Confederate History Month 2012: John H. Reagan on Secession


Here is an excerpt from a speech by Rep. John H. Reagan who later served as Postmaster General and Treasury Secretary of the Confederacy:

“And now you tender us the inhuman alternative of unconditional submission to Republican rule on abolition principles, and ultimately to free negro equality and a government of mongrels or a war of races on the one hand, and on the other secession and a bloody and desolating civil war, waged in an attempt by the Federal Government to reduce us to submission to these wrongs. It was the misfortune of Mexico and Central and South America, that they attempted to establish governments of mongrels, to enfranchise Indians and free negroes with all the rights of freemen, and invest them, so far as their numbers go, with the control of those governments. It was a failure there; it would be a failure here. It has given them an uninterrupted reign of revolutions and anarchy there; it would do the same thing here. Our own Government succeeded because none but the white race, who were capable of self-government, were enfranchised with the rights of freemen. The irrepressible conflict propounded by abolitionism has produced now its legitimate fruits– disunion. Free negro equality, which is its ultimate object, would make us re-enact the scenes of revolution and anarchy we have so long witnessed and deplored in the American governments to the south of us.

We do not intend that you shall reduce us to such a condition. But I can tell you what your folly and injustice will compel us to do. It will compel us to be free from your domination, and more self-reliant than we have been. It will compel us to assert and maintain our separate independence. It will compel us to manufacture for ourselves, to build up our own commerce, our own great cities, our own railroads and canals; and to use the tribute money we now pay you for these things for the support of a government which will be friendly to all our interests, hostile to none of them.”

Note: We have already seen how Texas made the most emphatic statement of why it seceded from the Union and joined the Confederacy.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Drove down toFredericksburg, a German town in the lovely Hill Country, to meet the sweetheart (she is from a white suburb north of San Antonio). The town is crawling with white folks, apparently they are all trying to escape from San Antonio…it’s “Fiesta” weekend, crime will be through the roof. Beaners running amuck.

    She said even her semi- SWPL friends are using racial slurs now. Its all coming to a head.

  2. “Eric Hale says:
    April 21, 2012 at 2:21 pm
    Drove down toFredericksburg, a German town in the lovely Hill Country, to meet the sweetheart (she is from a white suburb north of San Antonio). The town is crawling with white folks, apparently they are all trying to escape from San Antonio…it’s “Fiesta” weekend, crime will be through the roof. Beaners running amuck.

    She said even her semi- SWPL friends are using racial slurs now. Its all coming to a head.”

    Wonderful news!

  3. Yeah, it’s over. Peak-minority has passed. I hope to God the nogs riot everywhere this summer….it’s time for *everyone* to get a taste a’ Haiti.

    Hunter, if you move to Texas, try to break into oilfield sales. I work in oilfield chemical sales and service myself, love it. There is no industry on earth that is more weighted in favor of young, white, southern males…because the majority of the people you’ll be selling to are older, white, southern males.

  4. I have a different view of most CSA issues, but I must say that your posts on this stuff, and the writers and orators you quote, are very interesting and informative. You should edit an anthology of these writings, and sell it as an e-book, I bet it would do well.

    My own view is that slavery was wrong but that integration was and is essentially impractical, as we have seen; so that the men of 1860, both northern and southern, proposed to themselves a set of false alternatives. The practical answer would have been to end slavery and then simply separate the races (a variety of practical options were available).

    The eternal downfall of White peoples is that they a) build an attractive society, which then attracts non-Whites; and then b) the White desire for cheap non-White labor — which the Whites always invite so that they will be more free to enjoy the fruits of their beautiful White civilization — always ends up being a curse, as the Whites invite in the non-White helots and then fail to regulate them, and are then overswarmed. See under Rome, South Africa, Europe, and this country, twice.

    Whites have got to learn to live without cheap non-White labor, for good — or else it’s all over for us.

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