“War Against White People”: “Why I No Longer Feel Safe on The Metro”

District of Corruption

It is hard to believe this comes from The Washington Post:

“[Expletive] the white man! [Expletive] the white man!”

The man’s yells reverberated through the Metrorail car, breaking the quiet typical of an early-morning ride. I turned down the music on my iPhone. What was that? “[Expletive] the white man!” he screamed again. My fellow Blue Line riders and I looked around uneasily. I couldn’t see the man, but I did note that I seemed to be one of very few white men in the car. Still, I brushed it off. It’s not unusual to encounter crazy behavior while riding Metro. Rarely do things turn serious. As the train arrived at L’Enfant Plaza, I briefly considered switching cars. I didn’t.

I should have.

What happened next is a blur. I remember hearing “Look me in the eyes!” Now the voice was close — too close. I turned. The man had squared up directly in front of me, his face level with mine. I met his rage-filled eyes the moment before he head-butted me. Then his right fist came around in a hook, connecting just above my cheek. . .

I guess this is another one of those incidents like the one that happened last year when a Black Undertow flash mob of trayvons attacked a liberal editor from The Onion in Philadelphia.

Note: Victor Davis Hanson has a new article about Negro Fatigue and the growing racial divide: “To read comments following these stories on the Internet is to enter the world of white counter-rage at a level I have never seen. We talk of black accusations of racism, but they are earning a counter-response that is equally scary, with some irate and others wearied to the point of quietism and isolation.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It’s all crumbling. Nicholas Stix is on that thread. So are some of us….it’s all crumbling…good. Let is crack apart NOW.

  2. A great comment from that VDH article. It really captures the despair of what I think is the prevailing view of middle class whites right now.

    “If you guys only knew…We TRY to ignore race, only to be herded into “conference rooms” at work to be called insensitive and racist. We ignore it in talking politics with acquaintances, only to be called racist when we don’t like obama. We try to send our kids to (or work in) public schools, only to have such an atmosphere of hate around them (or us) that we have to pay extra for private schools. We try to walk through (not live in), just walk through, black areas (and increasingly, family places like state fairs) only to be beaten just for being alive. We ignore race, only to be called “cowards” and then have to pay ‘the white tax” for universities our kids can’t go to and bus systems we can’t ride. Then, to top it off, the idiots among us elect a guy who sees everything through a racial lens, who appoints an AG who openly says he will not act in discrimination cases against white people — with OUR tax money AGAIN.

    Sorry — went off there. But we are a society that has been screamed at for being racist for decades, to the poisonous point that many voted for a marxist, inexperienced, liar who comes from who-knows-where, just to try to stop the name-calling. And it still doesn’t stop.

  3. Liberalism can limp alone for decades and decades without blacks. Blacks truly are the catalyst for liberalism’s swift(er) destruction.

  4. Jim is so right about liberalism – its life can only be extended to the extent that those living under it are mainly white, like the Scandinavians. But of course, it fails eventually because people don’t want to reproduce in a cradle to grave welfare, high tax, no religion society . Scandi is doomed.

  5. Sometimes, when most of the bystanders are also Congoids, U have no choice but to duck and cover. I had to do that several times in Jew York, otherwise I would not have survived. By and by, we will speak to the Jews – and their dusky stormtroopers -in a language they can understand.

  6. Hanson’s article never gets close to addressing the real issue. The passage you quoted made me wonder “Is Hanson finally getting it? Is he having a moment of candour like Derbyshire’s? Alas, no, he’s not. According to him, the great racial divide is between two viewpoints The blacks: “Every black person has personally been enslaved for 400 years, and it hurts, and Whitey has to pay”. The Whites: “I try so hard to be a good colourblind liberal, but somehow it’s never enough”.

    Where are the people who are just fed up to the teeth with black grievances, crime and dysfunction? The ones who are saying “You want a race war? Bring it on!” That’s the real issue. And Hanson’s fan club, is, as usual, even more clueless than he is.*

    It’s obvious that the media are stirring the pot. They seem to be deliberately trying to provoke a White backlash. This is worrying, because they certainly aren’t doing it to promote White interests. What’s their motivation?

    * re: Hanson’s groupies: I once commented on a thread where they were all indignant over an article of Hanson’s that some leftist college group had organized to censor. Lots of high-minded stuff about freedom of speech. I said that I found the thread funny, because if the same thing had happened to Jared Taylor or David Duke, they would be doing exactly the same as the people they were criticising. As if to prove me right, quite a few replied along the lines of “That’s different; David Duke is a racist!” Absolutely no self-awareness there. Mindless sycophants, the lot of them.

  7. Recently the Washington Times “named” the blacks as screwing up the Metro in DC. So I suspect that what really goes on is that the majority of the drones who work in DC are subjected to a boatload of racial abuse as they try and go to work. Too bad.

    Blue America is taking good and hard from the black undertow’s gang rape of liberalism. In Blue America only the most elitist neighborhoods are safe for now, the rest are under attack, and god bless our allies the blacks.

    Psst a little secret, if you pay attention you find many a reference about “lifestyle refugees” or basically DWLs moves to the country.

  8. Take a look at that bastion of Zionist, center-right mainstream, respectable conservatism American Thinker. Lloyd Marcus (he’s the black “conservative” writer whose skirt the respectable conservatives hide behind) recently published an article on soothing the Zimmerman-Martin racial divide. Check out the types of comments there for an idea of the types we are up against. With “conservatives” like this, who the hell needs Marxists.

  9. I have been approached several time at work in the manner of the subway. Not a day has gone by without hearing “what whitey say” or “what cracker is doin”. I am tired of it. I was alive in the 50s and 60s. I know what racism and segration is. This ain’t it.
    Whites treat some blacks different because some blacks are different. If blacks want to be treated the same be the same. It is not your color that makes you a jerk. It is you.

  10. I’m an African American woman living in Washington DC. This “war” isn’t just against whites. I am scared every single day on the metro. I’m only 25, and I’ve lived here my entire life. Still, I get nervous pulling out my phone when there’s a group of young kids on the train. And I hate riding the transit system during the hours in which Kids are riding on their commute home. I just don’t want to get caught in the proverbial crossfire. I hate that people fail to realize that this affects everyone. Because I’m an African American I have some sort of immunity to the crime or violence that happens in this city??? That is not true. Next time your on the train, look at the faces of the others on the cart. All races have the same fear. I just want to commute safely to and from work without fear of violence or theft.

  11. “All races have the same fear. I just want to commute safely to and from work without fear of violence or theft.”
    Sorry, Indya, we Whites can’t help you.
    Those “kids” aren’t White teen boys (with a few exceptions) are they? Be honest, now. No. They are Black kids.
    Those Black kids are making your commute a misery because they are the products of lousy Black parents.
    You, Indya, want to live in a White society, because White parents do a better job of controlling their teen boys. But, then you want to bring in other Blacks so you won’t be the only one of your people. Then the other Blacks you brought in produce Black boys, who grow up to be teen thugs, and the cycle continues.

    HOW do you propose us White folks break the cycle? If we round up Black boys being thugs and throw them in jail your folks shriek to high heaven “RACISM!”. If we propose eugenics / birth control / abortion / sterilization for Blacks your folks shriek to high heaven, “GENOCIDE”. If we take non-White kids and put them in boarding school in an effort to raise them better in hopes they won’t grow up to be thugs, non-Whites scream to high heaven, “STOLEN GENERATION!”
    We Whites can’t win.
    Our only hope to even save *ourselves* is to separate from non-Whites. Which includes, sorry, you. So we can’t help you, Indya.

  12. That’s your race of people, Indya, I have zero remorse for you or other negros in your position.
    Do you have black sons yourself? If you do, keep them away from White neighborhoods.

  13. Indya,

    Sharia law has shown itself capable of curbing day-to-day delinquency in the negro community. This is an increasingly popular option in DC ghettos where the Arabs and Somalis have been successfully targeting young negroes with Islamic “dawah”. Maybe the Koran can help, it’s a barbaric religion for a barbaric people.

  14. “I’m an African American ”

    Blame it on the desegregation. Even though ya’ll lived in barns back then. At least not in the jungle where ya’ll had to put up with lions, witch doctors cannibalism, disease,and famine the average life span of 30 years.

  15. Indya – what Barb and Sean said.

    YOU have t fix what’s wrong. Try attacking the ADL and the SPLC. Support the Klan. Agitate to bring back Jim Crow.

    Do EVERYTHING you can to promote White Man Rule. Every-one does better when healthy White men are in charge. Your people were much, much, much better off, when the White Men kept you in line . You know this is true. That’s why you posted.

  16. Start of Slaves
    Gabriel Sanchez, abetted by the other four Jews, sold Columbus on the idea of capturing 500 Indians and selling them as slaves in Seville, Spain, which was done. Columbus did not receive any of the money from the sale of the slaves, but he became the victim of a conspiracy fostered by Bemal, the ship’s doctor. He, Columbus, suffered injustice and imprisonment as his reward. Betrayed by the five maranos (Jews) whom he had trusted and helped. This, ironically, was the beginning of slavery in the Americas (2).

    For decades, the White people of America have been subjected to a continual barrage from Blacks and others that Europeans are somehow “responsible” for the African slave trade and that we need to “atone” for our “guilt.” There are a number of flaws with the idea that we are somehow “responsible” for the African slave trade.

    First, few White people even owned slaves–slavery was a rich man’s pursuit, and slavery did not exist amongst the middle and working classes of White people.

    Second, even if every European in America had an ancestor who owned slaves (which is an extremely unlikely proposition), it makes little sense to blame the children for the supposed sins of their fathers.

    Third, Blacks sold their own kind into slavery, do blacks are every bit as much to blame for slavery as are Whites.

    Fourth, European Whites did not bring the slaves to America. On the contrary, it was the Asiatic Jews who brought them here.

    “This was no less true on the North American mainland, where during the eighteenth century Jews participated in the ‘triangular trade’ that brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies and there exchanged them for molasses, which in turn was taken to New England and converted into rum for sale in Africa. Isaac Da Costa of Charleston in the 1750’s, David Franks of Philadelphia in the 1760’s, and Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760’s and early 1770’s dominated Jewish slave trading on the American continent.”

  17. ‘Columbus, suffered injustice and imprisonment as his reward. Betrayed by the five maranos (Jews) whom he had trusted and helped. This, ironically, was the beginning of slavery in the Americas’

    Wasn’t he possibly a Marrano himself? Wasn’t he navigating earlier for the Portuguese on the African slave route?

  18. He was Genoese. The Genoese were refugees from the Islamic onslaught in Cataluna. He was ancestrally Catallan. The Genoese had blinding hatred for Infidels and an affinity for Spain.

  19. “Wasn’t he possibly a Marrano himself?”

    Up to your lying tricks again Mosin? I showed you many citations and books one by a Nobel Prize winner that show overwhelming evidence that Columbus was Genoese, yet you keep spreading dishonest innuendo about his parentage withiout a single credible pice of evidence.

    Get the fuck out of here liar.

  20. “The Genoese were refugees from the Islamic onslaught in Cataluna. He was ancestrally Catallan.”

    No they weren’t and no he wasn’t. Ethnically the Genoese are descendants of Ostrogoths and Lombards. Spanish troops were part of wars in the area over a century after Columbus died.

  21. ‘I showed you many citations and books one by a Nobel Prize winner that show overwhelming evidence’

    It is generally accepted that his ancestry has not been established ‘overwhelmingly’.

    ‘They’d claim him if he was Jewish’

    Some of them really are claiming him.

    Note that I said ‘possibly’, Rudel and John.

  22. ‘Isaac Da Costa of Charleston in the 1750s, David Franks of Philadelphia in the 1760s, and Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760s and early 1770s’

    Cjmacintosh, would you expound on those? Interesting. Costa and Lopez appear to have Sephardic origins similar to Columbus.

  23. The Genoese were attacked by Lombards. Not quite the same as being Lombards. When do you quick your bullshit Rudel? An asshole using the handle of a goddamn German pilot Ace, talk about delusions.

  24. “Sephardic origins similar to Columbus.”

    What “Sephardic” origins? Columbus had blue eyes, Sephardic Jews don’t. Neither do they have Genoese commercial and church family records going back centuries.

    You are an uneducated steaming pile of Pennsylvania horse manure. Troll.

  25. “So Columbus is German, now”

    You appear to be unaware of the fact that after several waves of German tribes occupying Northern Italy it was finally colonized by the Lombards. So yes, I have no doubt that after 700 years Columbus has some German blood.

  26. I now believe Rudel is right about Columbus’s origins. I just read an article on wikpedia that sites dozens of sources stating that Columbus was Genovese. Many of these sources are from the lifetime of Columbus, and many of them are legal documents. It is highly doubtful that Columbus would risk being a perjurer by falsifying his origins.

    The Jewish and Greek origin theories are of rather recent origin. The Jewish origin idea didn’t pop up until the 19th century and the Greek one only dates back to the 1920’s and 30’s. If there was any question as to whether Columbus was Jewish or Greek during his lifetime, his contemporaries would have said something about it.

  27. Hunter,

    I would like to add a new category of not allowed comments on OD:

    Wild accusations that some famous White person was or is Jewish.

    Columbus is supposedly Jewish, Stalin was supposedly Jewish, Hitler was supposedly part Jewish. Last week we had some crazy woman reader from New York calling up national CoCC and accusing you and I of being Jewish.

    We have real problems with real Jewish people like Sheldon Adelson, Mark Zuckerberg, Timmy Wise, the editors of the Jew York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC – we don’t need to spread wild, unsubstantiated accusations that solid White people are Jews – it’s like the Left hissing


  28. Comments section has wandered way off topic, riding hobby horses.

    Please adhere to OD’s comment guidelines.

  29. Re: ‘blue eyes, Sephardic Jews don’t’:

    Don’t as a RULE, but you know mixed breeds could have ANY colour.

    Re: ‘commercial and church family records going back centuries’:

    But did they really belong to the same Columbus in question? That is one of the valid

    Re: ‘crazy woman reader from New York’:

    Do you mean that ‘NYYankees’ commenter? She did contribute some interesting, intelligent comments.

    • Yeah, I thought so too.

      It was disturbing when she suggested in the comments that Kyle Rogers was a Jew. Then it was Jared Taylor’s wife. Finally, she called my father-in-law and insinuated that I was a Jew, and Bill Lord, and even James Edwards’ wife.

      That’s the kind of stuff that 1.) sinks WN and 2.) makes it hard to discuss the Jewish Question. Another good example of this is when people on the internet said that the Mossad was behind the Boston bombing.

  30. Speaking of Joseph Stalin, that dude drove himself to insanity in the 1930s when he suspected that everyone in his cabinet was out to “get him.” Couldn’t trust anyone. Accused everyone of being a traitor or an infiltrator. Many of his purges were driven by this unquenchable thirst.

    Attempted subversion of the pro-White movement is to be expected when our enemies seek the geNOcide of our race, and its something we should be on guard for. But these days, Stalinesque paranoia is a much bigger problem. When the accusations start flying around that so and so is a YKW, it’s bowel movement divisiveness. The best we can do is tune it out and ignore it. As Hunter once said, its just electrons flying across the internet.

  31. Hunter, I’m sorry that this woman has been on a libelous rampage of accusing all these people, including you, of being Jewish. She, along with that other woman who made libelous claims about the COCC being taken over by Jews, are threats to this movement’s unity. Idiots like these should be forced to offer proofs of their accusations. If they can’t produce the proof, they should be publically criticized and told to retract their charges. If they fail to comply, ban them till they do. I think Jack will agree that this is a fair and equitable solution to the problem.

  32. I think that the Catallan origin is very convincing. It’s worth taking a look at. The pot cities of Liguria, Balearics, Sardinia, Valencia and Gibraltar are full of Catellans. Catellan is an extremely common family name around Genoa as well. There was a resettlement of Genoa by Catellans in the wake of the Arab invasion of Spain btw. A re foundation. I know that the Byzantine population in Spain also fled to Genoa as well.

  33. When presenting the Jewish issue, remain calm and don’t try to sell the whole “spawn of Satan” thing in the first encounter….

    Actually don’t ever try this as you will be correctly labeled a loon, which you may in fact be and would remain a loon even if you were living in a safe, prosperous all White nation.

    White Nationalism attracts loons, Feds, agent provocateurs and mostly….

    Loons, loners, societal misfits, conspiracy theory, paranoid nut cases….


    • In my experience, there is no shortage of discussion of the Jewish Question in White Nationalism. Quite literally, I have seen the Jews exposed in some form or another on some website that I am reading almost every day for the last 12 years. In the mainstream, the subject is taboo, but on the internet, it is ubiquitous. In fact, it is so ubiquitous that “the cause” would benefit if most of the “noise” out there was tuned out.

  34. While debating whether Columbus was a Jew has no value, I believe the deniers are almost entirely responsible for making the subject a never ending cycle. I’ll drop it when people quit showing up here and elsewhere and denying they’re a problem — which OD has never done. There is a JQ tag here, and I believe it has been here from the beginning. It’s tantamount to showing up and stridently arguing that low birth rates are not a problem, black crime is not a problem, immigration is not a problem, the ideology of equality is not a problem, and so on. If these claims were made over and over again, they would have to be answered over and over again. They’re not, but if they were, they would be. Same principle. At least, that’s how I shake out on it.

  35. I just said he was a Catellan or I think more precisely of Catellan ancestry. That’s all. I’m of Hugenot French ancestry and Cornish ancestry as well as being English with an Irish surname. I do not see the controversy in suggesting that Columbus had an ancestral link to Spanish territory.

  36. I don’t think he was Jewish if that clarifies anything. They’d claim him if he were.

  37. “I do not see the controversy in suggesting that Columbus had an ancestral link to Spanish territory.”

    It’s a lunatic assertion because it has no credible source and contradicts existing original documents contemporary and historical in Columbus’s own time and place.

  38. Yes, I agree with Stephen Dalton.

    Women like NYYankees who make wild, lying accusations that nationalists are Jews. They need to be banned.

  39. “It’s not lunacy. It might be unlikely”

    It is something different than “unlikely” when there is NO evidence to support it. It is something different than “unlikely” when it does not even attempt to falsify physical evidence that links Columbus and his and his wife’s antecedents to Genoa.

    In a word it is delusional which is commonly considered a psychosis (or “lunacy” as it was commonly known.) You’re just trolling by throwing around historical canards as you so often do.

  40. That’s not true. The precise theory that surrounds the native Cattellan theory is that Columbus wrote Spanish with unique Catallan chacteristics that would have been impossible if he’d not been from somewhere around Barcelona. Another fact that stuck out to me as odd was his audience upon return to Spain held in Barcelona. not Cadiz or Seville or Granada but Barcelona. Now he might have been an Italian who made strange grammatical and syntactic mistakes or he was someone who spoke Cattellan and wrote in a Wierd inflected Spanish that just happened to be typically Barca. On his triumph returning from his great voyage he decided to say hello to the King and Queen in a city that he had no relationship to in the Med. Rather than Cadiz or somewhere accessible from the Atlantic. That and the composition of the crewmen btw. Have you looked at the list of his friends and backers? Catalans.

  41. ‘it is delusional which is commonly considered a psychosis’

    Anyone who disagrees with the Lutheran Atheist might be considered not only a liar, a troll, undereducated, ignorant or fanatical, now, but also PSYCHOTIC!

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