Gus802’s Latest Expose of Alternative Right

Little Green Fags

You can check this out here.

Note: Derb is clearly irritated by some OD commentators. We still love you Derb. You’re never going to convince anyone out here to love National Review though.

I think we should sit back and just watch what happens. The latest round of “mainstream” conservative witch hunting has emboldened the Left. They have taken the measure of the “keeper of the poultry” and concluded that he is a pushover and a lap dog.

Spencer wrote just the other day:

“A part of me, a demonic part of me, is thus quite happy that The Derb was next on the list. It makes the mainstream Right much stupider . . . more defined by the Goldbergs, Ponnurus, Lowrys, and Lopezes of the world . . . and more obviously a racket and dead-end.

The conservative movement deserves to die. And it must be fully de-legitimized before we can build something new in its place. The firing of John Derbyshire brought us a step closer.”

Rich Lowry is the Donny the Punk of conservatism.

Will Gus802 and Media Matters succeed in punking Rich and publicly making him his bitch again? Derb predicted there would be some “creative destruction up ahead in the conservative movement.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The small circle on the Left that decides “consensus” and what is permissible is very small, and their influence is diminishing exponentially. First the Dan Rather scandal of manufactured evidence to reinforce a narrative, and now the Trayvon debacle with false evidence and blatent misrepresentation of facts. The Trayvon debacle has been wonderful in “waking up” a great number of former moderates to the reality of race in America today.

    The circle on the right of mainstream conservatism is even smaller, and their credibility has also begun to erode rapidly. IMHO, it first began when no one from the “official” right really stood up to DEMAND retractions about the “teabagger” “n” and “spittle” narrative invented by the Left during the heat of the Obamacare battle.
    The right emasculated itself when it refused to stand up for core true Conservative principles.

    What the “official” conservative press does no longer matters to me. I met a great number of dedicated people through the Tea party who are completely disconnected from mainstream media lies, both right and left.

  2. Gus is a pathetic loser. That imbecile writes as if he has unearthed a lost Shakespeare play when all he has done is repeated public information.

    WTF does these people think they have discovered about these various relationships and interconnections that SPLC/ADL haven’t know about for years?

    I also noticed in passing that “Gus” quotes Alex Knepper’s attack on Richard Spencer. Alex Knepper is a gay neocon who used to be Zionist Jew David Frum’s protege.

    On March 15, 2010, the Southern Poverty Law Center reported that white nationalist Richard B. Spencer — of Taki’s magazine (see John Derbyshire firing) — began a venture with Peter Brimelow, et al, to create a new online white nationalist magazine, Alternative Right. Form 990 from that same year, 2010, reaveals a 35 thousand dollar grant from VDare to Alternative Right located in Whitefish, Montana. The group behind Alternative Right is the National Policy Institute which had their first conference in 2011, “Towards a New Nationalism.” Alex Knepper of Frum Forum described Richard Spencer “a white nationalist, a bully, and an intellectual coward” in his piece, “Alternative Right’s Ugly Racism”.

    Knepper is not exactly a reliable opinion. Frum fired him when he was outed as a pedophile by other neocons.

  3. Hunter: You nailed it on mainstream conservatism. I’ve been posting on a few articles over at AT. Wow! Just wow! I can’t believe how leftist those freaks are, and still claim to be conservative.
    Don’t you just love it when the SPLC and other Boslshevik orgs claim our someone from our side is an intellectual coward, but they are the ones who shut down discourse or refuse to entertain dissenting opinions.

  4. One interesting thing I notice from that: I thought VDARE was always in a financial bind and needing 50 grand every few months. So what are they doing handing out 35 grand grants?

    Money must not be as tight as Brimelow claims. I’m not really complaining, and I hope they do have plenty of cash, it’s just that I don’t like it when groups or organizations claim poverty and are forever putting out begging and pleading appeals for money when they are not exactly destitute or in dire straights. If you have money, good, just go about making appeals pitches more honestly. And as for anyone coming back and claiming you got to pretend you are broke, I say, “rubish!” I’ve yet to see a wealthy man or organization that had trouble getting donations. They do it far better than poor organizations.

  5. “So what’s the suggestion here?”

    Be mindful of Auster’s law of race relations if you want to keep your friends. Specifically, that the worse minorities behave, the more whites must be blamed for their misbehavior. Also the bit about IWSBs was kinda pissing on them.

  6. Derbyshire writes: So what’s the suggestion here? That after twelve years of sitting round the editorial table with NR folk in collegiality, and in many cases friendship, I should now suddenly turn and start pissing on them vindictively? What do you take me for?

    What kind of low, contemptible creep would behave like that?

    Rich Lowry?

    You may still love him, Hunter; I never did. One inadvertently honest article does not a fearless fighter for truth make. “[A]fter twelve years of sitting round the editorial table with NR folk in collegiality”, he’s suddenly a hero? And his advice to make a few token Black best friends as a talisman to ward off accusations of racism was not exactly a model of either integrity or practicality.

    Lew: I followed that link. The truly mind-boggling thing is that a toad like Knepper can call Spencer a white nationalist, as if it’s axiomatic that that’s morally inferior to Knepper himself. And apparently there are people who would agree. Truly, the world is 666.

  7. “When all is said and done Derbyshire is just another respectable conservative who wandered over the line of respectability and got caught.”

    Well shot good sir.

    You are effective.

  8. Derb’s never claimed to be “one of us”, which would be a rather queer thing for him to do…belonging to a multiracial family and all. What he has done is illuminate many of our keystone issues, serve as a (likely hapless) gateway for critical thinkers moving in our direction, and treat us with respect.

    He has been a tremendous asset to ethnic nationalists, civic nationalists, traditionalists, and HBD nerds alike. You would be hard-pressed to find enough people the world over with his classical education, intelligence, and wit to fit in a room. And if there were such a room, he would be the only man in that room raising the existential issues we White Nationalists [or whatever euphemism you prefer] care about.

    He’s not a comrade, but framing things in terms of comrades vs. the world is a tactical noobfail. He’s not pretending to be a comrade. He made lifestyle choices that permanently preclude him from being a comrade. He can; however, be an ally and an asset. I believe he’s both.

  9. Gus is a pathetic loser. That imbecile writes as if he has unearthed a lost Shakespeare play when all he has done is repeated public information.

    LOL….well said and so very true. Love yer comments, Lew 🙂

  10. Derbyshire writes: So what’s the suggestion here? That after twelve years of sitting round the editorial table with NR folk in collegiality, and in many cases friendship, I should now suddenly turn and start pissing on them vindictively? What do you take me for?
    What kind of low, contemptible creep would behave like that?

    One with the courage to tell the truth? Did they not just “turn and start pissing” on HIM?

  11. Has anyone else been watching these sissy fights between Little Green Fags, Dan Riehl, and the Breitbart staff on Twitter?

    One sissy starts whining about he is offended. Then dozens of other sissies start chiming in. Then dozens of sissies start going back and forth about who is the real racist trying to one up each other.

  12. Gus@Gus_802
    @occdissent Fascinating. I already read your page. Homophobia. Racism. Antisemitism. Low IQ. Anything else?

    lol……this guy sure has what we call ” a brass neck” 😉

  13. “Gus@Gus_802@occdissent Fascinating. I already read your page. Homophobia. Racism. Antisemitism. Low IQ. Anything else?

    How about your own Christophobia, Caucaphobia, and cock-sucking worship of the Christ-killers? Talk to me, who holds a Doctorate, and speaks three foreign languages, about ‘low IQ.’ You Behemah.

    Anything else? Well, yes. But I can’t say it in public… though he probably does it, anyway… and enjoys it. (sick)

    Hunter- when you call all these ‘pycho’-phants as ‘sissies,’ I think you are RIGHT on the money. ANYONE who would include a pederast, a sodomite, or a lesbian (all of whom are brain-warped, because of their their state of soul (damned) or mind (the recurrent addiction to the endorphins for immoral sexual activity) as a ‘colleague’ or even LISTEN TO THEM as RATIONAL BEINGS, would also consider a Nigger to be Human.

    Oh. Wait. I rest my case. THEY ARE INSANE. And Derbyshire is schtuppfing a non-White? Oh well, then. Nothing to see here… move on.

    Sheer Bedlam.

  14. Fr. John.

    Bravo sir. Cast the eunuchs into outer darkness.

    Has anything ever been easier to lampoon than “mainstream conservatism”? Has any movement been more spectacularly unsuccessful than these buffoons? They have been losing the war for for the very soul of America for 50+ years, and WE are the “dangerous” ones?

    Indeed…we are dangerous…. to their positions, their power, their fucking bank accounts, their summer homes, and their legitimacy. They’re scared shitless…and it shows.

  15. We need mainstream representation and access to print and TV media, not just the internet.

    It’s a power game like – who controls the “street”, who controls “the workers”, who has the teachers of youth.

    Our enemies are just better at certain things like launching personal attacks, ruining people’s careers. Sadly, most of the White public gets their news and information from TV; thus George Will has been the most important “Conservative” voice for a long time, after Rush Limbaugh.

    Give the devil’s their due, they have taken down and out so great White writers, commentators (Buchanan being the best).

  16. XYZ – actually – that grandson of Malcolm X is makes a lot of sense. He’s definitely one of the more intelligent Negroes. Until he gets to the L’Affaire Trayvon bit.

  17. Funny, another one of Malcolm X’s grandsons killed Mrs. X, Betty Shabazz: “Following the arrest of her daughter Qubilah for allegedly conspiring to murder Louis Farrakhan, Shabazz took in her young grandson Malcolm. He set a fire in her apartment that caused severe burns to Shabazz. Shabazz died three weeks later as a result of her injuries.” From Wikipedia. That was in 1997, I remember when it happened. He set the fire deliberately; apparently he had an issue with her attempts to discipline him.

  18. These crazy anti-white lefties are having their legs cut out from underneath them in their battles with their sissy right dopplegangers.

    In this week’s Clusterfucknation, Kuntsler all but wrote a piece that could have been slid into AmRen, albeit being a liberal’s voice on black white relationships and the decline of civility meme category. I don’t follow the lefty comments very far I think Kiev does, but from what I witnessed even those kid type folk realize that blacks are taking liberalism out back and gang raping it while their sissy folk spat with other sissy folk.

  19. Jack Ryan- “It’s a power game like – who controls the “street”, who controls “the workers”, who has the teachers of youth.”

    As I’ve always said, Homeschooling is the tool for cultural subversion by the sane, of the insane. It may take twenty years, but the first step is in defunding ALL school districts, especially those where Trayvon and Shaneequa attend.

    Death to the ideology of the Prussians.

  20. Fr. John,

    When the government can no longer provide massive subsidies to liberalism, White nationalism will go viral. Simple as that.

  21. Matt,

    Having re-read Derbyshire’s MacDonald essay, I agree it was respectful, and I was coming around to the position on Derbyshire you outlined in your comment above. Derbyshire is not one of us but still a valuable asset. The Vox Day interview has moved me back in the other direction.

    Respectfully, can I ask how is John Derbyshire showing us respect by calling the people to his right a bunch of crazies and agreeing that the right needs to be policed to keep out the crazies? The people to his right were just about the only people to aggressively defend his essay. Yet he had kinder words for Rich Lowry and the execrable William F. Buckley, Jr. than them.

    I agree there is value in Derbyshire’s writings, and I have aggressively defended Derbyshire in other contexts in front of different audiences (at taki mag, on that harridan Elspeth Reeve’s blog at Atlantic Wire and elsewhere). However, in different contexts, I have also defended Ron Paul and others who take some positions that are congruent with White interests. I’m not sure that makes Ron Paul an ally.

    I suppose, for me, that’s what it comes down to. It is not clear what the difference in principle is between Ron Paul and John Derbyshire. Despite taking some positions and disseminating some information that helps White people, both men view us as crazies which is not very respectful.

  22. Lew, remember that Derbyshire still insists on being able to impose his kids on you. That’s why you’re “crazies.”

  23. I agree Silver, Derb’s thorn in his flesh is his half-breed kids. Do you think he regrets it? Would he ever admit it?

  24. Don’t you just love it when the SPLC and other Boslshevik orgs claim our someone from our side is an intellectual coward, but they are the ones who shut down discourse or refuse to entertain dissenting opinions.

    Talk about barking up the wrong tree. It’s just stupid to attack the enemy where he’s strongest.

  25. Be mindful of Auster’s law of race relations if you want to keep your friends. Specifically, that the worse minorities behave, the more whites must be blamed for their misbehavior. Also the bit about IWSBs was kinda pissing on them.

    This brings to mind the idea of a “culture-jamming” “leftist.” He’s ostensibly leftist, but in a way that blatantly undermines leftism.

    E.g., when it’s time to blame Whites for Black pathology, make sure you spell things out too clearly. Cite Auster’s Law approvingly, etc.

  26. When the government can no longer provide massive subsidies to liberalism, White nationalism will go viral. Simple as that.

    Antibiotics only stay effective for so long. 😉

    That’s on top of the fact that the trend is toward loss of establishment legitimacy, which means it’s toward loss of establishment funding (people start thinking like Jews and Asians (“cheating on your taxes is okay”) if the establishment screws them long enough).

    That’s on top of the fact that the trend is toward declining material wealth.

  27. Vox- I don’t think that the fag-tossing scene is the BEST – there are loads of wonderful scenes. Think “Birth of a Nation”, for starters, when the White Knights ride…

  28. Vox Validus says:
    April 18, 2012 at 1:03 am

    Long Shanks tossing the fag out the window is the best scene ever put in a movie.

    I was just about to post that very thing. It’s at the least one of a small handful.

  29. Respectfully, can I ask how is John Derbyshire showing us respect by calling the people to his right a bunch of crazies and agreeing that the right needs to be policed to keep out the crazies? The people to his right were just about the only people to aggressively defend his essay. Yet he had kinder words for Rich Lowry and the execrable William F. Buckley, Jr. than them.


    Derb’s thorn in his flesh is his half-breed kids.

    And I agree that this is more than likely what is behind his refusal to stand with those who stand with him. I have given this issue a lot of thought lately as I have been kinda outing myself as an “evil racist” to more and more people in my life. Two White males in my circle have been (trying, lol) to give me a hard time, and I have been frank in pointing out to them that my positions are not personal condemnations of them per se, as it is their family members, not them, that have race-mixed and deposited mud-sharks a plenty into their lives. It is sad, and I do feel sorry for them, as these are the insane times we live in, but there is no way in hell I am going to let them off the hook about it in terms of how it is affecting their views. Even less chance I am going to be a passive punching bag for their obvious guilt over it.
    However, I do feel compassion for them as I know many White people now for whom this is an issue in one way or another…….not easy waters to navigate when family is involved…….

  30. You guys are reading too much into Derb’s reaction. The key is to remember that he is English. His reactions and instincts are very, very English. (trust me on this). It seems odd because we are expecting an American response. Believe it or not, though they look, speak, talk and act almost just like us, they are VERY different in important ways.

    I say this as a half-Brit, with family on both sides.

    Trust me on this one.

  31. What I find the most troubling is the constant witch hunt for alleged “racism” finds guys like the Derb more a threat to society than human excrement like Alex Knepper. That scum with his proclivities was allowed on a “conservative” site, and that the Left has not used it as a point of browbeating against them (like they would do with anyone accused of “racism”) reveals far too much about both them and our society as a whole. To hell with them and their myopic, misguided priorities.

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