In Nothing We Trust


I’m linking this here for the proprietor of the Hoosier Nation … this article about the legitimacy crisis in Middle America has Matt Parrott bait written all over it:

“Whitmire is an angry man. He is among a group of voters most skeptical of President Obama: noncollege-educated white males. He feels betrayed—not just by Obama, who won his vote in 2008, but by the institutions that were supposed to protect him: his state, which laid off his wife; his government in Washington, which couldn’t rescue homeowners who had played by the rules; his bank, which failed to walk him through the correct paperwork or warn him about a potential mortgage hike; his city, which penalized him for somebody else’s error; and even his employer, a construction company he likes even though he got laid off. “I was middle class for 10 years, but it’s done,” Whitmire says. “I’ve lost my home. I live in a trailer now because of a mortgage company and an incompetent government.”

Whitmire is a story of Muncie, and Muncie is the story of America. In this place—dubbed “Middletown” by early 20th-century sociologists—people have lost faith in their institutions. Government, politics, corporations, the media, organized religion, organized labor, banks, businesses, and other mainstays of a healthy society are failing. It’s not just that the institutions are corrupt or broken; those clichés oversimplify an existential problem: With few notable exceptions, the nation’s onetime social pillars are ill-equipped for the 21st century. Most critically, they are failing to adapt quickly enough for a population buffeted by wrenching economic, technological, and demographic change.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “economic, technological, and demographic change.”
    Accepting the premise that each of these three is equally responsible for what has transpired still allows one to criticize the fact that all three are not equally inevitable. But even that premise is false: Capital investment in technology is not happening, there would be jobs to show for that, instead cheap labor is destroying both wages and incentives to invest in labor saving capital investment.

  2. He voted for Obama, I don’t feel sorry for him. He could have bought some disability insurance for his wife too. If he’s like most people, he has insurance agents emailing, calling or sending letters to him for the stuff 10 times a week.

    He thought someone would just take care of him. That he had no duty to consider contingencies. That’s not very middle america.

    Charles Murray is right: the problem seems to be healthy whites adopting the behaviors and thinking of the other turds.

  3. That reminds me.

    If you have the time, and I totally understand if you don’t, I would appreciate your adding a disclaimer to my archived post noting that “Matt Parrott no longer endorses this message.”

    I understand where Hunter is coming from, but emphatically refuse to accept the defeat implied by taking this word, “America”, and this flag, the American flag, and handing them over to these usurpers.

    After further reflection, I have accepted that defeat and no longer embrace the label or the logo. Whitemore is indeed the story of America, and it’s the story of sniveling man-children with a relativist morality, an entitlement mentality, and a shared “American Dream” of making enough money to afford a tacky McMansion.

    I wouldn’t set Mr. Whitmore or the majority of people in Indiana who think like him on fire. I wouldn’t encourage anybody else to do so, either. But if, by random accident, he were to be engulfed in flames, I would consider that a matter between him and the government he’s hitched his wagon (err…trailer) to.

  4. In the full article, Whitmire mentions being fined by the city for tall grass at the house that he lost to the bank through bankruptcy. This highlites one of the neater tricks that the banksters have been pulling. They notify the homeowner that they are foreclosing and order him to vacant the property. He does and then they fail to finish the foreclosure procedure and leave him stuck with the property taxes, which saves the bank money as it tries to sell the property. Once they find a buyer then they formally finish the foreclosure.

  5. “YT says:
    April 20, 2012 at 7:17 pm
    He voted for Obama, I don’t feel sorry for him.

    He thought someone would just take care of him. That he had no duty to consider contingencies. That’s not very middle america.

    Charles Murray is right: the problem seems to be healthy whites adopting the behaviors and thinking of the other turds.”

    Exactly. That’s what happens. Whites begin to think and behave like the Orcs.

  6. TNB

  7. Unfortunately, people like these are the masses, always following the herd. In this case, they have followed it over the cliff. Like so many main stream “conservatives”, they will blow where the winds of change takes them. If things keep going, nationalism may again become mainstream, then respectable shrills like Ann Coulter will be screaming their heads off for our side, like they were responsible.

  8. I read about the first 25% of the article and skimmed the rest. I really don’t see where this man did anything wrong. He had a job; he was working; his wife had a job; he was laid off, and his wife was laid off by a Republican governor looking to cut costs and probably divert money to Indiana’s Chamber of Commerce class.

    He also bought a $40,000.00 house which suggests he was not trying to live above his means. He doesn’t appear he reviewed his mortgage paperwork very carefully. This is no one’s fault but his own. But, it is an error many people have made because they foolishly believed the banks could be trusted to do business honestly and explain the terms in plain language. In effect, he was victim of predatory lending.

    His local government then rubbed salt in the wound by charging him $300.00 for tall grass, knowing, of course, that he was being foreclosed on and that $300.00 is likely big deal to a person in foreclosure. Who gives a shit though? The city government probably has plenty black affirmative cases on the payroll, so they no doubt need to squeeze that $300.00 from an unemployed White man in foreclosure with a disabled wife.

    As for voting for Obama, who can blame him? Although I didn’t vote for any candidate in 2008, I am voting for Barack Obama this year. For one thing, I think White people will be better served in the long run by having a Black face presiding over America’s terminal decline. If race riots break out, I want Eric Holder to show up on national TV and start blaming Whites. If Romney gets elected, a lot of Whites will falsely conclude they have “their” country back. They will go back to sleep as soon as they see a handsome, competent White man in the oval office.

    The sad part, however, is that entirely apart from the White racial political and tactical calculus, the Republican’s anti-middle class economic program is so bad that voting for Obama is the most rational vote for most White people based on their short-term self-interets.

  9. In the primary election cycle, it may do no harm to send a message with Ron Paul, then follow with a vote for Romney, the lesser evil, in November. Ron Paul is no weaker than the others on immigration, and although he is especially confused and distracted by “Misesianism,” his stand against the monetary theft and Endless Wars and other crimes of the Globalists, and his acknowledgement of states’ rights make him preferable to Romney who calls for “a Republican Dream Act,” presided over Romney Care, and remains silent on the ravages of Globalism.

  10. Lew, wouldn’t it be better not to vote at all than to do that? Obama’s second victory, however slim, will be taken as a mandate.

  11. @Lew

    Any white person who votes for Obama, is responsible for whatever further dispossession and degradation happens to white people while he’s in office.

    You won’t be helping white people one bit.

  12. Mosin,

    I support RPs stances on money and foreign policy but lost interest in his campaign a few months back. He went overboard pandering to Hispanics on the immigration issue.


    What do you perceive to be the value of a vote for Romney for the typical White person? I can think of two: SCOTUS appointments and gun rights. But, those two things need to be weighed against the fact that his economic policies will harm most white people.

    In terms of immediate economic self-interest, middle and working class whites will be much better off voting straight Democrat than for Mitt Romney. In looking to the long term, continued dispossession is exactly what I want. I am hoping it will shock people out of their torpor. The dispossession is going to continue either way. Romney has said nothing that suggests he will stop the dispossession so let’s keep a Black face on it.

  13. Banks and the Presidency have both fallen in “institutional confidence” the most, -23/-24 points.

    The polls were taken in June 2002 and June 2011.

    A presidential candidate, and then a president, named Barack Hussein Obama (who dominated the news 3.5 years before the latter survey) probably had most to do with this loss in confidence. Who would have ever thought an American president would be named Barack Hussein. Jesus. Talk about a loss of legitimacy.

  14. @Lew

    I’m skeptical that anything would shock white Americans out of their stupor, short of a massive act of God — i.e. post-Katrina disaster w/ nigger free-for-all, only nation-wide in scale.

    A good example of the futility of the belief that continued black tyranny will eventually force whites to physically revolt, is South Africa. They’ve had a revolving-door of nigger “presidents” for almost 20 years now, and things just continually deteriorate there. Afrikaners watch as their women are raped, their elderly are tortured and murdered, and their country is pillaged and defiled before their eyes. And they do nothing. I don’t see white Americans as being that different.

  15. I am sick and tired of people complaining about Ron Paul on the secondary issues. Our country is one-half inch from a total wipeout and you’re worrying about immigration!!! We have a poisoned food supply, a financial system on the brink of collapse, all out corporate fascism, jobs sent overseas PERMANENTLY AND INTENTIONALLY, Washington is a wholesale brothel, and we’re the laughing stock of the world (when they have a second to forget about their own problems). For God sakes people, he was our LAST hope. No wonder we’re in this mess. White people are so fixated on the little things the big things passed them by. There is no such thing as the perfect candidate.

    Forget voting. Start packing your bags because you’ll be fleeing this country with only the shirts on your backs real soon. It is just freaking too late. Go read about Germany prior to WWII. They did not see it coming…. hello, we’re in the same boat and people are in denial or too stupid to realize it. Then you criticize and attack the very people who care and are trying to wake you up.

  16. In 2000, he bought the $40,000 house with no money down and a $620 monthly mortgage. … Then, in the fall of 2010, his partially disabled wife lost her state job.

    1o years * 12 months * $620 a month = $74400

    At, I ran the following:

    $40000 (full value)
    Poor credit
    New Purchase
    10 years
    1.25% prop taxes
    0.5% PMI

    Mortgage Repayment Summary
    $465.93 Monthly Payment
    $55,911.45 Total of 120 Payments
    $10,428.11 Total Interest Paid
    Mar, 2022 Pay-off Date
    $5,000.00 Total Tax Paid
    $483.33 Total PMI Paid
    Monthly PMI 29 Monthly PMI Payments of $16.67 Each
    Sep, 2014 PMI Pay-off Date

    What kind of loan did this clown have?
    The numbers don’t add up.
    And remembered I used a 10 year mortgage, for the sole purpose of generating the highest payment, and which I don’t think was ever offered no money down.

    Whitmire is an angry man. He feels betrayed—not just by Obama, …. even his employer, a construction company he likes even though he got laid off. “I was middle class for 10 years, but it’s done,” Whitmire says. “I’ve lost my home. I live in a trailer now because of a mortgage company and an incompetent government.”

    Middle class but not $1900 in savings. And no available credit to spin out over however long it takes you to pay off a credit card making minimum payments.

    The guy just didn’t try.
    He sat and whined.
    If he was union he could have borrowed against a retirement plan.
    $1900 is fucking piss. Max unemployment in Indiana is, as of January 2011, $390 per week.

    If some one says they lost their house over $1900 and that they were previously middle class, it’s because they sat on their ass and continued consuming whatever was consuming their paycheck prior to having some difficulties.

  17. Yes, Lew, Romney is no good for us, and an Obama victory mandate might bring about a swifter decline than Romney’s would, besides keeping a Black and liberal Democrat face on it.

    Paul’s overkill pandering to Hispanics was probably sincere, not taqqiya, but he’s no weaker on immigration than the others. Not that I ever said or thought he could win, but let him, by far the best candidate, be acknowledged in the primaries by those who understand.

  18. Chris, yes, a swifter decline or even a collapse, with a black and liberal face on it, would not change the nature of sheeple.

  19. Mosin Nagant says:
    April 21, 2012 at 1:56 am
    Yes, Lew, Romney is no good for us, and an Obama victory mandate might bring about a swifter decline than Romney’s would, besides keeping a Black and liberal Democrat face on it.

    Jack Ryan replies:

    There are two candidates left in the race for President (unless one dies between now and the election).

    There is the White candidate – Romney
    There is the Black, anti White candidate – Obama.

    98% plus of Blacks in the US will vote for the Black, anti White candidate – Obama. Even supposedly “conservative” Blacks like Colin Powel will support the Black anti White candidate. It’s a Black “race thang”.

    Living where I do, near the largest continous all Black area of North America (the South Side of Chicago), I am very aware of racial realities.

    I will be voting for….

    The White Candidate

  20. “And they do nothing. I don’t see white Americans as being that different.”

    I agree with your general point, but to be honest there is a wild card. White Americans have historically proven to be a bit more unhinged than their overseas brethren. I don’t know if it’s a holdover from the pioneer days or what, but Americans love killing, we love war. Let’s face it, white Americans have a bit of a bloodlust that doesn’t seem to exist in other white nations, except maybe the those on the Muslim border lands.

  21. For God’s sake we still have the death penalty, that’s more than you can say for the rest of the effeminately run western nations. We love a good execution. Every time there’s a story on one the comments run 9:1 in favor. If they televised it, it would get better ratings than American idol.

  22. JR, I mean the primary is one thing, and the final, November election is another. Still more than one white in the remaining primaries.

  23. For one thing, I think White people will be better served in the long run by having a Black face presiding over America’s terminal decline. If race riots break out, I want Eric Holder to show up on national TV and start blaming Whites. If Romney gets elected, a lot of Whites will falsely conclude they have “their” country back. They will go back to sleep as soon as they see a handsome, competent White man in the oval office.

    I see it much the same way. And the city has no right to fine you over what you do or don’t do to your property. But I’ll not vote for a negro, I just won’t vote

  24. Actually I think the laws have to be fine or jail time. Jail time for those who can’t pay the fine. They just assume most won’t take jail and pay the fine. If you can stomach it, do the time. It won’t be too long, and they have to pay to feed and house you. It actually works to their detriment. The system is set up to assume you’ll pay for petty shit instead of doing a little Otis Campbell time.

  25. Bloody Hell -I’m too sleepy. sorry about the false start, above – but…

    Jack – Whites here, and elsewhere, who ought to know better – had better vote White.

    If ONigger is re-installed – the SLAUGHTER of the White population commences in EARNEST.

    The White Queen’s policies will be no different than the Black Queen’s re: obescience to IsraHell – but we get a bit of breathing room, in the interim, with the White Queen. Bottom line.

    Why don’t people grasp this? South Africa folks. We are becoming South Africa. Every step is the same. Every institution in the USA is becoming Africaninzed. JUST LIKE IN SOUTH AFRICA. Joo printing presses keep rolling out Joobux. TO the Africans. One more ONigger Regime – and it’s over. NO place left to go. You won’t be allowed OUT, people.

    They will kill, in earnest.

    Why is this not utterly crystalline clear?

  26. The Boers were were outnumbered 5 or 10 to 1 by the locals and under international sanction and dependent far too much on African labor

    As such their situation differs greatly from ours. We are an awesome folk but there is only so much we can do especially under bad circumstances. I’ll note they are still there despite it.

    As for the US, we are already waking up, a few at a time.

    Now onto the topic at hand, these issues with legitimacy ought to scare any thinking person silly. Once that gets set in place, there is nothing to fix it but separation or a perpetual boot on the face which is easier said than done.

    Such wars can also easily degenerate into something more akin to tribal warfare.

    Our warrior caste can most most fights on their terms but they can be everywhere and defend everyone and everything they care about or win fights vs someone who changes the rules.

    The last thing anyone sane wants is this but like all decaying societies its a real risk of the system falls too far.

    I hope it doesn’t but lets say I am not sanguine about the prospects for a better tomorrow.

  27. American’s like killing stuff. Give them a good enemy and it’s over. The convincing is the hard part, once that’s done take it to the bank.

  28. In 2000, he bought the $40,000 house with no money down and a $620 monthly mortgage. … Then, in the fall of 2010, his partially disabled wife lost her state job.

    1o years * 12 months * $620 a month = $74400

    At, I ran the following:

    $40000 (full value)
    Poor credit
    New Purchase
    10 years
    1.25% prop taxes
    0.5% PMI

    Mortgage Repayment Summary
    $465.93 Monthly Payment
    $55,911.45 Total of 120 Payments
    $10,428.11 Total Interest Paid
    Mar, 2022 Pay-off Date
    $5,000.00 Total Tax Paid
    $483.33 Total PMI Paid
    Monthly PMI 29 Monthly PMI Payments of $16.67 Each
    Sep, 2014 PMI Pay-off Date

    What kind of loan did this clown have?
    The numbers don’t add up.
    And remembered I used a 10 year mortgage, for the sole purpose of generating the highest payment, and which I don’t think was ever offered no money down.

    Whitmire is an angry man. He feels betrayed—not just by Obama, …. even his employer, a construction company he likes even though he got laid off. “I was middle class for 10 years, but it’s done,” Whitmire says. “I’ve lost my home. I live in a trailer now because of a mortgage company and an incompetent government.”

    Middle class but not $1900 in savings. And no available credit to spin out over however long it takes you to pay off a credit card making minimum payments.

    The guy just didn’t try.
    He sat and whined.
    If he was union he could have borrowed against a retirement plan.
    $1900 is fucking piss. Max unemployment in Indiana is, as of January 2011, $390 per week.

    If some one says they lost their house over $1900 and that they were previously middle class, it’s because they sat on their ass and continued consuming whatever was consuming their paycheck prior to having some difficulties.

  29. “Actually I think the laws have to be fine or jail time. Jail time for those who can’t pay the fine. They just assume most won’t take jail and pay the fine. If you can stomach it, do the time. It won’t be too long, and they have to pay to feed and house you. It actually works to their detriment. The system is set up to assume you’ll pay for petty shit instead of doing a little Otis Campbell time.”

    Not so, actually. They make money on you being in Jail. In Indiana the county jail gets about 130 bucks per day for each inmate. It probably doesn’t cost them 15 bucks a day to keep you. Depending on the state, it is about the same, a little less, or a lot higher. That is one of the main reasons for the police state we live in. Another thing, if your county s not already, if you hear of them wanting to build a new jail or change status, AND make the jail a DOC holding one, do everything you can to stop it. That is where and why they get the hundred plus bucks per day to house inmates. Once the jail is a DOC holding one, they get this money for all prisoners, you don’t have to be a felon and going to prison. Needles to say, the number of people who get jail time increases geometrically as does the police force.

    A lot of people don’t know this. That is a major reason for the huge increase in laws and penalties, mostly for bullshit stuff like having a joint or public intoxication. Indiana is a bad state for this. We are a full on police state. Since we have few blacks the real crime is not that bad so they make up for it by harassing normal citizens. It just took another leap too. The police announced a few weeks ago that they are going to crack down all summer long. It is so bad you see a dozen cops in the middle of the day in small one horse towns where nothing happens. The police are stopping everyone. Harassing everyone for the pettiest things, dirty license plate even. I’m not kidding you. People are literally afraid to get out. The cops are aggressive and idiots to boot. Two weeks ago here in my town a woman was arrested and held for a solid week in jail because she had a bag of roll your own tobacco. Yes, you heard right. The cop was so dumb he never even bothered to look and asserted it was a 1/4 pound bag of pot and for her to shut up he knew what was going on. It was a week before it got straightened out and the woman was released.

    Indiana doesn’t have much of a race problem and the truth is I pretty much live in the whitopia already. I haven’t seen a nigger in months. Seriously. But despite that it is still ruined because of the place being such a police state terror.

    You can’t win for losing here in America.

  30. “$465.93 Monthly Payment”

    You can’t rent a 30 year old trailer in Indiana for that, rjp. The $ 620.00 per month payment is actually very low For Indiana. Most homes here bought within the last 15 years the payments are over $1,000 bucks per month.

    In addition to the police state, Indiana is one of the most expensive places to live.

  31. Yes, I was born and raised in Indiana but left it when I was about 26. I just moved back and I must say, the things I never thought of before stand out strong and hard now. That guy probably made 70 grand a year, rjp, I guarantee it. And he probably did so for at least since the mid 90s.

    It is incredible the money these “rednecks” in Indiana and Ohio make and there is not one in a hundred that would have two grand in the bank. Over the last 20 years they have become the most materialistic people going I think. They are losing their jobs now but they still don’t seem to have “got it” around here. They think it is going to turn around and they will be back making big money. Another thing, they have total contempt for education. And not in the way we do or for the same reasons. If the colleges were perfect and totally free of liberalism they would still hold anyone in contempt for having a degree. The reason for this is because for about 3 generations you could make big money even if you were a HS drop out. People that swept floors made 20 and even 30 bucks an hour.

  32. Brutus, your observations are mostly true of this rural to semi-rural area, in another state, as well, including the increasingly police state conditions, still almost 100% whiteness, the materialistic rat race, contempt for classical education, and mistaken optimism.

  33. The Topics on the comments are going off line, but I’ll contribute.

    Why stay in Indiana, or any state (reading teh stuff about NJ recently) when you can have a ‘whiteopia’ with a friendly people, in the “Midwest Redoubt” here along the corridor in MN/IA?

    I’m starting a church in a small town out here, that is unabashedly Europhilic, and Christendom-centered. But it always seems that those who complain the most, don’t want to do what is necessary. Change their ideologies, and move with their feet and cash, to find a nice house in a different area….. oh, that’s too difficult. Or, are we all merely unrepentant whiners? I can’t tell, sometimes.

  34. @Brutus

    It’s like that in the metro Detroit area, too — police in the white areas with too much free time, turning cannibal on unassuming people for revenue. To be sure, isn’t yet to the point where they’re locking people up for obscure violations, but given the set precedent that you described, I imagine it won’t be long.

    God speed the withdrawal of the consent of the governed.

  35. There is not one thing I said that is false, YT. What do you have in mind that I said that is not true? I have reread my posts three times now and I can assert that I did not even exaggerate anything.

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