Golden Dawn


H/T Vox Day

Following on the heels of Marine Le Pen’s recent electoral breakthrough in France, the Greek nationalists are poised for a surge into the Greek parliament in upcoming elections. “Golden Dawn” sounds a little rougher around the edges than the Front National:

“Black-clad Golden Dawn members have been storming across the campaign trail across Greece, stopping to chat at cafes and shops, handing out fliers promising security in crime-ridden neighborhoods — and vowing to kick out immigrants.”

Note: Sarkozy’s triangulation in France doesn’t appear to be working anymore.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. trine.

    You make my skin crawl.

    You are the voice of Satan himself made flesh.

    You are a demon.

  2. Expelling Jews from national territories, never did a nation harm.

    The cultural influence of Judaism is vastly overblown. Most of the bible is appropriated
    Egyptian, Hittite, Babylonian, Canaanite, Assyrian story telling. In science and engineering the same is the case. Jewish peeps are also terrible artists as well. I cannot think of one off the top of my head. For nomads, you certainly missed out on the age of
    discovery too. Very full of themselves these Jews. Very little to actually show for it apart from simply running away or bare survival.

  3. Was the jet invented by a Jew? The train? The aeroplane? The internal combustion engine? Antibiotics? Calculus? Ocean going ships? The gun? The chariot? Apart from that… What have the Romans ever done for us?

    The Aquaduct?

  4. God hates Jews. The Christ was NOT a Jew. God turns his back on His mistake, with Jews, when they refused to live according to His Righteous Standards, and rejected Him in order to worship themselves. Jews ARE Satan. Heretics. Defiers. Deicides.

    You are a self-described Atheist. What do you know about the Christ?

    Your hatred and lunacy just screams out. You loathe me because you instinctively know I proclaim God’s Truth. You are a genetic devil. You can’t help yourself – I understand this – you are what you are – but the Righteous must abjure al that is foul wicked.

    So –

    By the Power of Christ I rebuke you.

    By the Power of Christ I rebuke you.

    By the Power of Christ I rebuke you.

    Good luck on your plane ride.

  5. My grandparents took me to Lutheran church when I was a kid, we were taught rigorously that Jesus was a Jew and that Jews were the chosen people picked by GOD, and that Pilot was an evil son of a bitch.

  6. Hunter, I do respect the way you articulate what you express. You argue your points with a level of conviction without a lot of unnecessary slurs. This in turn, makes more people listen I think. People like Denise however, are too much I think, even for a forum such as this. She`s a foaming, mindless looney, and may repel potential supporters by being too radical.

  7. Denise speaks truth as do all OD contributors.

    99.9% of the delusional, foaming, mindless lunatics here are the trolls.

  8. Leo – I told you.

    I have Pagan pals that I adore. They are hostile when they discover I am a Christian. I do not EVER try ot converty them – every-one must find their own way.

    They don’t go screeching hissy mental, and ATTACK like a raving frothing at the mouth psycopath, when I say “Jesus”. Once they realize I will leave ’em alone – we get along just fine.

    I believe John is an atheist. He’s not a Jew, though. We have had a coupla little sniffy moments, since he’s been gracing this “pub” with his wit, insight, intelligence, and general grooviness. We obviously disagree about Saint Adolf – but he never ever ever goes screechy hissy mental psycho – like this Whinesky. Not once. Can’t imagine it happening.

    I’m not just naming Die Whinesky because I’m “obsessesd with Jews” – it’s ye shall know them by their poisoned fruit time, is all.

    As Lynda wittily wrote “The Bagel has landed” on the OD.

    This is what they do.

    The original post, that has enraged this Dybbuk, was benign. I was having a good laugh. The fact that I invoked Jesus – and I’m quite sincere, if a little “prattish” in thanking Him – this Trine thing IMMEDIATELY launched into a hysterical FOUL MOUTHED tirade.

    The Sign of the Jew.

    Saying the name of Jesus is like throwing Holy Water on a Demon. read up on Pre-corrupted Catholic Demonology. The reams of data offer amazing insight. I don’t know if you are a Christian, a Pagan, or you don’t believe in the Big Tooth Fairy in the Sky (as some insult God) – but all the legitimate religions offer keen and brilliant insight, to varying degrees, into the Human psyche. The study of Demonology offers fascinating concepts on the nature of lunacy, depravity, and evil. Far more accurate and salient than the Jew BS of “psychiatry”. Which is a method used to defame and pathologize NORMAL human reactions and drives – and corrupt minds and souls into accepting Judaic depravity.

    Note what this Trine demon does.

    The abrupt shifts in tone. . It’s trying to taunt me into writing something stupid. It’s tryng to suck up to every-one else. But note, if it is what is says it is – it loves people, it’s a nurse – loves to help (do you know any nurses? Lots are angels – but lots are sociopathic druggies) – but I drive it to “passionate aggression”.


    That’s the face of them monster slipping out of the mask. That happens a LOT with Kikes.

    Do you know why I call them Kikes, in the first place? They gave themselves that name. Fascinating history behind that name. It’s all about their congenitial, nursed in their Jackal Mother’s bloodmilk hatred of the Christ.

    This Dybbuk called Trine/Dirk/Foul Kari does everything Jews historically DO – changes it’s names, lies, gets vicious and FOUL MOUTHED, displays irrational aggression and hated, makes absurd statements about the “benefits” Jewry “offers” Humanity (they ARE a Parasite Race), changes personas in the wink of an eye, and goes APESHIT MENTAL at anything to with the Christ,

    Ye shall know them for their spitting and hissing.

    John 8:38-44. King James.

  9. Trine,

    The Internet is merely a telephone packet code connecting computers.

    See Bell and Turing for the hardware. The thing you are actually using now is the www. You do know that don’t you?

    “invented” by Tim Berners Lee at CERN.

    Anyway, you did write Pilot.

  10. Lutherans do tend to have a problem with the Jews as a rule. A lot of support for Palestine comes from that tradition. Competing “elects” and all that.

  11. I rather think Denise and Luther wod have been a good love match. His anti Jewish rhetoric was spectacular.

  12. John, I remember the priest always saying repeatedly how Jesus was tortured by Pilatus, there was never anything anti Jewish ever expressed.. He also said often how the Jews were the chosen people of GOD. Yep, that`s what he said… I wonder how Luther logically explained his anti Jewish attitudes, knowing the lack of any anti Semitic scripts in the bible?

  13. I gotta go with Father John+ on this one. If WN is based upon paganism, e.g. Hitler’s Blut und Boden idolatry, WN is doomed to fail. It will fail because it is based upon the worship of a false god (the nation) just as the current detestable liberal world order is based upon the worship of a false god (individual liberty, i.e. the self). Any Fourth Reich based upon völkisch principles alone will never stand.

    The only Western world order that stands a chance is the one that stood for a thousand years: Christendom.

  14. “Yo! Pancho Pilot! He’s an evil sunnuvah! Killed Jesus n sheeet.”

    Pilate simply gave the jews what they demanded. “Give us Barabbas!”

  15. Leo – read up on the McCarthy Hearings. Ex Commies testified that they sent Homos and Commies INTO Christian seminaries, in order to corrupt the Church from within.

    I was raised as a Methodist. Half my Fam are Catholics, though. I know a lot of Christians of various denominations, and I know how all Christian sects are being Judaized. There are always Hebes hanging about, “converting” to make sure the congregation gets corrupted and derailed into worshipping Kikes, and taking them away from true Christian doctrine. This has actually been going on for centuries.

    The Inquisition was implemented because of the shocking corruption, by the Deicides, in the Church. Not only did Hebes screw up the Holy Church in Isabella and Ferdinand’s day – when these Righteous Gothic Christian Royals FINALLY “got their country back” – they were aghast to discover how many Court Jews were crawling all over the Moorish Courts, as “advisors”. Hence yet another expulsion. Of course, poor I and F have been slandered by the Tribe for the past 500 years, of course….

    I go on about the Self Chosen because when I get into a subject – I really try to be thorough. That – and I call ’em like I see ’em.

    So a Yid bragging about his Spawners taking it to a Lutheran Church, and monitoring the success of a corrupted doctrine – pffft. Old news.

    If you have a moment – research Ariel Toaff. A Jew confirms the “Blood Libel” wasn’t hahaha…actually libel at all. Read up on the story of Toaff, and “The Bloody Passover” – and who terrorized him into denouncing his own research.

    Ther have been plenty of monsters, of all Races. Niggers are VERY low IQ prognathic throwbacks – and mostly cannot hel pwhat they ARE.

    Jews are another matter.

    When one studies thier actual history, and deeds, as a Race, all over the centuries, and their thought/belief systems – my characterization of Jews as Spawn of Satan is quite reasonable. I only wish we good get ahold of Old Scratch, so we could get a good DNA sample. I know we’d have a match,

  16. Modern paganism is what Hunter calls a fantasy ideology. It’s pure escapism. They romanticize a time when Europeans were “earthy” and “noble savages”. You can’t go back to childhood, it’s just sad. Pagans bore me for the same reason people who still live at home at the age of 30 bore me.

  17. “Seems Luther was an early version of Hitler.”

    To jews, every white man is a version of hitler.


    Luther fucking hated Jews. One could interweave Denise’s text with that of Luther and not be able to detect a difference. Milquetoast Lutheran priests tend to sweep this under the rug.

    This is why religion is such great fun to observe. The thing is Luther might have been correct. Much like the British Commisioner to Haiti that Hunter blogged about below.

    What if these old school guys were right? For example Edward Longshanks kicked every Jew out of England. Didn’t hurt the Plantagenets or Tudors or Stuarts. Expulsion
    what’s not to like?

  19. “John says:
    May 3, 2012 at 4:23 am

    The Internet is merely a telephone packet code connecting computers”

    Another Sign of Die Jude.

    They take undue credit of EVERYTHING. We need a site called “Judaic Invention Myths”.

    Robert O – Did you read what I wrote to Fr John, about why I defend Hiter?

    I’m a Christian. Not a Pagan.

  20. Denise, what is your formal education? What do you do for a living? Honest answer appreciated.

  21. Spain’s wealthiest, most powerful, and most profitable era was during the Inquisition. I like the Inquisition. It allowed for mercy for assimilated jews, yet did not hesitate to swing the sword of justice.

  22. Trine, don’t get into a dick measuring contest. The average commenter here is far better educated than you presume. Contrary to what you may have heard, we all don’t play the banjo. Though I do enjoy a skilled picker.

  23. Hmmmm, I love that banjo song in Deliverance. Great movie, Denise would feel right at home there in those mountains.

  24. John – Luther and I would have been the absolute BEST of pals. He was total fun! I like people who gleefully express their ideas, with vigor, humor, and inkpots.

    I feel my accurate and truthful information about Die Juden are actually more of a hommage to him, than to poor old straight arrow, starchy Adolf.

    Hitler was NO general – he was actually too kindly and tolerant and….sweet. The NS were too Liberal. Think about what Luther could have done with a few Panzer Tank divisions! OOOOOOoooooooOOOOHHH!!!! He wouldn’t have held back…Wow!

    A whole new line of thought unfurls before me… still my heart.

    I’m off to bed. Sweet dreams! Say your prayers to Jesus, fellow Christians!

  25. The bible is a documentation of Jewish war crimes. The massacres they committed speak for themselves.

    Also Christ appears to be a very European sort of demigod. Bacchus, Hercules, Jason… That guy with the lyre who came back from Hades, Apollo, Lug, Ogma…all man, all god. The Heroic type that dominates European and not Asiatic theology. Luther understood that.

    He may have also met a few too many Jews and made his judgement.

  26. The discussion of demons, demonology, demonography and so forth on this thread, concerning the Greek Golden Dawn, is humorous synchronicity. During the latter years of the nineteenth century and the early decades of the twentieth century, there existed in London the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a lodge of ceremonial magick. Founded by William Westcott MD and Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, it attracted members such as William Butler Yeats (author of the poem, The Second Coming) — and Aliester Crowley, self-styled “The Beast 666,” whose intrigue within the organization and facility for attracting large amounts of unfavorable publicity, are the largest cause for the disbandment of the organization and dispersal of its members.

    Good Beltane to all, retrospectively.

  27. Dybbuk,

    Come to the mountains this Summer. I’ll be waiting for you……I won’t be carrying the banjo with me, though. That will be for later. Afterwards,

  28. “John says:
    May 3, 2012 at 4:51 am
    The bible is a documentation of Jewish war crimes. The massacres they committed speak for themselves.”

    That’s the OT.

    “Also Christ appears to be a very European sort of demigod. Bacchus, Hercules, Jason… That guy with the lyre who came back from Hades, Apollo, Lug, Ogma…all man, all god. The Heroic type that dominates European and not Asiatic theology. Luther understood that. ”

    Don’t forget the wonderously fair Balder, and Zarathustra. Yup. Right-o.

  29. The banjo originated in Africa by the way…. aw, that`s a shame. Maybe now you`ll rid yourself of your beloved banjo Denise, hm?

  30. “Robert Pinkerton says:
    May 3, 2012 at 4:51 am
    The discussion of demons, demonology, demonography and so forth on this thread, concerning the Greek Golden Dawn, is humorous synchronicity. During the latter years of the nineteenth century and the early decades of the twentieth century, there existed in London the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a lodge of ceremonial magick. Founded by William Westcott MD and Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, it attracted members such as William Butler Yeats (author of the poem, The Second Coming) — and Aliester Crowley, self-styled “The Beast 666,” whose intrigue within the organization and facility for attracting large amounts of unfavorable publicity, are the largest cause for the disbandment of the organization and dispersal of its members.”

    For REAL!!!!I know. That original group was a hoot. The costumes sunk ’em though. when I saw the title of this thread, I immediately thought of Creepy Crowley. Now – he’s always posed a dilmena for me – because he was a BRILLIANT writer. Absolutely compelling. Genius at imagery. Ever read “Diary of a Drug Fiend”? But he was ales, genuinely EVIL. I can only read his stuff in small increments, cause I always felt like I need ot be sand blasted, to be clean again, afterwards,

    The Talmud has the same effect.

    “Good Beltane to all, retrospectively.”

    Bright Blessings ; } !

  31. Democratic societies operate through consensus and majority rule. Building and maintaining a consensus requires narrowing the parameters of permissible thought.

    That’s why democracies are so boring and their people are so fucking stupid. It is considered desirable to be average. Most people who live in a democracy can’t think outside of slogans and talking points.

    We hate democracy here. Letting everyone express their opinion (especially offensive opinions) is subversive of the democratic ideal.

  32. Thanks Denise, and I hope you get raped in the booty by one of those hicks just like in Deliverance. Do you know how to squeal dear lady? Squeal like Ned Beatty uuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

  33. Cat fight!

    Quick get the Vaseline and paddling pool.

    I have a theory about Exodus though. I reckon the Hebrews were a foreign legion within the Egyptian military. There were probably high ranking advisors to the King who were Hebrew. The King himself was probably some type of Hyksos Semite/Arab type.

    Exodus is simply the story of the Egyptians chasing out the Hyksos occupation and
    the Hebrews probably no more than a few hundred of them wrote it all down in such
    a way as to glorify their own role in the shameful rout.

  34. Its sounds like YOU certainly know how to squeal like Ned Beatty. You’ve obviously practiced a lot.

    The lovely gents in the Southland, that I know are nothing like the ugly jealous Kikenvermin cliches. Yawn.

    However – Muzzies are into the same anal games that the Kikes adore. Perhap Abdul can do a round for you, before he detonates. “Allah Euuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii” Whoopsies!

  35. “Jim says:
    May 3, 2012 at 4:36 am
    “Yo! Pancho Pilot! He’s an evil sunnuvah! Killed Jesus n sheeet.”

    Pilate simply gave the jews what they demanded. “Give us Barabbas!””

    Jim – I missed that earlier. “Pancho Pilate”


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