Golden Dawn


H/T Vox Day

Following on the heels of Marine Le Pen’s recent electoral breakthrough in France, the Greek nationalists are poised for a surge into the Greek parliament in upcoming elections. “Golden Dawn” sounds a little rougher around the edges than the Front National:

“Black-clad Golden Dawn members have been storming across the campaign trail across Greece, stopping to chat at cafes and shops, handing out fliers promising security in crime-ridden neighborhoods — and vowing to kick out immigrants.”

Note: Sarkozy’s triangulation in France doesn’t appear to be working anymore.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The banjo!

    It’s a dumbed down guitar. A string instrument with a neck and a chamber to resonate. The similarity between the words Sitar and Guitar indicate a very od Indoeuropean proto word going back 5 millenia. Replacing fine carpentry And metalwork with a scooped out gourd. Typical fucking nig technology. Reinvent the fucking wheel! Like the Kenyan Space program.

    Trine you are out of your fucking mind.

  2. Movies like Deliverance are clear cases of Hollywood projection. A condition Freud was dead on about, to his credit. I’m sure he suffered from it.

  3. Trine. You are out of your matzoh and hopped up on Yohai hooch.

    Jesus was not a Jew. He was not Idumean. He was not from Esau. He wasn’t decscended from the Idumeans living in the Judean province of Roman Palestine – calling themselves Judeans or Judahites after the name of the province. He didn’t belong to the Idumean Pharisaic sect which is Judaism of the Talmud or the Tradition of the Elders. The Torah She be al Peh.

    Jesus was descended from Israel – that is from Isaac’s son, Jacob.

    Specifically, Jesus was from Jacob’s son Judah and of the House and lineage of David.

    The Jews are from Esau, Trine – and all his Kenite, Cananite wives, concubines and what have you. Their Khazarian cousins up in the North were Turko mongolians who worshipped the Devil’s dick, drank horse piss and terrorized the Caucasus for centuries accumulating enormous loot with all their wars and because they controlled the Silk Road and the Straits of the Bosphorus. Does this sound familiar?

    When the Franciscan missionaries went up there to preach the Evangel to the Khazarian Kagan he wasn’t interested and disputed with them that he even had a soul. If he did have a soul, he wasn’t interested in it. But the Franciscan mission records that he needed their pastoral assitance and wanted to talk about his personal problems. This was not the Devil, as you might think. The Devil, he reckoned was a devil of his word and kept his bargains. It wasn’t all the war and loot and business as usual on the Silk Road. It was his Jewish wives and the rabbis All 20 of them and their rabbis were driving him completely mad.

    Go read Arthur Koestler’s The Thirteenth Tribe.

  4. @Denise

    Will follow up on those leads. Thank you.

    My Grandfather 92 (WWII vet, still alive and going strong) was a Methodist preacher and Khazar ass kicker. My mom was an evangelical, now US style creationist. She put me right off the whole concept of religion. As such I am undecided.

    On the Ashkenazis/followers of the Talmud. My own research and my inbred radar are my guide. On this I am with you. They are the spawn of Satan. A deadly parasitical blight on the rest of humanity. Not all, sure, but far too many.

    This is what brings me here. There is undoubtedly evil afoot in the world. If there is such a dark side, then there must be a light side too. I follow yours, and Fr Johns and Robert Occulus’ posts with great interest. Thank you for your efforts.

  5. @ Fr. John

    The Stones, particularly their early stuff, sounded black. Even Elvis sounded black. Rock-and-roll comes from black slang for sex.

    Metal uses medieval scales and different time signatures. It is distinct from rock, punk, jazz, etc.. Metal is exclusively white, and so is punk. On the flip side, rap is distinctly black (with whiggers). Metal album covers use a lot of medevil European symbolism. Punk has a culture of anarchy and associated with the left. Blacks hate metal, thrash and punk, but I’m sure there are exceptions. One can’t dance to metal. Muslims don’t like the head banging in metal because it reminds them of Jews praying and bobbing their heads at the Wailing Wall. Metal seems to be a struggle to break away from rock.

    It all seems to be a manifestation of genetic expression.

    Here’s a notable exception to our theories that classical music is white music.

    ” Louis Farrakhan-Violin Concerto”


  6. Why is the Jew Trine still posting at this site? Maybe he is related to the “scots-irish” Jew Whiskey. Hopefully the Jew Trine will be banned.

  7. Clearly Trike does not know Christ, nor Moses, with this statement:


    Umm the Bible calls you a LIAR, Bitch.

    “Jacob have I loved, ESAU have I hated.” – Rom. 9:13

    “Esau is Edom.” – Gen. 36:8

    Edom is Talmudic Phariseeism -i.e., the RACE of JEWRY

  8. Outlier- One question for you, re: Classical music as a ‘white’ creation.

    Where was Farrakhan born, raised, and educated?
    In Africa, or in America?
    In a totally pagan, black culture, or a highly influenced, Americanized White culture, in the days BEFORE Elvis the Pelvis?
    Was the ‘Eff’ taught jungle bunnie drums, or the instrument of Stradivari?

    “Farrakhan was born Louis Eugene Wolcott (also mistakenly spelled Walcott) in The Bronx, New York….in 1936, the Wolcott family moved to Boston, Massachusetts…Starting at the age of six, Wolcott received rigorous training in the violin. He received his first violin at the age of six, and by time he was 13 years old, he had played with the Boston College Orchestra, and the Boston Civic Symphony….In 1946, he was one of the first black performers to appear on the Ted Mack Original Amateur Hour, where he also won an award. He and his family were active members of the Episcopal St. Cyprian’s Church in Roxbury, Massachusetts…”

    Ol’ Louis sounds ‘mighty white’ to me…..

    You’ve proved nothing. And metal is still crap, and not music.

  9. Yeah good point aelvis soundslike a black who is an African who sounds like a white.

    The instruments are almost all of western origin. Trumpets, saxaphones, any brass. The electric guitar, the metal guitar, all features of a western musical tradition. What is black culture? It’s just Africans aping the Beauty of civilization.

  10. Of course Farrakhan is a product of being born in the US. I guess the point I was trying to make is that he’s a “contradiction in terms”.

    As for the punk song the the video, its probably a harbinger that the right and left are starting to unite in Greece.

    “And metal is still crap, and not music.”

    “Danny Carey Solo” of Tool

    You must admit this is advanced drumming/musicianship. It is not crap.

  11. Elvis was singing in English right? Backed up by various guitars? And a drumkit? Possibly an organ? But somehow he sounds like a Congoid? I’m not saying he didn’t rip off other artists, but they all do. I can hear the Irish in the so called black music. Choral singing too. Ever been to an English soccer stadium? Ever heard of the Welsh?

    WTF is it about blacks putting a blackface on stuff and claiming it for themselves?

  12. Trine, I take it you have consulted with Abe Foxman, re: Mel Gibson, about the lack of anti-Semitic “skips” in the Bible?

  13. Good God, how do you folks get theology out of some childish noise attached to a video about Greek politics?

  14. ” Good God, how do you folks get theology out of some childish noise attached to a video about Greek politics? ”

    It’s all in the art.

  15. the current detestable liberal world order is based upon the worship of a false god (individual liberty

    You should be horsewhipped for writing that shit.

  16. The liberal world order is based on worshiping a dark god.

    Get rid of Football and Basketball as spectator sport and half the problem goes away. Luckily soccer is still dominated by the YT at the World Cup level. That’s thebtrue measure of global athletics. Messi, Fabregas, Maradona, Moore, Hurst, Beckenbauer, Lineker, Battistuta, Best, Rooney, Platini, Charlton, Puskas, Mueller, The Dutch players
    in general…Alfredo De Stefano.

    Eusebio and Pele of course. But it is all in proportion.

  17. If it has any melody at all it’s not authentically black. Street rap is authentically black. The very concept of melody and chorus is a white idea.

  18. If all Jews were exterminated centuries ago then the human race would still be squirming in the stone ages LOL

    Several things become obvious to anyone who contemplates this question from a non-Jewish (supremacist) mindset:

    1) Jews need us far more than we need them.
    2) We have done far more for Jews than Jews have done for us.
    3) Jews harm us far more than they help us.

    Jews’ accomplishments amount to a drop in the bucket of all the good done by western civilization. Without western civilization, Jews would most certainly still be burning calves in front of their temple, living in the stone age. Without Jews, we’d be about a year behind where we are now, tops.

    Jews know all of this. It’s why the dumb Ashkenazis all live in Israel (mean Ashkenazi IQ: 104) and the smart Ashkenazis all live in America (mean Ashkenazi IQ: 110); they know better than to live solely around their own kind – dead-endsville.

    If we were separated away from Jews, it would be a catastrophe for them, and a golden age for us.

    Jews like talking about their gifts. But they generally get upset when I mention their real gifts:

    1) They look enough like Whites to “pass.”
    2) They’re the world’s most racist people.

  19. BTW, four African immigrants carried out what can only be described as a scene out of Deliverance in Nashville a few months ago

    If Jews were honest (I know, the very idea is absurd), Deliverance would never have been made into a movie. Or, if it were, it would’ve been about Whites wandering into nigger territory.

  20. “JESUS WAS A JEW”- Trike

    Jews are fond of saying this. Like most things they’re fond of saying, it’s something they’ll contradict in different company. Jews enjoy lying, if it’ll have the desired effect.

    As if Jews get to tell Christians who Jesus was, lol!

  21. “Svigor says:
    May 4, 2012 at 10:04 pm
    “JESUS WAS A JEW”- Trike

    Jews are fond of saying this. Like most things they’re fond of saying, it’s something they’ll contradict in different company. Jews enjoy lying, if it’ll have the desired effect.

    As if Jews get to tell Christians who Jesus was, lol!”

    They do this in order to co-opt and corral their most productive, pale Money Slaves.

  22. “Svigor says:
    May 4, 2012 at 9:57 pm
    If all Jews were exterminated centuries ago then the human race would still be squirming in the stone ages LOL

    Several things become obvious to anyone who contemplates this question from a non-Jewish (supremacist) mindset:

    1) Jews need us far more than we need them.
    2) We have done far more for Jews than Jews have done for us.
    3) Jews harm us far more than they help us.

    Jews’ accomplishments amount to a drop in the bucket of all the good done by western civilization. Without western civilization, Jews would most certainly still be burning calves in front of their temple, living in the stone age. Without Jews, we’d be about a year behind where we are now, tops.

    If we were separated away from Jews, it would be a catastrophe for them, and a golden age for us.”

    What have the Romans EVER done for US???!!!

  23. I did this video and i dont understand wy some complain about the song in the vid? and what have jesus and religion too do with Golden Dawn?? this vid is about that Greece have to wake up and take its country back. Greetings From Europe

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