Amurrica Series: Obama Talks About Gay Marriage And Biden On The View

The View

This country is such a joke … here you have an incompetent black president sitting around with a bunch of women on a day time talk show to discuss gay marriage. It strains my imagination to think we could possibly sink any lower than this.

Note: Why does anyone feel any sense of loyalty to this country? Is there any argument against secession?

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Is there any argument against secession?” Not only people living south of the Mason Dixon line may be wanting to secede. Truly RURAL northern whites, what’s still left of them, bound to their soil in scattered patches or enclaves between the suburban and metropolitan intrusions, are not that much different genetically (equally Western European, though more Germanic), and face the same threat and feel the same pain.

  2. notice how tightly obama crosses his legs. i don’t know any heterosexual that would sit like that. just sayin’….

  3. The only thing that could be lower is Reggie Love shows up, with a big bag o’ crack – and they all do each other. On air.

    Which will probably happen, if some Freaky Fed sees this post, and makes a “Hey – why the Hell not?” suggestion to the Mulatto Homo Kenyan.

  4. I think I might start marketing my own brand of petroleum jelly. I’ll put a leering Obama wearing a great big jeweled crown on the label.

    On a related note, I wonder if the queers will be mad if President Cornhole’s war on energy cause the price of Vaseline to necessarily skyrocket?

  5. They will never be happy with “civil unions” or “domestic partnerships”. They want marriage, they want to pervert one of the last public institutions of God’s order, marriage. Weakening the meaning of marriage via no-fault divorce wasn’t enough, they want to make it a mockery. But God will not be mocked, mark my words. The fate of Sodom and Gomorrah were included in the scriptures for a reason.

  6. “notice how tightly obama crosses his legs. i don’t know any heterosexual that would sit like that. just sayin’…”

    He’s definitely bottom.

  7. I don’t see (it) as a man.I don’t see (it) as the president.I believe (it) was conceived on a petri dish in is-ra-el.

  8. RURAL white people would SECEDE, not only from the control of foreign races, but also from lawyers, law-makers, bureaucrats and law-enforcers, insurers, bankers (usurers) and salespeople, degenerate artists and entertainers–from the control of all CITY people who live on us as parasites.

  9. How are they going to secede from all of that “lawyers, law-makers, bureaucrats and law-enforcers, insurers, bankers,” Mosin Nagant?

    Tell me in some detail please. I really want to know. And I mean a realistic scenario.

  10. Brutus, note simply the verb “would,” used to create an “unreal conditional” verb form. Perhaps a sudden economic collapse or plague (remember the social effects of the Black Death) or other cataclysm could create a realistic scenario, for the parasitised, still relatively purely white “hinterland” to gain some measure of independence.

  11. A widespread return to authentic Christianity (remember the social effects of Welsh Revival) would reduce the number and influence of practitioners of all those parasitic occupations I listed.

  12. So in other words, you were just whistling Dixie. You have no idea. In fact, it looks like you think just like me and that it is probably a big no can do.

    “A widespread return to authentic Christianity (remember the social effects of Welsh Revival) would…”

    And if I had a magic wand…

  13. ““A widespread return to authentic Christianity (remember the social effects of Welsh Revival) would… And if I had a magic wand…”

    Brutus, maybe you and 313 Chris should stop reading SF, and come out of the dark ages… of your sinful, perverted minds.

    Have you folks never heard of the Justinian Code?
    Magna Carta?
    Plymouth Covenant?

    All of the law structures, all of our traditions, are steeped in the taking on the Mosaic Law Code (Note, I did NOT say, the talmudic law code- BIG Difference), sometime back in, oh, about 313 AD?

    (Ignore the fallacy of the author of this column, that these were all “Roman Catholics”- they were Orthodox Christians, who were under the (then) Roman Orthodox Patriarch. Roman [Papal] “Catholi-schism” didn’t appear until 1100AD)

    Because such has been the bedrock of all Western Civ, it is nowadays IMPOSSIBLE to govern in any other way- for, if we try (as the Nazis, the Soviets, and the Demon-craps have tried) we devolve into war and destruction… for all attempts to deny God’s law, result in his very visible, and personal Wrath. We humans may pervert the Law Word of YHWH God, but we can never destroy it. It is as much a part of us, as the Hypostatic Union of the God-Man, Jesus Christ. And because it IS our law, we better get used to realizing nothing can stand in its way. NOTHING.

    Even the Muslim takeover and forcible imposition of Shari’a, is but the pagan’s working out of our punishment for abandoning God and His [superior] Law.

  14. Fr John speaks the truth, that “such has been the bedrock of all Western Civilisation (and) it is…IMPOSSIBLE to govern in any other way, for if we try…all attempts to deny God’s law result in his very visible, and personal Wrath.” So we’re not “just whistling Dixie” about the prospect of genuine religious restoration. Though it now seems so unlikely, “yet with God all things are possible.”

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