Golden Dawn


H/T Vox Day

Following on the heels of Marine Le Pen’s recent electoral breakthrough in France, the Greek nationalists are poised for a surge into the Greek parliament in upcoming elections. “Golden Dawn” sounds a little rougher around the edges than the Front National:

“Black-clad Golden Dawn members have been storming across the campaign trail across Greece, stopping to chat at cafes and shops, handing out fliers promising security in crime-ridden neighborhoods — and vowing to kick out immigrants.”

Note: Sarkozy’s triangulation in France doesn’t appear to be working anymore.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I think what happened in Europe was that when the USSR was in power, the radical left in Europe were a real threat to destabilize governments one-by-one and had leverage because USSR was behind them, so those in power adopted socialism to keep Carlos the Jacket and his cohorts at bay.

    Unfortunately, those structural concessions were not easily reversed once the USSR fell in 1991. Furthermore, the deep brainwashing was in place in the baby boomers minds who had heavy exposure to a human secular themed pop culture (e.g. Imagine, etc.).

    Then the globalists scammed the idea and we has multiculturalism kicked into over drive.

    But, the political winds of change are blowing in Europe.

  2. Cool! Excellent logo. Who here has any idea why I admire the logo? It’s rather witty

    Good on them.

    And Sarko can take all his feral banlieus back to IsraHell, with him.

  3. Why we fight the fight we do:

    “In my country we will soon be having a Presidential election, and I certainly will be voting against The Obama. But the far more important election took place at the beginning of the 20th century when the European people elected to institutionalize the unholy trinity of Greek philosophy, medieval philosophy, and science. From that liberal alliance came modern race-mixing, abortion, and atheist Europe. There is no hope in such a world. We need to go home. Home, for the European, will always be His Europe. He can’t abide with us until we decide to abide with Him by the hearth fire that He has kept burning through all the years of our wanderings in the deserts of modernity. My youngest daughter once remarked to me that she always felt she was reentering an alien, hostile world and leaving a wonderful, comfortable world when she finished a novel by Ian Maclaren, Walter Scott, or Charles Dickens. She has it right. Old Europe is our world, and we “don’t want any other.” +

  4. Two observations on that video: Greece is an Orthodox country.

    Thus, the cross on the flag. Secondly, that symbol is a variant on the Iron Cross, or the Swastika. Nazi Germany had NO LOVE for true Christianity, let me be clear on that.

    Also, that CRAP called music, is nothing of the sort. You would think that the ‘metalheads’ would study Hitler’s MUSICAL forms, and implement THOSE- Folk Song, Classical Western Music, and Bands- all elements of WHITE AMERICAN culture, before the ‘Tin Pan Alley Jews’ and the Ragtime Nigger Whorehouse musicians (Scott Joplin) made ‘vulgar music’ acceptable to decent Whites.

  5. ” Also, that CRAP called music, is nothing of the sort. You would think that the ‘metalheads’ … ”

    Its definitely NOT metal – its punk.

    Actually, metal is classical music. Rock (and punk) use 4 beat bars. Classical and metal use a mix of different time signatures.

  6. Hello Englisc Gateway.

    Bane here!!! llLLooOOOllLLzzziiees

    You should register here and say hello.

    This is ‘Hunters Bar’, a place full of funny, intelligent, wordly wise patriots and a first rate source of knowledge and information.

    Waes Hael!!!

  7. Leo, any Like-minded Limeys are more than welcome in Hunter’s Pub.

    Waes Hael right back atcha!!!

  8. Apparently JT Ready is dead. I am trying to get a confirmation. I sincerely hope this is NOT true.

    This is State assassination, if so.

  9. Ce qu’il faut faire, c’est voter Socialiste, pour détruire l’UMP. Alors, dans cinq ans, il n’y aura que le choix entre la gauche et le Front National.


    The only question left is whether the political classes in these nations will accept the collapse of all their ideological dreams in time to retain power, or whether they’ll go down with their ship into the chaos of civil war.

  10. Lily,

    I was hoping that reports of JT’s death are untrue.

    I am completely devastated. I never met the man in person, but I had been in contact with him.

    He was an absolute, fun loving sweetheart. He did not do this. He did not kill women and a child. He never killed ANY-ONE.

    He was murdered. This is an UGLY crime, created to cover up his assassination.

  11. Denise: Not knowing anything about the guy, just reading the article I got a bad gut feeling that this was someone else’s doing. Anyone who helped protect our borders is aces in my book.

    I am so sorry.

  12. I am too. Well – we knew the White Hating Commies were not going to go away quietly. They’ve murdered before, and they fully enjoy murdering again. We’ve been warned for centuries.

    I’m sick over this. JT was a real good guy. Really lively, focused, hopeful, playful, and fun. One of the true Good Guys.

    Rest in Peace, my Friend.

  13. $11 million could instead be used on selecting engineering whiz kids 16-18 and training them to engineer mines etc etc etc….”

    That’s the thing. Learning doesn’t cost ANYTHING. In a past culture, where lifelong learning was valued, people learned. People who like to think…learn. Level-headed people who like to read.

    There are libraries. Internet. Listening to older people talk about their schooling is instructive. They had none of the things the expensive schools of today provide, gyms and pools, etc. But they were much more fit. And smarter.

  14. Outlier- no matter WHAT the meter, the sounds and preponderant ‘back beat’ make it (Punk, thrash, metal, rock, etc.) contrary to sinus ryhthm in the human heart. It literally is a ‘symphony for the devil’- and Mick Jagger knew it, as did everyone else, back fifty years ago.

    It (that rhythm 1-TWO- 3-FOUR) came from Africa, and any WN who claims it’s derived from ancient Pagan Norse/Teutonic music is either a liar, or a damn fool. Have you ever read the Amerindian’s Yeagley and his essay on Western Music? It’s very good, especially as a help toward weaning Whites off nigger music.

    Culture (from CULTUS- or the ‘religion’ of the people) is incarnational- all elements of it, make the man what he is. As long as we give ONE IOTA to Western degeneracy, we will NEVER win over the Jew, the Nigger, or the Multiculti bastards.

  15. “The Swastika is an ANCIENT symbol of Our People. And rightfully keeps returning.”

    Denise- I don’t deny that. I even called it a cross, if you read it. My point was that ANY association with National Socialism is ultimately PAGAN.

    That is why I found those Orthodox harleymen amazing. they had monastic Orthodox symbols on their t-shirts, along with the leather vests. But, instead of GLORIFYING DEATH, they were wearing symbols that said ‘DEATH IS DEFEATED.’

    Contrast that with the Golden compass, Twilight, Hunger Games mania to keep people SATURATED WITH DEATH, as though Death were a BEAUTIFUL thing.

    Christians know that Death is the LAST ENEMY. And that Christ DEFEATED DEATH- Jesus ‘killed Death’ as it were. There’s a world of difference between the two views, don’t you think?

    Symbols that might be more apropos for the coming struggle might possibly be found in the Orthodox national socialist movement in Romania, under [St.] Cornelius Codreneau, during much the same era. The first hurdle the neo-pseudo pagans must realize, is that once Christ had baptized Europe, the White man can NEVER go back to paganism. He (teh European White) can only worship God, or deny Him. But God will not deny His own- thus denial of God by the White man in favor of some neo-pseudo Odinism, is a denial of WHAT IT MEANS TO BE WHITE. And God is going to win the battle! Frankly, I’d rather be on the winning side, even if it means I die a martyr- for Christ, and Him alone. That is where we all need to get in our heads, before we can be successful in this RaHoWa.

    Rather than a failed reich… that’s all I was saying, vis a vis the swastika.

  16. Jef. Many variations on a theme.

    Our People’s theme.

    Fr John – I completely agree with you. Don’t get me wrong. I agree with everything you’ve written, and wirte.

    For the record – I am not a NS. I’m not. I defend adolf Hitler, and the Reich, because I believe, to my CORE, that he and the Reich have been used as our cage. Our lash, and our cage – and the truth about Hitler and the Reich MUST be proclaimed, and understood, and all the lies about NS Germant MUST be swept away. The False Prophesy, the Jew Lies, keep Jews in power. Period. This is why I so vigorously defend Hitler, and NS Germany. I don’t worship him. I respect and admire him, and what he tried to do.

    I think it’s heinous when WN denounce Hitler and the Race, as the CAUSE of our problems. He wasn’t a Christian. German writers and intellectuals had already begun writing aobut the corrosive effects of Die Juden on German society, long before he was born. The modern corruption of Christianity was well underway by the time he was born. I know WHY he was against a corrupted Christianity. Wy a lot of the Pagans are against the White Sepulchre. I respect him because I truly feel that he was the last White Leader that TRULY tried to help his people

    If you”ve ever heard his speeches, and the words HE said – well – I cannot comprehend how any-one besides Jews can fail to be deeply moved.

    I young man, that I know in person, who used ot be affiliated with the blog provided me with great insight, years ago, when I began to learn the truth about Hitler. Hitelr had said the “National Socialism is not for export”. It was for Germans, and Germans alone.

    The funny thing is that Hunter is not too far off, in the way he feels about Dixie.

    I’m not Teutonic NS. I’m a Celt. I wold not have liked living in NS Germany. They’re too freaking orderly. I resonate with the folks I’ve met in Appalachia, because they are Anglo Celts. Haughty Blonde feels like she’s herself, for the first time, there. It’s all about ORION. I’m NC – Nationalist Celt.

    But I will defend Hitler to the end of my days. I will defend my fellow WN to the end of my days, in any way I can. Christian or Pagan.

    I’m very upset about JT. He feasts in Vahalla tonight.

  17. Just looked up JT Ready. Tonight I celebrate his passing. May he suffer an eternity in abysmal terror of endless darkness. Mr Ready, get ready for the flames of hell.

  18. There are some extremists in here, but none of them revolt me as Denise does. It`s hard to believe that she`s even a female, sounds more like the terminator to me. Maybe she`s one of them “hard to even tell they`re female” females(-: What`s the size of your dick Denise?

  19. Denise,

    The way Adolf exported to Poland, Russia, France, Holland, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Yugolslavia, Norway… Got an awful lot of whites killed. It was nothing like the Confederacy. To their credit the Confederates were simply defending their own territory. Lee, Pickett, Longstreet, Forrest, Davis were all people I can relate to. Had Hitler stopped some time around 1937 and simply retired he’d have the status of Bismarck or Garbaldi. Instead he piled up innocent corpses. He did not know when to stop.

  20. People, I`m not a provoker, in fact I`m a nurse by profession. I love people and helping them is a big deal to me. But when I meet people like Denise I go nuts with passionate resistance and aggression.

  21. Trine, there’s no heaven or hell. Congo is pretty close to hell though.
    Heaven is located in the Cotswolds.

  22. Denise: I agree with your last post. Black slavery is the guilt trip on America, Holocaust is the guilt trip on Europe. Both, as you say, cage us in. Both have been used as excuses for exery Marxist perversion and whenever we whites speak up, they are used as hammers to beat us down again. I’m not saying Germany was guiltless, but to consider WWII without going back to WWI is not possible. The Germans got screwed during WWI because of America’s interference. We could have went into that war on either side (but we should have avoided it altogether). The peace was an unfair peace, and radical leftists declared culture war on the good German people duriong the Weimar Republic. WWII was not all Germany’s fault, not by a long shot.

  23. Whiney – you are diseased vermin. You are offal. Walking soulles filth.

    And you don’t matter at all.

    I loathe you too, you garbage.

    I will not be going to Hell. JT is not in Hell. You’d like it though – since it’s Satan’s anus is where you were shat from.

    You came after ME, and no other, since I invoked the name of Jesus. You are a soulless liar, a Jews – and I’d LOVE to send you back where you came from.

    Hopefully I will see you for the first and last time after a gang of Niggers has raped you inside out, and torn you to shreds.

  24. Kikenvermim -come and meet me. I’ve got a big oven, all hot and ready. You’ll have a BLAST

  25. Denise, now I know what it means to be a complete mental case hahaha. What a frikkin looney you are! I`ve gone from outrage to laughter over you. You`re not scary anymore to me, you`re just laughable.

  26. That Nigger in the video WAS funny as Hell, when he held up the Aryan Alternative paper. I STILL laught over it.

    I stil thank Jesus for moments like that. I have so much to be thankful for.

    I’ll be thankful when world does what Hitler’s been accused of. When one reviews global Human history, and the assaults of the Spawn of Satan on Humanity – one realizes every filthy devil Jew should have bene exterminated centuries ago.

  27. If all Jews were exterminated centuries ago then the human race would still be squirming in the stone ages LOL

  28. Kike – you know what it meant to be a mental case years ago. How did you like playing in the mental ward, where you were born to your whore of a mother?

    Are your earliest memories of her scenes of watching her suck off the Nigger ward attendants, while sat in your own urine-soaked diapers, and cried?

  29. The Christ was not a Jew. Moron.

    The Christ called out the Jews as the Children of the Devil. God HATES Jews.

  30. So who here still thinks this Kike is not a Kike?

    Jews are pale Niggers. They wallow in thier own depravity and filth.

    No one needs Jews – and never did. I don’t know why ANY-ONE allows them around. I know the time of tormenting Devils is running out though………

  31. Denise, you sound like an insecure teenager with a complex problem compensating it by VIP disillusions on the expense of others. In psychiatry it`s called low self esteem. There are ways to cure zits nowadays you know, don`t let it get you down…


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