The Race War Isn’t Televised … Yet


Thomas Sowell has a column on The War Against White People:

” What the authorities and the media seem determined to suppress is that the hoodlum elements in many ghettoes launch coordinated attacks on whites in public places. If there is anything worse than a one-sided race war, it is a two-sided race war, especially when one of the races outnumbers the other several times over.

It may be understandable that some people want to head off such a catastrophe, either by not reporting the attacks in this race war, or not identifying the race of those attacking, or by insisting that the attacks were not racially motivated — even when the attackers themselves voice anti-white invective as they laugh at their bleeding victims.

Trying to keep the lid on is understandable. But a lot of pressure can build up under that lid. If and when that pressure leads to an explosion of white backlash, things could be a lot worse than if the truth had come out earlier, and steps taken by both black and white leaders to deal with the hoodlums and with those who inflame the hoodlums.”

The fear here is that the Mainstream Media can no longer control the narrative and suppress these stories in a social media world.

Kane/Iceman might argue there has been “a material change” in the “discursive means of production.” The “prevailing structure of taboos” was created in the hierarchical world of liberal-controlled mass media.

That world is gone forever now thanks to talk radio, cable television, smart phones, email, Twitter, Facebook, vBulletin, WordPress, YouTube and WorldStarHipHop.

Black crime isn’t even as bad now as it was in the recent past. The difference is that now ordinary conservatives can see it by simply turning their phone on.

The Mainstream Media continues to operate like there has been no fundamental change in how information is distributed. Its willingness to censor the news to defend the prevailing taboos further compounds its loss of legitimacy.

The dominant taboos won’t fall in a day. They will just erode over time until the people whose job it is to enforce them sound utterly ridiculous.

The Mainstream Media increasingly doesn’t reflect “mainstream” opinion. It reflects the wants and desires of powerful people (like Pravda in the Soviet Union) to censor the news to their own political advantage.

What’s at stake here? Sowell understands that nothing less than the survival of BRA is at stake. The whole mythical complex built up around MLK and the Civil Rights Movement is at stake.

What happens when the whole system comes crashing down because White people no longer believe in the “I Had a Dream” nonsense?

What happens when we cross that historical threshold when America as it has existed since 1965 starts to be interpreted and reevaluated as a past epoch?

Might black people fall from their present exalted position after, say, the Republicans go for the juglar of the welfare state (EBT Cards, TANF, Medicaid, Section 8 vouchers) when asked to raise the debt ceiling again?

How bad will feral black youths behave as the welfare state subsidized ghettoes unwind? Will that be captured on video and go viral on social media?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Ethnic cleansing is in the near future – within 5 or 10 years.

    Russia or France will probably first.

  2. When it comes down to it, the did not attack John Derbyshire for breaking some ethereal racial taboo. They attacked Derbyshire for stating the obvious. In the end, that is all us realists do, state the obvious. When people hear what they see themselves being affirmed, it has a strengthening and cascading effect. That’s why people like Derb “must be stopped”. They don’t want the average Joe to end up believing his own lying eyes.

  3. Dr Walter E Williams has also spoken out about the War Against White People and the media’s cover-up of it, whereas your average White media personality like Shawn Hannity or Bill O’Reilly won’t touch it with a 10 ft pole.

  4. The Mainstream Media is 99.99% owned by the bolshevik/vatican/mason used for propaganda only.They all must go.

  5. I think we all have an accurate picture in mind of how niggers will react as the white blackmail money stops coming. The big question is, how will average, middle-class, non-confrontational whites, who constitute much of America’s white population, react to what niggers are going to do? Will they even hit back, or will they just scatter out into the hinterland and hope that winter does the dirty work? Is ‘white flight’ permanently ingrained in white Americans?

  6. Simple, Chris: Its fight or flight. If flight isn’t an option due to oil prices, lack of income growth, agenda 21 or other then there’s only one answer.

    I wonder how many people standing to the horde it will really take to put the cannibals on the defensively and sway public opinion.

  7. “Will they…scatter out into the hinterland…? Is ‘white flight’ permanently ingrained in white Americans?”

    But like Lot fled from Sodom, they are coming out to the hinterland infected with the urban disease.

    Western Christian people persist in and proceed from the forests, mountains and hills.

  8. I think it comes down to (you guessed it) market forces and competition.

    Before social media, the media could afford to ignore a lot of people and still they would keep going back because that is all they had. But now if the media ignores the public opinion, there are other magnets trying to attack the metal.

    It is like this. If you are playing sports against bad competition, you can be fat and out of shape. But now the media has competition and it has to adapt to that by getting closer to the public.

    The public can now ignore the media. Before the public needed the media.

    I would say though that what has really hardened people’s attitudes (and I speak as a dissident myself) is the recession. Not only do people have the option of avoiding the media, but they can use alternative media to critique society.

  9. In the post-MLK environment, a white version of MLK will be absolutely necessary: and whoever he is, he’d damn well better be as charismatic and persuasive as the earlier MLK, and by rights, he ought to be a whole lot better.

    That’s one of the reasons I keep on challenging you douchebags. Raise your game, dammit. The future depends on it.

  10. Charisma is choreographed. See Obama on the view. It’s easy doing that routine if you know noone will challenge you.

  11. @John: The “charisma is choreographed” ultimately, if indirectly, by puppet masters!

  12. Ha! MLK charismatic. As real as Obama’s “god echo” he speaks.

    You know, the real MLK didn’t really have pretentious music swelling in the background when he spoke like you hear in all the clips. The solemnity around MLK has nothing to do with MLK, rather, it is the cloak created by the media and church for their black god. He’s just another frontin’ nigra, speaking other people’s lines. Kinda like Morgan Freeman.

  13. Oscar increasingly seems out of touch with reality.

    A bunch of niggers riot in the south. They disrupt the place. Then their nominal spokesman has a dream… It’s a theatrical production. As soon as a posse of whites show up and refuse to be ruled, all of the bullshit about MLK will be stripped away.

    It’s quite simple.

  14. “That’s one of the reasons I keep on challenging you douchebags. Raise your game, dammit. The future depends on it.”

    A genuinely charismatic leader is going to be a natural, and a six sigma event at that.

    The war may not be being televised, but it is ongoing. Expanding gun rights, prisons, gentrification,etc are happening. The question is not what will happen when the lid blows off this, it is how might it be possible to step this conflict down? And there is no way to do that without the end of forced integration.

  15. “The solemnity around MLK…”

    Yeah, in truth I wonder how many of those blacks in the audience were sky high on drugs. It was before crack and I really don’t know what the “in” hard drug was at the time the niggers were going crazy on, I think heroin. I know by the early 70s it was. So it was probably heroin syringes with needles being passed around during his “solemn” speeches.

  16. The MLK school children are taught to adore is as real as the tooth fairy. I remember getting inundated with MLK claptrap as a child. I received it at home, I received it in school, and I received it in church. I actually thought he was the son of the actual Martin Luther. Don’t underestimate the power of a founding myth. MLK is the black christ of our new bad religion of negro worship. Destroy the saints of liberalism and you dismantle the whole evil religion.

    I have a special wall in my soul dedicated to hating the myth that is MLK. He is one of the founding myths of multiculturalism, all movements demand a founding myth. His entire public personage is a manufactured hoax, tearing it down is a personal vendetta. I want to piss on his corpse on live national TV and scream “WHERE’S YOUR MESSIAH NOW?!?”. I’m only half kidding.

  17. Jim,

    I’ve written this before – but I Have a Dream. I want to get my hands on the Marchin Lootin Coon FBI tapes, where he’s recorded banging White Hookers, screaming “I am not a Black man tonight!” etc, and have the tapes play in an endless loop on that great big Commie Chinese Monument.

  18. It is already a to-sided war in some areas. Lot’s of our dark little brothers go missing every year and you don’t hear much about it because nobody really misses them. What I mean by that is that people do realize that we’re short a few bruthas, but nobody MISSES them so not much gets said about it.

    You would think that the other niggers, the ones who aren’t missing, yet, would get pictures of the missing niggers put on the back of chocolate milk cartons.

    Google MISSING NIGGERS and you’ll see what I mean. You’ll probably have to use one of the PC euphemisms to actually get much of a result.

    What do you think happened to them? Did Farrakhan’s mother ship take them away? Did they discover a treatment that works exactly the opposite of the shit that the puke who wrote “Black Like Me” supposedly took, and now they are moving freely among us?

    Or were they the guest of honor at some very special private parties?

  19. I love that monument, it makes MLK look even more smug and mongoloidal than he did in life. BTW, Don Blacks registering of martinlutherking dot org in the early 90’s belongs in the future museum of “Great Moments of White Genius”.

  20. @PRB,

    Most likely, it is something that I noticed on one of those The First 48 type documentaries a few years ago. At the end of the show, they briefly took the camera in and panned a shot of the inside of a WAREHOUSE that contained SOME of the “cold case” murder files. No shit, it really looked like that warehouse at the end of Raiders of the Lost Arc. And they said that was just for the last ten years and ONLY for one county in LA.

    The thing was, they never really said much or labored the issue. It was one of those quick, ” yeah, look how many murders we don’t know shit about who did” things and then went on to something else. Like they didn’t want people to see how profound and the order of magnitude these things are. I doubt the implication dawned on many viewers, since they did not really labor it. It was just about a 30 second bit of info. But I was thinking, woa! Let’s go back and talk about this!

  21. Brutus – I think I saw that 48 hours show, in LA. It dealt with the County Coroner’s office, or something. They had bodies stacked to the ceiling. They didn’t know what to DO with all the undentified corpses.

    Zowie. Stay AWAY from the cities.

  22. Yeah, it also goes to show that the numbers put out for how many murders occurs in these cities is nowhere near accurate. They say these cities only have 20 or 30 killings per year. Bullshit. I bet they get that many corpses in each and every night. Here where I live the local news is from Cincinnati. Every night there is at least two or three killings reported. But somehow, miraculously, the end of year tally is only like 20 or something. Hell, there s that many that they show on The First 48! Notice about every other episode of that show one from Cincinnati.

  23. ‘The Mainstream Media continues to operate like there has been no fundamental change in how information is distributed. Its willingness to censor the news to defend the prevailing taboos further compounds its loss of legitimacy.’

    Actually I think the MSM has doubled-down on their racial narrative. It seems like they are pumping out more and more propaganda now then before! They realize they have to ‘up the dosage’ so to speak to have the same desired effect.

    Look at non-sense like having Heimdall being played by a Black Man, or all the obvious issues with Travyon Martin.., yet they keep on shooting (mostly blanks)

  24. The white charismatic leader (I’m not going to compare him to MLK because that would be an insult – teh MiLK is a thoroughly media manufactured “leader”), is already with us, at least in my opinion. It’s not me, it’s not Hunter, it’s somebody in the Midwest. Let’s hope he gets his chance to shine, and if for whatever reason he doesn’t, someone else will come along.

  25. Edvin,

    You are correcvt that the media is doubling down. Fortunatley, our replies are also heard on the net — the C of CC response to the black Heimdall was viral. You know that planted a seed.

  26. “Oscar increasingly seems out of touch with reality.”

    John is incapable of reading for meaning.

    What’s the old line? C’est magnifique, mais ce n’est pas la guerre.

    Ah well. So it goes.

  27. “What’s at stake here? Sowell understands that nothing less than the survival of BRA is at stake. The whole mythical complex built up around MLK and the Civil Rights Movement is at stake.

    What happens when the whole system comes crashing down because White people no longer believe in the “I Had a Dream” nonsense?”

    “Ding, Dong, the Witch is Dead, Which old Witch, Pelosi Bitch. Ding, Dong, the BRA is dead. They’ve gone where the goblins (Trayvons) go, BELOW, below, below….”

    I long for the day when normalcy in Whites, and their honest appreciation for the true unregenerate nature of the Negro is restored, as it was portrayed in Dixon’s two novels, “Leopard’s Spots” and “the Clansman”. Reading these novels has been an EYE-Opener to me.Whites actually thought nobly, and covenantally, once upon a time. May God grant that day to come again, right speedily. Amen.

  28. If the charisma of MLK is a fabrication what you are really calling for is a PR machine that can produce a similar fictional public persona for a flesh and blood politician. Anyone who can read lines will do.

  29. The MSM will certainly “up the dosage” (excellent metaphore) to prosecute their genocidal war on whites! They have every reason to hope (believe) this prescription will work.

    Every public place pushes here, there, and everywhere the multi-culti, fade-to-black, brown, yellow, etc., etc., narrative. Went to Mickey-D. They displayed the happy burger munching couple as a hood-rat looking black with a fair-skinned Asian riding on his back. The grocery store has a big poster positioned at the bank with a striding, confident (American) Indian (sub-continent) family displayed…and on and on – you all get the picture of course………YOU DO……..but do the vast majority of clueless whites? The MSM thinks definitely not. I think definitely not. I have SOME hope they finally will – the thick-sculled dopes.

    Someone HL a CNN video of an outrageous harridan of a “reporter” at a Tea Party rally. That her behavior was maximally disgusting is not the major point. That the whites surrounding her were pitifully docile is what is to be noted, deplored, and utterly frustrated with. She is aware of this of course – that she is surrounded by whites – and her arrogance is on full display knowing that she can say any damn thing she wants, not only in safety but with an accompanying timidity on the part of the crowd. My own natural side would have throttled her and put a never-to-be-forgotten fear into her. The Christian and civil and restrained me nevertheless would have rhetorically bludgeoned her WITH THE REST OF THE WHOLE CROWD joining in. Or rather in my dreams that is how it would play-out.

    Militancy has been (always exceptions) completely bred out of whites and the PC indoctrination of 45+ years has yielded a gelded populace from coast-to-coast.

    Oh well…….we shall see.

  30. I doubt if the GOP will ever speak for the majority ethnic
    founding core.
    Mitt Romney wants it to shed blood in more wars for Israel.
    He wants it to prepare to fight against fellow White Russians.
    Any money saved on the welfare state under Rethugs like him would
    only be lost and then some in fighting wars for the oligarchy
    and its Israeli junior partner (or boss, take your pick.)

  31. What happens when the whole system comes crashing down because White people no longer believe

    That is the question. Ethnopatriots need to focus their minds on that goal. And similar goals. Not shooting wars and economic collapse.

  32. The question is not what will happen when the lid blows off this, it is how might it be possible to step this conflict down? And there is no way to do that without the end of forced integration.

    Let’s hope we can get this idea to penetrate those dense Yankee-Judean skulls.

    I’ve written this before – but I Have a Dream. I want to get my hands on the Marchin Lootin Coon FBI tapes, where he’s recorded banging White Hookers, screaming “I am not a Black man tonight!” etc, and have the tapes play in an endless loop on that great big Commie Chinese Monument.

    I think “I’m fucking for GAWD!” is his crowning moment. It will be fun to loop that one.

    It is already a to-sided war in some areas. Lot’s of our dark little brothers go missing every year and you don’t hear much about it because nobody really misses them.

    Yep. A negro trespasser was beaten to death by YT in my area. The book closed in about 48 hours flat. No press.

  33. Svigor wrote:
    “Yep. A negro trespasser was beaten to death by YT in my area. The book closed in about 48 hours flat. No press.”

    Great news!

    Denise wrote:
    “I’ve written this before – but I Have a Dream. I want to get my hands on the Marchin Lootin Coon FBI tapes, where he’s recorded banging White Hookers, screaming “I am not a Black man tonight!” etc, and have the tapes play in an endless loop on that great big Commie Chinese Monument.”

    A great dream! May it come true!

    Not sure if any of you are familiar with Bob Grant. He’s a radio talk show host out of NYC for decades, and is credited with being the pioneer of political talk radio. He would rant early and often about the urban blacks, calling them “savages” and such. He also railed against MLK all the time. He called MLK a scumbag at least once and constantly called for the MLK files to be opened. Why in the world would they NOT be opened unless they contain some really damaging stuff.

  34. When I lived in Da Bronx we had a local newspaper that had a police blotter. I would read about 2 pages of unsolved murders. They would give the location and I knew the type of person killed there and always in a abounded house or apartment. Mostly related to drugs. The authorities just did not have time for these cases or just didnt care.

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