether to form communities, businesses, schools, institutions, churches, or anything else. To deny them this right is an injustice of the highest order.
There – simple, concise, and to the point. Please let us all know what you find objectionable about that. Crying into your pillow about what goes on in my head, what language I use to refer to people, and what racial taxonomies I approve of do not measure up.
You clearly endorse the notion that black Americans are “subhuman,” and have no claim to human or civil rights.
How have I made that endorsement clear? Once you’ve backed up that ridiculous claim, please connect it to your assertion that I “have no claim to human or civil rights,” because that’s a real non-sequitur IMO. Do you just pull this “logic” from your ass, or what?
You clearly don’t know what a straw man argument even is, but accuse me of using it. Anyone who uses the term “nigger lover” is automatically discredited as a virulent racist.
Please show evidence for your assertion that I don’t know what a straw man argument is. Where do you get this stuff?
Again, with the non-sequiturs. Suppose using the term “nigger lover” is automatically “discredited” as a virulent racist. Absurd, but let’s suppose. What does that have to do with the humanity, or lack thereof, of Blacks? Or my evaluation of same?
You’re wildly jumping from one conclusion to the next. And ignoring the salient point, which is, what difference does my evaluation of Blacks’ humanity make? I already proffered the multi-spectrum superiority of Blacks for the purposes of argument, which you ignored, because it eviscerates your (stupid) argument.
I mean, this is what I was getting at. Please UNPACK the statement “automatically discredited as a virulent racist.” WTF does that even mean?
Now I know that you will see that as ad hominem name calling, but I will stand by it.
Uhm, yeah, I see ad hominem arguments as ad hominem arguments. Name-calling is something different. Name-calling is fine in my book, as long as they aren’t offered as a substitute for real arguments – that’s when they become ad hominem arguments.
This is, after all, the 21st century.
See what I mean? This means a lot in libtard-speak, but what does it really mean? Other than an implied appeal to authority (we’re liberals, and we’re running the show now, so…what?), what does it mean?
There was a Civil Rights Movement in this country
Yes, and?
Apartheid has come to an end
Yes, and?
the Holocaust is almost universally condemned
Yes, and?
as is Jim Crow (which I get the impression that you, and many others here, believe was a great way to organize racial relations).
I’d take it over what we have now, yes. And the sky is blue. Ever wonder what percentage of the White population would, too, if they could just push a magic button and make it so? (Think MILLIONS) But I’d prefer what I offered above: Freedom of Association. TRUE Freedom of Association, for all men. To choose with whom they form communities, schools, churches, businesses, and institutions. Doesn’t it bother you just a little bit that that right, that God-given Freedom, has to be trampled for the negro to be “elevated”?
I mean, some people don’t consider the word “nigger” to be heresy, Mr. Ferguson. They actually refer to Blacks with that word. And it doesn’t mean they wish Blacks ill. Hell, I generally use it as a protest word, because sanctimonious thought-free cretins like you insist I do not.
You did know that, didn’t you?
Hand-waving about “nigger-lovers” is also partially deflection, of course. I have a MUCH M-U-C-H bigger problem with “nigger-lovers” than I do with Blacks. So when nigger-lovers start stamping their feet about racism, they’re using Blacks as their shields.
No, despising “nigger-lovers” ain’t racism. They’re White.
Cute, innit?
There is no argument for liberalism, no reason to believe anything they say or believe is valid, only a register of shock at disagreement. The liberal believes that disagreement is necessarily based on “ignorance.”
It can never be because of familiarity with the liberal position. We are familiar with the theory of racial equality. There is no evidence that supports the dogma of racial equality. The facts suggest that the theory of racial inequality is true.
How have I made that endorsement clear? Once you’ve backed up that ridiculous claim, please connect it to your assertion that I “have no claim to human or civil rights,” because that’s a real non-sequitur IMO. Do you just pull this “logic” from your ass, or what?
Here’s what I mean about non-sequiturs:
Your assertion that my personal opinions about Blacks (about which you have only a shred of a clue) obviates any claim I might have to human or civil rights itself obviates any claim you might have to human or civil rights. I.e., you have attempted to dehumanize me, and make me ineligible for the rights of all men, but in the process, you have only dehumanized yourself, and made only yourself ineligible for same.
Actually, that’s not so much a non-sequitur, as it is an attempt to find a logic – any logic – in your assertions, and extrapolate what inevitably follows.
Ferguson should be forced to live amongst blacks. Clearly he’s ensconced in a Whitopia, far from the realities of multiculturalism writ large.
He should try thinking things through beyond the kiddie-pool echo-chamber level of libtardism. It’s not hard to think things through and take responsibility for your own positions, and it doesn’t depend on proximity (or lack thereof) to Blacks.
“Svigor says:
March 20, 2012 at 1:16 am
How have I made that endorsement clear? Once you’ve backed up that ridiculous claim, please connect it to your assertion that I “have no claim to human or civil rights,” because that’s a real non-sequitur IMO. Do you just pull this “logic” from your ass, or what?
Here’s what I mean about non-sequiturs:
Your assertion that my personal opinions about Blacks (about which you have only a shred of a clue) obviates any claim I might have to human or civil rights itself obviates any claim you might have to human or civil rights. I.e., you have attempted to dehumanize me, and make me ineligible for the rights of all men, but in the process, you have only dehumanized yourself, and made only yourself ineligible for same.
Actually, that’s not so much a non-sequitur, as it is an attempt to find a logic – any logic – in your assertions, and extrapolate what inevitably follows.”
Wow! Svigor – that’s pretty! Lovely.
No one who has experience living amongst blacks can take the positions Ferguson does. He’s cocooned in fantasy ideology and self-medicating delusion. Proximity to blacks is exactly what he needs.
I am shocked by the attitudes of many of the commentators. They need to return to the rocks they climbed out from under. I feel as if I’m reading the 2012 version of the Lincoln-Douglas debates. Hopefully, these idiots represent a small fraction of humanity.
How are we supposed to debate with people like Chuck? We actually have grown adults who are shocked when someone disagrees with their view of the world. Shocked.
Wow. Someone needs to climb back into their padded cell.