Caribbean Project: Poverty In Paradise

Why does Bermuda thrive while other black countries writhe in poverty?


Bermuda is the third richest country in the world.

How has this small island of 67,837 people (54.8 percent of whom are of negro ancestry) managed to thrive whereas a whole continent of black people has failed?

Bermuda has virtually no agriculture, heavy industry, or natural resources such as gold, diamonds, or oil that could explain its material prosperity. Yet mysteriously, this 21 square mile North Atlantic island thrives off our own coast in spite of producing almost nothing of value.

The same is true of the Bahamas, the Cayman Islands, the British Virgin Islands, Trinidad and Tobago, Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, and Curaçao. Collectively, the success of these black islands poses a challenge to the racialist theory that black people lack the capacity to maintain civilization.

Not really. It turns out there is a very simple explanation for this group of outliers:

“But for their international business employers, it is a different story. Many were either incorporated in Bermuda or have moved their corporate headquarters to Bermuda, for international tax reasons. Why? Because Bermuda levies no taxes on their world business activities. So far, Bermuda offers them far more in assets than in liabilities. It pays them to come here, for as long as Bermuda’s advantages as an offshore jurisdiction outweigh those of competing jurisdictions. It continues to do so for the international corporate entities, but not to their non-Bermudian employees for the reasons given above.”

The wealth of these black islands is explained not by a miraculous cultural success among black people, but by the international tourism industry, their small populations, and their role as offshore financial centers for multinational corporations. It is also a safe bet that a lot of the world’s illicit drug money is pumped through the banks in these black-run Caribbean islands.

The documentary “Poverty in Paradise” explores the world of the Black Undertow that is simmering just underneath the mirage of prosperity in Bermuda:

“It traces the roots of the island’s widening wealth gap back to the explosion of international business in the early 1990s and an influx of low-cost third world workers filling unskilled jobs. . . .

But it argues the “insurmountable” problem of sky-high rents traps some families in a life of poverty.

Some of the women get support from the Department of Financial Assistance. But they say it is not nearly enough to cover their bills, leaving them with stark choices.

Electricity or daycare? Groceries or rent? Health insurance or transport?

The debts rack up and some of the women have ended up in jail or lost custody of their children because of unpaid bills.

They say they are victimized by a system that is ineffective in collecting the debts they are owed by their children’s fathers.

One says: “My oldest, the father owes $78,000. The father of the youngest three owes $30,000 and I’m threatened to go to jail for $450? It’s not right.”

Drastic cuts to the welfare budget and grants for aid agencies threaten to make the problem worse.

Financial Assistance has seen demand balloon. Statistics quoted in the movie suggest the number of people receiving aid rose from 450 in 2004 to 1,600 in 2010.” . . .

“These are young people who were born in the early to mid-1990s. These were the first cohort to experience the huge gap between the cost of living and the wages at the lower end of the economic spectrum.”

The foreign money that has been pouring into Bermuda since the offshoring craze began in early 1990s is pushing up property values and rents and is gentrifying the island for wealthy foreigners at the expense of the Black Undertow.

Recently, there has been an explosion in violent crime in Bermuda and renewed calls for affirmative action to eliminate “income inequality”:

“WEDNESDAY, MAY 4: Bermuda’s crime wave and economic turmoil can be traced back to a failure to deal with economic disparity between the races.

Advocacy group CURB claims the recession and murder epidemic sweeping the island are disproportionately hurting the black community.

They believe it is time to revisit affirmative action legislation — like the Workforce Equity Act — to deal with the ongoing wealth gap between whites and blacks.

Inheritance tax, economic empowerment legislation for black-owned businesses and payroll tax and social insurance contributions linked to income should also be considered, the group suggests. . .

Racial inequality in Bermuda is starkly demonstrated in comparative levels of income, inherited wealth and incarceration rates throughout Bermuda.

Approximately 200 shootings in the past two years and 16 murders have exclusively involved the black community. And a new documentary — Poverty in Paradise — which premiered this weekend shows how the effects of the recession are adversely effecting single parent black families.”

Racial inequality hasn’t been vanquished in Bermuda. The same disparities that are found in the United States, Canada, and Britain are on display there too. As one might expect, the Black Undertow criminal element in Bermuda is responsible for virtually all the crime on the island.

The difference between Bermuda and the Cayman Islands and Haiti and Jamaica is due to the actions of foreigners who have found a useful niche for these islands as tax evasion and money laundering centers in the global economy.

It doesn’t hurt multinational corporations to skim a little money off the top of the global economy to subsidize a few thousand black people in exchange for the offshoring services Bermuda provides.

Note: Comparatively, the price of social peace in a city such as Atlanta is much more expensive.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’ve said it before, but one shouldn’t make much over the success of non-Haitian afro-carribeans over the simple fact that, out of the global black population, they make up just a small percentage. Though this is still a disingenuous post- their may not be much in the way of entrepreneurism for Bermuda and such’s prosperity, but their basic livability and stability are worlds above Haiti and countless other black nations.


    “(Still, that raises the question of why Barbados has a lower crime rate and a higher literacy rate than some other ex-British colonies like Jamaica. The late Robert MacNeil’s PBS series The Story Of English suggested that selection played a role: “[Barbados] was the first main port of call for the slave ships. It is said that unruly slaves from the least domesticated tribes were progressively shipped up the ‘claw’ of the West Indies until they reached Jamaica.” [p. 220])”

    (Jamaica, unsurprisingly, has far, far higher crime rates than Barbados. And don’t most black british come from Jamaica?)

  2. When I visited Bahamas years ago, the (black) tour van driver explained how Bahamas could pay for such nice roads, etc., with no income tax:
    See, Bahamas has lots of unoccupied islands that are conveniently situated and isolated for import / export dealers of illicit substances.
    As a general rule, Bahamas gov’t would look the other way.
    But anytime Bahamas gov’t needed funds, they would just simply go round up a few druglords and throw them into Bahamas’ hellholes of a jail system and set bail at, say, $million, five. The druglords would meekly fork over the required funds and depart the country toot sweet, forfeiting the bond, natch.
    Nice day’s haul, no inventiveness or tedious economic development required.

  3. When you first set foot on these islands, the very first thing you meet is drug dealers asking what you need, teenage and pre teenage girl prostitutes. A year ago some family members visited the Bahama’s and were taxied by van from the airport to their hotel some miles off. The nigger driver went off the main road and into the ghetto to stop at a house for about fifteen minutes, leaving all the tourists sitting in the van, they reported. No doubt he was buying or selling drugs.

    Many of these taxi vans and buses have blacked out windows so the newly arriving white fatheads do not see the neighborhoods they go through to get to the nice resort area where they will be staying. One must also heed the unspoken rule of staying well within the cordoned area of the resorts.

    DWL’s and SWPL’s all know and scrupulously obey these rules, of course.

  4. I’m fair certain and free South with rational laws, and our general tendency to mind our own affairs would be the new off shore banking capital of the world if a year or less.

  5. The “small populations” bit is also incredibly disingenuous- Tuskegee and I imagine many other small black towns in the deep south have small populations, yet how successful are they?

  6. One fact you should get straight is that Bermuda is not a part of the Caribbean.

    • I’m well aware of that.

      Bermuda shares many characteristics of the Caribbean islands though, namely, offshore financial centers and a majority black population.

  7. I’ve been to Bahamas once. I will never go back to the Caribean cheap package corporate vacation again ;on the other side of the town; you have squalors. Why would anyone travel to great distance just to park their ass on the beach!

  8. As a 4th generation Bermudian, the sheer ignorance of this story is beyond mind boggling. Assuming that the summarisation of your point is contained in the last two paragraphs, I would assume that their complete inaccuracy hurts the credibility of the rest of the article. Don’t let reality get in the way though.

    “The difference between Bermuda and the Cayman Islands and Haiti and Jamaica is due to the actions of foreigners who have found a useful niche for these islands as tax evasion and money laundering centers in the global economy.

    It doesn’t hurt multinational corporations to skim a little money off the top of the global economy to subsidize a few thousand black people in exchange for the offshoring services Bermuda provides.”

  9. The population of Bermuda is made up of African peoples. These are the offsprings of ones whom the British had enslave. They are an African people! Negro is not a place and is situated no where in the world. All people have an origin on a particular Nation or Country – Land is the basis of all things political. this is the twenty-first century, Do understand that.

  10. Who says a whole continent ofblackpeople have failed? That’s not
    true. I’ve been to Jamaica which is in the Carribean and I can tell you that Jamaica is a lovely place. As for crime, you have crime everywhere. Europe is filled with crime. So is America and Canada. Everyone in Jamaica aint broke down and poor. When I was there I saw plenty people with nice clothes, looking healthy, eating well, and even going to school and educating themselves. Yes there is poverty no doubt. Yes there is crime. But there is also wealth and prosperity and people living a nice simple life. People who work in tourism be it hotels, car rentals, travel agencies, food and beverage industry, night clubs, vacation resorts, or whatever have you they not poor and hungry. I saw nice cars in Jamaica. They got all kinda restaurants, night clubs, and entertainment places there. Jamaica is one of the top tourist attractions in the world. And as for Africa that failed continent you speak of guess what? Ghana which is in Africa is the3rd largest cocoa producer in the world. The whole continent of Africa is rich with natural resources that the planet needs. And Africa has 7 of the fastest growing economies on the planet. Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Rwanda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Angola. In fact, Nigeria is full of millionaires and billionaires on the Forbes Magazine list. Ghana is Africa’s most prosperous nations. Ghana is on and popping right about now. If you go to many black nations the world over and see for yourself and run in the right circles you will massive wealth amongst its black inhabitants. Of course Natgeo and other world news reports will show poverty, war, and disease and even crime. But thats only a small minute part of the picture. Africa and other places with people of African descent have massive wealth that growing and spreading everyday. So stop with the ignorance and get out more and get a life.

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