Fred Reed: The Need To Lynch Zimmerman


Fred Reed numbers among a handful of columnists on the internet like James Howard Kunstler and Karl Denninger who are not system hacks punching a time clock:

What has this to do with Zimmerman?

This: Our racial policy has proved a disaster. Sixty years after Brown vs. the School Board, blacks have not assimilated. They constitute a separate people having almost nothing in common with the surrounding European society. They fiercely maintain their identity with their own music, dialect, customs, dress, and names. All attempts to turn them into middle-class whites in darker packaging have failed. Only relentless governmental pressure forces an appearance of partial integration.

Let’s consider a few awkward facts that loom ghoulishly above the body politic, which seems to be decomposing. First, on every known measure of cognitive ability, on IQ, SATs, GREs, everything, blacks average about one standard deviation, fifteen IQ points, below whites. The gap is a fact. It exists. It is reflected in performance. It has proved intractable. In a technological civilization that rewards intelligence, the deficit sharply limits legitimate access to the higher reaches of money, power, class, and prestige.

Even when I disagree with their point of view, I respect their independence. Nothing but tools work for BRA’s media.

Note: If you are still not convinced of the total alienness of the negro in America and the impossibility of their assimilation, check out this column by Dr. Boyce Watkins at

As we celebrate Confederate History Month 2012, it is worth noting that “the failure of free society” was spelled out in brutal detail by Antebellum political theorists like George Fitzhugh.

It was known in the 1850s that the free negro was nothing but a plague upon civilization and that slavery alone had artificially elevated him above his natural appetites.

About Hunter Wallace 12397 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. One thing that occurs to me while reading professionally black websites, is that the problem is also “Blackness” as an ideology. That ideology needs to obliterated.

  2. Blacks live completely in an echo chamber and refuse to listen to anything that contradicts their self-serving delusions. Watkins called Zimmerman the most hated murderer on the planet. What a nutcase.

  3. After yesterday, I’m starting to admire Z’s attorney Mark O’Mara. At first, I thought he showed weakness by coming out the gate with an apology. Now, I think his style his pitch perfect. He has a simple, quiet, rational demeanor, and he lets the facts speak for themselves. It’s quite the contrast with the Black Martin family lawyer, Toure and the members of the Black mob who are always ranting, raving and sputtering. Crump, the Martin family lawyer, Toure, et al. epitomize angry, militant Negros.

  4. Zimmerman’s original attorney’s firing and the instant hiring of O’Mara, followed by O’Mara’s comments out of the gate that this case involves his client breaking the law, is yet another amazingly transparent factor in this case that people are ignoring.

    This is an ideological trial. As Reed rightly points out, Zimmerman *must* go down for reasons of state.

    I really don’t understand those who continually are looking at the facts and the law. After the Republican governor appoints a special prosecutor, who then skirts the grand jury, who then indicts on a laughably political and overwrought charging instrument, followed by the lawyers hired by Zimmerman to be fired mysteriously, followed by a new “defense” attorney who states in the open, first thing, that Zimmerman severely broke the law, etc., etc……

    …um…well. This won’t be decided on the facts and the law, folks.

  5. From the NewsOne article:

    “As a condition of his bail, Zimmerman is not allowed to have possession of firearms, drink alcohol, or use drugs. He must also maintain a curfew. How nice.
    Zimmerman won’t be released on Friday, but the details of his release are going to be worked out between his attorney and law enforcement. Zimmerman has been charged with second-degree murder for the killing of Trayvon Martin, but he claims that he shot him in self-defense.
    If the city of Sanford wanted to embarrass itself any further, it just did.”

    This is Blacks struggle with the written word example number 999,999 and counting.

    “Zimmerman won’t be released on Friday, but the details of his release are going to be worked out between his attorney and law enforcement. ”

    Niggers are just too stupid to keep their big mouths shut, instead they put pen to paper and confirm to everybody just how stupid they are. This Dr. Boyce is too lacking in simple intelligence to understand that this sentence makes her look stupid. No need to analyze it, no need to point out the redundancy of “but” or… – Christ, each time I re-read this sentence I realize that it’s wrong in about six different ways.

    It’s not that it doesn’t make sense, it kind of does, (when put through the “smart negro pseudo-ebonics translator”) it’s that the words don’t fit together right, like pieces from two different jigsaw puzzles mashed together to create a patchwork image.


    – Arturo

  6. “The solution, to the extent that it can be called a solution, has been a combination of welfare and affirmative action.”

    Until of course the population, and more specifically the population that is absolutely dependent upon these programs, doubles again. There isn’t a good way out, only bad or worse, depending on ones perspective as to which is which. Such a system will eventually run to failure, and in the absence of foreign creditors would have already done so.

  7. If we’re lucky, the Black Panthers or some other group will attempt to snatch Zimmerman while he’s on his own. (If he’s lucky, they won’t succeed.) They know he is unarmed. If such an attempt were made, it would do much to rip the blinders off of white America and help them See.

    White America is on the brink. Everybody knows the truth. More and more are becoming bold enough to admit it — first to themseves, then to others. And when enough whites reach this point, the levee of lies will break, the truth will pour across the landscape in an unstoppable torrent, and we’ll have a fighting chance to restore sanity before it’s too late.

    This could be it, folks: Reverse O.J. If an acquittal leads to a nationwide race riot, or if something horrible happens to GZ during the trial, BRA’s power to keep white people from admitting the horrible truth may be broken. At that point anything can happen.

  8. PS – I wish to make it clear that I hope that nothing bad happens to GZ before, during, or after the trial. He is, after all, an innocent man.

  9. What do you do when your municipality is holding arguably the most-hated and notorious killer on earth?

    Even for 2012 BRA, this struck me as over the top. Suddenly wannabe Neighborhood Watch guy is Hannibal Lecter.

  10. Most hated killer on earth…

    That silly line had to beamed in from the Farakhan Mothership that orbits earth. Right? That, or the author is a complete Negro-narcissist.

    Assad Jr. is probably the most despised killer these days. Or Mugabe.

  11. Why would you want Blacks, or any other race to assimilate with Whites? Even if it was possible, that would be the end of Whites.

  12. Indeed, the Confederacy was an attempt to protect a sort of Apartheid. That’s at least how the poor infantry would have seen it.

  13. “What do you do when your municipality is holding arguably the most-hated and notorious killer on earth?”

    What? He shot one guy. “Notorious”? Who the fuck even heard of him on 3/4 of the earth? “Hated”? By whom? I don’t hate him. I don’t hate the Trayvon kid either. Neither one of them had anything to do with this ridiculous media circus that has transpired. What “hate”? It’s a fuckin’ court case! WTF???

    I’m about to bizz-ounce mo-fuckaz!

  14. Dumb blacks basically. Everything they come up with tends to prove a Mental deficiency. And a generally Douchebag character.

  15. DWL’s NEED to be forced to read Negro websites. Every day. Nothing but. For a a least a solid month. And then be forced to explain.

  16. Zim needs to say a few things in Spanish. Eventually cholos will notice he look just like them. Then they will butcher black inmates. Yeah yeah I know, he’s Peruvian. Still, eventually it’ll come down to being brown.

  17. “They” have finally found the Great White Hispanic Defendant. The fact that he has not committed a crime is beside the point. Let’s not let facts of this case get in the way. This entire thing is a great farce. I doubt if Zimmerman ever thought he would find himself very much a part of the new US history. It’s called Black Ruled (Run) America.

  18. He gave his life to expiate our sins.

    (See Fred’s prior article. Someone should tell Fred that black surgeons are very thin on the ground.)

  19. @ Denise: I hope so too, though the savages might slow down by mid-July after being fully sated with looted Malt liquor and Skittles. I imagine they’ll be sitting ducks by then.

    And I’m a strong advocate of the 3-S rule.

  20. “DWL’s NEED to be forced to read Negro websites. Every day. Nothing but. For at least a solid month.”

    Force might be required in most cases. I’m not at all curious about Negro websites either, since I’m sure there’s nothing to learn from them that’s good or worthwhile, but only the bitter, corrupting experience of finding every other word a reference
    (as defined by the Urban Dictionary) to copulation or elimination of bodily waste.

  21. Do you think the large cable and broadcast news outlets even realize the amount of shit they’ve kicked up with this Zimmerman/Martin nonsense? Do you think that all of the bigshots got together and decided to set it off this summmer.

    I don’t think so. Those are some fairly meek pussies at the helm of those outfits.

    I think that they are so fucking disconnected from reality that they don’t understand cause and effect.

    Those are the same people who promoted every program that has shoved niggers into our lives for past 60 years and I seriously doubt that any of them have the slightest comprehension of the misery those programs brought upon White people.

    You would think that some of the niggers that have been Affirmative Actioned into the upper levels of the big news outlets would have pulled somebody aside during the busing days and pointed out that shoving ghetto brats down the throats of people who already went deep into debt to get away from those same ghetto brats in the old neighborhood won’t have the wondrous effect on race relations that the dumbassed politicians envisioned.

    You would think that one of the in house niggers would have asked the boss whether he had caught their network’s recent reports about how many guns White folks have been buying and was it really a good time to throw this Trayvon shit at the fan.

    Maybe one of the niggers at ABC finally figured it out and after he changed his underwear he convinced the boss that it was a good time to walk the story back by showing that picture of Zimmerman’s bloody head that they had been hiding in that secret file.

    Too late, assholes. Those same outstanding nigger minds that are still convinced that the Klan was putting nigger sterilizer in Church’s Chicken and Tropical Fantasy grape soda are now fixated on that Bitch Ass Cracker who murder that young Black child who didn’t do nuffins. There ain’t no walking that back. Just ask those guys who used to bottle Tropical Fantasy.

  22. Meanwhile, the restof the world looks on curious about how america managed to stay so backward compared to them and steals as much as they can as race war burns on.

  23. There is nothing that is going to change the minds of the hardcore white liberals. They will go to their graves with the very same ideas. They are religious fanatics. Has any religious fanatics as a group ever came to their senses? No. A few, very few, individuals sometimes do, usually late in life. But the groups as a whole do not. They have been either annihilated all at one or over a period of time their numbers dwindled to the vanishing point and extinction.

  24. the big shot media people ( and big shots in general) don’t know any of us regular folks so they have no idea they kicked the over a cow pie

  25. The jews that run the media are not oblivious to what they are doing. They are of the same racial stock of the Bolshevics that murdered tens of millions. They are also funded by the same jewish money to cause strife.
    Look at the big picture. Niggers are nothing but pawns.

  26. Sean said:
    “The jews that run the media are not oblivious to what they are doing. They are of the same racial stock of the Bolshevics that murdered tens of millions. They are also funded by the same jewish money to cause strife.
    Look at the big picture. Niggers are nothing but pawns”

    The niggers and spics are the orcs and the jew is the Eye of Sauron. Once Sauron is gone the orcs go back to being directionless hordes beyond the Black Gate.

    Sometimes I think Tolkien was a prophet and the LOTR was a tale of the future.

  27. Sorry but you are all wrong. Whites no more can “wake up” than negroes can create a modern civilized culture. Just as it is no more in their natural capacity to do a universe of things that Whites have done over the course of human history so Whites cannot cognize the solution to the madness that has long since been upon us. How do I know this? It is as I have just implied. Time is the irrefraggable test. Negroes are proven (time-tested) savages. Every nation of European derivation has been on track for Jew-engineered minority (black, hispanic, third-world, etc., etc.) displacement (i.e. annihilation) and gaining speed for oh-so-long-a-time-now. It is a heart-sinking fact but as I say it is already demonstrated to be an empiricism.

    I’ll give you a symbolic example. Watching Negro-TV the other night, a commercial comes on (automobile) with a “White” family in the spiffy new car. But you see you really CAN’T have JUST a White family in the car as the camera pans around the interior… well there is a little negro in the midst as well.

    My friends, this little (multiply by a billion) example is an order of madness very great indeed. And yet do Whites in large enough numbers see this vile mockery and hatred of them? I think not.

    There is one solution I hope for. That that minority who are able to awaken and who already have will somehow be able to at some juncture SEPARATE. An enormous topic for another discussion.

  28. ‘There is nothing that is going to change the minds of the hardcore white liberals.’

    Luckily most of them are of the Baby Boomer generation and won’t be around much longer.

    Where I work ALL the hard-core self-hating White liberals are all in their mid-60s and grew up watching the electronic Jew and buying into the 1960s counter-culture.

    Younger Whites have been using the internet for the last decade to find out the truth about Race Relations… once the Baby Boomers pass a major bulwark of ZOG will be gone…

  29. HarryO: I agree with everything you say, with the caveat the when push comes to shove, whites can be the most hostile tribe on the planet. I hope it’s not too late. BTW, I never could figure out why the YKW pushes Muslim immigration in Europe, then turns around and produces shrills like Pam Geller decrying the Islamization of Europe. Then I read a comment on SPDL and it all clicked: By forces large numbers of Muslims on Western nations, Islam becomes a problem for the West, NOT JUST Israel. Notice how the Neocons are always pushing to invade yet another Islamic country, while ignoring Muslims in the West. Makes perfect sense to me.

  30. I have my own idea why George Zimmerman is being punished. The dumb ass did not take advantage of the window of opportunity of several weeks by the authorities to get the puck out of dodge and stay there until this shit blew over.

    Had Zimmerman been White, make no mistake he would have remained in police custody under arrest while the White prosecutor of his district tried to Nifong a case against him. I don’t care if the man had been beaten black and blue by Sir Skittles. There would be no end of federal prosecutors on stand-by to step in and charge a truly White Zimmerman with a hate crime if the Florida jury did not see their duty to appease BRA.

    None of this brouhaha would be going on if the Zimmermans had immediately shipped George back to Mama’s relatives in Peru and cited their reasons for doing so for his own safety. What with Jesse Jackass, Al Sharpster and the New Black Panthers screaming for his blood and offering bounties on his head, etc., Peru would have been in their rights to refuse to extradite him.

    THEN they could have stepped forward with all the evidence proving Zimmerman’s assertions to the police, but kept George in Peru. The alternative media would have still produced the evidence that Zimmerman was: NOT White, WAS beaten by Martin and could prove self-defense and that Sir Skittles was no fresh-faced twelve year old but a full-fledged thug just embarking on his own illustrious career of burglary and home invasions.

    Eventually, the matter would have been written off as yet another brown-on-black casualty in the undeclared race war between Negros and Mestizos and we would have heard no more about it. IOW, Zimmerman would not have been pursued anymore than a cop-killing Mestizo from Mexico who scampered across the border after the deed was done.

    The whole spectacle of Zimmerman’s initial lawyers dropping him as a client is they believed he took what I presume was their advice to leave the country since no charges had been filed against him yet and that the matter was closed. Their announcement was supposed to be the wrap-up of the whole Trayvon Martin affair.

    The Zimmermans screwed up by getting him another lawyer and having him surrender himself to the authorities rather than using that wide open window of opportunity to get him out of the country. You have to admit the authorities were turning their back on him and looking the other way for a long, long time.

    Now BRA has this big, hot, steaming, noxious mess piling up in its lap. This is NOT going to end well and they know it. The Negros are out of control over this. If he is acquitted, they will riot. If he is convicted, they will seize on it to ramp up their violent criminality. Not a single Non-Black will be safe and every Non-Black knows this. Whites are fed up and I think Asians and Mestizos are going to have to back Whites up in the interests of their own self-preservation from Negro thuggery.

    I am only surprised that Zimmerman was granted bail at all. He is safer in jail and if his mouthpiece could have put in one delay and continuance after another until the charge could be plead down to involuntary manslaughter with time served as the penalty after a couple of years, this matter could have been swept under the rug.

    I imagine some in charge are hoping that some Negro hothead avenges Trayvon by killing him (and I would not be surprised if Zimmerman has some sort of accident or gets suicidally depressed) rather than allowing this to go to trial with all this publicity that is only shining a cold, hard light on the Anti-White agenda of the press and the government.

    In any case, Zimmerman did not make it go away by leaving the country and that is why I believe the authorities are coming down so hard on him. They gave him every chance to escape and he did not take it.

  31. Clytemnestra,

    GZ is a DoGooder. Don’t forget this, He is probably the only perosn inthis entire case you wreally CARES about the fate of negroes. Look at al the work he’s put in, for them – and now they are literally howling for his head.

    I don’t think he;s the brightest bulb on the Felice Navidad Tree. He apparewntly hasn’t learned a THING.

    His family is a Mongrel Mess. The living embodiment of the warning of the 7th Commandment. Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultury. (Thou shalt not Adulterate thy genetic coding!)

    The brother is very personable, and well-spoken. Coems across as a very decent Black homosexual. The wife sounds “White”, and she seems to possess the focus and cojones Jorge does not.

    He’s probably on some mental/emotional Latino Catholic Mea Culpa Torments of the Saints kick. A Moderne Martyr. Oh well,

    In may ways – he doens’t evne matter. The nigs are gona riot no matter what.ZOG has picked a BAD White proxy. There’s simply no case. He gets off – Nigs riot. Whites “see” (and I know we have a LONG way to go on the Awakening front). The thing is – his Brown-ness works to our advantage. He’s blamed, and persecuted – so DWL’s can get that Persecution Rush endorpins, because an actual NonWhite IS begin persecuted. He did nothig wonrg – yet Nigs riot. He pays – and goes to jail, etc. -more Persection Oxycotin Rush. Nigs don’t riot this time – but are flush with “their power” to get an innocent man convicted – and pretty muych behave as Niggers Beezin Niggers, only even more so. Think that “I am that Nigger’ video. They can’t help themselves.

    RaHoWa is kicking off for real, over this. No war is like a movie, to TV war, in that it;’s over in a few hours. Wars are never what any-one presumes they will be. OUR war is to get Whites to think of themselves AS White. A First, in history. We’ve always fought with each other, really. White Atomism must be overcome. We must stay in this for the long haul….we must attack on many fronts.

  32. “Wayne says:
    April 22, 2012 at 2:23 pm
    HarryO: I agree with everything you say, with the caveat the when push comes to shove, whites can be the most hostile tribe on the planet. I hope it’s not too late. BTW, I never could figure out why the YKW pushes Muslim immigration in Europe, then turns around and produces shrills like Pam Geller decrying the Islamization of Europe. Then I read a comment on SPDL and it all clicked: By forces large numbers of Muslims on Western nations, Islam becomes a problem for the West, NOT JUST Israel. Notice how the Neocons are always pushing to invade yet another Islamic country, while ignoring Muslims in the West. Makes perfect sense to me.”

    Kikes also like to play both sides, so when one “side” loses – they can all rush to the “winning side” and keep playing their games, and stay in control of the debate, so to speak.

  33. “Sean says:
    April 22, 2012 at 7:11 am
    The jews that run the media are not oblivious to what they are doing. They are of the same racial stock of the Bolshevics that murdered tens of millions. They are also funded by the same jewish money to cause strife.
    Look at the big picture. Niggers are nothing but pawns.”

    Absolutely! However – remember – we have all sorts of media now, We have guns. We are NOT defenseless, disconected Kulaks A lot of folks are already hip to what’s going. the Bolshevik Jews, trained in the USA, were flying free in Russia. They had almost no opposition. They were able to herd defenseless Kulaks to slaughter without much real obstruciton. And there were NO cities teeming with millions of feral Cannibal Nigs, in Russia. NEVER forget that,

    It ain’t gonna be that easy, now. The West has been really damaged – but self preservation instincts kick in. Most non-whites will side with Whites, in the end – cause they know they wil do far better with Whites, than with Jews. LOTS of Non-Whites KNOW about Jews. They play along – Jews dispense all kinds of goodies now – but once Whitey goes away – so do the goodies. Their Federal Thugs will have to DEAL with the Cannibal cities, once the cookie crumbles. The feral Nigs HAVE attacked and killed Jews, So have Arabs. Latinos/Mestizos know aobut Jews. They couldn’t care less. The Holohoax doesn’t mean a THING, to them. Or to any other non-White. They don’t CARE. “What has that got to do with us”? Whites are really the only demographic snowed about Jews. But Jews are pushing it. As per always. They are curently in control of what they’ve created – but what have they created?

    They’ve set up RaHoWa. They’ve set up DISASTER. Their Goyim Slave system is doomed, because, like everything Jews do -it’s against God and Nature. Tey’ve set unl;ike things aganist each other. Theyv’e borken the 7th Commandment in EVERY way. Thgey enforce their will via all sorts of totalitarian means – but the system was broken from the start. It’s all based on material plenty, and turning people into cossetted, overfed dromes. But this is literally un-sustainable.

    Jews have already made some sloppy mistakes. They’re getting sloppier by the second. They can’t help themselves, either. Their Great Sin is Pride. Pride got Lucifer – the Brightest Angel – cast from Heaven. Jews EMBODY Luciferian Pride. They’ve loosed RaHoWa, on the West. They’ve sewn the seeds of their own destruction. This time it’s global.

  34. I found my way over to that newsone link and commented from start to finish. Might be interesting to go see what the natives will be saying in reply. hehehe
    Reality is not a welcome guest in their little world.

  35. I am with Denise, in that white national interests are going to be furthered no matter what now. The Zimmerman persecution could not have come at a better time!
    PTL & PTA

  36. “Sometimes I think Tolkien was a prophet and the LOTR was a tale of the future.”


    The utter disgust the BRA faction had about LOTR in cinemas was that it was a DIRECT assault on the tenets of Multiculturalism. Both Tolkien and Lewis knew this, intrinsically, and- had they lived even a decade longer for either of them, they would have SAID SO. When Orcs look like NFL nigs, when long-nosed Sarumans look like old Jewish women in drag, when Celtic and Englishmen are cast as the ‘innocent hobbits,’ the entire panoply of the modern SATANIA is laid bare, before our eyes.

    The fact that Jackson, sodomite Ian McKellen and the rest of the cast of LOTR were basically CLUELESS as to the OVERT Christian Symbolism, Europhilic nationalism, and EXPLICIT WHITE CONSCIOUSNESS they delivered via LOTR, shows that sometimes, ‘God DOES laugh the heathen to SCORN.’

    That Jackson has ‘bent over backward’ to ‘multiculturalize’ the precursor film, ‘The Hobbit’ can only say to astute moviegoers, a decade or more from now, that the aduterous English in the Hobbit, awoke to the evils of Ezra 9:2, and ‘put away’ their foreign wives and halflings…. just like BRITAIN should do, today!

    Even here, God laughs the heathen to scorn (and shows the nature of the depraved heart- did you see the overt Christophobia McKellan exhibited in his role in ‘DaVinci Code.’ My God, that man HATES GOD- which only means, his eternal burning in Hell will be that much more severe….) which also is a pleasing thought.

  37. The spate of ‘justice for Trayvon’ attacks against White Americans and the Zulu liberal chorus baying for the blood of Zimmerman puts me to a mind of – well – Zulu. As in the final scene of the movie at Rorke’s Drift.

    Then as now “they have no top tenors that’s for sure”. Harmony, order, the ability to conduct order, rule, law , government etc is dependent upon the top tenors. They haven’t got it.
    See Zulu – Men of Harlech and the Welsh National Anthem

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